2005 03 17

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Titan baseball team hosts No. 9 ranked Wildcats for three-game series 6

Get your green on: Learn about Irish traditions for St. Patrick’s Day 3

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

T h u r s d a y, M a r c h 1 7 , 2 0 0 5

Police: Drunk drivers beware

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Student Aid Reward Act announced

Titanic upset

Kennedy aims to end ‘loophole scandal,’ increase Pell Grants

Fullerton Department to hold anonymous checkpoint on holiday

By David Barry Daily Titan Staff

By Jaimee Fletcher

McKernan currently serves on the board of directors of the center. McKernan spoke to a room of students about the continual growth of AAA and the job opportunities that this signifies for those seeking a career in the insurance industry. “It’s a company that focuses on promoting, grooming and training people from within,” McKernan said. A Cal State graduate himself; McKernan said that the Cal State system is the best value dollar for dollar. McKernan said that if students are looking to be part of a growing and successful company, then they should to take a look at AAA. “The purpose of these events is to make students aware that these jobs are available to them,” said Carlos Vargas, a senior business major and

president of the Business Interclub Council. Vargas said belonging to the Business Interclub Council and participating in events has helped him be less timid about talking to people and has provided him with opportunities for networking. Sneha Patel, a master’s business student, said that by attending the event, she became aware of the various positions that are available in the insurance industry. Patel, who plans to finish the master’s program next spring, said that she is more likely to consider AAA when looking for a job. “I didn’t know of all the types of positions that they offer and that they take people straight from college,” Patel said.

U.S. Senator Edward M. “Ted” Kennedy (D-Mass.) announced plans to increase collegiate financial aid awards by approximately $17.2 billion over the next 10 years. Kennedy, Rep. George Miller (DCalif.) and Rep. Thomas Petri (RWis.) announced the plan, referred to as the Student Aid Reward Act, or STAR Act, via a conference telephone call to reporters on Tuesday. Kennedy and his colleagues plan on generating the huge increase in financial aid by convincing schools to choose the existing Direct Loan Program rather than the widely used guaranteed student loan program. Money from the Direct Loan Program comes directly from the U.S. Treasury. Kennedy said Direct Loans are cheaper for taxpayers, and if the legislation passes the Senate and House, students will see Pell Grants increased by $1,000. Guaranteed student loans are offered under the Federal Family Education Loan Program by private lenders including Sallie Mae, Nellie Mae, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank and the Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union. Kennedy said that some of these private lenders, such as Sallie Mae, are exploiting a loophole in the current legislation and receiving a guaranteed interest rate of 9.5 percent at a time when interest rates are significantly lower. He said the difference in interest rates has caused the federal government to pay billions of dollars in “corporate welfare” to private banking institutions for loans. According to an emailed press release from Kennedy to the Daily Titan, “These loans bear virtual-

Center on campus is offering new “Drop-In Fitness” classes for students who don’t want to take the extra trip to the gym or pay the extra money for membership. The classes offered are free for students, and explore new ways of exercising and staying fit. Classes offered include kickboxing, “Gutts, Butts and Thighs,” Pilates, aerobics, cardiography, “Cardio Funk” and “Cardio Dance.” Students, faculty and their guests are welcome to join these classes by purchasing passes to experience a variety of exercising techniques in the company of certified instructors and

other students. “You get the attention from a personal trainer, but you do it in a group setting,” said Alison Wittwer, assistant director for programs at Rec Sports. “More people are hiring personal trainers and working out with their friends. It’s more cost-effective and it’s more fun because you also get that socialization with your friends.” Students agreed that the variety of Rec Sports classes makes exercising more enjoyable and motivating. “Every month we change the dances,” Wittwer said. “We’re offering four dances this semester that are dif-

ferent and we’re a friendlier environment, a little more laid-back, to where you have time to learn the steps rather than just by watching.” This month classes will include Hawaiian/Tahitian dancing. Salsa and Hip Hop are coming later this year, she said. “It’s a creative way of exercising,” freshman Mohamed Majdali said. “There is no pressure, expectation or stress. You go to have fun and exercise in-between your break or after class.” According to the WebMDHealth Web site, unlike solo exercising,

