2005 03 09

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Titans use 4-1 win in alumni game as final tuneup before season opener 6

Letter to the editor: Bookstore stocks up on frustration, not texbooks 3

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

We d n e s d a y, M a r c h 9 , 2 0 0 5

Daily Titan

Downtown area draws students

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 1 6

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Horton gets an award again

The air up there

Recent redevelopment adds additional appeal to Fullerton hot spot

The city of Fullerton plans on expanding the downtown district by adding more restaurants and other attractions. “Roscoe’s Famous Deli opened up three weeks ago at 116 W. Commonwealth Ave. This is the second restaurant Courtney Salas opened up by Jack Franklyn, the owner Daily Titan Staff of the neighboring Heroes Restaurant,” After a long day of school or work, said Kay Miller, the economic develdowntown Fullerton provides a great opment manager of Fullerton. “Both escape for Cal State Fullerton students. are in the hot new SOCO [South of With great restaurants and bars just Commonwealth] District.” minutes away from school, downtown For those who prefer more of an ethnic Fullerton has become the ideal hangout scene, Miller said that Branagan’s Irish spot in northern Orange County for Pub and the Roman Cucina recently CSUF and other local college students. opened up on north Harbor Boulevard. “I like the fact that there is a place She added that an Indian cuisine restauaround here where the bars are close rant is scheduled to open within the next together and there is a close interaction few months in the old Williams Building, between Cal State Fullerton students,” where the Imperial Ballroom and The said Scott DeLong, a senior business Rail Restaurant are also located. Miller major. DeLong, along with other stu- also said a Japanese restaurant Mitsui dents, likes the fact that Shabu will soon open students can park in one on Wilshire. spot and go to six or Miller said that It’s nice to see seven different places in SOCO, on the east Fullerton finally one night. side of Harbor, will establishing an “Downtown Fullerton welcome the opening area where all the has a lot of local of Slidebar Rock ‘n local colleges can appeal,” DeLong said. Roll Café where the “You have people of all former Hub Café was interact. ages in Fullerton, not located. This is anothScott DeLong just college students, so er business enterprise Fullerton Student people tend to be nicer by Sean Francis, city because of this.” planning commissionBefore downtown er and the owner of Fullerton earned its current status, the Continental Room in downtown. CSUF students often traveled to local “This area [SOCO] will be undergobeach cities to interact with other col- ing a renovation this year to make it lege students. more pedestrian-friendly and to boldly “There are a lot of schools, especially identify the area with neon-lit entry on the East Coast, where the college stu- arches,” Miller said. “The allies will dents have their own area to hang out,” have pavers and landscaping treatments; DeLong said. “I would like to see Cal utilities will be underground.” State Fullerton have this because I’m With the vegan diet gaining popusick of going to Newport or Huntington larity within our society, Miller said all the time.” downtown Fullerton is opening Sidney’s As downtown Fullerton is becoming Café, which will have a vegan menu and more popular, the city of Fullerton is an outdoor dining area that offers a working to create an even more enjoy- water dish for your pooch. This trendy able atmosphere for local residents and restaurant will be located on Wilshire. college students. Around the corner, Miller said that “With Cal State Fullerton being Lollicup, a café and juice bar, will open a commuter school, it’s nice to see on Wilshire to provide a more mellow Fullerton finally establishing an area scene for local residents. In addition, a where all the local colleges can inter- smoothie shop and pizzeria will open act,” DeLong said. “We have never had in the new Pinnacle development on a distinct area where students can go to downtown 4 before this.”

Greg Haidl defense attorneys aim to avoid another mistrial By Shannon Hewkin Daily Titan Staff

Elizabeth Zuluaga/Daily Titan

BJ Vandrovec, a business major, grits his teeth as he launches toward victory at a promotional event in the Quad on Tuesday. Vandrovec is a member of the CSUF pole-vaulting team.

CSU campuses determine unique schedules Students find difficulty coordinating vacations due to different holidays By Stefanie Franklin Daily Titan Staff

Students and faculty may notice that all their Cal State system peers don’t observe the same school year schedules. “I just figured that since my girlfriend and I both went to Cal States, we’d get the same holidays off,” said Matt Humberstone, an engineering physics junior at Cal State Northridge. “It’s not that big of a deal, but it gets in the way of vacation planning.”

