2005 07 20

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005 Volume 2, Issue 7

Wedding Crashers: Review of hilarious new ďŹ lm starring Vince Vaughn.

Harry Potter:

The long anticipated J.K. Rowling book hits stores.

Titan Sports: California State University, Fullerton

New Line Cinema

Sports fair cancelled due to lack of interest.

Wonka Madness



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

This Week

Summer Titan


JULY 20- JULY 26

JULY 23: Steamers Jazz Club hosts The Orange County Ragtime Society, 1- 4:30 p.m. 138 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton. No cover charge. Call: (888) 8680668. JULY 24 — JULY 31: “Annie”: by Westminster Community Theatre, 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Westminster Playhouse. Call: (714) 527-5546. JULY 25: Bobby McGee’s, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mondays, karaoke and dancing, 200 S. State College Blvd., Brea. Call: (714) 529-1998.


By ERIKA LARA/ Summer Titan Staff Thousands of bicyclists pass through the Santa Ana River trail, which begins near the Prado Dam and meets up with the Huntington Beach and Newport and Balboa bike trails.

If you would like to submit an entry to the calendar section, e-mail korr@dailytitan.com.


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The Summer Titan is a student publication, printed every Wednesday from June 8 through Aug 17. The Summer Titan is a subsidiary of the Daily Titan, which operates independently of Associated Students, Inc., College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU system. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in The Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright  2004 Daily Titan

News in Brief Pakistan Holds London Bombing Suspects LAHORE, Pakistan — Pakistan police said Tuesday they were holding seven Islamic militants with possible links to the London bombers, as the investigation focused on the eastern city of Lahore. In a nationwide sweep, authorities also detained another 82 people suspected of ties to militants. Security officials believe one of the London bomber – Shahzad Tanweer, 22 – spent a few days at a religious school in Lahore, an eastern city where many militant groups have secret operations.

Military Bases To Close WASHINGTON — The baseclosing commission voted Tuesday to add a handful of military facilities in eight states and the nation’s capital to the hundreds that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld wants to close or shrink. The Navy Broadway Complex in San Diego and others are now on the list of installations to be closed. Under the commission’s actions, certain bases would see even more force reductions than the Pentagon proposed or would be shut down.

Bush Picks Supreme Court Judge WASHINGTON — President Bush chose federal appeals court judge John G. Roberts Jr. for a seat on the Supreme Court Tuesday, delighting Republicans while unsettling some Democrats with the selection of a young jurist with impeccable conservative credentials. Roberts, 50, would succeed retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who has long been a swing vote on a court divided narrowly on issues such as abortion, affirmative action, states’ rights and the death penalty.

WEDNESDAY: mostly cloudy in the morning ... becoming mostly sunny. Areas of fog in the morning. Highs 74 to 79 near the coast to 88 to 93 inland. Light winds becoming southwest 15 mph in the afternoon. THURSDAY: cloudy in the morning ... becoming mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs 75 to 80 near the coast to 89 to 94 inland. FRIDAY: cloudy in the morning ... becoming mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs around 77 near the coast to 88 to 93 inland. SATURDAY: mostly cloudy in the morning ... becoming partly cloudy. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs around 77 near the coast to 88 to 93 inland. SUNDAY: mostly cloudy in the morning ... becoming partly cloudy. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs 69 to 74 near the coast to 84 to 89 inland. MONDAY: cloudy in the morning ... becoming mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs 71 to 76 near the coast to 86 to 91 inland. TUESDAY: cloudy in the morning ... becoming mostly sunny. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs 71 to 76 near the coast to 86 to 91 inland. Courtesy of the National Weather Service



Wednesday, July 20, 2005

ʻPotter-headsʼ Flock CSUs Consider Free Downloads to Book Release Event With illegal downloads hitting alltime highs, CSUs decide to step in.

