2004 11 18

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High-scoring womenʼs basketball forward steps up to lead team 9

Take on the turkey: Managing Thanksgiving dinner away from home 6

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

T h u r s d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 8 , 2 0 0 4

Little rest for weary students

Daily Titan

Trustees OK structure for CSUF parking

Don’t look away

New project to be built over Lots B and K will add 1,601 more spaces

Holiday break offers minimal free time, relief for tired Titans

By ALI DORRI and ASHLEY HEGLAR Daily Titan Staff

By DENNIS OLSON For the Daily Titan

Thanksgiving is said to be a time of giving thanks for all one has and enjoys. For students at Cal State Fullerton, however, there is another reason to give thanks: a week of no classes and the time to catch up on schoolwork before the home stretch of the fall semester begins. The one-week break is much needed for those students who have procrastinated all semester and need to start assignments that were given in August. Instead of using the break as an opportunity to vacation before finals week, some students feeling overwhelmed with school will use the week to make up time for assignments they have put off. Junior James Howard, an art major at Cal State Fullerton, said he is an admitted procrastinator and has yet to work on a research paper for an art class that was assigned the first day of class. “I havenʼt even started the paper, so it doesnʼt look like Iʼll be doing much relaxing next week,” Howard said. In addition to the research paper, Howard has two different art projects that are due the week after the break, HOLIDAY 3

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 4 5

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m


Lizbeth Ledezma has managed to save a single crayon and the box it came in from falling to the ground, like the rest of her art supplies. Lizbeth has been living at The Catholic Worker homeless shelter for five months with her mother and older sister. See story on Page 5

The California State University Board of Trustees approved the schematics for a second Cal State Fullerton parking structure on Wednesday. Executive Vice Chancellor David Spence presented the board with a report on CSU accountability and the California State Student Association presented a report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. The unanimously approved structure will displace Lots B and K just north of the Titan Student Union and will provide 1,601 new spaces, costing $20.7 million to be paid through the sale of state bonds. Presenters of the plan told trustees at the board meeting on Tuesday that the construction will start in March and it should be finished by May 2006. Cal State Fullerton President Milton A. Gordon said Tuesday that the main motivation behind the new parking structure will be to accommodate the construction of new campus recreational and daycare centers, which he said he hopes will be completed some time in 2007. So far there are no plans to increase student parking pass prices, but Kimberly Tran, a freshman biology major, said benefits of new spaces would be cancelled out by an increase since the opening of the first structure in the fall came with a nearly 50 percent increase in student parking fees. “The parking structure makes parking a lot easier,” she said. “If it is going to jack up parking spaces, then I will be concerned.” The accountability report, based on data from 2002-03, compiled information about

student success in the areas of transferring from community colleges and the time it takes freshmen who began their studies in the CSU system to graduate. The report garnered a reception mixed with concern and optimism, and caught the boardʼs attention, most notably from Trustee Melinda Guzman Moore. “This will be the most significant report that we are going to look at,” Moore said. “We need to have this back on the agenda in January.” Moore said the gist of the report is good but needs more particulars in regards to ethnic breakdowns and students with disabilities. According to the report, CSU students progress toward degrees at a rate higher than the national average, but are also taking more than six years to attain their bachelorʼs degree in enough cases to warrant concern from Spence and responding trustees. However, Trustee Herbert Carter said he was not as concerned about the time it took to graduate as much as he was concerned with the quality of education in relation to individual and institutional circumstances. “If it takes five years or 10 years, it should not get in the way of our commitment,” Carter said. “All campuses donʼt have the same kind of students — Dominguez Hills and L.A. shouldnʼt be compared to Chico or SLO. We serve people. Data sometimes get in the way of common sense.” Another statistic that exposed perspective analysis was the annual number of students achieving teacher credentials, which was 12,798 in 2002-03, exceeding the systemwide goal by 1,342, and leading to CSU graduates making up 59 percent of the stateʼs new teachers annually. Trustee Moctesuma Esparza said the high number of students going into the education TRUSTEES


