2007 04 19

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Online DailyTITAn


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 38

Short Trips

Gun Control

Should gun control laws be stricter post Virginia Tech? OPINION, p. 10

Places students can visit in one day INTROSPECT, p. 6

Daily Titan

Thursday April 19, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Titans to Remember Victims at Virginia Tech Far from the tragedy, CSUF sympathizes Professors, students and Greeks show support for families of those lost

Virginia Tech Killer Sends Video to NBC BY FLORANCE ChUNG

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Additional information has surfaced about the Virginia Tech shootings, helping officials shed light on the worst massacre in U.S. history. The gunman, Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior majoring in English, sent a package to nBC news between the first and second shooting, enabling officials to learn more about the shooter. Stamped at a Virginia post office at 9:01 a.m. ET Monday, the package contains a long, “rambling manifesto-like statement embedded with a series of photographs,” according to nBC news President Steve Capus. “It does not include any images of the shootings Monday, but it does include vague references, like ‘This didn’t have to happen,’” Capus said. Among the materials are 23 QuickTime video files showing Cho talking directly to the camera about his hatred of the wealthy, according to Capus. The package contained 29 photos he took of himself. In 11 of the pictures he aims handguns at the camera. He also expresses rage against

heathenism and Christianity. He began working on materials at least six days prior, according to Capus. He wanted revenge, but did not specify against whom. Gloved nBC security personnel handled the package as the network called the FBI. According to Capus, nBC would have probably received it sooner ex-

cept that Cho sent it to the wrong address and ZIP code. “This may be a very new, critical component of this investigation. We’re in the process right now of attempting to analyze and evaluate its worth,” said Col. Steve Flaherty, superintendent of Virginia State Police, in an AP interview Wednesday. Police are also busy at Virginia


GUNMAN - This video frame grab image taken from a video aired by NBC News on Wednesday, April 18 shows Virginia Tech gunman Cho Seung-Hui.

Tech. Besides investigating the crime scene, the officers checked out a bomb threat at Burress Hall, which caused the building to be closed. “The threat targeted the university president but was unfounded,” said Police Chief Wendell Flinchum. The building was reopened, but many students were still rattled. One officer was seen escorting a crying young woman out of Burress Hall, telling her, “It’s OK. It’s OK,” according to The Associated Press. They searched his dorm room Tuesday and recovered, among other items, a chain, a combination lock and a digital camera. In an affidavit seeking the search warrant, police found a bomb threat note directed at engineering school buildings near Cho’s body, according to the nY Times. In a press conference Tuesday morning, Virginia Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said that a 9-millimeter handgun and a 22-calibur handgun were recovered from norris Hall. Ballistic tests, conducted at the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives lab in Maryland, confirmed that one of SEE ShOOTER - PAGE 3


IN MEMORY - Sophomore Kenneth Erisman holds a candle as he pays his respects at a makeshift memorial at Drill field on the Virginia Tech campus Wednesday, April 18, 2007 in Blacksburg, Va.

p.m. at CSUF’s Memorial Grove, located between the swimming pool and the library. “Something tragic like this catches every campus off guard,” said Irene Umipig, secretary of Peer Health BY ALEKSANDRA WOJTALEWICZ University network. “We want to Daily Titan Staff Writer tell students that we are aware that news@dailytitan.com [such an event] can happen, so let’s take a moment to reflect on it.” Students at Virginia Tech wiped A number of professors have adaway tears, lit candles and mourned dressed the shooting during lecon campus for the 32 people killed tures to allow students to share their on Monday’s massacre committed thoughts. Overall, students express by 23-year-old English major Cho sadness for the victims and families. Seung-Hui. Classes have been canSome feel angry that someone celed for the remainder of the week. could commit such a massacre. Thousands of miles away at Cal “Just shoot yourself,” said biology State Fullerton, classes remain in major Desiree Romo, 23. “Leave the session, yet students have not forgot- innocent alone.” ten their fellow students at Virginia As CSUF students walked to and Tech. from classes, thoughts about their In an effort to reach out to their own safety filled their minds. Virginia Tech peers, the CSUF “Overall, I feel pretty safe,” said Greek system is “in the process of biology major Erin Garrett, 27. “I finalizing” what like how we have actions they will campus police take, said Juanita present. I’ve seen Razo, assistant them frequently ... we are aware [such dean of students around the caman event] can happen, overseeing Greek pus.” life. so let’s take a moment The university “A lot of our police is “conto reflect on it. members have tinuing with – Irene Umipig been collecting what we were Secretary of Peer Health messages and ofdoing,” said Lt. University Network fering condolencTom Gehrls. es,” Razo said. According to The Greek sysGehrls, there are tem as a whole four to five powill discuss what lice officers on actions they will take regarding the campus present every day, which is Virginia Tech shooting at Tuesday’s “an adequate amount for the envigoverning council meetings. Yet ronment.” “chapters on individual levels may The main focus of the university decide what they will be doing,” police is prevention of incidents like Razo said. the Virginia Tech shooting from ocThe Alpha Chi Omega sorority curring by responding to “anyone will be sending cards to their Vir- that needs help and sending them ginia Tech chapter. to get counseling services,” Gehrls Currently, the university as a said. whole will be participating in the CSUF currently has a communi“Orange and Maroon Effect” day cations system consisting of an inon Friday. Created by Virginia Tech ternal and external PA system and community, the day calls for people building marshals in each building across the nation to wear Virginia to direct people in case of an emerTech’s school colors – maroon and gency, Gehrls said. orange – to support the victims, As safety is in the back of every their families and the school. student’s mind, Gehrls assures that The Peer Health University net- students are safe at CSUF. “It is a work is also organizing a candlelight vigil for the victims and their families, and students at Virginia Tech. SEE SUPPORT - PAGE 4 The vigil will be held April 25 at 7

Titans Jumpstarting Literacy Among Kids CSUF students help low-income children succeed early in life BY JOANNA LAZARO

For the Daily Titan


Jumpstart Fullerton gives Cal State Fullerton students a chance to make a difference in the lives of children by taking an active role in their education. Jumpstart is a program where students are paired with a preschooler from the Headstart, which is a program that helps children from lowincome homes better prepare for

school. Three of the major program areas are school success, family involvement and future teachers. “It’s a wonderful program,” said Jumpstart Fullerton coordinator Shanda Barnett. “The children get valuable learning time in and outside the classroom.” The volunteers and the child participate in many activities including “One on One,” where the child and the partner read a story together. The goal of this activity is to teach the child more vocabulary and to help involve them in conversation. “The one on one relationship gives the children a chance to bond with us and with the other volunteers,” said najia Aboabdo, 20. “The most important aspect of this though is to

help boost literacy.” Another form of interaction is “Circle Time” where the children and core partners do various activities in a larger group. The activities include sing-alongs and learning how to spell the child’s name. “We want the core partners to get everyone involved, so that they can have a more hands experience on what its like to work with children in the classroom,” Barnett said. Currently, Jumpstart has 50 students and over two semesters the volunteers must complete 300 to 400 hours with the children. According to Barnett, to participate in Jumpstart a student does not have to be a Child and Adolescent major, but they do have to take CAS

140/141 or CAS 394/464 to sign up for Jumpstart. These classes can be counted as an elective for nonmajors. “It’s a great experience and you get credits,” said sophomore Mario Davis, 19. “Some of these children come from low income homes, so it feels good because you are not only helping the children but also the community.” The three Headstart centers that students work closely with are Topaz in Fullerton, Brea Headstart and Placentia Headstart. “There is a lot of time that is spent in the classroom,” Barnett said. “But SEE READING - PAGE 5



BATTER UP! Gamers of men and women on the diamond


HELPING HAND - A volunteer works with a participant in the

Jumpstart program, which gives students a chance to teach the young.

WEAThER FOR THE RECORD April 18: The photo for the linguistics symposium was incorrectly credited. Mary Covert took the photo.


TOMORROW Sunny Skies high: 71 Low: 51

Showers high: 58 Low: 49


april 19, 2007

Page two

IN otHeR NewS

INteRNatIoNaL NewS Insurgents Attack Shiite Targets BAGHDAD (AP) - Suspected Sunni insurgents penetrated the Baghdad security net wednesday, hitting Shiite targets with four bomb attacks that killed 183 people – the bloodiest day since the U.S. troop surge began nine weeks ago. Late wednesday, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered the arrest of the Iraqi army colonel who was in charge of security in the area around the Sadriyah market where at least 127 people died and 148 were wounded in the deadliest bombing of the day. It was the second massive blast at the market since Feb. 3. Nationwide, the number of people killed or found dead on wednesday was 233, which was the second deadliest day in Iraq since The associated Press began keeping records in May 2005. Five car bombings, mortar rounds and other attacks killed 281 people across Iraq on Nov. 23, 2006, according to the aP count.

