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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
T h u r s d a y, N o v e m b e r 4 , 2 0 0 4
Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m
Bush back in White House
Faculty discuss budget fiasco
President gains slim majority, asks for all votersʼ support The Associated Press
Professors voice concerns over lack of funds, campus safety By ALI DORRI Daily Titan Staff
The California Faculty Associationʼs angst over last weekʼs trustee-approved 2005-06 budget carried over into Wednesdayʼs Cal State Fullerton CFA chapter meeting. Discussion over the $2.5 billion budget brought ire from members on topics ranging from faculty salary to the gymʼs plumbing. G. Nanjundappa, CFA chapter president and sociology professor, said the budget, which he said covers 47 percent of CSUF instruction costs, doesnʼt fund the basic necessities of providing quality education. “If you donʼt spend at least 50 percent for instruction, I donʼt see how you can justify the budget,” he said. “Taxpayer money has to be maximized; we are obligated to provide accessible high-quality education.” He and other CFA members feel indifferent to the budget, which included a fourth tuition increase in as many years, due to the CFAʼs obligation to Californiaʼs Master Plan of Education. The plan was passed in 1960 by the Legislature for the state to provide affordable and accessible higher education to all who are eligible. “There has been no recent increase in revenue besides revenue from tuition increases,” he said. Nanjundappa said that the lack of funds also limits faculty raises — there have been none in the last two years — and also makes it difficult for professors to gain tenure. He added that the declining number of tenured faculty makes it harder on those already tenured, whom, he said, are the most vital to the education process. “With all respect to part-time faculty, tenured-track faculty are the backbone of the university,” he said. “[The] burden has fallen on less amounts of tenured faculty.” Tenured faculty serve on college committees and are responsible for curriculum development, student mentoring and representing their colleagues in shared governance. Nanjundappa said he is concerned that the lack of tenured faculty could FACULTY 4
American studies major Dan Scheppler poses a question on voting and how it’s implemented at Cal State Fullerton to President Milton A. Gordon and ASI President Philip Vasquez. The two presidents gave out free pizza and answers to interested students in the Quad Wednesday.
Presidential pizza pie ASI hosts question and answer forum about campus issues By KEVIN METZ Daily Titan Staff
Between their bites of free pizza, Cal State Fullerton students voiced their concerns on Wednesday about tuition hikes, the plus/minus grading system and retiring faculty to President Milton A. Gordon and Associated Students Inc. President Phillip Vasquez at the fourth annual Pizza with the Presidents, hosted by Associated Students Inc. While the open forum turned the heads of many students walking past the Quad, it was clear that the recent tuition increase was hot on the minds of a majority of the hun-
dreds of students who participated throughout the 45-minute event. Approved last Thursday by the California State University Board of Trustees, the new budget allows for an 8 percent increase to studentsʼ spring 2005 tuition. “Right now students donʼt have a policy [for fee regulation], and I always say no policy is a bad policy,” Vasquez said. “So we will still be working at the statewide level with the California State Student Association to lobby those kind of advocacy issues with the chancellor of the university.” Vasquez, a senior human services major and political science minor, added that students have lobbied for a long-term fee policy that, if passed, would regulate the increase of fees over the following years so students would know
what increases to expect. Gordon said that the cost of education is actually much higher than students are paying. “Right now you pay about $2,800 a year [to go to college],” Gordon said. “The actual cost for your education over the course of a year is about $10,000.” Related to the tuition increase was the question that followed about financial aid. “For every fee increase, 20 to 30 percent of that increase goes directly toward financial aid so that the additional cost is covered for students,” Gordon said. “We are very active in terms of providing as much financial aid outside of the system, in terms of both federal programs and California PIZZA 3
Business leaders teach students
Professionals, alumni volunteer their time as professors for a day
More than 100 business professionals, including some Cal State Fullerton alumni, became “professors for a day” Tuesday and Wednesday at the annual event sponsored by the College of Business and Economics. A total of 128 business and economics classes hosted these guest
professors throughout both days, as some shared personal experiences of their careers, discussed academic issues with students and gave advice to the schoolʼs future business leaders. “One of our big goals is to bridge theory and practice,” said Joni Norby, assistant dean of the college. She said that the speakers would give students direction and career advice. Norby said that students would be able to see how what they are learning is applied to the workplace. Garrett Kop, assistant vice presi-
dent and treasurer of St. Joseph Health System and 1978 CSUF alumni, said it was important for him to return to the campus and share his experiences with students. “This school provided me with the education to do well,” he said. “I think [students] want to know how what youʼre learning today will apply to their career in the future.” Kop said learning the essentials of business is key. “Career paths will always take
