2007 02 26

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Online DailyTitan


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 14

More Oscar Coverage

Fat People on Bikes

Columnist Jeff Klima defends his social image OPINION, p. 5

Fans travel from around the world NEWS, p. 3 to attend awards

Daily Titan

Monday February 26. 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Evaluating Leadership CSUF ROTC conducts entire day training in Marshall Canyon By Jenny Houser

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

ROTC cadets stood in formation at 5 a.m. in parking lot E on Friday in preparation for a ten-hour training day. While some of the cadets struggled to stay awake, many were eager to board the buses and head to the training grounds in Marshall Canyon, La Verne. Upon arrival at the Fred M. Palmer equestrian training facility, cadets road-marched to their meeting point where they were greeted by the ROTC cadre. “Today will be the most important and difficult training this year,” Lt. Col. William Howard said to the cadets in formation. The Situational Training Exercise tests the cadet’s knowledge through various scenarios and objectives. The cadets are divided into squads and sent out on different missions. “The purpose and goal of the STX training is to give the cadets an opportunity to execute battle drills and tactical maneuvers in a realistic environment to prepare them for the Leadership Development Assessment Course, which is a required summer course prior to becoming a senior,” Howard said. “Everyone today is a third-year cadet,” said Alex Marashian, 22, political science major and fourth year ROTC cadet. The third-year cadets are observed by seniors who have already completed assessment course. They follow a squad of cadets and evaluate their leadership and decision-making skills. Marashian said they note how well the cadets react and keep their

cool in a situation. If the plan is well organized and executed properly by a cadets, they will receive a positive evaluation and a possible promotion. “ROTC program promotions are based off merit and what year you are,” Marashian said. “Everyone From page 1 here today is going to be evaluated as third-year. At the end of the year they go to camp and they can get their choice of job in the Army. If you do really well, you get your first choice. If you do really poor, you don’t.” The team-taught exercises allow seniors to develop leadership experience while encouraging and helping third-year cadets accomplish their missions. “This gives the seniors an opportunity to develop proficiency in planning, executing, assessing complex operations and providing performance feedback to subordinates,” said Howard. “Additionally, this is a critical opportunity for the senior’s professional development and leadership experience before being assigned to an Army unit as a lieutenant.” Senior cadets also play the role of opposition forces in the scenarios. They simulate an attack on a squad to gauge their reaction to the situation. “We use OPFOR [opposition forces] to play realistic battlefield enemy roles to give cadets an opportunity to see situations as they may experience in combat,” Howard said. During one scenario, a senior, playing the role of an opposition force, had agreed to help the squad accomplish their objective and find a weapon cache. While security elements weren’t looking, he attacked Cadet Merkes, “injuring” and dis SEE ROTC - PAGE 3

Mihaylo Name Under Question By Adam levy

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

A research project assigned by a Cal State Fullerton professor uncovered skeletons in the closet of Steven G. Mihaylo, the 1969 graduate who donated the largest pledge in school history to have his name adorn the $87.5 million College of Business and Economics building that opens next year. “If they want me to take my money back, I’ll be happy to do that,” Mihaylo said in an interview with the Orange County Register. Mihaylo’s company, Inter-Tel Inc. was sued for fraud in May 2002 by then San Francisco School District in connection with bid rigging towards a federal program that subsidizes providing low-income schools with Internet access. Two years ago, Mihaylo affixed his signature to a guilty plea stating

Inter-Tel Inc.’s indiscretions. The plea had stated the company’s salesmen had violated federal fraud and anti-trust violations. The company subsequently was forced to pay $9 million in fines and restitution, though Mihaylo was not personally accused of any illegal activity. “My company didn’t bilk schools with poor kids,” Mihaylo said. “Two individuals decided to do something illegally. We fired both of them. We made restitution.” The project that brought the issue to light was assigned by Hamid Tavakolian, a management professor who has taught at the university for the past 17 years. “The irony of the situation is they’re naming a [business] building after somebody whose company pleaded guilty to taking money from poor students,” said Tavakolian in an interview with the Orange County Register.

Tomorrow OPINION

Harmony in conflict

Police Stress Safety

ANIMAL V. HUMAN Columnist Harmony Trevino debate the merits of human suffering vs. animal rights

By Caitlin clift

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

ap photo/Mark J. Terrill

Gold fellas - Director Martin Scorsese accepts the Oscar for best director. Full Oscar results and coverage on page 3

Protestors and Oscars Share Space at Kodak By Jason Kornfeld

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Blocked-off streets and massive chaos set the tone for Oscar Sunday as thousands gathered around the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood for their chance to see the stars. The closed streets didn’t stop the hundreds of Oscar fans from showing up and giving it their best shot. Hundreds of policemen patrolled the area around the theater by foot, car and bicycle. The bomb squad was even seen waiting in vans just in case something should occur. As people frantically tried to get close to the theater, policemen did their best to explain it was just not possible. One fan asked a traffic officer if she could cross the street. “That’s it, you won’t get any closer then that,” the traffic officer told the woman. She shrugged and walked away shaking her head to display her disappointment. Oscar fans weren’t the only people in the audience. Protestors from many different organizations were seen, clowns with balloons were on display, Team Slovakia ice hockey players were on

hand and even Star Wars legend Chewbacca made an appearance, though he declined an interview. Bystanders tried to get photos with Chewbacca, and tried to take photos of the red carpet as well. In an alley, members representing larouchpac.com were voicing their displeasure for Al Gore and his film “An Inconvenient Truth”. One of the members had a sign that read, “Flash! Al Gore wins Oscar for Best Scientific Fraud.” “The whole premise of ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ is a lie,” member Debra Geiber said. “They [the makers of the movie] faked the Co2 numbers.” According to member Maureen Calney, they were specifically there because of the expected large turnout from the Oscars. “We want to get that message out [Gore allegedly faking his CO2 figures],” said Calney. “That is why we have leaflet’s being distributed and we are going to have street theater.” Closer to the theater was a large group of war protestors getting a lot of attention. Chants of “What do we want? Peace! When do we want it? Now!” were ringing out. One man had a sign describing how the war

For the record The Feb. 22 issue of the Daily Titan erroneously reported a quote as coming from baseball Head Coach George Horton; the quote was actually said by Student Affairs Vice president, Robert Palmer.

had taken his son. Rivaling the attention of the antiwar protests was Adam Allee of Hollywood, who had his 8-foot green python on display. “I come everyday I want for a little extra cash,” Allee said. “I legally can’t ask for a tip but if people give it to me it helps.” Allee let anyone who was brave enough hold his snake, and plenty of observers were taking pictures. Back near the antiwar protestors one man stood on a barricade trying to gather supporters should he run for governor. He announced a statement whenever a white car drove by that more people die in dark colored cars at night then any other colored car. “When I’m elected governor, we will have all hybrid or electric cars,” he said. “Behold the white car!” Some of the fans witnessing gave a few cheers for him. Colin McDonald was with the group of antiwar protestors and gave his assertion of the war. “I just feel helpless,” McDonald said. “When I know there is a demonstration, I want to get out and help because it makes me feel like I’m doing something.”



