2005 04 25

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CSUF baseball sweeps UC Davis to clinch another 30-win season 6

Fair-weather Lakers fans abandon team in time of dire need 5

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

M o n d a y, A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 0 5

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 3 8

Animals delight youngsters in TSU Large Sea World Adventure Tour visits CSUF to promote, entertain, educate children By Jaimee Fletcher Daily Titan Staff

“Mammals have hair! Birds have feathers! Reptiles have scales!” The children were screaming the saying at the top of their lungs and clapped their hands together with each word. They stared in awe as each animal paraded before them and they squealed with laughter when one of the animals came too close. Children from Cal State Fullerton’s Children Center were special guests at Sea World’s Animal Adventure Tour in the Titan Student Union Friday afternoon. In addition to preschoolers; local families, CSUF faculty and staff and a few students crowded into the small lobby of the TSU to catch a glimpse of Sea World’s hairy, feathered and scaly friends. The audience “oohed” and “ahhed” when Thurston the owl twisted his head in curiosity, staring at the children with an almost menacing look. They held out their arms trying to signal Rudy, the South American scarlet luse, to land in their hands. When the baby kangaroo hopped onto the CSUF floor, they reached out their hands to gently pet his head. When Pete the penguin took the stage, a sea of camera flashes flooded the lobby. These animals, along with an alligator, a lemur, millipedes and a parrot, entertained

and educated the audience at Friday’s show. Pamela Skawin, manager of information and services for CSUF, said the event was a success that benefited both Sea World and the children of the center. “This was both promoting Sea World and educating the children,” she said. “It was amazing to see the faces on the children and how they just lit up.” This is the second time Sea World has done a show on the Fullerton campus in the last five years, and on this tour, it is the only school Sea World will visit. “We have a nice rapport with Sea World,” Skawin said. “Since we sell tickets, they picked us up for the show.” Shannon Anchaleechamaikorn/Daily Titan Photo Editor Because CSUF is one of Sea World’s top ticket dis- Kaleb Orozco, age 4, a student from CSUF’s Children’s Center, shares a moment with a 9-month-old tributors, Susie Campbell, Australian Red Kangaroo named “Drover,” which is Australian slang for “cowboy.” Sea World trainers senior representative for Sea and educators held a free interactive exhibit with the children in the Titan Student Union on Friday. World, said she is happy to visit the campus. “We love Cal State Fullerton,” she said. “The tour is also about our conserva- offer, as well as spread the word about the “You guys sell lots of tickets and that tion fund,” Faucher said. “We were never conservation fund. helps us out.” able to take donations because we are a “We’ve been visiting malls, airports, But Friday was not just about ticket for-profit organization so we set up the credit unions and even AAA,” she said. sales or promotion. Gary Faucher, an ani- conservation fund so people can make Sea World’s tour ends in two weeks, mal trainer for Sea World, said the tour is donations to protect wildlife.” but for those children, faculty, staff and also about letting communities know how Campbell said Sea World has been trav- students that missed Friday’s exhibition, they can contribute to a fund that will help eling all over the Western Region to try to the Animal Adventure Tour will be at the save animals across the world. educate people about what the park has to Main Place Mall in Santa Ana on May 7.

crowd for life festival Over 1,500 people come out to raise awareness, gain support for organ donations By Leeann Morrissey Daily Titan Staff

Over 1,500 people showed up on campus on Saturday to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation at the annual Donate Life Run/ Walk Family Festival. The crowd packed the lawn in front of the Health Center with people of all ages enjoying activities and music. The event was a 5K/1K Run/Walk that benefited the Donate Life California Organ and tissue Donor Registry. The final number of participants wasn’t determined by the day of the race, but the large crowds indicated strong support for the cause. “[There are] well over 1,000 pre-registered,” said committee member Carol Hostert of the event. She estimated the crowd at between Run/Walk


Daily Titan wins ROTC students prepare for war prestigious awards Student newspaper earns regional honors to add to trophy case By Laurens Ong Daily Titan Staff

Producing a newspaper is not only a way for Cal State Fullerton students to get their news, but also a reflection of the communications/ print journalism program. On April 16, the Daily Titan received five honors in four categories for its work published during the 2004 calendar year from the Society of Professional Journalists Region 11 2004 Mark of Excellence awards. According to their Web site, there are awards for 45 categories for print, radio, television and online collegiate journalism. “One factor in determining a good job is being able to be judged by an outside organization,” Daily Titan Adviser Tom Clanin said. “Winning helps in showing that we are maintaining a level of excellence [at the Daily Titan] and it makes you proud of the efforts of the [Daily Titan] staff.” Former Daily Titan staff writer Robert Rogers placed second in editorial writing, while also receiving an honorable mention along with current Daily Titan Executive Editor Marti Longworth and former Managing Editor Lynn Penkingcarn. Former Daily Titan staff writer Tommy Purvis’ five-part feature story, “Battle For the Border,” garnered a second place finish for in-depth reporting, while another story by Rogers, “Remembering a Brave Marine,” written for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, received an honorable mention in general news reporting. “It took a lot of Tommy’s time,” Longworth said. “He hooked up with all of his contacts, including talking to Coyotes along the border who obviously didn’t want to be identified. He and [photographer Lisa Hart] showed a lot of initiative

