C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y, F u l l e r t o n
THE DAILY TITAN T U E S D AY, M AY 9 , 2 0 0 6
w w w. d a i l y t i t a n . c o m
Vo l u m e 8 2 , I s s u e 1
Fullerton track star Marques Barosso sprints to the top Page 6
Klima: Outsmart the women; theyʼre smart after all Page 4
Aid for New Class of Collegians Educational Opportunity Program helps low-income students with funds, counsel By Elizabeth Simoes
Daily Titan Staff Writer Jessica Jachin/For the Daily Titan The Educational Opportunity Program APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED: Student assistant at Cal State Fullerton has one goal: to Crystal Gonzalez helps another student on the phone at help students achieve academic and perthe EOP office in University Hall.
Food Drive: It’s in the Mail
sonal success in order to graduate. Students started a campaign for the program in the 1960s during the Civil Rights movement, according to the programʼs brochure. “Ethnicity is not a requirement to be in EOP,” said Javier Ramirez, coordinator for student retention services, which the Educational Opportunity Program is under. The program is open to first-time freshmen and transfer students only. To
be eligible, students must demonstrate low-income status and a disadvantaged background. They also must be a firstgeneration college student. Students apply for the program when they fill out an application to the university, either on paper or on the Internet, by checking the box that asks if they are interested in the service. If interested, they need to fill out three additional forms for the program and submit them to the university for evaluation,
Beauty Queen
By Karen Aman
For the Daily Titan
By Alicia David
or Cal State Fullerton students, most things available online – like music – are free for the taking. Some may not believe that cheating is stealing, but others argue that committing plagiarism is no different. According to Plagiarism.com, plagiarism has never been easier. The Internet enables a plagiarizer to find sources in seconds and quickly compose a term paper or other copy. The meaning of plagiarism is clear to CSUF biochemistry major, Phung Le, 19. “Plagiarism is when you take another personʼs work and call it your own,” Le said. “I would rather take an F than cheat. You cheat in high school, you cheat in college, you cheat in life,” she said. Students who cheat are lazy, said English-history major Margaret Butterfield. “Itʼs so much easier for students
Daily Titan Staff Writer
Songha Lee/Daily Titan
SMART INVESTMENTS: Teta Smart is the founder and has directed of the Miss Whittier Scholarship Pageant for 23 years. She began her own modeling career at the age of 20w. By Ariana Guerrero
For the Daily Titan
earing a long, flowing gown and a large wig, 79-year-old Teta Smart was the center of attention as she hosted the 23rd annual Miss Whittier Scholarship Pageant. Amid an eager crowd and anxious contestants, Smart entered the room in the Hawaiian themed opening number. She stood before the stage as the contestants joked about her arrival on a broomstick. She chuckled with the howling crowd. Smart is no rookie when it comes to being in the spotlight. In 1947 she captured the title of Miss Whittier Rose Queen, and ever since she has managed to stay in the limelight. For over 40 years, Smart studied classical ballet, tap and gymnastics. She modeled in Vogue, Glamour, Life and other publications. She is also the pageant director and host of the Miss Whittier and Miss California Latina scholar-
Phoenix gets the upper hand in the series, 130-123
ship pageants. “She is a nice lady with great intentions, she has helped many young girls accomplish many of their goals.” said Andrea Uribe a senior geography major at Cal State Fullerton. “I think sheʼs maybe a little too old to be doing this.… Maybe itʼs about time Teta retires,” Uribe said with a laugh. With her 80th birthday approaching, retirement isnʼt something she intends to embark on soon. “I never plan on retiring,” Smart said. “They will have to carry me out in my ballet shoes and say, there she goes with her little tutu and ballet shoes, and on her way to heaven … we hope.” Smart is the president of Smart Productions, which produces the Miss Whittier and Miss California Latina scholarship pageants. She is the owner of Teta Smartʼs School of Dance and Theatre, where she teaches ballet to children. Yesenia Alvarado, a CSUF freshman, fondly SEE QUEEN = PAGE 3
Choosing archaeology “makes sense” for Andrea Murray
Cheating Made Easy Online Students may lift from the Web, but teachers employ technology to catch them
Leave a bag of canned goods by the mailbox, and letter carriers do the rest
