2004 12 02

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Titan wrestling team silences Bulldogsʼ bark with one pin 8

Middle-Eastern trend has Orange County residents hooked on hookahs 6

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

T h u r s d a y, D e c e m b e r 2 , 2 0 0 4

Daily Titan

Vo l u m e 7 9 , I s s u e 4 9

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

University Police strive for safety Activists unite to combat AIDS Security works to be proactive in handling crimes, theft on campus By NICHOLAS COOPER For the Daily Titan

Between June 1 and Oct. 31, 49 assorted thefts and 39 assorted incidents of vandalism were reported to University

MTV casting reaches Block

ʻReal Worldʼ recruits in Orange County for fresh faces, attitudes By ISAAC FABELA Daily Titan Staff

Over the past two decades, MTV has entertained the youth of the world with original shows that provide a break from regular network television. One of the staples of that programming has been “The Real World,” now entering its 16th season. This Saturday, MTV brings its search for a new set of strangers willing to have their lives taped to Orange County. There will be an open casting call for “The Real World” from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Alcatraz Brewing Company, located at The Block at Orange. Hopefuls must be between the ages of 18 to 24 and be able to provide a current photo and valid ID. Those interested should be prepared to fill out a questionnaire and be interviewed by MTV casting directors. Interviews will be held in groups of 10. Megan Sleeper, a casting director for “The Real World”, always looks forward to the casting calls. “Itʼs a fun process because the people who show up for these calls are usually followers of the show,” Sleeper said. “Theyʼre enthusiastic and excited about the opportunity to try and be on the show.” Sleeper said people who come should stay relaxed and try to act normal. “We always say that we are looking for people who canʼt help but be themselves,” Sleeper said. “During the interview process, itʼs pretty easy to spot the ones acting like somebody else.” Sleeper hopes to see 800 to 1,000 people on Saturday. “Itʼs hard to tell with these events,” Sleeper said. “Weʼve had anywhere from 500 to 2,000 people show before. Whatever the number, weʼre looking forward to meeting everybody.” The Alcatraz Brewing Company will also be open for regular business, but the restaurant plans to do everything they can to provide a great venue to host the casting event. Steve Gostin, the general manger of the restaurant, said he is excited about the opportunity to accommodate Orange Countyʼs youth. “MTV approached us and asked us to participate,” he said. “Weʼve REAL WORLD 4

Police. Currently, there are over 32,000 students enrolled at Cal State Fullerton, according to CSUFʼs Web site. With only 49 cases of reported theft, that averages about one theft per 653 students. “Theft is one of our highest crimes,” said Sgt. John Brockie of University Police. If someone dials 911 from any phone on campus it connects directly to the

campus emergency dispatcher and an officer is sent to the scene immediately. “I feel we have a very safe campus,” Brockie said. “We have a lot of officers here that are proactive. They go out and try to prevent the crimes before they happen as opposed to just responding after they occurred.” Brockie said the two main forms campus theft include grand theft, which involves amounts in excess of $400, and

petty theft, which involves a monetary loss of less than $400. One way University Police helps to prevent crimes from occurring is through the Campus Watch Program, modeled after the neighborhood watch. The objective of the program is to prevent criminal activity and increase the safety of individuals on campus. THEFT


World recognizes disease, United Nations focuses on helping 39.4 million people infected with HIV The Associated Press

LAURA GORDON/Daily Titan Copy Editor

Visitors to the Ronald Reagan Library can see the former president’s memorial for free. General admission into the library is $7.

Past presidents memorialized Reagan, Nixon libraries commemorate political careers, private lives By LAURA GORDON Daily Titan Copy Editor

During his eight years in office, former President Bill Clinton was all about building a bridge to the 21st century. Now, with the opening of the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum in Little Rock, Ark., Clinton has a grand represen-

tation of what he set out to accomplish while in the White House. The architecture of the newest presidential library creates the illusion of a bridge stretching over the Arkansas River. “What [the library] is to me is a symbol of not only what I tried to do, but what I want to do with the rest of my life; building bridges from yesterday to tomorrow, building bridges across racial and religious and ethnic and income and political divides,” Clinton, 58, said during a broadcast of the rain-soaked dedication ceremony on Nov. 18.

