2005 10 04

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n


Tu e s d a y, O c t o b e r 4 , 2 0 0 5


This Issue

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Officials say state ready for disaster

Family support


Doing double duty

Critics concerned about ability to respond with limited Guard resources By DANIELLE TORRICELLI Daily Titan Staff

Marlene Sandoval is a standout at CSUF and plays for the Mexican National Team 6

News What started as a joke became a backwards way to bypass censorship 4


News ALS Association encourages people to walk to beat Lou Gehrig’s disease 4

Surf Report Huntington

1-2 ft. ankle- to knee-high with occasional 3 ft. and poor-fair conditions.

San Clemente

1-2 ft. ankle- to knee-high and poorfair conditions. Compiled from www.surfline.com

Weather Tuesday, Oct. 4 Sunny 82/58º Wednesday, Oct. 5 Sunny 86º/58º Thursday, Oct. 6 Sunny 90º/60º Friday, Oct. 7 Sunny 82º/58º Saturday, Oct. 8 Sunny 77º/59º Compiled from The Weather Channel

Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 1 9

Hurricane evacuee Josh Brown, 8, holds his 1-month-old cousin, Eindale King, so Eindale’s mother can clean up their living space at the Houston Astrodome. See related photo essay on Page 3.

It starts with a slow, deep rumble. The vibrations creep nearer and nearer, and the rumble erupts into a roar. The ground begins to rock and the books start to fall off shelves. A minute later, when the tremors still havenʼt ended, one thing becomes clear: The “big one” has hit California. With the recent hurricanes ravaging the Gulf Coast, the cracks in the infrastructure of local, state and federal government preparedness for major natural disasters are coming to light. As America fights a costly war overseas, focus is being brought back to the home front. More than 25 percent of Californiaʼs National Guard is overseas, said Capt. Mirtha Villarreal of the California National Guard. With that many guardsmen deployed, would local and state governments be capable of handling a major natural disaster like an earthquake? Dale Chessey, a representative for the California Governorʼs Office of Emergency Services, says it can. This emergency agency coordinates the stateʼs response to all major disasters and emergencies to support local governments. “We donʼt deplete our resources to a point where we canʼt respond” to an emergency, Chessey said. When local resources reach their capacity during an emergency, they resort to state resources, Chessey said. Usually, the National Guard is called in at that point. In addition to the Guard, other agencies – such as the Coast Guard and neighboring fire departments

– help out as well, Chessey said. “It probably will affect an emergency response because weʼre missing 25 percent of capability somewhere and weʼre at least 25 percent short of handling [an emergency situation] properly,” said Joseph Sherif, a professor of information systems and decision science at Cal State Fullerton. Even with 6,200 out of 20,000 guardsmen deployed overseas, the state has enough means available to cope with natural disasters, according to the California National Guard. During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, the city used 12,000 National Guard troops. “We are manned to react to state emergencies and have resources in place to have neighboring states help citizen soldiers,” Villarreal said. The Emergency Management Assistance Compact is an agency created for that purpose. The agency coordinates the Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Guard units and state governors, Arizona National Guard Capt. Paul Aguirre said. For instance, when a state needs emergency assistance, they put requests for specific units – such as a medical team or a transportation team – into a database. The database matches one stateʼs needs with anotherʼs available resources. “Forty-eight states are now joined [to the agency],” Aguirre said. The number increased to 49 on Sept. 21 after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill incorporating California into the agency. However, states may be relying on assistance from other states that do not experience the same disaster – a concern Sherif said he has about the program. For instance, if an earthquake struck California, Florida might be deployed to help out and they may have no or limited knowledge about earthquake relief.

Center provides childcare for Titan tots CSUF campus offers student parents place for kids while in class By VALERIE SWAYNE Daily Titan Staff

For students straining to pay for their education as well as the costs associated with raising children, Cal State Fullerton offers an affordable option for child care.