Daily Titan Staff

With St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Thursday this year, some students might not hesitate to go out and celebrate at a local pub with friends. But students should know that the Fullerton Police will be monitoring the streets for drunk drivers to make this year’s celebration safe for everyone. Fullerton Police will have a sobriety checkpoint set-up tonight between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. to help keep the streets of the city safe. “This is to provide a safety net for people,” Fullerton Police Sgt. Steve Matson said. “Not necessarily to get people arrested.” Although police did not disclose where the checkpoint will be, they said it would be on a street with heavy traffic. In past years, the checkpoint has been on streets like State College Boulevard, Chapman Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. “We look for a safe location. We don’t want to cause a hazard,” said Lt. Doug Cave of the Fullerton Police. “We also look for an area where there has been drunk driving accidents or arrests.” The Fullerton Police Department assured it would not discriminate in deciding whom to stop. It implements a system such as checking every fourth or fifth car. “We don’t stop people on anything but account,” Cave said. “We only differ from that when we see symptoms of someone driving under the influence.” Some students may think the police are more likely to stop younger drivers, but Matson said this is not the case. “We don’t target a look, we don’t target younger people,” he said. “That’s profiling, we can’t do that.” Those who show symptoms of being intoxicated will immediately be pulled over and given a sobriety test. “We can’t force people to take a Breathalyzer test, but we offer it up front,” Matson said. “We usually end up using physical tests to determine if someone is under the influence.” And the result for someone if they are caught over the legal limit? “They are arrested and their car is towed,” Matson said. “If people don’t hold themselves responsible, we’re here for the consequences.” If a driver thinks that it’s a good idea to avoid the checkpoint when they see it up ahead, they should think twice before doing so. Cave said that when people obviously avoid the checkpoint, the police might become suspicious and take notice of the vehicle. “If someone blatantly makes a quick turn or does something illegal to avoid the checkpoint, we’ll send someone to check them.” In addition to having a stationary checkpoint, the department is also implementing saturation patrol. These are proactive police officers who patrol the streets looking for drivers showing symptoms of drunk driving, Matson said. The checkpoint will consist of 25 Checkpoint 2

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 2 1

The Associated Press

Cal State Fullerton forward Ralphy Holmes, left, is hugged from behind by teammate Vershan Cottrell after Holmes sank a 15-foot jump shot with just seconds to go in overtime, giving Fullerton an 85-83 victory over Oregon State in the opening round of the NIT in Corvallis, Ore., on Wednesday. Full story page 6

Auto Club makes $17,000 gift to insurance studies By Ishell Linares Daily Titan Staff

Thomas McKernan, president and CEO of the Auto Club of Southern California, presented a $17,000 check to the Center for Insurance Studies during an event hosted by the Business Inter-Club Council on Wednesday. CIS was started in 1998 by the College of Business and Economics under the direction of Weili Lu, to prepare students who wish to pursue a career in the insurance industry. “Few universities offer a program like this,” McKernan said. “Cal State Fullerton is unique.” The Auto Club has been involved with CSUF for about six years by providing support to CIS.

ly no risk for the lenders, who are guaranteed against default and receive a very profitable rate of return.” Bank of America public relations contacts were not immediately available for comment on the proposed bill. Company spokesperson Alex Trower said, “We generally don’t comment on pending legislation.” Kennedy said that by ending the 9.5 percent loophole “scandal,” the federal government would save billions of dollars and fund the $1,000 increase to Pell Grants. Public affairs representatives from the U.S. Department of Education declined to comment, referring questions to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. Media contacts from these committees were not immediately available for comment. If the new legislation passes both houses of Congress, California’s public and private schools stand to gain as much as $159 million for Pell Grants and graduate fellowships during the 2005-2006 school year, said Tom Kiley, press secretary to Miller, one of the bill’s sponsors in the House. However, if the bill passes, it may not impact students until the 2006-2007 school year, said Jessica Schutte, Assistant Director at Cal State Fullerton’s Office of Financial Aid. Although critics of the proposed legislation contend that the calculated savings to the federal government are overstated due to hidden administrative costs, Kiley said that both the Congressional Budget Office, and the President’s Office of Management and Budget verified the calculations. Kiley said that the Direct Loan Program will save taxpayers at least $11 for every Loans 2

Rec Sports aims to pump up students for free CSUF offers fitness classes to help those with no time or money By Noura Al Anbar Daily Titan Staff

With their busy schedules, some students barely have enough time to exercise. Between school, work and maintaining social lives, the day of a busy student can be hectic. However, for students who enjoy working out but can’t find the time, the Rec Sports

group fitness provides motivation and social interaction, as well as personalized instruction. Group training and interaction can give exercising different meaning for some students, and the variety of options available at the center can make exercising more pleasant for students, said Heath Alojado, fitness instructor at Rec Sports . “The classes are fun, you can bring a friend and have fun with it,” Alojado said “It’s convenient and a part of your tuition. You just drop in. We have so much to offer and there is something for everybody.”