There are 11 other presidential libraries spotted across the United States, including buildings that honor former presidents Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter, and George Bush. Two of the twelve presidential libraries are located in Southern California. Less than five miles away from Cal State Fullerton is the Richard Nixon Library MUSEUMS


GENEVA — From Armenia to Zambia, thousands of activists turned out to sing in mighty cathedrals, light candles in city squares and march and hold dance-athons on World AIDS Day as the United Nations focused on protecting women and girls, often sidelined in the fight against the disease. Nearly half the 39.4 million people infected with HIV worldwide are female. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said three-quarters of all HIV-positive women live in sub-Saharan Africa. About 57 percent of the adults with HIV are women, he said. “The number of women living with HIV is on the rise in every region. Today the face of AIDS is increasingly young and female,” said Peter Piot, head of UNAIDS. “Prevention methods such as the ABC approach — Abstinence, Be faithful and use Condoms — are good, but not enough to protect women where gender inequality is pervasive,” he said. Laws must be passed against domestic abuse and rape and to make sure women have property rights because that will make them more secure and “far less vulnerable to HIV,” Piot said. “We must be able to ensure that women can choose marriage, to decide when and with whom they have sex and to successfully negotiate condom use.” In Asia, where the disease claimed 540,000 lives this year, campaigners in Japan and South Korea handed out condoms. Thailand, Vietnam, and Bangladesh had marches, and the Philippines promoted HIV testing. AIDS

Scholarship honors Japanese-American history Recipient will have opportunity to author book for Arboretum By ERIC GOMEZ Daily Titan Staff

Tom and Chiz Miyawaki were farmers in Orange County before World War II forced them, like many Japanese-Americans, into detention camps. They were sent to the Gila River Relocation Camp in Gila River, Ariz. They entered into the strawberry business in 1953 while enduring the hardships that came along with being small agricultural farmers of the day. Kurtis Nakagawa, a nephew of Tom and Chiz Miyawaki, wanted

to honor his aunt and uncle by setting up a scholarship that would not only honor their memories, but also allow a Cal State Fullerton student to author a book. Along with Nakagawa, Miyawakiʼs surviving brothers Tom and Frank Matsuoka have created the Tom and Chiz Miyawaki Legacy Fund as a way to honor their relatives and to promote the CSUF Center for Oral and Public History and the Arboretumʻs Orange County Agricultural and Nikkei Heritage Museum. In addition to receiving a $5,000 scholarship, the winner will also have the opportunity to contribute to not only Japanese-American history, but to the museum being built at the Arboretum as well. The winner of the scholarship will

also get a chance to publish a book that is related to Japanese-American or Nikkei culture and the history of Orange County agriculture. After the book is published, it will be sold at the Arboretum. The winner will not be able to keep the proceeds from book sales, but will still get the scholarship money, said Michael Paul Wong, the assistant dean of student affairs for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “You get the fame piece and you get the fortune piece,” Wong said. Profits from the book will benefit the Orange County Agricultural and Nikkei Heritage Museum, the focal point of the new $2.7 million visitor and educational center scheduled for an August 2005 opening. “Weʼre getting a lot of interest

generated already,” said Art Hansen, the director of the Center for Oral and Public History. Hansen said scholarships of this type are uncommon. “There are very few scholarships that are like this,” Hansen said. After submitting an application, potential authors will have to provide a project design and a sample of their work, Hansen said. The scholarship is only opened to full-time students in the Humanities and Social Sciences who hold a minimum 3.0 GPA. Hansen said that studentsʼ work can be fiction or non-fiction, a childrenʼs book, or even a play. He said that the imagination that students provide is essential to the project. “Weʼre not looking for something thatʼs going to sit on the shelf,”

Hansen said. “Itʼs got to have public appeal and be attractive to readers.” The college is also awarding six $500 scholarships to students accepted to travel abroad programs starting this summer as a way to help with expenses, Wong said. In September, the Alumni Association hosted the Jerry Goodman Alumni Association Golf Tournament as a way for CSUF alumni and community supporters to help raise scholarship money for the university. Carlos Leija, the executive director of alumni relations, said the money raised went to all eight colleges and athletics. “It was a way for us to show the colleges that the Alumni Association is here to support them,” Leija said.

