2004 10 26

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Wrestling coach Dan Hicks grapples with a program on the rise 6

Where have you gone Howard Dean? Democrats continue drift rightward 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

Tu e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 6 , 2 0 0 4

Malone donates $80,000 to Brea

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Explosives lost in Iraq

Drilling deep into pockets

Insurgents may have obtained 377 tons of car bomb material The Associated Press

NBA superstarʼs gift allows city to buy lifesaving devices By BRIAN TAYLOR AND GABE SALDANA For the Daily Titan

It has been 14 months since the sudden death of Karl Maloneʼs mother, but the NBA superstar is still striving to make her proud. In August of 2003, Maloneʼs mother died from sudden cardiac arrest, which claims the lives of an estimated 465,000 Americans every year. Malone, in a concerted effort with race car driver John Force and local Brea business people, donated $80,000 to equip the entire fleet of Brea and Yorba Linda police vehicles with lunchbox-sized automated external defibrillators, devices used to “jumpstart” the heart when someone goes into cardiac arrest. “You always want to impress your parents,” Malone said. “Itʼs nice to know mom is looking down smiling, showing she approves.” Killing more people than breast cancer, AIDS and lung cancer combined, sudden cardiac arrest is the number one cause of death in the United States, with two-thirds of attacks occurring while the victim is at work, home or out playing. Time is crucial for surviving cardiac arrest, cardiologist Michael MALONE 3


Gas prices in Southern California rose 5 cents a gallon over the last two weeks, continuing a trend of higher gas prices, according to The Associated Press. Prices at a Chevron in Fullerton reached $2.63 Monday night.

Prop to expand DNA database

Controversial measure will increase genetic sampling in California

Proposition 69 would require adults and juveniles to submit a DNA sample to police if they are convicted of any felony offense, attempt to commit a felony or are arrested for sex offenses, murder or voluntary manslaughter. The purpose of this proposition is to clear people who have been wrongfully accused and to help solve crimes. If the proposition were passed, adults arrested for any felony offense would be required to give a DNA sample beginning in

2009. The proposition would allow police — after an arrest — to collect a sample from the suspectʼs inner cheek using a cotton swab. This information would go alongside a personʼs hand and thumb prints. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger supports the bill, arguing that Californiaʼs database is too small and unable to deal with thousands of unsolved rapes, murders and child abductions. Currently 34 states have all-felon DNA databases and are able to solve almost 40 percent of crimes, while California is able to solve about 5 percent, according to the DNA Yes! Web site, which advocates the passage of Proposition 69. In Virginiaʼs small population, 445

crimes were solved in 2002 using the DNA database. In that same year, California solved 148. Ray Foster, a Cal State Fullerton criminal justice professor, said he agrees with the proposition. “DNA has just linked a man [Chester Dewayne Turner] to over 10 serial murders,” Foster said. “Had his DNA been taken earlier, his crimes could have been prevented.” Net costs to the state would amount to several million dollars annually before increasing to $20 million by 2009. Though some may feel that the costs of Proposition 69 outweigh privacy rights that will be given up from submitting DNA, others said

spend $30 billion annually on weight reduction. So what is the magic solution? Thereʼs the Zone, South Beach and Atkins diets, not to mention countless other fad diets, nutrient shakes, laxatives, pills, herbal supplements and even surgery. The list goes on and on. Many students use diet pills to lose those extra pounds with minimal effort, but might be unaware that these quick fixes might lead to unwanted side effects and unbalanced diets that do have an effect on their health now and in the future. Nicole Perez, a Cal State Fullerton

student, recently lost 13 pounds in two weeks on the high-protein Atkins diet, but in the process, she said, she suffered physical ailments including blurry vision, nausea and near blackouts. Because of her experience, she said she will never go on another fad diet. “I got too sick,” Perez said. “I was disgusted every time I ate. I would rather be fat than go on Atkins again.” Within one month, Perez said she regained all of the weight she had lost. “I was trying to lose weight before

I got married, but I gained all the weight back so now I eat whatever,” Perez said. “I eat french fries every day. How healthy can I be?” Dieting is not the only cause of an unbalanced diet. College students tend to eat junk food and artificially processed convenience foods that are high in fat, sugar and salt, or skip meals and neglect exercise in order to manage their busy lives. Student Karen Phung said she doesnʼt have time to put together the proper diet needed to obtain the essential vitamins.

