2005 05 09

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Softball sweeps Pacific to inch closer to an NCAA Tournament bid 8

Mindless TV hits new low with runaway bride coverage; UN reform 6

C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n

M o n d a y, M a y 9 , 2 0 0 5

CSUF hosts special athletes

Daily Titan w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Groups urge community, cooperation

Anger management

Town hall meeting looks at issues facing African-Americans

5,000 participants fill up sports field near Titan Gymnasium

By DIANICA ABBOT For the Daily Titan

By CHISATO KANEGAE For the Daily Titan

The rain stayed away from the festivities at Fridayʼs Special Games, allowing the participants in this unconventional sporting event to fully enjoy this yearʼs games – which mark the 20th anniversary of the event – at Cal State Fullerton. This time around, the event drew the largest number of participants ever. Approximately 3,000 special athletes, along with over 2,000 volunteers, gathered at the sports field north of the Titan Gymnasium. The volunteers present during the athletesʼ arrival formed a human wall, stretching from one end of the field to the other. Most volunteers were representatives from elementary, junior high and high schools, coming from Orange and Los Angeles Counties. Some schools had mandatory participation for their students, while others volunteered to come and spend a day with the special athletes. Marlene Hernandez, a junior at Fullerton High School, expressed her reasons for volunteering. “[Itʼs] life changing to help out,” she said. “[We can] realize what we take for granted.” Hernandez decided to help when the school made an announcement about the event. She said she would “love to come again” for next yearʼs games. Two football players from Anaheimʼs Savanna High School escorted Fernando Alcala, of Tustin High School, during the games. Habacuc Jara and Francisco Saucedo, both juniors, volunteered for the event along with other members of the Savanna football team. “We just like helping the special kids,” Jara said. “As a football team, [we felt it was] good for the community,” Saucedo added. Jara and Saucedo heard announcements at their school about the event and wanted to volunteer again next year. The games were all about volunteers getting to know the special athletes and spending the day doing activities set up for the athGAMES 5

ERIC TOM/Daily Titan

Frank Zaccaro argues loudly with sophomore music major Andre Kelly in the Quad Wednesday afternoon. Zaccaro and his partner Jeremiah Baldwin travel from place to place with their signs as “believer[s] in Jesus Christ” Zaccaro said.

Convenience, cost are main causes for ‘fast-food frenzy’ Americans considered obese or overweight balloons to 60 percent By JENNY LOR For the Daily Titan

Fast, easy and cheap. Thatʼs the way people seem to eat nowadays. With the option to choose a healthy lifestyle, many Americans seem to forgo healthy eating and instead choose instant gratification through fast food. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 60 percent of Americans are either obese or overweight. Out of this percentage, an estimated 16 percent of children and adolescents ages 6 to 19 are overweight. “So much of America is beautiful,” said Ada Schulz, a nutritionist at Cal State Fullerton. “But not our eating habits.” With the abundance of fast food chains, it seems as if people canʼt walk down the street without passing a McDonaldʼs or Burger King. In California alone, there are 1,297 operating McDonaldʼs, according to their Web site. Outside of California, the company has sold billions of burgers worldwide. Many believe that fast food contributes to the obesity of millions. The blockbuster hit, “Super Size Me,” is a prime example of one per-

sonʼs opinion that America is eating itself to death. Director, producer and guinea pig of the experiment, Morgan Spurlock, goes on a monthlong road trip to interview experts in 20 U.S. cities and eats nothing but McDonaldʼs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. By the end of the study, Spurlock gained a substantial amount of weight, developed heart problems and depression associated with his

So much of America is beautiful. But not our eating habits. Ada Schulz CSUF Nutritionist

” fast food eating habits. Although the film might be interpreted as an exaggeration of a fastfood frenzy, it is plausible that fastfood companies try to accommodate their customers to the best of their ability as a way of making “heavy users” out of them. Spurlock used his film as an example of how Americans overlook health concerns when it comes to eating out. Sharing Spurlockʼs view, Schulz compared the human body to a vehicle. “People would not compromise with the fuel for our vehicles,” she