By MIKE OCAMPO Summer Titan Staff

It wasn’t that long ago that Myra Downen thought that the idea of a children’s book about a boy wizard being a good read was as likely as her pulling a rabbit out of her hat. Four years later, the 24-yearold nanny from Fullerton stands among other would-be wizards on a night of anticipation, clad in a custom-made burgundy and yellow jersey with matching scarf . She is the assistant organizer of the 22-member Fullerton Harry Potter Meetup Group. “Potter is my thing,” she said. “If I had to get addicted to something, it’s Potter.” Hundreds of fans flocked to the Borders bookstore in Orange, Friday evening, for the midnight release party of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” the sixth installment in the best-selling series of children’s books that have kept both kids and adults spellbound for nearly a decade. Almost all of the some 300 Potter followers had called the store months in advance to reserve their copies. But diehard “Potter-heads” registered in December, when

The Associated Press

By ERIKA LARA/ Summer Titan Staff Harry Potter fans stopped by Barnes and Noble to get their copy of the highly anticipated book ‘Half-Blood Prince’ Friday night. The party went on from 9 p.m. to midnight.

J.K. Rowling, the series’ scribe, first announced on her Web site that she would have the penultimate book in the magical series penned and released by July 2005. Throughout the evening, Borders employees exchanged reservations for purple priority tickets that would determine the order of the buyers. “Harry Potter is like a different world, but one that a lot of kids can relate to,” said Mark Ramirez, 16, of Anaheim. “It’s different because there’s magic, but it’s the same because [the characters] deal with teachers and girls and stuff.” Kelly Bengry of Orange said that though she likes the messages in the books, she is more impressed with how much the series has turned her daughters Lili, 6, and Charlotte, 4, on to reading. “Lili won her school’s read-athon, which got her her advanced copy and Charlotte’s only 4 and she’s already asking me to teach her to read.”

At 7 p.m. the store had a handful of Potter fans sipping lattes in the café. By 8 p.m., the handful had grown to more than a dozen. And by 11 p.m., the store was flooded with “Potter-heads.” They had blocked the aisles, filled the cafe and occupied every space in between. “I can feel something in the air,” said Heather Birchard, who liked the story of the boy with a lightning bolt on his forehead so much that she remodeled her entire room after it complete with Harry Potter bed sheets, tapestries and even curtains for closet doors to dorm like her hero. At the stroke of midnight, store employees opened their registers and took customers 40 at a time. The registers rang for nearly two hours until the last ticket was collected and the final book sold. At 1:45 a.m. Kris Ares, 20, of Anaheim, walked out of the bookstore with a smile on her face and the green and purple book clutched to her chest. “I already want the next one,” she said.

LOS ANGELES — The University of California and California State University systems have struck deals to offer their students legal music and movie downloading services to curb rampant piracy. The agreement with Cdigix Inc. covers roughly 600,000 students at 13 UC and 23 Cal State campuses, making it among the largest such deals to date, the company announced Monday. “We’re doing this because we do recognize that there is illegal file sharing of intellectual property,” said David Walker, director of advanced technol-

ogy at the University of California. “We felt we should do something to encourage legal services.” Universities have been under pressure from the entertainment industry to provide alternatives to students using school computer networks to illegally swap songs and movies online. Individual UC and Cal State campuses must decide whether to offer the Cdigix service and how to pay for it. The company, based in Englewood, Colo., charges $3 a month for the music service and $5.99 a month for the video service. More than 50 colleges and universities in the United States offer licensed music services to their students, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. The California university systems also are negotiating with other music and video providers, including Napster, Sony Corp. and Mindawn.




Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Editorʼs Slant: Potter-Palooza By JULIE KIM Summer Titan Staff

Is it really the best of times or the worst of times? The age of wisdom or really just the age of annoyance? Do we have everything before us or absolutely nothing? Whenever Harry Potterpalooza strikes, I find myself going through a manic-depressive state. I read in newspapers that children all over the world wait in bookstores for the first copy. I know that the sixth release, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” recently broke all kinds of records. I understand that author J.K. Rowling is doing so much for literacy and yada yada yada. But with all of the surrounding hoopla, I can’t help but ask Harry Potter-holics one thing: “Where have you been all my life?” Where were you when I recently needed a pat on the back for finishing Alexandra Robbins’ “Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities” because, dear God, it wasn’t a fun read? Where were you for each of my literary milestones: “Charlotte’s Web,” “Othello,” “War and Peace”? Where were you when I freaked out Mrs. Douglas and her entire fifth grade class by bringing a Stephen King novel for silent reading time? All throughout my life, I have never found anyone my age to talk to about the novels I loved; and adults didn’t want to discuss the contents of


