2005 04 21

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The No. 2 ranked Titans split a pair of make-up games at home 10

A look into sex culture from different positions featuring sluts, man-whores, virgins 7

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 2 1 , 2 0 0 5

Daily Titan

Increase in student fees results in anger Statewide Day of Action finds CSUF students protesting in Sacramento By Kristina Ridenour Daily Titan Staff

Students in the University of California, Cal State University and California Community College schools protested on campus and in Sacramento on April 20 for the Statewide Day of Action in response to a variety of issues ranging from budget cuts to tuition increases. The Statewide Day of Action has taken place at Cal State Fullerton in past years in the form of walking out of class at a specific time and protests in the quad. This year at CSUF, the main declara-

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 3 7

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

tion of protest was not held on campus, but in Sacramento, with the ASI President, Philip Vasquez, representing the campus to lobby for a resolution to advocate on behalf of students for the state budget and to end age discrimination in the Cal Grant program. “We have not planned anything on campus tomorrow due to limited resources and time conflicts with our biggest priority right now, ASI elections,” Vasquez said. At other colleges in California, protests will be happening on campus, mainly in opposition to the education tax being imposed on working class students and their families in the form of tuition increases for the third consecutive year. “We have to let them know where our priorities lie,” said Jason Spencer, the Chair of Legislative Affairs for the Cal State Student Association. “We have to

encourage students to be involved and pay attention, because it’s about the future of the state’s education.” The main students affected by the tuition increases are international students attending classes at Cal State campuses. “You might conclude that students in the CSU are obtaining a high-quality education for a relatively low cost, especially when compared to what students pay at comparable institutions throughout the nation,” said Paula Selleck, the news director at CSUF. “Students are going to run out of money, and drop out of school,” Vasquez said. Spencer said that in the future, we need an educated workforce. He also said that the blame lies with the lack of funding, not the schools. “The state, not the schools, is turning its back on the students,” Spencer said.

Vote or die

Elizabeth Zuluaga/Daily Titan

Jonathon Pike, a buisness major, and Diana Wayne, a psychology major, cast their votes at the ASI voting booth on Wednesday.

‘Crazy’ man crashes Internship, College Park lecture Job Fair to

Killing time

By Ryan Townsend

Daily Titan Managing Editor

Shannon Anchaleechamaikorn/Daily Titan Photo Editor

While taking a break before starting a study session, Marcus Burrell, a junior business major, talks with Yoani Paramo, a graduate working on her teaching credential, in front of the Pollak Library on Monday.

An unidentified man interrupted a Wednesday night class in Cal State Fullerton’s College Park, claiming he was manic-depressive and saying he needed to raise $24.75 to pay for his medication. Fullerton police responded to the situation, but were too late to apprehend the suspect, witnesses said. “It was wild and potentially could have been a disaster,” said Todd Uglow, a communications professor. Uglow’s class, Comm 448T Sports Entertainment meeting in CP 125, was hosting a guest speaker, Jason Stewart, a producer for “The Jim Rome

Show.” Stewart was addressing the class when the man, clad in a white shirt, black hat and low-slung pants, entered the room from the rear, Uglow said. “He said, ‘I don’t want you to be afraid, but I’m manic-depressive and need my medication. I’m not going to demand that anyone give me money; that would be armed robbery,’” Uglow said. Uglow also said the man made reference to “the clock ticking,” leading to fears that the man possessed a bomb. Elizabeth Ewing, a student in the class, said the man “clearly seemed crazy” and possibly dangerous. Ewing and Uglow both described the suspect as a black male in his late 30s or early 40s, standing ‘crazy’ man


OC freeway project assesses toll road fee increase OCTA searches for better accuracy in estimation of drive-time information By Amanda Pennington Daily Titan Staff

The Orange County Transportation Authority is working on a project to alert commuters about travel time and implement a speed monitoring system for the 91 Express Lanes. The Performance Monitoring and Pricing Pilot Project, also called PMAP, plans to “provide enhanced and accurate speed and travel time data for the 91 Express Lanes and main lanes of SR-91,” according to the OCTA. The plan will determine if OCTA

will implement dynamic pricing. The Riverside (91) Freeway is one of Orange County’s oldest and most used freeways. The 91 Express Lanes, which is considered a toll road, were put in place in 1995 to help ease the freeway’s regular lanes. “I only take [the 91 Express Lanes] in real emergencies because it’s starting to get really expensive,” said Erin Winrow, a freshman psychology major at Cal State Fullerton. She added that a recent trip on the toll road cost her $5 or $6. “It’s usually $3.35 when I leave [for school].” Paul Taylor, executive director of the OCTA said the price does not depend on what time the toll roads are used. “It’s aiming to give users of the 91 Express Lanes what they pay for … right now you pay for a toll that is decided based on past traffic patterns on the freeway and on the Express