Of 11,239 independent students, abot 360 single parents and 195 students married with children were considered for financial aid in 2004-05, according to financial aid statistics. The Childrenʼs Center, founded in 1971 by students with the support of the Associated Students Inc., serves 175 children – ages 2 to 5 – of students and faculty members. “All of us depend on good parenting for our society,” said Betsy

Gibbs, director of the Childrenʼs Center. “We are in the business of helping parents so that they can raise responsible, productive and healthy adults and to help fulfill their own educational dreams.” According to a recent survey, 88 percent of people who use the Childcare Center are students – with 8 percent of families having both parents in school. Ages range from 18 to over 45, and the majority of parents are in their 20s. Sixty-four percent of parents

surveyed are married. “It was really hard in the beginning, since my husband was [out of state] on active duty in the military,” said Theresa Munoz, a child- and adolescent-studies major. “It was hard finding time to study while working and taking care of my daughter.” Even with the support of her parents, it was tough as a firsttime mom without her husband. When Munozʼs daughter, Catalina, was 6 months

New political play swings left Democratic organization stages musical, aims to raise political awareness By COURTNEY BETH PUGATCH Daily Titan Staff

With the California special election less than a month away, one organization has taken on the role of entertaining and educating voters with a satirical play in hopes of defeating several ballot measures with a satirical play. “The play is called ʻThe Buck Stops Hereʼ and is aimed at history buffs and those who are familiar with current events,” said Carol Lutness, the director and playwright of the play. “We want to target the progressive crowd or those who arenʼt satisfied with the current shift in power. Our main goal is to educate and entertain at the same time.” The play is sponsored by the Democrats for Better Government political action committee. It is the story of a small band of Democrats, progressives and union workers on a quest to unseat their Republican nemeses and save California from the grips of the Governator and the country from right-wing extremists. The production

is a combination of dancing, laughter discussion of issues. The residents of and 12 musical numbers, Lutness said. California are becoming complacent in While the play has yet to premiere, their beliefs, and theyʼre unwilling to it is receiving criticism from many do anything about it, she said. Republicans based on material covered Her target audience is the college and the way Lutness and her company crowd, who can have a large effect on go about doing so. elections and who usually donʼt vote. Men dressed in pink ball gowns are When asked about the play, several called “The Pink Slips.” They break Cal State Fullerton professors agreed out into musical numthat it might be benbers once someone is eficial for students to fired. It also displays see it. the local Republican “Cal State Our main goal is Congressional repreFullerton students to educate and sentative in a less-thanshould see this musientertain at the cal for two reasons,” perfect light. same time. said Nancy Snow, a “Regardless of how CSUF communicatheyʼre advertising it, Carol Lutness tions professor who this is still a disguised Playwright also specializes in political campaign that political science. is done by extreme, left“The first is that it wing advocates,” said Mark Buchar, treasurer of the Orange sounds funny, and the second is that itʼs County Republicans. “However, we a great way to experience local theater. realize that theyʼre entitled to their own The show could be offensive to some viewpoints and have every right to do people, but itʼs addressing politics and as they please, even if it is silly and local issues, which are two things we all should be worried about.” very exaggerated.” “The Buck Stops Here” premieres Despite the criticism received, Lutness still wants to have her play tonight at 8:30 p.m. at the Fake Gallery Theatre in Los Angeles, and will play reach as many people as possible. “Any discussion is good regarding every Tuesday in the month of October. More information can be found at www the issues,” Lutness said. One goal of this play is to begin a .thebuckstopshereshow.com.

old, Munoz enrolled her in the Childrenʼs Center program. She heard about it from a friend when she transferred from Irvine Valley College. “This center is good for student parents; theyʼre very supportive,” Munoz said while researching a biology assignment online. “That was a big relief, knowing that sheʼs in good hands and sheʼs close by on campus while Iʼm CENTER 4

Guilty handed


The keyboard player, Francis “Bubba” Sanchez, joined the members of “The Guilty Parties” to play in Becker Amphitheater on Wednesday.


2 Tuesday, October 4, 2005



news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Right on cue

OCT. 4, 2005


Today: CSUF’s chapter of Hip Hop Congress is holding a special meeting with guest lecturer DJ Mark Luv, member of hiphop’s prestigious Universal Zulu Nation. It will take place at the Kinesiology and Health Science Building, Room 164 at 7 p.m. For more information, contact July Kim at (714) 278-5814.

World Southeast Asia on alert after Bali blasts BALI, Indonesia – Investigators on Monday hunted for the two suspected masterminds of suicide bombings on this resort island, as Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Australia and other nations went on high alert to protect their beaches from a repeat of the weekend attacks. Newspapers published graphic photographs of the three alleged bombersʼ severed heads, evidence that investigators hope will lead them to the two Malaysians believed to have plotted Saturdayʼs attacks at crowded restaurants that killed at least 22 people and wounded 104, including six Americans.

