2005 11 09

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C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n


We d n e s d a y, N o v e m b e r 9 , 2 0 0 5


This Issue Sports

Pride of the Titans

w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m

Vo l u m e 8 1 , I s s u e 4 0

CSUF students speak through ballots Titans cast their votes in ASI elections, two fee increase proposals By PHILIP FULLER Daily Titan Staff

Last week Cal State Fullerton students cast their votes in the Associated Students Inc. election. Two items on the ballot – proposed fee increases for the Student Health Center, and increases in

ASI fees – were aimed at studentsʼ pocketbooks. Students voted in overwhelming support for the $20 health services fee increase, bringing the cost for health services to $45, with 78 percent of students in favor of the increase. This is going to mean “increased access to students, and a reduced waiting time for an appointment,” said Cathy Baker, vice president of the Student Health and Counseling Center. Currently, the wait time for a non-emergency appointment is around 30 days. “Our dream is to

get that down to seven to ten days and in order to achieve this we need [a larger] staff,” she said. Money from the increased health fees will also be spent on increasing studentsʼ access to psychological counseling. “Right now, the waiting time to see a counselor is about 11 days,” Baker said. The centerʼs goal is five days or less when waiting to see a counselor. “I think emotional problems need more immediate attention than [they

currently have],” Baker said. The center will also use some of the funds from the increase to modernize its medical equipment, some of which Baker described as “huffing-and-puffing,” since they are very old. Students also approved an increase in ASI fees, which passed with 56 percent of the vote. “I am very excited about the fee referendum passing,” ASI President Mona Mohammadi said. “I think that it is really going to sustain student life on this campus. I real-

State proposition poll results Proposition 73 Abortion notification

66.76% reported No 50.75% Yes 49.25%

Part Two: Success of Fullerton Athletics goes unnocticed on commuter campus

Proposition 74 Teacher tenure

66.76% reported No 52.75% Yes 47.25%



Union dues

Is political apathy in younge age demographic politicians’ fault? 4

Surf Report Huntington

1-2 ft. ankle-to knee-high and poor conditions.

San Clemente

1-2 ft. ankle-to knee-high and poor conditions.

Compiled from www.surfline.com

Weather Today Showers 69º/57º Thursday Showers 68º/53º Friday AM Showers 68º/51º Saturday Sunny 71º/51º Sunday Sunny 76º/53º Compiled from The Weather Channel

Roadtrip Nation to assist studentsʼ search for interesting careers

CHRISTINA HOUSE/For the Daily Titan

Special elections held Tuesday will affect abortion and prescription drug sales, among other issues.

Californians vote on Schwarzenegger’s props

Statewide special election results may decide fate of unions The Associated Press

After being barraged by radio and TV ads, badgered by celebrities and warned about everything from higher taxes to a Republican power grab, California voters went to the polls Tuesday to decide the fate of Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggerʼs ballot proposals. The Republican governor said his four initiatives came down to this: moving the state backward or moving it ahead. But Democrats and powerful labor unions that oppose him see only a vendetta

against teachers, firefighters and other working people. In terms of moving the state backwards or moving it ahead, Cal State Fullerton freshmen Yessenia Tenorio thought it was neither. “I think the governor is just leaving the state there, not doing much of anything, and I think he lies,” she said. “We must make the government a better servant to the people,” the actor-turned-governor said during a last-minute appeal for votes Monday as he canvassed the state in a private jet. He pleaded with residents, “Give me the tools to reform the system.” Actor Warren Beatty, a longtime Democratic activist who has emerged as one of Schwarzeneggerʼs most vocal critics, calls the gover-

nor not just wrong but undemocratic. “You have to look inside these Trojan horses and see what is really there,” Beatty told The Associated Press. The initiatives “are deceptively named, and they are not what they appear to be on the outside.” Freshman Candace Paniagua, a criminal justice major, agrees. “I donʼt think heʼs a bad governor, everybody else does, but I donʼt think he is,” she said. “Californiaʼs already in debt, he canʼt make that any worse.” John Miller, 56, a juvenile probation officer and a registered Democrat, was in line when polls opened at a San Francisco firehouse to vote against the propositions in PROPS 3

Orange County poll proposition results



Spending cap

65.78% reported No 60.08% Yes 39.92% Proposition 77 Redistricting

65.78% reported No 57.25% Yes 42.75% Proposition 78 Drugs-industry

65.78% reported No 58.11% Yes 41.89% Proposition 79 Drugs-labor

65.78% reported No 61.38% Yes 38.62% Proposition 80

Proposition B

Proposition C

Proposition D

Proposition E

Sales tax 4 of 949 precincts No 63% Yes 37%

Homeland infrastructure 4 of 949 precincts No 72% Yes 28%

Reallocating 4 of 949 precincts No 74% Yes 26%

Juvenile offenders 4 of 949 precincts No 68% Yes 32%

Electricity reregulation

65.78% reported No 65.71% Yes 34.29%

Airport expansion to up cost of flying Passengers at John Wayne to pay new fee for improvements By AARON BONK Daily Titan Staff

