2007 03 21

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Online DailyTitan


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 26

Model Gets Easy Break

Campus Crusade for Christ

Campbell gets five-day janitorial OPINION, p. 4 duty for assault

Spotlight on international student NEWS, p. 2 organization

Daily Titan

Wednesday March 21, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Helping Women Off the Streets On-campus lecture focuses on prostitutes changing their lives By Melissa Fitzgerald

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Prostitution is “alive and well,” according to Stacy L. Mallicoat. Mallicoat, a full-time staff member of the Division of Politics, Administration and Justice at Cal State Fullerton, was the speaker at “Lives in Transition: A Needs Assessment of Women Exiting from Prostitution.” Mallicoat covered a myriad of topics ranging from separating facts from myths of prostitution to discussing possible solutions to the types of programs that are available for recovery. A handout labeled “The Prostitution Test” was handed to the audience, which shocked several individuals after they found that all of the answers listed on the test were true. An audience member said she was startled that the job-related benefits that are appealing to prostitutes include flexible work hours and the risk, excitement and danger involved in the profession. “A surprising fact to me is that street prostitution is only about ten percent of all prostitution,” Mallicoat said. Another fact from Mallicoat’s test that surprised an audience member is that prostitutes do not find their job degrading. “When you talk to or interview prostitutes, the way they are treated by police when they are arrested is degrading,” Mallicoat said. Mallicoat also spoke about the way prostitutes feel about they how the police treat them. If their pimp or a customer beats or assaults them, they say they feel as though the police would label them as unworthy victims because of their profession. Assaults may go unreported because of the treatment from the police. “This is not exactly the safest occupation,” Mallicoat said. The city of sin was also discussed when the audience was asked if they knew if prostitution was legal or illegal in Las Vegas. As it turns out, brothels can be found outside the city but not inside, Mallicoat said. “You can’t have all your vices in one city,” she said. Though prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas, erotic services are still eas-

ily found through cabbies that can point visitors in the right direction, according to Mallicoat. “A cabbie in Vegas almost serves as a pimp,” Mallicoat said. The cabbies can receive up to 50 percent of the cost of the sexual act, she said. But Mallicoat added that cab drivers are not the only men who have taken advantage of prostitutes. A “vulnerabilities list” was distributed that showed circumstances that may make women more susceptible to selling themselves for money. She said being a survivor of childhood sexual abuse or of religionbased ritualized sexual abuse can contribute to a prostitute’s chosen path. Mallicoat shared some of her observations she had gained when she studied a transitional program that housed women in an eight-apartment complex. It’s name was withheld at the program’s request, The recovering prostitutes wanted rules established and situations resolved immediately. Because of their background and role in society, giving these underrepresented women a voice is key, Mallicoat said. After the presentation Brian DePaul, a 21-year-old criminal justice major, said that Mallicoat’s presentation was extremely informative. He said that a thirst for knowledge and extra credit for a class brought him to the presentation. “I was also quite shocked about the true and false test,” DePaul said, adding that he was surprised to learn that they were all true. Sue Passalacqua, the associate director of the Women’s Center, said she looks for presentations that affect women, and that Mallicoat made her subject interesting and informative with the true/false assessment, which also informed more people in an interactive way. “I think any issue that affects women is relevant to the education of our students,” Passalacqua said.“Her topic came alive.” “The reality is, this program is not going to solve the problem of prostitution with eight apartments … I told this organization that they couldn’t do everything,” Mallicoat said. Policing only adds to the problem by moving the prostitutes. Mallicoat said that the authorities are not solving the issue by conducting sweeps or by sending the prostitutes to jail. “It’s a revolving door,” Mallicoat said.

Brazilian Cultural Festival Educates By Ellice Soliven

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

by aline lessner/ daily titan staff photographer Real Life - “Dead Man Walking,” an honest view of a relationship developed on Death Row between a nun and an amalgam of prisoners, premieres with a mature content warning due to the graphic depiction of an execution.