Rain, earthquakes cause 89 landslides and mass evacuations

after dawn Monday. Several smaller aftershocks were felt through the night. About 100,000 people took refuge at gymnasiums and public buildings. Thousands of others slept in their cars and in tents. “The aftershocks are still strong, so we felt it was safer to stay here even though our house wasnʼt all that badly damaged,” said Misako Tsubata as she sipped tea outside the tent where she was staying with her two daughters, her mother and her husband. Emergency workers rushed food and blankets to the evacuated, though ripped asphalt and landslides made many roads impassable. Train and bus services to the area remained largely shut down. About 60 percent of Niigataʼs

By KYLE McCORY Daily Titan Staff

PROP 69 3

Health Center offers free nutrition counseling

Students receive sound advice on how to form a proper diet By TANYA FREEMAN For the Daily Titan

All you-can-eat dining halls, stress and busy lives all contribute to weight gain for many college students. According to the National Institutes of Health, 50 percent of Americans are trying to lose weight at any given time, and the rate among young women might be even higher. The institute estimates that dieters

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 3 1

A-head in marketing



New Web company links people, music Service matches singles according to their listening habits By ALICIA ELIZARRARAS Daily Titan Staff

Finding someone to date with similar interests and passions can be hard, but Lance Massey stumbled upon a way to help people meet each other through music. Massey, 43, is the founder of GorillaPop.com, a service that matches people up based on their favorite music. “Our basic service is a way for people to find others they know will already be inclined to having a good time with, when and if they go out,” Massey said. After complaining one night to his brother about having difficulty in starting a service where fans and artists could connect, Masseyʼs brother said, “That sounds like a match-making service,” and thatʼs when he got the idea for GorillaPop. com.

Massey said since GorillaPopʼs launch the response has been great. “There are a lot of people out there who believe that music is life and this gives them a place to go,” he said. But as many new business owners find out quickly, once the service is up and running it takes customers to keep it going. “Getting the word out is always tough, but as momentum picks up, weʼve been getting more users every day,” Massey said. In order to keep that momentum going, Massey said, he is currently focused on the college press and lifestyle sections of daily newspapers for advertising, but he soon plans to target college radio and glossy publications. The match-making service will be free until Dec. 1, and then at that time, Massey said, they will start charging $12.95 a month. In order to take advantage of the service, Massey said there are two ways to sign up. GORILLAPOP 3

Japan struggles through wave of natural disasters The Associated Press

Headless zombies and a Jack-o’-lantern greet all who enter the Titan Bookstore.


VIENNA, Austria – The U.N. nuclear agency warned Monday that insurgents in Iraq may have obtained nearly 400 tons of missing explosives that can be used in the kind of car bomb attacks that have targeted U.S.led coalition forces for months. Diplomats questioned why the United States didnʼt do more to secure the former Iraqi military installation that had housed the explosives, which they say posed a well-known threat of being looted. Others criticized the United States for not allowing full international inspections to resume after the March 2003 invasion. The White House played down the significance of the missing weapons, but Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry accused President Bush of “incredible incompetence” and his campaign said the administration “must answer for what may be the most grave and catastrophic mistake in a tragic series of blunders in Iraq.”

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei reported the disappearance to the U.N. Security Council on Monday, two weeks after he said Iraq told the nuclear agency that 377 tons of explosives had vanished from the Al-Qaqaa facility south of Baghdad as a result of “theft and looting ... due to lack of security.” “The most immediate concern here is that these explosives could have fallen into the wrong hands,” IAEA spokeswoman Melissa Fleming told The Associated Press. The agency first placed a seal over Al-Qaqaa storage bunkers holding the explosives in 1991 as part of U.N. sanctions that ordered the dismantlement of Iraqʼs nuclear program after the Gulf War. IAEA inspectors last saw the explosives in January 2003 when they took an inventory and placed fresh seals on the bunkers, Fleming said. Inspectors visited the site again in March 2003, but didnʼt view the explosives because the seals were not broken, she said. Nuclear agency experts pulled out of Iraq just before the U.S.-led inva-