Passengers departing from Orange Countyʼs John Wayne Airport may be required to pay a $4.50 departure fee next year to help pay for the airportʼs planned terminal expansion. The proposed fee will help raise funds for the estimated $440 million needed for a third terminal, additional parking, security compliances and a U.S. Customs office,

said Airport Director Alan Murphy. Murphy said the airport, which was designed to handle 8.4 million passengers a year, is “maxed out.” Last year, John Wayne Airport handled more than nine million passengers, resulting in longer baggage lines and passenger screening delays. The airport has experienced significant growth in the last four years, said Murphy. “I have no problem paying a few extra bucks if it means Iʼll be able to get in and out of the airport quicker,” said Sean Dawson, an Orange-based computer technician who flies out of John Wayne Airport at least twice a month. Since the airport is owned and

operated by the county, the decision to implement the fee will be left to the Orange County Board of Supervisors and is scheduled to vote on Dec. 20. The Federal Aviation Administration must also approve the fee. Supervisors will vote on the fee along with an overall funding plan aimed at airport improvements. The fee could be charged to passengers as early as July 2006 if approved and will be imposed until December 2021. If passed, the fee is said to generate roughly $300 million. Other funding will be obtained through federal grants and revenue bonds and will be used in conjunction

Daily Titan Staff

with profits raised from the fee increase as well as airport revenue and reserve funds. Critics claim that one way or another, the passengers are going to pay for it – be it through fees or an increase in ticket prices. Others claim the airportʼs expansion poses problems on the environmental level. Newport Beach Mayor John Heffernan said in the Los Angeles Times, “Weʼre always wary of the airport…Itʼs the biggest environmental problem we have in the city.” Otherwise referred to as the passenger facility charge, the fee

Proposition 76


Job tour to make stop at CSUF

For some college students, taking a road trip is the quintessential travel experience. Whether going to Las Vegas to celebrate a 21st birthday or Mexico for spring break, students can drive to various destinations and enjoy the freedom of the open road. “Statistically, people spend more time planning their vacation than their career,” said Career Center specialist Debbie Darling. But students may want to get away not for fun, but to escape the stress of their daily lives. They feel anxious about which direction to take their future, whether to pursue an advanced degree in graduate school or hunt for a position in the professional workforce. “Cal State Fullerton students need to start thinking about their careers and career path, not necessarily what mom or dad want them to do,” Darling said. Fortunately, there is an organization that gives students options to find which career fits them the best. Roadtrip Nation began four years ago when Pepperdine University grad Brian McAllister decided to take a road trip with his buddies Mike Marriner and Nathan Gebhard to find people with interesting jobs. So he bought an “old beat-up ʼ85 motor home” from his parents and a mini digital video camera to document their experiences on the road. “We didnʼt know anything about filming, but we wanted to keep a record of the whole trip to reflect back on it later,” McAllister said. The trio toured 28 local colleges in Southern California to invite students to meet professionals ranging from Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OʼConnor to graphic artist Paul Frank. Their grassroots movement soon gained momentum, attracting more high profile professionals to interview and corporate sponsors to fund the companyʼs operations. Although McAllister is proud of Roadtrip Nationʼs success, he is humble about his role in studentsʼ lives. “Weʼre not guidance counselors or career coaches. We just hope to inspire people with the stories we share and facilitate career exploration,” he said. Roadtrip Nation will bring its signature green RV to campus this Thursday to show interview footage and promote their programs to fund road trips of potential Titan candidates. The “Behind the Wheel” program, sponsored by the CSUF

66.76% reported No 50.36% Yes 49.64%




Proposition 75

CSUF students speak up for not speaking out special election

ly think the improvements will be seen by the student body with the increased fee.” She is also said that the increase in ASI fees should sustain programs that are currently utilized by students, but may have been in danger of being cut without the increase in fees. “We are hoping that in the first year of the fee we will be able to sustain all current programs without having to make any cuts to budgets,”


2 Wednesday, November 9, 2005

News IN RIEF World


news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415


Tribe vibe

NOV. 9, 2005


Today thru Nov. 18: Titans can save up to 25 percent by trading in apparel from other universities during the Titan Pride Closet Takeover. Thursday: Career documentary series Roadtrip Nation visits the CSUF campus during their Southern California tour. Titans can look for the big lime-green RV at the Quad at 1 p.m. then can head on over to the Titan Theater at 5:30 for the screening event. For more information visit www.roadtripnation.com

France declares state of emergency PARIS – France declared a state of emergency Tuesday to quell the countryʼs worst unrest since the student uprisings of 1968 that toppled a government, and the prime minister said the nation faced a “moment of truth” over its failure to integrate Arab and African immigrants and their children. The extraordinary security measures, which began Wednesday and are valid for 12 days, clear the way for curfews after nearly two weeks of rioting in neglected and impoverished neighborhoods with largely Muslim communities.