Exhibit shows ‘full monty,’ then some By Masha Khalilifar Daily Titan Staff

At “Body Worlds 2” in Los Angeles, medical students, young artists and elderly spectators are fascinated with a new kind of art show. Located in the California Science Center, “Body Worlds 2” gives exhibit-goers a close-up look at human anatomy and the process of plastination – a unique process that uses plastics to preserve bodies. “I came to enjoy the show,” said Tony Yang, a 23-year-old Harvard medical student. “Plus I’m curious

to see the techniques used because I’m interested in the human body.” Dr. Gunther von Hagens created “Body Worlds” and “Body World 2,” and invented the method of plastination in the late 1970s. The process allows Hagens to preserve bodies, which were donated to science, and use them in the exhibits. The exhibit includes entire bodies, organ pieces and actual slices of body parts that are transparent. The first floor displays plastinated human bodies with their muscles and genitals still intact. “People find it so fascinating,” said Robert Orruego, a 21-year-old

California Science Center exhibit worker. “We have so many different bodies and different specimens. [Body Worlds 2] shows why you should take care of your body.” Garden Grove resident Bertha Mcquire, 75, came to see how her body was coping with her treatments from medical doctors. “I’ve had spinal injuries among other things for years, this explains what my chiropractor is trying to do,” she said. On the second floor “bodies in motion” is the theme. People can view the plastinated bodies of athletes. The second floor also focuses

on the effects of smoking. The third floor displays a 5month-old fetus in its mother’s womb, an obese person, a yoga participant and ice skaters. “It’s an in-depth look at the human body,” said Carlos Tellez, a Cal State Fullerton art education major and member of the Natural History Museum. “I am here to do some sketches because it displays the body in the most natural form.” Yang said there are benefits of attending the exhibit, other than just an interest in the human body. “It’s also a great date place,” he said. “I recommend it!”

Institut fur Plastination - Germany


2 Thursday, March 17, 2005

News in Rief


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Long way down

MARCH 17, 2005



A debate over the public display of the Ten Commandments will be in the Sterns room of the TSU at 5 p.m. The event is being put on by the ACLU/CSU Fullerton Chapter. “Aging with/or into Disabilitystrategies for Preserving Function over the Long Haul” by Lee Anne Carrothers will take place at 10 a.m. in the Mackey Auditorium, Ruby Gerontology Center.

National assembly swears in lawmakers BAGHDAD, Iraq – Two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, Iraqi legislators were sworn in Wednesday as members of the 275-seat National Assembly, vowing to uphold freedom and democracy. But before taking their oath, they had to endure mortar barrages and wailing air raid sirens as insurgents made their presence felt. The deputies failed to set a date to reconvene, did not elect a speaker or even nominate a president and vice president – all of which they had hoped to do. Instead, the session was spent celebrating the moment, and the enormous obstacles Iraq has overcome.

The 35th Annual Philosophy Symposium, “Philosophy of Emotion,” begins today in the Portola Pavilion of the TSU. The event begins at 10 a.m. For schedule information: 278-3511.


All students interested in going into the teaching profession can head out to the El Toro campus. There will be a teacher job fair today in room 223 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Senate votes to open Alaskan oil drilling WASHINGTON – A closely divided Senate voted Wednesday to approve oil drilling in an Alaska wildlife refuge, a major victory for President Bush and a stinging defeat for environmentalists who have fought the idea for decades. By a 51-49 vote, the Senate put a refuge drilling provision in next year’s budget, depriving opponents of the chance to use a filibuster to try to block it. Filibusters, which require 60 votes to overcome, have been used to defeat drilling proposals in the past.

Report: obesity to lower U.S. life span

CHICAGO – U.S. life expectancy will fall dramatically in coming years because of obesity, a startling shift in a long-running trend toward longer lives, researchers contend in a report published Thursday. By their calculations – disputed by skeptics as shaky and overly dire – within 50 years obesity likely will shorten the average life span of 77.6 years by at least two to five years. That’s more than the impact of cancer or heart disease, said lead author S. Jay Olshansky, a longevity researcher at the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Peterson Judge sentences him to death REDWOOD CITY – A judge sent Scott Peterson to death row Wednesday for the slaying of his pregnant wife, Laci, after a turbulent court session in which his father-in-law warned him in a trembling voice: “You’re going to burn in hell for this.” Judge Alfred A. Delucchi accepted the jury’s recommendation that Peterson be sentenced to death, calling the killing of Laci Peterson and her fetus “cruel, uncaring, heartless and callous.”