and I think his story should have placed higher.” Besides the Mark of Excellence awards, in February of this year, the Daily Titan garnered a second place finish for best daily newspaper from the California College Media Association’s Best of Show Awards, only falling short of the UCLA Daily Bruin’s effort. “I’m proud of the staff and take vicarious pleasure in celebrating through them,” Clanin said. The Daily Titan also finished second to UCLA in the Best of Show Awards, for best college newspaper Web site. “One simply has to walk past the trophy case on the first floor of College Park to see how far back our students have been excelling in print journalism,” Department of Communications Chair Wendell C. Crow said. “And we now continue this tradition with online journalism.” Longworth said it is important to be able to maintain an online presence and it is definitely crucial as far as what the Daily Titan is trying to do as a paper. “The [printed] paper is finite and temporary. It only lasts for 24 hours,” Longworth said. “The Web is infinite.” In addition to the editorial awards, the advertising department won five awards at last month’s College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers, Inc.’s 33rd annual conference, held in New Orleans. “The top College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers association awards won by the Daily Titan’s business staff show that the paper is very well supported in it its efforts,” Crow said. “All these achievements continue a long tradition of excellence for the paper.” In the best media kit/marketing packaging category with a circulation less than 40,000, the advertising department finished in second place. They finished in third place in both Daily Titan 3

Simulation is designed to better equip future officers for service By Araseli Cuevas Daily Titan Staff

Their lives are ruled by numbers; the time on the clock, the amount of steps they take for each 100 meters, the elevation marks in their maps and the number of rounds left in the magazines of their rifles. This is the life of a soldier, and it is the life that some students at Cal State Fullerton have chosen. This weekend, the Titan Reserve Officer Training Corps, along with the ROTC of San Diego State and the University of Southern California, participated in a three-day training camp at Camp Pendleton in order to become better soldiers once they join the Army. Cadet First Lieutenant and CSUF senior Christina Rios said this trip was an exceptionally great experience for the Military Science One and Two students because they will be learning new things. The students are called MS 1,2,3 and 4 according to the number of years spent in the program. “They will be doing whole night missions,” Rios said. “For many

cadets, this is the first time sleeping outdoors in this kind of environment.” The first day began with a simulated ambush on the Fullerton ROTC students. “We put them in a situation where they can’t see the enemy, they will be confused because they think they are walking up to their camping ground,” CSUF senior Kyle Luoma said. “We need to see how they react, we are not looking for winning or losing, we want to show them what to expect in guerilla warfare.” After the shooting began, the students quickly ducked and waited for orders from their superiors. “You’re looking like scared quell on the side of the road!” yelled Captain Scott Murphy. “You are being attacked! You just got ambushed! What are you going to do?” After the battle, Murphy led the troops to their first location to recap before moving on to the next activities. “It was confusing wasn’t it? Well, it’s gonna be that way and you just can’t shoot to be shooting,” he said. “The more you delay on the plan, the more time you give your enemy to attack.” Murphy reminded the students to always remember their chain of command before complimenting them

Araseli Cuevas/Daily Titan

Matt Flores, CSUF freshman, recalibrates his rifle before moving on to a shooting activity at Camp Pendleton during an ROTC three-day pre-training camp on Saturday. on a job well done and dismissing them to their next activities. Then, they were separated by experience as the MS3’s went out in the field for land navigation while the MS1 and 2’s stayed behind to take four different classes taught by their fellow MS4’s. The activities included various field training exercises, ranging from crawling

techniques to how to treat different kinds of heat injuries and learning how to recognize different land features on a map. The coordination for these activities and the entire trip takes six months of planning and a whole lot of communication with the Marines rotc 8

Online group unites young people on reform Mobilize.org strives to achieve common goal among diverse views By Ishell Linares Daily Titan Staff

An organization that unites young people with different ideologies to work towards a common cause seems almost like an impossible feat, but that is what Mobilize.org strives to achieve. Still a fairly young organization, Mobilize.org has managed to expand from a group of college students at the UC Berkeley campus to a national

organization since forming in 2001. “Mobilize.org is a national nonprofit organization that works to get young people involved [in political issues],” said David Smith, founder and executive director of the organization. A current topic for members of Mobilize.org in California is the redistricting reform Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed in January. Currently, partisan legislators divide voting districts and the reform looks to take that power away and give it to a panel of independent judges. Smith said this approach is tackling the problem from the root.

