C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
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Terrorist footage linked with OC
This Issue Sports
Titans’ turn to cheer
Photo illustration by GABRIEL FENOY/Daily Titan
Fullerton bars, including the Off Campus Pub, a Cal State Fullerton staple, will soon undergo stricter codes for liquor licensing www.clipart.com
New campus cheer program steps into second round, hopes to improve school spirit 6
Fullerton looks to sober up
Local police funded to create new Alcohol, Beverage Control program By MARIE O’NEIL Daily Titan Staff
Opinion CSUF students spill the beans on what they do to stay healthy 4
Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 1 2
The state Alcohol and Beverage Control Board has granted the Fullerton Police Department $80,000 to pay an officer to focus on bringing down the number of alcohol related incidents - both in the downtown area and the city of Fullerton as a whole. Garry Mancini, the ABC liaison officer, stated that there are 259 businesses
that have ABC liquor licenses in the city of Fullerton - including both on-sale and off-sale locations like bars and grocery stores respectively. “We want to educate [the public business owners] on their responsibilities for selling alcohol,” Mancini said. The new program funded by the grant has set up 3 1/2 hour training sessions where business owners come and learn about what they will be held accountable for. “They need to know that they are responsible,” Mancini said. “Having an ABC [liquor] license is a privilege.” The program also entails other training sessions for the officers that will help Mancini.
These sessions, called Train The Trainer, will involve five FPD officers and one Cal State Fullerton campus police officer. They will be given ABC enforcement manuals and specific training on how to carry out enforcement of ABC rules and regulations in the city of Fullerton. The CSUF police officer will then train campus police on prevention methods. “Theyʼre involving us [in the program],” said Lt. Will Glenn of CSUF campus police. “We deal with education and prevention.” As part of the liaison program are sub-programs such as the Minor-Decoy ALCOHOL
Local Muslims voice worries about possible ties between threat and former area man By BELAL SIMJEE Daily Titan Staff
A man draped with a black scarf across his face comes on to the television screen. “Yesterday London and Madrid, Tomorrow Los Angeles and Melbourne, Allah willing,” the scarf-draped man said in an American accent. This is a typical video to incite terror, but not the typical type of person conveying the message. The video, which is reportedly eight days old, was viewed by state and federal officials as being a weapon used by Al Qaeda to incite fear in Americans because of the relative proximity to the date of Sept. 11. Santa Ana Police Department watch commander Lt. Carlos Rojas said he was not authorized to comment about the video but the Islamic Society of Orange County (ISOC) suspects the man on the tape to be Adam Gadahn, formerly Adam Pearlman, a resident of Santa Ana. and frequent visitor to the ISOC in TERRORISM
Pilot CSU program lands positive results University alcohol abuse program attempts to hinder student drinking problems 3
Surf Report Huntington
3-4 ft. waist- to chest-high with occasional 5 ft. and poor conditions.
San Clemente
2-4 ft. knee- to shoulder-high with occasional 5 ft. and poor conditions.
By COURTNEY BACALSO Daily Titan News Editor
LONG BEACH – While statistics illustrate that the Early Assessment Test Program – which is designed to prepare 11th graders for college – has been successful, some members of the California State University Board of Trustees are concerned that the statistics arenʼt enough to help students earn a baccalaureate degree faster. “[High] schools have too low of expectations. We are trying to get the teachers to raise [those] expectations, because if you raise them, kids will do better,” CSU Chancellor Charles Reed said. “I am glad to see that increase in number, but I want
to raise that even higher.” The Fall 2005 incoming freshmen set a milestone in the CSU system by becoming the first class to participate in the Early Assessment Program when it was first administered in 2003, said Keith Boyum of CSU Academic Affairs. Boyum, who provided statistics at the Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday, explained that the program is based on results of a voluntary math and/or English test given out at the end of the school year. In addition, CSU continues to work hand-in-hand with K-12 teachers to better prepare them to teach students about college expectations. In comparing 2004 and 2005ʼs 11th graders, the number of students who volunteered to take the assessment test and the number of students who show college proficiency at the end of the year have increased exponentially.
However, Boyum said the number of students who receive the “signal” that they need to improve their skills during 100their senior year is more important 100 100because it gives students the opportunity to assess their proficiency80level and make necessary improvements. 80 80 “We remember this is a whole year in advance 60 to coming to college and a student 60 60 who is not yet proficient is not off track. But if [theyʼre] ready at4011th grade, thatʼs great,” Boyum said. 40 40 Evelia Miramontes, Cal State 20 Assessment Fullertonʼs Early 20 Program coordinator, said that 20 among 3,900 freshmen, only 12 0 percent took the programʼs English Math 0 test and were successfully exempt 0 Math Math from taking the English Placement Test, which CSU administers for automatic placement in collegelevel classes. That number is significantly lower than the 30 percent success rate of the math program.