Whether students are walking to their cars at night or driving in the parking structures, one of the most important ways students can stay safe is through awareness, said Sgt. Tom Gehrls of the Cal State Fullerton police department. Gehrls said when people are aware of their surroundings, including where they are and who is around them, they are less likely to be victims of crime. “Criminals like to surprise people. Very few times do they like to come up face-to-face and let somebody know that they’re upon them. So just being aware of your surroundings, [having your] head up and making eye contact with people is going to be the first thing that’s going to tell a criminal that this person is aware of their surroundings,” Gehrls said. In addition to being aware of their surroundings, Gehrls said students should trust their instincts. If something does not feel right or something seems suspicious, students should leave the situation and call the campus police if necessary, he said. Gehrls explained that students walking to their cars at night should be especially aware of what is going on around them. Even if the parking lots or parking structures are well lit, students should never walk to their cars alone, even if it means walking with a student they do not know. Students can also take advantage of the 24-hour escort service the university police offer, Gehrls said. Lt. Will Glen of CSUF’s police department said students should park as close to their classes as possible, even if it means moving their cars in between day and evening classes. Glen recommended that students take the time at the beginning of the semester to become aware of where the university police is on campus. Located on the corner of Gymnasium Drive and State College Boulevard, the police department is a full-service and fully-accredited facility. Glen also encouraged students to find where the blue emergency phones are located on campus. These emergency phones are located throughout the campus and on each level of the parking structure. The phones connect students directly to university police. “It’s so easy to be complacent when there’s not a whole lot going on around you, where you feel safe. But awareness is such an important consideration to always take,” Glen said. He said staying safe while driving, especially in the parking structures, also requires awareness. Students, faculty and staff need to drive slowly in the structures and pay particular attention to pedestrians, Glen said. “You have to worry about unsafe drivers, pedestrians who aren’t paying attention to where they’re at – they just cross arbitrarily in the middle of aisles without looking or waiting for cars to stop. You have to be very alert and aware in the parking structures on campus,” Glen said.

TOMorrow Partly Cloudy High: 64 Low: 47

Cloudy High:59 Low: 44


February 26, 2007

Page two


COP BLOTTER: Another Trashcan Fire, Petty Theft and Marijuana

NATIONAL NEWS Massive Arkansas Tornadoes Injure 67 People DUMAS, Ark. (AP) - Dozens of homes and businesses looked like they were shredded by “high explosives,” Lt. Gov. Bill Halter said Sunday as he surveyed the damage a day after a powerful storm injured 40 people. State police said all residents were accounted following a door-to-door search of Dumas, where a tornado cut a swath through town and injured 27 people on Saturday. Two children, ages 5 and 7, were critically injured when the storm flipped their mobile home and trapped them inside, Desha County Sheriff Jim Snyder said. It took two hours for rescuers to get them out, he said. “Thank God for a five-dollar saw blade or we would have all been inside the house,” said Hill, 42. The storms in Arkansas were part of a massive system that also caused blizzard conditions in the Midwest. Snyder said weather forecasters told him the storm packed winds estimated between 158 and 207 mph.

CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY YMCA Achieves After-School Learning Program Workshop 12 to 1 p.m.: Learn how to become a YMCA mentor or how to enroll your child in the YMCA After School Learning Program. The workshop will be held at College Park. TUESDAY Having a Healthy Heart is Not Just for Women 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Learn more about heart health for men and women. Informational session on the risks of heart disease, ways to prevent it and what to do if heart disease becomes a problem. Session will be held in the Kinesiology building. Baseball vs. San Diego State 6 to 9 p.m. at Goodwin Field. CSUF students with current identification receive free admission, general adult admission is $7. WEDNESDAY I Know That’s What I Said, But That’s Not What I Meant 12 to 1 p.m.: Some interpersonal problems encountered can be attrib-

uted to a mismatch between “saying” and “hearing.” This workshop will help reduce the number of miscommunications commonly experienced in relationships. Presented by Susan Leavy of the Women’s Center in UH-205. THURSDAY Free Glow Bowling Thursdays 3 to 7 p.m. at the Titan Student Union Underground. Women’s Basketball vs. UC Davis 7 to 9 p.m. at the Titan Gymnasium. CSUF students with current identification receive free admission, general adult admission is $7. Women in New Music Festival 8 to 10 p.m.: Program includes works by women composers Meredith Monk, Tania Leon and others. Admission is free at the Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. FRIDAY Women’s Tennis vs. UC Davis 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Tennis Sports Complex. Admission is free. Baseball v. Rice 7 to 10 p.m. at Goodwin Field. CSUF students with current identification receive free admission.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Joe Simmons at (714) 278-5693 or at jsimmons@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

To report on-campus crimes please call 714-278-2515. For immediate emergencies call 911.

Feb. 16 8:41 p.m. Suspicious Vehicle A suspicious vehicle was seen in Lot G. The door was left open, and it was unclear if the car had been burglarized. 9:59 p.m. Suspicious Person Strange noises were heard coming from the Ruby Gerontology Center. Police issued a verbal warning. 10:08 p.m. Suspicious Persons Subjects playing basketball in the upstairs gym in the Kinesiology building were asked to leave and given a verbal warning by officers. Feb. 17 12:09 a.m. Disturbance In Dorm Oak police arrived to break up a party. Subjects were getting aggressive and a written citation was given. Feb. 19 10:50 p.m. Suspicious Person in Vehicle Two male suspects were seen driving a vehicle around the dorm parking structure. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.

Feb. 20 2:46 p.m. Property Vandalism A silver Honda was keyed and written on near the Ruby Gerontology Center. A report was taken. 4:47 p.m. Property Vandalism A bathroom in the Humanities building has a toilet paper dispenser torn off the wall. 7:13 p.m. Fire A trashcan fire began between the Kinesiology building and the Pollak Library near the vending machines. Feb. 21 1:07 a.m. Petty Theft A woman’s purse was taken from McCarthy Hall from the room while she went to the restroom. A report was taken. 10:15 p.m. Suspicious Person On McCarthy Hall’s south side a male with shaggy black hair, green shirt, purple pants, and skateboard was seen going through the building collecting cans. 10:27 p.m. Suspicious Person In Dorm Sycamore subjects were in one of the back dorm rooms smoking marijuana.



SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Officials have identified a man whose naked and handcuffed corpse was found in an apartment in the city’s Haight-Ashbury neighborhood. Joshua Glasser, 26, was discovered Monday when Dennis Oliver, 43, returned home from a two-week vacation and tripped over the body in his darkened bedroom after finding that his flat

had been ransacked. Glasser’s grandmother, Carma Glasser, said authorities had told the family that they were investigating the case as a homicide. He had gotten into trouble with the law, including arrests for theft, but nothing serious, Carma Glasser said. “He has had a troubled life,” she said. “I thought he was getting it together.”