YouTube Picks of the Day Title: World Freehand Circle Drawing Champion

Duration 1:18 How we found it: Sent to me by a fellow editor Summary: This video is for anyone who enjoys watching teachers do amazing things. The video shows math teacher Alexander Overwijk preparing to draw “a perfect circle” within a few seconds. With his classroom full of students watching, Overwijk amazes his students with one stroke of his arm. The video is only a little more than a minute long and most of the video consists of Overwijk cleaning his workspace, warming up for the event and explaining how he has entered national circle drawing competitions. This video may not be the funniest on YouTube, but it will make you stand back and want to start drawing circles. -Jackie Kimmel

NatIoNaL NewS

Title: Robot Chicken-Calvin and Hobbes

Survey Shows Teens Want Online Privacy NEW YORK (AP) - teens generally don’t think twice about including their first names and photos on their personal online profiles, but most refrain from using full names or making their profiles fully public, a new survey finds. The Pew Internet and american Life Project reported wednesday that two-thirds of teens with profiles on blogs or social-networking sites have restricted access to their profiles in some fashion, such as by requiring passwords or making them available only to friends on an approved list. The study comes amid growing concerns about online predators and other dangers on popular online hangouts like News Corp.’s MySpace and Facebook, which encourage their youth-oriented visitors to expand their circles of friends through messaging tools and personal profile pages.

LoCaL NewS Man Charged with 12 Counts of Molestation FONTANA, Calif. (AP) - twelve child molestation counts were filed against a Bloomington man already in custody on federal kid pornography charges. a 13-page San Bernardino County Superior Court complaint filed april 4 alleged earl Venton Buchanan committed lewd acts with six children as young as 7 years old between November 1998 and october 2006. Investigators said Buchanan would befriend low-income families, buy them groceries and expensive gifts, and then offer to take the kids on outings. “He’s an evil man,” sheriff’s Sgt. Brooke wagner said. an arrest warrant was issued, but Buchanan must first resolve federal charges filed in U.S. District Court in San Diego. He remains in federal custody and a hearing in San Diego is scheduled Monday.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan


Duration: 1:24 How we found it: It was posted on a friend’s MySpace. Summary: Calvin and Hobbes fans will either love or hate this video, as it depicts Calvin as a schizophrenic child who thinks his stuffed tiger is real. His parents give him the tiger as a birthday present and then notice him talking to and playing with it as if it were real. They make him go to therapy, and after Hobbes offs the therapist and Calvin’s parents, they both fly to Mars in a rocket ship made out of a trash can. It is imagination gone wild. -Caitlyn Collins SEND US YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBE VIDEOS; SEND TO NEWS@DAILYTITAN.COM 00:55/03:44

CaMPUS CaLeNDaR THURSDAY Irvine Campus Student grad Fest 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The 3 C’s of Credit Reporting 12 to 1 p.m.: Learn how credit bureaus operate, how to correct errors on a credit report (the leagal way), and what to do in case of identity theft. Lecture located at College Park. Spring talent Show auditions 1 to 4 p.m.: talent show auditions are being held in the Student Diversity office UH-183. For more info call (714) 278-4575.

women’s tennis vs. UC San Diego 2 to 4 p.m. at the tennis Sports Complex. admission is free. Free glow Bowling Thursday 3 to 7 p.m. at the tSU Underground FRIDAY Baseball vs. Pacific 7 to 10 p.m. at goodwin Field. Students with current CSUF identification will receive free admission at the gate. adult general admission is $7.



ANTWERP, Belgium (AP) we all know not to feed the animals when visiting the zoo. Now the antwerp Zoo has urged visitors to, please, stop staring at the chimpanzees. New rules have been posted outside the chimp enclosure at the city zoo urging visitors not to form a bond with a particular male chimp named ‘Cheetah.’ He was raised by humans but is now bonding with the seven

other apes at the park, a zoo official said wednesday. “we ask, we inform our daily visitors and other visitors that one of the monkeys is particularly open for human contact,” zoo spokeswoman Ilse Segers told aP television News. “He was raised by humans in a family and therefore we are trying to integrate him, to try to get more social integration with the group.”

April 19, 2007

Honor for a Dream



Campus Program helps Guide Disabled Students



Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

mize their time in searching for an employer. Masood Azaran, 23, used the program at CSUF to get his new job The Workability IV Program con- with The Department of Veterans Afnects Cal State Fullerton’s disabled fairs. He said the process took about students with prospective employ- two months after his referral from the ers both before and after gradua- Department of Rehabilitation. tion while supporting them through “They showed me the way and what can be a stressful process – the polished my resume,” Azaran said. job hunt. “They were always available to anThe 10-year-old program has swer any job-related questions. I was helped over 100 students to get ei- very pleased.” ther a full or part-time job after The program offers career guidgraduation. ance and encouragement to disabled Partnered with students who are the California looking for a job Department of in the ever-comVocational Repetitive market. They showed me the habilitation, the The students can program has the pick and choose way and polished my ability to reach the services they resume ... I was very a wide variety need from all pleased. of employers those offered in through their the program to statewide conbe successful in – Masood Azaran nections. The the job marketCSUF Alumnus program is also place. funded by the “We have stuDepartment of dents who go all Rehabilitation in over California,” California and is part of a larger ef- Barnes said when asked about the fort to get jobs for disabled people reach of the program that is flourishacross the state, according to the ing statewide. Workability IV Web site. Pre-screening of job applications This free service at CSUF enables is another tool that the program disabled students to get help with offers, with cover letter or resume internship placement, interview development and advertising of the preparation, career planning, and application as well. employment placement without the The program uses its connections application process it would require to serve both past and present CSUF from the Department of Rehabilita- students and is available to any distion. abled students or alumni who are “Students straight out of college committed to getting a job in their expect to get a job right away but field of study, according to the proit takes time,” said Trinette Barnes, gram’s Web site. assistant program coordinator and Located in LH-208, which also job developer for the program. “It’s a houses the Career Center, the ofvery independent program; the stu- fice is open Monday through Friday, dents just follow our job leads.” 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To apply, students The program offers weekly job can contact the office for more inforpostings that a student can use to mation, walk in, or request a referral plan out their job hunt and opti- from Disabled Student Services. For the Daily Titan


BY BETh STIRNAMAN/For the Daily Titan

MLK CELEBRATED- Keynote speaker Gaddi H. Vasquez talks of his experience as an ambassador to the United States at the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration in the Titan Student Union Wednesday night. another Martin Luther King,” Garcia said. Cortes teared up while delivering her speech and lamented that his generation has misplaced priorities. “We’ve been led to believe the struggle is over… but we need to be angry, to be vocal to make a difference,” Cortes said.

Gaddi Vasquez, a United Nations Ambassador for the organization’s agencies in Rome, gave a keynote address focused on humanitarian service. Vasquez, once the director of the Peace Corps, said the words of King inspired him. “We create a possibility of oppor-

tunity for others,” he said. Vasquez said he hopes his role as ambassador to U.N. programs will help other countries get a sens of Aemrica’s diversity. “It’s always important to acknowledge that higher education is the key to opening doors of opportunity,” Vasquez said.

He rarely spoke to anyone. The morning of the shooting, Grewal had bumped into Cho at around 5:00 a.m. Cho did not act out of the ordinary, complete with his usual silent treatment. Poet Nikki Giovanni was one of his professors in 2005. In an interview with CNN, she said that her students were so unnerved by Cho’s behavior, including taking pictures of them with his cell phone, that she had security check out her room. “A couple of students absolutely quit coming to class, “ said Giovanni. She eventually had him taken out of her class, saying that she would quit if

he wasn’t removed. Surfacing on Web sites are Cho’s screenplays written for a class in 2006. Both disturbing and violent, the plots involve accusations of molestation, chain saws and stalkers. “When we read Cho’s plays, it was like something out of a nightmare,” said former classmate Ian MacFarlane, now an AOL employee, wrote on an AOL blog. “The plays had really twisted, macabre violence that used weapons I wouldn’t have even thought of.” In a news conference Wednesday, police said that two female students at Virginia Tech complained to authorities in November and December

2005 about Cho and how he contacted them via telephone and computer. After questioning, the police sent Cho to a mental health facility, but no charges were filed. Neither woman was among the victims in the massacre, police said. Ed Spencer, assistant vice president of student affairs, would not comment on any disciplinary proceedings, saying federal law protects students’ medical privacy even after death. The police are in the process of obtaining search warrants for all of Cho’s medical records according to MSNBC. Nine people remain in hospitals in stable conditions, hospital authorities said.

ShOOTER: PROFESSORS NOTICED WARNING SIGNS From Page 1 the weapons matched the shooting in West Ambler-Johnston Hall. His backpack also contained several rounds of ammunition, along with a receipt for a 9 mm handgun purchased in March – the serial numbers of the guns had been filed off. Cho’s roommates and professors portrayed him as a creepy, solitary figure who avoided making eye contact or speaking with his roommates. Karan Grewal, one of his roommates at Harper Hall, told AP reporters that Cho usually worked alone on his computer and watched TV. He was always alone – in the dining hall, working out with weights in the gym.