Campus quilt supports AIDS awareness Students and faculty work together to help raise money for cause By ERIC GOMEZ Daily Titan Staff

Hanging from the first floor railing of the Humanities Building is patched quilt of mostly red, orange and yellow. Some of the patches that make up this almost eightfoot quilt are adorned with messages of hope to those people living with AIDS. A drum roll preceded the unveiling of the quilt in front of the building Wednesday to support those with AIDS

and to promote volunteerism on campus. The quilt, which was organized by the Volunteer and Services Center and members of the Platinum PR group, was composed of 120 patches that Cal State Fullerton students, faculty and staff decorated in addition to giving a $2 donation. Nearly 25,000 people participated in this yearʼs AIDS Walk Los Angeles, 93 of them from CSUF, and contributed $1,522 to the cause. “Itʼs not a memorial quilt but rather a supportive quilt,” said Adrienne Marquez, a senior public relations major and member of the Platinum PR group. “We want to show that we support AIDS Walk L.A.”

The event was also a way to promote the Titans 100K Hours of Service campaign, which asks students to log in their hours of community service in hopes of reaching a their goal of 100,000 hours. In a short ceremony, Robert Palmer, the vice president of Student Affairs, recognized student organizations for their involvement in the 20th annual AIDS Walk Los Angeles. Among the recipients were representatives from the Afro-Ethnic Student Association, the University Honors Society, the India International Club, the Vietnamese Student Association, the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance and the Visual Anthropology Club.

Vincent Ayson, the president of the Theta Delta Beta Pilipino fraternity that was also recognized, said his organization has been participating in AIDS Walk L.A. for the past several years and that volunteering for their community is nothing new. “Itʼs one of the values that we hold dear,” Ayson said. “Events like this give us a purpose. We always try to support anything for the greater cause.” Mona Mohammadi, ASI vice president, helped to unveil the quilt. “Each patch represents an individual student, faculty or staff memberʼs wish, QUILT


JOSHUA SCHEIDE/For the Daily Titan

The Volunteer and Service Center’s AIDS Walk L.A. quilt hangs from the Humanities Building after its unveiling.

Speaker advises eating healthy for holidays

Dinner guests

Seminar provides information on how to manage overeating By KYLE McCORY Daily Titan Staff


Turkeys rest at a Fullerton pumpkin patch. The patrolling turkeys entertained some children while scaring others.

Tables piled high with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and yams seem to call out “eat me,” but that stuffed feeling the turkey knows well doesnʼt have to be extended over to those eating it. Shawn Dolan, a professor and registered dietitian, told faculty and students on Wednesday on how to stay healthy this holiday season by choosing mixed berries over pumpkin pie. The crowd consisted of mostly faculty members who received free samples of mixed nuts, fruits and

refreshments along with recipes such as “egg-less eggnog” and “cinnamonhoney sweet potatoes.” Dolan, the coordinator for the Employee Wellness Program at Cal State Fullerton, said fatty foods and lack of exercise due to stress contribute to holiday weight gain. “The average person gains about one to two pounds,” Dolan said. “This may not seem like much, but people usually donʼt lose the few pounds they gain. Extra weight is then consistently put on year after year.” Large portions and the overabundance of food during the holidays make it difficult not to over eat, and people often eat because there is food around them, not because they are hungry, Dolan said. “Itʼs a habit. Itʼs in front of us, so we eat it,” Dolan said. “You have to ask

yourself, ʻAm I really enjoying the food or just eating it because it tastes good?ʼ” To manage portion size, Dolan said eating food high in water content will get people full faster, such as salads, soups, fruits and vegetables. “Start with a salad before a meal or add fruit with your breakfast,” Dolan said. “This will help you feel more full and not overindulge on high calorie foods.” Dolan said to eat a few bites to satisfy pumpkin pie cravings, since an entire piece of pumpkin pie can add an extra 450 calories and 33 grams of fat to an already rich holiday dinner. Dolan also said the busy lifestyle and stress associated with the holidays cause people to exercise less, skip meals and not eat as healthy. “Skipping meals makes your body

crave salty and sugary foods high in fat,” Dolan said. Make sure to exercise, even itʼs just going for a walk, Dolan said. “Turn holiday shopping into a workout,” Dolan said. “Park far away from the malls and use the stairs instead of escalators.” Junior Hayde Salgado, a human services major, said she felt she got useful advice from Dolanʼs suggestions. “I came to this because I wanted to eat better,” Salgado said. “All the information was very helpful.” Della Lisi, a health science intern who helped with the seminar, said faculty members inspired it. “The faculty responded to what they wanted to hear, this being the No. 1 topic next to managing stress during the holidays,” Lisi said.