“Dead Man Walking” Premieres By Erin Tobin

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

One of Cal State Fullerton’s newest theatrical productions has a mature content warning. The university’s run of “Dead Man Walking” started March 16 and those involved didn’t hold back when it came to the play’s deep look at the death penalty and the life of death row inmates. In fact, Jim Volz, the media contact for CSUF’s Theatre and Dance Department, said he hopes the students’ performances stir something in the audience. “That’s part of the excitement that comes with doing live theater,” he said. “We’ll warn people ahead of time, but we still like to surprise

them.” The play is an interpretation of the book written by Sister Helen Prejean, a nun who spent years providing religious services to death row inmates. The plot details her work with Matthew Pouncelot, a conglomerate of many of the men she had met during the experience. For director Patrick Pearson, the production offers a chance to approach an issue that is literally close to home. Pearson said he grew up in Texas and attended school not far from a prison that housed death row inmates. “The death penalty is very much in my social conscious,” Pearson said. “Dead Man Walking” is the last in a long line of shows that Pearson has directed as a student at CSUF and it is a far cry from the upbeat production of “Seussical the Musical” he directed last semester. “I wanted

to balance things out. I wanted to do something that was socially relevant, not just entertaining,” Pearson said. “The show won’t change anyone’s mind, but that’s not the point. The point is to get them thinking about it.” In order to get the actors thinking about the situations and topics the play brought up, Pearson gave them a rare opportunity to develop their characters. In addition to reading Prejean’s book and conducting research, a large portion of the cast and crew took a trip to a prison in Chino to get a greater understanding of life behind bars. “If they weren’t terrified before, they w e re t h e n ,” s a i d Pe a r SEE SHOW - PAGE 2

While a Catholic holiday wouldn’t usually involve scantily-clad girls dancing and a group of men fighting, the Brazilian Carnival was an exception. At the Titan Student Union Pavilion C, the Latin American Studies Student Association presented a night full of Brazilian cultural festivities. In honor of the Lenten holiday, the event featured a guest speaker, capoeira and samba performers, and an array of Brazilian food and beverages. As attendees walked through purple, gold and green streamers blowing from the doors, they were greeted by Brazilian music laced with heavy drum beats blaring through the speakers. Association officers handed out Mardi Gras-type beads and directed people to bright yellow tables. The room’s decorations screamed “Party time!” with yellow and blue balloons everywhere and green, gold and purple masks on the walls. Gold star centerpieces resembled fireworks exploding from the table. A few people wore colorful cutout masks that were provided for them as well. Portuguese Professor Ronald Harmon started the night with a presentation on the history of “Carnaval.” Attendees learned that it is a celebration much like Mardi Gras, before the start of Lent, in which there are costumes and samba dancers who perform for a half-mile amidst floats in the parades. “People worldwide travel to Brazil to participate in ‘carnaval,’” said Sandra Perez-Linggi, Latin American studies professor and social adviser for the association. “The floats from the different samba schools spend months and a lot of money putting them together. So they’re huge, huge, huge productions.” People equate “carnaval” with partying, she said, but it’s not just random partying. There’s a historical and religious significance. The event had its own samba dancers, two young women in white, SEE CULTURE- PAGE 2

Concrete Floats Their Boats In San Diego Competition By VINCENT CABRERA

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Computer Science and Engineering students and members of the American Society of Civil Engineers are constructing a concrete canoe as part of an upcoming competition hosted by UC San Diego. The 2007 Pacific Southwest Regional Conference competition will be held April 12 to 14 and Cal State Fullerton students are currently in preparation for the event. The competition will include universities in the Pacific Southwest region. Engineering students at

UCLA, USC and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas will be competing against CSUF students in several events that will test their engineering and athletic skills. “Last year’s canoe was not successful,” said Scott Johnson, a member of the engineer society. “This year we are starting over, whereas other schools have something to build from.” Johnson, 22, did not have any experience in canoe building prior to this project, but has played a major role as the project manager in the design and construction of the canoe. The students applied three coats of a concrete mix to a wooden mold.

