2007 04 03

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Online DailyTitan


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 28

Harmony in Conflict

Golf Team Gets Square Drivers

Discussion of negative stereotypes women promote OPINION, p. 5

New equipment allows for better drive and accuracy SPORTS, p. 8

Daily Titan The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

CSUF to Host Spring Concert

Fullerton and STDs: Herpes

Student discusses life with the herpes virus An in-depth look at discovering and coming to grips with harboring a sexually transmitted disease acquired from a loved one

By kristina junio

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

By Erika Jenko, Levi Luperico, Sean McCormick, and fatima rahmaatullah For the Daily Titan



t is the unwanted gift that keeps on giving-- forever. “We usually used condoms, especially when we first started having sex,” said a student, who asked to remain anonymous because of the social stigma attached to the disease. “It’s just prior experiences and the fact that the virus is basically undetectable.” This student said he never carried a reputation for being promiscuous. He was infected by his on-and-off girlfriend of eight years whom he had known since middle school. He said he trusted her with his heart and they shared sexual experiences -- she had no idea that she was harboring the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2). “When I found out that I had genital herpes, I was damn near suicidal. I sat home and really contemplated things,” the student said. He said he felt like life was about to end. It is shockingly common to be a carrier of the herpes virus and not realize it. In many cases, the virus won’t rear its ugly head for years. Symptoms range well beyond the burning sensation during urination most often associated with the STD. The first episode is usually the most severe. When infected, the virus blisters, appears spotted, irritates and causes a rash in the area of contact


Visit the Daily Titan’s multimedia page to watch videos about herpes and sexualy transmitted disease prevention.

leaving the host with an itchy and uncomfortable feeling. The virus also mimics flu-like symptoms causing the carrier to feel run down or experience frequent headaches. “I didn’t realize that I had it until one day I was peeing and it felt like hell, needless to say,” the student said. Sitting in the doctor’s office the student said he remembered feeling cold and alienated. He knew from the painful urination there was something wrong. “It still makes me sick to my stomach,” the student said. Despite diligent attempts by an individual to have safe sex, they can still contract the virus, Deborah Edelman-Blank, a licensed psychologist said. Everyday, 25 percent of the United States population has to deal with their “deep, dark secret.” Not only are they ashamed, but terrified. Terrified that they will no longer be viewed as equal. “I have always been more worried about AIDS,” Cal State Fullerton sophomore Alyssa Burns said. “It [herpes] doesn’t affect my daily life.” Sophomore Jenny Kent said she would probably change her mind about people with herpes if she knew someone with the virus. SEE VIRUS - PAGE 3


The Human Papillomavirus is threatening countless young women and gaining attention worldwide.


Learn statistics on sexually transmitted diseases and find out how to keep from being infected.

Students Completing Oral History Project By Erin Tobin

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Aided by recent advancements in technology, a handful of Cal State Fullerton students are working with The Orange County Great Park Corporation to try to capture a part of Orange County’s past before it disappears by interviewing those involved with a now-closed air base. “If we don’t get it done now, it will be gone by the next decade,” said Natalie Fousekis, associate director for CSUF’s Center for Oral and Public History, “Projects like this are popping up all over the country.” Fousekis monitors a team of eight students, mainly graduate students, who are heavily involved in the oral history program. Their mission is to capture the voice of veterans who were stationed at the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station during World War II and the Korean War. They hope to capture at least 75 different stories related to the base, from veterans and their families to civilians who may have work on or around the area. “It was around for 50 plus years,”

Fousekis said. “In that time the area developed into a sort of miniature community.” The construction for the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station began in 1942 and by the time the base had finished growing it occupied over 4,000 acres near the intersection of the I-405 and I-5 freeways. There was housing provided on site for over 8,000 people and more than another 4,000 personnel, both military and civilian, worked on the base, but lived outside of it. By 1999 the federal Base Realignment and Closure process, which started in 1993, forced the closure of the base. Now the Orange County Great Park Corporation wants to turn 1,347 acres of the former base into a community park that celebrates those who worked there. For 23-year-old CSUF student Juan Silva, working on this project is very personal. Silva, now in the Marine reserves, credits growing up around the base as a reason he joined the military. “I remember when the planes would fly around overhead,” Silva said, “Now I get to see just what kind of impact El Toro had on Orange County.” But, not all of the students’ interest

the eyes of a student is a gold mine. According to the Parking and Transportation Web site, there are 1,915 spaces available for the 1,900 faculty and staff members on campus and 8,936 spots for 35,000 students. Compared to the bustling student parking lots, the faculty and staff lots look deserted. Students should resist

is focused on veterans. Kira Gentry, a 23-year-old graduate student, is interested in getting in contact with military wives who were on the base. “They could bridge the gap between understanding military life and civilian life around the base,” Gentry said. “It would be interesting to get a woman’s perspective and learn how the Orange County community treated them.” Both Gentry and Silva took Fousekis’ oral history class last semester and were excited to find she was looking for students to help with such a project. “Being a history major, I like working in the field,” Silva said. The group has found one-third of their interview-

ees already and Fousekis said they hope to start actually conducting interviews sometime in April. While the group has searched records and contacted veterans’ center, they are hoping members of Fullerton and the surrounding cities will come forward with friends and family members who were involved with the base. “I’ve done the O.C. Register, I’ve even done radio shows. You just have to try everything,” Fousekis said. “You also hope the person you interview can give you more names.” “If anyone has connection, we would definitely love if they got a hold of us,” Gentry said. She described the interview process as multi-faceted. First the interviewers contact potential candidates for a pre-interview where they make sure the person is comfortable talking to them and can provide them with information. They also ask if the person wouldn’t mind being videotaped during the interview. Assisted by questions, the students will then conduct one to three hour long interviews with the subject. “We have a list of questions, but that’s really just to help keep us on track,” Gentry said. “Usually the

person we are interviewing is eager to share information, and the questions aren’t really needed.” The students are also armed with video recorders and newly acquired digital audio recorders to capture the interviewee’s stories and memories. Though the digital recorders have been around for awhile, Fousekis said the world of Oral History recording has been wary of accepting them. “People waited a while to see if the digital recording would really work, but now this is the new direction it is going,” Fousekis said. “This is the first time the Center has used digital recording. The whole thing will be digital, as well as going on the Web to be accessed by everyone.” The information will also be kept at the Center for Oral and Public History, which already has more than 4,000 audio recordings kept there. The Center is located on campus and is open to the campus community and the public. Gentry encourages those who know of candidates to contact the Center for Oral History, either via their Web site, coph.fullerton.edu, or by calling them at (714) 278-8415.

the temptation -- or else they’ll face a fine for parking in a faculty parking lot. In November of 2003, the CSUF Master Development Plan was approved. One of the key elements of the plan was a 26 percent increase in campus parking capacity by 2005, from 9,100 spaces to 11,500 spaces.

