2005 03 16

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Men’s basketball heads to Oregon State for first NIT appearance in 18 years 4

For ‘Robots’ reviews, Irish bands and local happenings, read it this Thursday

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Daily Titan

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 2 0

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Networking helps students land jobs Business Week event affords Titans chance to meet employers By Jessica Escorsia Daily Titan Staff

Cal State Fullerton’s Latino Business Student Association, along with the American Marketing Association, held its fifth annual net-

Moving Latino Titans forward

working breakfast Tuesday morning to provide students with the chance to meet company representatives in an intimate setting. The event featured 25 to 35 company representatives, each at a different table in the TSU Pavilions B and C. Students were given the opportunity to sit with representatives and talk about employment opportunities while enjoying some orange juice, fruit and pastries. Unlike many other job fairs where students just walk

around and pick up the free stuff, students were able to enjoy a conversation without the usual pressures. The networking breakfast started at 8:30 a.m. when LBSA President Adolfo Romero welcomed everyone and encouraged students to talk to representatives. Romero, a junior marketing major, said every year 75 to 100 students attend this event. This might seem like a small turnout, but Romero added that the event is very successful for students who take

advantage of it. Just last semester at the same event, 10 students were hired for top companies, he said. Romero landed an internship with the Anaheim Angels through a previous networking breakfast. From there, he got a part-time job and just recently received a full-time position as a corporate sales account executive. “Classes really affect the turnout,” David Luong, junior marketing major and director of advertising for AMA,

Warming up Weekley

Digital literacy verifies Web sites’ accuracy, combats plagairism

Also, the test requires that students use basic computer technology to find solutions and perform management tasks such as understanding how to read from a database, how to develop a spreadsheet and how to write an email to summarize the students’ findings, Rockman said. The test is still being evaluated to check for potential improvements before it becomes officially implemented, said Clara Potes-Fellow, spokesperson for Chancellor Charles B. Reed. Plagiarism may be a reason for the test at CSUF and other CSU campuses. The Internet has become an easy target for students to take information from without attributing it, Cox said. She said that an article in The New York Times stated that 38 percent of undergraduate students had engaged in cutting and pasting sentences and paragraphs off the Web, in a survey conducted three years ago. CSUF faculty has discovered a way to spot the plagiarizers. Faculty can access Turnitin.com, a service that offers the detection of plagiarism, to fend off the plagiarizers, Cox said, adding it can be difficult to differentiate between official and unofficial sites claiming to be otherwise. She said students should look for the author of the site and the author’s qualifications. Also, students should assess possible biases, inaccuracies and the site’s intended audience, Cox said. However, there should not be a reason for students not to visit the library with its plethora of resources available to them, she said. The Pollak Library at CSUF offers “a wealth of materials” in print and electronic forms, reference books, magazines, journals, newspapers and subscription databases like Academic

Daily Titan Staff

Eric tom/Daily Titan

Brooke Weekley, a sophomore pitcher for the Titans, warms up between innings during Tuesday night’s game as preparation for this week’s Kia Klassic Tournament. For full story, see page 4

ASI meets to discuss budget, limits on conference travel Director of Statewide Affairs visits D.C. to lobby for aid reform By Jaimee Fletcher Daily Titan Staff

Associated Students Inc. of Cal State Fullerton met Tuesday afternoon to discuss budget issues, upcoming events for clubs and a financial aid resolution. • Valerie Shum, president of the Panhellenic Council, informed board members about their current projects and budget. The Panhellenic is work-

breakfast 3

Students test Internet savvy Daily Titan Staff

By Carolina ruiz-Mejia

Grant 3

of companies representing all fields. “A job fair is not as custom to a specific major,” Romero said. At the event keynote speaker, Whit Haskel, senior vice president and general manager of the Major League Soccer new expansion team Chivas USA, said a few words. Haskel spoke about sports marketing and shared his experiences with the new Los Angeles soccer team. He