Thursday: ASI Productions is presenting free synth-rock show at the TSU Underground Pub. The band Shiny Toy Guns will be playing from noon to 1 p.m. For more information, call (714) 278-4216.

Second lawyer in Saddam trial killed

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Three masked gunmen in a speeding Opel assassinated a second lawyer in the Saddam Hussein trial Tuesday, casting doubt on Iraqʼs ability to try the case and leading a prominent war crimes prosecutor to urge moving the proceedings to another Arab country. Adel al-Zubeidi, lawyer for former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan, died when bullets were sprayed his car in a largely Sunni Arab neighborhood of western Baghdad. The shots also wounded Thamir al-Khuzaie, attorney for another co-defendant, Saddamʼs half brother Barazan Ibrahim.

Thursday thru Dec. 15: Titans can donate toys to the Camp Titan Holiday Toy Drive starts. For more information, call (714) 278-2468. Friday: CSUF students and Rec Sports members can compete in the Intramural Sports Co-ed Flag Football Tournament. Entry forms are due to KHS 159, in the Kinesiology Building, at 5 p.m. The cost is $10 per team, and players must have a valid TitanCard. For more information, call (714) 2784382.

Nation One dead, 2 hurt in school shooting JACKSBORO, Tenn. – A student shot and killed an assistant principal and seriously wounded two other administrators at a high school Tuesday, officials said. The student was arrested. The motive for the shooting at Campbell County High School, 30 miles from Knoxville, was not immediately known, Sheriff Ron McClellan told WVLT-TV.

CIA searches for probe of prisons story

WASHINGTON – The CIA took the first step toward a criminal investigation of a leak of possibly classified information on secret prisons to The Washington Post, a U.S. official said Tuesday. The agencyʼs general counsel sent a report to the Justice Department about the Post story, which reported the existence of secret U.S. detention centers for suspected terrorists in Eastern Europe.

Gonorrhea rates fall; other STDs rise

ATLANTA – Gonorrhea has fallen to the lowest level on record in the United States, while the rates of other sexually transmitted diseases – syphilis and chlamydia – are on the rise, federal health officials said Tuesday. The seemingly paradoxical findings can be explained by the cyclical nature of syphilis outbreaks and a rise in risky sexual behavior among gay men, researchers said.

State California killer sentenced to life term SAN LUIS OBISPO – An Arroyo Grande man was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for raping and killing a university student more than 20 years ago. Peter Anthony Derks, 58, pleaded guilty Sept. 9 to the October 1985 rape and murder of Mary Catherine Waterbury in Montana de Oro State Park. He was sentenced Monday. Derks was linked to the crime through a DNA match last year. Waterbury, 23, was a student at California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo. Reports compiled from The Associated Press


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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2005 Daily Titan

GABRIEL FENOY/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Quese Imc, a member of the Pawnee and Seminole Native American tribes, performs spoken-word poetry and hip hop songs in the Quad on Tuesday. The Inter-Tribal Student Council sponsored the event.




1860: Abraham Lincoln becomes the 16th U.S. president. Canadian forces take the village of Passendale in Belgium during the third Battle of Ypres.


1944: Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected to a record fourth term as president of the United States. 1989: In New York, former Manhattan Borough President David Dinkins becomes the cityʼs first African-American mayor.


1923: In what becomes known

as the Beer Hall putsch (revolt), Adolf Hitler and general Erich Ludendorff march on a Munich beer hall in an attempt to start a revolution. 1942: British and U.S. forces invade Nazi-occupied North Africa.


1965: New York and much of the northeast coast of North America suffer the largest power failure in history, leaving thirty million people in the dark. 1989: German citizens begin to demolish the Berlin Wall, which has separated East Germany from West Germany since 1961.


1775: The U.S. Marine Corps is established. 1801: Tennessee becomes the

first U.S. state to legislate against dueling.


1620: Pilgrim emigrants sign the Mayflower Compact, giving themselves the power to govern their planned settlement in New England. 1918: World War I ends.


1799: American astronomer Andrew Ellicott Douglass witnesses the first meteor shower on record, the Leonids meteor shower, from a ship off the Florida Keys. 1971: U.S. President Richard Nixon proclaims the end of the U.S. offensive role in the Vietnam War and withdraws 45,000 troops. Compiled from Encarta.com


from page 1

Career Center, is recruiting teams of three students to replicate McAllisterʼs initial road trip. Selected teams are required to book 30 interviews with people across the U.S. They are accompanied by two mentors who film a chronicle of their experiences to be used in their documentary series airing on PBS. The “Roadtrip Grant” program, designed to put more students on road trips, allows them to custom-