E! network promotes internships Just beachy Students receive tips from entertainment industry professional By KELLY HICKMAN Daily Titan Staff

In a highly competitive world, scoring the perfect job can be hard to come by. It is often said that itʼs not what you know, itʼs who you know. On Wednesday night, members from the Entertainment and Tourism Club and other Cal State Fullerton students had the opportunity to meet face to face with the person who could possibly grant them their

dream job at one of the worldʼs largest network for entertainment news. “Iʼm the middle man between you and the department,” said Ann Clingan, the human resources and internship coordinator for E! Entertainment who spoke to students interested in attaining an entry-level position or internship at E! “Even if all the internship positions are filled, if you have a great resume and had a stellar interview, I could possibly create an internship for you.” Clingan said internships are a great way of getting a foot in the door. “The purpose of internships is to try and figure out what you do or donʼt like and if you donʼt like it you

can try something else,” Clingan said. She is currently scouting for winter and spring interns which caused a lot of buzz from the thirty or so students in attendance. “I want to know what I can do in order to apply and what type of people theyʼre looking for,” said Michele Singleton, a junior radioTV-film major who attended the meeting. “I want to get as much information as I can.” Clingan provided the inquiring students with a Powerpoint presentation on the logistics of the company, including all of the different departINTERNSHIP 3



A beach lover braves the winter chill while sitting close to the breaking waves at Huntington Beach on Wednesday. Check out this weekend’s weather forecast on Page 2.

2 Thursday, December 2, 2004





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DEC. 2 - DEC. 5, 2004


Thursday Rock nʼ Espanol band Enjemre will be performing in the TSU pub today at noon. The show is sponsored by ASI Productions Inc.

Bush seeks Canadaʼs help in Iraq

“Patriot Act in Historical Perspective,” a presentation by Gordon Bakken of the History Department, will take place at 10 a.m. in the Ruby Gerontology Centerʼs Mackey Auditorium. For more information, call (714) 278-2446.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia – President Bush asked Canadians on Wednesday to move beyond their deep opposition to the Iraq war and get behind his vision of democracies blooming from Baghdad to the West Bank. “Sometimes even the closest of friends disagree, and two years ago we disagreed about the course of action in Iraq,” Bush said, standing at the side of Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.

“Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen With Arylphosphines & Orgaonometallics,” a lecture sponsored by the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department will take place at 4 p.m. in McCarthy Hall, Room 512.

Ukraine parliament against government KIEV, Ukraine – Ukraineʼs opposition scored key victories Wednesday in its bid to scrap a disputed presidential election as parliament voted no confidence in the government and European-brokered talks provided momentum toward holding a new ballot. Opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko urged throngs of supporters to stay on the streets until plans for what he demanded – a rerun of the Nov. 21 runoff with Kremlin-backed Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych – are worked out.

Jazz Ensemble I, under the direction of Chuck Tumlinson, will be performing in the Performing Arts Centerʼs Little Theatre. The music starts at 8 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-3371.

Iraqi president backs Jan. 30 elections BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqʼs president, an influential Sunni Muslim, threw his support Wednesday behind holding the Jan. 30 election on time despite insurgent threats he said have paralyzed voter registration voter registration in some Sunni areas of the country. Moving to bolster security ahead of the vote, the United States said it was expanding its military force in Iraq by 12,000 to about 150,000 by yearʼs end – the highest level of the war.

Cusack at the movies: ASI Productions Inc. will be showing two Cusack movies back-to-back in the Titan Theatre. “Gross Point Blank” will show at 6 p.m. followed by “High Fidelity” at 9 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-3501.

Powell condemns Haitian violence PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Heavy gunfire rang out near Haitiʼs presidential palace Wednesday as Secretary of State Colin Powell met with the countryʼs interim leaders. Powell said international peacekeeping troops need to come down hard on street toughs and those who carry out political violence in Haiti.

Local Man flees L.A. International Airport LOS ANGELES – Police searched Los Angeles International Airport Wednesday evening for a man who fled a security screening station. The man was preparing to go through a metal detector when he grabbed his carry-on bag and fled after being asked to remove his jacket. Police called off the search about an hour later. “He was only being sought for questioning, he hadnʼt committed any crimes,” Tom Winfrey, an airport spokesman said.