“Young people feel that elected officials are not responsive to them, don’t speak to them, don’t listen to them and do not represent them,” Smith said. “The goal is that the panel of judges would be more concerned with the interest of the people than the legislators currently are.” For the past month, the organization has been collecting signatures in California in support of the reform, said Kalin McKenna, the national outreach coordinator. On March 1, The Los Angeles Times reported that legal experts said that redistricting between census periods might not be such a good idea because the new districts would have to be determined on information

based on the 2000 census data. The population of California is said to have grown 2.6 million since the last census. Mobilize.org promotes the reform as beneficial to all regardless of party affiliation. Because of this concept they have been able to unite youth from different ideological groups in support of the governor’s proposed reform. Mobilize.org has tackled other issues in the past that concerned youth. The organization started as a group of 150 UC Berkeley students who organized a trip to Sacramento to mobilize 3


2 Monday, April 25, 2005

News in Rief



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Sweat, booze and rock n’ roll


Starting today is an intraumural sports co-ed round robin soccer tournament. The event is free to all students and Rec Sports members with a valid ID. Call (714) 278-4382 for more information.

FULLERTON – The votes came in last Thursday and the winners for next year’s Associated Students Inc. presidency were announced. In a clear victory over “guerilla campaign” write-in candidates, Mona Mohammadi and running mate Drew Wiley will serve Cal State Fullerton’s student body in 2005-06 as ASI president and vice president, respectively. In reaction to the election results, Mohammadi said she and Wiley look forward to representing the university in the coming year and feel qualified and ready to do so. See full story Tuesday.

Looking for a free date? Woo that special person you’ve been eyeing with a personalized version of Fall Out Boy’s “Sugar We’re Going Down.” Karaoke will be held in the Titan Student Union Underground’s Pub from noon to 1:30 p.m. Please call (714) 278–2144 for more information.


Four car bombings in Iraq leave 21 dead

Saudi prince, Bush to meet, talk issues

JIDDAH, Saudi Arabia­ – Sky-high oil prices and the prickly issues of terrorism and bringing democracy to the Middle East could provide some tense moments between old friends when Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah visits President Bush at his Texas ranch Monday. The two men also were expected to discuss Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip, Syria’s role in Lebanon and a U.S.-Saudi economic agreement that would speed the kingdom’s entry into the World Trade Organization.

Local Man shot on Orange County freeway SANTA ANA – A motorist was shot in the neck Sunday while he drove on an Orange County freeway but managed to drive himself to a hospital and will likely survive, authorities said. The 33-year-old man, whose name has not been released, was shot around 1:45 a.m. Sunday on the 55 Freeway in Tustin. Police said the victim was followed as he drove northbound on Interstate 5 and exited onto the 55 Freeway before being shot in the neck.

West Nile victim’s information released

FULLERTON – Orange County health officials have agreed to share confidential information about West Nile patients with other agencies on a limited basis to assist with mosquito eradication efforts. The decision comes after relatives and health investigators expressed frustration over the secrecy surrounding the death last year of James M. Damiano, who was the first person in California to die from the West Nile virus last year. Reports compiled from The Associated Press

Daily Titan Editorial

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Marti Longworth Ryan Townsend Ryan McKay Ashlee Andridge Niyaz Pirani Josh Diggs Kevin Metz Kym Parsons Rudy Gharib Laura Gordon Shannon Anchaleechamaikorn David Pardo Brittany Kuhn Kim Stigerts Brian Ramuno Manuel Irigoyen Theresa Vergara Tom Clanin Editorial Fax (714) 278-4473 E-mail: news@dailytitan.com


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

April 25, 2005

It’s Communications Week! This campus-wide event is designed to heighten the awareness of the field of Communications. It exposes students to the professional world, internship opportunities and hands-on planning experience. Visit http://communications.fullerton.edu or call (714) 2787083 for more information.

Mohammadi and Wiley take ASI victory

BAGHDAD, Iraq – An emboldened Iraqi insurgency staged carefully coordinated dual bombings in Saddam Hussein’s hometown and a Shiite neighborhood of the capital Sunday, killing at least 21 people. Lawmakers loyal to the new prime minister said he was ready to announce a Cabinet that would exclude his interim predecessor, Ayad Allawi.


Elizabeth Zuluaga/Daily Titan

Eric Brashear, vocals/guitar, and Jared Soliz, bass/vocals, are members of the band Red Letter Day who rocked out for students at the Battle of the Bands on Saturday. The event was held from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Off Campus Pub across the street from Cal State Fullerton.