Friday: Erin McNally stars in “A Day Just Like Today,” a one-hour cabaret. The event is at the Grand Central Theatre on campus. Tickets cost $15. For more information, call (714) 567-7235. Saturday: CSUF and the Latino Advocates for Education are teaming up to honor veterans, past and present, at the ninth annual Veterans Day Celebration: A Tribute to Mexican American Patriots of World War II. The event starts at 11 a.m. For more information, call (714) 225-2499. Monday: A group exhibition of glass sculptures by CSUF students will be on display at the TSU Plaza Gallery for the Group Glass Show. For more information, call (714) 278-3915. All events are free and on campus unless otherwise indicated. To have a specific entry added to the calendar section, please send an email to news@dailytitan.com. ize local excursions by traveling in their own cars. This type of hands-on training fits into the Academic Advisement Centerʼs philosophy. “One of the things I recommend to students is to do informational interviews like this program,” said Carol May, academic advisor and undeclared advisement coordinator. Darling said she is anxious to see the studentʼs response. “Iʼm hoping our students will get those grants and have those experiences. If it goes really well, I hope to see it back next year,” she said.


Daily Titan


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 3

news@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-4415 from page 1

an election he considers a waste of money. “Itʼs just enflamed the fury Iʼve had against [Schwarzenegger],” Miller said after voting. “I voted against everything heʼs for, straight down the line. I basically voted against the election. Itʼs a waste of taxpayer money.” Voter Steve McClanahan, 38, a registered Independent, voted at the same firehouse and also complained about the cost of the election. “He came in as a guy who was fiscally conservative but a moderate at the same time. I can respect that,” he said. “But this proves heʼs a liberally, spending moderate as well. This is such a waste of taxpayer money.” CSUF senior Robert Valenzuela echoes the same concerns. “I have mixed feelings about the governor right now,” Valenzuela said. “I did vote for him in the running but it seems like heʼs cutting some funds. I think heʼs trying to improve the overall picture, but he is cutting education.” Schwarzeneggerʼs proposals represent an epic fight for power in Sacramento. If approved, they would undercut the power of the majority Democrats and the public employee unions that have frustrated Schwarzeneggerʼs agenda while slowing runaway state spending. The outcome of the election could blot his re-election hopes or provide fresh evidence of his populist clout. “Do I think heʼs going to get re-elected – no – but heʼs not bad,” said CSUF junior Brett Town, a liberal studies major. “I think that heʼs doing an OK job for the position that heʼs in, considering he was an actor.” The secretary of state has projected that 42 percent of registered voters will cast ballots in what will be Californiaʼs fifth statewide special election. Strategy on both sides has focused on energizing core supporters, with voter turnout likely to be a deciding factor for many of the initiatives. For Republicans, the get-outthe-vote effort has involved an appeal to Christian conservatives

to support an abortion-related initiative that the governor supports but hasnʼt campaigned for. Republican pollsters hope a wave of conservatives turning out for Proposition 73, which would require doctors to notify parents or guardians when a minor seeks an abortion, will translate into trickledown support for the governorʼs measures. “I feel that the prop about abortion, where the minors should have to tell their parents is a little ridiculous,” Town said. “I think that itʼs a confidentiality thing for a reason and that if people, children for example, want to tell their parents, they can tell their parents. Thatʼs something that is very private and very scary to go through.” However, there are critics. “I would [have voted] yes on Proposition 73 because an abortion is a big operation and there could be complications, so I think the parents should know just in case something does happen they know whatʼs going on and they can be there,” said junior biology major Michael Huegel, who was not able to vote. Democrats and labor groups have focused on getting union members to the polls, encouraging a blanket “no” vote on most of the eight initiatives on Tuesdayʼs ballot. “I [felt] strongly about Proposition 74 mainly because a lot of my family members are teachers and I know that they are strongly against it,” said CSUF grad student Gisela Shimabukuro. “Iʼm all about education and according to the sources that Iʼve read, he took $2 billion from the education cut, so I donʼt think heʼs keeping all the promises he made, especially about education.” Schwarzenegger faced long odds, according to several recent independent polls. Democrats and labor unions have spent more than $100 million to defeat him, outspending Schwarzenegger by about 2-1. The polls have shown that none of Schwarzeneggerʼs proposals have majority support among likely California voters. Schwarzenegger has warned of tax increases and other dire consequences if his four-part plan fails Tuesday, while Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, has accused the governor of trying to make himself “a king” at the state-

CHRISTINA HOUSE/For the Daily Titan

CHRISTINA HOUSE/For the Daily Titan

Top: Ana Luisa Johnson and her son Joshua wait in line with dozens of fellow voters at Raymond Elementary on Tuesday. Above: CSUF Anthropology grad student, Albert Garcia, awaits his turn to vote at Raymond Elementary. Right: Brendan Shoemaker struggles to handle his crutches as he signs in to vote Tuesday evening. house. The defeat of his proposals would leave the governor looking politically vulnerable just as his 2006 reelection campaign gets under way. But with polls running against him,

CHRISTINA HOUSE/For the Daily Titan

winning even one initiative would remind Democrats that his public standing may be only temporarily damaged. Schwarzenegger has dismissed polls and cast the election as a

second step toward reform after the 2003 gubernatorial recall election. After a steep drop in popularity, he has sought to recapture the outsider credentials that propelled him to office that year.