Man pleads guilty to weapons charge SANTA ANA – A Yorba Linda man charged in federal court for attempting to board a plane with a loaded handgun, folding knife, and 10 syringes in his carry-on bag has pleaded guilty to one of three counts in a plea deal with prosecutors. He pleaded guilty to carrying the loaded handgun Tuesday in exchange for the promise of a lenient sentence. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for Feb. 8. Khatami had a .38-caliber handgun and a six-inch buck knife with him when he attempted to catch a June 24 flight for Chicago from John Wayne Airport. He told investigators he forgot the items were in his bag in his rush to catch the flight. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2004 Daily Titan



<Insert your caption here> The Daily Titan invites you to participate in a creative writing contest. Write a caption and title for the above photo and submit them to photo@dailytitan.com by Friday, Dec. 3. Put “Caption Contest” in the e-mail subject line, and include your full name and major. Winners’ names and captions will be published in next Monday’s issue.



“He loses so quickly, so terribly unsatisfying, you want him to do a great death scene or something. Think about how long it took Jimmy Smits to die on ʻNYPD Blue.ʼ And for ʻSeinfeldʼ and ʻFriends,ʼ there were these big countdowns. I feel cheated. I wanted something like that for (Jeopardy winner) Ken Jennings. Hopefully they will bring him back tomorrow for a proper farewell.” -Robert Thompson, director of the Center for Popular Television at Syracuse University Compiled from The LA Times

Did you


For some, nudity is too risky

BURLINGTON, Ont. — According to police, two young girls were on their way to a coffee shop when they were flashed. The flasher, a 30-year-old man, wasnʼt nude under his dark bathrobe, but happened to be sporting a womanʼs bra and thong. After viewing the scantily clad fella, the girls ran to the police and gave his description. Det. Al Nikitin of Halton regional police said, “Itʼs semi-weird, but Iʼve seen weirder.”

You shouldnʼt play with your food MUNSEY PARK, N.Y. — A Japanese hibachi chef didnʼt know what he was getting into when he playfully threw a piece of grilled shrimp toward a table-side diner. The food-flinging incident at a Benihana restaurant is now being blamed for causing a manʼs death. The lawyer for the deceased manʼs estate says that the manʼs reflex to duck from the food caused a neck injury that required surgery. Apparently, the first operation had complications, so a second surgery was performed. Five months later, Jerry Colaitis died of an illness his family blames on the injury. Colaitisʼ estate is seeking $10 million in damages. Compiled from www.bizarrenews.com

Come run or walk in support of Orange County childrenʼs charities at the OC Marathon in Newport Beach. Events begin at 7:30 a.m. at the Newport Center near Fashion Island. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.



Thursday, Dec. 2 Sunny Low 39°


Friday, Dec. 3 Sunny Low 39°


Saturday, Dec. 4 Mostly Sunny Low 42°


Compiled from The Weather Channel


Daily Titan

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Thursday, December 2, 2004 3

Brokaw resigns U.N. reports Rwandan troops in eastern Congo

NBC anchor signs off, expresses thanks for past 23 years on air The Associated Press

NEW YORK – After bringing viewers the news for nearly 23 years, NBC anchor Tom Brokaw signed off Wednesday expressing gratitude for what he got in return. “Thanks for all that I have learned from you,” he said at the end of his final “Nightly News” broadcast, his voice wavering just a bit. “Thatʼs been my richest reward.” Brokaw reminded his audience how “weʼve been through a lot together, through dark days and nights, and seasons of hope and joy. “Whatever the story, I had only one objective: to get it right,” he said, adding he was “always mindful that your patience and attention didnʼt come with a lifetime warranty.”


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ments students could intern for, such as E! Online, public relations, on-air talent and casting, advertising and business development. A good resume and an even better interview are some of the determining factors of landing a job or internship, but the students who are actually chosen as interns should do their best to impress their employer, Clingan said. “With duties, always ask for more things to do, your work gets noticed that way,” Clingan said. “Weʼll pick the best interns and hire them in entry-level positions.” In order to attain positions in any industry, Clingan stressed the importance of participating in extracurricular activities at school. “I highly encourage joining clubs,” Clingan said. “It makes you look more well-rounded.”