The trip he and his Cal State Long Beach girlfriend had planned was for President’s Day weekend, which Long Beach observed by closing their campus, but Northridge did not. “CSUs all have different schedules because it is left up to each CSU’s faculty and president,” said Clara Potes-Fellow, CSU spokesperson. “They vote on the schedules that best suit each campus’ needs.” While holiday schedules vary between CSUs, so do spring and winter recesses, final exam dates, commencements and semester beginnings and endings. These are scheduled around a set number of school days each college must adhere to. The Western Associate for Schools and

Colleges, WASC, is a national accrediting body that approves the academics and credentials of universities situated in the west, such as those in California and Hawaii. This organization determines the number of days a California university must offer instruction. In a typical school year, a university must have 147 “instructional days” and at least 170 “academic work days,” said Davida Hopkins-Parham, CSUF executive assistant in Academic Affairs. “Instructional days are normal school days scheduled with the purpose of student instruction, and don‘t include exam weeks,” she said. “Academic work days are instructional days, but also include any additional time that faculty and staff must be on campus when

students aren’t.” Holidays are reassigned throughout each school year to accommodate the mandatory number of instructional and academic workdays, Hopkins-Parham said. If a holiday falls within a semester that already has a set number of non-instruction days, it can be moved to recesses or holiday breaks where they are observed, but don’t provide an additional day off. Typically, said Hopkins-Parham, holidays are observed on the actual day of or near that date, as long as they don’t interfere with the university’s ability to meet the minimum number of required school days. CSU breaks


Titan baseball Head Coach George Horton never thought of himself as a business manager, let alone one who would win an award. “Well, it seems kind of strange to me,” he said. “I don’t see myself as a businessperson, I see myself as a baseball coach.” It was clear, however, that the Orange Coast chapter of the Society for Advancement of Management thought differently when it awarded Horton the Orange County Manager of the Year award Tuesday night at the Marriott Hotel in Fullerton. “Certainly with the team’s accomplishments last year there’s a lot of people that wanted to recognize us and me,” he said. “I [just] find it a little overwhelming and uncharacteristic. On one hand, I think I do a good job as a baseball coach, but to be in that elite category with these other Orange County managers of the year, I’m not sure I belong there, being a baseball coach.” Past recipients of this award include California State University Fullerton President Milton Gordon in 1998, Chapman University President James Doti in 1992, and, most recently Farouk Abdelwahed, associate professor in the Department of Business and Economics. Horton said he felt honored and humbled, if not out of place, among the other recipients. Cliff Doubek, Horton fan and member of the international board of directors for the society, said that the coach was a fitting candidate for the award. “We recognize all types of people, not just people in typical business fields,” Doubek said. “The thing I like about Horton is that he’s down to earth.” Pamela Jones, director of Development for Athletics, agrees. “He’s a quiet leader,” she said. “He focuses on the education of the whole person. He makes sure that the players don’t just leave as outstanding athletes. He makes them outstanding men as well.” Horton’s résumé is impressive. He was a member of the first CSUF team to go to the College World Series in 1975 as well as head coach in 2004 when the Titans won the Series. He captured the Big West Conference Coach of the Year three times, and is a member of the California Community College Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame in large part because of his 226-53 record at Cerritos College. A good support system and exceptional coaches are the keys to the continued success of the CSUF team, Horton said. “I can’t do it all myself,” he said. “For us

Bloodmobile rolls onto El Toro campus, collects donations American Red Cross Blood Drive asks students to donate in order to save lives By Dennis Olson and Dave Osborne Daily Titan Staff