“I like Arnold Schwarzenegger as an actor, but as a governor, I donʼt think heʼs done very much,” Huegel said. Daily Titan reporter Danica Hart contributed to this story.


also goes to fund athletics. “I think we will be able to sustain the athletics programs that we currently have and draw quality athletes from around the states,” Mohammadi said. “I believe that athletics is an integral part of the university and I am happy that the students who voted agreed with this as well.” Unlike the Health Center, the Athletics Department is still unsure of how it will use its funds from the fee increase. “Last week we got the money,

and now we need to think about what weʼre going to do with it,” said Mel Franks, associate athletics director for CSUF. While campaigning for a “yes vote” on the fee increases, CSUF Director of Athletics Brian Quinn, told the ASI board that he would like a large portion of the money to go towards athletics scholarships. The Athletics Department now worries that with tuition increases scheduled to begin next semester their increased funding would merely offset the cost of rising tuition.

one of only six medium-to-large sized airports in the country that does not currently charge such fees, Wedge said. Both Los Angeles International Airport and Ontario Airport charge fees of $4.50 and $3, respectively. The proposed expansion plan includes a 307,000 square foot, sixgate, multi-leveled passenger terminal, a new parking structure featuring an additional 2,500 spaces, additional valet parking facilities, and airfield expansion to allow for more overnight aircraft parking.

If constructed, the third terminal will allow for a total of 20 gates at the airport. The addition of the customs office will allow up to four daily international flights to destinations including Canada and Mexico, Murphy said. Both Alaska Airlines and Air Canada have shown an interest in basing international flights out of John Wayne Airport. The last major renovation the airport has undergone was the construction of the Thomas F. Riley Terminal completed in 1990.

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Mohammadi said. “However, we believe that in the second year the fee is implemented, the Board of Directors will hopefully be able to increase programs on campus. This would include funding inter-club councils more.” Inter-club councils are responsible for delegating funding to various student organizations on campus. A portion of the ASI fee increase


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would be imposed on travelers leaving from John Wayne Airport and individual airlines would collect the fee. The airlines will retain a portion of the fee, but the majority of the charge will go toward the airportʼs expansion plan and routine projects, said airport spokeswoman Jenny Wedge. John Wayne Airport is currently

6 Wednesday, November 9, 2005



sports@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-3149

Pride of the Titans

A three part series on the rise, the fall and the resurgence of Titan Pride at Cal State Fullerton PART 2: Successes of Fullerton Athletics gradually starting to go unnoticed on a commuter campus

Leaner and meaner mascot will support new cheer team



Daily Titan Staff

Cal State Fullerton has produced numerous professional athletes and Olympians, many of whom still play or make a career out of molding young athletes. During their four years as student-athletes at Fullerton, it is likely they went unnoticed to all but the athletic department. Chad Cordero was one of these Titan athletes. After three years as Fullertonʼs relief pitcher and two College World Series, the junior was the ninth Titan to be drafted in the first round of the 2003 MLB Amateur Draft. With only two months of minor league experience, Cordero was brought up to play for the Montreal Expos (now the Washington Nationals) and became the 39th Titan to play Major League Baseball. This season, he led the MLB in saves with 47, played on the National League All-Star team and was named Rolaids Relief Man of the Year. Still, he does not forget where he came from. “I miss putting on that jersey that has ʻTitansʼ written across it and playing over at Goodwin Field,” Cordero said. “It was something that I wanted to do since I was in high school.” Despite his teamʼs success during his time as a student-athlete, Cordero noticed the lack of student support. “Itʼs kind of disappointing because Iʼve had a chance to play with guys from other schools and they were drawing about 12,000 people a game and about 10,000 of that was students,” Cordero said. “The only students who came [to our games] were our fellow athletes, but it was mostly families from around here.” Titan Baseball Coach George Horton, who is also a 1978 alumnus of the baseball program, is aware that Fullerton lacks the spirit other schools pride themselves on. “In a lot of big-time institutions, everything revolves around campus. Itʼs the thing to tailgate and support your team,” Horton said. “We donʼt have that philosophy here. There are a lot of other choices to choose from in Southern California.” Perhaps the only lesser-known aspect of Fullerton sports besides the athletes is the history they have created over half a century. Titan baseball has received four NCAA Championships (ʻ79, ʻ84, ʻ95, ʻ04), three of them under program founder Augie Garrido. Fifteen Titans have represented Team USA, 39 have played in the big leagues and hundreds in the minors, Associate Athletics Director Mel Franks said. Still, baseball gets more support from members of the Fullerton community than from their fellow Titans, Franks said. Menʼs basketball received a lot of student support in the ʻ90s. Many former students remember the games as the best times of their college years. “I remember a game when we beat UNLV [in menʼs basketball] and we all jumped down onto the court,” said Demian Brown, Titan soccer alumnus of ʻ97 and current womenʼs soccer assistant coach. “It was something special to beat a team like that.” Titan basketball has helped mold 12 men into NBA players. One of