2 Thursday, November 18, 2004




news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


It’s all in the hips

NOV. 18-NOV. 20

Thursday Free Concert: Up Syndrome will play in the TSU Pub from noon to 1 p.m.



“Drawing The Greater Middle East,” a discussion on U.S. foreign policy-making will take place in the Titan Theatre starting with a reception at 11 a.m. The Middle Eastern Student Society invites you to a panel discussion of contemporary issues of national interest. The discussion runs from noon to 2:30 p.m.

Suicide bomber, clashes in Iraq kill 27 BAGHDAD, Iraq — A suicide car bomber blasted an American convoy north of Baghdad and U.S. troops battled insurgents west of the capital Wednesday as a wave of violence across Iraqʼs Sunni Muslim heartland killed at least 27 people. American forces pursued their search-and-destroy mission against the remaining holdouts in the former insurgent bastion of Fallujah, and to the north, American forces pressed an offensive to reclaim part of the city of Mosul from militants.

Cal State Fullertonʼs Chamber Music Recital will take place in the Performing Arts Center: Little Theatre at 1 p.m. today. For more information on this free performance, call (714) 278-3371.

Russia developing new nuclear missile MOSCOW — Russia is developing a new nuclear missile system unlike any weapon held by other countries, President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday, a move that could serve as a signal to the United States as Washington pushes forward with a missile defense system.

Titan Volleyball clashes with UC Irvine at 7 p.m. in the Titan Gymnasium.


Have extra time? Check out “The Terminal,” starring Tom Hanks, in the Titan Theatre at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Senate OKs $800B debt limit hike WASHINGTON — A divided Senate approved an $800 billion increase in the federal debt limit Wednesday, a major boost in borrowing that Sen. John Kerry and other Democrats blamed on the fiscal policies of President Bush. The mostly party line, 52-44 vote was expected to be followed by House passage Thursday. Enactment would raise the governmentʼs borrowing limit to $8.18 trillion — $2.23 trillion higher than when Bush became president in 2001, and more than eight times the debt President Reagan faced when he took office in 1981.

GOP changes rules to protect DeLay WASHINGTON — House Republicans demonstrated their loyalty to Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Wednesday, changing a party rule that would have cost him his leadership post if he were indicted by a Texas grand jury that has charged three of his associates. DeLay watched from the back of the room but did not speak as GOP lawmakers struggled in closed session before ending a requirement that leaders indicted on felony charges relinquish their positions. Republicans will now decide a House leaderʼs fate in a case-by-case review.

State Suspect to stand trial for teen killings RANCHO CUCAMONGA — A man suspected of using a machine gun to kill two teenagers in a fit of road rage has been ordered to stand trial. San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge Gerard Brown said Tuesday there was enough evidence to hold Lanny Woosley, 22, to answer for the slayings and eight other charges. He faces life in prison or the death penalty for the January murders of 17-year-old Christopher Heyman and 18-year-old Blake Harris. He and an accomplice, Alexis Jimenez, were on a crime spree when they followed the teens off a freeway and sprayed at least two dozen bullets at their car. Two days later, Jimenez carjacked two people and rammed two Colton police cars before being shot by officers in a confrontation. They found an AP-9 submachine gun he pointed at them, which matched the weapon that killed the teenagers. Authorities contend that Woosley was the gunman in that incident, but his attorney has denied the allegations and blamed Jimenez for the killings. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2004 Daily Titan

OANA PURCAR/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Rudy Gharib, Rashad Aldabbagh and Nehal Shahin, members of the Middle Eastern Student Society, perform a belly dance in the Quad on Wednesday.