Tomorrow The Buzz

“Sexy, Creative and Clever” women

LUSCIOUS LADIES The Orange County Underground Burlesque Society breaks out

MULTIMEDIA The mix was designed and made by the students and the application process took one day. Orlando Martinez, 23, president of the society, said the competition from other schools is at a high level. Martinez stressed the factors that are vital in building a fast canoe. “We are actually trying to get weight reduction and build a boat that won’t crack while we are in the middle of rowing it,” Martinez said. “There are a lot of factors that go into creating a successful canoe and

o Check out dailytitan.com for a video of the ECS boat-building competition.

then we worry about our rowers being able to row fast and compete.” Binod Tiwari, the faculty advisor to the society, said he is hopeful CSUF can win some of the events unlike in years past. According to Tiwari, the students are getting a lot of support from the engineering and computer science faculty and more students are determined to put forth the effort. “The number of enthusiastic students are increasing,” Tiwari said. “The students designed the canoe

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appropriately and hopefully it will go fast and we can win something this year.” Tiwari was assigned as the faculty advisor in fall 2006 and has continued to support students. Tiwari said that the students are highly involved and as the faculty advisor he is just around to oversee the projects. Jose Gonzalez, 23, an engineering and computer science major, said students such as himself have been working on this canoe for the past six months. “A lot of hours ... a lot of hard hours,” Gonzalez said. “We started on the design last semester and now we are in fabrication mode as we get



Partly Cloudy High:66 Low: 50

more members involved.” According to Gonzalez, the students who were involved since the beginning are welcoming students who are becoming interested. James Michael Phillip Weldon III, 25, an engineering student, recognizes this process as a chance to get together, work hard and make friends. Weldon emphasizes that being in a group, such as the engineer society, is about making life-long friendships. “It’s a lot of fun for us,” Weldon said. “This is a time when everybody comes together and works hard for the same goal.”

TOMorrow Partly Cloudy High: 74 Low: 53


March 21, 2007


From Model to Mop: Naomi Campbell Gets Off Too Clean

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since

Keeping What We’ve Got to the area, for one. More visitors means more trash and more pollution. Resource consumption will also go up. The water going into the showers, toilets and food for tourists has to come from somewhere. Other than a few token references to creating a tourist spot that’s compatible with the environment and the Hualapai culture, the company’s press releases have completely skirted the issue of impact. The Grand Canyon is one of the last places in the U.S. that hasn’t been significantly encroached upon. Grand Canyon West should be far more proactive in showing how its attractions will affect this bastion of natural grandeur. We simply cannot afford to lose anymore of this nation’s natural beauty.


In a week, the Skywalk will open in the Grand Canyon. The clear-bottom structure juts out 4,000 feet above the Colorado River. It’s probably breathtaking and perhaps a little vertigo inducing. It’s also just one of several tourist projects the Hualapai Nation offers through their company Grand Canyon West. Other activities include Hummer rides and tours of local sights, like the Guano Mine. All this tourism is good for the locals, and there’s no reason not to encourage it. However, we’re forced to wonder what kind of ecological impact is being made. A brand-new tourist attraction on the scale of the Skywalk is going to have ramifications beyond its construction. There will be more visitors