Tuffy to get even tougher For the Daily Titan


The Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team celebrates with an over-capacity crowd on the floor of Titan Gym after the Titans upset unbeaten, No. 1-ranked University of Nevada, Las Vegas. It is still viewed by many as one of the most memorable moments in the history of CSUF sports. two names, Carol Johnston and Ammann said. “Now thereʼs a lot more separation from group to Tami Elliott-Harrison. Johnston was an All-American group. That may have to do with Titan gymnast who only had one the amount of time students are arm. She starred in the Disney required for study hours. We didnʼt movie “Lefty,” which told the story have those kinds of requirements, so there was a lot more time for social of her struggle. Elliott-Harrison won 10 All- activities.” Womenʼs soccer assistant coach American awards at Fullerton, coached the Titans in the 1988 sea- and soccer alumnus Demian Brown son, then went on to win Miss also recalls more support between Virginia, compete for Miss America students. and place in the “When I top ten for Mrs. got back [to In a lot of big-time USA according to Fullerton] last the media guide. year I noticed instutions, every Fullerton no some of the thing revolves longer has a menʼs relationships around camus ...We gymnastics team, that were very don’t have that but during its strong when I philosophy here. tenure, the team was in school won the NCAA had changed,” George Horton Title three times Brown said. Heach Coach, Titan Baseball (ʻ71,ʼ72,ʼ74), “The baseball menʼs cross counteam and the try won the title soccer team in 1971 and softball took home the were very close and itʼs my impression that now that relationship has title in 1986. Wrestling also had a standout per- changed a little bit.” former in 1994 when Laszlo Molnar With all the competition for an finished second in the nation, audience, it takes work on the social according to the media guide. part for the sports teams to have posStandout Titan athletes turning itive, solid relationships, and it may professional and then returning to be more effort than some people are the program as coaches has long willing to put forth, Brown said. Brown also had an observation been a trend at Fullerton, one alumnus Bob Ammann continues. on athletics and the greek system. After graduating from Fullerton, “When I was in school there were Ammann played professional soc- a lot of athletes that were in the cer in the U.S., England, Canada Greek system, so things kind of tied and Switzerland. He returned to together,” Brown said. “It wasnʼt Fullerton 15 years ago as the menʼs uncommon at all for players, espesoccer assistant coach, under his cially on the baseball team or soccer, to be involved in the fraternities.” former coach Al Mistri. Four Titans competed in the 2004 “In 1986, my senior year, we went to the NCAA playoffs for the Olympics alone. Titan softball playfirst time. We had the big games at ers Jenny Topping competed for home and we were getting 1,200 the U.S. and Lindsey Bashor for fans to a place that couldnʼt hold Greece. Marlene Sandoval played 1,200 fans,” Ammann said. “If a soccer and Giovanni Lanaro pole team is successful, the fans come. vaulted, both for Mexico. Mexico can put up a billboard of People want to support a winner. When the campus is doing well, you Sandoval, but students who walk by her every day would never know, get a good crowd.” One change on the Fullerton cam- Brown said. pus Ammann noticed from his days “Itʼd be great to have a poster as a student-athlete is the relation- or billboard put up on the face of ship between sports teams. the library [of our Olympians],” “As a team, when I was here Brown said. “The athletics departwe would go and support the ment could do more to highlight the other teams. The teams themselves players that have gone on to make a were [friendlier] with each other,” living professionally.”


A vintage Tuffy the Titan gets the crowd at a CSUF football game excited. The mascot will recieve a more aggressive makeover this season. them was Leon Wood. The point guard won a gold medal on the U.S. Olympic team in 1984, was a first-round draft pick, played in the NBA for six years and is now a NBA referee. Another Titan basketball standout was Greg Bunch, who played one season for the New York Knicks. “As a student-athlete, the only things I needed to worry about were performing in the classroom and performing on the basketball court,” Bunch said. “I miss the student body; I miss the faculty and the administration.” Fullerton womenʼs basketball forward Nancy Dunkle, a former forward on the Fullerton womenʼs basketball team, won a silver medal on the 1976 Olympic team under

Womenʼs Basketball Hall of Fame inductee Billie Moore. Moore coached the Titans to a championship in 1970, and Dunkle took over as head coach for Moore in 1977, according to media guides. Center Eugenia Miller-Rycraw was an All-American in 1991, played for the Los Angeles Sparks, still holds NCAA records and is now the womenʼs basketball assistant coach at Fullerton. “I think the comraderie is what I liked the best [at Fullerton], with the team and the coaches. I miss being on the court and just playing,” Miller-Rycraw said. “I think that [attendance] will grow as our program gets better and better.” Titan gymnastics has also brought fame to Cal State Fullerton through