Today thru Oct 16: The Orange County Performing Arts Center presents “Evita.” Tickets may be purchased by calling CenterTix at (714) 556-2787 or online at www. ocpac.com. Oct. 5: Take a guided tour through various haunted digs in Fullerton. Explore the Plummer Auditorium, the basement hallways of the Fullerton Police Department and other scary haunts. Cost is $12. For more information, contact the Fullerton Museum Center.

Nation Bush nominates woman to high court WASHINGTON – President Bush nominated White House counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court on Monday, turning to a longtime loyalist without experience as a judge or publicly known views on abortion to succeed Justice Sandra Day OʼConnor. Miers “will strictly interpret our Constitution and laws. She will not legislate from the bench,” the president said.

Oct. 5 thru 9: The California International Auto Show will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center. There will be an exotic car display, a live DJ and a presentation of “Herbie: Fully Loaded,” courtesy of Disney. For more information, visit www.caautoshow.com.

DeLay indicted on second charge AUSTIN, Texas – A Texas grand jury indicted Rep. Tom DeLay on a new charge of money laundering Monday, less than a week after another grand jury leveled a conspiracy charge that forced DeLay to temporarily step down as House majority leader. The indictments accuse DeLay and two political associates of conspiring to get around a state ban on corporate campaign contributions by funneling the money through a political action committee to the Republican National Committee in Washington.

Oct. 6 thru 8: Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” will be playing at the Fullerton College Campus Theatre. Show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 general admission, and $12.50 for students and seniors. For more information, call (714) 992-7433.

Passengers slid overboard before capsize

Oct. 7: The CSUF Jazz Ensembles I and II will perform at the Little Theatre in the Performing Arts Building. Show starts at 8 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-3371.

LAKE GEORGE, N.Y. – The passengers aboard a tour boat that capsized on Lake George, killing 20 people, were sitting on long benches and slid sharply to one side of the vessel just before it flipped over, authorities said Monday. Wayne Bennett, State Police superintendent, said that investigators do not know what initially caused the boat to tip. But he said passengers either slid or were thrown to one side of the boat after it began lurching.

Local Parolee, police dog killed in shootout LONG BEACH – A parolee and a police dog were killed in a shootout near downtown, police said. The incident began around 11:15 p.m. Sunday when a parolee ran from police, who went to check on him at his home, and shot at officers who chased him, said Sgt. David Cannan, a police spokesman. The man was a known gang member in his early 20s on parole for a robbery conviction, Cannan said. Police found the man hiding under the porch of a nearby house, Cannan said. He ignored officersʼ orders to come out and shot the police dog that was sent in to subdue him. Officers returned fire and killed the suspect, Cannan said. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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Senior Robert Yamasaki, a psychology major, eyes his shot in the Titan Student Union Underground. Yamasaki participated in a tournament Saturday playing for a spot on CSUF’s pool team.



Sherri Sawicki shares her fascination with English and language By STEPHANIE PARK Daily Titan Staff

Q: What is your job title here? A: Lecturer Q: What classes do you teach? A: The Structure of Modern English and the English Language in America Q: How long have you been teaching here? A: Maybe 17 years. Iʼd have to count backwards but I think thatʼs pretty close. Q: Whatʼs your educational background? A: I have a [masterʼs degree] in English from here. 1988. Q: What is your favorite class to teach? A: I guess English 305 because the span of topics is more diverse. I love syntax, but I also like to show the way syntax can be applied and other ways of looking at language. In 305, we look at language acquisition, which is way fascinating – the way kids acquire language and second-language learners. We also look at the history of the English language….

Having the basics of syntax helps you think about other topics. Q: Why do you like grammar and linguistics so much? A: Iʼve never thought about why I like grammar. Itʼs always been something fascinating. When I was small, I used to notice oddities of the language, like subjunctives, and try to ask people [about them], but no one could quite understand. Like when “If I Were a Rich Man” – the song when I was a kid – came out, I didnʼt understand the idea of the subjunctive and things like that. I donʼt know. Why do people like architecture over football? Iʼve always noticed little things in language, things like “Now I lay me down to sleep.” I never understood why it was “lay.” My mother couldnʼt talk about transitive verbs versus intransitive verbs. I thought it was emotion. Language is such a part of being human. Especially in 305, there are a lot of future high school teachers, so language attitude – attitude toward grammar and other speakers of the language – is something I address. The idea of prescriptivism, which has a place, is not the only way to look at language. Q: What would you recommend for a student whoʼs having trouble with writing? A: Oh, read more. Q: What should they read? A: Oh anything. Anything from literature to newspapers. All kinds of periodicals. Q: Comic books?