said. “No matter how much the price of gas.” She said the same should apply to eating habits. “What goes into your body becomes your fuel.” Understanding the consequences that come with eating fast food, no matter how fast, easy and cheap it may be is important for students to consider. “I know itʼs [bad] for me,” said Christina Kim, a junior human services major. “But itʼs so convenient, somewhat cheap and easily accessible. And Iʼm happy with it.” Nancy Tao, a junior child development major, sides with Kim. “I think [fast food] is good, convenient and efficient,” she said. “Because there are so many – and they have drive-thruʼs.” For others, fast food is only a means to silence the rumbling in their stomachs – not the main source of a good meal. “Fast food is only good on the go,” said Duong Le, a business major. “But if I had a choice of eating home-cooked meals or at a restaurant, then I wouldnʼt eat fast food.” The Department of Health and Human Services suggests that people aim for a healthy weight by being active and eating well. On campus, Schultz can discuss eating habits with students and help set them on a path to proper nutrition based on discussion about exercise and eating properly.

Traveling comic gallery trucks into Art Center Exhibit on mission to prove that popular art appeals to adults too By JASON KEHLER Daily Titan Staff

On itʼs fifth stop, the travelling gallery “Raw Boiled and Cooked: Comics on the Verge” is being displayed at the Cal State Fullerton Grand Central Art Center in the Artistʼs Village in Santa Ana. The gallery, which focuses on North American comic artists, originated in San Francisco at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. While stopping at other art galleries across the nation, Paul Candler, the curator of the show from the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, sees the display as unique because

Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 4 6


A game board based on a homeless person is one of the many pieces on display at the Grand Central Art Center in the Artist’s Village in Santa Ana. comics arenʼt normally displayed in art centers.

“This isnʼt a normal venue that you would see comics in,” Candler

said. “Theyʼre normally in your magazines and comic format, and theyʼre not usually hung on walls. I think comics belong on walls just like anything else, itʼs art to me.” Candler said the gallery was designed to show people a different side of comic book art. “I just wanted to show people that there are so many great comics out there that adults can pay attention to,” he said. The art displayed in the gallery had a mature theme that included pieces based on rape, the peddling of Western ideals across the world and an oversized board game based on the life of a homeless person. There was also a piece based on the seven deadly sins, which were displayed as shot glasses and included an illustration of the shot COMICS 3

It is time to wake up and find solutions to the problems that plague African-American communities, said more than 40 members of various African-American clubs and organizations Thursday evening at the Alumni House. The Waking Up Dialogue, sponsored by the Alliance for the Preservation of African Consciousness, was a town hall meeting held to inform the Cal State Fullerton community of the issues that stand in the way of AfricanAmerican progression. “This is what APAC stands for. Itʼs time for us to raise awareness so that all the groups on campus can join together in order to help better our communities,” said Warner Brown, president of APAC. One by one, students in the audience pointed out reasons why African-Americans are apathetic to the problems facing their communities. One passionate student asserted that the biggest problem with the African-American community is that there is no sense of community. “We are all about ourselves, and until we can learn to work not only with ourselves, but with other people, we will not progress,” said Victoria

Eley, an afro-ethnic studies major. Christopher Walton, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, said he believes another problem is that African-Americans are not aware of their roots. “This is a major problem because we allow outside influences like television and other media outlets tell us who we are,” he said. Franklin Vinson, a facilitator of the dialogue and member of APAC, said one of the major problems is that African-Americans do not teach their children to put education first. “We push black children to be more athletic,” Vinson said. “Instead of putting athletics first, we need to put education first. We get so caught up in showing support at athletic games that we fail to support our children academically. What we need to do is support them by taking them to the library and putting a book in their hands.” After two hours of addressing the problems, Brown proposed that students come up with solutions. “We are not too young to start change. The students at the Woolworth lunch counters were our age when they started. It time to stop talking about the problems and come up with solutions that will help our communities,” Brown said. Students proposed that various organizations set up a shadow day program that would allow high school students from urban neighborhoods to come to campus and spend the day with student leaders. WAKE UP 3

X-rated film shows students the reality of Asian sexuality Darrel Hamamotoʼs porn flick gives Titans ʻcultural educationʼ By JULIE KIM Daily Titan Staff