The American Red Cross Bloodmobile paid El Toro students its standard once-asemester visit Tuesday afternoon, aiming to collect at least 40 units of blood, said Robert Flores, assistant coordinator of Student Affairs. Each donor was expected to give one unit, which is one pint of blood. Midway through the visit, American Red Cross Account Manager Linda Saenz

said she was pleased with the number of donors. “We’re doing great,” Saenz said. “In Southern California we live a busy, busy lifestyle and we often take our health [and] blood for granted.” Saenz has been witness to the need for blood in the Orange County community. She said most surgeries performed call for donated blood. While a hand surgery may require only one unit of blood, a liver transplant can require 40 units of blood, she said. Students were encouraged to sign up ahead of time but also had the option to sign in upon arrival at the Bloodmobile located just outside Parking Lot 2. Jennifer Becker, a registered nurse for

the American Red Cross, said she has been One popular excuse used by those who traveling with the Bloodmobile for the last do not want to give blood is the fear of three years and encourages needles. students to assist in replen“It’s so easy, once you ishing the low blood supply understand that it’s just In Southern in California. a quick pinch,” Saenz California, less “In Southern California, said. than 2 percent of less than 2 percent of the El Toro student the population populatio donates, and we Joseph Cope decided to have to import blood from take advantage of the donates ... Oregon, Washington, and the Bloodmobile on campus East Coast,” Becker said. and donate blood for the Jennifer Becker Becker added that she first time. Registered Nurse has noticed in Southern He said he saw it as California’s culturally an opportunity to help diverse communities, many people are others. uninformed about giving blood and don’t “I wanted to give [blood] to someone see a reason to give. who needs it and help out the community,”

Cope said. Donated blood lasts 42 days after it is removed. Donors are asked to give every 56 days, in order to allow enough time for their bodies to recuperate. The Bloodmobile visits Cal State Fullerton’s main campus twice a month for students who wish to donate their blood to the American Red Cross. While one pint does not seem like a lot of blood, Saenz said any contribution helps. “We can save up to three lives with just one pint,” she said.


2 Wednesday, March 9, 2005

News in Rief


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Sittin’ in a tree

M A RC H 9, 2005



Depression is one of the most common mental health problems for CSUF students. From noon to 1 p.m. Cass Stringer from the Counseling and Psychological services will present “Understanding Depression” in the Women’s Center and Adult Reentry in UH 205.

Bush: Middle East to see more democracy

Interested in running for ASI? The ASI Candidate packets are available now through March 22. Those who want to run for ASI Board of Directors or ASI president/executive vice president must have their packets in by March 22. Potential candidates can pick up packets in TSU 207.

WASHINGTON – President Bush said Tuesday that authoritarian rule in the Middle East has begun to ease, and he insisted anew that Syria must end its nearly three-decade occupation of Lebanon. “Today, I have a message for the people of Lebanon: All the world is witnessing your great movement of conscience,” Bush said during a speech on terrorism at National Defense University. “The American people are at your side.”

Thousands answer militant call in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon ­ – Hundreds of thousands jammed a central Beirut square Tuesday, chanting support for Syria and anti-U.S. slogans in a thundering show of strength by the militant group Hezbollah – a rally that greatly outnumbered recent demonstrations against Syria’s presence in Lebanon. The demonstration came hours before Syria began redeploying its troops within Lebanon to an area closer to the two countries’ border. President Bush, who rejects this as a half-step, said Tuesday that “freedom will prevail in Lebanon” and demanded that Syria withdraw completely.


Every Wednesday of the semester is Bowling Mania. From 3 p.m.to 7 p.m. in the TSU Underground students with a valid CSUF student ID can join in on the fun. Winners receive prizes by knocking down combinations of colored pins. Megan Dangermond/Daily Titan

Bill Clinton to have scar tissue removed NEW YORK – Six months after undergoing heart bypass surgery, former President Clinton will return to the hospital this week to have a rare buildup of fluid and scar tissue removed from his chest. “I feel fine,” Clinton said Tuesday in Washington, adding that he plans to play golf in Florida a day before the operation.

Personal accounts tank in polls, GOP says WASHINGTON – The heart of President Bush’s plan for Social Security, allowing younger workers to create personal accounts in exchange for a lower guaranteed government benefit, is among the least popular elements with the public, Republican pollsters told House GOP leaders Tuesday. The pollsters also stressed the political stakes involved in pursuing Bush’s plan to overhaul the Depression-era program, according to a memo circulated at a session in the Capitol.