a bit differently. According to Miss Campbell, she threw a cell phone in the apartment and happened to hit opinion@dailytitan.com her housekeeper. “This was an accident, because I Finally justice is served! Well, did not intend to hit her,” Campbell kind of. While most high-profile celebrities said to the court in January. Well, while Scolavino tends to are able to escape jail time for their bad behavior, supermodel Naomi her injured head, Campbell started Campbell faced capital punishment mopping the floors of a New York City warehouse on Monday. for her violent ways on Monday. The very colorful Boy George is faCampbell has been sentenced to five days of janitorial duty after miliar with the facility. He spent the pleading guilty to assaulting her past summer sweeping the streets of housekeeper Ana Scolavino with the Lower East Side and Chinatown a bejeweled cell phone. She is also after he was charged with criminal possession of a conresponsible for her trolled substance. housekeeper’s $363 people in medical bills. ... if you’re a high- Most Most people profile celebrity such as would have spent 15 years in jail for serve community service for litter- the gargantuan model having 13 bags of ing or vandalizing. herself, community cocaine on them. However, if you’re service is a reasonable However, if you’re super flamboyant a high-profile celebrity such as the judicial remedy for bat- and know the words gargantuan model tery or say, drug abuse. to “Karma-Chameleon,” a little househerself, community keeping will do. service is a reasonRussell Crowe able judicial remalso has a history edy for battery or of anger management issues. He’s say, drug abuse. Campbell has been known to head butted his way into trouble and throw a cell phone at an assistant ev- once pulled a Mike Tyson, biting his ery now and then or smack someone bodyguard’s ear. In 2005, Crowe over the head with a PDA. In 2000, took his aggression out on a hotel she pleaded guilty to pummeling clerk throwing a desk telephone at her assistant with – surprise – a tele- the man. Crowe was charged with second-degree assault and fourthphone. She has attended her fair share of degree possession of a criminal anger management classes, which weapon, the telephone. His time out have proven to be more than ineffec- for the temper tantrum was a contive. The supermodel has also taken ditional discharge. Basically the Ausup yoga hoping to do away with her tralian actor was ordered to stay out angst. Unfortunately, other than of trouble for a year. In the meantime, Campbell will trim her figure, the yoga classes have be mopping floors for a few more been just as unsuccessful. Her latest attack resulted in four days while she thinks long and hard staples to the Scolavino battered about her actions. A better punishhead. After a heated discussion ment would have been prohibiting about a missing pair of jeans, Camp- her from the use of any form of bell fashionably hit Scolavino’s head phone device. Those around Campbell beware; a mop can be just as with her sparkly mobile device. The model described the scenario dangerous as a cute little cell phone. By Carla Boubes

Daily Titan Staff Writer

The Advocate BY Robert


The Twinkie Defense After reading some responses to my previous column it appears there were some errors in the facts that were presented, and for that I take responsibility. My initial position that Asperger’s does not excuse John Odgren from committing murder or that the case is still very much a tragedy has not changed. Correction one: Odgren’s family had moved from the Wachussett school district to Princeton, Mass., so he could attend the Lincoln-Sudbury school because it offered the behavioral therapy he needed. Correction two: It was not teachers at the school who confiscated the knife and did not report it. It was a school psychologist. Jonathan Shapiro, Odgren’s lawyer, responded to my column. He wrote that he mentioned Asperger’s in an effort to have Odgren held in a therapeutic setting as opposed to a prison. I see it as the beginning of a Twinkie defense – the famous defense that was used successfully in the case of David White, who murdered San Francisco Mayor Gary Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. The defense is that something biological caused the motive for the crime and would render the defendant not criminally liable. Shapiro told the Worcester Telegraph & Gazette that Odgren was severely disabled and suffered psychological disorders, including ADHD and Asperger’s. It must be said that Odgren’s motive to murder someone he did not know is still unknown.

According to court documents from Odgren’s March 6 arraignment he told school officials, “I did it. I don’t know why. I just snapped.” Odgren said later that he did not know the kid and wanted to know what his condition was. Odgren also had a history of violence. He brought a screwdriver to school two days before the murder. He wore a trench coat that day, called himself a trench coat killer and told a student that he had decided not to kill him. There was also a witness who heard James Alenson calling out, “What are you doing? You’re hurting me,” as Odgren stabbed him. The Metro West Daily News reported that, at Odgren’s arraignment, Shapiro said Odgren was not getting the medications he needed and was on suicide watch. The article also said Shapiro petitioned the court to move Odgren to Westboro State Hospital for evaluation. Judge Isaac Borenstein agreed and ordered Odgren to be there for twenty days. Odgren pleaded not guilty. It seems I was right. By having Odgren at the hospital, there is a real possibility that the psychologists might give Odgren an evaluation that would help to convince the jury he was not responsible. In that case, the message will be sent that having Asperger’s is a license to commit murder and that people who are autistic are murderers. It is not and we are not.