By nadine Hernandez

CSUF receives first of five installments from $2.3 million grant Approximately 27 percent of Cal State Fullerton students are Hispanic. Last October, CSUF was awarded a $2.3 million grant by the Department of Education to augment programs for Hispanic students, especially in math-based programs, said Donald S. Castro, special assistant to President Milton A. Gordon. The grant will be received over a five-year period. The first installment of $433,910 has already been received. “The overall objective of the grant is to make this campus more effective as a Hispanic-serving institution,” said Castro, the coordinator overseeing the grant. When enhancing programs for Hispanics, all CSUF students benefit regardless of their ethnicity, he added. The funds are slated to be used in four different areas. First, The Social Science Research Center will conduct a bilingual survey in 500 different Hispanic households to reveal their expectations of the university, Castro said. The information obtained will be used to improve outreach programs for Hispanics and other CSUF students, Castro said. The survey will begin at the end of this month. The grant’s second objective is to increase and ensure the success of Hispanic students enrolled in mathbased programs, Castro said. “Why aren’t [Hispanic] students taking calculus in high school?” Castro asked. “We want all Latino students to graduate from high school with calculus so they can make the choice of whether they want to go into math… rather than just taking college algebra,” he said. The jobs of the twenty-first century require students to have technical skills, and this is why math-based programs are important, Castro said. Engineering, computer science, biology, physics, chemistry and math fall in the category of math-based programs. Manuel Gutierrez, 25, is a computer science major and president of Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers on campus. He said that an explanation as to why enrollment in math-based programs is so low is that the Hispanic culture is just starting to make education a priority. Leadership is the third focus of the grant. “We want to encourage Latino students, but particularly Latinas to go into leadership positions on campus [and at their] communities and work places… once they get their degree,” Castro said. Hispanic student enrollment in the

said. Senior finance major Carlos Yuriar said he expected there to be more people at the event, but was happy to have attended his first-ever networking breakfast. “The people are nice and they’re not rushing you,” Yuriar said. LBSA and AMA handpicked the companies that would cater to the business students’ needs. They made sure this event would be helpful to the students by providing different types

The Cal State University system has joined hands with the Educational Testing Service along with UCLA and the University of Washington, to have CSUF and other CSUs test students’ ability to differentiate between a bogus Web site and an official one this month at the Pollak Library. The Cal State system was selected by the Educational Testing Service and the Chancellor’s Office to test 3,000 students, said Suellen Cox, Pollak Library’s unit head of instruction and information services. Of the 3,000 students, CSUF is currently testing 295 students who were given incentives such as $25 gift certificates and a chance to win an Apple iPod for participating, Cox said. Both of these incentives were funded by the Chancellor’s Office, Cox said. The test that is given to the participating students is called the “Information Communication Technology Assessment,” said Ilene Rockman, CSU manager of Information Competence Initiative. The test includes seven concepts students must understand, Rockman said. The concepts include defining Web access information and the managing, integrating and evaluating of information. The concepts also include communicating at an appropriate level and communicating at legal standards, Rockman said. The test consists of 16 questions with “real world storylines,” which attempt to challenge students, he said.

ing on programs for Greek Week and is planning on sending members to the Western Regional Greek Conference, according to Shum. • President of Golden Key’s Cal State Fullerton chapter, Giovanni Avila, withdrew his previous request for funding two students to attend the Golden Key national conference. Avila said that Golden Key realized that they have sufficient funds to support two students for the conference and they no longer need the financial support from ASI. • Courtney Patterson, ASI’s Director of Statewide Affairs, will be lobbying on behalf of ASI and Cal State Fullerton in support of the

Federal Financial Aid Reform in Washington, D.C., this weekend. The majority of ASI voted for Patterson’s resolution to show CSUF’s support for financial aid reform. • The issue that received the most attention from board members was Inter-Club Council guidelines, brought up by board member, Scott Behen. Members discussed, but have not yet voted on, making rules for distinguishing how much money should support student travel to conferences. A percentage rule was debated in which ASI would fund a previously agreed upon percentage for students who want to attend conferences. This issue will be voted on at a later date.