February 26, 2007



Oscar Followers Documentary Challenges Childrens’ Perception of “Gay” By kristina junio

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

ap photo/David James

Jennifer Hudson Sings at the Oscars Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007

And the Winners Are...

Actor in a Supporting Role Alan Arkin

Visual Effects

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Animated Feature Happy Feet

Short Film (Live Action) The Danish Poet

Costume Design Marie Antoinette


Pan’s Labyrinth

Actress in a Supporting Role

As millions of viewers tuned in to watch the Oscars, thousands of people took to the streets of Hollywood to try to see the stars themselves. Laura Smith flew in from Florida with her niece Mia. We originally came here for an audition Mia had with Nickelodeon, said Smith, but since we were in town I decided to take Mia to her first Oscars. The two of them arrived early that morning, with hundreds of others, waiting to be chosen to go into a blocked portion of Highland that gives spectators a closer view of the red carpet action. “We were five people from the back. They only took 430,” said Laura Smith. The two were standing next to a street railing almost a block away from where they would have been. Their new spot was only close enough to see the back of an Oscar statue and the bright lights of the red carpet. Although they didn’t get the spot they originally wanted, Smith and her niece aren’t leaving California empty handed. “Last week we came here so Mia can take a picture holding an Oscar,” said Smith, as she looked down at her smiling niece, “One day you’ll be a star up there and you’ll remember who took you to your first Oscars.” Dallas Zickefoose with her friend Jocelyn Van Beek, were also de-

nied access to the special spot along Highland. “We’ve been waiting here since 10:30 a.m. and we were 12 people from getting in,” said Zickefoose, “We haven’t seen anyone famous yet, but we only came here to see Johnny Depp.” Unlike Zickefoose and Van Beek, Janet Byers who flew in that morning from Kentucky, wasn’t picky about the famous people she wanted to see. “I want to see anybody and everybody famous,” said Byers, “I just want one really good picture to take home.” Byers was accompanied by two of her friends, who were also from Kentucky. One of them taps her on the shoulder and says “Oh who’s that” pointing to a man in a tuxedo walking on the other side of the street. Byers wasn’t able to identify the man but didn’t hesitate to take a few shots with her camera. “We’ve been here for about fortyfive minutes and the only famous people we saw was Ellen’s mother walking with a friend,” said Byers, “but the people next to us saw Ryan Seacrest.” Jackie Baldwin from Seattle sat with her sister, Teri of San Francisco. The two were sitting on a concrete ledge that was raised above the sidewalk. “We flew into Los Angeles just for the Oscars,” said Teri Baldwin, “and we’ve been sitting here for about an hour.”

ROTC: 10 hour training

Jennifer Hudson

Documentary Short Subject

The Blood of Yingzhou District

Documentary Feature An Inconvenient Truth

Art Direction Pan’s Labyrinth

Music (Score) Babel

Sound Mixing Dreamgirls

Music (Song)

An inconvenient Truth

Sound Editing

Letters From Iwo Jiwa

Foreign Language Film The Lives of Others

Film Editing The Departed

Actor in a Leading Role Forest Whitaker

Cinematography Pan’s Labyrinth

Actress in a Leading Role Helen Mirren

Writing (Adapted Screenplay) The Departed

Writing (Original Screenplay) Little Miss Sunshine


Martin Scorsese

Best Picture The Departed

By jenny Houser/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

raging bull - Cadet Garcia watches the perimeter. From Page 1 abling her from acting as team leader. Cadet Carlson, an English major and acting squad leader during the exercise, was required to radio in a medical evacuation, just as he would

in a real-life scenario. Training in scenarios like this is meant to prepare cadets to respond to situations they may face once they graduate and enter the battlefield. Squad leader Cadet Carlson simulates radioing in a report as he would do in a real-world scenario

By Caitlyn Collins

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

“What is gay?” is a question that has puzzled some of the nation’s top scientists. Some insist it’s genetic. Some say it’s learned from environment. All over America, gay has become slang for stupid, lame, or uncool. Now someone is trying to answer this question. In her documentary “What is Gay,” RadioTV-Film professor Jacqueline Frost began asking the children of America what gay means. Her project began while she was teaching art to six and sevenyear-olds in the Miami public school system. During an art project she heard some of her students calling certain colors gay. When she asked them what gay meant, they said it meant stupid or dumb. Wondering what the effects of the slang use of this word could have on children with gay parents, Frost received funding for her project from Cal State Fullerton and set out to get the children’s definition of gay. The film focuses on children of gay parents telling children with non-gay parents what gay means, Frost said. “Gay is just when a woman and a woman or a man and a man fall in love,” one child said in the documentary. “You can basically call being gay a religion, or at least I could,” said another. “They like each other just as much as the other sex (does),” another girl said. Frost’s fear is that using the word gay negatively can lead to hate crimes. Although the children she interviewed had not experienced direct hate crime at

this point, their relationships with others had been drastically affected by having gay parents. “I have to be careful who I tell,” said one child during her interview. Another girl admitted to being nervous about telling new friends about her moms. You have to before you become too good of friends, because her parents might not let us be friends anymore, she said. Some heterosexual parents would let their children be friends with children with gay parents, but wouldn’t let their children play at the gay parents’ house. “It’s not really a thing to feel bad about. I don’t really care. I like it actually. You get a whole ‘nother life,” one child said. “I’m not afraid to have someone come over because if they are not OK with it they aren’t allowed to be my friends because I can’t be with someone who is not OK with it. I have to be OK with it. She’s my mom and I love her,” another child said. What they are experiencing is a form of oppression, according to Marjorie Jolles, a CSUF women’s studies professor. “To be oppressed is to have less freedom in the world. If a child of same-sex parents has to hesitate, that demonstrates the psychological impact of oppression,” Jolles said. “It comes from a culture that has held up heterosexuality as the true, the only, the natural, the best.” The hardest thing during filming for Frost was “to see that a lot of the kids had been put through some pretty tough times. That kids felt they had to keep a secret sometimes.” Recent studies show that having gay parents does not produce much different results than having non-gay parents. According to Dr. Benjamin Spock, a pediatrician who has written many

books about child care, the most important thing is for children to have loving parents. Children raised by gay parents are just as likely to be heterosexual and can even be more tolerant of minorities and different sexual orientations, Spock said. “The idea that gay produces gay is just not proven in the data,” said Ellen Junn, Dean of the College of Health and Human Development. “There are good families with heterosexual parents, and then there are terrible heterosexual parents. The quality of your parenting affects the outcome. It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight.” This research has aided more gay couples in receiving court approval for adoption in recent years. “Having gay parents doesn’t make you gay. It opens your mind. It’s not like it’s taught. You’re not going to ‘catch it,’” Frost said. Frost’s documentary has been shown in many film festivals including the British Film Institute in London, the San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, and others in Massachusetts, Italy, Finland, and Newport Beach. The film is currently touring Finland and Frost is seeking distribution in public school systems. Frost hopes that showing this documentary in elementary and junior high schools will help children with heterosexual parents understand what being gay actually means. People need to “learn to be more open-minded, to understand without negativities alternative family lifestyles. The kids are smart, openminded, and very aware of many different things. They are very well raised kids. They have something to teach,” Frost said. “Learn to accept it,” said one boy in his interview. “You don’t have to be it, just learn to accept it and not act violent towards it.”