Local Oceanside man shot dead after crashing VISTA, Calif. – A 24-year-old man who crashed his car into the Vista jail and was shot by sheriff’s deputies died early Tuesday at a hospital. Jose Mendoza of Oceanside was shot several times during the incident Monday at the San Diego County Detention Facility. Sheriff’s officials said Mendoza crashed his Ford Mustang into the building and then ran into the jail lobby. The department said he refused a deputy’s order to get on the floor. A struggle broke out and deputies opened fire. At least a dozen people were in the lobby, but no one else was hurt, homicide Lt. Tom Bennett said. Mendoza was airlifted to Palomar Medical Center in Escondido. Bennett could offer no explanation for Mendoza’s behavior. “If he was trying to break someone out of the jail, he went to the wrong side. And that would be futile,” Bennett said.

Brother of Jackson accuser admits lying SANTA MARIA – Michael Jackson’s lawyer Tuesday confronted a 14year-old boy whose brother was allegedly molested by the singer, pointing to discrepancies between the boy’s trial testimony and earlier accounts, and extracting an admission he lied in another case. “I knew more back then,” the boy said during a grueling cross-examination. “It was fresher in my memory.” Reports compiled from The Associated Press

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Matt Storing, an American studies major, found a comfortable spot in the sun sitting in a tree in the quad on campus Tuesday afternoon.


in history

March 7

1997 The 11th Soul Train Music Awards take place. 1996: The Hubble Space Telescope takes the first surface photos of Pluto. 1995: New York becomes 38th state to have the death penalty. 1981: First homicide at Disneyland, 18 year old is stabbed to death. 1926: First transatlantic telephone call, London to New York. 1854: Charles Miller patents first U.S. sewing machine to stitch buttonholes. 1573: Turkey and Venice sign peace treaty.

March 8

1995: Costis Stephanopoulos becomes president of Greece. 1994: Defense Department announces a ban smoking in workplaces. 1983: House Foreign Affairs Committee endorses nuclear weapons freeze with USSR. 1979: First extraterrestrial volcano discovered on Io, a satellite of Jupiter. 1946: First helicopter licensed for commercial use (New York City). 1913: Internal Revenue Service begins to levy and collect income taxes. 1911: First International Woman’s Day.

1855: First train crosses 1st U.S. railway suspension bridge, Niagara Falls. 1658: Peace of Roskilde between Sweden and Denmark.

March 9

1997: Steve Elkington wins DoralRyder Golf Open. 1993: Rodney King says in court he thinks he heard cops yell racial slurs. 1986: NASA announces searchers found remains of Challenger astronauts. 1976: First female cadets accepted to West Point Military Academy. 1964: First Ford Mustang produced. 1961: First animal returned from space, dog named Blackie aboard Sputnik 9. 1959: Barbie, the popular girls’ doll, debuted, over 800 million sold. 1496: Jews are expelled from Carintha Austria.

March 10

1996: New York City Mayor Rudolph Guiliani visits Israel. 1994: One million Greeks attend Melina Mercouri’s funeral. 1982: Sygyzy: all 9 planets aligned on same side of Sun. 1975: Dog spectacles patented in England. 1971: Senate approves amendment lowering voting age to 18. 1933: Nevada becomes first U.S. state to regulate narcotics. 1876: First telephone call made (Alexander Graham Bell to Thomas Watson).

March 11

1997: Ashes of Star Trek creator are launched into space. 1991: Janet Jackson signs $40 million album deal with Virgin records. 1986: NFL adopts instant replay rule. 1958: Starting this season, AL batters are required to wear batting helmets. 1942: First deportation train leaves Paris for Auschewitz Concentration Camp. 1702: First English daily newspaper “Daily Courant,” publishes. 1665: NY approves new code guaranteeing Protestants religious rights. 1302: Romeo and Juliet’s wedding day, according to Shakespeare.1942: 1st deportation train leaves Paris for Auschewitz Concentration Camp. Compiled from brainyhistory.com



Wednesday, March 9 Mostly Sunny Low 56°


Thursday, March 10 Mostly Sunny Low 59°


Friday, March 11 Sunny Low 57°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