students, she said she works hard at school, but finds that it is often difficult to make ends meet. Peña, who represents the financial struggles of other student-parents like her, said she finds state subsidies that help pay for childcare “a lifesaver.” “I want to be an elementary school teacher and eventually teach college,” she said, whose aunt watches her daughter when she cannot be at the center. She said without the state’s support, “I’d be so lost.” Located behind the University Police station, the Children’s Center

labors to provide affordable childcare even smaller and she worries about for student parents how she will pay on campus. For some for it. parents, however, Villanueva got [ASI] gives the the cost still leaves married last March, Children’s Center a deep hole in their which has transthe highest budgets. formed her single amount of money A n g e l i c a income into two of all the CSUs ... Villanueva is another incomes. student-parent with “We live with Betsy Gibbs a subsidy, but she my mom,” she said. Children’s Center Director will lose it at the end “I make $2,000, of May due to an and he makes $36, increase in finances. 000.” The added costs will make her budget Villanueva, a liberal studies major,


Rising childcare costs pose another challenge for parents Student families claim lack of state subsidies creates financial drain By Stephanie park For the Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton student Diana Peña spends her time working toward the completion of a double major in liberal studies and history while her daughter attends the Children’s Center on campus. Like most college

said she also wants to teach elementary school. In preparation for the credential program, she works 20 hours per week at an elementary school, but worries about her daughter. “I don’t really see her,” she said. Additionally, she worries about the cost. “[After May], I won’t be able to afford it here,” Villanueva said. An interview with the Children’s Center Director Betsy Gibbs, who has been director of the center since 1974, Childcare 3

Rejection hotline offers an easy way out of unwanted advances Beware of bogus phone number when asking for a stranger’s digits By Jenny Star Lor For the Daily Titan

It’s for students who hate wasting time telling someone why they are

not an object of interest. It’s for those who ever had the urge to give out a fake number to someone who just couldn’t take the hint It’s for victims of annoying pick up lines; an automated recording called the Rejection Hotline is, according to their Web site, a phone number given to those won’t take “no” for an answer. This phenomenon has snowballed

into an effective tool against creeps in the club. “I never dreamed of it to be this big,” said Jeff Goldblatt, creator of the Rejection Hotline. After observing a pushy patron attempt a pass and get burned, Goldblatt and his friends embarked in a debate about which rejection was worse, being subject to public humiliation or getting a number only to find

a Pizza Hut employee at the other end of the receiver. Inspired, Goldblatt created the original Rejection Hotline message and placed it on a voicemail for his friends to hear in the summer of 2001. What started off as a joke among friends surfaced its way among the public. News of the Rejection Hotline spread by word-of-mouth by marketing through local radio interviews the

following year. The hotline got its big break when CNN featured the date diverter in its programming. It now serves 29 cities in the United States, each with its local number. Fullerton students interested in the free hotline services are able to utilize the Los Angeles phone number. REJECTION 2


2 Wednesday, March 16, 2005

News in Rief


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Relocating religion


Every Wednesday is Bowling Mania in the TSU Underground. Players can win prizes for knocking down different combinations of colored pins. You must have a valid CSUF Student ID to join in on the fun.

Shackled Nichols faces judge after killings ATLANTA – Ringed by 19 officers in a cinderblock jail room, his hands and ankles shackled, the man accused in the crime spree that left an Atlanta judge and three others dead went before a judge Tuesday for the first time since the rampage. Brian Nichols, 33, was informed that authorities plan to charge him with murder. Nichols looked straight ahead during the five-minute hearing and did not make eye contact with anyone in the room, including the judge. He spoke only once, when Judge Frank Cox asked him if he had any questions.

Head to Becker Amphitheater today at noon. A Celtic Trio will be performing at a free show.

Tests negative in Pentagon Anthrax scare

NEW YORK – Bernard Ebbers, the once-swaggering CEO of WorldCom, was convicted Tuesday of engineering the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history – an $11 billion accounting scandal that capsized the big telecom company three years ago. The verdict marked a colossal fall for Ebbers, who had turned a humble Mississippi long-distance provider into a global telecommunications power, swallowing up companies along the way and earning the nickname “Telecom Cowboy.”