February 26, 2007


opinion By Yvonne Villarreal

Daily Titan Staff Writer

Titan Editorial


Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

He’s A Thief As most of you know by are dirtier than a mechanic’s. now, the namesake of the ColAll that said, we feel that the lege of Business and Econom- university should kindly give ics new home has a – shall we Mr. Mihaylo a refund on his say checkered – past? purchase. We’re talking about Steven It is a real embarrassment to G. Mihaylo, the CSUF grad the university to have the Miwho is shelling out some big haylo’s name on that structure. – $4.5 million Forgive our – bucks to skepticism, have his name ... the namesake of but we don’t plastered over the College of Business think that a the colosbuilding ensal building, and Economics new compassing which is set to home has a – shall we the education open in 2008. say checkered – past? of millions of The fact is fresh young that Mihaylo’s minds should company has be named afadmitted to ter a white some very unethical practices collar fat cat who has probably when it comes to business. spent the better part of his caNamely rigging bids to rip off reer raping business and eduthe government and a school cational establishments. district on a project that was We could care less if he is intended to provide Internet donating a nickel or four and to inner-city school kids. a half million, it’s the principle None of this is alleged. Mi- – would we name our daycare haylo signed a guilty plea on center after Michael Jackson if behalf of the company two he donated enough? years ago. And while he was For the sake of this school’s never personally fingered, the integrity, Mr. Mihaylo should consensus here is that his hands be issued his refund, pronto.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Titan Editorial is solely the opinion of the Daily Titan editorial board and was written after the open debate between board members. The editorial board consists of the executive editor, the managing editor, the opinion editor, the news editors, the copy chief and other editors upon appointment of the executive editor.

Who took home an award at the 79th annual Oscars? Who cares! While the award show may be the superbowl of cinema, the hours before the actual ceremony have viewers glued to the screen to see the red carpet arrivals to get answers to the all important question: Who are you wearing? Sunday night, asymmetrical necklines, blush tones, opulent jewels, and flowing hair – and feathers – were trend. Each year the red carpet glitters as flash bulbs go off and as each new celebrity arrival poses for the swarms of photographers. This year was no different. “Reese! Over here!” shouted the camera-happy media as the newly single actress arrived wearing a lovely, flowing black dress with delicate tiered ruffles. Her golden silky hair illuminated her sun-kissed face. Reese gets an A+ for looking effortlessly radiant. Penelope Cruz embodied exquisiteness in her blush colored Versace gown, equipped with a detailed, swirled bodice and feathered train. Jane of all Trades, Jennifer Lopez looked decorous in her pink flushed empire-waist gown – with a jewel-laden neckline – modest makeup and soft-curled hair. If only her stylist could have worked with Beyonce. The “actress” wore a mint green gown that appeared to have a grape vine as a strap. It makes me wonder if she would have worn the same questionable Armani gown had she been

nominated for her mediocre performance in “Dreamgirls.” The train wreck would continue. Celine Dion was lost in her oversized forest green frock and limp hairdo. I almost called 911 for fear that Nicole Kidman’s neck was being attacked by a giant red bow – no fears, it was part of her fire-engine red gown. Cameron Diaz’s recent split from Justin Timberlake seemed to have gotten to her since she arrived to the event with untamed hair, neon green earrings, and a wrinkled white strapless gown. But it’s Timberlake’s new gal pal Jessica Biel who took the prize of worst dressed; the “7th Heaven” alumna wore a neon pink form-fitting gown that cinched the waist with a black belt that was accented with her clown like makeup. OK, OK, enough ragging on the women. Now for some scrumptious men fashion. Gael Garcia Bernal cleaned up nicely from his scruffy look in Babel, wearing a classic black suit with a thin black tie. Leonardo Di Caprio looked handsomely elegant in a chic black suit with wide lapels. And Mark Walberg looked immaculate in his old Hollywood style tuxedo – a far cry from the warmup pants and bandanas he sported during his stint as Marky Mark in the early ’90s. But can guys really go wrong? Their task is simple: wear a basic black suit or tuxedo. Then again, Sean Connery did wear that hideous ruffle shirt a few years ago. What was that about? Despite the few fashion faux pas, this year’s Oscar style was regal and elegant – a modern take on old Hollywood glamour. Now that this last night’s awards are over, celebrities can prepare for next year’s fashion faux pas.

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

Technology Doesn’t Distance Us, We Do By April M. Valencia

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

I love my cell phone. I can chat with my boyfriend while in the elevator up to my sixthfloor class. I can make evening plans by text messaging friends while I’m listening to a lecture on Chaucer. I can check e-mail or pay my bills online while I’m busy in the restroom. Communication has never been more convenient than it is now, and it’s all thanks to a device smaller than the palm of my hand. But as I continue to bask in the convenience that is wireless technology, I seem to hear complaints again and again: these types of devices are to blame for a disconnected, withdrawn society. When my classes end and students leave, I see most reach for their phones before they’ve exited the door.Whether they’re checking their voicemail or trying to get everyone together for a night at the pub, students are no longer socializing with those physically around them. I rarely hear students discussing the lecture material from that day

much less attempting to get to know each other. Instead I hear, “Hi [so-and-so], it’s Emily. I just got out of class, so maybe we can go out for drinks or something. Give me a call when you get this message. Talk to you later.” People are now socializing with the voicemail lady. I know this because I do it. Hell, I’ve even pretended to check my “messages,” just so I wouldn’t have to small-talk some other student about the sunny weather we’ve been having. Or while walking to the Titan Student Union, I have purposely called a friend for no reason other than to discourage the people standing around from giving me a flyer to join their club or sign their petition. Yes, I am isolating myself. Yes, I am detached. But my wireless device is not to blame. It’s all my fault. Blaming cell phones and other similar devices for a withdrawn society is like blaming McDonald’s food for making people fat. Sure, any type of fast food is unhealthy and can cause added weight gain to individuals who eat in excess, but the thing to keep in mind is these individuals

are feeding themselves. Fast food places are not spoonfeeding America. Likewise, people are choosing to buy that BlackBerry or P.D.A. They are choosing to text message rather than talk over coffee with friends, and so they choose to separate themselves from others. An easy way to solve this would be to just stop using said devices, or use them less. But with the advent of new 12-step programs for e-mail addictions, it seems trying to shake off a cell phone addiction may be more difficult than expected, especially for those with unlimited Internet access included in their phone plans. Either way, we are all responsible for putting up walls that block us from actual contact with each other. We are responsible for this detached society that so many keep complaining about. And it seems with each new wireless device that comes out the urge to get one soars. The detachment problem will never get better. But remember: it’s not the wireless device that makes a fractioned society; it’s you who bought it in the first place.