Robert Blake acquitted of murder LOS ANGELES ­– A jury acquitted tough-guy actor Robert Blake of murder Wednesday in the shooting death of his wife four years ago, bringing a dramatic end to a case that played out like pulp fiction. The jury also acquitted Blake of one charge of trying to get someone to kill Bonny Lee Bakley, but deadlocked on a second solicitation charge. The jury voted 11-1 in favor of acquittal and the judge dismissed the count.

Mother and daughter almost killed

IRVINE – A woman and her 12-year-old daughter barely escaped from their Mercedes-Benz before a Metrolink commuter train slammed into the car and it burst into flames. A Mitsubishi Mirage with a teenage girl behind the wheel rear-ended the Mercedes, which had stopped Tuesday afternoon as the train approached. The Mitsubishi pushed the Mercedes onto the tracks with Young Ran Kim, 39, and daughter Cherry Youn inside. They were eight feet away when the southbound train crashed into the Mercedes, carrying it 80 feet in a fiery heap. There were no injuries. Reports compiled from The Associated Press

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2004 Daily Titan

jamie lozano/For the Daily Titan

Rookie fire fighter Shane Allan inspects the hoses at Fullerton Fire Station No. 4 on March 9. Constant equipment inspections are a crucial part of fire fighting.



Political science professor loves history, wants to travel abroad By Masha Khalilifar Daily Titan Staff

Name: Steve Kurvink Department: Political Science(Div. Pol Sci and Criminal Justice) Full-time/Part-time faculty: Parttime Years at CSUF: 30

What’s something most students don’t know about you? I am a grandfather. If you could have any super power, what would it be and why? I love history, so I would like to travel. As long as I make it back.


gy major, thinks that the checkpoint will be an overall good thing. “On the one hand, I think it’s going to get a lot of young people arrested,” he said. “But on the other, it prevents deaths.” Cutrona is planning to go out this St. Patrick’s Day, but vows to be safe in doing so. “We always designate a driver,” he said. “If we don’t have a driver,

police officers from Fullerton and CSUF police. Placentia, Brea and Anaheim police departments will be helping Fullerton with the saturation, Matson said. Sergio Cutrona, senior kinesiolo-

All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.

What organizations do you participate in? I am not the activist that I used to be. But I am a member and supporter of Peace Action , Environment California, Human Rights Coalition and America Coming Together (ACT)

What was the worst job you ever had before becoming a teacher? Cleaning large pots in a food factory for $1.50 per hour. It was the same semester that I was studying “Alienated Labor” by Karl Marx. Needless to say, the two experiences were related.

from page 1

Come support your women’s tennis team! The Titans will play against Columbia today at 2 p.m. on the tennis courts.

What is your favorite thing about working at CSUF? Feeling that I am making a difference in the lives of at least some students.

What do you do for fun? Read crime novels, listen to music, go hiking, follow Dodgers baseball and USC football.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? Where would you go?

There will be a Social Security panel discussion today as part of Business Week 2005. The event will begin at 1 p.m. in the TSU. For more information: 278-4577.



I don’t believe in the lottery. I think that it reinforces materialistic fantasies that distract us from the injustices of the real world. Also, it perpetuates the notion that if you just “get lucky” everything is OK. What do you think is the biggest social issue right now? The war in Iraq. I think that this was a colossal blunder that has had tragic consequences.

Thursday, March 17 Partly Cloudy Low 52°


Friday, March 18 Few Showers Low 53°


Saturday, March 19 Showers Low 53°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

I don’t drink.” And if things get a little out of hand and everyone has just a little too much fun this year he will “call a cab.” The police department said that it is not their intention to “ruin”

anyone’s fun, but rather make this year’s St. Patrick’s Day safe and fun for everyone. “It is our hope that everyone has a great time, if that’s what they want to do, but that they be safe and designate a driver,” Cave said.


from pro-Direct Loan legislation, and are spending significant money to defeat it, Kiley said. “You look at companies like Sallie Mae or Citibank, they’re among the most profitable companies in the world, just incredibly profitable. It doesn’t make any sense to us that the federal government should be padding those profits at the expense of students and taxpayers.” Although CSUF does not currently offer the Direct Loan Program, Schutte said the Office of Financial Aid would consider any plan that benefited students.

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$100 in student loans. The savings come from not paying private lending companies, “middlemen”, to market the loans. “This is a bill that is basically great for students, great for taxpayers,” Kiley said. “We think it’s great for colleges and universities. It’ll mean they can do more for their students.” However, banks and student lenders stand to lose a lot of money

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