4/17 12:20

Police received a call reporting a disturbance at the Acacia Dorm. It was reported that a party was taking place and the people there were being uncooperative. A report was taken.

4/18 09:57

A report was taken of a stolen Suzuki GSXR 600 from Lot E. The owner of the vehicle was reported as being up to date on the payments.

4/18 10:17

Police responded to reports of a suspicious person at the parking structure. It was reported that a man was seen sitting with a box of Oreos. Everything checked out OK.

4/18 22:38

A log note was taken regarding a sorority house that that had been egged the night before by another


In the April 21 issue of the Daily Titan, Luyi Khasi’s gender was incorrectly identified. Khasi is a female.

University Police log for the week of April 17-April 23 sorority. In addition, the sorority had received threats of possible egging again that night. Additional patrol checks were required.

4/18 22:49

Police responded to the Birch Dorm when it was reported that two men were arguing and a group had gathered around them. Everything checked out OK.

4/19 12:16

4/20 17:43

Police resolved a hazardous materials incident after receiving a call from a professor who reported seeing a machete in the grass near the Titan Student Union.

4/21 7:48

Police responded to suspicious circumstances when it was reported that the Kettle Corn Cart in the Quad may have been broken into.

Police received a call reporting a suspicious man at the Pollak Library. It was reported that the man was walking around talking to himself, occasionally bursting out in laughter making others uncomfortable. Police did a field interview.

4/21 14:06

4/20 14:19

Police responded to reports of a disturbance in the Titan Shops. It was reported that a man leaving the store had just assaulted another man inside. Police made an arrest.

Police responded to reports of suspicious circumstances at the Manzanita Dorm. It was reported that there was a strong odor of marijuana coming from a room. A report was taken.

4/20 14:41

A call was made requesting medical aid to a woman in the Health Center who needed an escort to the hospital because of a kidney infection.

A call was made from Parking Lot E reporting two suspicious men who were seen with screwdrivers possibly removing license plates from vehicles.

4/22 9:47

4/23 23:40

A call was made to police from a blue emergency phone. It was reported that there was possible screaming heard on the line before the call was disconnected. Police were unable to locate anyone involved.

If you’re not a songbird but have some change in your pocket and are looking for a cheap date, strap on some used shoes and knock ‘em down in the TSU Underground’s Family Bowling Night between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Getting ready to graduate? Don’t forget to view the “Graduate With Titan Pride” video on Titan Online. It’s the only way graduating students will be able to claim their commencement tickets for friends and family. Graduation tickets will only be available until May 8 for pick-up in the Titan Student Union. If you’re looking to get back into shape, but feel like you don’t have the time, Fitness and Wellness Programs in the Kinesiology and Health Services Center might be the answer. KHS, room 203 will host “Gutts, Butts and Thights” from 12:10 p.m. to 12:55 p.m., “Freestyle Aerobics” from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and “Cardio Dance” from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “Reebok Spinning” will be in KHS, room 264 between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. It’s all about art appreciation in the Titan Student Union as two students feature some of their work in an art display in the Atrium Gallery. Melanie Donegan will have some of her ceramic pieces on display and Victor Hugo Silva will have some of his paintings and prints on display. The display will be up until the end of April and for more information, please call (714) 278–3915. Chuck Jones, the man behind famous cartoons such as Looney Tunes characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Porky Pig, is showing an art exhibit called “Master of Animation.” The exhibit is being held at Newport Beach Central Library located on 1000 Avocado Avenue in Newport Beach. The exhibit is free and is on display from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. For more information, please call (949) 717–3870. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.



Monday, April 25 Mostly Sunny Low 52°


Tuesday, April 26 Partly Cloudy Low 52°


Wednesday, April 27 Few Showers Low 53°


Compiled from The Weather Channel


Daily Titan

Monday, April 25, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Students see internship as opportunity SCEP work waived by federal agency based on performance By Chisato Kanegae For the Daily Titan

College students nationwide may see changes to an existing internship program offered by the federal government. Proposed regulations by the Office of Personnel Management will allow federal agencies a more flexible use of the Student Career Experience Program. SCEP is an internship program that began as a part of the Student

Educational Employment Program, according to the Office of Personnel Management Web site. A student from an accredited school with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA, must complete a required 640 hours of service. The program allows the student to experience a career in the federal government, qualifying the student for a federal job after graduation. The changes will allow students to earn credit for some non-federal internships and military service. Students who have shown exceptional performance in the program may have a chance at having half of the required SCEP work waived by a federal agency. “Students have loved it,” said