“I think he started a mess. America is the best country there is, the best country to live in. But heʼs fuckinʼ that up and could run our country into the ground. He jumped the gun, and he fucked up so bad he doesnʼt know what to do right now. Heʼs in a tailspin, running around like a dog chasing its tail. And we got young people over there dyinʼ, kids in their teens,

Did you


Not everyone is down with trading grass for tires

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - During a visit to a Sears Auto Center, two men tried to negotiate a trade for tires. They offered the employees

early twenties, who should have futures ahead of them. And for what? It seems like a Vietnam 2. Bin Laden attacked us and we attacked Saddam. We ainʼt heard from Saddam for ten years, but we go attack Saddam. Explain why that is. Give us some answers. -Eminem on Bush and the war in Iraq in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine. “We will stand up for terror. We will stand up for freedom.” - President Bush in a speech to supporters in Marlton, NJ.



Thursday, Nov. 18 Sunny Low 52°


Friday, Nov. 19 Sunny Low 49°


Saturday, Nov. 20 Sunny Low 44°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

some marijuana in exchange for a couple of tires. When an employee refused the offer, one of the men swung a baseball bat at him. The worker managed to avoid injury and threw a rock at the suspectʼs car, breaking a window. The two men then grabbed two tires and quickly took off. The tire thieves returned an hour later to get revenge on the worker, but they were arrested when other workers recognized them.

Correction: In the Nov. 17 issue of the Daily Titan, it was incorrectly reported that the Ambassadors Club received $3,830.08 from ASI. The club received $3,035.22.

Friday Pass, dribble and shoot at the Intramural Sports Menʼs and Womenʼs Basketball Shootout in the Titan Gym from noon to 3 p.m. Titan Volleyball plays Long Beach State at 7:00 p.m. in the Titan Gymnasium. Two one-act plays, “Choices” by David Wong and “Train to Ouroboros” by Ian Arthur Swanson are playing at Grand Central Art Center. Tickets are $10 ($5 with advance Titan discount). For more information, call (714) 278-3371. Saturday Give something back for National Family Volunteer Day with Volunteer and Service Center at the Orange County Food Bank from 8:45 a.m. to noon. The 2nd annual Animal Trax 5K/10K Run Walk starts at 8 a.m. at the Student Health and Counseling Center. Event includes musical entertainment, interactive games and activities. 10K begins at 8 a.m.; 5K at 9 a.m. Early registration fee is $10 until Nov. 15. For more information, call (714) 278-4609. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.


Daily Titan

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Europe speaks about election

Smokers attempt to quit

Harsh reality

American Cancer Society promotes day to kick unhealthy habit

hibit smoking inside buildings, such as restaurants and work places. Vancil said the event helped fuel these laws by bringing awareness to city and state legislatures. This was in large part due to the decline in social acceptability of smoking, Vancil said. There was very little opposition to prevent these laws from being passed, he added. While the event helps people quit smoking, it also helps those who donʼt smoke by removing the

There is more to geography than maps and this week members of Cal State Fullertonʼs Geography Department are trying to let students know exactly how much more there is during National Geography Awareness Week. Held annually, National Geography Awareness Week is coordinated by

the members of the Geography Club. It is a nationwide event observed by geography departments at colleges across the country. Throughout the week the Geography Club will have tables set up in front of the Humanities Building with hopes of providing information to students who show an interest in the little-known discipline. At the table, students can get information on how to obtain a degree from CSUF in geography, as well as quizzes aimed at testing their knowledge on the subject. There is also a member of the department there at all times in order to answer any ques-

tions students might have. “We just want to let people know that weʼre here,” said Paul Ciccoianni, the president of the club. “Hopefully we can show people that there is more to geography than maps and get people interested in the subject as a major.” The Geography Club is using this week to promote their club, which Shanon Fortune, the ice president of the club, describes as a close-knit group of people who are active in enjoying the challenges of geography.