Lanes,” Taylor said. “The more people that used it, the higher the toll, but it has nothing to do with the time you’re using it.” Right now, the Express Lane tolls are based on past congestion. If more than 3,128 cars travel on the Express Lane on any given hour, the OCTA flags that time for review, said Ellen Lee, senior transportation analyst at OCTA and CSUF alumna. She continued that if those numbers are seen for six out of 12 consecutive weeks, there is a toll adjustment. If the volume of cars traveling on the Express Lanes is over 3,200 and under 3,300, the toll is increased by 75 cents. Anything above 3,300 is increased by $1, said Lee. The project is looking for the technology for collecting drive-time information and technology to convey that data to motorists.

“That would help me a lot because there are various times when I wonder if I should take the [91 Express Lanes] or the regular side,” Winrow said. Currently, OCTA who is partnered with Caltrans, the City of Anaheim and other contracted groups, is conducting focus groups of people who use the 91 Express Lanes to find out what commuters think of the ideas. The investigatory project is slated to be completed by the middle of this year. The next step is to move forward and present the project’s results to the policy makers for the 91 Express Lanes. It will be presented first to the Riverside Transportation Commission, but the OCTA board has the final decision, Taylor said. “I guess we’ve answered the how,” Taylor said. “The next question is should it be done, and that becomes a policy decision.”

Campus carnival raises relief funds, diversity awareness MultiCultural Greeks show support for tsunami victims, promote cultural differences By Mahsa Khalilifar Daily Titan Staff

Game booths and a water-filled dunktank occupied the Cal State Fullerton quad Wednesday as students and faculty gathered to raise money for tsunami victims, and to spread awareness about MultiCultural Greek Council and its eight organizations. The Tsunami Relief Carnival took place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and was organized by MCGC to collect money to donate to the Red Cross. On-campus diversity awareness was also a focus, members said. “The students of the MCGC have been planning [the carnival] all semester,” said

Andi Sims, interim-advisor for MCGC. “[We] wanted something fun and something interactive.” The Multicultural fraternities and sororities helped run the booths and said the carnival was a good way to help unaware students recognize the school’s diverse organizations. “The international theme [of the Tsunami disaster] shows the diversity we have in our organizations,” said Desiree Alvarado, a senior human services major and treasurer of MCGC. “We figured the victims are in need of help.” Alvarado is also the vice president of the Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., one of the eight organizations under the MCGC umbrella, and said the sorority took part in the carnival to promote them and support the cause. She said that they raised $130. carnival


Gabriela Alonso/Daily Titan

Deanna Plascencia, a senior majoring in communications, attempts to knock down some bottles during the Tsunami Relief Carnival that was held in the Quad by the MultiCultural Greek Council on Wednesday.

help Titans network Guest speakers, seminars will provide students with professional opportunities By Jessica Escorsia Daily Titan Staff

The 27th annual Cal State Fullerton COMM Week begins Monday April 25, promising to provide students with a range of attractions – from guest speakers and special events, to seminars and more, said Amy June, CSUF Titan Student Union liaison and communications advertising major. “It’s a way to get Comm students aware of the opportunities, more than what they get from the classroom,” June said. The weeklong event, put on by students from the Hospitalities, Scheduling/ Logistics and Promotions, Publicity and Public Relations Committees, along with faculty, will take place from Monday to Saturday. Planning for the biggest event of the year for the College of Communications begins the first day of school, said Savong Chea, a senior entertainment studies major and member of scheduling and logistics. For the second consecutive year, Mercedez Benz will present COMM Week. A representative from the automobile manufacturer will be available for students to talk to – as well as showcase their products. The American Advertising Federation will celebrate COMM Week with a regional competition hosted by the College of Communications and the Cal State Fullerton AD Club. The competition will bring out students from schools, such as the University of Southern California and the University of California Los Angeles. This year, Yahoo will come out for AAF competition and ask students to create a campaign. Another COMM Week competition will include “chalk walk” in the central quad on Monday, which will allow students to express their thoughts with images on three different topics like, “what does communication mean to you?,” or “how has communication impacted your life?,” and “how does communication bring people together?” A $100 prize will be awarded to the firstplace winner. One of the most anticipated speakers comm week