NAGAOKA, Japan — Rain pelted a weary region recovering from powerful weekend earthquakes, creating fears of mud slides, as 100,000 people took refuge in shelters Monday, too afraid to go home as aftershocks delivered new jolts. Saturdayʼs magnitude 6.8 earthquake and a series of strong aftershocks killed 26 people, tore up roads, upended homes and derailed a high speed train in rural Niigata prefecture about 160 miles northwest of Tokyo. A 5.6-magnitude temblor hit just

large shelters didnʼt have enough food while 37 percent lacked sufficient blankets, public broadcaster NHK reported. “Iʼve only eaten half a rice ball and half a piece of toast today,” an unidentified woman told NHK. The Japan Red Cross said it was rushing 10,000 blankets to keep victims warm during the night. The national government also planned to ship 10,000 blankets. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi planned to visit one of the worst-hit towns on Tuesday. “We will to listen carefully to what the situation is in each area and respond to their requests,” Koizumi told reporters. U.S. Ambassador to Japan Howard Baker pledged $50,000 in aid “as a symbol of the U.S. desire to do whatever it can to assist the govern-

ment and people of Japan during this difficult time.” Saturdayʼs quake was the worst to hit Japan since 1995, when more than 6,000 people were killed by a 7.2 magnitude temblor in and around the port city of Kobe. Some 400 aftershocks strong enough to be felt were recorded in the two days following the initial up-down jolt. About 2,000 people were reported injured. The National Police Agency counted 89 landslides and roads sliced in 1,330 places. Bulldozers worked to clear the road in front of Suzuko Kikueʼs home, which narrowly missed being buried under a landslide. Kikue said she would ignore instructions to evacuate. “Iʼd rather stay,” she said. “This my home. Itʼs not so bad.”


2 Tuesday, October 26, 2004




news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Mmm, doughnuts

OCT. 26, 2004


Come out to participate or simply watch as CSUF students and faculty put on their Halloween costumes and strut their stuff for the less adventurous among us. The Ghost Run will take place at the intramural fields as well as all around campus. Those wishing to participate can register in KHS, Room 159. There is a $12 registration fee to participate. All participants will receive a T-shirt commemorating their achievement. For more information, call (714) 278-PLAY.

Bush and Kerry spar over Iraq, security PHILADELPHIA — Sen. John Kerry cited the Iraq war and a huge cache of missing explosives Monday as proof President Bush has “failed the test of being commander in chief.” The Republican slammed his rival as “consistently and dangerously wrong” on national security matters. In a race of ever-escalating rhetoric, the president also accused the Democratic challenger of “the worst kind of Monday-morning quarterbacking” on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But he fell silent on the disappearance of 377 tons of high explosives in Iraq, leaving it to aides to explain.

Faculty and students will debate the hotly contested plus/minus grading system, slated to be introduced next semester, today from noon to 1 p.m. in the Quad. The event is part of the Honors Week festivities. For more information, call (714) 2787440.

Rehnquist has cancer, will return to work WASHINGTON — Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist has thyroid cancer, a stunning disclosure Monday that caught even the closest Supreme Court observers off guard and injected into the presidential campaign the issue of appointments to Americaʼs most important legal panel. Rehnquistʼs diagnosis was announced in a terse statement issued by the Supreme Court. It said the 80-year-old widower who has led the court for a generation underwent a tracheotomy over the weekend and was hospitalized but expected to be back at work next week when the court resumes hearing cases.

“Cyberstalking: How it Happens and What to Do About it!,” a lecture presented by Tom Gehrls of the University Police will take place today at noon in University Hall, room 205. The event is sponsored by the Womenʼs Center and Adult Reentry. For more information, call (714) 278-3928.

FBI reports violent crime down 3 percent WASHINGTON — Every type of violent crime fell last year with one notable exception: Murders were up for the fourth straight year, according to an annual FBI report released Monday. After reaching a low point in 1999 of about 15,500 homicides, the number has crept up steadily since then to more than 16,500 in 2003 — or almost six murders for every 100,000 U.S. residents.

The Orange County Blood Services blood drive will be on campus taking donations in the Quad today and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Make a difference in the community and help those in need.