An Asian-American couple was shown having sex on the big screen of the Mackey Auditorium in the Ruby Gerontology Center on Thursday. The X-rated video, entitled “Yellocaust: A Patriot Act,” marked the conclusion of Cal State Fullertonʼs celebration of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month. “We wanted to present something that needed to be exposed,” said Asian-American studies professor Susan Shoho, who helped organize the event. “But itʼs not about showing a skin flick; itʼs about cultural education.” UC Davis Asian-American studies professor Darrell Y. Hamamoto, who directed the six-minute politicized pornography, said he created “Yellocaust” for several reasons. One reason is that the Asian community was going through systemic genocide by the United States military. To underscore that impression, Hamamoto edited into “Yellocaust” sounds of people wailing and a scrolling text outlining historical information. For example, according to the video, 200,000 Filipinos died in the hands of American soldiers. The movie also addressed a proposal to sterilize Asian-Americans and claimed some Chinese men have


Dr. Darrell Hamamoto, a UC AsianAmerican studies professor, spoke on Asian-American sexuality and racism as perceived in American media on campus on Thursday. been unable to procreate with their wives because of a United States ban on Chinese women entering into the United States. In order to survive this “slowmotion Holocaust,” Asians must have sexual vitality, Hamamoto said. But the problem is that the whitedominated media has portrayed Asian men as emasculated, Hamamoto added. Asian-American studies senior Chaz Curry agreed. “His attempt to justify the AsianAmerican male stereotype by making an adult film with the sole purpose of casting an Asian-American male is very radical, but at the same time YELLOCAUST 5


2 Monday, May 9, 2005




news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Like a record, baby

M AY 9 , 2 0 0 5


Looking for a free date? Woo that special person youʼve been eyeing with a personalized version of Fall Out Boyʼs “Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends.” Karaoke will be held in the Titan Student Union Undergroundʼs Pub from noon to 1:30 p.m. Please call (714) 278 – 2144 for more information.

Seven U.S. service members killed in Iraq BAGHDAD, Iraq – An explosion of insurgent violence killed seven U.S. service members in Iraq over the weekend even as the Shiite-dominated parliament reached out Sunday to Sunni Arabs, approving four more of them to serve as government ministers. More than 300 people, including American forces, have been killed in a torrent of insurgent attacks since Iraqʼs Cabinet was sworn in April 28 with seven positions undecided.

Looking for a cheap date? Strap on some used shoes and knock ʻem down in the TSU Undergroundʼs Family Bowling Night between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Bush, Putin meet, set aside differences

If youʼre looking to get back into shape, but feel like you donʼt have the time, Fitness and Wellness Programs in the Kinesiology Building and Health Services Center might be the answer. KHS, room 203 will host “Guts, Butts and Thighs” from 12:10 p.m. to 12:55 p.m., “Freestyle Aerobics” from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and “Cardio Dance” from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “Reebok Spinning” will be in KHS, room 264 between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

MOSCOW – Changing the tone from tough talk to friendship, President Bush and Vladimir Putin went out of their way to take a unified stand on Middle East peace and terrorism Sunday after sharp words in recent days about democratic backsliding and postwar Soviet domination. A smiling Putin even put Bush behind the wheel of his prized 1956 Volga, a pristine white sedan, and let him take it for a spin around the grounds of his private compound 25 miles west of Moscow. Putin also kidded the president about Laura Bushʼs recent comedy routine.

Nation Military confronts reckless air crashes

If for any reason you are looking for a good deal on color prints, there is a color print special going on at Titan Student Union Graphic Services in the TSU. Itʼs buy one, get one free all week, so head down between 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. to take advantage of the offer. Call (714) 278-3915.

WASHINGTON – A deadly aircraft accident in Afghanistan last summer is one of a series of exasperating crashes in the military that was blamed on recklessness, not enemy gunfire or faulty equipment, The Associated Press found. Events that led to the crash unfolded as 11 Marines packed into an Army Black Hawk helicopter in eastern Afghanistan asked for an exciting flight on an otherwise dull mission, demonstrating for visiting dignitaries how troops are sped into battle.

Mistrial declared in Ohio shootings trial

Grad students Ryan Ross and Anita Sinclair will have some of their sculpture pieces on display in the Atrium Gallery. The display will be up until the end of May and for more information, please call (714) 278 – 3915.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The judge overseeing the case of a man charged with a string of Ohio highway shootings declared a mistrial Sunday after jurors said they could not reach a verdict. Franklin County Common Pleas Judge Charles Schneider sent jurors home after they failed to reach a consensus on their fourth full day of deliberations about Charles McCoy Jr., who pleaded innocent by reason of insanity to 24 charges.