2 Thursday, April 21, 2005

News in Rief



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Splish, splash

APRIL 21, 2005


Looking for a great place to go for a Saturday night date? Check out the 2nd annual Battle of the Bands, presented by The Daily Titan’s Full Effect. The April 23 event costs $5; all ages welcome. Show starts at 2 p.m. and will run until 8 p.m. For a complete rundown on the show and bands, visit www.dailytitan.com.

Dozens of bodies found in Tigris River BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraq’s interim president announced Wednesday the recovery of more than 50 bodies from the Tigris River, saying the grisly discovery was proof of claims that dozens were abducted from an area south of the capital despite a fruitless search by Iraqi forces. Northwest of Baghdad, witnesses said 19 bullet-riddled bodies were found slumped against a bloodstained wall in a soccer stadium in Haditha.

Getting ready to graduate? Don’t forget to view the “Graduate With Titan Pride” video on Titan Online. It’s the only way graduating students will be able to claim their commencement tickets for friends and family.

Pope predicted a short reign to cardinals

VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI predicted a “short reign” in comments to cardinals just after his election, and his brother said Wednesday he was worried about the stress the job would put on the 78-year-old pontiff. Joseph Ratzinger has had ailments in the past, including a 1991 hemorrhagic stroke, that raise questions about how long his papacy will last _ and whether the world will watch another pope slowly succumb to age and ailments on a very public stage. Benedict was the oldest pontiff elected in 275 years.

Oil-For-Food investigators resign

UNITED NATIONS – Two senior investigators with the committee probing corruption in the U.N. oil-for-food program have resigned in protest, saying they believe a report that cleared Kofi Annan of meddling in the $64 billion operation was too soft on the secretary-general, a panel member confirmed Wednesday. The investigators felt the Independent Inquiry Committee, led by former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, played down findings critical of Annan when it released an interim report in late March related to his son, said Mark Pieth, one of three leaders of the committee.


Moussaoui could face the death penalty WASHINGTON – Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person in the United States charged in connection with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, plans to plead guilty to charges that could bring him the death penalty, officials said Wednesday. U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema scheduled a hearing Friday in Alexandria, Va., at which Moussaoui is expected to plead guilty to all six counts of a federal indictment first filed against him in December 2001, the officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the judge has ordered both sides not to discuss the case publicly.

House ethics panel to probe Tom DeLay

WASHINGTON – The Republican chairman of the House ethics committee offered on Wednesday to begin an investigation of Majority Leader Tom DeLay to end a stalemate that has kept the panel from functioning this year. Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash., made the proposal at a news conference flanked by three of the four other Republicans on the ethics panel. The evenly divided committee also has five Democrats.

Shannon La Fave/For the Daily Titan

Left to right: Ian Grahm, 2, and friend play in a large water fountain at the Fullerton Farmers’ Market Thursday evening, April 14, 2005.



Lori Miller paints in her free time, takes long walks to relax By Dennis Olson Daily Titan Staff

Lori Miller came to Cal State Fullerton eight years ago. She teaches several courses in the advertising sequence. Aside from teaching, she also is a professional editor and business coach. When she’s not teaching, offering workshops or grading papers, she enjoys taking long walks in the foothills or painting landscapes. She is a budding art-

City refinances, saves $400 million

Reports compiled from The Associated Press

Daily Titan Editorial

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

Where did you go to college? I did my undergraduate work at UC Riverside, majoring in English, minoring in fine arts, drama and music. I did my graduate work at Cal State Northridge, where I received a master’s degree in English literature, focusing on modern poetry. Next, I attended the University of Southern California, where I was granted an ABD in renaissance literature. Finally, I attended International College, receiving a Ph.D. in rhetoric and writing theory. I wrote my thesis, a study of creativity and healing, working with Deena Metzger, a well-known writer and therapist living in L.A. What was the worst job you ever had before becoming a teacher? I worked as a book checker in the Social Science library at USC – was it boring! What other schools have you worked at? I worked for many years at UC Irvine, where I held the following titles: director of freshman composition; director of upper-division writing and writing director for humanities core courses.