Clinton hails Kerry in surgery comeback

The Council of Honor Societies Leadership Reception with President Milton A. Gordon takes place today from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Academic Senate Chamber in the TSU. For more information, call (714) 278-7440.

PHILADELPHIA — It was vintage Bill Clinton, a lip-biting, thumb-wagging, center-of-attention performance. Seven weeks after quadruple bypass heart surgery, looking pale and unusually thin, the former president came back to give John Kerry a send-off for the final week of the campaign — promoting his own presidency as well — and bluntly framed the campaign between Kerry and President Bush. “Youʼve got a clear choice between two strong men with great convictions and philosophies, different policies with very different consequences for this city, this state, our nation and the world,” Clinton told thousands of Democrats crammed shoulder-to-shoulder inside three city blocks.

Major developments in Peterson case Scott Petersonʼs parents took the stand to defend their son and help explain away behavior police have described as that of a guilty man. His mother said she had given her son about $18,000 in the days before his wife vanished. Peterson was carrying nearly $15,000 in cash when he was arrested — a detail prosecutors have suggested meant he was preparing to flee. His mother also explained how she walked for hours with Laci Peterson the week before the pregnant schoolteacher vanished. Prosecutors claim Laci had stopped walking long before she disappeared because of fatigue from her pregnancy. Petersonʼs father explained why his son was arrested carrying his brotherʼs driverʼs license — another detail prosecutors have suggested pointed to Petersonʼs intent to flee. The father said he had asked Scott Peterson get the license a day before to obtain a San Diego residentʼs discount at a golf course. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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SIERRA F. WEBB/Daily Titan

Freshly baked Krispy Kreme doughnuts tempt students and teachers at the Nutwood Cafe in College Park.



John Elders has coached cross country, track for 17 years By KEVIN METZ Daily Titan Staff

If you donʼt know John Elders, sit five minutes in the chair in his Cal State Fullerton office and you will discover what hundreds of his cross country and track athletes already have over the last 17 years: He listens. He even cares enough to give up Coca-Cola, his selfproclaimed addiction, for an entire season for one of his runners. Born and raised in Orange County, Elders knows what it means to be a cross country runner and a Titan — as a student, an athlete and now a head coach. Q: What keeps you going each year as a coach? A: It all gets back to the relationships. I have an opportunity to be a part of the lives of 75 to 80 men and women each year. If it was all about wins and losses, I probably wouldnʼt be here anymore. I wouldnʼt lie to you; itʼs tough sometimes. Itʼs tough. But it makes the successes we have even sweeter because we know we are doing more with less and it gives us a lot of pride.

Q: Why do you run with your athletes during practices? A: I practice with them because I still can (laughs). I think the athletes really like it and respect that I still want to stay in shape, so as long as I can do it Iʼll do it. Q: What do you think about when you run? A: I think about everything. About my team and what I want to say to them, about life, about God, about whatever. Becoming a runner my sophomore year of high school gave me as a young man some identity that I was good at something and instilled the values and commitment needed to succeed. Q: If you could instill one thing in each of your athletes before they graduate, what would it be? A: To put others before yourself. Part of being on a team is putting yourself aside and putting the team first. Q: Is there any other place you would want to coach other than CSUF? A: You know, I have thought about that a lot, especially talking about some of the frustrations with our budget, but I have a really hard time imagining myself wearing other colors besides blue and orange. I have a hard time shopping for clothes and not thinking about it. I see a nice red shirt with black trim and think, “No way, how can I wear Cal State Northridge colors?”


In the Oct. 21 issue, it was incorrectly reported that Amanda Hoffman, the driver involved in last Wednesdayʼs accident, is a Hope International University student; Hoffman is a Cal State Fullerton student.

All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.

Weather JAMES TU/Daily Titan

Q: Will your two daughters be cross country runners or volleyball players? A: Well, there is already an indication that Carlee is going to be pretty tall. My wife was a great volleyball player at Stanford, but she isnʼt much of a runner. If they get any of her running ability, they wonʼt be runners. But you never know, they might be violin players or something.