A: Oh yeah. Comic books are great for voice, even vocabulary. My son used to read cereal boxes. Q: What was your hardest teaching moment? A: My hardest teaching moment? Well, Iʼm not sure I have one. Not a single moment. But sometimes I feel frustration. I had a professor in graduate school; I asked him once what it was like to stand up in front of the class and be really enthused about a subject and essentially have it fall on deaf ears. Not that every one is deaf out there, but the enthusiasm level isnʼt what Iʼd hoped it would be. He said itʼs like being in love with someone who doesnʼt return your love. Itʼs hard to try to convey the enthusiasm of the subject and not have people not try. I feel like pulling teeth and standing on my head, saying itʼs really interesting if you just stop and think about it. Q: Whatʼs it like having your husband, Joseph Sawicki, English Department chairman, teach at the same college? A: Itʼs good for me because when I talk about problems or concerns I have – we share one of the classes, English 303 – he can better empathize, I think. Q: Does it ever cause problems? A: Like Iʼd tell you. No, it doesnʼt actually. I could go home if I were married to an engineer and talk about this stuff. Iʼm sure thereʼd be a degree of empathy, but itʼs better like this.

Oct. 7: The city of Fullerton is hosting a reception for local artists, art organizations and supporters. The event will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. in the courtyard of the Villa del Sol on Harbor Boulevard. For more information, call (714) 738-6311. Oct. 7 thru 8: “Some Americans Abroad” by Richard Nelson will be performed at the Arena Theatre in the Performing Arts Center. Show starts at 8 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-3371.


Daily Titan

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

Picking up the pieces Post Katrina: New Orleans refugees find new hope in Houston By ERIC SANDERS Daily Titan Staff

A month has passed since Hurricane Katrina unleashed its fury on New Orleans, submerging approximately 80 percent of the city under bacteria-laden floodwaters. The city is still in the early stages of recovery, and the families uprooted from their homes are still in the process of putting their lives back together. In the state of Louisiana, the official death toll caused by the hurricane and its aftermath is 964, according to an Associated Press report Monday. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin allowed residents of eight New Orleans ZIP codes to return to their homes Friday. Other neighborhoods will reopen Wednesday, but the Lower Ninth Ward, the most damaged part of the city, will remain closed. For returning residents, serious health hazards remain. The sewage system is not fully repaired. Finding a clean water source is still a challenge for relief workers. Stretches of the city are still pitch black at night plague New Orleans, as electricity has yet to be restored in all areas. Of the New Orleans evacuees taken to different states, many said they plan to stay in their new locations. Less than half the Hurricane Katrina evacuees living in Houstonarea shelters said they wanted to return home again, according to a poll by the Washington Post and the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The Houston Astrodome sheltered more than 11,000 evacuees from New Orleans after Katrina, with thousands more going to other sports arenas and convention centers in neighboring cities, including Dallas and San Antonio. Texas officials estimated that nearly a quarter of a million people have become new residents of their state since Hurricane Katrina. The Red Cross still needs volunteers and monetary donations for the hurricane relief effort. For information, go to www.oc-redcross.org.

Clockwise from above: Pat Akindued, left, a Red Cross volunteer from Houston, takes a moment to pray with an evacuee seeking refuge from Hurricane Katrina. Ten-year-old Tamika Williams braids 11-year-old Leslie Brown’s hair, passing the time while staying at the Astrodome. Evacuees pepper the floor of the Astrodome. Two-year-old Tytinna plays on her family’s cot. Photos by JAMES CARSON DAY/For the Daily Titan

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3


4 Tuesday, October 4, 2005


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415

OC group promotes walk to cure ALS Nationwide goal to raise $10 million for disease research By COURTNEY BETH PUGATCH Daily Titan Staff