Maria Valdivia-Pellkofer about previous students who have taken the paid program. “It’s a wonderful opportunity.” Pellkofer, Cal State Fullerton’s Career Center staff specializing in government and diversity, has dealt with several students over the years who have joined SCEP. Pellkofer has signed two students to the program and they are currently working in the Department of Labor. “[It’s] a great way to network [and it’s] a potential to meet employers,” Pellkofer said. “[The federal government] desperately need[s] new people.” A student who has met the requirements to enter the program

must have a contract signed by the organization and the university. He or she should also be a U.S. citizen, since after graduation federal agencies only hire citizens. Pellkofer said students should be at the junior level, although it is not required. “I think that’s an external way of recruitment,” said Pellkofer, calling the program the government’s “primary source” of finding new young workers. Jennifer Whyte, a public administration major, has heard of SCEP, but has already done another internship program required by the department. “I plan on doing another one for the master’s program,” Whyte said. The graduating senior expressed

CSUF comm class chosen to produce potential commercial

PR, media, creative and budget sections and planners for all their events. Michelle Busak, the other coaccount coordinator, said, “It is the closest thing in a school environment to the real world.” The class started from scratch to create their campaign for Chevy, even to the name of their corporation. “Titanium Inc. is a student agency to represent our slogan: ‘strong ideas, solid results,’” said Rassmussen. After eight weeks, the class did a 30-minute presentation to their client. Simon Hartigan, who is in charge of budget, said, “presenting it, it made it feel like the real deal.” Chevy was so impressed with the ideas Titanium Inc. came up with that they gave the class the greenlight to use $2,500 to help create their campaign. The class developed four print ads and a video clip that the company might want to use for a commercial. Cari Shepard, the department head of PR, said it was a good tradeoff for both the company and the students. “It’s a good way to market something at a very low cost,” she said. “We get experience, and they get the expertise.” Shepard said the Cobalt is replacing the Cavalier in Chevy’s marketing campaign. The Cobalt’s competitor is the Honda Civic, and it is aimed towards a younger demographic. Armain Austin, Edventure Partners’ program facilitator who approached the class with working

that she had a great time doing the internship and is looking forward to CSUF’s master’s program in public administration. Whyte said her “passion is recreation,” wanting a career in the Bureau of Land Management, a branch within the Department of the Interior. Habib Hanna, a junior, was interested SCEP, but expressed that he did not want a career as a public administrator. “I’d like to find out more about the program,” the political science major said. “I’ve never heard of it.” With prior experience with students in SCEP, Pellkofer sees changes in attitudes toward working for the government. Pellkofer

believes that most students have many misconceptions about public service, but changed their view once they entered the program. Pellkofer said many students never considered working for the government before taking the program. SCEP does not single out public administration students. In fact, there are opportunities for students in all areas of study from advertising to TV production. “They accept everybody,” Pellkofer said. The number of CSUF students entering the program each year is unknown. Pellkofer has signed the contract for a few students, but not all students come to her to get university approval.

El Toro provides Titans assist in Chevy campaign less distractions Nearly 3,400 Titans attend campus, have easier time parking

tude of students on campus. “Students here are very direct, they are either in class or studying.” According to Admissions and Records, approximately 32,800 By Dennis Olson students attend CSUF. The El Daily Titan Staff Toro campus accounts for 3,400 of these students. Only upperCal State Fullerton students division courses are offered at the who choose to take their classes satellite campus. Baker said the at the El Toro branch campus lack of underclassmen adds to the are able to do so tranquil pace of without many disthe campus. tractions, such as “At Fullerton, At El Toro, it’s searching to find the tempo and juniors and an open parking variety of things seniors only, so spot or navigating going on is much there are not as through crowds of higher,” he said. students to get to “At El Toro, many activities. class on time. it’s juniors and For CSUF seniors only, so Robert Baker Police Sergeant there are not as CSUF Police Sergeant Robert Baker, many activities.” the small campus Baker is also gives him a chance to get his work the Support Services Supervisor done while not having to deal with for the CSUF police and said problems like traffic accidents and he enjoys being able to spend parking disputes that he said were more time working on issues dealcommon during his 26 years at the ing with that position, rather than main campus. problems around campus. Baker was assigned to the El “This campus is very quiet and Toro campus when it opened in allows me a chance to get more August 2002. Since its opening, work done,” he said. Baker has seen the number of stuAs Support Services supervidents and classes offered increase, El Toro 4 but said it hasn’t changed the atti-