Tuesday, Oct. 26 PM Showers Low 54°


Wednesday, Oct. 27 Heavy Rain Low 50°


Thursday, Oct. 28 AM Clouds/PM Sun Low 49°


Compiled from The Weather Channel


Daily Titan

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

MALONE from page 1 Brodsky said, adding that the chance of survival decreases 10 percent for every minute it takes for first aid to be administered. “Time is heart muscle,” Brodsky said. “Time is brain tissue. Time is life.” In most cases of medical aid, police are the first respondents to the scene. Equipping police cars with defibrillators enables them to be a mobile lifesaving unit. “Our goal here is to save lives,” Brea Police Chief Mike Messina said. Because cardiac arrest is not limited to the elderly; and college populations resemble the size of small towns, Malone and the Brea Police said they share the belief that defibrillators should be placed in strategic points throughout college campuses.


from page 1

“I am concerned about nutrition because diabetes and high blood pressure run in my family, so I do watch what I eat, but it is very difficult since I donʼt have time to eat a healthy diet,” Phung said. Her eating habits are not the only thing being negatively affected by her schedule. “I used to exercise six days a week in the gym, but with my schedule now I donʼt even have time to go once a week,” she said. Whatever the reasons for not taking care of themselves, how can CSUF students sort fact from fiction in order to take responsibility for their health and obtain the tools they need to lose weight, establish life long healthy eating habits and improve fitness? The answer might lie in the free nutrition and wellness counseling offered by the Student Health and Counseling Center, a service that would ordinarily cost up to $200 per hour. All students have to do is con-

“How many times recently have you seen or heard of an athlete going down at practice?” Sgt. Jack Conklin said. “It affects anyone, not just professors, athletes or students.” The CSUF Athletic Department currently owns two defibrillators that are brought out during sporting events held on campus. However, they are there not only for the athletes, but for the spectators as well. “Itʼs not about saving lives on the floor, itʼs about saving the lives of anyone we come in contact with,” said Julie Max, CSUF head athletic trainer. Malone challenged prominent CSUF alumni as well as all professional athletes and actors to step up to the plate and give back to local communities. “Itʼs not about making a public appearance,” Malone said. “Itʼs about reaching into your wallet and helping someone you will never get to meet.”


tact the center for an appointment. Ada Schulz, the centerʼs nutritionist, educates students on how to avoid crash diets by focusing on nutrition and wellness and teaches them the proper eating and exercise habits required to maintain a healthy body. Participants receive nutritional counseling and professional guidance through an evaluation of their eating habits, goals and objectives that are tailored to each student. She also conducts presentations for members of campus groups who want to learn how to take better care of themselves, as well as a power walk program for students who want to fit exercise into their lunch hour. “Wellness is connected to other things so I not only talk to students about nutrition, I try to encourage them to have balance in their lives,” Schultz said. “[This] means valuing proper sleep, paying attention to what they eat and establishing some type of consistent exercise because that is what works.” Schulz said many students have never cooked, leaving them dependent on fast food or eating out for their

food supply, which can be unhealthy and expensive. As a result, she started a series of free “life skills” cooking classes for students who want to cook but donʼt know how. Students learn how to read labels, shop for healthy foods and cook quick and easy recipes that are both nutritious and tasty, she said. The most important recommendation Schulz said she would give students about nutrition is to get back to the basics by eating real food. She also cautions students not to fall for gimmicks. Forget the fad diets, she said. Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet provides a longterm guide to healthy eating, Schulz said. This diet focuses on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, olive oil and lean fish as its primary food sources. “Be as brilliant as you want to be and need to be when pursuing your career, but when it comes to your health, donʼt neglect it and donʼt devalue it,” Schulz said. “Food is your fuel and your friend, not your enemy.”