The Nutwood and State College parking structures are the result of the development plan. Although the new parking structure has relieved some of the students’ parking woes, it hasn’t quite resolved the problem. “I don’t even try the parking structure anymore,” said advertising

major Trieu Ho, 28. “There’s always that ‘lot full’ sign outside of it so I just keep driving,” Ho said. Joe Ferrer of CSUF’s Parking and Transportation says the Nutwood and State College structures

The whole thing will be digital, as well as going on the Web to be accessed by everyone. – Natalie Fousekis

Cal State Fullerton’s Associated Students Inc. Productions will be hosting their first free, large-scale concert on April 27 called Fullerton’s Ultimate Spring Concert. The concert will spotlight artists from three different genres. The headliner of the show, Shiny Toy Guns, is an electronica, indie rock band from Los Angeles. The other two are Sherwood, an indie-pop band from San Luis Obispo and Consequence, a hip-hop/rap artist under Kanye West’s record label from New York. “We wanted to get three different genres because we didn’t want to target one group of students,” said Connie Moreno, the director of ASI Productions. The concert is free to all CSUF students with a valid student identification card. Tickets will be available starting April 2 at the Titan Student Union information desk; students must have their identification card with them to receive a ticket. Only 2,500 student tickets are available and it is on a first-come, first-serve basis. 500 guest tickets are reserved and can be purchased for $10, Moreno said. “It’s great that ASI and ASI Productions can finally have a program like this for students,” Moreno said. “The whole purpose of this event is to bring school pride and unity to students, and to build a sense of community here, especially because our school is a commuter school,” Moreno said. “I don’t think we’ve ever had 3,000 students attend an event.” CSUF student Brent Wallace, a business major, said he plans on attending the concert. “I appreciate the fact that our money that goes to ASI is used for entertainment because it makes our campus more enjoyable,” Wallace said. “My friends from Cal Poly Pomona have big concerts like this all the time.” “I’m glad that we’re finally putting an effort to entertain the students to keep them on campus because CSUF is such a commuter school,” Wallace said. “ I think it makes students feel disassociated from school, but events like this allow us to connect with the rest of the student body and the school.” The concert is from 6-10 p.m. and will be held on the Titan Athletic Field. Students can expect a real concert environment with professional visual effects, staging and lighting, Moreno said. Moreno has put a FUSC proposal in next year’s ASI budget, but the possibility of future large scale concerts like FUSC, which is paid for with student fees, rests entirely on the students, said Oscar Martinez, FUSC coordinator. “We’re hoping to have this as an annual event but it all depends on student participation and the success of this concert,” Martinez said. “It’s all contingent on how many students go and how they react to the concert. I did my part and hopefully students can accept it with open arms and say they want this every year.”

Tuesday April 3, 2007

Associate Director for the Center for Oral and Public History

Faculty Parking Spaces Surpass Student Spots By Carla boubes

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Any student who has walked through a faculty parking lot has noticed the abundance of spaces available. The faculty parking lot in

Tomorrow News

ASI Presidential debate coverage

Rock the Vote Learn what all three pairs of candidates have to say about election goals for CSUF.

For the record April 2: We erroneously reported that there were two pairs of ASI presidential candidates when in fact there are three pairs. The third pair of candidates are Kerry Belvill and Cassandra Rehm. For more information regarding the upcoming elections and candidates, visit www.asi.fullerton.edu




TOMorrow Partly Cloudy High: 77 Low: 56

Partly Cloudy High: 77 Low: 55

April 3, 2007


opinion Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

My Oh MySpace OK, so we all know that “douche,” and the like – not MySpace and comments go exactly what you’d expect together like peanut butter from disciples our instituand jelly. And that’s cool – tion of higher learning. wireless age communication We’re not advocating at its best. censorship far from it, just But one thing that’s not a modification to the stancool is the abuse of free dards that these anonymous speech by rogue students on sniper messages should be the “Grade my Professor” op- held to. Either the mask of tion. What anonymity we’re refershould be ring to is Post a cell phone vid- taken off the the skewerpostings, or ing some of eo of an NHL hockey the Web site our profes- fight ... you can rest as- itself should sors get on sured that Tom’s gesta- pay mind to the board. the nature And we’re po will eliminate your of the crinot talk- profile quicker than tiques. ing about you can say “Top 8.” Post a cell rational phone video critiques of of an NHL the teachhockey fight ers, their styles and their or a naked pair of breasts classes, or anything that on your MySpace and you would be educational and can rest assured that Tom’s informative to prospec- gestapo will eliminate your tive students. We’re talking profile quicker than you can about ad hominem attacks say “Top 8.” on some of the most venerSo why are vilifying atable members of our faculty, tacks on educators, who we complete with name-calling do not consider to be public including terms like “bitch,” figures, acceptable?