Excitement is high as the new Cal State Fullerton cheerleading squad and mascots prepare to make their first appearance at the menʼs basketball home opener against Hope International University on Nov. 20. Practice began late last month for the 14 women selected for the squad and the two new mascots. Andi Sims, co-chairman and advisor of the Spirit Committee, a five-member committee in charge of the squad, is excited about the women who made the squad. The women have a lot of experience and ability, and some have already been a part of national cheerleading squads and possess strong tumbling skills, Sims said. “Tumbling is important. When someone does a back flip it really gets the crowd going,” Sims said. Back flips alone were not enough to land a spot on the squad. “We were looking for girls who possessed strong communication skills and leadership experience as well as ability,” Sims said. “Part of being a cheerleader is to hold a leadership position and be a representative of the CSUF community.” The squad is scheduled to cheer at all 24 menʼs and womenʼs home basketball games this season. “They may support other athletics in the future, but for now we really just want to work on developing the program,” Sims said. Funding for the squad is being provided by Vice President of Student Affairs Robert Palmer and the Dean of Students Office. Aside from funding, the cheerleaders are not counting on outside help to get the program off its feet. “The squad will self-govern, self-train, and self-motivate,” Sims said. The women will practice three times a week, during which they will choose their own captain and choreograph their own routines. Some members are certified to teach tumbling and stunting and will help train their squad in these areas. The squad also hopes to have fundraisers to help support their program. Unlike CSUFʼs competitive dance team, which won the NCAA Division 1 National Championship five times in the last six years, the cheerleading squad does not plan to cheer competitively. “They want to keep their focus entirely on crowd motivation and athletic support. This is what should really differentiate us from other squads,” Sims said. Mascots for Fullerton were picked based on the same requirements as the cheerleaders: ability and leadership skills. One male and one female have been chosen and they will alternate between the 24 games. Designs for a new, more fierce-looking Tuffy are in the making under the direction of Spirit Committee member Larry Martin. The cheerleaders will share the stage with CSUFʼs dance team. The two squads will play separate roles during the games, but are hoping to collaborate on some routines to perform the fight songs.

4 Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Mock the vote Granted, itʼs just four out of about 35,040 students here at Cal State Fullerton, but if todayʼs Word on the street segment (see right) proves anything, itʼs the common consensus that young people just donʼt rock the vote. The excuses we provide are endless. We have classes to go to, quizzes to study for, work to drive to and extracurricular activities to participate in. We either live outside the voting district or have no means of transportation to go to the nearest poll. To a foreigner, he or she might think that voting for the average American college student was the equivalent of getting a root canal. Quite frankly, itʼs fairly obvious that the great majority of 18 to 29-year-olds are apathetic about the political process. Perhaps politicians donʼt do enough to reach out to the younger demographic; perhaps we feel as though initiatives and propositions donʼt directly affect our lives (even though Proposition 73 dealt with abortion and 74 dealt with teacherʼs tenure). Or maybe, Titans and fellow college students feel as though voting itself is a futile gesture where our choices donʼt matter.

So knowing all of this, we at the Daily Titan wonder why government officials canʼt and donʼt do more to attract the youth vote. For example, many university students complain about not being able to fit in voting with their busy schedules. If this really is the case, why arenʼt there more voting booths available on college campuses so students canʼt use the tired “I have no time to find a polling place” excuse? Weʼve seen voting places in random elementary and high schools so why not at Cal State Fullerton, where its students are actually of legal voting age? Some might argue that itʼs a political ploy to prevent young, mostly liberal or independent individuals from voting against conservative issues. But whatever the case, whether it really is some right-wing conspiracy or logistical issues from keeping voting booths available on college campuses, Americaʼs powers-that-be need to do a better job marketing to our generation. College students feel like their votes donʼt matter. And as of right now, politicians havenʼt done much to prove us wrong.

Editorial Board Julie Kim, Opinion Editor Nicole M. Smith, Executive Editor Kim Orr, Managing Editor In deference to the paradigm established by venerable Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, unsigned Titan Editorials strive to represent the general will of the Daily Titan editorial board and do not necessarily reflect the view of the university.

