2004 11 17

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The menʼs basketball team looks to start the season off on the right foot 6

Views on homosexuality should progress despite conservative times 4

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 7 , 2 0 0 4

Daily Titan

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 4 4

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Trustees highlight CSU success Report shows CSUF is the leading employer in Orange County By ALI DORRI Daily Titan Staff

The California State University Board of Trustees was presented with a report on Tuesday outlining the prolific impact of CSU

Funds divide ASI board

graduates on Californiaʼs economy. The boardʼs finance committee members then approved an agenda item that will allow all trustees to vote today on the schematics of constructing a second Cal State Fullerton parking structure. According to data compiled by ICF Consulting, a Washington state-based firm hired by the CSU system, the earnings of CSU alumni support over 527,000 California

jobs and CSU-related expenditures create over $13 billion annually, supporting more than 207,000 state jobs. The report also indicated that in 2001-2002, more than 80 percent of those employed in the fields of education, criminal justice, social work and public administration are CSU graduates with bachelorʼs degrees. Presenter Ted Egan said the

study proved the CSU system does a good job of retaining the stateʼs talent and is a great self-sufficient force in the economy. “The fiscal output of the CSU exceeds what the state invests into it,” he said. “A large share of California high school graduates would not attend California universities if not for the CSU.” Chancellor Bill Reed said the statistics will serve as a good com-

By ASHLEE ANDRIDGE Daily Titan Staff

By NIYAZ PIRANI Daily Titan Staff


I find a conflict of interest when two of this board’s members are on the list of students going on this trip. Erin Dolbey ASI representative, College of the Arts

” Ambassadors Club and a representative for communications for the Associated Students Board of Directors. Kilgo appealed to ASI for $3,830.08, which would go toward plane tickets and lodging for seven members of the club. “Put feet under our legs and help us run,” Kilgo said when asking the board to approve funds. He stressed the fact that ASI was the last stop for the club to attain the funds needed for the trip because the clubʼs fund-raising activities had only yielded a little over $100. The Ambassadors Club, which was recognized as a club in September, has been struggling for affiliation with a college in lieu of the cancellation of a universitysanctioned Model United Nations course. “The Model United Nations is associated with a class we teach in political science,” said Tom Klammer, dean of the College of ASI 3

Benjamin Hale performs a dance in the Quad Tuesday afternoon to raise awareness of National American Indian Heritage Month. The performance was sponsored by the Inter-Tribal Student Council.

Dancers showcase culture Troupe celebrates National American Indian Heritage Month By DAVID BARRY Daily Titan Copy Editor

With colored chalk, a group of students wrote on the concrete surface of the Quad while others looked around, checking their watches, confirming that it was noon. The wind blew a few yellow leaves from the mostly green trees encircling the rectangle of concrete. From McCarthy Hall, a troupe of dancers, three male and one female, approached the Quad. Making his way to the performance area, one of the male dancers hunched over and coughed heavily, his decorative costume shaking unceremoniously.

A young woman introduced herself as Leya Hale, a junior radio-TVfilm major and president of the InterTribal Student Council. Then, she introduced the Eagle Spirit Dancers. The dance troupe performed eight traditional and contemporary dances as part of Native American Awareness Week, which is celebrated annually in November as part of National American Indian Heritage Month. Dancer Benjamin Hale introduced each dance with brief histories. Hale also introduced the other Eagle Spirit Dancers: his father Henry Hale, brother Kevin Hale and daughter Tawny Hale. Speaking to a crowd of over 100 students, Hale emphasized the importance of dancing in Native American culture, which relied on a verbal tradition of sharing knowledge with each new generation.

Hanging out

“Many people still have the vision of Indian people of the past, like a caricature, like a pirate, something that no longer exists in our world today,” Hale said. “We canʼt go to the oceans and find that pirate ship and find a man with the patch on his eye and the peg-leg. That was something of the past. But here we are, American Indians, standing before you, wearing our traditional clothes, cherishing our songs.” Hale expressed gratitude to other tribes for sharing their culture with him and for the opportunity to share it before the campus audience. The first dance performance, a warrior dance from a tribe near Omaha, Neb., is still used today to welcome home family members returning from military service, Hale said. DANCERS 3

