C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
Tu e s d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 0 0 5
This Issue News
‘Hip Hop Anonymous’
Consul General of Egypt explains reform efforts in Middle East By ERIC SANDERS
The consul general of Egypt on Monday explained the current status of Egyptian-American relations and how an understanding between both cultures can help reform efforts in the Middle East. Abderahman Salaheldin, who is the consul general of Egypt in San Francisco and has been a diplomat for more than 25 years, spoke to an audience of 20 to 30 students and faculty members in the Titan Theatre at Cal State Fullerton. “I think the major issue weʼre dealing with in Egypt is democracy reform,” Salaheldin said. “Reform related to the war on terrorists and the consensus in our region for more democracy and in our part of the world.” The College of Humanities and Social Sciences sponsored the discussion. Tom Klammer, dean of humanities and social sciences, explained why it is important to have repre-
sentatives from around the world speak on campus. “The university has 1,500 students from all different countries in the world,” Klammer said. “That puts us in the top half-dozen universities in the country in terms of numbers of international students.” Salaheldin also discussed barriers that get in the way of Americansʼ understanding of Middle Eastern views. Some of them being language or cultural, and some that are self-made. He emphasized the importance of understanding if what is being reported is a fanatical view or a majority one. “You read and hear what is being selected for you … that cites only the negative reflection of the Middle East,” Salaheldin said. The same cultural understanding could be applied in Middle Eastern nations as well, he said. “I tell my friends the best way to know the United States is to visit the country and get to know the people. Not by what you hear or whatʼs being told,” Salaheldin said. He explained that it is very important to keep EgyptianAmerican relations strong and
State Assembly seeks to implement collegial self-defense education
Sports Rec Sports offers CSUF students variety of drop-in fitness classes
3-4 ft. waist- to chest-high with occasional 6 ft. and fair conditions.
San Clemente
3-4 ft. waist- to shoulder-high and fair conditions.
Compiled from www.surfline.com
Weather Tuesday, Sept. 20 AM Showers 82º/61º Wednesday, Sept. 21 Partly Cloudy 81º/60º Thursday, Sept. 22 Sunny 83º/61º Friday, Sept. 23 Sunny 78º/58º Saturday, Sept. 24 Sunny 72º/57º Compiled from The Weather Channel
After his talk Monday, Consul General of Egypt Abderahman Salaheldin, left, speaks with university president Milton. A. Gordon.
universities to provide incoming students education on preventing sexual assaults on or near campus.” Students have different opinions regarding the bill. Tim Notte, a business administration major said, “I think it might be a little excessive; I had no idea campus safety was such a problem.” David Zhou, a finance major, agreed. He said that perhaps the bill is emphasizing the wrong aspect. Campus safety is so much more than assault; a lot of burglaries and theft canʼt always be prevented with self defense, he said. The bill went to the assembly floor Sept. 6 and was passed by a 50-29 vote. Sept. 13, it went to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, where it now waits to be signed or vetoed. If Schwarzenegger signs the
bill into law, it will be mandatory for colleges to include a training class about sexual assault and self-defense at schoolsʼ orientation events. Even if the bill isnʼt passed, CSUF already has many programs dedicated to making students aware of campus safety. The campus police have a program called Rape Aggression Defense, or RAD. In RAD, students can learn about rape prevention, avoidance strategies and take self-defense classes. CSUF also has a campus watch program, which is similar to that of neighborhood watch. It is a crime prevention program that involves faculty, students and community members being trained in preventing crime.
The California Assembly approved new legislation aimed at banning the sale of junk food on public school campuses during
lunch hours. Dubbed the School Food Sales Bill, Assembly Bill 443 currently sits on Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggerʼs desk, awaiting either his signature or a veto. The bill – authored by Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/Daly City – prohibits the sale of foods on campus that are in direct competition with state approved school lunches. Competitive foods include those high in fat, sugar and sodium –
those typically found in campus vending machines or at student fundraising events. The bill excludes private schools and all higher education institutions, including those in the California State University system. The bill would not wholly ban vending machines or the sale of non-nutritional foods on campuses
more people can come to experience this once they know it has returned to Anaheim Hills,” Gartley said. The screening series started to gain momentum when it won a customer service award in 1993 from the National Association of Theatre Owners. It evolved from three or four screenings per year to the current format of 10 monthly screenings from September to June. This yearʼs theme is a celebration of the 10 best years of the program. Each month, the program will show each yearʼs most popular film. The Movie Experience, the company that produces the screenings, and Gartley decided that showing old favorites would be a great way to draw in the old crowd and gain some new viewers. If successful,
the program will develop a new theme for next year and continue to show classic films for less than a regular movie. “Singinʼ in the Rain” was the first movie screened for this yearʼs schedule, and the movies planned for the remainder of the program include “Breakfast at Tiffanyʼs” and “Gone with the Wind.” Gartley and the Movie Experience tried to show a variety of films in hopes of reaching larger audiences. “All of the movies are shown in 35mm film format in their original aspect ratio using specialized lenses. This means that the movies are shown in a square format instead of widescreen,” said Harold Taylor, a co-founder of Screening Room Classics. “Itʼs difficult to find
decent prints of these films because the film industry has gone primarily digital and actual film versions are rare; or what we find arenʼt the original cuts of film and arenʼt true to what was shown 40 or 50 years ago.” The majority of the films played at Cinema City for the program are rented through a special contract with Warner Bros. Profits from the viewings fund the program and pay for renting the theater. Robin Talbot, who has been coming to the screenings since the second year of the program, highly recommends others to do so. “Seeing these films on video or on television doesnʼt compare to watching it on a big screen,” she said.