The ALS Association of Orange County is hosting its sixth annual Walk to DʼFeet ALS on Oct. 15 at William R. Mason Regional Park in Irvine. “The walk is open to the public


and all funds raised will be donated to the ALS Associationʼs national office,” said Gary Leo, director of the ALS national office. “Weʼre a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding the cause and cure of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but most people know it as Lou Gehrigʼs disease. Weʼre also going to help families currently affected too.” ALS is a fatal neuromuscular disease that attacks nerve cells and pathways to the brain and the spinal cord; the body loses its ability to walk, speak, swallow

and breathe, though the mind is unaffected, according to the ALS Associationʼs Web site. The association uses the money brought in by the walk and other donation efforts to improve the lives of those affected by the disease and to research treatments. Check-in for the event is at 8:30 a.m. at the starting line, and the 5K walk begins at 10 a.m. after the opening ceremonies. “The walk is a national event, and there will be 45 of them going on across the country,” said Carol

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walk in the event to raise funds or make donations themselves. Contributions can be made directly to the event through the ALS Associationʼs Web site. “Ideally weʼd like each team member to raise at least $100 in donations,” Burby said. Burby also said that the walk will be the main event for the day, but there will be events for adults and children to participate in during and after the walk, such as arts and crafts and a best-dressed-dog contest.

BJʼs Pizza and Starbucks Coffee are sponsoring the event, offering free food to participants once they complete the walk. Each person walking will receive a T-shirt to commemorate the event. “The walk has grown each year in participation and enthusiasm, and we hope it continues to gain enthusiasm. Weʼre expecting over 1,000 people to join us,” said Denise Greek, the assistant project coordinator for the walk. “Just make sure to get there early and bring comfortable shoes.”

ʻGreat Firewall of Chinaʼ breached by backward Web site

try in need of information. ElgooG stepped into the limelight during the emergence of the Great Firewall of China in 2002. As China was cracking down on Internet users from using popular search engines, such as Google and AltaVista, many Chinese people turned to elgooG. This generated so much traffic on the Internet that All Too Flat began receiving widespread attention. ElgooG comes up with the exact search results from Google, and Chan received many e-mails from China thanking All Too Flat for the mirror. “I never thought something like this could have happened.” Chan said. A program thatʼs run on the Web server, elgooG is accessed from All Too Flatʼs Web site. Users enter a search on the elgooG Web page. Then the query is sent to Google and sent back to All Too Flat. The final product presents the identical image of Googleʼs search results, only backwards. To help with bandwidth costs, the Web site asked Google if they would be able to make elgooG merchandise, but Google refused. “They did not want to confuse people with the name,” Chan said. “Legal issues, I guess.” Students who have come across

elgooG have mixed feelings. “This would be great if I was dyslexic,” Radio-TV-Film major Andy Chung said. “Itʼd be a very useful site.” Some people, however, are not impressed by the site. “People have e-mailed me saying that itʼs stupid and a waste of time,” Chan said. “Some of the biggest complaints are that the mirror isnʼt true because the letters arenʼt backwards.” Bryan Masuda, a senior mechanical engineering major, agrees. “Itʼs kind of hard to read,” said the senior. “Iʼd use it more as a joke.” With All Too Flat, cracking jokes and pulling pranks is what itʼs all about. Launched in October 2001, Chan and fellow creators, Stein and Kenneth Bromberg, brought Internet users a chance to kill time by amusing themselves with funny jokes, scientist trading cards, a collection of pranks and an easier way to read the Bible through the visuals of cheese. All Too Flat “has a passion for humor and doing dumb things,” Chan said. “With the Google Mirror, China was a side effect of something funny that we do, and that was beneficial.”

Google users find mirror-image tweak By JENNY STAR LOR Daily Titan Staff


Eight-month-old Ernesto hangs out with his mother, Lucia Brooks, at the Cal State Fullerton Children Center. Brooks, a Human Services major, leaves Ernesto at the center while she attends classes on campus.


here.” Now, 4-year-old Catalina stays at the center while Munoz works there as a teacher in the mornings. Then she has classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the afternoon to the evening. She describes her experiences at the Childrenʼs Center with her daughter as “challenging at first when she would be distracted by seeing me through the window of her class while I was at work.” Munoz, who plans to become a first-grade teacher, has high hopes for her daughter. “The Childrenʼs Center instills the value that education is important. I know that sheʼs going to go to college since she sees Mommy in school while sheʼs in school,” she said. The survey also revealed that 54 percent of parents have family members in the area who help with childcare. “Itʼs hard when [my daughter] wants constant attention, especially when we get home,” said Stephanie Corns, a senior majoring in entertainment studies. “My parents and husband help out a lot. Theyʼre my salvation.” The center also helps young children socialize. “I absolutely love it,” Corns said of the center. “I wanted my daughter to be around other kids since I noticed she had a hard time at Sunday school. It didnʼt take her long to adjust here. I see her progressing greatly; itʼs nice.”