Oscar Gift Bags Unnecessary and Unfair opinion@dailytitan.com

Nonwinning Oscar nominees may not be as disappointed as people would think. While they did not win a coveted gold statue, they did not walk away empty handed. Distinctive Assets, a Los Angeles based entertainment and corporate gifting company, has put together a gift bag worth more than $75,000 that nonwinners in the best actor and actress, best supporting actor and actress, and best director will receive. For a night that is all about excess, the gift bags are just another example of the commercialism surrounding Hollywood. Maybe we are supposed to feel sorry for Oscar losers, but do millionaires really need a $26,000 Caesar’s Palace Fantasy Trip, a gift certificate worth $5,000 for a spa in New York or $500 Fendi sunglasses? Companies such as Victoria’s Se-

cret, whose $7,000 bra adorned with diamonds and pink sapphires is one of the gifts given to best actress nominees, are dying to get their products in celebrities’ hands. The idea is that if celebrities are seen wearing or using a company’s product, people will

Even if the goal is purely advertising, why does the public support this excessive behavior?

By Caitlin Clift

Daily Titan Staff Writer

believe they too must use the same products or visit the same spas that celebrities frequent. Even if the goal is purely advertising, why does the public support this excessive behavior? It is disgusting the way celebrities are worshipped

in this country. Not only are celebrities overpaid, but they are showered with free clothes and gifts and nobody seems to care. These pricey gift bags contribute to the belief that celebrities are entitled to free meals, couture clothing and excessive gifts. While many people in America cannot afford health insurance and are barely able to pay their bills, people who are millionaires are given $75,000 in gifts. Instead of giving Oscar nominees gift bags, why not auction these gifts off and donate the $75,000 to charities? Or maybe the academy should get rid of the gift bags all together. Many people believe that the trend of giving gifts to Oscar presenters and nominees did not begin until the 1970s. Until that point, actors and actresses probably did not mind participating in the Oscars without the incentive of gifts. Maybe without these unnecessary gift bags, the emphasis will shift from celebrity advertising to the Oscars.

Ugly Mondays BY Jeff


Maintaining My Reputation Friends, I do everything for a I supposed to become a fuckin’ reason. Where I sit, how many icon when you’re rolling around fingers I use to catch a sneeze, campus like Jabba the Huffy? what I write about – everything I further realize that you are has been planned out months in not concerned with my image advance and boiled down to an or helping me get laid, but guess airtight series of equations that what? I am very concerned with comprise my existence. So being it. The jolly-fatso-on-a-bike look so anal retentive, you can imag- is mine, at least as far as CSUF ine the least little FUBAR can goes – the rest of you are flabby throw me wildly off. imposters. Pun intended, this Well guess what? I’m off. And campus ain’t big enough for the do you know what it took to both of us, so I’m going to offer put me off? Fat people on bikes. you some friendly alternatives: This may sound a tad insensitive walk, run, leave school, get dad (as we are in the Chinese year to drop you off with his special of the pig), but wheelchair. I just hate seeing I realize a fat person ridthat these ... I needed to cul- suggestions ing a bicycle. See, these bastards are tivate a personality. A may seem a pedaling their tad severe, “Jeff Klima brand im- but bikes on my turf. you and When I arrived age” if you will. I, fattie, we’ve at Cal State Fulcome to a selerton, however, vere place. In many years ago, fact, so severe my anal-retentive is this place self decided I needed to culti- we’ve arrived at that my final sovate a personality. A “Jeff Klima lution is this: brand image” if you will. Now I Skinny people, I know that don’t know if you can tell from you love making fat people feel that little picture up there, but I like the fat people that they are, am a bit of a fattie myself. And probably because it’s some weakmy shtick is “jolly fat guy who ness within your own psyche or rides his bike all over campus.” perhaps you were molested, but There is more going on here, listen up. I, as a responsible colfat person, than you and I pedal- umnist, cannot and do not coning our respective Schwinns – I done the knocking off and beatam trying to capture an essence. ing up of fat people on bicycles. I want to be “that guy” at par- I repeat: I DO NOT condone ties, so I only have to work half the knocking off and beating up as hard as the next fat guy when and then stealing said lardo’s said I try and fail to get laid. bike, even if they are the original Look, I know you are merely thieves, what with their image intent on losing weight and uti- stealing ways (cough, wink). lizing a quick and effective way Fellow fatties, I don’t care to move across campus, but what Freddie Mercury said, get consider this: How the hell am off your bikes and walk.

Oscar Fashion: Good, Bad and Beyonce


February 26, 2007


Wii Sales Continue to Beat PlayStation 3 Daily Orange Syracuse

(U-WIRE) SYRACUSE, N.Y. - For the past several months Sony and Nintendo, two of the world’s most popular game makers, have battled over a pool of consumers that could ultimately make or break each company’s short-term success. Sony, which released the new PlayStation 3 late last year, fell short of expectations when put up against Nintendo’s latest model, the Wii. In the third quarter of this fiscal year, which ran from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, Sony reported a 5.3 percent drop in net income compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, Nintendo’s net income exceeded last year’s by 43.1 percent. The majority of revenue that Sony reports still comes from its other consoles, the PSP and PS2, rather than the newly-released PS3. Likewise, although their new console has

been outperforming Sony’s, Nintendo’s profit generally comes from products other than the Wii. “Nintendo DS hardware has been the fastest rising game platform ever in the Japan market, and in addition, has sold well in overseas markets,” according to a consolidated financial report published by Nintendo. “In the console business, Wii hardware (launched at the end of last year) got off to a favorable start, and Wii software titles such as ‘The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess’ enjoyed brisk sales as well.” John Falcone, a senior editor at cnet.com, a technology review Web site, pinned the Wii’s success on its originality. “Because the Wii is focused on game play with a unique motion sensor controller, people have embraced it,” he said. The PS3, even with its improved graphics and multimedia capabilities, is not as inviting as the Wii, he said. For example, while the PS3 has a photo viewer and can play CDs,