An evening of song, inspiration and devotion for social change marked Cal State Fullerton’s third annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration Wednesday night in the Titan Student Union. President Milton Gordon gave the welcoming speech to a crowd of over 100 attendees. “King is very personal to me,” Gordon said. “I grew up in his shadow.” Gordon, who was raised in Chicago where there were “pockets of ethnicities,” recalled attending university in segregated New Orleans. “You could live next door to somebody, but you couldn’t sit next to them on the bus,” Gordon said. Two CSUF students, Adriana Cortes and Eduardo Garcia, were awarded $800 scholarships at the event. Both first year students, one a psychology major, the other sociology major, spoke of their involvement in the Non-Violent Leadership Alliance. “We’ve been patiently waiting for




April 19. 2007

Professor Says Gender Roles Affect College Enrollment BY TOM MADDEN

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Sociologist and part-time professor at Cal State Fullerton, Jack Bedell, gave a lecture regarding gender and the controversies that result from the feminization of childhood Wednesday at the Women’s Center. Bedell’s lecture, entitled “Gender and Education: Public School Controversies,” featured an hourlong explanation on how early labeling could have adverse longterm effects on boys in the public school system. This puts young boys at risk of never reaching college or in some cases their high school graduation.

“You have a coming together of all the factors that are impacting these children,” Bedell said. As the President of the Orange County Board of Education, Bedell oversees the 27 school districts that are in Orange County. In all but one of those districts, every Orange County elementary school has more male students that female students, but the numbers are almost the opposite at the higher education level. “If I said 51 percent of Orange County Elementary students are male, why is Cal State Fullerton 60 percent female…more and more men are not going to college. Where did they go, and more importantly, who are they [the women] going to marry,” Bedell asked. Bedell said he believes that the


KEY NOTE - A lecture on gender roles and public school education is

given by Professor Jack Bedell on Wednesday at the Women’s Center. drop in male college enrollment is a serious issue that has negative social implications that stretch far beyond

the educational system. He said that the combination of a high number of absentee fathers, the decline in

SUPPORT: ShOOTING AFFECTS CAMPUS COMMUNITY said. explicit, and that was the difficulty The counseling services are not the police had,” said Roy to CNN only available to students to deal reporters. “My argument was that he with the trauma created by the seemed so disturbed that we needed shooting, but also for students who to do something about this.” are experiencing problems. This isYet even with counseling services sue was raised with the Virginia Tech available to students, “Students don’t killer who was referred to counseling take it,” Mora said. by his professors. Some students think that it is also Cho’s classup to them to premates and an vent such killings English profesfrom occurring. sor expressed Cho’s roommates If you have a classconcern over his and classmates mate that has a probcreative writsaid that Cho ing assignments. was a “troubled, lem, dont’ wait till Students said his very quiet young they come to you. writings were man” whose “bitwisted and conzarre behavior – Erin Garrett tained explicit became even less Biology Major violence, accordpredictable in ing to CNN. recent weeks,” Lucinda Roy, said roommates former chairJoseph Aust and woman of VirKaran Grewal in ginia Tech’s English department, an Associated Press report. went to the campus police to get help “If you have a classmate that has a and urged Cho to get counseling. problem, don’t wait till they come to “The threats seemed to be un- you,” Garrett said. “You can’t ignore derneath the surface. They were not [such behavior].”

From Page 1 real shocking time for people, but if you look at the number of education facilities [across the nation], we don’t have a high rate of violence,” Gehrls said. “We have to keep things in perspective — it can happen but statistically chances are low.” Although university police is present, other students think that no matter what, “You just have to be careful,” said biology major Elva Mora, 22. “Anything can happen.” In an effort to help students cope with such a tragic incident, the Student Health and Counseling Center encourages students to seek counseling that is available to them on campus. Following the shootings at Virginia Tech, staff at the center “called around campus to see how students were reacting [to the shootings],” said Gail Pakalns, director of counseling and psychological services.“Everyone is concerned, but everyone seems to be OK.” The center received a large amount of calls yesterday, but “that is not necessarily saying that it is because of the shootings at Virginia,” Pakalns

With the killer’s recent identification as a resident alien who immigrated to the United States from South Korea in 1992, certain media associations have reacted against the focus on Cho’s background. The Asian American Journalists Association condemned the “media outlets’ prominent mention that the suspect is an immigrant from South Korea when such a revelation provides no insight or relevance to the story,” stated the AAJA Web site. “It’s important to know his background, but because he was crazy is not because he was from Korea,” said business marketing major David Yi, 21. “I’m not worried. I don’t think this is as big as 9/11 where people of Middle Eastern descent were harassed.” Yet Radio-TV-Film major Hotoshi Nakamura, 19, who came from Japan a year ago to study at CSUF, thinks that the fact that the killer was Asian will hurt Asian American students. “There’s going to be some problems for Asian American students due to stereotypes,” Nakamura said.

male elementary school teachers, the premature labeling that occurs in the public school system and the unfair expectations that society has on males is the perfect recipe for creating a confused youngster. This disconnect between teachers and young male students isn’t something only Bedell has noticed. In the past seven years, female teachers have been paid to undergo in-services and workshops to instruct them on how to better deal with young male mindsets, all of which the Board of Education has promoted. This effort is an attempt to alleviate the possibility of adding to the already 9,000 special program children that the board is responsible for. Out of those 9,000 children, 1,100 of them are in juvenile hall

with 81.7 percent of them being male. Of the 5,000 students in alternative education programs, 61 percent are male while 62 percent of those in special education programs are male as well. For Bedell, this means that, “teachers are giving labels to these boys too early.” While the drop in male students going to college may be alarming, Bedell said he believes it’s more detrimental than simply not being well educated. “School teaches skills, values and more importantly, how to participate in a democracy,” Bedell said. “Public schools are the foundation of a democracy, so if boys are having trouble in school then they will have trouble participating in a democracy.”

Shake It, Don’t Break It

BY JAZMINE GRAZA/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

BELLY DANCING - Dance major Daisy Munoz allured a crowd as she belly danced in the Quad Wednesday afternoon at the Middle Eastern Club’s 3rd Annual Culture Event.

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April 19, 2007




Demand for Student Animators is on the Rise READING: BY MELISSA FITZGERALD

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Demand is on an upswing for animators, said Dana Lamb, a professor of entertainment art and animation at Cal State Fullerton and an internship coordinator. “There are times that companies are very conservative but the past five, six years there has been a lot of growth,” Lamb said. Lamb credits three things for the growth in the animating industry. Economically there’s more money to go around; live action movies using computer-generated scenes have created a large demand; and lastly the gaming industry has exploded, Lamb said. Lamb cited “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy as an example of live action movies needing more animators because of complicated sequences such as the war scenes in the movie. “There are not any human beings in any of that,” Lamb said. With the demand for animators growing, The Walt Disney Co. launched a new apprenticeship program where students can qualify within a month of graduating, Lamb said. But Disney is not the only stu-

dio with internships up for grabs, he said, Nickelodeon also has been one of the key providers. Lamb said Nickelodeon is the No. 1 producer of family-based entertainment. “We have a really good working relationship with [ Ni c k e l o d e o n ] year after year,” Lamb said. Alison Mann, head of recruitment and internships at Nickelodeon, characterized Nickelodeon’s relationship with CSUF as a partnership of education and talent. Mann said in an e-mail interview that Nickelodeon is looking for the best of the best when recruiting interns or new hires and that the industry is very competitive. “We may want to persuade the artists who are at the top of their game to come to our studio. However, it has been my experience that

comes, in part, because of all the one-on-one time he spent with animation professionals. “We’ve been working on a music video for George Clinton,” Munoz said. “Dancers are filmed on a green screen and we mask the head or fuse different heads to different bodies with animation. We’ve also recently worked BY PETRE SPASSOV/Daily Titan Graphic Illustrator on a trailer for TV by drawing there are not as many of those types over the live action to give it a really of people as there are artists that need stylized look.” Munoz said he knew he wanted a little bit of training,” Mann said. Arthur Munoz, a 23-year-old en- to be in the entertainment industry tertainment major, said that the de- after he participated in an art center mand for animators is not only high program that allowed him to take right now, but in the future it will college courses. “I learned a lot from them. It prelikely be higher. Munoz has interned at Titmouse, pared me for college,” Munoz said. Munoz also said that finding an Inc. for more than a month. He said he is satisfied with what he internship was easy for him because has learned, and that satisfaction he had friends who were working for

Titmouse, Inc. and he was more prepared than his competition. “My shift is 1 to 9 p.m. because I am an intern, but the animators can work 16 or 18-hour days,” Munoz said. “It doesn’t feel like work to us, but at the same time you have to get your work done.” As for qualifications, animators don’t necessarily need to be skilled in drawing but it helps, Munoz said. “I don’t draw that much anymore,” Munoz said. “But I do have a background in drawing and executives like if you can sketch your ideas.” Tremayne Hodges, a 30-yearold animation and illustration major, interns at Nickelodeon and said he would love to make a living from drawing. “The industry is interesting but a little strange,” Hodges said. “You see the same people at different studios. You have people going back and forth from different studios.” Hodges also said interns should learn as much as they can from their internships. “The best advice I can give any artist is to do your best. You got to love it,” Munoz said.