from page 1

sion later that month, and have not yet been able to return for general inspections despite ElBaradeiʼs repeated urging that they be allowed to finish their work. Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said U.S.-led forces searched the Al-Qaqaa facility after the invasion. “Coalition forces were present in the vicinity at various times during and after major combat operations,” he said. “The forces searched 32 bunkers and 87 other buildings at the facility, but found no indicators of WMD (weapons of mass destruction). While some explosive material was discovered, none of it carried IAEA seals.” Saddam Husseinʼs regime used AlQaqaa as a key part of its effort to build a nuclear bomb. Although the missing materials are conventional explosives known as HMX and RDX,

the Vienna-based IAEA became involved because HMX is a “dual use” substance powerful enough to ignite the fissile material in an atomic bomb and set off a nuclear chain reaction. Officials were unable to link the missing explosives directly to the recent car bombings, but the revelations that they could have fallen into enemy hands caused a stir in the last week of the U.S. presidential campaign. “How did they fail to secure nearly 380 tons of known, deadly explosives despite clear warnings from the International Atomic Energy Agency to do so?” senior Kerry adviser Joe Lockhart said in a statement. White House press secretary Scott McClellan said the administrationʼs first concern was whether the disappearance constituted a nuclear proliferation threat. He said it did not. “We have destroyed more than 243,000 munitions. Weʼve secured another nearly 163,000 that will be destroyed,” he said.

But diplomats and analysts questioned why the U.S.-led coalition did not do more to secure Al-Qaqaa. They said that facility should have been a priority and posed a well-known threat of being looted. ElBaradei told the council the agency had been trying to give the U.S.-led multinational force and Iraqʼs interim government “an opportunity to attempt to recover the explosives before this matter was put into the public domain.” Diplomats said there was nothing to suggest that ElBaradei had intended to keep the report a secret until after the Nov. 2 election. McClellan said the IAEA informed U.S. mission in Vienna on Oct. 15. At the State Department, deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said the United States hadnʼt known about the missing explosives until Oct. 15. “This is the first time that we knew that this material under IAEA seal was not where it was supposed to be,” Ereli said. The Pentagon has ordered an investigation, he said.


taste in other things,” Knapp said. Knapp, who works at KROQ, said music plays an important role in his life and when you find someone that can relate to the same music as you do, a common bond can be built. Brian Taylor, a communications major at CSUF, said he too would sign up for the match-making service. “I think itʼs a good idea because music is usually a good conversation starter anyway and a common interest among most,” he said. Taylor said he looks for someone with the same music taste as himself but itʼs not easy where he lives. “Where I live itʼs hard to find girls with the same musical taste as myself,” he said. Taylor said that though he might sign up for the service he would not pay for it unless he ran into desperate times. Massey said GorillaPop soon plans to offer blogs, forums, groups, messaging, chat and search by location.

from page 1

One is to register, download songs, build a profile and start looking; the other is to just type in your favorite songs and genres of music. According to GorillaPop.com, once registered, participants can do custom searches, update their profiles and view the top 10 members, artists, songs and genres. But how exactly does the matchmaking happen? “The helper app ʻgTunesʼ sits in the background and watches what a person listens to on their computer, right now itʼs only through iTunes, this data is used to create a ʻmusical profileʼ of the member, and itʼs from this that the Gorilla starts mixing and matching people,” Massey said. Steve Knapp, 24, is single and said he would definitely be interested in trying out the site. “I would register to do it because I feel like if you have similar taste in music you could have similar


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they feel the proposition goes too far, putting Californians who have never committed a crime in a criminal database. “I think money could be spent on curing the California debt instead of violating our First Amendment rights,” CSUF freshman Lesley McKinnell said. Some argue DNA is more than just a fingerprint, revealing the most personal, private details about a person and their family, according to the Web site of the No on Prop. 69 campaign. Once a suspect is proven innocent, the DNA can be removed from the database upon request, but the judge can deny this request and the decision cannot be appealed. Phillip Gianos, a CSUF political science professor, said he disagrees with the proposition. “I have serious civil liberty concerns about this measure in general, specifically because the measure would require DNA collection not just from convicted felons but also convicted non-felons,” Gianos said. “Much of the financial support behind this measure comes from a firm that would benefit financially if it passes. It is a truly dumb and useless measure.” Currently, California requires the collection and testing of DNA from serious and violent felons including kidnappers, rapists, murderers and child molesters. Under Proposition 69, this would be expanded from people convicted of felonies to include those arrested for any such felonies. A “yes” vote means the state would expand the collection of DNA samples to include convicted felons, some convicted non-felons, and individuals arrested for certain offenses. Criminal penalties would increase to fund the DNA expansion, according to the California League of Women Voters Web site. A “no” vote means DNA samples would continue to be required only from persons convicted of serious felony offenses.

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