The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

by Melissa Fitzgerald

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

America is a free society. But when forced to listen to the opinions of celebrities, I begin to rethink the importance of the freedom of speech – only for a minute. Freedom of speech is an important part of life in America, but should celebrities use the platform they have gained to voice their opinions? Celebrities have the same rights that we all have, the only difference is the platform they speak from. They are only able to voice their opinions to the masses because of their careers, most of which had nothing to do with politics. So is it unfair if they use that platform? Maybe to the smallest degree but what harm befalls you if you listen to another celebrity spout off about the president or global warming? Celebrities who are well-versed in the injustices and current problems of today’s generation certainly help their case and communicate their opinions in a literate fashion and may even inspire. Rise Against is known to be a political band, and when they were interviewed by KROQ’s Kevin and Bean last month they made it clear that they try to make younger generations think about today’s atrocities because maybe it will provoke action. The messages they send through their music might actually help our generation wake up to America’s problems. I’m not saying celebrities should pull a Tom Cruise but they can wield their message for good without going too far. Celebrities should be able to voice their displeasure in the government

or their opinions if the setting warrants it, but going on national TV to share whatever pops into their heads is another thing altogether. Al Gore is a politician but has become a quasi-celebrity because of his documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” His message, though controversial, has done what it should. It has inspired thought and conversation about global warming and where we fit into the picture. Though “inconvenient,” the controversy and the opinions that Gore has raised are important because his documentary may have educated people as to the dire circumstances that future generations may find themselves in because of the treatment of the environment. If celebrities were silenced it would not only take away their freedom of speech, it might trickle down to the public’s speech as well. Where would the censorship stop if celebrities were unable to speak their minds? Yes, not all celebrities have intelligent things to say but some do and, yes, they may even be worth hearing. So if you find yourself cursing for turning on Entertainment Tonight only to hear Brad Pitt denounce the abhorrent conditions in Africa, remind yourself that if you really don’t want to listen to him jabber on you can simply turn the TV off. And if you feel the need to share why what he said pissed you off Americans have the option of writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper or submitting an opinion piece so you can get yourself heard and stop bitching. Celebrities may easily voice their opinions but the important thing is that even us common folk have platforms we can utilize. That’s the beauty of America, love it or hate it.



Will You Please Put Some Underwear On? Females have always had to breaking the conservative roles work twice as hard to prove that women have been placed themselves worthy in a male- in. Being a strong woman has dominated workplace, whether never meant being, well, a slut. it is the working mom juggling This isn’t a step forward two jobs or the single working for women, but a step back. woman trying to earn a higher These women, who have sex on position in a company. dance floors amongst hundreds While we can blame the of people and parade themmales until we are blue in the selves among men, represent us face, the major whether we like problem is reit or not. Womally females. en like Lindsay Instead of these and Britney Wo m e n , more often powerful female icons make females than not, tear have to work showing the world harder each other than down rather what a woman is ca- they already do. than build pable of doing, they Instead of these each other up. are showing the world powerful female We are a powicons showing erful sex yet how pathetic a female the world what women don’t can be ... a woman is carecognize their pable of doing, power and they are showpotential, seting the world tling for the standards set by the how pathetic a female can be, women who make it on televi- confirming the beliefs of some sion. And not only do we tear people – that we are just vagieach other down, but we create nas. barriers within our sex. Being a strong woman doesn’t One barrier that comes to mean abusing the sexual liberamind is this sexual de-revolu- tion women fought for in the tion of flashing crotches and past. A woman who has brains, flaunting everything sacred on a sense of worth and self-esteem the female body to strangers. is one who has strength. This isn’t what the mothers of Men are often more turned the sexual revolution had in on by a woman with big breasts mind. The sexual revolution in a skimpy bathing suit than inAmerican women were pushing trigued by an intelligent woman. for had to do with the introduc- But why? Because females have tion of the birth control pill, made it OK. So many females in wherein women are now able the present and past have tried to have control over their bod- so hard to prevail against maleies and decide whether to bear imposed stereotypes. But sadly, children or not. Women found we are our own worst enemy power through their sensuality, and continue to uphold what

Titan Editorial

Celebrities Supporting Harmony in Conflict Causes a Positive Trend Harmony Trevino


April 3, 2007



“A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” - Arthur Miller

EDITOR: I am responding to Shaelan Bowers’ article “Church, Cult or Business – the Various Faces of Scientology” in the March 6 edition of The Daily Titan. Scientology is the only major religion to emerge in the 20th century and is the fastest-growing religious movement in the world today, so there is little mystery as to why, as Mr. Bowers points out, the Church of Scientology is in the spotlight. Yes, of course, as most have come to understand, the commercial media makes its living focusing on, and sometimes inventing, controversy and any story sells that deals with movie stars and famous people. But celebrity Scientologists are really no different than any other Scientologist, they just attract more print. Scientologists as individuals are committed to social betterment and to providing assistance in a wide range of activities across society. And why shouldn’t they be? Each, through Scientology, has been able to grasp the factors that govern his existence and gain greater understanding of himself and his fellows

and thereby improve conditions and thus live a better life. It would be odd if they weren’t enthusiastic about sharing it or using it to improve the world in which they live. Using the technology developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, Scientologists have created and supported some of the most impressive social betterment activities on the planet. Scientologists support the Applied Scholastics program, the largest private tutoring and literacy network in the world that any university student having trouble with his classes would be wise to look into. Eighty-seven thousand Scientologists serve as Volunteer Ministers, the largest independent relief force on Earth, and have helped 1.6 million people in 114 countries last year alone. And they participate to bring about an understanding and application of fundamental human rights by distributing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created by the United Nations. To assist in this effort the Church, supported by donations from parishioners, produced 30 audiovisual public-service announcements, one for each of the rights. The first one produced was viewed by over 130 million