Ballot initiative intends to increase penalties, modernize old statutes By PHILIP FULLER Daily Titan Staff
Weather Wednesday, Sept. 21 Mostly Sunny 79º/60º Thursday, Sept. 22 Mostly Sunny 80º/60º Friday, Sept. 23 Mostly Sunny 75º/57º
Sunday, Sept. 24 Sunny 71º/55º Compiled from The Weather Channel
students who demonstrate Students whocollege-level proficiency demonstrate college students who took EAP test levelwho proficiency students demonstrate college-level proficiency students who demonstrate college-level proficiency
students who demonstrate college-level proficiency
students who took EAP test
total students who Students took EAP test
students who took EAP test students who took EAP test
total students
Total students
total students total students
20 0
*11th graders test results statistics provided by CSU Academic Affairs
English Graph compiled by COURTNEY BACALSO/Daily Titan News Editor
“We are heading north, and north English is where we want to go,” Boyum English English said. However, not all of the board members think that the statistics are convincing. Board members are concerned that not enough students are eli-
gible to volunteer to take the test. In 2005, less than half of the students were eligible to take the programʼs math test. Out of the eligible students, 14.5 percent took the test. Boyum disagreed, saying that TESTING 3
State battles to hault ID theft
Wipe out
Compiled from www.surfline.com
Saturday, Sept. 24 Sunny 71º/55º
2005 Early Assesment Test statistics Percentage of students
Trustees question extensiveness of newly released stats
KEVIN METZ/Daily Titan Sports Editor
A man driving the car above spun out when turning from Commonwealth Avenue onto Nutwood Avenue on Monday, said Fullerton Police Officer Dan Heying. This week’s summer storms made road conditions dangerous. Once out of control, the vehicle hit an electrical box near the College Park parking lot. The driver declined to comment or give his name.
Identity theft has become so widespread that one in 30 people had their identities stolen in 2004. Last week, in an effort to curb the identity theft epidemic, assemblyman Charles Poochigian, R-Fresno, began circulating petitions to curb identity theft. The petitions are an attempt by Poochigian to circumvent the state legislature by putting his California Identity and Personal Information Protection Act to a public vote in the November 2006 elections. “The ballot initiative is a collection of bills that failed to pass in the legislature,” said Matt Rexroad, who is managing the ballot campaign. He is coordinating the effort to “collect 360,000 signatures to get the initiative in the November election.” The ballot initiative would increase the penalties for identity theft, as well as modernize the stateʼs criminal statute on it. “The overarching goal is to adapt the statues to the times,” said Debra Gonzales, who helped with the
language of the initiative. “Right now, will overwhelmingly pass. if you steal someoneʼs social security “Everyone in California is hungry card youʼve committed a felony, but if for reform,” she said. you steal 500 social security numbers, Opponents of the initiative worry youʼve only committed a misdemean- that it would needlessly jail people for or.” The determining factor of the life through Californiaʼs Three-Strikes crimes seriousness is weather the thief Law. possesses the social security card. “Identity theft will be the crime of The bill also has special provisions this century,” said Sgt. Tom Gehrls for identity theft against children, mil- with the campus Police Department. itary personnel, and seniors. It would In his office, the floor was littered raise the fine for identity theft against with identity thiefʼs notebooks, filled these people by with various stolen $1,000. information. Other than a loss Another goal of “Other than a loss of of life, identity the ballot initialife, [identity theft] is tive is to create a going to cause the most theft is going to fund for forensic harm to a person, their cause the most computer invesfamilies and livelihood, harm to a person tigations. The because everything is initiative would stolen,” Gehrls said. Sgt. Tom Gehrls increase fiscal Students on campus CSUF campus Police penalties against should be wary of identity theft. perpetrators of “What we used to see, identity theft, and use the money collected to grant for instance, is that someone steals smaller counties access to the forensic a backpack and uses the credit cards inside to go shopping, which is a investigations. This initiative would not incur any simple theft. Now weʼre seeing that start-up costs, as it just provides better a driverʼs license is more valuable funding for resources already in place. because someone can order credit It would also classify trafficking in cards and assume that personʼs identipersonal information as a criminal ty,” he said. “Weʼre usually on a pretty gang activity. ID THEFT 3 Gonzales is sure that the initiative