From page 1 we are also working with the community and we also plan activities where the children’s families can get involved.” One such activity is the “Family Literacy Night” which happens in the fall and spring semesters. The theme of the night is based on a book the children have read. The children also get a chance to read for their families. Another event that the core members plan is “Jumpstart for a Day” where the members bring CSUF to the children’s schools. Jumpstart has also made it into the record books, on Aug. 24, 2006, when more than 33,000 children participating in 350 centers read “The Little Engine that Could,” along with their partners at same time. One thing that many of the volunteers said they get when they participate in Jumpstart is the great feeling of making a huge impact in a child’s life. “The little things that the kids do make the job really enjoyable,” Davis said. “And it also makes you feel good in the end because you influenced them to realize the value of a good education.”

Supreme Court Rules Partial Birth Abortion not Unconstitutional in 5-4 Decision BY MARK SHERMAN Associated Press Info@ap.org

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court’s new conservative majority gave anti-abortion forces a landmark victory Wednesday in a 54 decision that bans a controversial abortion procedure nationwide. For the first time since the court established a woman’s right to an abortion in 1973, the justices said the Constitution permits a nationwide prohibition on a specific abortion method.

The 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion. Siding with Kennedy were Bush’s two appointees, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, along with Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. The law is constitutional despite not containing an exception that would allow the procedure if needed to preserve a woman’s health, Ken-

nedy said in the majority opinion. Doctors who violate the law could face up to two years in federal prison. In dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the ruling “cannot be understood as anything other than an effort to chip away at a right declared again and again by this court.” Reacting to the ruling, Bush said that it affirms the progress his administration has made to defend the “sanctity of life.” “I am pleased that the Supreme Court has upheld a law that prohib-

its the abhorrent procedure of partial birth abortion,” he said. “Today’s decision affirms that the Constitution does not stand in the way of the people’s representatives enacting laws reflecting the compassion and humanity of America.” It was the first time the court banned a specific procedure in a case over how - not whether - to perform an abortion. Abortion rights groups as well as the leading association of obstetricians and gynecologists have said that such a ruling could threaten most abortions after 12 weeks of

pregnancy, although Kennedy said alternate, more widely used procedures remain legal. More than 1 million abortions are performed in the United States each year. Nearly 90 percent of those occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and are not affected by Wednesday’s ruling. “Today’s decision is alarming,” Ginsburg wrote in dissent for the court’s liberal bloc. She said the ruling “refuses to take ... seriously” previous Supreme Court decisions on abortion. She was joined by Justices Ste-

phen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens. In 2000, the court with key differences in its membership struck down a state ban on partial-birth. The Republican-controlled Congress responded in 2003 by passing a federal law that called the procedure inhumae and unnecessary to preserve a woman’s health. Federal judges in California, Nebraska and New York said the law was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court accepted appeals from California and Nebraska, setting up Wednesday’s ruling.



April 19, 2007

CSUF students share where they go to get away from the stresses of life By Melissa Fitzgerald

Modjeska Canyon

Daily Titan Staff Writer introspect@dailytitan.com

According to the brochure, “Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary has a dual mission-to support science and environmental education and to act as a sanctuary for the preservation of the local native habitat and wildlife.”


29322 Modjeska Canyon Road, Modjeska Canyon, CA 926769801.


From CSUF take the 57S to 91e to the 55S. exit Chapman from the 55 and go east. Chapman turns into Santiago Canyon Road. Continue on Santiago Canyon Road until reaching the “Wildlife Sanctuary” sign. Soon after the sign turn left on Modjeska Can-

I heard about Modjeska Canyon from a long time high school friend who is a big time tree hugging nature boy.


here do you go to get away from the stresses of life? Balmy beaches may be an obvious choice for Cal State Fullerton students because of the close proximity, but there are other less obvious choices waiting to be discovered. Gleb Zilberberg, a 25-year-old business management major, said that he goes for hikes to get away. “I heard about Modjeska Canyon from a long-time high school friend who is a big-time tree-hugging nature boy,” Zilberberg said. He said that it’s a way for him to unwind. “It’s relaxing. And it’s a closer version of Yellowstone,” Zilberberg said. The trails are for everyone and beginners will find them fun, he said. The paths may not be too challenging for professionals, but regardless it is local, Zilberberg said. Modjeska Canyon is located next to Irvine, while beautiful, the wildlife can prove menacing according to Zilberberg. “Bring something – a knife, gun or big stick,” he said. Hikers should beware of snakes. Remember to bring a camera. If you get tired after hiking, there is a bird sanctuary on the premises, Zilberberg said. “The bird sanctuary is a bit outdated and under-budgeted but it’s cool and it’s sponsored by CSUF,” he said. Amanda Wiens, an employee

– Gleb Zilberberg Business Management Major

at Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary in Modjeska Canyon, said it’s a good way to get back to nature. The sanctuary is run by CSUF and is used as a research location by students.

yon Road. The museum is on the left and parking is located in the gravel lot past the sanctuary.

Total Distance: about 30 miles.


Free but donations are excepted and used toward feeding the birds.

Hours of operation:

The Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary is open to the public, Tuesday – Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with the exception of holidays.

By Melissa Fitzgerald/daily titan staff

For more information visit www.tuckerwildlife.org or call (714) 649-2760. -Compiled by Melissa Fitzgerald

“We have a resident bobcat,” Wiens said. Although Wiens smirks as she speaks about the wildlife, she advises to take precautions. “I’d say go in a group,” she said. For safety reasons, hikers should go in at least groups of two and also bring water to stay hydrated, Wiens said. If the thrill of nature is not enough, some find the thrill of gambling as another way to get away from it all. Losing money at the Santa Anita Race Track on a beautiful day may see day triPs - Page 7

Above And Left Modjeska Canyon.

April 19, 2007


InTRoSpeCT Santa Anita Race Track Brief History of the track:

Photos By Melissa Fitzgerald/daily titan sraff Above And beLow-The Santa Anita Race Track.

According to the Santa Anita Web site, the track opened on Christmas Day, 1934 and the former Turf Club, Club House and mammoth Grandstand were designed by the Los Angeles architect Gordon B. Kaufmann. The Web site also notes the racetrack as, “blending Spanishflavored, Art Deco architectural design with luscious landscaping and a wealth of art and ornamental sculpture, the goal was to create not just a racetrack but a grand and beautiful public park. Through the years, the original concept remains intact-and is faithfully enhanced.” After 60 years of welcoming visitors, Santa Anita was renovated in 1999 to a cost of $15 million. But according to Santa Anita’s Web site, the track has only improved. “Today, the glory of America’s most beautiful racing venue shines more brightly than ever before.”

Total distance:

About 33 miles.

General Admission:

$5, Club House admission is $8.50 and Turf Club admission is $20. If the Turf Club is your choice, keep in mind that business casual dress code is required. If dressing is not a hindrance, the Turf Club offers a view of the finish line, restaurant-style dining and wagering amenities according to the Santa Anita Racetrack Web site.

General Information:

Santa Anita opens Dec. 26th every year and is open till late April. April 22nd is the closing racing day this year and April 21st is Fan Appreciation Day. For Fan Appreciation Day the track has discounted each of the following items to a $1: general admission, parking, beer, hot dogs, soft drinks, popcorn, and ice cream. For more information visit www.santaanita.com or for general information call (626) 574-RACe. -Compiled by Melissa Fitzgerald

day triPs: Pounding hearts and hooves at race not be for everyone, but Miriam Solis, a 24-year-old english major, said all the excitement keeps bringing her back. Solis goes every couple of months but wasn’t always a fan. “I was a little girl and I went with my dad. I thought it was boring. I just wanted to see the horses,” she said. But since growing up Solis said that she enjoys the atmosphere much more. The sounds of the pounding horse hooves coupled with the pounding of the booklets in gamblers’ hands

amplify the anticipation, Solis said. “It is exciting and the day goes by really fast,” she said. Between eating hotdogs and drinking beer, Solis said that she places small bets to make the races more interesting. “It’s just laid back and you have those little rushes,” Solis said. There’s more to the racetrack than betting and beer. Solis said she has also noticed the class distinction at the racetrack, which she thinks is interesting to observe. “The separation of classes ... it’s interesting to see that. I like to be

down with the rough crowd or ruffians,” Solis said. Though Solis goes regularly she admits she does not always win. “one time we actually won a decent amount. It was a long shot. We won over $100,” she said. Solis said the grounds of Santa Anita are nice and the caretakers keep it up really well, which is also a plus. She also said if you go to Santa Anita there is a lot to do in the surrounding area after the races. “There’s so much other stuff to do out there. There’s the mall and a lot of good restaurants,” Solis said. Solis’ offered this piece of advice

The separation of classes ... it’s interesting to see that. I like to be down with the rough crowd or ruffians.