By Reina V. Slutske Daily Titan Staff

The sun beats down on the Titans’ baseball game against Pacific as a car pulls up the road leading up to the stadium. Titanium Inc., also known as one of the Comm 451b classes, is waiting for it with anticipation. This is the first time they have seen the Chevy Cobalt, the newest car in the Chevrolet line, and a car that the class has spent the semester developing a campaign for. Cal State Fullerton was one of 25 campuses Chevy approached to create a campaign for their new car, which they are marketing to college-age students in urban markets. The Fullerton class proposed their campaign to Chevy, which told them to continue with a variety of press events, commercials, public service announcements and their slogan: “Unleash the Experience.” Comm 451 is a class required for all advertising majors. The b-section is a local focus. “We didn’t know we would be working with the Chevy Cobalt,” said Amie Rasmussen, one of the two co-account coordinators in charge of the project. Rasmussen said that class was divided up like a real agency, with


from page 1

voice their dissatisfaction with tuition increases and problems with student housing. McKenna said the results of that meeting with the State Assembly and State Senate far exceeded their expectations. Tuition fees were not increased, resulting in $100 million in savings for UC students and for the first time in California, the state provided funds for student housing. Mobilizer groups have sprouted throughout Orange County high


from page 1

1,500 and 2,000. “I didn’t have any idea that it would be this big of an event,” Fullerton Mayor Shawn Nelson said. He added that too many people don’t think about organ donation until it has affected them personally. Janet McGarvey, a Brea resident, agreed saying she hadn’t thought

Reina V. Slutske/Daily Titan

Simon Hartigan and Michelle Busak help a group of children who approach their table at the baseball game on Sunday. Haritgan and Busak are both members of Comm 451b, whose project for the semester is advertising the Chevy Cobalt. for Chevy, said that he has been very impressed by Cal State Fullerton’s work. “Not only did they have a campaign, but they’re doing promotions,” he said. These promotions have included the Long Beach Grand Prix and the recent Titans’ baseball game. Their last promotional event will be the Battle of the Bands this Saturday at the Off-Campus Pub. They have offered free drinks, free food and for those who go inside the car, a chance to find free CDs. “We’re giving away stuff peo-

ple want,” said Justine Hacker, the co-department head of promotions. They have also had “Cobalt girls,” and developed temporary tattoos with the slogan. Although the car is not currently on the market, that doesn’t seem to be the point. Jenna Zeyak, one of the students who are working promotions said, “We are trying to get them to be aware of it, not to buy it.” Charissa Sankhavasi, the department head of research, added, “The surveys generate awareness. Our main goal is to make the community aware.”

school campuses seeking out issues that concern the youth in the area. “We have meetings where issues are brought up and a monthly issue is decided,” said Kevin McKenna, the Orange County mobilizer and student at El Toro High School. Once the issues have been discussed, they decide what action will be taken. The group has worked on trash pick-up issues, curfew laws and contributed to getting signatures for the redistricting reform. The organization is always looking for youth interested in making a difference, Kalin said. Interested youth can get involved by visiting their Web

site at www.Mobilize.org or calling 1-866-Moblize. Another way of participating is by being informed, she added. “The mission of Mobilize is to educate, energize and empower youth,” Kalin said. Smith said apathy is not the word to use to describe today’s youth when it comes to political issues. He added that the problem is that young people are yet to make the connection that the issues of today will have an effect on tomorrow. “There is a change in tides,” Smith said. “Young people are starting to be more involved.”

about the issue until it entered her life. “I was pretty lucky,” she said. “I was placed on a list October 20, 2003.” McGarvey was on the verge of hospitalization – in desperate need for a new heart. “I received a heart February 13, 2004, Friday the 13.” McGarvey said. Last year was McGarvey’s first time at the festival, just months after her intense surgery. Her husband, Bill, explained that UCLA Medical Center has a 98 percent success rate for heart transplants. “I’m here because I’m thankful for the gift I received,” McGarvey said. McGarvey and the mayor said they have the same goal in mind. “We need to build awareness,” Nelson said. “It’s a great cause.” McGarvey said along with the need for awareness, there is also a need for donations. “People don’t know about it and that is why they don’t donate,” McGarvey said.

After a patient is lucky enough to receive a transplant, the doctor visits don’t end there. Bill McGarvey explained that they stuck a wire down an artery in Janet’s neck to check the blood pressure and look for any type of rejection. Janet proudly showed the circular scar on her neck as a result of this procedure. Not everyone has been as fortunate as the McGarvey family. Many participants were walking/running in memory of a lost loved one, the organizers said. Their support for those who have perished was proudly displayed on shirts with the lost individuals’ pictures. Despite the losses that have occurred, the crowd was optimistic and eager to participate in the event. Right before the race started, 1,160 ballons, which represented the number of transplants in Southern California, were let loose to commemorate those who have been saved. Donate Life holds events periodically. For more information on events or donations, visit the Donate Life Orange County Web site at www. giftoflifeoc.org.