books like the pedophilia-rampant “Lolita.” But still, as happy as I am for united Potter fans, I regret that this recent reading craze revolves around a series that I – and many others – have no particular interest in. And so, for all the avid readers who are out of the Harry Potter loop, have faith. In the vain anticipation that we won’t have to settle for conversations with random English literature professors anymore, here’s hoping that the author and her Hogwarts bunch continue to inspire children to love the written word. Who else could besides Rowling, apparently the next best thing since sliced bread, according to book critics and literary scholars? Here’s also hoping that adults follow the path of their younger counterparts, because as far as I’m concerned, the nation’s 97 percent literacy rate only measures how many people can read, not how many actually do. But most importantly, here’s to the hope that the seven books are a great starting point for more literary revolutions to come. It’s not really “increasing literacy” when the staggering number of people who read only read “Harry Potter.” Adter all, it’s only when book selections span beyond one author will it really be the best of times for everyone. Julie Kim is a junior journalism major. Contact her at opinion@dailytitan.com.


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Summer Titan

Is It Just Me? ... Blind Justice By VIRGINIA TERZIAN

Summer Titan Assistant News Editor

When the United States was established our forefathers created something called the Supreme Court, a group of nine men and women who determined if laws were constitutional. Over the years, these nine old men and women, who bear a significant resemblance to my grandparents, have made some of the most important decisions in history. They affect change, determine what rights you as a U.S. citizen have; they maintain the constitution, keep watch on Congress and the President and they do all of this while, theoretically,

remaining neutral to the powers of political sway. They make the decisions that every lower court must follow and they make life altering decisions about whether a woman should have the right to an abortion Yet, such an important person is appointed, not by the people of the United States, but by the President, a man who serves a maximum of eight years in office, but whose appointee will be a part of the court for the next 30 to 50 years and will change the way the United States operates. It seems ridiculous if you think about it. One man makes such a huge decision, and while I am aware that his decisions are ap-

Letter to the Editor: Why Fight? By ROBERT ROGERS CSUF Alumnus

I think the patriotism piece was strong, but a touch misguided. I don’t agree with the racial emphasis on which much of your argument is based, i.e. the, “If you’re not ‘rich and white’ rhetoric.” I think the emphasis should be weighted more on the class divides rather than the racial ones. Instead of spinning wheels with this on “the backs of the

non-white” business, why not hammer home the more real and daunting economic disparities by which we are divided? Take a look at the racial makeup of our armed forces. I have. The statistical fact is that the majority of those fighting and dying in Iraq are young, white men. But that’s not the point … Set aside the obstructions and look at the economic forces of oppression. There is a common thread run-

By LISA CHUNG Summer Titan Staff

If you live in a beach city, especially one in Orange County, and you surf, you are sure to have witnessed it. Despite the tranquility that surfing is supposed to bring to the soul, despite the fact that Orange County has it unbelievably sweet compared to 99.99 percent of the rest of the world, and despite the fact that no one owns the ocean or the waves it offers, “localism” has managed to sneak its ugliness into many a good day in the water. Well, this reporter/beach resident/rational human being is here to tell y’all that it needs to stop. Not only is it polluting the water and the spirit of the sport, it is climbing out of the water, over the sand and into the streets of the community, where it belongs even less.

Now, I am not trying to be a hypocrite here. There have been days when I was searching for a parking spot, twenty minutes late for work and in my road rage screamed utterances about how all the tourists should have to park their cars at the city limits. But in retrospect, I know I was wrong. I live in Huntington Beach and I will admit right now that I am completely head-over-heels – the kind of feeling that makes you jump out of bed in the morning – in love with my city. Sometimes I don’t want to share it with anyone, but the fact of the matter is that this not-so-little beach town has the charisma and personality it does because there are so many different kinds of people, non-local and local alike, that are mixed up in its creation. I work at a bar, and what in-

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spired me to write this opinion piece were the amounts of fights I have seen recently over guys that grew up in Huntington and those that were new to it. Seriously, if that is all you have to disagree about, then thank your lucky waves, raise your glasses and let’s have a toast to getting along. Fighting is so unnecessary for almost every reason, but when it comes down to something like what area code your phone number starts with, a whole new level of ridiculous is reached. So just remember, the next time the need to defend your territory arises, take a second and look at what you have. Living in Orange County, in the envy of the rest of the world, with beautiful scenery and a fun nightlife ,should be reason enough to let go of some of the pride and to focus on our commonalities instead of our petty differences.