E-mail Robert at opinion@dailytitan.com


March 21, 2007

Page two


Student Organization Spotlight Campus Crusade for Christ

Boy Scout Found After Four Days in Mountains McGRADY, N.C. (AP) - A 12-year-old Boy Scout whose favorite book was about a youngster lost in the wilderness now has his own harrowing survival tale to tell after rescuers found him Tuesday, dehydrated and disoriented from four days in the wooded mountains of North Carolina. A rescue dog picked up Michael Auberry’s scent less than a mile from the campsite where he had wandered away from his troop Saturday. The boy’s father speculated that he was simply homesick and wanted to hitchhike home. The disappearance touched off an intensive search involving bloodhounds, heat-seeking helicopters and dozens of volunteers on foot. “He saw the helicopters and heard people calling him, but he yelled back and they didn’t hear him,” said his father, Kent Auberry, of Greensboro. “He’s very tired. He’s very dehydrated. But he came through this in unbelievable fashion.”

LOCAL NEWS Commercial Rocket Re-Enters Atmosphere After Half Orbit LOS ANGELES (AP) - A new commercial rocket developed by millionaire Elon Musk was launched from a Pacific atoll and reached space Tuesday, but probably re-entered the atmosphere after half an orbit because of a problem during the second-stage burn, the entrepreneur said. Musk nonetheless characterized it as “a pretty good test” during a postflight teleconference. Space Exploration Technologies’ Falcon 1 is planned to be the first in a family of competitively priced launch vehicles from the El Segundo, Calif.based company. Musk said he has two satellite launches scheduled this year, one for the Department of Defense and another for the Malaysian space agency.

show: between the lines From Page 1 son, who also mentioned he had taken a similar trip before when he was working on another play. For Tanya Mironowski, who plays Sister Helen Prejean, the trip to the prison gave her insight beyond normal research as to what working in such places must have been like for her character. “They took us through hallways and rooms with inmates. At one point they took us, eight at a time, into a room with 240 inmates freely wandering around,” Mironowski said.

“When I came back to school I said [to others] we don’t realize how free we are, you can feel the difference.” The group also went on a trip to visit Prejean at the All-Saints Church in Pasadena, where the cast got the opportunity to ask her questions about the characters in the play. For Mironowski it was the chance to get a close look at the woman she found amazing. “Dead Man Walking” will continue running on Saturdays and Sundays, with the last showing on April 14 at 2 p.m.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Joe Simmons at (714) 278-5693 or at jsimmons@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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By Lauren Mckinney

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

The Campus Crusade for Christ club is a worldwide interdenominational organization of students who believe in the message of Jesus Christ and that participates in nationwide and worldwide events. Mike Morabito, 23, a political science major, is the Leader of the Leadership Team with CCC at Cal State Fullerton. Morabito says that it is their mission to plant spiritual movements all of CSUF so that every student will know someone who has an authentic relationship with God. “We have all sorts of events and activities including dinners, parties, sporting events and trips to various places throughout the United States and the world, for mission trips and relief work,” he said in an e-mail interview. Morabito has been a member of CCC since his first year at CSUF. “I got involved with CCC when I was at Club Day