Daedelus with Busdriver will perform a free show today from noon to 1 p.m. at the Becker Ampitheater. Get there early and get a good seat! The Museum of Latin American Art is presenting “Life as a Cowboy” today from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will feature the culture and mythology of the cowboys. There will be live demonstrations of folklore, music and dances that were important elements of cowboy gatherings. The museum is located at 628 Alamitos Ave. in Long Beach. For information: 562.437.1689. Feel like getting some fresh air? Take a hike through Caspers Park today with the Sierra Club. The 7-mile loop will feature a trek to the Gazebo for lunch, a walk on a trail to Bell Canyon and then a walk back upstream. Interested hikers can meet at 9 a.m. at the South Orange Country rideshare point. Bring water, lugsoles and lunch. In order to participate, a liability waiver needs to be filled out. Waivers can be downloaded at http://www.sierraclub.org/outings/ chapter/forms/ The Newport Beach Central Library is hosting an exhibit today from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. featuring work by Chuck Jones, master of animation. Jones is an animation artist who created Looney Tunes characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. Contact the library at 949.717.3870 for admission information. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.

News CSUF celebrates International Women’s Day

Daily Titan

“Women Hold Up Half the Sky” exhibit adresses social issues By Araseli Cuevas Daily Titan Staff

It is the story of ordinary women who left a mark in time that refuses to be erased. It is a commemoration and celebration rooted in decades of battles for equality in society. For nearly 95 years, International Women’s Day has been observed throughout the world in an attempt to give voice to those without voice, and Cal State Fullerton didn’t stay behind. In an effort to educate the campus community about women’s issues, the Women’s Center, in conjunction with the CSUF Women in the Arts and International Education &

Monday, March 3, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Exchange, presented an exhibit titled “Women Hold Up Half the Sky” Monday in the Visual Arts West Gallery. “‘Women Hold Up Half the Sky’ suggests that there is an awful lot of strength and an awful lot of accomplishments that we need to embrace [and] that it empowers women,” said Sue Passalacqua, associate director for the Women’s Center. The exhibit used posters to showcase issues women have faced since the 1960s with topics ranging from their involvement in politics to their battles for legalization of abortion in some parts of the world to their struggles with breast cancer. The forty pieces will be displayed until March 10 and are being rented from the Center for the Study of Political Graphics based in Los Angeles. Carol A. Wells, founder and

executive director of the center, and commitment, ignite outsaid the center has the largest rage, elicit laughter and provoke archive of political posters in the action. United States with nearly 50,000 Fullerton graduate student Joy pieces and two-dozen exhibits Klein said she was moved by the dating from 1960 to the present. pieces displayed. Wells said that In one postall art media is er, “I Am No important and Longer Afraid ... [International educational and of Mirrors,” a Women’s Day] is a she decided that woman stands reminder of how posters are more proudly, openstrong we need to practical. ing her arms as be ... “A mural can’t if to fly, and she move around,” has had a masWells said, “ [A] tectomy. Joy Klein poster is much “It is a remindFullerton Graduate Student more democratic. er of how strong It can be reprowe need to be,” duced and can be seen in Europe, Klein said. Asia and the United States all at Before the reception, the same time.” Passalacqua said that the goal of On her Web site, political- that event was to ignite dialogue graphic.org, she explains how this and to teach people about the collection, dealing with women’s many challenges and victories of issues, can deepen compassion women.

However, while some students that walked in to view the art that day were aware it was Women’s International Day, many more like Kristina Perez, a Art History graduate student, were not. Perez said that sometimes not being informed is a reminder that as a society we still need to improve on addressing social issues. “Women’s groups are very aware... but it’s not a commercial day… its not publicized by the media and it’s hard to get their attention,” said Barbara McDowell, director of the Women’s Center. McDowell said that today women around the world continue to struggle with violence, their right to choose whether or not to have an abortion and their right to protect their own bodies. She said she hopes that this celebration will one day get the attention it deserves.

According to infoplease.com, about 25,000 women in India are burned each year because of insufficient dowries. The groom’s families set the brides on fire and then cover it up. These families often claim the death was a suicide or an accident. Rape is used as a weapon in places like Mexico, Rwanda, Colombia and Haiti, to name a few. In some countries like Iraq and Pakistan, a rape victim’s of rape will kill the woman in order to preserve their honor of the family. And over 115 million girls and women have suffered some form of female genital mutilation “In our society it’s really easy to be wrapped up in other things and not appreciate what others have done or see what we still need to do,” Klein said.