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ning through people of all races who fill flag-draped coffins: they are almost all products of poor backgrounds, poor schools, and poor regions (South, Midwest, rural). This is the injustice. You ought to hit this point harder. And for what do they fight and die (OK, the twin engines of corporate profiteering and national imperialism fed with the blood of our brave men and women is another story altogether)? Maybe you ought to wrestle with that

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proved by the Senate and House, one need only remember that both the Senate and House are republican as well. Thus, the decisions made by the president will eventually be approved, and the person that the President decides is worthy, will become the next Supreme Court Justice, leaving me wondering, “Who on earth thought that was a good idea.” The reason the court has nine members, is to ensure that different voices are heard. But if the President only appoints individuals who show strong ties to one political party, then how can those individuals remain neutral to the sway of political parties while making decisions.


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Depp Proves Delicious By ALLIE BULLOCK-KAGAMASTER For The Summer Titan

ery moviegoer can grasp. And Depp is plenty whimsy for his part as the reclusive Willie Wonka, who runs a chocolate factory and has decided to find an heir after 15 years of silence. Depp plays the eccentric chocolatier, whose childhood back-story is told in flashbacks to such an amazing T that the audience is hard pressed to distinguish Wonka from Depp, or is it the other

When you think about this summer’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” think, “It’s a Small World” (the Disneyland ride), only there’s a chocolate river and weird things happening along the playful banks, which, in the film, are mostly edible. Director Tim Burton (“Beetlejuice” and “The Nightmare Before Christmas”) teams up with Johnny Depp and Danny Elfman (a regular in Burton’s films) for a rollicking remake of the 1971, “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory,” starring Gene Wilder. Burton’s “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” a Warner Broth- ©2005 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. ers release, sticks like cotton candy to the beloved book way around? At hand is Wonka’s chocolate by Roald Dahl, who also penned “James and the Giant Peach,” and factory, a confectioner’s haven Wonka plans to will to one of the “Matilda.” While “Willie Wonka and the lucky recipients of the five golden Chocolate Factory” is piercingly tickets hidden in thousands of more psychedelic and riddled with chocolate bars distributed worldtwice as many annoying songs wide. as the remake, the original dives The plot sweetens as Wonka deeper into the world of chocolate, and his guests tread along the ina plot multi-layered with subplots door Chocolate River to their varionly adult watchers can under- ous candy-related destinations. As a result, four bratty kids from stand. The remake, on the other hand, thither and yon, and one well-manis more like a behind-the-scenes nered but free-spirited boy who trip to Disneyland with Johnny lives in a shanty, overshadowed by Depp as the guide. It is a film ev- the famed chocolate factory, hop

on board this fun-filled farce about virtue and vice for a wacky tour of Wonka’s sweet-tooth world. As the golden ticket holders tour Wonka’s Factory, Wonka’s helpers pop up at every turn. One Oompah Loompah after another (digital duplications of actor Deep Roy, “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi,” “Planet of the Apes” and “Big Fish”) materialize in vibrant latex uniforms as Wonka, himself elaborately dressed in a top hat and red coattails, guides his guests deeper into his chocolate-making factory. Whether Wonka strolls through candy pop lanes, rides the chocolate waves or presses buttons in a glass elevator that zips sideways and “everyways,” the remake is downright amusing. And the Oompa Loompas seem ever-ready to regale Wonka’s guests along each sugary step of their otherwise perilous journey. Elfman, who composed the clever score for the dark chocolate tale, complements the singing Roy (Oompa Loompas), who keeps Dahl’s delicious lyrics in sync with each little monster’s pratfall. As Wonka, Depp delivers zany wisdom to the natty and not so natty elementary school-aged contestants. But it is Charlie Bucket who challenges the chocolate maker with something richer and more enduring than candy: the importance of belonging to a family.

ʻCrashers,ʼ Life of the Party By LISA CHUNG Summer Titan Staff

From opening scene to closing scene, “Wedding Crashers” is a phenomenal comedy, genius on so many levels that it is hard to believe. First, there’s the concept: two divorce mediators who crash weddings to hook up with hot chicks. Their age isn’t stated outright in the film, but they are definitely “not that young,” meaning not young enough to be doing what they’re doing. It would almost seem pathetic, but because it’s Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, it’s nothing but hilarious. That brings us to the cast. What makes the cast of this movie so awesome is that it’s not just Vaughn and Wilson, along with a few funny lines from supporting actors, that carry the film.