people. This campaign is broadly supported by many other churches, governments and groups who agree with Scientologists that at the root of many of the bad conditions we face on the planet is a fundamental disregard of basic human rights. This is not just a Scientology issue, it is a human issue. Primarily through the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, individual Scientologists stand up against the abuses of psychiatry including electroshock and psychosurgery, involuntary commitment and the over-prescription of psychiatric drugs to children. Unfortunately, there are few of us in the world today who do not have some personal knowledge of a tragedy created by the side-effects of these harmful “treatments.” Ten million children in the U.S. are prescribed psychiatric drugs and in addition to the mania, aggression and suicide that are known to be caused by these drugs, 15,000 are estimated to have died as a result of their misuse. Scientologists and a growing number of others are active in making alternative solutions known and used by parents as well as working to strike down over 120 pieces of legislation across the world that would have inhibited the rights of patients even more. Scientologists supported the Food and Drug Administration action in 2005 to require “black box” warnings on the most commonly prescribed ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) drugs warning parents against their dangers. Understand this: Scientology is not making some blanket condemnation and its position in regards to psychiatry has never been more than to call on the profession to police its own numerous and now well-publicized abuses. It has pressed the issue only when this has not resulted in self-initiated action to prevent innocents from being hurt. Institutions like psychiatry can appear to have certain power and influence and anyone challenging them can be

made to look out of step. It takes The target of auditing is the “recourage, self-certainty and commit- active mind” which is that portion ment to stand up against the status of the mind that works in a totally quo and to look for yourself and find stimulus-response basis, not under the facts. the volitional control of the indiWhy then are Scientologists so vidual. The reactive mind exerts passionate about helping others and force and power of command over bettering the conditions of those one’s awareness, purposes, thoughts, around them? The first answer is body and action. Through auditing because they can. Through the ap- Scientologists reduce and ultimately plication of the tools one learns in erase the power of the reactive mind. Scientology, one soon finds out that The reactive mind is of no benefit to “something can be done about it.” the individual and is the source of The other reason can be found in irrationality, fears and nightmares. the benefits from what Mr. Bowers Its eradication achieves the State of briefly mentions in his article, Scien- Clear (used in the same sense as to tology’s counclear a calcuseling called, lating machine “auditing.” of past data so Auditing, calcuUnderstand this: Scien- current which comes lations can be from the Latin tology is not making some correct) and root meaning blanket condemnation and brings to view to listen, is a individual its position in regards to psy- the core religious himself. It is a practice within chiatry has never been more landmark step the Scientol- than to call on the profession in the full disogy religion to police its own numer- covery of one’s and is a totally true nature unique meth- ous and now well-publicized and in ultiod of spiritual abuses. mately achievcounseling. It ing full spirican be admintual awareness istered to both and freedom. a group or by The bulk an individual of the activin a one-on-one session guided by ity within a Scientology church ina trained and qualified Scientology volves the administration of auditing minister. or the training and the certification The Scientology minister, called of auditors. But the vast majority of an “auditor,” meaning one who lis- a Scientologist’s time is spent out in tens, does not engage in some vague life applying the benefits and knowlform of mental exploration, nor edge of Scientology. does he or she offer solutions, adScientology is not something one vice or evaluation. Instead the in- studies or believes, it is something he dividual is allowed to find his own or she does. Scientology is an “apanswers to life’s problems; auditing plied religious philosophy.” It is not enables him to do this. Through au- a religion tied to doctrine and dogditing one is able to look at his own ma. In an essay called “My Philosoexistence and improve his ability to phy” Scientology founder L. Ron confront where he is and what he is Hubbard said, “I know no man who – and then to do something about has any monopoly upon the wisdom it. Auditing is not something that is of this universe. It belongs to those done to a person. Its benefits can be who can use it to help themselves achieved only through active partici- and others.” pation and good communication. I was amused at Mr. Bower’s jour-

Scientologist Addresses Article

nalistic gymnastics and the twists he employed to attempt to put a negative spin on what, in fact was factual, positive and informed comments about Scientology by University Professors Santucci and Giacumakis. Their reaction to Scientology is much more indicative of informed public opinion and is similar to that which I have enjoyed sharing with other professors and community leaders who have been inquisitive enough to acquire a decent personal library of Scientology books. It’s good that not everyone gets their “truth” from gossip magazines or TV cartoon shows. As both Santucci and Giacumakis pointed out in the article, the negative label “cult” is used to demean a group others see as a threat. It begs the question: “Who would feel threatened by a group that is wide open about what it teaches, makes its literature broadly available, is helping people to live drugfree lives, overcome literacy, learn how to learn, improve marriages and relationships and regain self-respect all the while it crusades for human rights, stands up for victims of abuse and helps people live happier and more worthwhile lives?” The word Scientology literally means “the study of truth” or “knowing how to know” and as such it embraces the breath of life itself. It defies simple categorizations as offered in Mr. Bowers’ article and we appreciate the editors’ offer to print a response. The university experience is a time to broaden one’s mind, a time to embrace new ideas and question what one accepts as truth. It is a time to find out for oneself. The Church of Scientology welcomes such inquiries and discussions. Visit these Web sites: www.scientology. org, www.notodrugs-yestolife.org and www.cchr.org. Monica Beilhart Community Relations Director Church of Scientology of Orange County


April 3, 2007

The Hub

A Good Book for a Hard Industry Fullerton students and alumni write and publish their own graphic novel By Misa Nguyen

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com

Controlling what to do is usually not part of a job’s description. For the creator and contributors of the comic book “Hard Ei8ht,” featuring Cal State Fullerton alumni, creative control is the muse for their independent venture. “You get to write, you get to do the art work, you get total control of what you’re doing and you’re doing it on your own,” said Erich Haeger, the comic’s creator. Although cushy studio jobs may provide steady paychecks, they don’t always allow creative independence. “With studio systems and publishers, they hire you to become their puppets and to do their means,” said Matt Roberts, one of the comic’s contributors. Before starting “Hard Ei8ht,” Roberts got his first break at Acme Filmworks, a commercial animation studio in Hollywood. While there, he contributed to entry-level animation projects, including a Japanese shampoo commercial, Roberts said. After adding his artwork to the comic, Roberts hopes to build to his animation portfolio and become known for his style, which he said has a Warner Brothers influence. “It’s Batman meets Looney Tunes,” Roberts said. Putting together a comic book takes a collaborative force of talented people. From story ideas, illustrations to putting it all together, a lot of work went into volume one,