Letter to the Editor: On paganism:

Dear Editor, I must respond to Dianika Abbottʼs Oct. 31 piece entitled “Halloween celebrates evil acts of the world.” First of all, Ms. Abbott could be a little more forgiving of the children. Itʼs not likely that dressing up, playing makebelieve and enjoying candy endangers their little souls. After all, traditions change and evolve as needed in order to stay relevant. Which leads me to my second point: Halloween, or Samhain, is a major Holy Day for thousands of pagans in the United States and Europe. It commemorates the harvest and the hunt in the anthropomorphic form of the dying God who goes to the underworld to await his rebirth at the Winter Solstice (this is a common Middle Eastern/European motif). Itʼs a celebratory rite,

which also remembers those who have gone to the otherworld to await rebirth. The Black Mass, on the other hand, was a pure invention of the Church during The Burning Times and was a source of sophomoric high jinx amongst college kids during the Victorian Era. Ms. Abbott, Iʼm outraged that you would call my Holy Day a “celebration [of the] evil acts of the world,” but Iʼm not surprised. Your ignorance is exceeded only by your intolerance and is a dark side of monotheism, which is shown all too often as the true “evil” of this world. We donʼt have to agree on anything, but thousands of other pagans and I expect the same respect for our spiritual path that you do for yours. Frank “Born-Again Druid” Frizell, graduate student History

To send a letter to the editor, e-mail opinion@dailytitan.com. Letters may be edited for grammar, clarity and length.



opinion@dailytitan.com • (714) 278-5814

Word on the street Did you vote in Tuesday’s election? Why or why not?

“I didnʼt vote because I forgot to register.”

“Iʼm an absentee voter, and I havenʼt voted yet. But I plan on voting after my classes.”

“I didnʼt vote because I got really busy with school. Iʼve read all the packets and information, but I havenʼt made time.”

–Mike Chao, freshman, psychology

–Miguel Ceballos, sophomore, biology

–LaTangia Oliver, senior, communications

“I havenʼt voted because Iʼm not allowed. Iʼm a foreign student.”

“I didnʼt vote because I donʼt know anything about anybody.”

–Abdulaziz Albeloushi, junior, civil engineering

–Jeff Salalac, sophomore, biology

Photos and quotes compiled by Dianika Abbott, Daily Titan Copy Editor

Recreating the Great American Novel Jeff cares

I am obsessed with writing a book. Not just any book, mind you, but the Great American Novel, the Jeff Klima king of all Daily Titan Humor Columnist books, the one that summarizes the way the world is and the way the world ought to be. Such illustrious Great American Novels include “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” “The Grapes of Wrath” and “On the Road.” There is a problem, though. And that is I canʼt write. Sure, I can crank out a few mildly amusing anecdotes to serve up as columns, but I simply donʼt have the intellectual capacity to create the flowery, emotional prose that transcends generations and changes lives. My greatest strength, however, is my refusal to give in to my lack of talent. I have decided that rather than carp out some hack material schlock that interests no one, I will instead give the people what they want. If I canʼt create the Great American Novel, Iʼll recreate it. In the literary world, few notions are despised as much as plagiarism. For those unfamiliar with the literary world and for those of you who sneak on campus to only read my column and eat out of trash cans, plagiarism is, to put it bluntly, stealing. It is the stealing of anotherʼs thoughts, words, ideas and passion. For me, plagiarism is something of a fine art. Over the years, I have mastered the gentle act of using my computerʼs thesaurus feature in a desperate attempt to shift

John Steinbeckʼs masterwork “The Grapes of Wrath” into Jeff Klimaʼs masterwork. Of course, I could never call it by the same title. Dimwits would say something obscene like, “Hey! Thatʼs plagiarism.” So now, with the aid of Mr. Thesaurus, my masterwork will be: “The Varietals of Vengeance.” Sounds intoxicating, doesnʼt it? Of course, merely altering the title of the book is not sufficient anymore, what with the advent of “nosy people.” So we plagiarists – or “plagues,” as we call ourselves at our annual gathering – must now convert the whole darn book. This is where I see plagiarism as a fine art. I have spent most mornings, a good deal of afternoons and the occasional evenings of the last four years cranking out my own

“take” on the suffering of the Great Depression dustbowl. As I am sure you probably have all of “The Grapes of Wrath” committed to memory, I will only reprint the first line of it here, in case you want to send this column to your uncultured sister. Steinbeck, master of the descriptive narrative, wrote: “To the red country and part of the gray country of Oklahoma, the last rains came gently and they did not cut the scarred earth.” How marvelously delicate, right? You can now, maybe, appreciate why all those odious English teachers made you suffer through it in high school. Of course, keep that first line in mind while you check out the far more resplendent first line from “The Varietals of Vengeance”: “Towards the crimson motherland

and a component of the ashen boonies of the Sooner State, the final precipitations came delicately, and they could never penetrate the blemished planet.” Man, how good is that? Similar, yes, but the wording is just different enough to throw off the literary bloodhounds. The true beauty of “The Varietals of Vengeance” is that it canʼt be plagiarized. If people took a thesaurus to my book, theyʼd just end up with a John Steinbeck novel. And what good is that? Jeff Klima is a Cal State Fullerton senior majoring in communications and radio-TV-film. His column appears every Wednesday in the Daily Titan. To contact him, e-mail opinion@dailytitan.com

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