Making good on an exit plan announced in May 2002, Brokaw, 64, is stepping away from daily journalism to pursue his varied other interests, including more time on his Montana ranch. But his NBC association will continue under an agreement to host at least three documentaries a year. While Brokaw was saying his good-byes, Peter Jennings was praising him on ABC as “a competitor in the best sense, which in our trade means, when he beats us on a story, it is usually the result of enterprise.” Over on CBS, Dan Rather said, “For more than 30 years, I have known Tom as friend and competitor who has earned the respect of his audience, and his colleagues, myself included.” Then to Brian Williams, Rather added, “Welcome to the neighborhood.” Williams, Brokawʼs successor, will take over “Nightly News” starting with Thursdayʼs broadcast. Clingan cited the Entertainment and Tourism Club as a group wellsuited for students interested in the entertainment industry. “It is really important for students to be involved in clubs because a job in entertainment is a really hard field to get into,” said Nicole Menconi, a junior public relations major and president of the club. Having Clingan speak at the meeting was also an opportunity to promote the three-year-old club on campus. “Weʼre a new club and weʼre trying to draw more people,” said Daniele Taska, a sophomore business management major and club treasurer. “E! is a mainstream entertainment network and that has drawn people here tonight.” Taska also urged students to join other clubs on campus. “The purpose of being here is to take advantage of these opportunities. If you do, you can get far in this industry,” Taska said.

Suspected forces withdrew following Tuesdayʼs encounter The Associated Press

GOMA, Congo – U.N. observers encountered what they believed to be about 100 Rwandan troops in eastern Congo, a U.N. official said Wednesday, marking the first reported U.N. sightings since Rwanda threatened to send in its forces against Rwanda Hutu rebels sheltering here. The suspected Rwandan forces withdrew toward Rwanda after Tuesdayʼs encounter, said Mʼhand Ladjouzi, head of the U.N. mission at Goma. He spoke at a news conference in Goma, the largest city of the east. A Rwandan diplomat denied Rwanda had invaded again, after a week of warnings that raised fears of a return to the six-nation war that devastated Congo, Africaʼs third-largest nation. But the denial came even as

a Western envoy in Kinshasa, Congoʼs capital, said Rwandan President Paul Kagame warned that Rwandan troops would carry out “surgical strikes” against rebels in a letter to U.N. SecretaryGeneral Kofi Annan. In the letter, which circulated among embassies in Congo on Wednesday, Kagame said military operations would last two weeks, according to the envoy, who spoke on condition of anonymity. U.N. officials in Kinshasa said they had no knowledge of the letter. The U.N. Security Council scheduled closed-door consultations Thursday in response to Congoʼs request for an emergency meeting. Congo has asked the council to condemn Rwandaʼs threat and impose sanctions finding Kagame “personally responsible for the threat posed to the sovereignty of Congo and to the entire peace process in the region.” Kagame told Rwandan lawmakers Tuesday that Rwanda would act against 8,000-10,000 Rwanda

Hutu rebels based in east Congo, saying a five-month-old U.N.-led disarmament program had failed to neutralize the Rwandan Hutu rebel forces. In Kinshasa, Congoʼs capital, U.N. spokeswoman Patricia Tome said Wednesday that Rwandaʼs threat “astonished” the U.N. mission in Congo, as it came at a time when authorities hoped to speed up the U.N.-led disarmament effort. U.S. State Department spokesman Adam Ereli urged Rwanda and Congo “to solve their differences diplomatically and not militarily, through the exchange of gunfire or the movement of troops in the area.” Until Wednesday, U.N. officials said extensive sweeps by their more than 11,000-strong force in Congo had turned up no signs of Rwandan incursions since Rwandaʼs threat. Small-scale infiltrations by Rwanda since foreign armies formally withdrew from Congoʼs war “are not new. Of course, itʼs taking different dimensions now,” Ladjouzi said. “But this gives the

impression of an act of aggression,” he said. A joint patrol with Congolese troops last week arrested nine Rwandan troops who remain in Congolese custody, he said. He did not say what the suspected 100 Rwandan forces were doing when the U.N. observers encountered them, whether they were armed, and how they were traveling. Tome said the sighting was at Rutshuru, a town a few miles inside Congo. Ladjouzi said U.N. forces also were investigating reports of three villages being burned between Rutshuru and Lubero. Large numbers of Rwandan Hutu rebels have begun moving west out of the Rutshuru region, sending civilians fleeing, Ladjouzi said. Rwandan forces did not cause those refugee flights, he said. “If Rwandan forces target the civilian population, MONUC will take action,” he said, using the U.N. acronym for its mission in Congo.