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Every major role in this movie was cast perfectly, with each actor bringing a whole new dimension to the film. Let’s start with Rachel McAdams. She literally shines. She looks beautiful, and the charm and wittiness of her character is completely believable. Next, there is her sister in the movie, Gloria, played by Isla Fisher. It’s almost hard to describe how funny, and ultimately lovable, Fisher is in this film. And then there is the older generation, the parents of the girls, played by veterans Jane Seymour and Christopher Walken, who bring sexiness and polish to the film that would certainly be missing without them. I could go on, because really everyone in this film, down to the extras and the surprise guest star at the end, are phenomenal. Aside from the cast and con-

cept, the writing is superb. It was perfect for the comedic style that Vaughn and Wilson have come to represent for our generation. Quick-witted and off-thewall could describe the “Crashers” script, but words simply wouldn’t do enough. Really, the writing in this comedy is unparalleled by recent years with the possible exceptions of “Zoolander” and “Old School.” Finally, the film is enriched by the fact that it’s not just a comedy, but has a couple of different love stories that warm the heart. They’re not over the top, just enough to make you happy that you’re sitting next to your significant other watching this film. On every level, and in every way, this film is a treat to those who can truly appreciate a good comedy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Recently making headlines was the tour bus crash affiliated with the Anger Management Tour, which is headlined by Eminem and 50 Cent. DJ Alchemist, along with other tour crew members, were on the bus as it spun and flipped out of control in Missouri. Alchemist is recovering in a hospital from three fractured ribs

and a bruised lung, but MTV news reports that he is hoping to get back on tour in less than two weeks … The Jude Law/Sienna Miller scandal is underway as Law publicly confessed to having an affair on Miller, his fiancé, with his children’s nanny … New CD releases of the week include: “Now That’s What I Call Music! 19,” “B5” and “The Dukes of Hazzard” movie soundtrack … New DVD releases are Keanu Reeve’s “Constantine” and “Laguna Beach: The Complete First Season” … Rapper The Game wore a shirt on MTV with the words “G-UNOT” on it … Check in next week for more celebrity summer dish in The Inside Buzz.

Music in the Park By KRISTINA RIDENOUR Summer Titan Staff

Hidden in the residential neighborhood of Yorba Linda is a park that hosts a plethora of summer music concerts. It features bands for nostalgic adults and also gives children a playground and a field of grass to run around. The concerts, at Hurless Park’s Amphitheater, are held every Sunday (until August 21) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The concert series offers everything from classic rock to big band entertainment, and has been the town’s most widelyattended event since its debut in the mid-80s, according to Orange County’s AOL City Guide. Entertaining the crowd on July 17 was classic rock band, Pretzel Logic, a Steely Dan Revue. The band covered classic Steely Dan songs including “Reelin’ in the Years” and “Josie,” which went over well with adults. The younger crowd was of-

fered craft booths and carnival games, while their parents barbecued and socialized. “I love the social atmosphere of the concerts, with the music and areas for kids to play,” said Yorba Linda resident Andrea Pawell. With such a huge venue as the backdrop for the concert, the crowd was impressed. The main participants were local families, fans of the band and people just out for a good time. Pretzel Logic encouraged the audience to dance on certain songs, with Felice Hernandez, backing vocals for the band, jokingly telling the crowd to line dance. Only one couple danced throughout the sets, but that didn’t stop any energy the jam band was producing from being contained. After playing all the covers they could muster, Pretzel Logic ended their show with a bang, highlighted by Mark Vincent playing his guitar with his teeth.




Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Summer Titan

Athletic Fair Leaves Bitter Taste Sometimes great ideas just don’t transcend the paper they are drawn up on. Case in point: the Titan Athletic KEVIN METZ Fair. Summer Titan The ambiSports Editor tious fundraising event was supposed to provide a rejuvenating boost to Fullerton athletics. Parking Lot E was to be transformed for 10 days from a maze of gridlock and frustration into a cornucopia of carnival rides, Titan pride and enough greasy food and beer to make even the most tormented Titan baseball fan forget about the Super Regional series