Daily Titan

“There are two parts of the paper, the editorial and the advertising,” from page 1 Longworth said. “We wouldn’t have a paper if there was no advertising.” the best classified page/section categoThe Daily Titan editorial and ry for circulation less than 40,000 and advertising sections will compete in best sales promotional materials, again for awards and honors during again for circulation less than 40,000. Fall 2005.

4 Monday, April 25, 2005



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

LSA free movie night aims Students volunteer to entertain and educate to aid prom-goers Students may learn new vocabulary by watching films By Noboru Okuyama For the Daily Titan

Students and faculty might want to take a break before going out for the weekend when their busy, stressful week on campus comes close to an end on Thursday evening. The Linguistics Student Association is offering a free movie night open to all Cal State Fullerton students and faculty, starting at 7 p.m. They will also have a food stand on the first floor of University Hall to sell quick snacks and drinks as fundraisers. Eric Mayfield, vice president of LSA, who designed the idea of the movie night, said the LSA selects movies that have language varieties to encourage all students to attend. LSA picks movies people may not have seen, so they can learn more about the vocabulary or language used in the film. The first movie night featured “Under the Tuscan Sun,” which

El Toro

from page 3

sor, Baker works on supporting all university police officers by getting them things like permits so they can complete their jobs more easily. “There are a myriad of things that go into supporting an officer,” he said. “The people behind them must support them if they are going to be in the field.” Most of the questions Baker is accustomed to answering for students and visitors deal with

depicted the beautiful, captivating landscapes of Tuscany, Italy, as well as routine lives of Italians. The second night, scheduled for April 28, will feature “Good Bye Lenin!” – a German language film. Additional information and reserved seating are available at the LSA Web site. “There are many foreign language speakers within the linguistic major, and if we use films from all over the world, then it gives everyone a chance to find something they like,” said Timothy Henry, a graduate student majoring in linguistics. “It provides a way for us to talk about different cultures.” As some Americans were confused by the Japanese dialect in the film “Lost in Translation,” non-native English speakers might be confused by “Hotel Rwanda,” a film that contains a great deal of African English. “Hotel Rwanda” will be featured on May 5. Non-native as well as native English speakers will benefit from the film “We all keep saying that English is a global language, but the English spoken as a second language where the community still maintains its own regional and

national language, like Africa and India, is quite different from the English you hear on our streets,” LSA President Colleen Davis said. Alan S. Kaye, a CSUF linguistics professor, said the movie night would bring foreign and American students together by sharing various kinds of films with one another. “International students are able to learn much about our culture from American films that features its local tradition, such as the dialect in New England, which is very different from California,” Kaye said. LSA encourages the learning of foreign languages and culture, which can benefit a person who likes to travel around the world. Sonia Rodriguez, a senior anthropology major, who participated in the first night, found herself immersed in staying with foreign culture. “If I’m familiar with foreign language and culture, it makes me confident when I travel to other counties,” said Rodriguez, who is going on a trip to India this summer. “Even one phrase will help me communicate with local people.”

parking. Those questions can now be answered by the Visitor Information Center, which opened April 4. Though Baker said he doesn’t see much action in comparison to the main campus, an officer is required to be present at all hours the campus is open in case of an emergency. One such emergency is power outages, which have occurred occasionally on the former marine base. When the power goes out, Baker must assist in canceling classes and closing the campus. “We have had a few power out-

ages because we are relying on some old military electrical equipment,” he said. “When they happen, we need to remove students quickly.” In coming years, the former base will be developed into the Orange County Great Park. The Great Park will consist of places and things ranging from residential neighborhoods to sports parks and museums. Baker said he believes the transformation will have a positive effect on the campus. “The Great Park will just add to the great atmosphere at the campus.”

‘Cinderellas for Life’ group collects dresses for disadvantaged girls By Ashley Majeski For the Daily Titan

Like any senior at Savannah High School, Elisa Vellos has a lot to worry about: finals, graduation and of course, prom. But for Elisa and many other at- risk and disadvantaged girls, prom also brings on financial worries, especially when it comes to paying for a prom dress, which can run anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars in cost. Thanks to Working Wardrobes, they have less to worry about. In their fourth annual “Cinderellas for Life” event, held Saturday in Garden Grove, over 400 girls received not only their dream dress, but also shoes, purses and jewelry at no charge. “The money was what I was worried about,” said Vellos, who decided on a puffy black gown. “I was worried I was not going to be able to find a dress.” Working Wardrobes Executive Director Jerri Rosen said that over 2,000 dresses were donated, both from members of the community and from businesses such as David’s Bridal. “The girls are really taken care of,” said Rosen, adding that each girl was given a personal shopper to help them find the dress and accessories to match. Rosen said that over 300 people volunteered to help with the event, including many college students and sororities. “This is a very emotional day for the volunteers,” Rosen said. “They’re reliving the moments of their own proms and making this event special for the girls.”

