Softball earns NCAA Tournament bid after sweeping Northridge 8
Debate is dead, letʼs start killing each other: Religious debates are pointless 6
C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
Daily Titan
M o n d a y, M a y 1 6 , 2 0 0 5
Vo l u m e 8 0 , I s s u e 5 0
w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m
Clubs look PRESIDENT BUSH to promote REMEMBERS THE TITANS unity on campus Group of spoken word artists gather to unite divided community By JULIE KIM Daily Titan Staff
With Cal State Fullertonʼs recent surge of cultural disparities – from controversy over Audio-Intifada in March to Norman Finkelsteinʼs presence in the Humanities Building – several organizations wanted to send a different message to the collective campus audience. And on one Friday-the-13th night in CSUFʼs Garden Café, that message seemed to be one of unity. Clubs such as the Afro-Ethnic Student Association, the Middle Eastern Student Society, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, the Alliance for the Preservation for African Consciousness and the Muslim Student Association presented the “EndDependence Spoken Word Tour,” a coalition comprising artists performing poetry and songs about various topics. Dianne Hurtado, a MEChA member and a junior double-majoring in Chican/Chicano studies and political science, said the clubs held the event to “raise awareness and to build bridges.” Although the school and MEChA first sponsored the tour in 2002, Hurtado – who helped coordinate the event – didnʼt want just one organization involved. “Weʼre all part of the same community,” she said. “There needs to be a cross-cultural solidarity.” To aid in solidifying the CSUF campus, several spoken word artists presented their works, ranging from poems about the ʼ80s crack epidemic in blackdominated inner cities to support for bilingualism. Their diverse backgrounds were evident from the start of the show as Skim, a Korean-American rapper, played on the janggoo, a traditional Korean drum, and sang in her native language. Other poets such as Gonzales and Gabriela Garcia Medina, a Cuban born in Moscow and now a theater major at UCLA, alternated between Spanish and English to denote their various heritages. But a more common theme with the EndDependence singers and poets was anger, whether it was directed at the Bush administration, lack of equal rights or racism. For example, in her poem entitled “Requiem for the Odessas,” Medina recited that “people are dying for nationalism that doesnʼt represent them,” commenting on the vast number of minorities in the military. Artist/singer Noni Limar wondered if the United States would “turn every Muslim into a good Christian.” Gonzales, leader and co-coordinator of the EndDependence collective, best summed up what many of the artistsʼ works reflected. “[Itʼs] not about hate; itʼs about rage,” he said. But in spite of some incendiary pieces, such as Skimʼs desire to “shoot the American president” and Limarʼs proclamation that she is not American because she “canʼt liken [herself] with genocide and SPOKEN WORD
The Associated Press
President George W. Bush congratulates P.J. Pilittere representing the 2004 NCAA champion Cal State Fullerton baseball team during an event to celebrate the best in college sports, in the East Room of the White House, in Washington D.C. on Friday. Pilittere, the team’s catcher, presents Bush with a Titans jersey.
Team scores one with White House WASHINGTON – Celebrating the 2004 victories of four teams – the Cal State Fullerton Titans baseball team, Indianaʼs soccer team, Stanford Universityʼs womenʼs volleyball team and Notre Dameʼs womenʼs soccer team – President George W. Bush urged them to be their best on and off the field. The jokes came fast and furious, and were mostly about him, as Bush on Friday hosted one of the White House events he loves most: Bringing in NCAA championship teams. “Youʼll have a full life when youʼre able to say to yourself, Iʼve really helped somebody in need,” he said in an East Room packed with players, coaches and fans. “Frankly, itʼs more important than a sports trophy.” All 25 players on the roster in Omaha, with the exception of minor leaguers Kurt Suzuki and Jason Windsor and reserve outfielder Shawn Scobee, who transferred to Nevada, made the trip, along with the returning coaches and CSUF President Milton A. Gordon. The meeting with Bush took place in the East Room of the White House on Friday, May 13,