eople who want to help the Stamp Out Hunger nationwide food drive can leave bags of food by their mailboxes Saturday. The National Association of Letter Carriers created the one-day food drive. They pick up the food and take it back to the post offices, where volunteers and trucks will sort the food and load it into trailers, Jeʼnet Kreitner, special projects coordinator for the food bank said in an e-mail interview. The donated food is passed on to those in need through church pantries, shelters, soup kitchens and recovery homes, she said. Approximately 456,000 people are at risk of missing meals sometime each month in Orange County, according to the food bank. The people arenʼt hungry because they donʼt work hard, the food bank said. Most donʼt make enough money for rent, bills and groceries throughout the month. An average of 200,000 people are reached each month, according to the food bank. The associationʼs food drive is important to the food bank because it comes at a crucial time of year, Kreitner said. Donating typically drops off during the months after the holiday season, and with last yearʼs disasters, they really feel the crunch this year, she said. More than 10,000 cities and towns across America will be reached, according to the association. Nearly 1,500 local branches in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands are involved in the food drive. Sponsors of the food drive include the United Way, the AFLCIO, Campbellʼs, the U.S. Postal Service, Americaʼs Second Harvest and Val Pak. “United Way funds the Labor Agency, whoʼs able to coordinate with the Letter Carriers Association and provide them with the structure and place in order to conduct the drive,” said Yolanda Wright of the United Way. “The food drive bags will be delivered Thursday and will then be picked up on Saturday,” he said.
said Willie Bugaoan, assistant to the Educational Opportunity Program coordinator. More than 14,000 students applied for the program for fall 2006, Bugaoan said. About 2,000 students are currently enrolled in the program, Ramirez said. Of all the applicants they can only admit
to cheat now having the Internet,” she said. According to a 1991 Rutgers University study, 66 percent of 16,000 students from 31 U.S. campuses cheated at least once. Twelve percent of students cheated regularly. The average is seven out of 10 students cheat, one of which cheats all the time. Matt Tucker, 21, a biochemistry major, said he cheated once in high school, but he would not cheat now. “You donʼt really learn, and the stuff Iʼm studying now, I really need to know,” he said. Officials at UC Berkeley reported that cheating on campus increased an estimated 744 percent between 1993 and 1997. Levels of cheating and plagiarism remain high, said Don McCabe, founder of the Center for Academic Integrity. The center is affiliated with the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University in Durham, N.C., and “provides a forum to identify, affirm, and promote the values of academic integrity among students, faculty, teachers and administrators.” The Center for Academic Integrity completed a survey in 2002 that SEE PLAGIARISM = PAGE 3
‘Journeys’ Opens Eyes to Career Opportunities By Babeeta Dhillon
For the Daily Titan
Radio-TV-Film Department Professor Lynne Gross in collaboration with three prestigious industry veterans has created a series of DVDs about the lesserknown jobs in the TV industry. “Journeys Below the Line” presents in-depth stories about experts who work abnormal jobs in television, focusing on jobs considered below the line. The “Journeys Below the Line” Web site, www.journeysbelowtheline .com, defines “below the line” as the technical services behind the production of television and movies. These experts work on hit shows and give their insight about their jobs. Students pursuing a Radio-TVFilm major or minor think of directing, acting and producing as the dominant careers in the industry, and high school students and
new college students are unaware of the other jobs, according to department Chair Ed Fink. “Students often think that the good jobs in television are being a director, an actor, or a producer, but they are overlooking many other jobs,” Fink said. “ ʻJourneys Below the Lineʼ is a good positive idea because it is one way that students can find out about jobs in the industry from people working in the industry.” Bruce Bilson, director of over 400 TV programs, conceived of the concept of “Journeys Below the Line.” Once Bilson was set on his creative endeavor, he pitched his idea to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. Gross said the academy granted funding for the project, and Bilson decided to contact his longtime friend, Gross.
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