opportunity to learn how they can defend themselves in a sexual assault situation. Rape Aggression Defense Systems, established in 1989, is a network of self-defense instructors who teach all over the United States and Canada. Since 2002, R.A.D. has offered free classes every semester at CSUF to educate women in risk awareness, reduction, recognition and avoidance. “We want [women] to recognize the signals,” said Officer Iris CortesValle who is instructing the four-session course. “Itʼs not about kicking peopleʼs butts, itʼs about learning how to escape and run.” Participants first learn how to evaluate scenarios. Then they devote
following sessions to master physical stances and basic techniques. The final session allows participants to use their skills against trained police officers dressed in padded suits. “Itʼs very empowering for women to learn what their physical abilities are,” Cortes-Valle said. Norene Protacio, an undeclared freshman, said she learned more about herself and what she was capable of. “Iʼm like an easy target for someone with my size and my frame,” said Protacio, who is 4-feet-7-inches tall and weighs 80 pounds. “Iʼm itty bitty.” After the 12-hour program is completed, participants are rewarded with a certificate that enables them to attend classes every semester if they
choose. “It refreshes my memory taking it every semester,” said Eva Ku, a senior sociology major who is taking the class for the third time to challenge herself. Cindy Davila of Yorba Linda, heard about the class through the YMCA and was immediately interested in taking the class with her daughter, Sarah. “I told her, ʻYouʼre going to this class if you want to go to college,ʼ” Davila said. Sarah, a high school senior, said she enjoys taking the class and would take it again. “When they walk out of here
By ERIC GOMEZ Daily Titan Staff
Women learn sexual assault defense tactics
Campus class teaches females how to protect themselves By KELLY HICKMAN and LINDA HO Daily Titan Staff
Someone is sexually assaulted every two minutes and one out of every six women has been a victim of an attempted or completed rape in the United States, according to a 2002 statistics report on the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network Web site. This past week, female Cal State Fullerton students and women of all ages from the community had the
Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 3 7
WASHINGTON — President Bush won four more years in the White House on Wednesday and pledged to “fight this war on terror with every resource of our national power.” John Kerry conceded defeat rather than challenge the vote count in make-or-break Ohio. “I will need your support and I will work to earn it,” the president said in an appeal to the 55 million Americans who voted for his Democratic rival. “We are entering a season of hope,” he said. The president spoke before thousands of cheering supporters less than an hour after his vanquished opponent ended a campaign that brought him achingly close to victory. “We cannot win this election,” Kerry said in an emotional farewell. The re-election triumph gave the president a new term to pursue the war in Iraq and a conservative, taxcutting agenda at home — and prob-
ably the chance to name one or more justices to an aging Supreme Court. He also will preside alongside expanded Republican majorities in Congress. The GOP gained four Senate seats and bolstered its majority in the House by at least two. Vice President Dick Cheney told the Republican victory rally that the results of Tuesdayʼs elections translated into a mandate for the presidentʼs policies. Bush sketched only the barest outline of a second term agenda, talking of reforming an “outdated tax code,” overhauling Social Security and upholding the “deepest values of family and faith.” The candidatesʼ public appearances signaled the end of a campaign waged over the anti-terror war and the economy. Hours earlier, Kerry had telephoned Bush with a private concession. Aides to both men stressed they had agreed on a need to heal the nation after a long and frequently bitter campaign. Bush also won New Mexicoʼs five electoral votes in a narrow contest BUSH 4
Republicans keep control of Congress GOP gains strength in House, ousts key Senate Democrat The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — A triumphant phalanx of conservative candidates paved the way as Republicans used Election Day to strengthen their grip on Congress and vanquish one of the Democratsʼ most visible national leaders. As undecided races in the House and Senate dwindled to a handful, both chambersʼ GOP leaders rejoiced in their added muscle. In the next Congress, Republicans will have at least 231 seats and probably one more for what would be a three-seat pickup in the 435-member House. The GOP will control the new Senate 55-44 plus a Democraticleaning independent, a four-seat gain. “Last night was a monumental victory for the United States Senate,” said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn. Frist, who will still need to muster 60 votes to fend off Democratic
filibusters that can derail bills, spoke during a whirlwind one-day victory lap through four of the five southern states where Republicans grabbed seats from retiring Senate Democrats. The GOPʼs favorite scalp was that of Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the 18year Senate veteran and leading Democratic voice whom Republicans disparaged for obstructing their agenda. Former Rep. John Thune, R-S.D., made Daschle the only Senate incumbent to lose Tuesday, ousting him by fewer than 4,600 votes and leaving his partyʼs senators without a high-profile leader. Democrats were left searching for explanations. “We did everything within our control to be in a position to win,” said Sen. Jon Corzine, D-N.J., who led his partyʼs Senate campaign apparatus. “What we could not control was a map which was tilted decidedly in our opponentʼs direction and an unexpectedly strong showing by President Bush.” Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., Daschleʼs No. 2, easily won re-elecGOP 4
JAMES TU/Daily Titan
Chyanne Williams gives Lt. John Ojeisekhoba a swift knee to the groin at the Rape Aggression Defense class held Wednesday night in the Kinesiology and Health Science Building.