at Saddleback College and a really different countries, classes and pop sweet girl asked me to come to the culture preferences, but we are unitmeetings to check it out,” he said, ed by faith in Jesus Christ.” “From that point on I was hooked. According to Morabito, CCC There is something powerful that has more groups on more campuses happens when someone hears that than any other organization in the their life matters to God and then world. Morabito said, “At the Cal really believes in Stat Fullerton it.” movement, we One of the have over 500 biggest events people on our There is something that CCC has e-mail list and powerful that happens been apart of have anywhere when someone hears this year is the from 50-200 Campus Crupeople involved that their life matters sade Regional with our moveto God... Conference, ment during the – Mike Morabito where students semester at any Campus Crusade Member from different given point.” campuses gather Morabito also to hear speakers said that, “Aland professors though we love talk about matit when more ters of faith and Hurricane Katrina people come to check out our moverelief efforts. ment, our real goal is to realize that Philosophy major Daniel Jansson, each individual person is important 19, joined CCC as a freshman and is to God and therefore we should connow a part of the Leadership Team. nect with them the way Jesus did, “CCC might be the most diverse yet one person at a time.” unified group on campus,” he said. Public Relations major Heidi “We have people representing many Cramer, 21, has been a member of


CCC for 2 years. “It fits into my school schedule.” She said, “I’m really busy working and going to school and sometimes students don’t have the time to go to church or worship, but it’s all on campus so it’s really convenient.” CCC meets every Wednesday at noon in the TSU and Monday, in the Multi-Purpose Room at the campus dormitory for an event called Monday Night Live at 8p.m. Morabito added that it is important for every person to hear that they matter and that everything happens in their lives happens for a reason and that God loves them no matter what they are going through or where they’ve been. “If someone is looking to have an awesome college experience, I would tell them to get plugged in with Campus Crusade for Christ.” Morabito said, “These people know how to have a good time, I promise, and they are making a difference on campus and around the world.”

culture: “carnaval” demonstrates traditions From Page 1 loral, beaded bikinis trimmed with pink feathers, and illustrious white and pink-feathered headdresses. They danced in 5-inch platforms, constantly gyrating their hips and shimmying their chests, fluidly moving their bodies across the floor. The audience’s eyes were glued to the women, and when it was over, the dancers pulled two men out of the audience to samba with them. It was a semi-successful attempt that the whole crowd seemed to enjoy. “It was funny, but they tried and they had the courage to go up there,” said Roberto Ayala, 31-year-old Spanish and Latin American studies major, “It’s an interesting way to view culture outside of Brazil,” he said. After the samba dancers, everyone was invited to eat Brazilian food from Amazon Churrascaria, a Brazilian barbecue buffet in Fullerton. Linguiça (sausage), banana frita (fried bananas), white rice and feijoada – the national dish of Brazil – was served, as well as Guaraná, a Brazilian soda. The capoeira dancers attracted the most attention Monday night. Led by Gui Barros, a teacher from Centrosul Capoeira in Bellflower, the students displayed their skills. Barros said that African slaves in Brazil created the martial art-influenced fighting techniques in the 1500’s to increase their chances of freedom. The nine men and one woman performed their acrobatic,

cat-like feats in pairs to the beat of chanting, the berimbau (an instrument resembling a fishing pole), atabaque (a large drum) and the pandeiro (tambourine.) For more than 30 minutes, the capoeiristas played their moves to the rhythm, their attacks and counterattacks coming within inches of hitting each other – everyone’s eyes were glued to them. Back and forth they attacked, the music pumping louder and faster as the moves be-

came more intense. “I thought it was awesome,” said Lindsey Lariviere, 24-year-old French language and literature major. “It was so great to experience another country’s culture and learn about Brazil. The performances were amazing, the samba was great. The capoeira was amazing, the stuff that they can do!” The celebration coincided with the group’s mission to promote Latin American culture, and as Alvarez

said, represent an underrepresented country like Brazil. “My biggest thing is to promote Latin American cultures and break the stereotypes that already exist,” she said. “There’s a lot of negative stereotypes about any race or ethnicity and there’s a lot of diversity in Latin America. At the end of the night, club officers Alvarez and Ashley Larson closed by announcing the winner of a raffle.