SANTA ANA – A refinancing plan will shave $400 million in debt and pay off Orange County’s bankruptcy bill a decade early. The Board of Supervisors on Tuesday refinanced nearly $800 million in debt from a 1994 bankruptcy. The county’s investment pool suffered $1.6 billion in losses after the then-county treasurer’s investments collapsed. County government issued bonds to repay investors and took on the debt, which costs county coffers nearly $90 million each year. By refinancing, the debt is slated to be paid by 2016.

ist and a member of the Fallbrook Art Association. Her landscapes and portraits can be seen in local shows in Fallbrook from time to time.

Photo provided by Lori Miller

ing with them. How long is your commute to CSUF and how many days are you on campus? I don’t like to think about how long the commute is. I’m on campus two to three days a week, and prefer the El Toro campus because of its relative proximity to my home in Fallbrook. It takes me about an hour to get to work. What classes do you teach? Which is your favorite? I teach Communications 350, 351, and 353. I like them all, but writing courses are my strength. I love watching writers mature. Communications 353 can also be a lot of fun. What is the strangest thing that has happened in one of your classes? Learning takes place (just kidding, but I sometimes wonder whether our current system is actually primed for learning). If you weren’t a teacher, what would you be doing? I’d be an artist, or maybe, if I needed to earn money, I’d be a psychologist working in business coaching. What do you do for fun? I’m a big movie buff and I also love to visit art museums, sketch and draw and play the piano. You might find me in some smoke-filled café listening to the blues.

Why did you choose to work at CSUF? It’s the creative quality of the students that keeps me coming back. What is something most students I think the advertising sequence has don’t know about you? great students in it and I enjoy workPeople don’t know that I have a dry sense of humor, or that I’d enjoy traveling, fine dining, little out-ofthe way cafes, great art finds and a good espresso. I adore driving a sports car on a wide-open stretch of road.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund will be having a Career Night. The carrer night will take place at 5:00 p.m. in the Titan Student Union, Gilman AB. Dinner will be provided to all who come. The event seeks to provide students with insight into the lives of professionals. They will also speak of their experiences and the road that led them to their careers. Speakers will include an educator with the Westminster School District and an attorney for Southern California Edison. It’s all about art appreciation in the Titan Student Union as two students feature some of their work in an art display in the Atrium Gallery. Melanie Donegan will have some of her ceramic pieces on display and Victor Hugo Silva will have some of his paintings and prints on display. The display will be up until the end of April and for more information, please call (714) 278 – 3915. If for any reason you are looking for a good deal on poster board, there is a poster board special going on at Titan Student Union Graphic Services in the TSU. It’s buy one, get one free all week so head down between 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. to take advantage of the offer. Call (714) 278-3915. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.



Thursday, April 21 Sunny Low 52°


Friday, April 22 Mostly Sunny Low 52°


Saturday, April 23 Partly Cloudy Low 51°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

News Islamic Awareness Week educates uninformed Daily Titan

Various speakers give talks across campus to increase understanding By Noura Al Anbar Daily Titan Staff

It’s Islamic Awareness Week and Muslims all over Cal State Fullerton will be sharing, enlightening and expressing their religious beliefs throughout campus events. The Muslim Student Association, along with other guest speakers, hopes to raise more awareness of Islam and hopes for Muslim and non-Muslims alike to attend the events. The “Women in Islam” event took place on Monday afternoon in the Titan Student Union, where Sister Maria Khani came in to speak about women’s rights in Islam, God creating Adam and Eve and the dif-

Thursday, April 21, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

ference between them. She also discussed the difference between Muslim women versus Western women. “The main message is that the women in Islam are not abused; they are equal to men. They have rights and sometimes we even have more rights than men,” Khani said. Khani noticed that many people in the audience didn’t know about some of the rights women have in Islam. “I think it would be a good start to know our rights and let men know our rights too,” Khani said. Students at the event were pleased to have Sister Maria speaking on the first day of Islamic Awareness Week. They gathered around her after her talk to ask more questions. However, most of the students were disappointed to see more Muslims that non-Muslims at the event.