Roberts said. The comic’s first volume is a combination of action and comedy. It’s scripted around the leading character, a hit man who lost his trigger fingers and now seeks redemption through helping the helpless. The first volume has eight tales of the villain turned hero in the glittery streets of Sin City. The adult theme of gangster violence may be more suitable for older readers, while the animation look of the characters may draw a younger crowd. Another quirk of the book is the presentation itself. Opening the pages of volume one, a reader will notice that the inside text and illustrations are embossed, what the contributors called a happy accident. Roberts said his team didn’t intend the book to have that look and feel, but it worked out. With past comic books, heroes like Superman were equipped with super powers. In “Hard Ei8ht,” Haeger decided that his character would be limited to only the use of his eight fingers to protect himself and others. “If your character is too strong, they’re boring and they have no challenge to overcome,” Haeger said. “We all face challenges so it lets us identify with the character.” What started as just an idea came together and became a published work of art in July 2006. The creator and contributors have showcased their work at a few conventions throughout California, the first being the San Diego Comic-Con in July 2006 and the most recent being the San Francisco WonderCon in March 2007. At the conventions, fans would ask how ideas are derived and about our shot designs, Roberts said. The comic’s next stops will in-

Comics Sold by Movie Treatment “Spider-Man,” “300” and “X-Men” all seeing increased book sales By Michael Reschke

Indiana Daily Student Indiana University

Courtesy of Erich Haeger hard promotions - The artwork on the promotional poster for the second volume of “Hard Ei8ht” features artwork done by Julien Alday, a French contributor.

clude this year’s San Diego ComicCon from July 25 to 29 and a gallery show in June at the Nickelodeon animation studios. Their marketing strategy includes making the comic available in comic book stores, promoting and selling it at conventions and using the team’s online blog to stir interest and provide updates to their progress, Haeger said. Their official production blog at www.hard8comic.blogspot.com allows fans to follow up on any progress the team is making. As of late, international interest has sprouted on their forum.

“We have a few French fans that want to contribute stories to volume two,” said Brian Growe, a “Hard Ei8ht” contributor. Volume one has generated interest from Boom! Studios, an independent publisher and Sunrise Entertainment, a production company. “If Boom! Studios picked us up, they would handle all our reprints and marketing for us,” said Haeger. Volume two is set to come out in July of this year. Fans can expect the same feel of a Yakuza, Rat Pack and classic Vegas gangster thriller. The storylines will continue from volume one.

(U-WIRE) BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - As comic-book movies become increasingly popular, sales of the books themselves are skyrocketing. On May 4, “Spider-Man 3” will open in theaters. Meanwhile, box-office sales for the comicbook movie “300” are booming. But the sources of inspiration for the movie are popular, too. Comic-book store employees and owners in Bloomington are saying that they’ve seen big spikes in sales once a comic book is made into a movie. “We have something like 10 times the sales of the year prior. ‘V for Vendetta’ had five times the sales,” said Matt Traughber, assistant manager of Bloomington, Ind., comic book shop Vintage Phoenix. Traughber said the trend is nothing new. “During the seven years I worked here, this has always been the case,” he said. Cherois McKibben, assistant manager of Bloomington computer repair and comic-book shop PC Guru, said he’s seen an increased interest in comic books too. McKibben said movies like “XMen” and “Spider-Man” arouse interest, especially in younger children. “A lot of people come into the stores asking for the books. Recently, ‘300’ has caused more at-

tention,” he said. Indiana University alumnus and “Batman” movie producer Michael Uslan said comic-book movies are more popular now than ever. “This is the golden age for comic-book movies,” he said. Uslan said it was difficult to convince Hollywood’s executive producers about the potential of comic books; they tended to look down at them. But today’s executives grew up with comic books, and there is more respect for the books and their artists, Uslan said. He said he thinks comic-book movie successes like “Road to Perdition” convinced Hollywood further. Uslan started the first academic course on comic books at Indiana University in the early ’70s, gaining a lot of media attention. He said he expects that academic interest in the comic books will rise and more courses on comic books will start. But the attention for comic books has also changed. The artists have become rock stars. “Everything Frank Miller makes turns into gold,” Traughber said. Miller was the author of both “300” and “Sin City.” And as Uslan said, it is almost impossible to find a copy of Miller’s comic book “300” in the stores. All three men said comic-book movies increase the attention to comic books and are in no way a competitor to comic-book stores. Though the industry goes up and down, Traughber is sure the industry will stay around. “Superman is already popular for 70 years,” he said. “It could go away in a short period of time. But this superhero has already survived a lot of storms.”

April 3, 2007


By Rebecca Hartness/Daily Titan Staff Photographer


parking: FACULTY SPACES IN EXCESS From Page 1 are usually full by 11 a.m. Students should not rely only on the parking structures. There are a few other lots available that don’t fill up as quickly. “Currently, there are a sufficient number of student parking spaces in surface lot A and G,” said Ferrer in an e-mail. “Students arriving on campus at 9 a.m. or later should go directly to lots A & G.” Surface lots A and G are located in the north end of campus near Yorba Linda Avenue. For many students, surface lots A and G are their last resort. The Parking and Transportation Web site suggests students parking in lots A or G should allow themselves about ten minutes to reach the

quad. “I try to find a spot kind of close but end up parking all the way in lot A,” Ho said. “It’s not my favorite place to park but it’s usually my only choice.” Ferrer explained how the ratio between student and faculty parking is managed. “There are two measurements for parking space occupancy,” Ferrer said. “The turnover rate equals the number of cars that use a parking space within a survey of time. The occupancy rate is equal to how long a car remains parked in a specific space within a survey of time.” Due to the large commuter student population, the student parking lots have a higher turnover rate and a lower occupancy rate. Students are

constantly coming and going at all hours. “Faculty and staff parking areas have a lower turnover rate and a higher occupancy rate because faculty and staff work 40-hour work weeks, Monday through Friday,” said Ferrer. Liberal arts major Crystal Guerrero, 24, said she feels the parking situation has improved some. “I don’t get here as early as I used to,” said Guerrero, who would leave her home in Chino Hills an hour early to get to class. “It’s still a lot of waiting but sooner or later I find a space.” The thought of parking in the faculty lots has crossed Guerrero’s mind but then she remembers what she paid for her parking permit. It’s not worth a $40 ticket.