against Arizona State. It had potential to be the greatest university-organized event since the Elephant Race of 1962 to bring exposure and publicity to our campus. Perhaps it would even fill a gaping void many students have for an annual college tradition on campus other than graduation. But when it was cancelled last Wednesday – four days before it was supposed to end – it was clear that the Titan Athletic Fair raised far more doubts and disappointment than it did money. Ironically, the low turnout and moral was very much a reflection of the disheveled state CSUF sports is currently in; a state that this event was designed to elevate from. Checking out the scene on Monday evening reminded me of a

night at Titan Stadium for a soccer match or Titan Gym for a midseason Fullerton basketball game; a relatively empty venue void of all but the usual die-hard fans with Titan athletes volunteering their time (it’s not like the university splurges on giving out athletic scholarships, after all). It would be easy to blame the people in charge for poor planning. There was little in the way of marketing leading up to the event, save for one Web site and an announcement on the athletics site. A few signs visible from the 57 freeway had the task of persuading families on their way to Disneyland to spend a day at a place far from the happiest on earth. The Fullerton Flyers and even a plant show at the Arboretum going on that same night seemed

to have a marketing edge. Maybe next year, a CSUF marketing major intern can give it a shot. Speaking of students, most sane ones (albeit the few and proud taking summer classes or on the Summer Titan staff) are on vacation, going to the Orange County Fair, or adorning golden mouse ears a few miles down the road. Maybe a few minor details were overlooked here and there, so I suppose it is my obligation as a ranting sports editor to blame the administration for lack of support, people for overall lack of interest, and the Titan athletics Web site for using the phrase “unforeseen circumstances” to sweep the last bit of news regarding the cancellation under the plush rug on the ninth floor of Langsdorf Hall. But I am also a CSUF student, and for the last four years, situations like this one have become as familiar to me as the hollowness that invades my throat when the realization of bleak reality sets in. I remember having it last July while working Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day where telling incoming freshman to “Get Involved” and have Titan pride were akin to pulling their teeth. It was like watching the Titan Tusk Force ban together to spread school spirit on this campus while thousands of people walking by look at it as some sort of disease they don’t want to catch. And let’s not forget the ASI student body elections last semester. Oh wait, most people already have.

By SUZANNA SULLIVAN/ Summer Titan Photo Editor Prizes for the Athleteics Fair hung hours before the fair opened. But there was little love for the event, which was cancelled last Wed. for lack of interest. The fingers always get pointed at the usual parties for the usual reasons, but there never seems to be a resolve to the issues. The Titan Athletic fair is a great idea, a first step that could have lead to even greater things for the athletic program, the community and the university. Unfortunately, all three are now left with black eyes instead of being applauded for their efforts. Yes, we are a state school, a commuter campus and a university still searching for an identity. That isn’t going to change, but the one thing we can all change, we are most ignorant of. Our attitudes.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Near Campus-New Irvine home. Share bath & kitchen privileges. Includes utlilities & tv cable. $525. Non smokers, quiet females, full time students/ full time employed ONLY. 714 296-0587

Hey Titans! RuffaloCODY is looking for confident, dependable and personable individuals to work as part time fund raisers for reputable non-profit organizations, such as Stanford, Aquarium of the Pacific, California Maritime Academy, Lucille Packard Childrens Fund, Harvard and Duke. Our benefits include: -Evening Schedules (4-5 hour shifts) Sunday-Thursday (No Weekends) -Hour base wage + attendance bonuses=$10.00 -Tuition Assistance -Located near campus (2 miles) -Great resume builder -Opportunity to enhance communication and negotiation skills -Gain professional experience and contact opportunities -Work with other students -Personal time after 90 days -If Hired Between 6-23-05 and 7-7-05 a $250 bonus will be given for wprking through 8-31-05 CALL 714-738-1937 OR E-mail US AT KATIE.CARANO@RUFFALOCODY.COM Member of the following organizations: NACAC, ATFE, NCNS, NIC and NSFRE

New Faces Needed Men & Women for TV Commercials & modeling (949) 916-9000 Free interview Daily 10a-9p

MODELS WANTED By professional photo studio for upcoming assignments. M/F pro/non-pro Fashion/Commercial/ Theatrical Call for appointment 661-259-3198

$10+/HR - BABY SITTER NEEDED Babysitters needed for local families. www.SitterCafe.com sitters@sittercafe.com

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Graphic ArtistGraphic Artist wanted to assist Grad student project. See full description at www.aplusatg.com/ad 256-1796

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