“I think it was really important for Sister Maria to come today and talk about women in Islam and hear that women aren’t oppressed,” said Dahlia Rasheed, a CSUF senior and member of the association. “I think more non-Muslims should’ve attended the event. After certain incidents, misconceptions about Muslims started occurring and events like this are very helpful.” On the second day of Islamic Awareness Week, members of the association, along with guest speaker Imam Junaid, gathered in the Quad to discuss “Fulfilling your mind, body and soul with Islam.” The event lasted an hour and concluded with Imam Junaid mentioning a Sura, or chapter of the Quran, urging people of all religions to be wise and read in order to educate themselves. “Everybody has a body, mind and soul. However, people can educate their mind and work on their

physical strength and their body, but there is a lack of the soul. Islam does everything for the soul and it can also fulfill the mind and body as well. People here might know how to work on their minds and bodies, but there is a total lack of consciousness and lack of the soul. It’s a very spiritual topic,” said Naseef Kazi, president of the association. The third event taking place this week, a panel of converts, will be held at Titan Theatre on Wednesday from 6 p.m until 9 p.m. The panel will involve three brothers and one sister who have converted to Islam. In addition, there will be some CSUF converts sharing their experiences, two of which converted to Islam this semester. “I’m looking forward to the panel of converts. Since we have a few members of the MSA sharing their story at the event, I want to hear their story,” said Rashad AlDabbagh, president of the CSUF Middle Eastern Student Association. Lastly, the “Justice vs. the Iraq War” event will take place on Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. in the Quad. Guest speaker Atif Abdul Quader, senior and MSA West president at the UC Irvine will be the main speaker attending the event. “There is a real need for this because nobody is talking about it anymore,” Kazi said. Following the event on Thursday,

comm week

from page 1

scheduled to appear is David Ono from ABC Channel 7. “He’s one of the biggest just because he has the face” June said. Emmy award-winning writer and producer, Stephen J. Cannell is another speaker Krystle Batarina, a senior public relations major and member of scheduling and logistics, recommends students not miss. Cannell has worked on “21 Jump Street” and other 1980s sitcoms. Wednesday, the Career Center

Megan Dangermond/Daily Titan

Imam Jurayd, the leader of an Inglewood masjid, or place of worship, gives a talk about Islam called, ”Fulfill your mind, body and soul” on Tuesday in the Quad. The talk is part of Islamic Awareness Week, sponsored by the Muslim Student Association. The events continue through Thursday, April 21. the association plans to write a letter to the senate urging it to do something to alleviate the situation in Iraq. Kazi said they are trying to present both visual and linguistic ways to get people active and united. “Especially with the Iraq War, people should know that you can-

not separate Islam from the political and religious,” Kazi said. Kazi believes there is more than one way to look at a situation. “There are two sides of the same coin and that’s how it should be emphasized and we’re going to do it in the best way possible to get people to react,” Kazi said.

will host the Internship and Job Fair – featuring over 200 employers. Another speaker, Terry Michael, executive director of the Washington Center for Politics and Journalism, will be coming all the way from Washington D.C. Various radio stations will also be on campus Monday through Wednesday to speak to students. The Orange County Register and CSUF will host a nine-hour National Writers Workshop at the TSU Portola Pavilions on Saturday. “Its an opportunity for students to network themselves,” June said. According to the COMM Week

Web site, this five-day seminar, with nearly 75 speakers, hopes to expose the campus community to current communications issues, provide campus students and faculty an opportunity to interact with communication professionals and provide a platform for professionals to discuss communications issues to a variety of communication students and groups. “It’s a chance to bring in professionals so they can chime in on their real world experience,” said Jaqueline Aranda, a senior advertising major and chair of the hospitality committee.

4 Thursday, April 21, 2005

News Lectures offer family business advice to guarantee success


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

ing booths, said she did not mind because it was for a good cause. from page 1 “We wanted to have fun with it,” said Anthony Lam, the MCGC The booths had carnival games, president and president of the Beta and for a price, students could Upsilon Delta Fraternity. “Also, purchase tickets to to have students participate in them. know that there Prizes included are Greeks that [We want] to have CSUF T-shirts, have cultural students know popcorn and cotton bases.” that there are candy. The MCGC is a The most popufairly new council Greeks that have lar activity was the that was formed cultural bases. dunk tank. For $1, approximately students could buy two years ago and Anthony Lam three chances to has recently startPresident of MCGC dunk other students. ed to participate Many could not in more activities, resist and took full senior biology advantage of their pitching skills. major Lam, said. Pasha Abousaeedi, a sophomore The MultiCultural Greeks differ electrical engineering major, said from traditional Greek Organizations he came to participate in the car- because they have more of a culturnival because it was an important al emphasis and do different things, cause and that it would be fun to such as saluting and chanting to dunk junior business major Jennifer support their cultures. Ng. Lam said he is glad the Council “It’s cool and something differ- is taking and initiative and that the ent,” he said about the carnival. “It’s carnival is just a stepping-stone for always good to help out … hope- future plans. fully I’ll get her in there.” “We are relying on the feedback Ng, the secretary and historian of we get,” Lam said. “If it’s positive MCGC, who was dropped several then we can do more [fundraisers] times in the cold water of the dunk- on campus.”