State Alleged gay-bashing a high school hoax MILL VALLEY, Calif. - A 17-year-old top wrestler at an area high school faked a series of gay-bashing incidents that prompted a police investigation, authorities said. The rash of gay-bashing incidents was the work of a student gay leader who claimed she was the victim of hate crimes, according to Mill Valley Police Capt. James Wickham.

Local Independent water survey hits the OC NEWPORT BEACH – A team of volunteers checked about 20 Orange County creeks as part of an annual water-quality survey. The third annual California Coastwide Snapshot Day was scaled back due to a lack of funding and Orange County was one of only a few places taking samples. The environmental groups Orange County Coastkeeper and the Citizen Watershed Monitors of Orange County put on the project. Results from the samples gathered should be available in about two weeks. The extra information gathered from the volunteers could focus public attention on the problem of contaminated water spilling into creeks from homes and businesses, officials said. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

JULIE KIM/Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton student Frankie Aceves, a Radio-TV-Film major and officer of Hip-Hop Congress, DJ at “Get up 2 Get Down,” an event held at the Titan Student Union Pub on Thursday.



5/1 19:34

Police were unable to locate a suspicious man at the Titan House who was reportedly begging for money.

5/2 09:24

A report was taken of money stolen from a wallet out of a missing purse that was turned in to the Police Department. The owner of the purse said there was $80 missing.

5/2 15:53

A call was made to police from the library. No one spoke to police, but it was reported that it sounded like someone was fumbling with the phone and cursing was heard in the background. Everything checked

University Police log for the week of May 1-May 5 out OK..

5/3 09:05

A call was made seeking medical aid for a faculty member in the Computer Science Building. The report said that a man felt dizzy and fainted. Police responded and assisted him.

5/3 12:40

Police responded to a disturbance in the Quad of a man with a Jesus sign who was being loud and distracting. Everything checked out OK.

5/4 14:45

A disturbance was reported from

the Quad when a religious man was reportedly shouting about different things. Police responded and everything checked out OK.

5/4 16:34

Police assisted after a call was made reporting a suspicious person in the library who was suspected of viewing child pornography.

5/5 08:48

A call was made seeking medical aid for a student in the Performing Arts Center who needed assistance to the Health Center for treatment of an injury that was sustained while performing.

The Intramural Sports Co-ed Round Robin Soccer Tournament will continue today. The event is free to all students and rec sports members with a valid ID. For more information, call (714) 278-4382. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. If you would like to have a specific entry put in the calendar section, please send an e-mail to news@dailytitan.com.



Monday, May 9 AM Showers Low 54°


Tuesday, May 10 Partly Cloudy Low 52°


Wednesday, May 11 Partly Cloudy Low 54°


Compiled from The Weather Channel

NEWS Broadcast majors get hands-on experience Daily Titan

ʻOn the Edgeʼ offers students opportunity to participate in television By NICK COOPER Daily Titan Staff

Hidden in the maze-like basement of the Pollak Library is Titan Communications, Cal State Fullertonʼs student-run radio station and television studio. Produced with endless wires, buttons and computer equipment is “On the Edge,” a television newsmagazine produced and created entirely by CSUF students. “ʻOn the Edgeʼ is put together by students who are enrolled in communications classes, RTVF classes and volunteers from other majors as well,” said Heather Lacayo, the showʼs producer. The show offers opportunities for

Monday, May 9, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

students interested in broadcast communications. Students are able to pitch ideas, film segments, edit and appear before the camera. “[OTE] has all kinds of opportunities related to the Comm. Industry,” said Eraj Shadaram, Communications professor and advisor for the program. “Opportunities exist for people to be in front of the camera, for people to be behind the camera. People can edit, people can report and people can write.” Freshman broadcast journalism major Peter Martinez Jr. has been with OTE since his first semester at CSUF. “I completed my very first news package about a Peace Rally at UC Irvine,” Martinez said. “I filmed, edited and did a voice-over for the segment and it broadcasts on episode 21. I was so excited because it was my first time ever doing a news story and I enjoyed the whole process that it took to finish it.”