Military to fast-track investigation into death

Pressure on U.S. to get quick answers in death of Italian agent The Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Iraq – The U.S. military decided Tuesday to conduct an accelerated inquiry to learn why American troops opened fire, killing an Italian intelligence agent and wounding an Italian journalist he helped rescue from insurgents in Iraq. The decision to fast-track the investigation into the attack, which has strained relations with Italy, a key American ally, came as the military also opened an inquiry into the shooting death of a Bulgarian soldier. That death appeared to be another friendly fire incident on the same day. Both probes were an indication of the pressure being brought on the Bush administration by the few

American allies in Europe that have steadfastly supported his policies in Iraq. Italy and its prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, sent 3,000 troops to Iraq, while Bulgaria has 460. Both countries have said they will not withdraw their troops, but domestic pressure to bring them home has been growing – especially in Bulgaria where it has become an election issue. Also Tuesday, American troops fought insurgents in Ramadi, a city 70 miles west of Baghdad. At least two Iraqis were killed in the clashes, and at least six other Iraqis died in other violence around the country. Interim National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie said ousted dictator Saddam Hussein could stand trial by year’s end. “I will be surprised if I do not see Saddam in the box before the end of the year,” he said. “I am very much hopeful that Saddam will be in the box around September and October, before the general referendum” on a constitution.

The March 1 killing of a judge and his lawyer son, both appointed to the tribunal to try the former Iraqi leader and his top henchmen, should not affect that trial or any other, experts have said. The constitution is to be drafted by the National Assembly, which convenes March 16. Negotiations to form Iraq’s first democratically elected government focused Tuesday on the makeup of the Cabinet, after Kurds said they were close to a deal with the Shiite clergy-backed United Iraqi Alliance. The shooting Friday that killed intelligence officer Nicola Calipari and wounded Giuliana Sgrena, a 56year-old journalist for the left-wing Il Manifesto newspaper, angered Italians and rekindled questions about the country’s involvement in Iraq. In Bulgaria, the death of Pvt. Gardi Gardev made the country’s presence in Iraq an issue ahead of general elections in June. Opinion polls showed a growing majority of Bulgarians

oppose the deployment. The opposition party has promised a withdrawal if it wins the election. In Rome, Berlusconi’s office said the premier had “expressed the satisfaction of the Italian government” at the accelerated U.S. military investigation. Friendly fire investigations typically take months. President Bush called Berlusconi on Friday after the shooting and promised a full investigation into the attack, which took place after nightfall as the car carrying Sgrena, Calipari and two other agents approached Baghdad airport. Another agent also was wounded. Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini told parliament Tuesday that U.S. troops killed Calipari by accident, but disputed Washington’s version of events. Fini said the car carrying Calipari and Sgrena was not speeding and U.S. troops did not order it to stop, contrary to what U.S. officials say. But Fini dismissed allegations made by Sgrena that the shooting was

an ambush. “It was an accident,” Fini said. “This does not prevent, in fact it makes it a duty for the government to demand that light be shed on the murky issues, that responsibilities be pinpointed, and, where found, that the culprits be punished.” The U.S.-led coalition said a follow-up investigation would be led by U.S. Brig. Gen. Peter Vangjel and it would to take three to four weeks. Italian officials were invited to participate.Vangjel is the 18th Airborne Corps Artillery Commander and the investigation was ordered by the top U.S. commander in Iraq, Army Gen. George Casey. Vangjel, commander of all Army artillery in Iraq, arrived in the country in January. In Washington, Casey said he had no indication Italian officials gave advance notice of the car’s route. “I personally do not have any indication of that, even on a preliminary basis,” Casey said. The U.S. 3rd Infantry Division,

which controls Baghdad, said the vehicle was “traveling at high speeds” and “refused to stop at a checkpoint.” An American patrol “attempted to warn the driver to stop by hand and arm signals, flashing white lights, and firing warning shots in front of the car,” it said. “When the driver didn’t stop, the soldiers shot into the engine block which stopped the vehicle, killing one and wounding two others.” However, Fini said the car was “traveling at a speed that couldn’t have been more than 40 kilometers (25 miles) per hour.” A light, he said, was flashed at the car after a curve and gunfire started immediately afterward. It lasted 15 to 20 seconds, he said. The investigation into the shooting of the Bulgarian soldier, killed near the central city of Diwaniya, will focus on reports he also was shot by U.S. troops. “It’s another unfortunate incident,” Casey said, adding “we’ll get to the bottom of it.”ine:


4 Monday, March 3, 2005

Chechen rebel leader Mashadov killed in raid MOSCOW – Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, a fugitive with a $10 million price on his head who was linked by the Kremlin to a deadly school hostage siege and other terrorist attacks, was killed Tuesday during a special forces operation. Reports differed on whether he was killed by the Federal Security Service forces or inadvertently shot by one of his own bodyguards in a bunker in northcentral Chechnya. Russian television showed video of a shirtless corpse strongly resembling the 53-year-old Maskhadov lying in a pool of blood. The leader of separatist forces in Chechnya fought the Russian army to standstill in 1996 and then was elected president of the republic when the Russians withdrew. But as head of de facto independent Chechnya, the secular-minded Maskhadov lost influence to fundamentalist Islamic rebels. By the time Russian forces returned in 1999, he was overshadowed by warlord Shamil Basayev and regarded as a comparative moderate among the separatists. Although his death is a significant propaganda victory for Russia, which alleged he was behind major terrorist attacks, it also could place the insurgents firmly in the camp of the Wahhabi radical Basayev. “Maskhadov was the only one with whom a peaceful agreement could have been made,” the Interfax news agency quoted Alexander Cherkasov, of the human rights group Memorial, as saying. Maskhadov last week reportedly called for talks with President Vladimir Putin on ending the war. But that call, like previous proposals, was rejected. Putin, informed of Maskhadov’s death by Federal Security Service head Nikolai Patrushev, said, “We


introspect@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-2991

must augment the effort aimed at thousands of Russian soldiers. the defense of the citizens of the The assault convinced the republic,” a clear indication that Kremlin to negotiate an end to Russia intends to wipe out the the unpopular war, which led to rebels. the withdrawal of Russian forces The Kremlin consistently but put off the critical issue of blamed Maskhadov for involve- Chechnya’s political status, leavment in terrorist attacks, such ing it in limbo. as the Beslan school siege in Maskhadov was elected September in which more than Chechen president in 1997, but 330 people died, half of them efforts to attract aid and investchildren, and a hostage seizure ment failed. Crime soared, as at a Moscow theater in 2002 that did kidnappings, which made killed 129 peoChechnya one ple. Maskhadov of the world’s Quote is Gill Sans denied any most dangerous involvement. places. Regular 12 pt. Like most After attacks Name is Gill Sans Chechens of by Basayev’s Bold 11 pt. School his generation, forces in neighis Gill Sans 8 pt. Maskhadov was boring Dagestan, born in exile Russia attacked Lynn Penkingcarn in Kazakhstan, Grozny in 1999, Fullerton Student where Chechens and Maskhadov had been deported and his governen masse in 1944 ment fled. His under Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. representatives have said he The exile added fuel to Chechens’ remained in Chechnya after that, resentment of Russians. and he and his spokesmen issued Maskhadov’s family was statements calling for talks and allowed to return in 1957, and in denying involvement in various 1969 he began training to become terrorist attacks. a military officer and rose to the Patrushev said Maskhadov was rank of general. killed in the village of TolstoyHe was an artillery division Yurt, an area that has been under chief of staff in Lithuania in firm Russian control while rebels January 1991, when Soviet spe- were concentrated in the repubcial forces unleashed a brutal lic’s mountainous south and in crackdown on independence dem- Grozny. onstrators, an event that presaged Interfax cited Ramzan Kadyrov, the Soviet collapse that year. the Kremlin-backed deputy By the end of 1992, he had Chechen prime minister, as sayquit the military and returned ing Russian forces had intended to Chechnya, where another for- to take Maskhadov alive but he mer Soviet general, Dzhokhar was killed by careless gun-hanDudayev, was leading an inde- dling by his bodyguards. Interfax pendence push. said three Maskhadov aides were Maskhadov was chief of staff detained. of Dudayev’s armed forces when Maskhadov’s envoy in Russia launched its war against London, Akhmed Zakayev, told the separatists in 1994. He took The Associated Press that he full control of the forces after had received confirmation of Dudayev’s killing in April 1996; Maskhadov’s death. He said fedin August, rebels stormed the eral forces had found Maskhadov capital of Grozny and trapped “by chance” during a routine