– Miriam Solis English Major

(From Page 6)

to new gamblers: study up on the horses and make small bets.

Specials for CSUF Students and Staff

for as little as

$249 per month

Expires 4/30/07

for as little as

$199 per month

*Areas include Back, Shoulders, Chest, and Abdomen


April 19, 2007


Graduating with Green? Not if you Owe on Student Loans

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

A Call to Action Saturday’s Social Justice kitchen; others will work to Summit is a great example provide safety nets so people of how we can improve our can’t slip through the cracks world. as easily. However, too many peoit doesn’t really matter ple seem more eager to talk what we try to improve – the about change, about how aggregate acts of thousands things should be, than to ef- or millions working toward fect that change. a better world is worth more Being a good citizen isn’t than any one person could about being seen saving the ever do. environit doesn’t ment or givreally mating leftovers what Being a good citizen ter to a bum. reasons Being a isn’t about being seen drive any good citizen saving the environment individual is about bet- or giving leftovers to a p e r s o n tering our – whether society. As bum. Being a good cit- p e o p l e college-edu- izen is about bettering s p r e a d cated peo- our society. good work ple, people because of who have their faith benefited in the gosfrom both public schooling pel, their care for their fellow and from the capitalist sys- man or simply because they tem, we Titans have an even feel they have to, it still helps larger responsibility. We are mold this world positively. going to be called upon to There are a lot of terrible be leaders, organizers and things in this world. Some of troubleshooters. our know- it can be called directed evil, how provides no posterity if like the genocides in Rwanit’s only used to advance our- da, former Yugoslavia and selves. now Darfur. As Edmund Burke is supSome of it is born of thouposed to have said, evil can sands or millions of small, only triumph when good careless acts, like the litter men do nothing. building up on a highway. We have a responsibility to But as long as people renot only improve ourselves, main indifferent, uninterestbut the lot of those around ed or otherwise unwilling to us. effect change, the best we can For some people, that expect is a capricious world means volunteering at a soup ruled by petty self-interest.

As graduation nears, the collection notices are starting to pile up By DaraLyN SchOeNewaLD Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

in six weeks, i will be a college graduate and let me tell you, the last four years have gone by so fast. it all seems like a blur of papers, projects, midterms and finals. in fact, it didn’t really hit me that this is the final stretch of my collegiate career until i started getting notices in the mail that the grace period for my student loans is ending soon. There’s nothing like a bill for over $25,000 in loan repayments to make reality set in. i estimate that at $40 a month – the minimum payment – it will take me just about the rest of my adult life to pay off what i owe. i really regret frittering that mon-

ey away now. if i’d known i’d be repaying it until my hair turns gray, i never would have bought all those clothes and things that i thought i needed at the time. Honestly, i don’t even remember what i spent all that loan money on. i just know that i spent it on stuff i didn’t really need. Come to think of it, i bought one of those mini-fridges, which i rarely used and ultimately ended up giving away. As i reflect back on those loans and the amount of money they represent, i wonder if i knew what i was getting myself into when i signed the promissory notes. But i do know for certain that i would never have gotten through college without taking out loans. My family was unable to help with school expenses and even working a part-time job through school wasn’t enough for me to be able to afford the constantly increasing price of a higher education. in theory, student loans are a great idea for those who otherwise might not be able to afford an education.

Students don’t have to worry about repaying the loans until graduation.The money allows those students to earn degrees that will hypothetically net a well-paying job. However, as i stand on the threshold of graduation, it just seems like student loans are only one more way we students get nickel-and-dimed to death. Tuition and miscellaneous student fees have increased dramatically since i first enrolled in 2003, with an additional fee hike of seven percent set for this fall. The cost of textbooks skyrockets every semester and it has become harder to sell books back to try to recoup any money, since publishing companies are constantly slapping a new cover on an old book and calling it a new edition. Even the rent i pay for my apartment is increasing this

June when i resign my

lease. And even though student loans are widely regarded to be a good value to us debt-laden, cash poor students, the interest rates on them increase every year, just like tuition. i’m left here on the precipice of graduating, broke to be sure, but grateful to just be done with school. And i’ll likely continue to be broke until these loans are finally paid in full. i can only hope that all the loans i took out will be worth it, that i will actually find a well-paying job and that the interest rates won’t get so high that i get bogged down in of debt before i even have a chance to begin my life.

Necessary to Take Action Against Social Injustice Recent reports of crimes against humanity should inspire action By Grace J. Lee

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

imagine being stripped of your basic rights given to you as a citizen of this country. Try giving up your right to speak or your right to vote. Most of us wouldn’t last one minute without complaining or throwing a temper tantrum. But the reality is: There are places in the world where people are living with no rights at all. one of these suffering nations is north Korea, a country that suffers from far more than just

a few human rights violations. A report from the BBC’s “This World” revealed that “north Korea is killing political prisoners in gas chambers.” They also discovered that new chemical weapons were being tested on women and children, as well as the families of rebels and political prisoners held in secret jails. imagine the conditions these people live in. imagine the emotional, physical and psychological state most of them go through on a daily basis. They are being executed without reason and their lives are of no value in their country. Families are packed together while individual prisoners stand alone awaiting death, whether it is in an airtight gas chamber or a dark room. one witness, from the BBC reports, testified that scientists watch prisoners suffocate to death in gas cham-

bers through glass windows. What kind of world is this – that someone would passively watch another person die through a glass window? our world is doomed if this type of mentality exists. Social injustice is real and it is happening in our world right now. Although we will likely never be able to completely get rid of all the problems in the world, we can still do our part to fulfill our individual duties to change people’s lives. not all of us have to be in the United nations or peace Corps to make a difference. Even a small step of action can impact the world. it all comes down to how much love and care we have for those we do not know, those who are not directly a part of our lives. our individualistic society has numbed us from feeling

anything in the midst of injustice. ignorance has become more popular and acknowledging the truth has become dangerous for us – our generation has become so egocentric. We refuse to look at anything that forces us to open up our eyes and see reality the way it is. Remembering that we are created to depend on one another and that we ultimately need each other may help us take action. it is imperative to do something about the horrible things happening to not only the good people in north Korea today, but individuals worldwide. This weekend is the social justice summit on campus. it is the perfect opportunity to learn and to take action. Change is possible. As someone once said, “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

If You are all Grown Up, Braces can be a Bitch if you’re not a teenager, brace yourself for some trouble with braces.

LETTERS To THE EDiToR Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

By Sarah GammiLL

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

in life there is the good, the bad and the ugly. For me, braces are all of those wrapped up into one. it all began back in elementary school where i was known as Bucky Beaver; that freakishly tall girl with the enormous gap between her teeth.

i’ll never forget those kids saying i could open a coke can with my teeth (which i could not). it was an awful experience, so when i entered eighth grade i decided to get my beaver teeth fixed. My braces only had to be on for eight months. Afterward i had that award-winning smile i always wanted. now, i was complimented on my teeth and sometimes even asked if they were my own. They were. With this, the past nine years have passed without any other incidents. Five months ago though, i noticed a gap on the side of my teeth. i decided to get braces to correct it. i figured this wouldn’t be bad considering my experience before was great. Yet, little did i know, i was entering a whole new world, a world where braces were taboo at my age. Yeah, Tom Cruise got braces later in life, but he’s loony.

This time, i had to get braces on the top and bottom and have them on for over a year. The experience, the second time around, has been my worst yet. i somehow forgot that i am not a 14–year-old kid anymore, and that the only people i know with braces are my 16-year-old cousins. it’s as though the only thing anyone can see is my braces. Before when i would order a drink i wouldn’t have to show i.D., now i do. When i went to get my nose pierced they asked if i was 18 yet. i’ll be turning 23 soon. When i asked for a job application recently, i was told that i must be at least16 years old to work there. i set the record straight. My biggest pet peeve about my braces though comes when i am out with my boyfriend. When we go out to dinner or to stores, i constantly have people asking me if i am his little sister. not cool! Braces are also my enemy after

i eat, which has to be the absolute worst part of having them. Being that i am constantly talking to people, sometimes i am unsure if all that food is out. Yesterday i found myself sitting in my car for 20 minutes trying to floss to get a piece of food that was wedged between my braces, while my boyfriend sat disgusted. There is no way to feel sexy with braces, unless there’s no smiling involved. i get dressed up, do my hair and makeup, but then i look in the mirror and smile. “Wow,” i think. it’s like the braces cancel out all my preparation. They’re the center of attention, the bear trap in my mouth.” it’s not exactly the type of bling that i want in my mouth, but the question is, are they worth it? Are they worth the self-consciousness that i feel? At the moment i say “hell no,” but in the long run when they’re off i’ll say, “yes.” Therefore, until they’re off i’ll continue to feel like Ugly Betty’s twin.