Students involved with the show can gain valuable first-hand knowledge of the broadcast industry that will carry over their future careers, Lacayo said. “I know that I will be a capable and successful television news reporter because of the experiences at ʻOn the Edgeʼ and from professors of communications classes I will take within the next couple of years,” Martinez said. Melissa Huddleson, a junior RTVF major, began volunteering her sophomore year and benefits from the family-like atmosphere surrounding the show. “Everyday I learn something new from everyone,” Huddleson said. Students involved in the production have the ability to find what they like to do and improve on it through feedback from the advisor and from professionals in the communications industry. “Any chance we get for students to

interact with people in the business, overs.” whether it is film, TV or just in the The show started at the beginning broadcast medium is incredibly ben- of 2001 as a program that students eficial,” Lacayo said. could get involved with to get hands His colleagues agreed. on experience. The show is a great way to dis“Whatʼs really cool is that students cover how much come here and have commitment it takes an interest in television,” Lacayo said. to create a quality What’s really cool “Maybe they want television program, to do camera work, Martinez said. “I is that students maybe they want to know that once I come here and do PR in television. begin classes relathave an interest in ed to the broadcast When they come television. journalism major, I here, they have the will be ahead of the opportunity to try Heather Lacayo game,” out every aspect of News Producer Some students it. Your not stuck in produce entire shows one thing, you can from start to finish. come in here and “I submit my story ideas to try things out.” Heather to see if theyʼre up to par. The show has given me a chance at If she likes them, she puts them on,” my ultimate goal in being a reporter, said Monique Williamson, a junior Martinez said. broadcast journalism major. “I do the “Besides trying not to sweat under shooting, editing, writing, and voice- the studio lights, it takes a lot of prac-

tice to read from a teleprompter while smiling and trying to remain calm, yet upbeat at the same time,” he said. The show is broadcast on Titan Channel Adelphia 98 and goes out to nearly 100,000 homes, Lacayo said. “In the event you want to see a segment or a show, maybe you were involved in it or have an interest in the topic, you can check it out on the Web site,” Lacayo said. “All the past episodes of OTE are online.” The show has to be broadcast quality for Adelphia to air the show, Lacayo said. “I helped edit a segment about an on-campus Native-American Indian celebration, Show 22, which was honored by the Society of Professional Journalists for Television Feature Photography,” Martinez said. The show is a rewarding experience and an excellent resume builder, Lacayo said. Student get hands-on experience and they have something solid to walk out the door with.


them feeling empowered. “It made me feel like I needed to get out and do something to help change the mentality of our people,” said Darrell Ballard, a sophomore business major. Ashley White, a junior double majoring in communications and psychology, said she really enjoyed the dialogue too. “Since this is my first time attending something like this on our campus, I didnʼt really know what to expect, but Iʼm really excited and

inspired because Iʼm leaving this dialogue feeling like I need to spread this news like itʼs the Gospel,” she said. Brown was very excited about how the event turned out. “I think this event served it purpose. It was great seeing all the groups gathered together in one room,” he said. “This dialogue also showed the students that we are not as involved as we should be. Itʼs time to step up to the plate and get involved.”

“Itʼs a travelling show and it kind of has that edginess that weʼre looking for,” Cubbage said. “And thatʼs why we picked it up.” Cubbage said the art reaches different types of people coming into the gallery. “Itʼs one of those shows that a lot of people that are into comics get something out of,” he said. “And I think the people that just want to come to see art get something they havenʼt seen before, and itʼs interesting and kind of wild.” Candler said the show was designed for people who arenʼt

comic-nuts. “A lot of people who have never looked at comics before have gotten to see the show,” he said. Candler said the gallery had 35,000 people view it in San Francisco and an indeterminate amount since travelling and has reached people new to this type of art. “Most [older] people see comics as being kid stuff or stuff thatʼs easily disposable on newsprint,” Candler said. “Cheap stuff that can be thrown away, but to me itʼs art, it deserves being displayed on the wall.”

from page 1

African-American clubs and organizations need to be more supportive of one another, said Nnamdi Okafor, president of the Afro-Ethnic Student Association. “We have so many things going on, but we donʼt know because weʼre so busy doing our own thing. If we support one another we will provide that sense of community.” Students said the dialogue left


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glasses titled the “Seven Sips of Sin.” “I really liked it because a lot of the works of art depict a social significance,” said Laura Elizalde, a CSUF American studies major. “Itʼs really cool because itʼs so different than what you normally see.” The show has been well received and is the type of show they like to display in the gallery, said Dennis Cubbage, assistant director of the center.