sweep. Maj. Gen. Ilya Shabalkin, a spokesman for forces in the region, said Maskhadov was killed when federal forces blew up the bunker. NTV broadcast what it said was a security service video showing Maskhadov’s body as well as Russian troops in camouflage and black masks sifting through guns, ammunition and grenades, and unfolding a green, red and white Chechen flag. Kadyrov was quoted as saying that a rebel who had been captured several days ago had told authorities of Maskhadov’s presence in Tolstoy-Yurt. Russia had offered a $10 million bounty for information leading to the capture of Maskhadov and Basayev, but Kadyrov indicated the reward might not be paid because the information had not been offered voluntarily. White House spokesman Scott McClellan refused comment, other than to say that the situation in Chechnya “should be resolved through a political process.” That prospect may have died along with the soft-spoken Muslim, Zakayev said. “Maskhadov was the legally elected president, and in many ways he was a factor of restraint, both inside Chechnya and outside its borders,” he said on Ekho Moskvy. “And of course, today those who were convinced that there can be no talks with the Kremlin, that no dialogue can be conducted with Moscow, their position will become stronger and so will their approach to solving the problem,” he said.ine:

Downtown from page 1

Lemon and Commonwealth. For those locals who prefer live shows over movies, Miller said that the Maverick Theater will open to broaden the live theater menu in downtown Fullerton. This will be located on Walnut Avenue, south of the Amtrak train station. “The new mixed use developments planned for the downtown area will also include commercial space which could accommodate even more eateries and coffee shops,” Miller said. With 42 developments already, Miller said she receives an average of two to three calls a month from eager entrepreneurs that want to try out their business in downtown Fullerton. With the downtown district quickly expanding, local residents are not the only ones excited over the new developments. “The new restaurants and bars have increased our business,” said Andy Dutterweck, manager of

CSU Breaks

from page 1

Caesar Chavez Day, for example, is one such holiday that CSUF observes, but the university does not provide an additional day off as the holiday falls during the school’s spring break when the campus is already closed. Northridge, on the other hand, doesn’t observe President’s Day as a campus closure day, but can close for Caesar Chavez since the school’s spring break is the week before. Long Beach shares the same spring break period, and observes Caesar Chavez and President’s Day, and the campus is closed for both. Each campus is unique in their academic calendar planning. The California State University Campus Calendar on the CSU Web site provides a listing of all schools and their schedules. Out of all 23 CSUs, seven are on quarter systems, while the others schedule their academic calendar

Stubrick’s Steakhouse in downtown Fullerton. “We have a pretty stable crowd here but the new restaurants seem to draw more people.” Dutterweck said that people tend to “bar hop” in downtown Fullerton, so more restaurants and bars will attract more people. “That fact that this is such a close area, the more people down here, the better it is for everyone,” Dutterweck said. Even though more restaurants will add to the competition in downtown Fullerton, Dutterweck said that he does not think the new development will affect his restaurant. “We are a pretty casual restaurant with killer food, good service, and a good atmosphere,” Dutterweck said. “If you want to eat good steak and listen to some good tunes, this is a good spot for you.” The new developments in downtown will soon create a more entertaining atmosphere for the local residents in the city of Fullerton. It looks like CSUF students have finally found their local hangout area in Fullerton. around semesters. According to the document, each campus starts its fall semester within two weeks of all universities within the CSU system and all have fall exams and spring breaks around the same time. The school schedules between campuses vary significantly only in certain aspects, said Hopkins-Parham. “For example, CSUF observes a weeklong Thanksgiving break, where most schools do not,” she said. In fact, only three of the 16 CSUs on semester schedules offer the weeklong fall break, including CSUF. Other significant differences are in spring semester endings. Some campuses finish their spring semester up to a month ahead of others, but this is due typically to observing a shorter winter break. For further information on campus schedules, students can visit each school’s individual Web site, or may review general campus information at calstate.edu.

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