Howardʼs feeling of exhaustion is common on the CSUF campus. As the fall semester winds down, many students might feel weighed down because of projects and papers due in such a short amount of time. Junior Jaclyn Revel, a liberal studies major who has three projects and a five-page paper due the week after the break, said she will be doing

schoolwork all week. “My whole vacation is dedicated to working on homework,” Revel said. Norma Ouyang, a licensed clinical psychologist who works in CSUFʼs Counseling and Psychological Services, said she believes students are too busy during the semester to do projects so some use the Thanksgiving

break to preoccupy themselves and evade interacting with their families. “Some people find an excuse to avoid the conflicts of the holiday,” Ouyang said. On the other hand, there could be an easier explanation for students putting off schoolwork, Ouyang said. “Itʼs just human nature to procrastinate,” she said.

For the Daily Titan

Thursday is the annual American Cancer Societyʼs “Great American Smokeout.” The ACS invites anyone interested in kicking the habit to stop smoking for the day. Originally started in 1977, the event has helped people all across


Geography club on the map



the country to quit smoking. The reason for the Smokeout is to let people know that quitting is possible. “Asking someone to quit is a big task,” said Bruce Vancil, the director of health promotions for the Orange County region of the American Cancer Society. “[By quitting for the day] it reinforces the message that you can get through the day without cigarettes.” The event has also helped pass laws regarding smoking. Many states have adopted laws that pro-


Panel members reveal deteriorating opinions about United States

Members of the German and French consulate led a panel discussion Wednesday in the Titan Theatre about Europeʼs perspective of America with regard to the recent presidential election. Sponsored by the European Studies Society, the discussion focused on the relationship and image Americans have of Europe and vice versa, which eventually led to a discussion about misunderstandings between the United States and Europe concerning the war. “Seventy percent of French say their image of the United States has

Thursday, November 18, 2004 3

Participants encourage student involvement during awareness week By ISAAC FABELA Daily Titan Staff


A man rises from sleep on a downtown Los Angeles street. With over 82,000 homeless people in Los Angeles, doorways like this become a prime spot to nap.


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but he said he has already devised a plan for finishing all of his work in just one week. “Iʼll get a chance to catch my breath and finally sleep in,” Howard said. “Then Iʼll start in Monday night.”


4 Thursday, November 18, 2004



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


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The club frequently goes camping, hiking and white-water rafting and also participates in humanitarian activities, like cleaning up the Bolsa Chica Wetlands, Fortune said. However, the relationships that currently exist in the club do not discourage them from trying to get more students to share in the fun. “The more the merrier,” Fortune said. “We love meeting new people and I think people will enjoy the club once they find out what weʼre really about.” John Carroll, the faculty adviser


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smoke from the air in busy places. “No one is taking away a smokerʼs right to smoke,” Vancil said. “They are restricting their right to smoke in areas of those who have chosen not to smoke.” This is also evident at Cal State Fullerton, where a recent rule has moved smokers 20 feet away from all buildings. This rule was put in place to keep smoke from entering the buildings both through the doors and the ventilation system. However, some students have not noticed a difference. “It did not accomplish anything,”


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system might not necessarily reflect as positives on every level and those CSU students share some blame in the often-ridiculed K-12 education system. “A fundamental problem we have is that we are supplying large numbers of teachers that are part of the inadequate education in the K-12


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hope and dream for a cure, while others share a fond memory of a loved one who has passed,” she said. “The quilt is a symbolism of comfort and compassion and the CSUF community has demonstrated this by the creation of the quilt.” The quilt will hang in front of the building for a week and then it will be moved to different areas around campus.