DVDs and Blu-ray discs in addi“There’s a ‘what next?’ factor after tion to playing video games, the Wii the novelty wears off,” he said. “And looks so different that people quickly in some regard, Wii may be too inforget about the PS3. novative for its own good.” More people may be more likely From a more strategic standpoint, to buying the Wii for a more obvi- Nintendo won its bid as an indusous reason than its try superpower belook – its price. cause, unlike Sony, Currently the it has employed Wii retails at Instead of competing its resources to tap $249.99 while the head on with Sony or into a “blue ocean PS3, sold in two Microsoft ... Wii has market.” different models, Blue ocean marcan be bought for created a new playing kets are those in $499 or $599. field for video games. which competition With the PS3, – Minet Schindehutte does not exist and the consumer must Syracuse business professor the potential for pay for the extra demand is great, features. whereas other marDespite the Wii’s kets become “red popularity, Falcone oceans” as competidoes not see the console staying in tors kill each other off to earn a larger the limelight for as long as some part of the consumer population. think. “Instead of competing head on It lacks a diverse supply of games with Sony or Microsoft by improvand its requirement for physical ac- ing the video game itself, Wii has tivity could discourage traditional created a new playing field for video gamers, he said. games by focusing on the console,

By Daniel Longo

not the video game,” said Minet Schindehutte, associate professor of entrepreneurship and emerging enterprises at Syracuse University. “Wii effectively owns this new market space in which it makes the rules. It is one in which neither Sony nor Microsoft can play the game and one in which the leaders’ competitive advantages have been wiped out.” Moreover, Nintendo’s new console offers the consumer a better experience as opposed to a better product, she said. Because of the emphasis on the gaming experience, the Wii created a blue-ocean strategy that effectively put it in a class of its own. The PS3 is an improvement upon its predecessor, but it falls short in delighting the gamer with something unexpected, said Schindehutte. Some of the Wii’s success could also come from the audience to which it is advertising. Nintendo is trying to capitalize on the “casual gamer phenomenon,” Falcone said, appealing to people

who play less frequently than hardcore gamers. The PS3 targets its classic audience of young adult males. “This round would end with Sony taking a hit in the short term,” he said. Some people, like Brian Fuller, would disagree. Fuller, a game adviser at EB Games in New Hartford, N.Y., said customers ask him about the Wii on a daily basis. “They’re wildly popular,” he said. “Every time we get them, they’re sold in minutes.” Fuller said the store receives shipments about every two weeks. Given the way consumers have embraced the Wii, experts doubt the hype will fade. “This is every marketer’s dream,” Schindehutte said. “The buzz created around this must-have item has propelled Wii into a different orbit in customers’ perception of its desirability. This will give the Wii a halo effect that will linger until the next new thing in the video game industry comes along.”

Xbox Live Gives Players Their Game Fix Any Time, Place The Internet may not be Vegas, but it sure plays a World Series poker game By Shaelan Bowers

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com


oday’s poker craze is said to have begun with Chris Moneymaker’s win at the 2003 World Series of Poker. Since then the number of participants at the annual tournament have almost doubled each year, and more and more poker enthusiasts are mak-

ing their way to Las Vegas or other casino cities in hopes of becoming the next world champ of poker. Some of those players who aren’t flooding their local casinos and trying to make a name for themselves are creating large home games in an attempt to recreate the feeling of playing in a high-stakes Las Vegastype game. Unfortunately Vegas isn’t all that close and home games are kind of hard to come by since most people don’t have the time to play. But those who can’t go more than a couple days without feeling the high of playing poker can get their fix in an online game.

Thankfully Xbox’s “World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions” fills that void with its Xbox Live support. Live is Microsoft’s network for Xbox games. All of the elements are there: the trash talk, the bluffing and most importantly the competition. All without having to pony up thousands of dollars and breathe second-hand smoke for hours at a time in a smoke-filled casino. “It’s about the closest thing to real poker you can get,” said Jeff Luna, a frequent online player. “And I really like getting to play just lounging around the house.” It isn’t only the convenience but

the competition that keeps people coming back for more. The better they play the higher rank they get – and that high rank can bring them closer to an online celebrity status. “For me it’s not about the money, even though winning money is nice, it is more about playing against other great players and knowing that you are the best,” said Josh Buckley, another Xbox Live poker player. And with over 50,000 players with different ranks playing each other over the Xbox engine, the competition can be even more fierce and intense than it would be in an actual casino.

“I still like to go to Vegas and play, I really don’t think there is a substitute for that experience, but just for fun and to work on my game Xbox is great,” said Keavin Simmons. “The more you play, and the better players you go against, the better your game is going to get,” Simmons said. Players can also talk to one another over the console’s headset and work on another very important aspect of the game – reading the other players. “Table talking and getting a read on the other players is what can make a good player a great player and on [Xbox] you can practice it,”

Luna said. One of the aspects that add realism to the online games is being able to create a character that can resemble the actual player. With the right equipment, that character can have the actual face of the player. It is just another aspect in creating the most realistic experience possible, which can also make it a very addicting experience. “I guess you could say that I’m a bit addicted to it, I almost have to be to get to the level that I’m at right now,” Buckley said. “I’m not losing any money playing, and I have a lot of fun with it so why not.”




someone tells you that, you go to them every time.” Brown tied the scoring record with 40 seconds to go in the game on a free throw. Brown then hit his second free throw, eclipsing the record and adding two more free throws for good measure. The PA announcer said that Brown had gotten the record, and the crowd gave a roaring applause. “I can’t even put it in words,” Cutley said. “He’s been putting in so much hard work here for four years, I’m just happy to see him break that record.” Burton wasn’t fully aware about Brown breaking the record either. “I had a feeling, but I was concerned that Alex Harris was going to

break the school record and in one night go for about 1000 points,” Burton said. The Titans faced off against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo on Saturday and would have wrapped up second place in the Big West if they had won. Unfortunately, CSUF was unable to guarantee second place in the Big West as the Titans lost to Cal Poly SLO, 90-80, in their final home game of the season. Brown led the Titans with 26 points and guard Marcus Crenshaw added 20 points off the bench, including six treys. The Titans are now 19-8 overall. They are still in second place with a 9-5 record in the Big West, but will fall to the No. 3 seed should Cal Poly SLO win both its home games next week against Cal State Northridge and Pacific.

February 26, 2007

Roemer Loses Second Start Giving the Dodgers a Shot in the Arm

The Titan ace was up and down as the Titans lose opener to UCLA BY ANDREW SNYDER

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

With an attendance of 3,029 on a cold 55 degree Friday night at Goodwin Field, the visiting 15th ranked UCLA Bruins (7-5) beat the No. 10 Cal State Fullerton Titans baseball team 6-2, handing them their fourth loss of the year and second straight. In this highly anticipated matchup, the Bruins started off fast as second baseman Alden Carrithers reached base on a first pitch infield single off of starter Wes Roemer, who falls to 2-2 with a 3.41 era on the season. After advancing to second base on a botched pick-off play, Carrithers would score the first run of the game giving the Bruin a 1-0 edge. UCLA’s pitching started off on all cylinders as well. The Bruins’ ace, Tyson Brummett would strike out two Titan batters to end the first inning, follow with two more in the bottom half of the