Speakers stress merits of planning for future, grooming new leaders By Mark Meyers Daily Titan Staff

Maintaining success in the family business world and preparing the next generation to continue that success were the two main points at a Cal State University, Fullerton Family Business Council workshop Wednesday at the Ayres Country Inn in Costa Mesa. The workshop, which featured lectures from Michael D. Ames, Ph.D., the director of the CBE Center for Entrepreneurship at CSUF and Fran Lotery, Ph.D., a Senior Consultant for the Metropolitan Group, was attended by representatives of about 30 family businesses looking to

expand horizons and improve business potential. “I have been to workshops like this before, and I always end up taking something positive from the lectures,” said Joan Heisler of Freedom Communications Inc. Ames started the meeting with a lecture rich in business models and steps to ensure a solid future for a family-run business. His first request to attendees was to evaluate their business goals. “Am I really unique? Am I really providing value? Am I really making a difference for my customer base?” he told them to ask themselves. Looking beyond the business models, Ames’ main point was that maintaining a successful family business and choosing efficient leaders from the next generation is a process. He pointed out that you can’t just throw info out there and expect your employees to just absorb it and implement it. Being a leader means turning your star employees from individuals into

a team, running your business efficiently through tough times and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise, Ames said. Lotery used Nelson Mandela as a model of embodying many leadership characteristics by using his position to inspire people to believe that unity was possible. “Leadership is about mobilizing people to adapt to change,” she said. Both speakers stressed the importance of grooming a successor from an early stage in their development with the company. Lotery said she believes, to some degree, that you have to start thinking about who will succeed you from the moment you are in charge, and to do that you have to learn about possible successors and watch them in the workplace. “You have to observe people in order to measure their capabilities,” she said. “You have to be able to help someone realize their strengths and weaknesses.”

Ames’ approach was similar – in that you cannot assume your future leaders will just jump in and continue the success and growth of your enterprise. They must be coached and guided until eventually they can start taking over different aspects of the business, he said. Two steps to guarantee the future success of your company are making the future generations realize improvements are needed to keep up with the changes in the business world, and making sure they follow the same guidelines that put the business in the position it is today, Ames said. Lotery closed by saying being in a classroom is not as effective as being coached one-on-one, and that mentors are critical to success in the transition period between executives. The Family Business Council was formed at CSUF in 1994 to assist family businesses in recognizing their common problems and in finding solutions to the unique issues that confront them.

News Martin Luther King honored 6 Thursday, April 21, 2005

CSUF Afro-Ethnic Studies Department celebrates diversity By Nadine Hernandez Daily Titan Staff

The color black never looked so strong among the diverse crowd of individuals who came together at the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, sponsored by Cal State Fullerton’s Afro- Ethnic Studies Department at the Titan Student Union Wednesday night. Guests at the celebration indulged in a three-course meal, served on a table decorated with bright, fancy, orange and blue napkins, neatly folded into fans. The guests greeted each other, while the Afro-Ethnic Studies Community Ensemble warmed up before the celebration began.

“The Martin Luther King celebration is a program that represents the black experience,” said Robert L. Palmer, master of ceremonies and CSUF vice president of Student Affairs. “So let us begin our celebration.” Palmer’s welcome speech was followed by one from Ernest Bridges, a CSUF professor of Afro-Ethnic Studies, who said, “In the Christmas of 1957, Martin Luther King delivered a sermon in Alabama, and in it he said, ‘love your inmate.’” He said people should win his or her opponent’s friendship and understanding in order to keep the racial barriers down. Bridges quoted King, “develop a capacity to forgive but, not forget the wrong that was done, don’t let it become a barrier.” “Our opponent possesses both good and bad qualities, find the good and focus on it,” Bridges continued. The celebration included a speech