April 19, 2007




Losing My Religion BY Dave



Honey, Get The Door curious, the oxford Annotated is formulate a verse that is half metareally good and close to the earliest phor and half literal. Greek and Hebrew translations. Another personal favorite of Another observation i had when mine is their fanciful interpretatalking to Witnesses is that they all tion of Matthew 24:34, where Jeespouse the same party line like sus tells his disciples that some of robots. it seems to be a situation them will still be alive when the where the church (sic) has done end of the world comes. For years all the thinking, all the work and Jehovah’s Witnesses, referring to come up with all the answers. The their failed prophecy of 1914 average Witness simply absorbs the which they reinterpreted to mean spoon-fed answers and interpreta- that Jesus did in fact come invisibly tions without question. And a lot in 1914, have been saying that in of those interpretations seem to be fact Jesus was not referring to his based on taking several unrelated disciples, but rather to people who Bible verses and piecing them to- were living in 1914 still being alive gether, completely out of context. when Armageddon begins. As the So when i ask ranks of those the Witness in alive in 1914 my living room a continue to get precisely crafted thinner and thinquestion, what ner, last i heard As an atheist, these they follows is the have now equivalent of ants groups don’t trouble changed their losing their place me more than any stance on this. in line. i am not a surprise. i other might. Most What impressed at all never would have with the Biblical of the Mormons and seen that spin job knowledge of the Witnesses i’ve met coming. Witnesses i meet. is are good people and thatThe thereality And like many roots others, they seem generally friendly and of the Witness to take the liberty trustworthy. For the movement lie of interpreting most part i think that with one Charles certain parts of Taze Russell, who the Bible literally their beliefs are harm- made money and others meta- less, except sometimes cheating farmers phorically to suit to themselves ... by selling his very their beliefs. pricey “Miracle For example, Wheat”, which the Bible menhe claimed grew tions 144,000 five times faster male virgin Jews than regular who will make up wheat. The govthe Heavenly choir when the end ernment eventually determined of days comes (Revelation 7:4-8, that his Miracle Wheat was no 14:1-4). Witnesses take this to different than regular wheat, and mean that seats in Heaven are lim- he wound up in litigation. You ited, and that only 144,000 will have to wonder right there about go to Heaven when Jesus returns. his credibility. Also, he was firmly Everyone on Earth will be slaugh- convinced that the battle of Artered in horrific fashion, save for mageddon would occur in 1914. the smiling faithful Witnesses who Since then, Witnesses have made will get to go on for 1000 years and unfulfilled predictions of the end get a shot at immortality spent on of the world as we know it occurEarth in bliss. So they take the ref- ring in 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, erence to the 144,000 literally, but 1941, 1975 and 1994. They are they don’t take the part about male still convinced that the end is very virgin Jews literally, but a meta- near, but eventually they will learn phor. That folks, is called having to get out of the prediction busiyour cake and eating it too. How ness. While they are at it, they can absurd to think that God would stop flip-flopping some of their

Everybody loves answering the door to discover a friendly Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness in their presence. i know i do, but that’s because i gain a perverse satisfaction from putting them to the test. Usually it is they who want to get away from me rather than the other way around. one thing that bemuses me is that i’ve found that none of them have any real historical knowledge of their religious organization. As an atheist, these groups don’t trouble me more than any others might. Most of the Mormons and Witnesses i’ve met are good people and generally friendly and trustworthy. For the most part i think that their beliefs are harmless, except sometimes to themselves, if the allegations i’ve heard of widespread sexual and other abuses being suppressed and even tolerated by their organizations are accurate. From my experiences past and present, mainstream Christians are generally hostile toward them, but usually it’s under their breath. i still get told to stay clear of them – they’re a cult, they’re brainwashed, etc. There are even ex-Witnesses and Mormons who organize into watchdog groups and they are happy to share all the horror stories with you. one has to take a lot of that stuff with a grain of salt, but curiosity got the best of me and eventually led me to examine the claims of these religions. The Witnesses have more knowledge of the Bible than the guy on the street, however, there are some problems with this. For one thing, they have their own Bible translation called the new World Translation. Coincidentally, in certain places where there is ambiguity in the Bible, the nWT translates in a manner as to fit perfectly with their own peculiar doctrines (e.g. no belief in a literal Hell, denial of the Trinity, Jesus is not God, etc.). This is nothing new, as there are many Bibles out there that differ greatly, and each one of them makes the claim of being God’s absolute word. However, the secular scholarly community does not consider the nWT to be a scholarly translation. if you are

E-mail Dave at opinion@dailytitan.com

beliefs like political candidates any time now. According to Witness doctrine, all of the churches of the world are under the control of Satan, except for them of course. if you aren’t with them, then essentially you are screwed regardless of what you do. There is no hell, but you won’t get to live forever and if you are alive when the end comes, you will die a horrific death. However, i wouldn’t lose any sleep over it if i were you. They want to believe that they are somehow special, and hallelujah to them for it, but at the end of the day their beliefs do not hold up to scrutiny. on to the Mormons, i had some missionaries visit me at the request of somebody i know. These young men were pretty nice guys, and one of them shared the story with me about how Joseph Smith was a prophet of God who received revelation via golden plates hidden on a mountain. He told me how theirs was the true church of God and the rest of the story. i listened intently, and then asked him what hard physical evidence he had that any of that story was true. He replied that if it was evidence that i was looking for (of course it was), he couldn’t give that to me. What he had was a feeling in his heart that told him that his beliefs were true. Great. Mormonism is true because he has gas, heartburn or the warm fuzzies. There’s compelling evidence if i’ve ever seen it. There has to be other reasons that make people want to convert to Mormonism than some bull-bleep story. The Book of Mormon is the core scripture to the Latter-Day Saints, and this book is also the key to examining the truth-value of their beliefs. The book is said to be a historical account of a group of israelites who journeyed to a previously uninhabited America. The time period is 600BC-400AD. now Joseph Smith translated this text with divine help, and he was translating golden plates that were written in reformed Egyptian and conveniently translated into King James-style english. Much of the book seems to be a plagiarism of

the King James Bible, with stories that draw close parallels to Bible stories. one issue that jumps off the pages is the fact that many of the claims in it are clearly falsifiable. For example, this account of American history describes large civilizations for which there is no archaeological evidence. it refers to horses, cattle, pigs, elephants and other animals that did not exist in Mesoamerica prior to the Spaniards importing them. Also described are crops that didn’t exist, while actual animals and crops that did exist in the region are never referred to. Some of the names of the characters are Greek, when in fact the Greek influence on the israelites would not have come until the 4th century B.C. There are chariots and steel swords, when neither the wheel nor steel technology was available in this region. These are but a few of the many problems that need to be addressed when taking this book as genuine history. Another blunder by Smith lies in his translations of Egyptian hieroglyphics. The language was considered undecipherable in his day, and when the Rosetta stone was finally deciphered, Smith’s translations of Egyptian characters were found to be utter nonsense. in one instance, Smith translated some documents found with a mummy and discovered that they were the writings of Abraham himself! Some of those papyri actually survived a fire to this day, and when examined by Egyptologists, well … in the words of F.S. Spaulding, Smith’s translations were “a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end.” The nail in the coffin of the Book of Mormon lies in its claim that the native Americans descended from Hebraic origin. This was a theory going around the mill in Smith’s day. However, modern DnA evidence has thoroughly refuted that claim and shows that they, in fact, descend from Asiatic origin. now i don’t dislike Mormons and Witnesses, and i am not intolerant of them for their beliefs, but if they want to seek me out with their claims and their stories, then they become fair game for me to call them on their bull.