Ashley Majeski/For the Daily Titan

CSUF student, Courtney Campbell (right), helps a girl find the perfect prom dress at the fourth annual ‘Cinderellas For Life’ event on Saturday. Taylor Dudley, a member of Tri Delta, a sorority at Cal State Long Beach, said her sorority collected 119 dresses and many girls volunteered as personal shoppers. “I remember how important my prom was to me, and it was important to give these girls the same experience,” Dudley said. “My first girl thanked me numerous times and was very excited. I really felt a connection with her.” Courtney Campbell, a Cal State Fullerton child and adolescent development major, also volunteered as a personal shopper, helping five girls find their perfect prom dress. “It’s been amazing, the girls are so excited,” she said, adding that she would volunteer next year, “in a heartbeat.”

The personal shoppers’ efforts did not go unnoticed. “I couldn’t find a dress, but then my helper finally found me the most awesome dress – and it actually fit!” said Vellos, who modeled the dress to her friend, Annemarie Valenzuela, also a Savannah senior. “I would have never been able to do this on my own,” she said. In addition to shopping for the dresses, the girls also attended a series of workshops, including etiquette and posture, skin care and treasure mapping, where they cut photos from magazines to show what they wanted for their futures. In the meantime, Elisa Vellos is looking to the very near future, her prom, May 21, when she will get to wear her new dress and play Cinderella for the day.

8 Monday, April 25, 2005


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at Pendleton, as well as a lot of coordination between the three participating schools, Master Sergeant David A. Takacs said. The hard work, he said, is well worth it. “This hones in their skills in their ability to prepare as feature officers,” Takacs said. This trip is also one of the last opportunities the MS4’s will get to practice before “Summer Camp,” a test-like camp that will determine where the seniors will be placed within the military. “The better student they are, they better they do in Summer Camp, the better chances they have to be placed where they want,” Takacs

said. In between rotations, as the students eat their Meals Ready-to-Eat, MS2 Jennifer Do explains that for many, ROTC is the best way to go through the Army. It helps one avoid all the unnecessary grunt work, it teaches the students leadership skills right away, it gives them their college education and they go in as officers, she said. She said that not all students enrolled in the program will join the Army; some join ROTC to become better citizens and leaders, and others join for only two years before enlisting in other branches of the military. On the last rotation of the night before dinner, there was an incident when live ammunition was mixed up with the blank ones. The officers



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415 in charge quickly noticed the mistake and had all the cadets check their magazines before doing any other activity. Many of the cadets joked about how the Marines probably trained with live ammo, since they’re crazy that way. After dinner and before nightfall, the schools were broken up in squads of eight to 10 cadets, and given a location out in the woods to sleep. On Saturday, the second day of training, the students began to “walk the lanes.” Each lane had a different mission to accomplish, such as taking over a bunker or ambushing. The squads walked five out of the nine lanes that were set up and a different cadet got to lead in each lane. They were then evaluated

on each mission. “It teaches you the fundamentals of being a soldier,” said CSUF senior Christopher Bellah, who likes to carry three knifes around with him in his gear, opposed to the traditional one. Josh England, one of the Senior MS4’s in charge of the activities, was really pleased with how the day went. “Everything has gone as planned [and] the weather has been good. Working with three different schools that you’ve never worked with before can be difficult, but the mission has been successful so far and that is all you can hope for,” he said. Although no one person would admit it, six students had minor ankle injuries, two from CSUF and

the others from USC, one student almost stepped on a snake, Murphy received a minor burn in his knee from a hand grenade simulator, a sergeant was sent to the hospital and during a night mission, another student received a burn on his neck from a piece of scrap metal. On the final day, the students were moved to a different location in Camp Pendleton, called “Combat Town,” complete with rusty tanks, flipped cars and bullet holes in the brick walls of the buildings. The students were broken up in two teams and did a whole night stakeout before pretending to take over the village. Before the mission, Staff Sergeant Tomas Moralez said the whole purpose of this weekend is to keep the

students in constant motion. “They need to fight against the cold, against the hunger, against the exhaustion,” he said. “Things they will have to deal with as real soldiers.” Though the end of the three-day camp exhausted all the cadets, they were pleased with the activities. “It was tough, but it was great,” freshman Hanna Merkes said. Lieutenant Colonel Billy Howard, the officer in charge of everyone involved in the operation, was pleased with the outcome. “It was a hard weekend, it took a lot of synchronization, but it met my expectations and more,” he said. “I feel that it prepared these cadets, it made them better then they already are.”

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