infected area. Herpes can be spread from one part of the body to another during these outbreaks. It is also vital to avoid all forms of sexual contact during an outbreak including kissing. The HSV-2 virus does recur. In some situations, there is a high frequency of outbreaks. In most cases recurrence is rare. The host’s immune system is integral in determining frequency of recurrence. The stronger their immune system, the amount of sleep they get, and their dietary and exercise patterns can help to limit recurrence. “My girlfriend and I manage to control it and have a successful sex life by only having sex between outbreaks,” the student said. “Of course, I will only have sex with her, that’s just the way it is. We have a lot of love and respect for each other now.” People with the virus still have productive sexual lifestyles if they are properly educated and can control the frequency and severity of the recurrence. When the virus is dormant, the chances of transmitting the virus are minimal.

“Discussion of when and how to maintain sexual intimacy is certainly important,” Edelman-Blank said. “It may also be important to discuss issues of trust, depending on when and how it was disclosed that the individual was infected.” Being informed is essential to having a successful relationship, according to Edelman-Blank. “Both members of the couple should also be certain to be educated about treatment strategies and options for the individual who is infected. This can involve the individual’s partner attending medical appointments or simply doing research on the topic on his/her own,” she said. The anonymous student insisted he and his girlfriend don’t nourish any regrets, because there was no way of knowing that their partner had the virus. “Trust is the key issue here,” the student said. “If I had it to do all over again, I would. I love my girlfriend.”


VIRUS: STUDENT OPENS UP ABOUT EXPERIENCE WITH HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 From Page 1 “If you knew them before they had herpes then herpes doesn’t change them,” she said. The anonymous student’s secret swelled up inside him, he said, but he had a boiling point that drove him to finally disclose that he had herpes. “It finally got to the point to where if I didn’t tell someone, I was going to go completely crazy,” the student said. “I finally told one of my best friends, she looked at me like I was a freak. So I told her I was just kidding.” Christine Granillo, CSUF senior, said she feels sad for people with herpes but she would never think differently about a person with the virus. “It wouldn’t automatically make me think poorly of them,” Granillo said. “It’s not like they went out looking for herpes.” The feeling of isolation is common among people inflicted with the virus. “One very stressful factor is the societal stigma associated with having an STD,” Edelman-Blank said. There are a host of hotlines available via telephone, walk-in clinic or

the Internet that have anonymous, open forums where someone with the virus can ask questions and be comforted that they are not alone, and that other people are living with the virus. “It doesn’t control someone’s life unless they allow it to,” said an anonymous member of American Social Health Association, or ASHA, a nonprofit organization available through Planned Parenthood. “I have spoken with people in their teens, all the way up to their late 70s. We talk to a number of young people.” Anonymous hotlines, although confidential, still leave carriers who call with a distant feeling. “I never really felt comfortable going to someone anonymously,” the student said. “My girlfriend stayed with me throughout. This is the only way I could lead a semi-normal life. It really made us stronger.” Singles with herpes are not left behind. Meet People with Herpes, or MPwH.com, provides a dating service for carriers of the virus. The site boasts a long list of success cases. The international site is completely confidential; profiles are labeled with

numbers. Personal information is not provided unless a user pays for it and has permission from their possible mate. The site houses singles of all ages. Some singles are up to 65 years of age. “When a couple successfully copes with a difficult experience together, it can often make the relationship stronger,” Edelman-Blank said. Recognizing that there are support groups to lean on can be a huge step in coping with the complicated virus. “I went to another of my best friends about the virus finally and he told me that it was no big deal, that people in his family had it,” the student said. “This helped me to realize that, ‘hey,’ other people out there are dealing with this successfully.” Herpes, like the common cold, has no cure but medications are available to help control the recurrence and frequency of outbreaks. Oral medications like Zovirax, Famvir and Valtrex are available to help control the duration of an outbreak and limit the chance of spreading the virus. During an outbreak it is vital to avoid contact with the mouth and eyes after touching the

Editor’s Note: The reporters for this series are members of Mike Tharp’s public affairs reporting class.

25 percent of the United States population is infected with the herpes virus The herpes virus can lay dormant for years The virus mimics flu-like symptoms Avoid all forms of sexual contact during an outbreak, including kissing Herpes can be controlled with medication, but there is no cure for the virus Meet People with Herpes Web site provides a dating service for carriers of the virus to interact http://www.MPwH.com


April 3, 2007

Page two


INTERNATIONAL NEWS Howard K. Stern Halts Paternity

NASSAU, Bahamas (AP) - The lawyer-turned-partner of Anna Nicole Smith dropped his bid Monday to halt the use of DNA to prove the paternity of the former Playboy playmate’s infant daughter when it appeared a Bahamas court was going to reject his appeal. An attorney for Howard K. Stern withdrew the challenge in the face of skeptical questioning by a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeal. All three judges said Stern filed his challenge too late and should have raised his objections before the Supreme Court ordered DNA testing in the paternity challenge filed by Larry Birkhead, a former boyfriend of Smith’s who claims to be the father of the infant, Dannielynn. Justice Emmanuel E. Osadebay noted that Stern himself had agreed to DNA testing and even suggested an expert to do the analysis but waited until a week after the sample was taken to file the a challenge to the court’s decision.