Burby, executive director of the associationʼs Orange County chapter. “The goal for this yearʼs walk is to raise $10 million nationwide for research.” The walk will be done in teams of at least four people, with one person designated as the team captain. Upon selecting and registering a team name on the ALS Web site, the team can begin to raise donations for the organization. Participants can register until the day of the walk. Participants donʼt have to


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People who need to brush up on their backward-reading skills now have a search engine that will help. Welcome to elgooG, brought to you by All Too Flat, a Web site dedicated to useless information and the promotion of laughter. ElgooG is Google spelled backwards and is the brainchild of Antoni Chan, a 2000 Cornell University graduate and a co-creator of All Too Flat. The idea came to him spontaneously. While driving to New York City with friend and Web site co-creator Benjamin Stein, Chan thought it would be funny to create a mirror image of Google. Three months later, Google Mirror came into existence to mystify Internet users. “I thought it would be a funny idea,” Chan said. “The whole point is to get a laugh out of it.” This idea spawned from amusement and laughter, however, took an unexpected turn to help a coun-


6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005


sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149

On top of her game A Fullerton standout. A superstar across the border. An olympic competitor. And sheʼs just getting started.

Marlene Sandoval Senior defender Placentia, CA

GABE FENOY/Daily Titan

Over 10,000 Angels fans attended “Rally Monday” at Angel Stadium to support their team, which will host the Yankees today at 5 pm in Game 1 of the American League Divisional Series.

Fans rally, ready for Yankees Thousands come out to support Angels in postseason effort By BELAL SIMJEE Daily Titan Staff

Angels Stadium of Anaheim crawled with red as fans passed through the turnstiles Monday night. Fans rushed to their seats to cheer and yell for their favorite Angels players. The stadium filled with so much electricity and excitement, one would think there was actually a game being played. Instead, fans were invited to come out for Rally Monday, a free event to support and cheer on the Angels before they play host to the New York Yankees today at 5p.m. Angel fans came out in full force as they lined up to enter the home plate gate. “I dressed up like this in 2002,”