State OC hospital pays $1 million settlement SANTA ANA – More than three years after discovering their daughter suffered brain damage during the birth, a couple reached settlements totaling nearly $2 million from Coastal Communities Hospital and two doctors this week. Ramon Mesa and Marlene Olquin sued the hospital and doctors after a spontaneous delivery. Olquin was 25 weeks pregnant and recovering from an emergency appendectomy when she experienced pain. Nurses instructed Olquin to walk around the hospital – which she did until the pain became unbearable. A nurse and Mesa were walking her back to bed when she spontaneously delivered a 1-pound, 3-ounce child. The doctors agreed to pay $1 million before the Orange County Superior Court jury could assess damages.

Jackson accuser explains earlier denial SANTA MARIA­ – The teenage boy who says Michael Jackson molested him left the witness stand Tuesday after telling jurors that he denied the abuse to a school administrator because he was tired of the other kids making fun of him. The conversation with the administrator occurred after the broadcast of a TV documentary that showed Jackson with the boy. In the documentary, the pop star acknowledged sharing his bed with children but characterized the practice as innocent.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2004 Daily Titan

MARCH 16, 2005

Check out the video game tournament today in the TSU Underground. The competition is open to students, faculty and staff. If you want to participate in the competition just sign up by 11:45 a.m. Spectators can catch the game at noon.

WASHINGTON – The Senate unanimously agreed Tuesday that strengthening Social Security was “a vital national priority” but split acrimoniously along party lines on what to do about it in the first votes on President Bush’s plans. In one exception to the party divide, five Republicans broke ranks and voted with the Democrats in favor of a resolution declaring, “Congress should reject any Social Security plan that requires deep benefit cuts or a massive increase in debt.”

Former WorldCom CEO found guilty


There will be a table tennis tournament today in the TSU Underground. The competition is open to students, faculty and staff. Sign up by 11:45 a.m. to participate. The game begins at noon.

Senate agrees Social Security needs help

WASHINGTON – Anthrax tests from two Pentagon mailrooms came back negative Tuesday – a day after initial testing indicated the deadly spores might be present – prompting nearly 900 workers to take antibiotics as a precaution. Responding to what now appear to have been false alarms, officials handed out antibiotics and closed three mail facilities – two that serve the Pentagon and one in Washington that handles mail on its way to the military.


BRIAN JOHNSON/For the Daily Titan

University Police redirect Preacher Jepp Spock to the Quad as he warns students about going to hell for their sexual sins.


in history

March 14

1995: First time 13 people in space. 1987: New York Met Darryl Strawberry charges Red Sox pitcher Al Nipper during spring training exhibition game, causes benchclearing brawl. 1972: NBA’s Cincinnati Royals announce they are moving to KC. 1964: Dallas jury sentences Jack Ruby to death in Lee Harvey Oswald murder. 1950: FBI’s “10 Most Wanted Fugitives” program begins. 1812: Congress authorizes war bonds to finance War of 1812.

March 15

1991: Four LA police are charged with beating Rodney King. 1978: Operation Litani: Israeli offensive in South Lebanon. 1971: Chatrooms make their debut on the Internet. 1958: Royals basketball star Maurice Stokes collapsed during a playoff game with encephalitis; He goes into a coma and is permanently disabled.

1941: Blizzard in North Dakota kills 151. 1901: Horse racing is banned in San Francisco, last race Mar 16.

March 16

1994: Tonya Harding pleads guilty to felony attack on Nancy Kerrigan. 1991: Seven Reba McEntire band members are killed in a plane crash. 1978: U.S. Senate accepts Panama Canal treaty. 1935: Hitler orders German rearmament, violating Versailles Treaty. 1881: Barnum and Bailey Circus debuts. 1827: First U.S. black newspaper, “Freedom’s Journal” (New York City), begins publishing.

March 17

1994: It is announced there is no smoking in Cleveland Indians new ballpark. 1992: Twenty-eight killed in truck bombing of Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina by Islamic Jihad. 1966: U.S. submarine locates missing H-bomb in Mediterranean. 1927: U.S. government doesn’t sign League of Nations disarmament treaty. 1926: Spain and Brazil prevent Germany joining League of Nations.