National awareness week gives attention to growing problems Daily Titan Staff



A panel of six Democrats met Tuesday to discuss where the Democratic Party will go from here and how it can achieve success. Michael Meurer owns a marketing communications firm and was a precinct captain for both the Clinton and Gore campaigns. He said Democrats ran a “campaign of compromise” in trying to cooperate with everyone. “If thereʼs any future to the Democratic Party, we need to play by our own rules,” said Michael Faulkner, a working actor and a dean delegate to the Democratic National

ERIC TOM/For the Daily Titan

Communications Professor Nancy Snow moderates a discussion on the future of the Democratic Party. Convention for Californiaʼs 33rd District. Faulkner said the Democratic Party

should have pointed out that “safety means more than bombing brown people in a foreign country.” The Democrats need to be true to their own mission and realize that campaigning isnʼt necessarily about being simple, Faulkner said. “There are ways of framing our messages that make them sound sexy,” Faulkner said. People should realize that if they donʼt like the way a campaign is going, they have the power to go out and change it, Faulkner said. “The people that donʼt get it keep yelling and keep writing,” he said. Anne Smith, a member of the Kerry Southern California Swing State Committee, said many of the issues the Democrats discussed were topics that were really important, but werenʼt problems the people were interested in. “The big flaw of the Democrats is always talking about the safe issues,” she said. Most people polled said they didnʼt care about gay marriage and that Kerry should have just set the issue aside and focused on more important things, Smith said. “The Democratic Party has been taking cues from the media,” Smith said. Philip de Vellis, the regional volunteer director for the Kerry-Edwards campaign in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, said Democrats didnʼt understand how important the gay marriage bans actually were. “The Republicans are much better at the mechanics and tweaking them to their advantage,” he said. Just because the party didnʼt win the election doesnʼt mean they did everything wrong, de Vellis said. He DEMOCRATS 3

U.S. homelessness rising By ASHLEE ANDRIDGE

From the heights of McCarthy Hall, ROTC Cadet Cathy Aboy repels herself down the building on Tuesday. The exercise was a way for cadets to display their training while seeking new recruits.

social effects are based on the number of graduating minorities and on reports claiming that more than 185,000 CSU students perform an average of 33.36 million hours of community service per year. “Many of our students are the most needy students. It means that students are giving back to this state more than anyone else,” he

Party plans future tactics Democrats discuss Kerryʼs campaign, needed adjustments

Student government allocates thousands to Ambassadors Club

After much debate, Associated Students Inc. voted 6-4 in Tuesdayʼs meeting to allocate nearly $4,000 to seven students for the American Model United Nations conference in Chicago. While ASI also voted unanimously to approve $1,650 for the ASI Elections Committee to have walkie-talkies, the majority of their weekly meeting focused on a disagreement between ASI Vice President of Finance Ross McCollum and David Kilgo, a copresident for Cal State Fullertonʼs

munication platform for the CSU and will bring it well-deserved notoriety. “CSU is the most underrated institution that I know about in California,” he said. “The impact that we have culturally and on the business community is in the broadest sense. The CSU is the backbone of the state in applying well-prepared people for jobs.” Reedʼs emphasis on cultural and

Hunger and homelessness are on the rise in major American cities, according to the U.S. Conference of Mayors-Sodesho Hunger and Homelessness survey of 2003. Each year, The National Coalition for the Homeless and The National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness join together the week before Thanksgiving and co-sponsor National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week to make people aware of the facts of homelessness. Michael Stoops, the community coordinator for The National Coalition for the Homeless, said the

event attempts to educate people on the growing problem of homelessness. “Weʼre still trying to make Americans aware of something they should already be aware of in the first place,” Stoops said. Stoops said that 75 percent of the events happening during the week are connected to a high school or college, adding that he thinks it is important that students are educated about homelessness. “Community service work is an important part of anyoneʼs education,” Stoops said. He also said the organization assists with housing and applications for disability benefits. Veronica Ramos, the event coordinator for National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week on campus, said homelessness is rarely discussed among students and that the homeless are often misunder-

stood. “I think it is important, for students especially, to be aware that the homeless are regular people just like us,” Ramos said. “We need to embrace the homeless and help them instead of shunning them away.” The Volunteer and Service Center is collecting food, clothing and money through Nov. 20 and hope to raise $500. “Drives such as these may not be extremely effective in the grand scheme of things, but if it can put food on the table of at least one family, it is all worth it,” Ramos said. The drives wouldnʼt be possible without volunteers and it is important that students get involved, Ramos said. “By spreading awareness in the community, students have the precious tool of educating others on the HOMELESS 2

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