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from the President of CSUF Milton A. Gordon. “I wanted to make sure I welcomed all of our guests to this very special evening to reflect on the life King actually led,” he said. “It is great to see everyone sitting and eating together at the same table regardless of the color of our skin,” said Monty Starks, a CSUF AfroEthnic Studies major and speaker at the event. “It is also great to see our faith is stronger than ever.” The event also featured keynote speaker Constance L. Rice, civil rights attorney and co-director of the Advancement Project, a democracy and justice action group. “What a beautiful crowd, look at you,” Rice said. “King would be so proud to see all of you here, you are King’s legacy.” But looking around today, King would probably tell everyone to stop dreaming and wake up and smell the coffee because the pot is burning,

Rice said. Rice said she came across a young African-American man, who told her that today’s incarceration rate is higher among blacks than it is among whites, and said he felt that it reminded him of the Jim Crow laws of the past. But where else can someone go from being a slave to becoming a hero, Rice asked. However, “The biggest threat to the U.S. is racism, classism and militarism,” Rice said, quoting King. He believed in human capitalism but not greed, she said. “He did not believe in the greed that stole slaves into the holds of ships,” she said. Rice offered advice to the guests. “You must master your areas, become master of your base of expertise,” she said. She also encouraged people to listen to what everybody has to say. “Transcend the problem and find a solution,” she said.

‘Crazy’ man

Creative activism shines

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around 5 feet 8 inches tall. Students in an opinion writing class meeting one room down said they could hear the man yelling. One student in Uglow class called the police after the man left the room and the doors were locked by Uglow and the students. Uglow said the man remained outside and periodically put a medical identification card against the door’s window. Against Uglow’s advice, one student went outside and gave the man $20, he said. Fullerton police officers on the scene had no comment and University Police had no other information about the incident. Uglow said his students were understandably shaken up. “It was kind of hard to get back to the business of studying,” he said. Uglow also expressed concern about the overall safety provided by College Park security. “Security’s a joke,” he said. “Every time I walk by the security desk, it’s unmanned.” The Private Shield security guard on duty had no comment on the incident.

Guest speaker Kristina Wong shares projects relating to culture By Alice Chow For the Daily Titan

In light of Cal State Fullerton’s celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, guest speaker Kristina Sheryl Wong enlightened students about a different type of activism, creative activism, on Wednesday. Wong, who is a self-proclaimed “writer, activist, educator and film maker,” presented various projects, including her graduating senior project at UCLA and a mock mail-order bride Web site. Realizing the problems of female stereotypes based on ethnic heritage, Asian-American studies Professor Jenny Banh, who organized this event, said, “Ms. Wong inverts the Asian-American woman stereotype.”

Nadine Hernandez/Daily Titan

The CSUF Afro-Ethnic Studies Ensemble performed for students and faculty at the 2nd annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration at the Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion on Wednesday night.

The mock mail-order bride site used images that opposed the usual image of Asian women, including features such as “Frequently Unasked Questions,” repulsive and silly images, as well as fun biographies. Wong said the purpose of her type of activism was to serve as a way to share knowledge in order to “challenge the need to be polite about these issues, and to open them up to dialogue.” “It is very easy to get angry,” Wong said. “It is important to find ways you can have fun being an activist and not risk burning out.” Another project, titled “Fanny Wong, former Ms. China Town Second Runner Up,” documents a hilarious twist that questions the common image of celebrity, beauty and culture. The idea of subculture was also discussed. “Kero Kero Pi, An Experiment in Asian Sisterhood” was a joint project with activist Gennifer Hirano, which Wong presented as an alternative form of artist activism.

“[This event] was very informative,” junior entertainment art major Amy Lodevico said. “ It is good that there are Asian-American artists that are representing the less represented.” Two other projects that were presented included the “Postcard Project,” a joint project between Kristina S. Wong and Steven Wong, and the “Beat the Bus” documentary following Wong’s friend Larry’s attempt to get out of college debt by racing a bus. Both projects focused on overcoming obstacles and reclaiming one’s identity and culture. “[The presentation] was very refreshing,” said Craig Ihara, an Asian-American studies director and philosophy professor who helped coordinate the event. The final part of the lecture was a film of Wong’s participation, a “Millionaire for Bush” demonstration in New York on Halloween night. “Students should always document and keep records of their work,” Wong said. “The archives become part of the history of activism.”

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