Come learn how to connect with nature. Mary Franz will present “Nature ‘n Nurture” today from noon to 1 p.m. in the Women’s and Adult Reentry Center in UH 205. The presentation will include ways to deepen connections with nature and within yourself. Thomas McKernan, president 1756: St. Patrick’s Day first celebrated in New York City at Crown and Thistle Tavern.

March 18

1995: Michael Jordan announces he is ending his 17 month NBA retirement. 1990: A Tampa little leaguer dies after being struck by a pitch. 1974: Most Arab oil-producing nations end embargo against US. 1945: U.S. bombers, 1,250 of them, attack Berlin to strike a blow against Hitler’s Germany. 1870: 1st U.S. National Wildlife Preserve, Lake Meritt in Oakland California. 1818: Congress approves 1st pensions for government service. Compiled from brainyhistory.com



Wednesday, March 16 Mostly Sunny Low 51°


Thursday, March 17 Partly Cloudy Low 53°


Friday, March 18 Showers Low 53°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

and CEO of the Automobile Club of Southern California, will be on campus as part of Business Week 2005 today. The event will begin at 11 a.m. in the Titan Student Union. For more information: 278-4577. Join the Sierra Club today for a hike through the Santa Ana mountains. The 10-mile hike will pass the Holy Jim Falls and stop at Bear Springs for lunch. The hike begins at 8:30 a.m. at Cook’s Corner. Don’t forget your water, lunch and lugsoles. Rain cancels. Come cheer on your women’s softball team tonight. The team will be playing in the 2005 Kia Klassic versus North Carolina at 7 p.m. at the softball complex. If you feel like taking a road trip, the men’s basketball team will be playing the Oregon State Beavers tonight at 7 p.m. This game is the first round of the National Invitation Tournament. Get a diverse workout while exercising to high energy music at a Freestyle Aerobics class tonight at 5:30 p.m. The hour-long class will take place in KHS 203 and is free to anyone with a valid CSUF Student ID. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.


from page 1

The Rejection Hotline receives about 1.5 million calls a month, according to the site. Goldblatt said his creation exists as a public service to both the rejector and the rejectee. The hotline provides a discreet escape for those who wish to avoid the confrontation rejection may pose. “It relieves the pressure that you don’t have to give out your number to someone you’re not interested in,” said Carly Stromven, a public relations major. The rejectee can be spurned in private, away from non-sympathetic peers in order to avoid a potentially embarrassing social scene. Yet, some people see the avoidance differently. “It’s harsh,” business major David Luong said. “It gives people who aren’t honest an excuse, a tool, to make the rejectees feel bad.” He said it is about a matter of respect from peer to peer and people deserve an explanation as to why there is no interest. Apparently, Goldblatt is not the only one laughing. Millions are calling in. For that reason, the Rejection Hotline has plans for expansion overseas to Australia and England with hopes to mimic its success in the states, Goldblatt said. Goldblatt never envisioned his hotline to be seen negatively. “This is all meant in good fun,” he said. “It’s a way for somebody to know where they stand.”

Daily Titan

WEB LITERACY CHILDREN from page 1 Search Elite and Lexis/Nexis, Cox said. Besides all the reference materials, students have the opportunity to speak with a librarian in person, something that cannot be achieved on the Internet, Cox said. There are no plans to make the test an admissions requirement for CSUF at present, Cox said. Overall, not every source of information is electronic, Rockman said. “One source of information does not replace another.” So far, 295 students have signed up, although some students fail to show up, Cox said. “We are signing students up on a standby basis.” There are sessions scheduled for the Pollak Library, room 303, for which fliers have been distributed and posted on campus, Cox said.