March 21, 2007

Student body


Don’t Stress Over Your Time, Manage It Instead students who are paying rent or other bills. But they need to be honest with maneditor@dailytitan.com themselves about the number of For students who precariously units they can take and the amount juggle both work and school, time of time they need for studying so can be a valuable commodity that’s they do well in their classes and then set work schedules accordingly. in short supply. “If you are so stressed out that you The stress of balancing classes, homework and studying for tests aren’t doing well at school or work, with a work schedule – not to men- then you are really defeating both tion trying to have a semblance of purposes,” she said. Jessica Widing, a social life – can a 19-yar-old politicause stress if stucal science major at dents aren’t well or- Students don’t have CSUF, currently ganized. works part time at Time manage- time or money, but one job and full ment is an essential you’ve got to know time at another. and beneficial tool where you’re going. “It’s important to for any student, not be efficiently orgajust the ones who – Debbie Darling nized,” she said. work for a living. Career Center Adviser Hermann sugMismanagement gested doing homeof time can lead to work and papers in unwarranted stress advance so that a and stress-related looming deadline doesn’t become a illnesses at an inopportune time. Mary Hermann, one of three bigger stressor than it should have health educators in Cal State Ful- been. She also suggested backwards lerton’s health center, recommended that students keep time-consum- planning, or planning out individual ing school projects and their work parts of a project, days or weeks beschedule on the same calendar to fore a project is due. The library’s Web site has an ashelp manage time better. Hermann said she knows that signment calculator tool that can be working less hours can be hard for used to plan backwards for an asBy Daralyn Schoenewald Daily Titan Staff Writer

Courtesy of arttoday

signment, Hermann said. Hermann and Widing both list multitasking as a valuable way of managing time. “I will sometimes do stuff for school at work, like printing out a paper,” Widing said.

For instance, time spent driving can be better used to multitask by making calls that have been put off, perhaps by following up on an appointment or calling old friends or family, Hermann said. Not managing time well can lead

to stress and illness that could possibly have been prevented. Head and tensions aches, colds and lethargy are some stress indicators, Hermann said. “It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, but it is OK to slow down,” she

said. For students who are already feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of school, Hermann said that talking to professors or visiting the tutoring center can help clear up stress coming from difficulty in class. “The campus has a ton of free resources for students,” Hermann said. The career center is one such campus resource. Advisers are available to help students with resumes, cover letters and interviewing skills, but career center adviser Debbie Darling said that time also needs to be set aside for career path planning. “The average person spends more time planning a vacation they are going to take than they do planning for their career,” Darling said. Setting aside a block of time to spend in the career center speaking to an adviser will help students be more prepared for the future, Darling said. “It’s really investing time in yourself,” she said. Many students take classes with a vague idea of their future, but don’t plan their career path, she said. “This is unfortunate. Students don’t have time or money, but you’ve got to know where you are going before you can there,” Darling said.


March 21, 2007


Equestrians Have Some Unfinished Business The team is looking for a reprieve after missing mark at preliminaries BY LAURENS ONG

COURTESY OF CSUF EQUESTRIANS A PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT – Equestrian co-captain Lizz Braley earning the team points in her western competition. Her teammates Laura Piper and Tracy Brownell hope to qualify in preliminaries so that they can participate in nationals. close to second and miss by one or place at the Fairplex in Pomona this The Zone competition will also be two placings,� Piper said. “But I weekend, March 24 and 25. Piper at Fairplex in Pomona, but will take am looking forward to the Western will compete to try to qualify for place on April 7, beginning at 9 a.m. Semi-Final competition, I have one nationals. Brownell, like Piper, will compete more chance to represent CSUF at Brownell is still aiming to com- against riders from all over the West nationals and I’m going to work my pete at the Zone competition in the Coast to try to qualify for nationals. hardest to get there.� intermediate equitation over fences Both will have to place second or The Western Semi-Finals will take division. higher to qualify to go.