YouTube Picks of the Day Title: Tony vs. Paul

Duration: 5:02 How we found it: A friend sent it in Summary: Imagine the greatest live-action fight you have ever seen. Now imagine it in stop-motion. In this video, two guys engage in a battle of epic proportions in a stop-motion world, giving the clip a jerky feel but allowing them to do incredible things. Tony sends Paul a letter telling him that he hates him. In turn, Paul slides through the city like Gumby to Tony’s apartment and punches him in the face, causing Tony to fly backwards across his living room. The two chase each through the town, always sliding or gliding through the air, even surfing on top of one another at one point. It is an amazing feat of direction and clearly took a lot of patience to film everything. -Johnathan Kroncke

NATIONAL NEWS BYU Questioning Cheney As Speaker PROVO, Utah - Some students and faculty on one of the nation’s most conservative campuses want Brigham Young University to withdraw an invitation for Vice President Dick Cheney to speak at commencement later this month. Critics at the school question whether Cheney sets a good example for graduates, citing his promotion of faulty intelligence before the Iraq war and his role in the CIA leak scandal. The private university, which is owned by the Mormon church, has “a heavy emphasis on personal honesty and integrity in all we do,” said Warner Woodworth, a professor at BYU’s business school. “Cheney just doesn’t measure up,” he said. Woodworth is helping organize an online petition asking that the school rescind its invitation to the vice president. In its first week, the petition collected more than 2,300 signatures, mostly from people describing themselves as students, alumni or members of the church.


Duration: 5:49 How we found it: A friend sent it in Summary: The same geniuses responsible for “Tony vs. Paul” also created this gem. Two guys, bored out of their skulls, decide to call a fictional game store and purchase every single game ever made for the Nintendo Entertainment System and go nuts with their new toy. The video also features every accessory available for the NES, including the original dance pad and Rob the robot. At one point, one of the guys gets sick but is healed by his friend who brings him “Dr. Mario.” Toward the end, the two upgrade to the Super NES. The interesting thing to note is that they actually had every NES game. Where did they find them all? -Johnathan Kroncke SEND US YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBE VIDEOS; SEND TO NEWS@DAILYTITAN.COM

Baby Boomers Working Longer SACRAMENTO (AP) - The percentage of older Californians who are continuing to work has increased since 1995 as the baby boom generation approaches retirement age, according to a report released Monday. Nearly 62 percent of Californians ages 55 to 64 were employed last year, compared to 58.6 percent in 2000 and 54.2 percent in 1995, the California Budget Project said. There was a smaller increase during the same period among a slightly older group of Californians, those ages 65 to 69. In that age group, 26.5 percent were employed last year, compared to 22.1 in 2000 and 19.6 percent in 1995.

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Title: The Nintendo Movie



CAMPUS CALENDAR TODAY Free Billiards Tuesday 3 to 7 p.m. at the Titan Student Union Underground. WEDNESDAY Titan Toastmasters 12 to 1 p.m.: A workshop to help people become effective communi-

cators without becoming nervous before a crowd. Hosted at the Pollak Library. BABY 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Performing Arts Center Hallberg Theatre. Tickets are $16 in advance for students with current CSUF ID and $18 for adult general admission.


THURSDAY CalPers Long Term Care Workshop 12 to 1 p.m.: A CalPers representative will conduct a seminar to discuss the program and answer questions at the Pollak Library. Baseball vs. UC Irvine 7 to 10 p.m. at Goodwin Field.

Students with current CSUF ID receive free admission. General adult admission is $7. FRIDAY Baseball vs. UC Irvine 7 to 10 p.m. at Goodwin Field. Students with current CSUF ID receive free admission.

april 3, 2007

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ASIAN AMERICAN SUICIDE STUDY Women wanted for confidential interviews for CSUF research study of AA women’s suicide. $40 a. Contact Dr. Noh enoh@fullerton.edu

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Summer jobs in a music and arts day camp! Long Beach Parks and Recreation. 25-35 hours/week. June 18-August 24 @ $8.65/hr. Email resume to: Robbie_Stuart@longbeach.gov Call: (562) 570-1711 SUMMER JOBS Receive contact information now for summer employment at U.S. National Parks, Western Dude Ranches and Theme Parks. You must apply early. www.summerjobs-research.org PART TIME Work at private rec. facility w/ lake in Yorba Linda. Front Desk and Boathouse positions available. Must be customer service oriented, motivated, w/CA Drivers license. $8.00-$8.75/hour. Minutes from CSUF. East Lake Village, 5325 Village Center Drive. 7790657. Applications required. Ask for Jeff or Susan.

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April 3, 2007


For Golf, It’s Hip To Be Square BY BRIAN LICHTERMAN

BY James Thompson

For the Daily Titan sports@dailytitan.com

Over the last 20 years, golf technology has taken giant leaps forward in providing golfers with better, more forgiving equipment, and Callaway and Nike have both unveiled what are called “square” drivers, which differ from more conventional, rounded drivers. Arguably the most important club in a golfer’s bag, a driver or 1-wood, is used off of the tee box on longer holes. What you want from a driver is accuracy and distance. A demo day by Callaway and Nike at the Lake Forest Golf and Practice Center, was a showcase for both companies to show off their new clubs and for potential customers to hit and try out the clubs. Among the things discussed by the demo techs and sales reps is an acronym that the world of golf technology is very familiar with, MOI. It stands for moment of inertia, and the higher the golf club’s MOI, the less it will twist and turn on offcenter hits. At the Nike tent, was their brand new Nike Sasquatch Sumo 2. Nike claims the Sumo 2 has the highest MOI in golf at 5300 g/cm2. The club head is 460 cubic centimeters, which is the legal limit, set by the U.S. Golfers Association. Nicholas Hoffman, a member of the Trabuco High School golf team, said “the club sets up great, but has an incredibly loud sound on impact.” Recently, there was a voluntary recall by Nike of all of the Sumo 2 drivers sold because a small percentage of the drivers didn’t conform to USGA regulations. Nike is offering full replacement of all non-conforming drivers through April 30. Although Tiger Woods is affiliated with Nike Golf, he has not been using the Sumo 2 on the PGA Tour.