Regarding “Harmony in Conflict 4/10,” Harmony, i read your article titled, “Jefferson Thought You Were an idiot” last week and my initial reaction was disappointment. Your perception of America and the words our forefathers wrote centuries ago is sad, but not surprising of a young person with very little life experience. While the US is far from perfect, the idea of Thomas Jefferson’s words were a vision that our country would continue to strive for equality of all people. our country has progressed greatly in this area, especially over the past 60 years as our country has broken down gender and ethnic barriers to create opportunities for ALL people. i recommend that you read Harold G. Moore’s book “We Were Soldiers once ... And Young” about the men of the 7th Cavalry who fought in Vietnam. The unit was composed of men from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and included soldiers who were white, asian, black and hispanic.. Although outnumbered, their ability to work as a team led to victory in battle. These men fought to preserve a vision by Jefferson that our country is based on, equality and opportunity for all. Many of these men died preserving our values, something that many men AnD women are doing everyday in the Middle East while you attend college. My wife and i come from different ethnic backgrounds and our son is a bi-racial child who, generations ago, would probably not have the same opportunities afforded to others. My wife and i are both veterans of foreign wars and are proud to be members of a great nation, something we don’t take for granted nor criticize because we feel inferior. You are afforded the opportunity to attend an excellent college at a decent tuition price. You were also chosen to write for a respected campus newspaper. i tend to believe that your socioeconomic background had nothing to do with your selection for this position. That is the true meaning of opportunity in America. Add to the fact that you are a woman, and think of how many newspapers you could write for outside this great nation … not many. America is the only nation that affords such opportunities. Good luck with your future as you will someday leave college and seek to achieve opportunities in the real world. i suggest you dismiss your feelings that you are somehow mistreated and work towards success on your merit and talent. David Kowalski

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April 19, 2007



I Think I’ll Just Do it Tomorrow By CaiTLyN COLLiNS

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

it is approaching that time of year. The libraries are full, class attendance is down and all over campus, students have the hurried, determined walks of people who need to get somewhere – fast. Students are researching papers with any spare time they can find, skipping classes to finish assignments from other classes and some are even bringing laptops to class. This is not to take notes like usual, but to do work from other classes. With a little less than a month until finals week, many students have entered into panic mode. How will we finish all of our assignments in just one month? With allnighters, a loss of a social life and entire weekends dedicated only to homework in mind, a common cry is heard. “Why do professors assign all of our assignments at once and right at the end of the semester?” As a graduating senior, i understand the frustration. i have so many assignments to complete that i’ve had to give up a lot of social

time and sleep to finish them. i’ve nighter during her four years of colpulled more all-nighters and spent lege until this semester. more late nights doing homework She’s an overachiever for sure, in the last two weeks than i have but maybe the rest of us procrastiduring my four years of college com- nators can learn from her example. bined. She starts on big assignments at least However, i can’t blame any of this two weeks ahead of time and finishes on my professors. them with enough Most professors time to ask me to adequately prepare edit them for her. their students for i’ve pulled more all- But even when the end of the se- nighters procrasand spent students mester. in the betinate, profesginning, professors more late nights doing sors are almost give syllabi to every homework in the last always willing to student and most two weeks than i have work with them. spend the first day Countless times of class reading it during my four years professors have exout loud and point- of college combined. tended deadlines ing out due dates to for unique student their students. it is situations and prothe students’ job to vided extra credit retain that informawork when they tion and start planning their semes- didn’t need to. ters accordingly. However, if students prepared While it’s true that many profes- for the semester by consolidating all sors assign due dates close together their due dates onto one calendar at the middle and end of the se- and managing their free time better, mester, students should be aware of professors wouldn’t have to do all that at the beginning of the semes- that extra work. ter. plus, second-year students and it isn’t a professor’s job to cater above should know how a semester to individual students’ lives. it is a works and that they will inevitably professor’s job to teach, and part of have a heavier workload during mid- that lesson is allowing students to terms and the weeks leading up to become responsible adults. Students finals. have only themselves to blame when And it’s definitely possible to the workload piles up, and profesplan ahead. Take my roommate, for sors cannot be blamed for students’ example, who hasn’t pulled an all- lack of preparation.

As finals approach students have themselves to blame for procrastination

“A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” - Arthur Miller

EDiToR: This letter is days overdue and i realize that. A member of my fraternity has a regular piece every Monday in the Daily Titan. on 4/16 he published an article entitled “The First Time.” This article upset and offended many at CSUF, including myself, but this time the line was crossed. This piece does not speak for Sigma nu Fraternity, inc. in any way, shape or form. We are, and will always be, a fraternity of gentlemen. We are taught the values of Love, Truth, Honor, Mind, Heart and Character. it is unfortunate that one person can bring a blemish to what Sigma nu truly stands for, as well as all other Greek organizations, especially after Greek Week, five days full of events which raise funds and awareness for CSUF’s philanthropy, Camp Titan. The American collegiate fraternity is an institute that promotes academics, philanthropy, campus involvement, leadership, brotherhood, networking, civility and appropriate social behavior. i wish there was enough room in this paper to convey to you the true meaning and purpose of Sigma nu Fraternity and Greek Life, but words cannot replicate experience. Francis “Bubba” Sanchez President, Sigma Nu

How Many Tragedies Until We Have Real Gun Control? By CHRiSTiNa SUaREZ

Daily Titan Freelance Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Recently i have been thinking about what has taken place in our country, so many school shootings it is really hard to keep track of them. We all remember the Columbine massacre that took the lives of 12 students and a teacher. More recently the shootings that occurred at Virginia Tech University that killed 33, including the lone gunman, while injuring more than 30 students, faculty and staff. it makes me wonder, will we ever live in a country with gun control? After these school shootings it is even more evident to me that the government needs to change our gun control policies. The only ones who should have guns should be police and military. Don’t get me wrong,

i am not trying to take away the rights of all the hunters out there, they should be able to hunt because they have the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment. All i am saying is that guns should be given to those who actually need them. America has one of the highest gun death rates in the world and is increasing daily. Compared to other countries with stricter gun control America is living in the dark ages, big time. Canada is a great example of a country that has kept a tight hold on who gets guns and how they use them. i believe America should be the same way. According to The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, more than 80 Americans die from gun deaths per day. Many groups such as the The Coalition and the grassroots

organization The Million Mom March have actively tried to change gun control laws and have been unsuccessful. According to The Million Mom March chapters, more than 148,000 people have been killed in America by a gun and 14,500 of them are children and teens. i saw a news report a month ago that horrified me. A man took his 3-year-old son into a gun store with him to purchase an AK47, also known as a “cop killer” gun. The man gave his son a fully loaded gun and hoisted it on his shoulder while telling him that he is a soldier and must kill people. This has got to stop! is our government to blame or the nRA? These people believe that everyone has the right to own guns,

as long as they obey the laws that go along with them. The government and the nRA need to wake up and realize there is a huge problem that is not going to be solved by doing nothing. Schools should be a safe place to learn and grow, not a place to be scared for your life. Students should not have to worry that someone is carrying assault rifles and 9 mm guns in their backpacks. i can only dream about the future and hope that my children and grandchildren will not have to worry about students bringing guns to school. Hopefully they can go to school without being searched and scanned before entering a classroom. if we don’t get smart and believe that we need gun control in this country that will be the reality for future generations. Thank you, Mr. president.

EDiToR: Regarding “Howard’s private parts not That Big Afterall 4/16,” i think you really missed the point on the Don imus piece. To say that Howard Stern should be the one to defend Don imus is outrageous. not to mention the attack on his change from terrestrial radio to satellite radio. To say that he is obscure today because of his move has nothing to do with the defense of imus. The number of subscribers has risen from under 1 million in late 2004 to over 6 million in late 2006. if that’s not relevance i don’t know what is. He has single-handedly saved Sirius and killed satellite radio. obviously you have not seen the ratings drop of 97.1 FM which was in the top three with Stern on, now has fallen out of the top 20 even with Adam Carolla. not to mention the way stations are scrambling to change their formats because terrestrial radio is garbage and everyone knows it. You cannot listen to music anymore for one hour without hearing “Universal City nissan!!!” or hearing “Last night” by p. Diddy five times in a row! Why are people going to pay for radio? So they don’t have to listen to Rick “d-----bag” Dees and his “spousal arousal.” people said the same thing about FM when AM was cool. not to forget everyone said the same thing about cable when regular TV was the norm. Stern left because his show became a watered down version of what it was in previous years at its height. The FCC was on witch hunt and the only witch they were going after was Stern. i am an avid listener to Stern’s morning show. You strike me as a person who obviously thinks they understand the show but have no clue what they are talking about. Howard Stern is funny, brilliant and a comedic genius. His show is satirical humor. To put it into perspective, it is similar to the television show “All in the Family.” Half the nation loved Archie Bunker because he was a racist. Those people are the idiots of America who do not understand satire. The same people who don’t understand that Stern brings this humor out to point out how idiotic it really is. He has a KKK leader by the name of Daniel Karver regularly on the show; it is hilarious to hear his reasoning for hating minorities. That’s the point to show how dumb these people really are by exposing them. Nicholas Rojas Communications Major