which is appropriate since that was the Titansʼ lucky number last June in Omaha. Among many coincidences, it was Fullertonʼs 13th trip to the College World Series; its 13th consecutive trip to the NCAA Tournament and Windsor won his 13th game for the Super Regional on June 13, on the road to the College World Series. The Titans are sure to remind Bush that they beat the University of Texas in the championship game, 3-2. They also beat the Longhorns in the 1984 title game, 3-1. Along with the College World Series-winning Titans, Stanfordʼs womenʼs volleyball team, plus soccer teams from Indiana and Notre Dame were also recognized. While welcoming the Titans to the White House, Bush greeted Gordon and his wife, Margaret Faulwell Gordon, Titans Baseball Head Coach George Horton and Congressman Ed Royce, a CSUF alumnus. Looking at Royce, who was seated in the front row of the audience gathered in the East Room for the occasion, Bush asked, “You like baseball?” “I like that team,” Royce replied, nodding toward
Titan Student Union houses local artwork
Tammy Walker, Ryan Ross and Melanie Donegan show off talent in school galleries By NOURA AL ANBAR Daily Titan Staff
The Titan Student Union at Cal State Fullerton is currently featuring the artwork of three CSUF students and will continue hosting the exhibits until the last week of May. The exhibits located at the TSU Chapman Atrium, Center and Plaza galleries feature artists Tammy Walker, Ryan Ross and Melanie Donegan. Senior artist Tammy Walker is exhibiting her series of pencil rendering drawings at the Center gallery. Walkerʼs “Unnatural Selections” consists of large detailed drawings and paintings of animal and human imagery. An artistʼs reception was held on Friday night at the TSU.
“Since I was a little kid, I never stopped computers to control artwork and he presents drawing,” Walker said. “[For this collection] I his artwork in a unique “interactive” manner. chose domestic animals and pocket pets, they Ross classified “Pre-sense” as an interacare easy to study and the way they interact tive installation, about controlling or affecting with people and mimic peopleʼs social patterns environments from remote locations. He said with todayʼs technology, we is amazing.” achieve this phenomenon all Walker said she uses the the time without even knowanimal and human imagery to ... Even though ing it. describe her thoughts about somebody may “The installation was titled special qualities of social not physically be Pre-Sense because it is a play patterns basic to all humans present, it is still on the word ʻpresence,ʼ” and paralleled by the animal Ross said. “Presence is an world. possible to affect important concept because I “They [animals] are so things or situaam trying to say that even much like us,” she said. tions. though somebody may not “Itʼs superlative art. She Ryan Ross physically be present, it is can render things so large and Featired artist still possible to affect things so accurately. There is a lot or situations.” of attention to detail and lots Ross debuted “Pre-Sense” of expressions in everything at the Chapman Atrium and she does,” said Rick Walker, held his reception during the first weekend Tammyʼs father. On the other hand, graduate student Ryan GALLERIES 5 Ross is one of the first students at CSUF to use
the players. More on the Titans in Bush drew applause the White House Sports, page 8 when he cited the playersʼ motto: “Think how good itʼs gonna feel.” “It didnʼt feel so good for the Longhorns,” he deadpanned, eliciting laughter from attendees. “But I do want to congratulate you. I love baseball; I was telling the players, thatʼs my favorite sport of all. Itʼs a hard game to play, and itʼs definitely a team game and itʼs really hard to win the national championship …” The Titans were scheduled to fly home Saturday from Dulles International Airport to Long Beach, to arrive during the noon hour. Fullerton currently has a record of 37-12 overall and is in first place in the Big West Conference with a 14-2 record. The Titans are ranked No. 1 in the nation again this week by Baseball America. Compiled from The Associated Press and Cal State Fullerton Public Affairs.
Campus guilty of bad behavior, study says Students, faculty and staff display ʻuncivil, rudeʼ manners at school By ERIKA MEYERS For the Daily Titan
According to the Senate Forum, a spring publication of the Academic Senate at Cal State Fullerton, incivility on campus has created cause for concern. The Senate Forum defines civility as courtesy and politeness; basically a polite act or expression. It is a way people should act when surrounded by people in a community or on a campus. The
concern about rude and uncivil behavior is not limited to students, but also applies to faculty and staff. Some of the concerns the Academic Senate highlighted in the Forum were “students grabbing their essays as they are handed back, faculty taking parking spaces that others are waiting in line to get, phones ringing in class and faculty dressed in class as if they were going to Laguna Beach.” “Teachers are too lax about enforcing rules,” said Jamie Flanagan, a CSUF junior photo communications major. “If I was a teacher I would kick students out.” According to an Indiana University BEHAVIOR