Daily Titan

NEWS Club hosts classic car show

Monday, May 9, 2005 5

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Read-a-thon dispells myths about holiday Latino clubs aim to transform stigma of ʻCinco De Drinkoʼ

psychological maturation during the 1940s. The book was banned in a Colorado high school and then burnt by the schoolʼs superintendent. A public apology followed. Madero said organizers picked By NOURA AL ANBAR the book because of its plot, magic Daily Titan Staff and vibrant language. “I think the book is great. Iʼve To celebrate a victorious day been here for an hour and a half, in the Chicano and Latino com- read about 30 pages and I think itʼs munities, Movimiento Estudiantil a wonderful event,” CSUF senior Chicano de Aztlan and the Chicano Monica Gaeta said. “I appreciate Studies Department at Cal State the fact that theyʼre trying to do Fullerton organized a Read-a-Thon something different and new with to break down stereotypes asso- Cinco de Mayo,” ciated with Cinco Throughout de Mayo. the day, readers Nayeli Madero, exchanged placIt’s not at all what es on the podium event organizer and as a prize, and MEChA some people make they received member, said these holidays to a free copy of the Read-a-Thon be, it’s not just all the book. In was not only put about drinking. addition to the together for the vibrant sounds o rg a n i z a t i o n ʼs Shane Richardson of Chicano literexposure, but to Fullerton Student ature in the air, add the voice of snacks, lunch Chicano literature and beverages throughout campus, and to disassociate themselves were offered and colorful arts and from the yearly “Cinco de Drinko” crafts were put on display. celebration. Lunch hour was dedicated to “We wanted to re-implement Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales, a more of a cultural, intellectual leader of the Chicano movement event on campus rather than an in the 60s. empty celebration,” Madero said. “He was a great leader and he The event started at 9 a.m. passed away a month ago. We dedand continued until 9 p.m. in the icated lunch hour for his remembrance and we read his ethic poems Quad. Despite Thursdayʼs windy, and bio, and tried to educate ourcloudy weather, the Read-a- selves more on what he did while Thon still attracted many readers. he was alive,” Madero said. The event took place on Cinco Madero said over 50 readers participated and there were more on de Mayo for a reason: to educate, the waiting list. inform and most of all, celebrate. “Itʼs great this is going on; com- Students from different ethic backing from an Irish family and cel- grounds united to represent a difebrating St. Patrickʼs Day, I can ferent view of Cinco de Mayo, and relate to this,” CSUF freshman more important, celebrated it in a Shane Richardson said. “Itʼs not at different manner. all what some people make these Madero and other students urge holidays to be, itʼs not just all about others to think of Cinco de Mayo drinking,” as a historical day, and not just an Gathered underneath a flying empty day filled with Coronas and tent, readers took turns reading partying. pages from the controversial novel “Cinco de Mayo is a celebra“Bless Me, Ultima” by Rudolfo tion of our culture and itʼs not Anaya. Some have claimed the Mexican Independence Day, thatʼs in September,” CSUF freshman novel promotes paganism. The book is about a Chicano Rosy Amaya said. “This is a celboy in New Mexico and his socio- ebration of our heritage.”

Santa Ana event seeks to relive the heyday of hot rods, celebrate cars By JASON KEHLER Daily Titan Staff

Hot rods lined the streets around the Cal State Fullertonʼs Grand Central Art Center Saturday in a tribute to the Santa Ana drag races that were run in the 1950s. In the middle of the hot rods, bands performed throughout the day to entertain those viewing the show, entitled “Resurrection III.” Many different cars, and some trucks, were on display during the show, including a custom hot rod that was designed like a coffin. Aside from custom cars with chopped tops, there were some lowered cars as well. However, the majority of the cars at the show were small two-seater hot rods. The variety at the show didnʼt end with just cars – the show brought out many different types of people as well. “All kinds of different people, youʼve got all walks,” said Bob Hill, president of the ACES Car Club. “People from 70 [years old] all the way down to little toddlers.” The hot rod show was put on in conjunction with the ACES Car Club and the CSUF Grand Central Art Center as a part of the First Saturday celebration that takes place every month in the village. Awards were given out to the owners of some of the hot rods. Categories included best nostalgic hot rod, best custom car, best rat rod and best in show. “This is one of the best shows,”


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letes. Activities included a 20-meter dash on the CSUF track, a basketball shootout and beanbag tosses. The most popular activity was the baseball game, where the special athletes were given chances to hit three balls pitched by a volunteer. “I knew about the event, but I never knew how big it was,” Fullerton police officer Mary Beyer said. “Iʼm delighted to have come.” Other festivities during the event included live musical performances and lunch for the athletes provided by Carlʼs Jr. Master of ceremonies for the special games, Ed Arnold, co-host of KOCE-TVʼs “Real Orange,” introduced CSUF President Milton A. Gordon, who asked participants to “come visit Cal State Fullerton often.”