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revealed that she is concerned about parents who are becoming lost in the gap between what the government says they can afford and what they actually can afford. “The government money has a cutoff; it used to be higher,” she said. State subsidies are determined by calculating the median income for family size. The family must make up to 75 percent of that or the subsidy is lost. Gibbs said the line used to be at 80 percent and the family was allowed to keep the subsidy until their income reached the full median amount. The center, Gibbs said, has 86 subsidized families and 154 total families. Compared to other childcare facilities, Gibbs said she doesn’t feel her program is on the low end of the costs. “Associated Students, Inc. gives the Children’s Center the highest amount of money of all the CSUs, but as more and more demands are made of ASI, they have less money to give us,” Gibbs said. Staff salaries and benefits absorb most of the center’s resources. One alternative is to pay the teachers less. Gibbs said teachers with master’s degrees are paid well and have good benefits. To pay the staff less would force the teachers to take the biggest hit for growing costs.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415 “Other places do that, but not here,” Gibbs, who earned her master’s in education from Claremont Graduate School, said. “I don’t know what other bushes to beat to find more money.” Theresa Munoz, a student teacher at the center, said she knows how hard life can be first-hand. Her husband of 11 years is in the Army. Their child attends the Children’s Center on a partial subsidy. “It’s not like you’re making so so much you can afford it,” Munoz, an adolescent studies major who also plans to become an elementary school teacher, said. “They still pay part, but it’s still hard.” After her husband returned from duty this past summer, he set about to find a job. But it has been a struggle, she said. The Munoz family lost their full subsidy, but they were lucky enough to retain part of it. Commenting on the increased fees paid, Munoz said, “I was surprised it was so much. I was always grateful [for the subsidy].” Munoz has dreams of owning her own home, yet saving for a down payment is difficult, especially when childcare costs eat up extra funds. “In a sense, you’re kind of falling back a bit,” said Munoz. She said that is exactly how many parents at the Children’s Center feel; as if they’ve taken two jumps forward and one jump back.


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Leadership Conference sponsored by the Dean of Students has generally been low, Castro added. To increase Hispanic student participation in the Leadership Conference, Juanita Razo, assistant dean of students in leadership and multicultural development programs, said she has done class presentations and is working closely with math-based clubs. In addition, e-mails are being sent through the student portal and fliers are being posted in the math and science, computer science and engineering buildings. “It is important to keep emphasizing leadership among women… [because] the social perception is that men are leaders,” Razo said. Hispanic students enrolled in math-based programs will receive special mentoring and tutoring to ensure their retention and success of degree completion as part of the fourth component of the grant, Castro said. To qualify for the grant, CSUF had to show that 25 percent of its student body is Hispanic and that 15 percent are low income, Castro said. “I hope to accomplish more student [enrollment] in math-based programs and more students graduating successfully,” Castro said.

Suzanne Sullivan/Daily Titan

Gail Fujiwara, a recruiter for Wells Fargo, shakes hands with prospective employee Lu-anh Nguyen at the LBSA and AMA networking breakfast.


from page 1

also discussed the history of the team, marketing and strategies behind the new team, and the biggest challenges he has faced with it. “Our mission is to profitably celebrate the Chivas heritage and energize MLS,” Haskel said. Romero mentioned that there are still a large number of students who do not take advantage of this opportu-

nity because they may be shy. Getting students to attend was his biggest challenge, yet LBSA members and Romero came up with a strategy. This year they added a raffle to the event. Top prizes included a three-day car rental, courtesy of Enterprise car rentals, and a two-night stay at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. One representative at the event was former Titan Anthony Garcia, human resources coordinator for Advantage Sales and Marketing, a food brokerage company. Garcia graduated in 2003, got an internship with ASM through the networking breakfast, and then remained with the company. ASM has attended job fairs on campus but this was the first networking breakfast the company had attended. Garcia said that he enjoyed the event better than the last, adding, “Students seem to be more prepared.” Garcia was there to offer summer internships as well as entry-level positions, but added that the students he had spoken to only wanted to get into one type of area, even though ASM works with all types of businesses, such as marketing, economics, management, finance and accounting. “Leave your options open,” Garcia said. “That’s why students don’t hear back from employers.” The Networking Breakfast is the first of many events that will be held for Business Week through Thursday. “Its been a very successful event, and hopefully next year it’s bigger,” Romero said.

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