PHIL GORDON/For the Daily Titan

“One day, on the way driving to the airport, we were flying out of Mexico and I turned around and saw my face on a billboard and I was surprised. It During her 18 years of playing soccer, 21-year-old was great,” Sandoval said. Marlene Sandoval has been an Olympian, an athlete E-mails from her fans are numerous and, as loyal for the Mexican National Team and a key factor for as Sandoval is to the game of soccer, she is just as the Cal State Fullerton womenʼs soccer team. loyal to them. The 5ʼ9ʼʼ defender and kinesiology major has “I actually respond to e-mails and become friends experienced continous success that has carried over with [fans],” Sandoval said. into her senior season with Fullerton. Fullerton junior goalkeeper Karen Bardsley has Her first goal of the season came on a penalty known Sandoval since she was thirteen years old kick against South Carolina to win the game and the when they were both involved in the Olympic Auburn Reebok Soccer Classic title for the Titans. Development Program. Sandovalʼs performance earned her Big West “Sheʼs a great person who sticks up for her teamPlayer of the Week honors and was also recognized mates. She [has] their backs on and off the field,” Bardsley said. “She is there for her friends and if by Soccer America and Soccer Buzz. In the tournament win in Tucson, Ariz. Sandoval theyʼve got a problem, sheʼll be there to help you out.” was named the Most Valuable Defensive Player. When she and Sandoval are on the field together, “It was an honor but itʼs something the whole team did. It wasnʼt just me. I was the lucky one that got the Bardsley said their in-game communication is good, award, but it was whole team effort,” Sandoval said that they know each otherʼs next move and can see of the Titans, which upset a No. 25 ranked Utah team what to do to help the play. “We usually support each other in that way and 4-0 to win the tournament. During the four years she has represented CSUF we shut the other players down. Marlene takes a lot womenʼs soccer, Sandoval has also played with the of responsibility and does lots of the dirty work,” Bardsley said. Mexican National Team. Sandoval said the national team “It feels great to play for my she plays on moves at a much own country,” Sandoval said. “You You never really quicker pace than a college team. never really experience soccer until experience soccer “You feel the jersey and who you play and get to represent a until you play and you are representing, and I feel whole country.” that a lot of college players donʼt While playing for the United get to represent a feel that. They are just out there States Under-19 Womenʼs National whole country. and taking soccer as a job and Team during her senior year at not something they really love,” Valencia High School, Sandoval Marlene Sandoval Sandoval said. “I think itʼs more was spotted and recruited by Ali Fullerton defender serious with the Mexican nationals Khosroshahin, the assistant coach than in college.” for the Mexican Womenʼs National Sandoval has mixed feelings Team and head coach for the about her final year playing for the Titans. Titans. “Iʼm happy school will be over but it sucks “Her play has grown quite a bit with her experience with the national team in Mexico,” Khosroshahin because you only get four years of eligibility to said. “She has matured as a good leader, and I think play and Iʼll also miss everyone Iʼve known here, the thing that allowed Marlene so much success is especially Coach Ali. Heʼs the one that found me and because of him, Iʼm playing for Fullerton,” her calmness.” Last year, Sandoval played in the Olympics for the Sandoval said. After college, Sandoval said she will continue Mexican National Team in Athens, Greece. “Just being there and seeing Olympians that Iʼve playing for the Mexican National Team. “She has a bright future in this game after her colgrown up watching on television was an unforgettable experience,” Sandoval said. lege career is over,” Khosroshahin said. In her game against the United States, Sandoval When Sandoval isnʼt traveling around the world had the opportunity to play against world-famous playing soccer, she stays at home with her family. soccer player Mia Hamm. “Itʼs really hard for me to stay with my family “It was a good experience. Sheʼs a good player because of school, soccer and traveling, so when Iʼm but I discovered sheʼs not the greatest player in the home I take advantage of that. My mom and I watch world,” Sandoval said. “There are better players movies and hang out,” Sandoval said. than her that are not given the kind of publicity she Sandoval started playing soccer at the age of three. gets.” It was her mother, Margarita - a soccer player in her Fullerton senior midfielder Erica Pryor said own right - who inspired her to pick up the game. that Sandoval is “the Mia Hamm of the Mexican One of Sandovalʼs quotes to live by is that “We National Team.” Pryor said her teammate is featured are what we repeatedly do, therefore excellence is on billboards in Mexico and written about in many not a habit.” newspaper articles. Arguably, it is for Sandoval. By LISAJOYCE VERGARA Daily Titan Staff

said Vanessa Robertson, who wore a homemade costume with a large Angels logo on the front and wings on her back. “I had to come out and support my team. It also gave me a reason to wear this costume again.” When fans entered the stadium, they were greeted with freshly cut grass, a large Angels logo behind home plate, and the American League Divisional Series playoff logo in foul territory down each baseline. “This is an awesome event,” Angel fan Steve Meyers said. “We brought the family out last year for the rally. We certainly had to come back this year to cheer our team on.” The occasional “Yankees suck” cheer permeated throughout the crowd prior to master of ceremonies, Angels broadcaster Steve Physioc taking the stage. Fans were treated to Angel highlights of the season on the Diamond Vision.

Physioc and his broadcast counterpart, Rex Hudler, also gave out many prizes that were raffled off to fans, including tickets to the first two games of the divisional series. The rally continued when some of the greatest players in the teamʼs history took the stage. The first speaker, Clyde Wright, had trouble using the microphone. “How come I got the cheap [microphone],” Wright asked Physioc on stage. Former Angels pitcher Chuck Finley took the microphone and replied, ”Because your son pitches for the Yankees.” Cal State Fullerton alumnus Peter “Chango Mango” Morales probably summed up the feelings and sentiments of the crowd best when walking up and down the crowd, strumming his guitar and singing “Chango chango mango, the rally is jumping. Chango chango mango, those halo sticks are pounding, that crazy little monkey, showʼs up and start the rally.”


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