2005 02 23

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CSUF wrestling looks to lead the ‘Pac’ in championships 6

New ways to pay off student loans; lawsuit filed against Prop. 71 3

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

We d n e s d a y, F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 0 5

Daily Titan

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 8

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Pension privatization plan meets criticism Schwarzenegger’s controversial proposal is not well-received By Julie Kim Daily Titan Staff

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposal to privatize state pensions would not only affect public employees, but Cal

State Fullerton students as well, said critics of the measure. Because the controversial plan would “take away solid benefits” from public service sectors such as teaching, talented professors would go into other job industries, said Shelly Arsneault, a political science professor at CSUF. Under the current public pension system, non-federal employees are guaranteed certain monthly retirement benefits by the government.

Plan B offers a new alternative Contraception can be obtained through campus Health Center By Nadine Hernandez Daily Titan Staff

Sex can be a fantasy, but sometimes a fast-fading one the morning after. Emergency contraceptives, when properly used following unprotected sex, can significantly reduce the chances of pregnancy. Plan B, named for the fact that it is considered a “last-resort” form of birth control, is an example of one of these emergency contraceptives that is available with a prescription, Sav-On pharmacist Linh Le said. This pill, in fact, is also available to Cal State Fullerton students. Despite the fact that the Health Center faculty declined to comment on the emergency contraception, CSUF students can obtain Plan B through the school’s Health Center by enrolling in Family PACT (Planning Access Care Treatment), according to a document provided by the center. Plan B is often prescribed, however it is also available in advance without a prescription in California, said Kendra Caton, senior nurse at Barr Pharmaceuticals. Though the contraceptive might be considered a fast and easy way to inhibit pregnancy, Obstetrician Gynecologist Nancy Roberson Jasper from New York’s Presbyterian Hospital stressed that its attainability should not be abused. “Don’t use [Plan B] as a sole method of contraception,” Jasper said. “It is truly an emergency back-up.”

According to doctors, there is a narrow window of opportunity in which Plan B must be taken in order to work properly. The pill should be taken no later than 72 hours after intercourse to prevent fertilization, ovulation and possible implantation because once the implantation begins it may be too late, Le said. Le added that the contraceptive consists of two pills to be taken orally; the first prescribed pill should be taken within 24 hours and the second one 12 hours later. If taken correctly, Plan B is 89 percent effective, Jasper said, adding that Plan B is progesterone only, has no estrogen and has a high degree of safety. There is no limit to how often the pill can be taken since it is only a slightly higher dose than the birth control pill, Le said. Le emphasized that Plan B is not an abortion pill and should only be taken in instances where a condom breaks or no protection is used at all. Despite this, she said that Plan B should not be a substitute for condoms. The pill can also be taken after a woman has gone through sexual assault, Le said. A very important note to remember is that Plan B does not cause an abortion, Jasper said. “It is a contraceptive not an abortificant,” she said. Jasper said if patients want to keep the pill on hand in case of an emergency, it can be asked for in advance, which some college students may find advantageous. “The presence of the pill is good.” undeclared CSUF student Maki Okubo said. “It would be useful in an emergency but using a Plan B 3

These benefits are calculated by the number of years they have worked and the highest salary they have received. A change, however, would mean that public pensions become more like individual 401(k) retirement packages. It would make people more accountable for pension; people who might not have the expertise to do so. “Even the above-average person has no time, connections and money

to invest well,” said Alice Sunshine, communications director for the California Faculty Association. “The few who succeed got lucky.” Jim Hard, president of the Service Employees International Union, Local 1000, agreed. “You are risking it all yourself as an individual,” he said. Schwarzenegger introduced the plan last month in hopes that the pension privatization plan would curtail the state’s $8.6 billion budget

deficit, according to the Los Angeles Times. As of now, if an individual’s investments don’t produce enough money to cover the set benefits, the government must make up for the losses. California pays up to $2.6 billion in pension shortfalls. “In the long run, it will probably save taxpayers nothing,” Hard said. Schwarzenegger is making good on his promise to not raise taxes, but he should “spread the pain around

By Carolina Ruiz-mejia Daily Titan Staff

The Phi Alpha Theta National Honorary Society in History awarded Welebaethan, Cal State Fullerton’s journal of history, The Jerald Nash Award for the best yearly student

journal publication in 2004, beating out UCLA. “Welebaethan won first place; UCLA won second place,” said Scott Behen, editor-in-chief of the journal for 2005 and a graduate history student at CSUF. Welebaethan is a student-driven journal, said Behen, who has been involved with the publication for three years. According to Behen, although the journal was submitted last August, the Welebaethan’s staff just notified in January that their

‘Résumés wanted’ gives students crash course on basics By Shannin Hewkin Daily Titan Staff