Rains Leaves CSUF Tennis Team Hanging BY PATRICK CHAVIS

For the Daily Titan sports@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton’s women tennis match versus Amherst College on Tuesday afternoon was postponed due to rain.

A List



Breaking Down the NCAA Tourney

Daily Titan Sports Editor long@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton equestrian team is still looking to compete in the nationals in May after participating in the preliminary competitions at the Zone 8 Region 2 Regionals that took place at Cal Poly Pomona. CSUF equestrian team member Laura Piper came in fourth place at the novice equitation over fences class. She then placed third in the novice equitation on the flat class division. Teammate Tracy Brownell placed in third place at the intermediate equitation flat class. According to a release by the CSUF equestrian team, both riders needed to place in at least second place in order to move to the next round. Despite not starting off on the right foot in last Saturday’s competitions, both CSUF team members still have an opportunity to make that move. Piper will compete at the Western Semi-Finals competition in the novice western horsemanship division. “It was disappointing to be so


The possibility of recording just their second win this season was looking very good until the rain started pouring. “I think we [were] finally going to come up with a win,� assistant coach Ruya Inalpulat said. After a tough 1-15 season so far,

this game might have been the Titans’ second win. But the rainy day weather played a factor in stopping the match before its conclusion. Amherst College is a Division III school from Massachusetts and there was quite a difference in skill level.

Also, the Amherst squad is used to at least practicing indoors. “We’ve been practicing inside since February. Back at home we had like ten inches of snow,� Amherst player Amy DiPilato said. “New Englanders don’t play outside much so it’s hard adjusting.�

While the major focus of the sports world was mainly on the opening rounds of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament last week, Kobe Bryant quietly put up 65 and 50 points, respectively, against the Portland Trail Blazers and the Minnesota Timberwolves. Sixty-five and 50 points – in two games. In contrast, during the secondround matchup between UCLA and Indiana in the college tournament, the two teams combined for 103 points, 12 short of Bryant’s total output over two games. Bryant’s first game, his 65-point outburst against Portland, marked the third time in his career that he eclipsed the 60-point mark, tying him with Elgin Baylor. Only two players, Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, have had more 60-point games in their career (Chamberlain 32, Jordan 4). In Bryant’s very next outing, he dropped 50 on the Minnesota Timberwolves, en route to a Lakers victory. That game marked the 17th time that Bryant scored more than 50 points in a game during his career, and in the last 10 years only two other players have scored more than 50 points in back-toback games (Antawn Jamison and Allen Iverson). Lastly, but certainly not least, both games that Bryant went off resulted in victories for the Lakers, wins that were most certainly welcomed following the seven-game losing streak the team had been on prior to the win against Portland. Now at this point you are probably wondering why any of this

is important, especially given the fact that both scoring outbursts came against teams that aren’t of the highest caliber. But the answer is simple. Kobe Bryant is the most prolific scorer of his generation, and arguably the greatest scorer of all-time. Note the use of words though. I didn’t say greatest player of all time, I just said scorer. But don’t rule out that Bryant may never be considered as such. I shouldn’t even have to mention the 81-point drubbing he laid out on the Toronto Raptors last season, which is the same performance that ranks second all-time as the single-game scoring high. And keep in mind that Bryant is a guard, scoring most of his points on jumpers and creativity around the hoop. Unlike Chamberlain, who likely caught the ball, turned around and dunked over lesser opponents on the way to his famed 100-point performance, Bryant has to slash and cut and drive and shoot to score his points. And people love to forget that Bryant is only 28 (he’ll be 29 in August). Jordan was 28 when he won the first of his six championships, and Bryant already has three of those. It’s easy to take the amazing things Bryant does for granted – mostly because there’s so much expected of him – but don’t let it keep you from watching because you never know what you might miss.

Alvin Anol’s columns appear every Wednesday. sports@dailytitan.com




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