second and end the game with 11 strikeouts total. Giving the Titans their first real scoring chance of the game, shortstop Joe Scott led off the third inning with a walk. Center fielder Clark Hardman would follow with a bunt single putting men on first and second with no one out. Titan left fielder Nick Mahin would deliver the tying run with a single to right giving him his 11th RBI of the season and catcher John Curtis would knock in the go-ahead run with a single to right field, scoring Joel Weeks on a play at the plate. This would give Curtis his team leading 16th RBI of the year and keep his hitting streak alive, putting it to 14 games. Though the Titans had the lead after three, it would prove to be the last time they were ahead. UCLA would show their offensive muscle, scoring 3 runs on 5 hits (1 double) in the fourth inning making it 4-2. Roemer would receive his second loss of the year after he gave up four runs on 12 hits, something he has never done in his collegiate career. But along with setting a record in hits allowed, he would also tie his career strikeout total, striking out 12

in seven innings of play. The Bruins would go on to score their fifth run of the game on a single by left fielder Will Penniall, who also stole two bases, and their sixth run on third basemen Nolan Rouse’s single in the ninth inning When asked about the performance, Titan Head Coach George Horton was unhappy with the play of his team and thought they may have been a little over confident coming off the Arizona series. He also said UCLA deserved some credit. “You have to tip your cap to UCLA. They had a better plan, they got a lot of hits early,” Horton said. “Some of them were cappers or jamshots but that’s not luck. Against All-American pitchers, you have to do those kinds of things.” UCLA’s Brummett also deserves credit, throwing a complete game. He ended giving up only two earned runs on five hits and struck out three of the last four batters he faced, ending with 11. Brummett would retire 14 straight and did not allow a single base runner after the third inning. He improves to 3-1 and 1.34 era. “He threw three pitches for strikes and when he does that, its tough to stick to your plan,” Hardman said. “He’s a good pitcher.”

Kaplan Comes Through at UCLA Titans take care of Bruins on the road in game two of a three game matchup BY NOLAN ANDRE

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

By CArlos delgado/Daily Titan Staff Photographer BABY BARKLEY – Titan Scott Cutley looks to score against an opponent. 001011version (document)// <input>

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at Seattle at Houston at Chicago at San Ant.

NBA Point Spreads -6 -10 -7 -8


Portland Boston Orlando Toronto


203 192.5 188 188.5


Cal State Fullerton pitcher Jeff Kaplan came slightly back down to earth Saturday night as No. 10 CSUF baseball team defeated No. 15 UCLA at Jackie Robinson Stadium. Kaplan pitched 6 2/3 innings allowing three runs on seven hits while walking seven. In his last start against Arizona, Kaplan (3-0) threw a complete game shutout striking out 11. Senior catcher John Curtis went 2-for-4 driving in three runs and hitting his first homerun of the season. UCLA starting pitcher Matthew Drummond only lasted 1 2/3 innings, allowing three runs while striking out and walking two. CSUF snapped its small two game losing and improved to 8-4 while UCLA’s record fell to 7-6. The Titan offense got it started in the top of the second, scoring three

runs. Curtis hit his first home run of the season, a solo shot, blasting it over the right field wall. CSUF then loaded the bases after consecutive walks and a fielder’s choice. Titan third baseman Bryan Harris hit the ball deep but just missed it going for a grand slam by about a foot. It was good enough for sacrifice fly and for the second run. The third run came courtesy of a sharp groundout by centerfielder Clark Hardman. Drummond was then lifted in favor of Jason Novak. The Titans scored another three runs in the top of the fourth, which was highlighted by a perfectly placed suicide-squeeze bunt by shortstop Joe Scott. CSUF then loaded the bases ending Novak’s night. Unfortunately for the Bruins, the pitching change did not end John Curtis’ night. He singled to center, scoring two runs. Kaplan breezed through the first four innings having Titan fans feeling deja vu. UCLA ended any hope of him repeating last Saturday’s performance by scoring three runs in the bottom of the fourth. Bruin designated hitter Mickey Weisser knocked in the first run, ending his 13 1/3 scoreless inning

streak. Kaplan then walked in the next run before allowing a monstrous fly out by Bruin right fielder Justin Uribe that had the UCLA fans temporarily out of their seats. Kaplan got the next batter to ground out to end the inning. It has been a big turn-around for Kaplan, who has proved first impressions can be very wrong. In an exhibition game against the alumni, he allowed seven runs. In his CSUF debut against Stanford, Kaplan only lasted 2 2/3 innings after giving up five runs. “I had a rough time my first time out,” Kaplan said. “I’ve kind of settled down and got myself into a rhythm.” CSUF Head Coach George Horton thinks it took Kaplan some time to get comfortable with a new team. “He’s settled in very nice,” Horton said. “He’s going to give us a chance to win every time.” Kaplan pitched with guts the next 1 1/3 innings before being lifted for reliever Nolan Bruyninckx. Junior left fielder Nick Mahin added some insurance in the top of the ninth by hitting a solo homerun, his second of the season. Adam Jorgenson then finished up the game earning his second save of the season.

The Daily Titan Online www.dailytitan.com

Free agent signee Jason Schmidt looks to emerge as a positive role model Associated Press Jason Schmidt passed up opportunities for a longer, more lucrative deal in the offseason to sign a threeyear contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He made such a decision based on his children. “My kids are my interest. I’ve got two and one on the way,” Schmidt said. “There were five-year deals to be had. I can see why guys want to stretch out the contract. It was a family thing. “I did what I felt was right. It wasn’t a money thing for me. It was, ‘Let’s try to get a fair deal for market value in a place I was going to be happy.”’ Fair market value turned out to be $47 million over three years. Schmidt said the divorce of his parents when he was 6 has motivated him to be available as much as possible for his children - a 6-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son. That’s always going to be difficult as a baseball player because of the travel involved, so he’s reticent to plan too far ahead. “I just don’t want to get locked into something,” he said. “I don’t know what the future holds - I might want to play three years, I might want to play 10.” The 34-year-old right-hander spent the past 5 1/2 seasons in San Francisco - the Dodgers’ biggest rival. He went 78-37 with the Giants and helped them reach the 2002 World Series. But they’ve fallen off in recent years. Schmidt said he enjoyed playing with the Giants, and had an excellent relationship with Barry Bonds. But it was time to move on. “I want that ring. You don’t have that, you haven’t accomplished your main goal,” he said, adding he chose the Dodgers because he believes they have what it takes to win and didn’t want to leave the West Coast. “I love it here so far,” he said. “It’s been nothing but top-notch since day one. Good guys, and a good team. We’ve still got to go out and do what we’re capable of doing. That’s the harder part.” Schmidt, a three-time All-Star, said the Giants weren’t very proactive in trying to keep him. “They pursued it a little bit,” he said. “Los Angeles was so aggressive. Everything felt right. Everything lined up from the beginning.” That makes sense, considering the Dodgers’ apparent need for a No. 1 starter and Schmidt’s track record. The addition of Schmidt and Randy Wolf to go with 16-game winners Derek Lowe and Brad Penny gives Los Angeles one of baseball’s best rotations - at least on paper. “He’s just solid,” Dodgers pitching coach Rick Honeycutt said of Schmidt. “You know what you’re getting - you’re getting a work ethic, you’re getting a guy who wants the ball every fifth day. Your key pitchers set the tone for the rest of the staff.” Schmidt said he’s not concerned about being the Dodgers’ No. 1 starter. “They just needed another piece to the puzzle,” he said. “St. Louis won it all without an ace. It’s rising to the occasion and having enough guys to do it.” Teammates Jeff Kent and Ramon Martinez, who played with Schmidt in San Francisco, know what he can bring. “Jason can be a No. 1 starter. I don’t remember him missing many starts,” Kent said. “He can be dominating. There’s not a whole lot spectacular from him, but there’s a whole lot of goodness in what he can do. He’s a quality player and a quality person.” Martinez said Schmidt is one of the toughest pitchers he’s ever faced. “Definitely, yeah,” Martinez said. “Every time he takes the mound, he gives you a chance to win. You know if you’re playing against him, you’re going to have to do everything right to beat him. And he’s a great guy.”