Digging Out Some NBA Gems

BRIAN LICHTERMAN/For the Daily Titan A NEW FRONTIER – Calloway’s FT-i [left] and Nike’s Sasquatch Sumo 2 [right] are developed with the golfer in mind. Company representatives have touted each “square” driver as having a higher MOI, or moment of inertia. In the Callaway tent, brand new FT-i and FT-5 fusion drivers were at the center of attention. The FT-i is the “square” driver and also boasts a high MOI, although not specified by Callaway. The idea behind this driver is stability and balancing all of the different axis’ of the club face. The FT-i also pushes the 460cc limit. The FT-5 is a more traditional driver, and has the ability to be weighted on either side of the club, depending on preference. The majority of players using Callaway clubs on the PGA Tour use the FT-5. “I own an FT-3 driver, and I’m thinking about upgrading to the

FT-5, but the FT-i is too big of a change,” said Jeff Coburn, an experienced golfer and employee at the Lake Forest Golf and Practice Center. Gordon Voss, a demo tech for Callaway Golf said both the FT-i and FT-5 drivers are “fully customizable” from the club head, to the shaft and grip. The club head starts out weighted to neutral and can be changed to promote a draw, a right to left ball flight, or a fade, a left to right ball flight. Callaway has a few other lines of drivers and woods, but the fusion drivers are the most technologically

Emotional Opening Day for New York Yankees Leads to a Win Associated Press On an emotional opening day, the New York Yankees honored Cory Lidle, welcomed back Bobby Murcer and beat Tampa Bay for a satisfying start. Jason Giambi and Alex Rodriguez came through with big hits and the Yankees even got a few encouraging innings from Carl Pavano in a 9-5 victory Monday over the baby-faced Devil Rays. Giambi, who hit a go-ahead single in the seventh for his third RBI, was a big part of the poignant pregame ceremonies. After a touching video tribute to Lidle, Giambi escorted the pitcher’s wife, Melanie, and 6-yearold son, Christopher, toward the mound before they threw out first pitches. Lidle and Giambi were old friends and high school teammates. The 34year-old right-hander was killed in a plane crash Oct. 11 in New York after finishing last season with the

Fantasy Fix

Yankees. His locker at Yankee Stadium will remain unoccupied all season, and the team is wearing black armbands on their jerseys in memory of him. “That was probably one of the single hardest things I’ve had to do in my life,” said Giambi, who also hit a two-run single in the first. Murcer, a longtime Yankees player and broadcaster who is fighting brain cancer, returned to the ballpark and received a huge ovation. He appeared in good spirits. In addition, the team held a moment of silence for former star Hank Bauer and baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn, both of whom died recently. “Everybody had a lump in their throat before the game,” Yankees manager Joe Torre said. “You couldn’t help but choke up.” With owner George Steinbrenner watching from his luxury suite behind home plate, the oft-injured Pavano pitched his first major league game since June 2005. Derek Jeter

hit a tying, two-run single and Rodriguez homered after making an early error to help the Yankees win their 10th straight home opener. “It’s good to get the opening-day jitters out of the way,” Rodriguez said. “I started out like a moron there.” Another familiar Yankee, Bernie Williams, was missing at opening day for the first time since 1991. The veteran outfielder and fan favorite declined the club’s offer of a minor league contract and never came to spring training. But he called Torre on Monday morning to wish him luck, then chatted with Jeter and Jorge Posada. Elijah Dukes homered off Pavano in his first big league at-bat, and fellow Tampa Bay prospect B.J. Upton had two hits, an RBI and a stolen base. The Devil Rays, who fielded the youngest opening-day lineup since the 1983 Minnesota Twins, led 5-3 before Scott Kazmir and his bullpen faltered.

advanced and are by far the most talked about by the industry. Square drivers might not catch on the way Callaway and Nike thought, but they’re definitely getting the word out on their new developments. Both Titleist and Cobra are trying out new, triangular driver shapes with their 907D1 and Speed LD Drivers respectively. Throughout the years, the aim of golf club creators is to provide golfers with the most forgiving and performance enhancing club possible. New metal blends, club shapes, customization options, and visual preference will continue to change and push the limits.

By now all fantasy basketball leagues should be finishing the first round of the playoffs, which makes managing teams a bit harder at times. Here’s why: if you have players from teams that have big leads in their division, they are more than likely going to rest their best players for the playoffs, so guys like Steve Nash, Chauncey Billups, Amare Stoudemire and Tim Duncan—who are all fantasy studs will more than likely sit out a couple of games. This makes adjusting your lineups tough. Lebron James sat out Sunday’s game versus the Celtics to give his knees a break. If you owned James and were in a playoff game you needed his production for that game. On the flip side, teams that have no chance of playing in the post season will rest their best guys to avoid further injury. Paul Pierce didn’t play Sunday either and may wrap it up for the season since the Celts’ have no chance at post play and a better chance at nabbing Ohio State’s Greg Oden for next season’s draft than making the playoffs. So fantasy owners adjust accordingly. Memphis Grizzlies’ Tarence Kinsey has been very consistent playing in place of Mike Miller who has tendonitis in both knees. In the last six games Kinsey has been averaging 19.5 points a game to go along with a steal. Washington Wizards’ All-star Caron Butler broke his right index finger on the back board while going up for a rebound and is out

indefinitely. Jarvis Hayes will start in his place you former Butler owners take note. Hayes’ finished the game in place of Butler and scored 17 points, had three steals and knocked down two three pointers while shooting 56 percent. Cleveland’s Sasha Pavlovich has been playing well as of late. In his last four games he’s averaged 17 points per contest and drained nine treys. Denver’s Nene Hilario has been solid as of late and is available in 55 percent of most leagues. There’s nothing hilarious about Hilario’s game. In his last five games, Nene’s averaged 17 points, 10 rebounds and shot 70 percent. I just picked him up since Caron Butler broke his hand, so I’m not steering you wrong. Portland’s Zach Randolph is having right hand surgery and is out for the season, so look to Raef Lafrentz, his back up if you’re desperate. If it’s threes yor team needs look to Seattle’s Earl Watson. In the month of March, Watson nailed 37 threes in 15 games and he doesn’t have to worry about Ray Allen, the teams’ best bomber to cut into his attempts because he’s out for the season with ankle surgery. Manage wisely my fellow geeks. The fantasy baseball season just started.

James Thompson’s columns appear every Tuesday. sports@dailytitan.com

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