Several hot rods ands show cars lined the streets of the Artist’s Villlage in Santa Ana as a part of the “Resurrection III” car show put on by the ACES Car Club Saturday. said Rick Johnson, whose 1930 Ford won best nostalgic hot rod. “It draws a lot of these hot rods, the nostalgic style of the ʻ50ʼs era, and thatʼs what Iʼm into.” The show originated three years ago when ACES was approached by Andrea Harris of the art center to display some cars for the Von Dutch show that was being held that year. “We talked to Andrea [Harris] over here at the art center and she was having an opening for the Von Dutch show,” Hill said. “She said it would be real nice if we had a few cars out

there.” That original show carried the Von Dutch theme, while last yearʼs theme was a tribute to the passing of Johnny Cash. The club decided to make this yearʼs theme based on the Santa Ana drags. “This year we did the theme on the Santa Ana drags because the old guys are getting older,” Hill said. “They used to race in the ʻ40s and the ʻ50s over there at the airport in Santa Ana. Itʼs a tribute to the old guys while theyʼre still around.”

ACES member Mickey Sharp said that the day had been a success. “Itʼs pretty good, a pretty good turn out, and weʼve had quite a few clubs here which was good,” Sharp said. The car club looks to keep doing the show each year, but with a different theme. “It works out real good, weʼve been successful for three years,” Hill said. “Weʼve never had any incidents with problems with any kind of fighting or any kind of stuff like that. Itʼs always been real low key, family oriented, really a lot of fun.”

Arnold also introduced Jack Faley, a family member of Kathleen E. Faley, whose name is honored as part of the event name. Kathleen E. Faley is the sister of Dan Faley, one of the founders of the Special Games. The games began in 1986 as a CSUF class project, with the goal of having one volunteer for each special. Kathleen Faley, a CSUF alumna, was one of the volunteers during the first year of the games. However, Kathleen was killed the following year in a car accident. Since then, the event was renamed to the Cal State Fullerton Special Games Kathleen Faley Memorial. The Faley family has been involved with the games every year. Arnold thanks Jack Faley and the Faley family for their continued involvement in the games and said, “without his leadership, things donʼt happen.”


Although some students in the audience snickered at the professor and his works, which have been parodied on “The Tonight Show” and Comedy Centralʼs “The Daily Show,” he handled the criticism. “I donʼt care if you laugh at me or think Iʼm evil,” Hamamoto said. “Someone had to do it.” Shoho praised Hamamoto for “stepping out of the comfort zone when other Asians might not have been comfortable with change.” “He was willing to be seen as a pornographer and not an AsianAmerican activist,” she added. One CSUF student asked how his university viewed him after the release of his adult films. “Weʼre known for cows, so they were happy I gave attention to [UC] Davis,” Hamamoto said. Another student wondered why the professor delved into the porn industry instead of making conventional feature films. The motive was accessibility: itʼs easier to make money in the multibillion-dollar porn industry, after which he planed to invest in works by other Asian-American moviemakers.

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very practical,” he said. Lindsey Howell, a junior psychology major, attended the event and thought the professorʼs viewpoint was interesting. “I respect and support creativity,” she said. In addition to the pornography, Hamamoto showed “Masters of the Pillow,” a 60-minute documentary made by James Hou, a former student of his. In the recording, Hou documented the making of Hamamotoʼs first-feature film, “Skin on Skin” – a 40-minute X-rated video, which was intended to arouse viewers unlike “Yellocaust.” The Asian Pacific Student Association organized the event with funding from the Association for Inter-Cultural Awareness and support from the Asian-American Studies Department. “There was no opposition,” Shoho added. The presentation on “Yellocaust: A Patriot Act” was scheduled for April 15, but it was postponed because the club didnʼt have proper funding.

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