Jason Schmidt

2006 MLB Stats: 3.59 ERA, 11-9 W-L and 180 strikeouts in 213 1/3 innings pitched.

february 26, 2007

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February 26, 2007


Men’s Basketball Splits Last Two Home Games as a Titan Breaks a Record Bobby Brown becomes CSUF’s all-time leading scorer with 1,879 points BY JASON KORNFELD

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

It was a historic night for Bobby Brown as the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team defeated UC Santa Barbara 79-73, in front of 1,448 fans at the Titan Gym in Fullerton on Thursday night. The Titan point guard had 29 points, eight assists and a careerhigh nine rebounds making him the all-time scoring leader at Cal State Fullerton with 1,879 points. Leon Wood was the previous points leader at 1,876 points. It was a hard fought battle and the game came down to the wire as Alex Harris had 35 points and eight rebounds for Santa Barbara. Titan guard Marcus Crenshaw had a career high of his own adding 23 points, making 6-13 from long distance. The Titans were in high spirits following the game, in which they snapped their two-game mini skid. Coach Bob Burton was particularly pleased with his point guard. “This may be the best game he’s [Brown] ever played here,” Burton said. “Not only just shooting the ball and scoring, just the whole thing” “It was a great night for him and a great night for him to do it [break the record] on a win that keeps us in second place.” The Titans were able to salvage their 13-point first-half lead as the Gauchos went on a 10-2 run to bring the game within three, 3431, at halftime. Titan forward Scott

By CArlos delgado/Daily Titan Staff Photographer ADDING ON – Bobby Brown scores one of his 26 points against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. On Thursday, Brown became CSUF’s all-time scoring leader. Cutley was restricted to limited action in the first half, committing two personal fouls. Brown started the game with three treys as he closed in on Leon Wood and scored 14 first-half points. Cren-

shaw had eight points by halftime, providing a much-needed scoring punch off the bench. “Early in the game, I missed my first two shots, but they felt good,” Crenshaw said. “I just felt confi-

dent.” The Titans watched their firsthalf lead diminish in the second half as they continued to struggle. Frank Robinson had two first-half fouls and added two more fouls early in the second half, forcing him to watch from the sidelines. Titan center Justin Burns kept the Titans in the game with his tenacious defense. Burns had five blocked shots. On one sequence, Burns rejected a Santa Barbara player and Ray Reed tried to save the ball, but ended up crashing into one of the Titan Cheerleaders. With the Titans down two points with 14:44 left in the second half, Brown had an offensive foul which led to a Santa Barbara basket. Santa Barbara’s biggest lead came at that juncture as they led Fullerton 44-40 with 14:14 to play. Brown showed off a variety of moves, including a beautiful up and under lay-up. Even though there was a buzz in the stands, Brown was unaware he was closing in on the record. “They were telling me I was two points away, I wasn’t paying attention,” Brown said. “I was staying focused trying to win” “My mom was telling me I needed two points, I was like, ‘two points for what?’ I thought about it and was ‘oh two more points? For real?’” Even though Brown was closing in on the record and having a monster game, he kept his teammates involved. With 13:35 to play, Brown grabbed the rebound and dished it to Crenshaw for a three-pointer. “He [Crenshaw] was hot and he told me ‘LB, I’m not going to miss anymore,’” Brown said. “When SEE BASKETBALL - PAGE 6

... And One BY Jonathan Saavedra

The Association’s Unsung Heroes Convinced chants of ‘MVP’ can fill up an entire arena when guys like Kobe Bryant, Steve Nash, and Dirk Nowitzki touch the ball on any given night. There is no doubt about the value of those three superstars who put on a show while simultaneously leading their teams to securing a playoff spot. These guys are just plain superstars. But somewhere behind the razzle and dazzle of these superstars lurk an unsung hero of sorts. This silent force goes in day in and day out, gets his touches, fills up the stat sheet, contributes to the goal of winning and then heads off to the locker room. Just another day in the office for these routinely consistent players. Here is a look at a few of the NBA’s most surprising contributors to success. 1. Luke Walton. Prior to spraining his right ankle against the Charlotte Bobcats on Jan. 26, Walton was having a career year with 11.7 points, 4.9 rebounds and 4.2 assists per game while shooting 47.9 percent. More importantly, he was instrumental in the overall performance of the Los Angeles Lakers, who were 2716 before Luke’s injury. Since he went down, the Lakers have won just five out of their last 15, including a season-high six-game losing streak. Luke’s absence may have not been the sole cause of the sub-par results, but there is no arguing that the Lakers are a better team with him on the floor than they are with him behind the bench in business casual attire. 2. Dikembe Mutombo. After

losing the monstrous Yao Ming to a fractured right tibia on Dec. 23, this 40-year-old shot-blocking, finger wagging expert is back in action. Mutombo has done a respectable job in replacing the West’s most dominant big man as he has posted averages of 5.3 points, 11.3 rebounds, and 1.7 blocks in 27 starts. While he doesn’t score like he used to, the son of the Congo is keeping the Houston Rockets in the playoff picture by keeping the paint warm for Yao Ming and doing the little things that really help a team collect wins. 3. Jason Kapono. This UCLA product is another player having a career year scoring 11.1 points per game while leading the league by hitting 52 percent of his threepointers. Miami Heat interim Head Coach Ron Rothstein and Head Coach Pat Riley have stuck with starting Kapono since the beginning of the year and he hasbeen a solid contributor in getting the defending NBA champions back to a .500 record. 4. Anthony Parker. After a sixyear hiatus from the NBA, Parker has returned to the league showing why he was a two-time Euroleague MVP while playing for Israeli basketball club Maccabi Tel Aviv. The guard has helped the once-lowly Toronto Raptors take control of a weak Atlantic division with modest averages of 11.8 points and 4 rebounds while shooting 47.3 percent from the field.

Jonathan Saavedra’s columns appear every Monday. sports@dailytitan.com

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