By DANICA HART Daily Titan Staff
Unlike most students, women’s studies major Rod Hutchinson, 77, takes only two classes at a time so he can enjoy them.
Never too late for education
Surf Report
open to achieve other positive relationships in the Middle East. “Our relations could be an example for others to follow in our part of the world,” Salaheldin said. William Haddad, moderator during the speech and a Middle East historian at Cal State Fullerton, discussed the importance the campus has put into its worldview. “President [Milton] Gordon, throughout his tenure as president, has emphasized that we need to be reaching out,” Haddad said. “We have a global outlook and this [discussion] is crucial to that.” He also reflected on the outcome of Salaheldinʼs discussion. “He was a very good diplomat … a wonderful speaker and a wonderful ambassador for his country,” Haddad said. “The Egyptian position is a very wise position, to focus on the future.” Salaheldin gave attendees the Web site, www.egy2000.com, for the Egyptian Consulate General in San Francisco. It has links to get objective sources of news about the Middle East, he said. The Consul General of Egypt, San Francisco, covers the state of California as well as most of the western states, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Assault bill awaits governor’s approval
Brooklyn-born artist’s paintings on display at Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art
Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 11
Diplomat advocates democracy Daily Titan Staff
Beta Upsilon Delta fraternity organizes hip-hop show, raises Hurricane Katrina relief funds
w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m
Campus enrollment shows 17 percent of students over age 30 By ASHLEY MAJESKI Daily Titan Staff
April Miller is almost a typical grandmother. In her free time, she likes to knit, crochet and travel with her husband. She also enjoys spending time with her grandson, R.J. Oh yeah, sheʼs also about to graduate from college. With the support of her husband and two grown children, Miller will graduate this December from Cal State
Fullerton at the age of 53. Miller is not alone. In fact, 17 percent of CSUF students are over the age of 30, according to the campusʼ Adult Re-Entry program coordinator, Catherine Van Riette, who says adults go back to school for a number of reasons. “A lot of times, their responsibilities have changed,” Van Riette said. “Many quit school to get married and have kids and now they want to go back. Some dropped out to take a good job offer, and now theyʼre discovering in order to get the promotion, they need their degree,” STUDENTS 4
Cal State Fullerton may feel like home away from home to many students, but the fact is, no matter how comfortable Titans get, they should always be aware of their surroundings. Sexual assault and violence are constant issues on most university campuses. Because of the constant need to communicate and keep awareness alive, Assemblywoman Jenny Oropeza, D-Carson, penned Assembly Bill 1088. According to Oropezaʼs press release, AB 1088 “would require public colleges and
Legislature seeks to prohibit junk food in public schools Near-unanimous State Assembly vote sends bill to Schwarzenegger By AARON BONK Daily Titan Staff
Screening Room Classics celebrates 10th anniversary Community movie program showcases vintage films, stars By COURTNEY BETH PUGATCH Daily Titan Staff
Clark Gable, Gene Kelly, James Dean and other classic stars once again graced the big screen for a new generation of viewers. On Sept. 14, Screening Room Classics debuted its 10th anniversary program of cinema favorites at the Cinema City movie theater in Anaheim Hills. The first movie featured was “Singinʼ in the Rain,” one of the best-attended shows during the series.
In the past, each screening has had about 400 people in the audience, said Sherry Gartley, original owner of Cinema City and co-founder of the movie program. However, with the program starting again, she said she feels that there is a need to get the word out about it after being gone for several years. “The Screening Room began originally with celebrities showing up for their respective, selected movie screenings, and eventually it evolved into the classics we have today,” Gartley said. For example when “Fried Green Tomatoes” was the featured movie during the Screening Room, Kathy Bates was in the audience. “The program is all about community support, and we hope that