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deteriorated in the last three years,” said Oliver Plancon, a deputy consul general of the French Consulate of Los Angeles. “In the ʻ60s, ʻ70s and ʻ80s, the American appreciation of the French was at 70 percent.” Expressing his concern, Plancon explained how American appreciation of the French has dropped to 34 percent today. Plancon then changed gears and discussed why the French did not enter into war

for the club, said he feels that aside from the social activities members of the Geography Department participate in, there are also academic and financial gains to be had. “We have a good department with a high rate of student satisfaction because students find the subject challenging and rewarding,” Carroll said. “Itʼs important that students know they can get this degree that will provide many lucrative job opportunities upon graduation.” The weekʼs events will conclude with a fund-raiser being held at the Buca di Beppo restaurant in Brea on Thursday night. Visitors who provide a flier, available at http://geography.fullerton.edu/club/club.htm, will

automatically donate 15 percent of their bill to the club. Those who missed out on the weekʼs events can look forward to next semester. In the spring, the Geography Club hosts an All Points of the Compass Conference that brings scholars in the subject to CSUF from around the country. The conference provides another opportunity for the club and the department to show what they have to offer and also educate students on the scope of the subject. “Geography is part of the world around us,” Fortune said. “It changes the weather and other things that people normally donʼt relate to geography. Geography affects everything in this world.”

said Erika Testo, a senior business major. “The ashtrays are still only about ten feet away. People still smoke there.” California is one state that has anti-smoking legislation and has since seen a decline in smoking rate. Last year, studies showed that only 16.2 percent of all Californians smoke, a percentage that has dropped from 26.2 percent in 1985. The majority of smokers in California are males with a low socioeconomic status. Orange County has the lowest smoking rate at 13 percent. The state does not allow smoking inside any public buildings, including clubs. Most clubs have

since added a smoking area, which gives those who choose to smoke a place to go. “Some smokers are really rude and smoking around others is really rude,” said Laura Elizalde, a senior criminal justice major. “By having designated smoking areas, they can smoke around people who donʼt mind inhaling smoke.” The ACS has many programs to help people quit smoking and its Web site has quizzes to help determine what type of smoker a person is and what treatment is best for them. While the “Smokeout” is only one day, Vancil said the ACS is available anytime and is always there to help people stop smoking.

level,” Esparza said. Chancellor Bill Reed said members of the CSU have taken action on the issue. “We have looked into it more than any other system in the country,” Reed said. “This will be the fourth year that we will be going to every school of every teacher that we graduate and we will ask them about our graduates. We learned two years ago that we were not preparing teachers to teach reading.”

Overall the state did receive a B grade, but Jason Spencer, the CCSAʼs chief of legislative affairs, said the reason why the state ranked highly overall was due to the 185-point score the state received for its affordable community colleges. He also said that receiving a B does not mean much when the majority of the country is receiving an F. “By saying we are doing better than the rest is making it a race to the bottom,” he said.

“We were able to acknowledge the people that are going out of their way and that are giving back to the community,” said Sabrina Sanders, the vice president of Student Affairs and director of the Volunteer and Services Center. “Also, the fact that we participated in AIDS Walk lets people know the issue of AIDS and acknowledges those individuals who are suffering with the disease and to bring attention to the cause.” Sanders said she hoped the quilt unveiling event would bring awareness to more students to volunteer

their time. “Itʼs something that we think is very important for the overall educational experience here,” Palmer said. Palmer said he is optimistic of reaching the 100,000 hours of service goal this year, which ends Dec. 31. Last year, Cal State Fullerton students logged in 110,000 hours of service. Volunteering is also important during the holidays, Palmer said. “Itʼs especially important that we reach out to the less fortunate,” he said.

with Iraq along with the United States and the United Kingdom. “We were uncertain about weapons of mass destruction existing,” he said, adding that there was no reason to enter into the war, as there was no link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida. Plancon said despite political turmoil between the United States and France, they still hold a similar history and common values. “The main French and U.S. objectives are to fight against terrorism, management of crisis and assist in development,” he said. Juan Carlos Gallego, a profes-

sor of modern languages and literature at Cal State Fullerton, said the Spanish opinion of the United States has deteriorated, “especially with questions arising from who really won in the last election.” Michael Wolff, a consul for press and media affairs with the German Consulate of Los Angeles, said Germans were passionate about the U.S. election. Wolff also spoke of similar ideas paralleling France and Spain in terms of the war with Iraq. “We in Europe trust the U.N. program, and the U.S. doesnʼt,” Wolff said.

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