Hanney, adding that same-sex couples in the armed services already enjoy equal pension rights. The new act does not use the term “marriage,” but among other benefits it grants same-sex couples rights to their partners’ pensions; gives them next-of-kin status; and exempts them from paying inheritance tax on a partner’s home. It also will require partners to provide

Eager, well-dressed, folder-toting students braved the rain Tuesday morning for a chance to get their résumés reviewed and critiqued by over 50 career professionals at “Résumés Wanted,” an event sponsored by the Cal State Fullerton Career Center. The event began with a presentation by Angie Menendez, a recruiter for Ernst & Young, who stressed the importance of being clear, focused, error-free and, most importantly, concise when writing a résumé. “Résumés are a snapshot of you,” she said. “You will have the opportunity to tell stories and elaborate, but the résumé isn’t the place to do it.” Employers, who often sort through hundreds of résumés, spend about 20 to 30 seconds on each résumé before deciding if the candidate attached to the résumé is worth interviewing, Menendez said. She also said action verbs such as plan, organize, manage and coordinate should be included in job descriptions to help résumés get flagged by scanning machines used by many larger businesses. Billie Sims, a CSUF liberal studies graduate who finished her teaching credential during the spring 2004 semester, is one of many students concerned about the effect scanning machines will have on their chances of getting a job this year. “That’s why I’m here today,” said Sims, a substitute teacher who said she is looking for a full-time job. “I’ve heard that if you use italics or boldface type, a lot of scanning machines will not read your résumé. “I just created a very basic résumé and I’ll revise it now that I know what I need to add,” she said. Menendez’s presentation was followed by one on how to survive and thrive during the first six months of a new job. “When somebody takes a new position, they are basically saying, ‘Hello, I’m incompetent’,” Ann Marie Hermanson, director of local accounts at Coca-Cola North America, said during her speech, emphasizing that most new jobs will require an adjustment period. “Accept that fact and embrace it.” Asking questions and observing coworkers in the same or similar positions will help newly-hired individuals’ transitions to go more smoothly, said Hermanson, who is two months into a new position at Coca-Cola North America. Following the presentations, the

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The Associated Press

Surging water fills the Los Angeles River where it runs alongside Interstate 5 in the Los Angeles area Tuesday. Waterlogged Californians braced for even more rain Tuesday as they struggled to recover from storms that have left at least nine people dead. See full story on page 4

publication took first place. The award-winning journal includes research essays, historiographical essays and book reviews. “We advise students. They do the layout, cover design, writing and research,” said Gordon M. Bakken, history professor at CSUF and one of the five faculty advisers for Welebaethan. A board composed of advisers and students from the history department selects the articles that will appear in the publication, Behen said.

According to a statement in the journal, the Welebaethan, as it is presented today, represents the result of the past 31 years of learning experiences, advances in technology and commitment on the part of the History Department students, staff and faculty. These improvements have allowed Welebaethan to compete against California’s top universities. “We have not only beaten UCLA, we’ve also beaten Berkeley,” Bakken

said. According to Bakken, CSUF students create work at very high levels. Associated Students Inc. supports this “high-quality” work and is the main financial provider. The 32-year-old journal is the final product of the class, History Editing 494, taught by CSUF history professor Wendy Elliot-Scheinberg, Behen said. “The fact they [CSUF students] award 3

British Parliament passes bill, recognizes civil partnerships

UK government says same-sex partnerships will begin Dec. 5 The Associated Press

LONDON - Same-sex partners in Britain will be able to enter into civil unions beginning December, joining gays in parts of Europe and the United States in obtaining

many of the rights enjoyed by married people, the government said Monday. The Civil Partnerships Bill passed by Parliament last year gives same-sex couples the right to form legally binding partnerships and entitles them to some of the same tax and pension rights married couples have. Starting Dec. 5, couples will be able to notify the register office at their local council that they intend

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Expert advice helps Titans

A river runs through it

CSUF history journal places first in competition

Welebaethan wins award over other top California universities

instead of forcing the burden on one group of people,” Arsneault said. She added that the state tax rate isn’t as high as many citizens believe; it is about in the middle when compared to the rest of the nation. “Our property tax is ridiculously low,” she said. Sunshine suggested that the governor cut out extensive loopholes in

to form civil partnerships. After a 15-day waiting period, they will sign an official partnership document in front of witnesses. “This legislation is going to make a real difference to these couples and it demonstrates the government’s commitment to equality and social justice,” said Deputy Minister for Women and Equality Jacqui Smith. “It opens the way to respect, recognition and justice for those who have been denied it for too long.”

The government said some register offices have already started receiving inquiries from same-sex couples. Separately Monday, the armed services said they will allow samesex couples with registered partnerships to share family quarters. “We will be complying with the law. We are obliged to give equal treatment to gay and lesbian partnerships” under the new act, said Royal Navy spokesman Anton

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