CSUF orchestra wraps up semester Symphony performs Beethoven, Stravinsky at Little Theatre By VIRGINIA TERZIAN Daily Titan Staff

The Cal State Fullerton symphony orchestra, an all-student orchestra, will present its last concert of the semester at the Little Theatre this Saturday at 8 p.m. The 60-piece group will perform the music of such well-known composers as Beethoven,

Stravinsky and Vaughan Williams, as well as faculty composer Ken Walicki. The concert, entitled “Homage to the Classics,” will offer the chance to hear some of the most influential musical pieces of all time, from Beethovenʼs “Symphony No. 7” to Stravinskyʼs “Suite for Small Orchestra No. 1.” Walickiʼs piece, “Serendipity,” was composed during his time in Istanbul, Turkey in 2002, but Saturday will be the first time the piece is played in public. “The orchestra is playing the piece really well and itʼs a world premiere, which is really rare in the Music Department,” Walicki said. He described the piece as a post-

modern style score with influences in blues, rock and world music from both India and Tibet. Kimo Furumoto, the director of the orchestra, heads the group of CSUF students who, he said, has only been around for a short time but has already shown great promise. “There was not an orchestra program for seven or eight years prior to our starting over again,” Furumoto said. “The Symphony Orchestra was formed in the fall of 2001, so this is our fourth season.” Lane Walker, a music history major and three-year veteran of the orchestra, said there has been an overall improvement of the groupʼs sound and individual musical skills. Cellist Esther Baek, a senior music

major and three-year member of the orchestra, said she is looking forward to this yearʼs concert in part because it offers a more challenging music selection. “Itʼs a more professional music style and I can tell I will develop more as a musician and am improving a lot from it,” she said. Walker said he wants to encourage students to check out the concert because it offers “the lush, rich sound you can only achieve with a symphony.” Furumoto said the concert gives students a chance to experience something they may not have done before and that students “can hear a good orchestra right here on campus for a very reasonable price.”

4 Thursday, December 2, 2004


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and Birthplace, which has had nearly 2.5 million visitors since opening in Yorba Linda in July 1990. Although tourists from around the world visit the library, there are still many locals who frequent the presidential museum. Denah Brahm of Lake Forest wants her three children to be educated on the leaders of the country. “I want them to learn about their past presidents and learn about [the presidentsʼ] mistakes and accomplishments,” Brahm, 34, said. One of the largest exhibits at the Nixon Library is the Watergate Gallery, where visitors can learn about the history of Watergate and listen to the “smoking gun” tape. “I really needed to come and learn some [history] myself,” Jill Capote, a 37-year-old mom from Lake Forest, said while visiting the Nixon Library. For Brahm, her only previous visit to the Nixon Library and Birthplace was when Nixon died in 1994. Brahm stood in a line that wrapped around neighboring streets, waiting to walk past the casket on display to give her respects. After a few hours of waiting, Brahm gave up. Nixon and his wife, Patricia Ryan Nixon, are both buried at the library and today Brahm can pay tribute to the former president at his headstone placed a few yards away from the home he was born in.


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China ordered local officials to learn about the disease and televised a rare visit by President Hu Jintao to AIDS patients in a hospital. With an estimated 840,000 infected with HIV, China has been criticized for reacting too slowly to the threat of AIDS. The United Nations has warned that China could have as many as 10 million people infected by 2010 if it

Another presidentʼs death attracted visitors about 80 miles north of the Nixon Library at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley last June. Since then, visitor turnout at the library has increased greatly, said Melissa Giller, a spokeswoman for the Reagan Library. “[Annually] weʼve had about 200 to 230,000 visitors in the past, but this year weʼre going to surpass 500,000,” Giller said. Wallace Grover of Garden Grove visited the Ronald Reagan Library last September because of the memorial for the former president. “I decided to visit the Reagan Library because he was buried there,” Grover, 79, said. “I also wanted see the artifacts from his presidency that were on display.” Of the artifacts on display, Grover said he thinks Reagan was quite popular in part because of the movies he made before he was president. At the library, there is a special section dedicated to Reaganʼs film career, which lasted over 20 years. Presidential libraries can give visitors a good look at the lives of presidents both before and during their time in office, Grover said. “I think itʼs important that people visit presidential libraries because it gives a person a closer view of that president than you would have if you visited the White House during his presidency,” Grover said. Giller agrees. “Itʼs a way for history to come alive,” Giller said. “And to educate yourself on what that president did doesnʼt take urgent action. In southern Africa, red ribbons were tied to lamp posts and draped over buildings to promote AIDS awareness. In a cricket match against India, South African players wore the ribbons. Zambians gathered for a candlelight memorial service in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in their capital, Lusaka. Soccer matches in Botswana were dedicated to the campaign. “HIV/AIDS is not Godʼs punishment of the wicked,” Anglican Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane



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University Police coordinate the campus community volunteers stationed throughout campus hoping to achieve these objectives. Regular monthly meetings are held to provide training in crime prevention techniques and emergency response guidelines for the community volunteers. A student caught committing any crime on campus will face the same penalties for violating any other standards set forth by the university, said Sandra Rhoten, the associate dean of judicial affairs for the dean of students office. An investigation begins once a written letter of complaint is sent to the Judicial Affairs Office. The student may either accept the charges or deny them, in which case the student can request a hear-

ing. A recommendation of restitution is proposed to the president of the university who then has the final authority over any disciplinary actions against the student, Rhoten said. “Penalties can include a warning probation, suspension or even expulsion from the university,” Rhoten said. “If the offense is severe enough, there can be a parallel process involving the criminal court system.” To help students feel safer on campus, an escort service provided by University Police is available for both faculty and students. “I think that our campus is really safe,” Erin Browning, senior psychology major, said. “I feel safe, but at the same time I think itʼs important to walk fast and not talk to people you donʼt know at night. From what I have heard, this school has a relatively safe atmosphere to it.”

LAURA GORDON/Daily Titan Copy Editor

A miniature White House is on display at the Nixon Library through March 2. while in office.” At the Ronald Reagan Library, there are some unique features that not every presidential library has. “No one else has an Air Force One,” Giller said. “We also have an actual piece of the Berlin Wall on display and a built-to-scale replica of the Oval Office of how it looked during Reaganʼs last day in office.” Reaganʼs Air Force One display is currently under construction and will open in summer 2005.

“I enjoyed seeing the section of the Berlin Wall and viewing the uncompleted building that will house the Air Force One that Reagan used,” Grover said. For the holidays, the Reagan Library will host several special events, including Christmas Around the World, an event that displays holiday cultural traditions of countries Reagan visited during his presidency. That exhibit will run through Jan. 2, 2005.

of South Africa said, appealing for tolerance. “AIDS is a preventable, treatable and manageable disease – no more, no less.” Malawiʼs President Bingu wa Mutharika said he wants at least 1 million of his 11 million people tested for HIV so his government can determine how many need antiretroviral treatment. “We want to have 80,000 people on ARVs by the end of 2005,” he said. That would be nearly 10 times the number of Malawians now receiving free treatment. Eastern Europe, where AIDS fig-

ures have jumped since the collapse of the Soviet Union, joined in the observance. Serbia-Montenegro had live radio and television programs to increase awareness of how the disease spreads. In the Croatian capital, Zagreb, activists handed out condoms and sold Christmas cards made by AIDS-infected children. And in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, an “Open Your Eyes” concert echoed through the Kaarli Church. Portugal, which has one of the highest rates of new AIDS infec-


got a great place in here in a great location. It should be very exciting and weʼre anxious to see what happens.” Deanna Plascencia, the director of public relations for Associated Students Inc., feels the student body of Cal State Fullerton provides a lot of worthy candidates for the show.

“MTV has been on campus before this semester and I think they realize the potential in this area,” Plascencia said. “Hopefully they pick somebody from CSUF that will represent us well.” The Orange County casting call will be the last stop of a nationwide search that takes place annually as MTV casts a new group of roommates every season. The Alcatraz Brewing Company is located at 20 City Blvd. in The Block at Orange.

tions in western Europe, opened the new headquarters of an association to support AIDS patients. A televised five-hour dance-athon was held simultaneously in the Dutch city of Arnhem and in Cape Town, South Africa, to raise money to fight AIDS. One candle was lighted for each of the 1,800 people who have died of AIDS in Denmark during a ceremony in Copenhagen. Victor Mooney, 40, of Woodhaven, N.Y., kicked off a campaign in Rome to raise $200,000 by selling bracelets to fund his rowing

trip from Senegal to New York next year to raise AIDS awareness. Piot took his message about improving the chances of women to the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. Hosted by actors Gloria Reuben and Alan Cumming, the event featured singer Mary Wilson and South Africaʼs Sinikithemba Choir. “We will not be able to stop this epidemic unless we put women at the heart of the response to AIDS,” Piot said in a statement released before his appearance at the cathedral.

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