EDiToR: Ever since graduating from Cal Berkeley, i’ve been living with my brother (who goes to school here) for the last year. Fortunately i have a flexible work schedule and i’ve managed to find time to satisfy my intellectual curiosity by taking a class here and there. Anyways i’ve noticed as with most students who attend CSUF is that it is lacking in school spirit. Aside from all the various factors that are responsible for this pit-


fall, the Daily Titan is one of them too. At Berkeley, a school that has nearly the same student enrollment and commuter students, our newspaper was and is more spirited and informative than what seems like a city-community newspaper that you get for free in the mail once a week. The big thing that you guys are missing is keeping the school together in the form of information. Keeping CSUF informed about CSUF activities, events, accolades, etc...is VERY important especially in an area like athletics. For example (i was a track ath lete at Berkeley which is why this stands out for me), you guys have a track team. i wouldn’t know that because you guys haven’t written one single article on their success this year. instead i’ve read articles about the Lakers, Clippers, Angels and other professional teams. That’s great but students would rather read an article in the LA Times, oC Register or ESpn.com for information on their favorite team rather than a student’s attempt to cover a pro team. This is no attack on your guys’ paper, but these are the areas where you guys need improvement. As a former track athlete, that part hit home for me because getting mentioned in the Daily Californian was always a big deal and there was always an equal amount of articles written about each sport whether it was football or crew. You guys seriously have an awesome track team, give them some print space. Ozzie EDiToR: Regarding Dave Bruemmer’s “Losing My Religion,” i’m responding to your article and as a 50-yearold Cal State grad who’s had a few years of religious training, some of your points are well taken. But i still get the feeling that you’re telling yourself and your peers that you’re an atheist just so maybe God might change your mind. Unfortuneately that’s not going to happen. The evidence is too overwhelming for a simplistic “oh i’m an atheist now” attitude. The idea behind “God” is that people can enjoy/respect/love Creation in the present – whether it be a tree, kids, a wife, fish, the ocean – whatever. From that simplistic viewpoint comes an observation onLY with the Unknowable – that life has billions and billions of different facets and not just a few but we are still a part of that. if you care to explore it further there’s 3 or 4 books out now that explore scientific evidence for Creation. Also, it sounds like you and your friends have a grudge against Christianity – fine. Christians are dull and boring people and think only in Absolutes. Go around them then. Talk to an orthodox Jew about their religion and see if they’re still looking. Quite often God will meet you halfway... Brent Waterbury

April 19, 2007

Urlacher Fined For Wearing Hat

looKINg For a coMeBacK

offensive Woes For Angels’ Lineup Continue in 3-0 Shutout Loss to A’s Questions linger over Vladimir Guerrero and Howie Kendricks’ health

Associated Press

Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher was fined $100,000 by the NFL for wearing a cap during Super Bowl media day that promoted a sponsor not authorized by the league. NFL rules prohibit gear that advertises any product but a designated sponsor, league spokesman Brian McCarthy said Wednesday. Urlacher was fined for drinking vitaminwater and wearing a vitaminwater hat during the media session in Miami leading to the title game. Gatorade is the NFL’s official drink. McCarthy said this is the first time such a fine has been levied. He added that $100,000 is the standard fine for such a violation at the Super Bowl. The fine recalls an episode involving Chicago quarterback Jim McMahon in the playoffs following the 1985 season, the previous time the Bears made the Super Bowl. McMahon wore a headband that said “adidas” in a playoff game against the New York Giants, and then-commissioner Pete Rozelle fined him $5,000 because the shoe company was not an NFL sponsor.

He retired 14 of 15 hitters during one stretch in a game that took just 2 hours, 9 minutes. Justin Duchscherer worked the eighth and Huston Street earned his fourth save in four chances by pitching a perfect ninth to complete the Associated Press five-hitter. “It’s not just Vlad but Chone FigDan Haren enjoyed watching his gins and Kendrick, too,” Street said. fellow Oakland pitchers succeed. He “It’s not their No. 1 lineup, so you finally got a chance to join in the get a chance to take two games from fun. them.” Haren outpitched John Lackey for Lackey (2-2) lost to the A’s for only his first win of the season and Eric the third time in 20 career starts. Chavez drove He allowed in two runs to three runs and help the Atheight hits over letics beat the To lose (Guerrero) for an seven innings, injury-depleted striking out Angels 3-0 on extended period of time four and walkW e d n e s d a y, would not be a good thing. ing two. handing Los Going against Haren, I had Lackey is Angeles its sixth 10-3 against to throw zeros to win. straight loss. Oakland, and Nick Swisher he had given also drove in a – John Lackey up just three run for the A’s, Angels’ Starting Pitcher runs in his who have won previous four three in a row starts against for the first time the A’s, a span this year. of 31 innings. “It’s not fun “To lose (Guerrero) for an exgoing home without a win, but I felt tended period of time would not be good pitching well,” Haren said. “To a good thing,” Lackey said. “Going get the ‘W’ is something extra. Now against Haren, I had to throw zeros I can enjoy my day off in Texas and to win.” just sit around the pool.” The Angels were 0-for-6 with A’s starting pitchers lead the ma- runners in scoring position. They are jors with a 2.07 ERA and have al- hitting .152 in their past 10 games lowed three or fewer runs in each of in such situations. the last 13 games. “For a string of games, I don’t “Another quality performance know if I’ve ever seen us struggle so from a starting pitcher,” A’s manager much in total offense, not just the Bob Geren said. “Haren matched batters’ box but trying to maybe get Lackey pitch for pitch and we were on base somehow or move runners,” able to string a couple of hits to- Angels manager Mike Scioscia said. gether in that one inning. That’s all “Right now we’re as stagnant as I’ve it took.” seen.” The Angels’ offensive woes conJason Kendall and Marco Scutaro tinued without their top two hitters. opened the third inning with singles Vladimir Guerrero and Howie Ken- and Lackey walked Shannon Stewart drick were both out of the lineup af- to load the bases. ter getting hit by pitches this week. Swisher’s grounder drove in one They flew to Los Angeles on run and Chavez followed with an Wednesday to see a hand specialist. RBI single. Chone Figgins is also sidelined for “Lackey always gives us trouble,” the Angels, who have dropped eight said Chavez, who added a run-scorof nine. ing single in the fifth. “He’s one “Without Vlad and Kendrick in of the best pitchers in the league. there we knew it was a game we had They’re beat up and we needed to to have,” Haren said. “It’s a different take advantage while they’re down.” lineup without them. I’d rather face A’s OF Milton Bradley missed his almost anyone else in the American sixth game with a strained left hamLeague than Vlad.” string. Making his 100th career appearHe could return to action Friday ance, Haren (1-2) allowed four hits night. ... Figgins, recovering from in seven sharp innings. two fractured fingers, took the day He did not walk a batter and off after participating in batting struck out three. practice Tuesday.

Titan Track and Field Signs Six Titan Athletics Media Relations Five California high school seniors and one community college transfer have signed national letters of intent to continue their track and field careers next year at Cal State Fullerton. Three hurdlers, two distances runners and one sprinter comprise the first group of Titans’ signees during this recruiting period. Hurdler Tracy Sanchez of Golden West Community College in Huntington Beach will be joined in Fullerton next year by hurdlers Lauren Williams of Chino Hills High School and RaNee Woods of Otay Ranch High School in Chula Vista, distance runners Brent Handa of Fall River High School in McArthur, California, and Sean Laurino of El Toro High School and sprinter Ciara Short of Madison High School in San Diego.



By carlos delgado/daily Titan staff Photographer

ANOTHER SHOT - Cal State Fullerton’s Sean Urena will look to come back out this Sunday and give the Titans a better effort. In last Sunday’s 9-8 win against UC Davis, Urena only lasted 1 2/3 innings, allowing four hits and three runs [two earned], while walking two and throwing 44 pitches. For the season, Urena has a 4.08 ERA and a 3-3 won-loss record in 11 starts. He has allowed 52 hits in 53 innings and struck out 34 while walking 18. The No. 17 ranked Titan baseball team [23-12, 4-2 Big West] hosts Pacific in a Big West Conference battle this weekend at Goodwin Field. The first game will be Friday at 7 p.m., the second game will be at 6 p.m. and the series finale will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday. The Titans have won their last four non-conference games including a win against USC and a three-game sweep against UC Davis. The Tigers, led by former Major Leaguer Ed Sprague are looking for their first win against CSUF since 2002. Under Sprague, the Tigers are 0-9 against the Titans. This season, the Tigers have struggled with an overall record of 10-28-1 with an 0-6 won-loss record in the Big West.



April 19, 2007

Washington Nationals Show Their Support and Wear Virginia Tech Caps to Show Support for Shooting Victims The Washington Nationals wore Virginia Tech baseball caps during Tuesday night’s game against the Atlanta Braves as a tribute to the victims of the shooting rampage at the school. “It was an honor to wear that hat,” Washington center fielder Ryan Church said after his team’s 6-4 loss. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.” Nationals players wore a few different versions of the hats; most were burgundy with “VT” in orange or white. Manager Manny Acta, pitching coach Randy St. Claire and other coaches wore white “VT” caps with burgundy stitching.

PITCHING IN – Cal State Fullerton’s Jessica Doucette makes a throw during the Titans’ 4-1 win over Nevada earlier this season. Doucette has been one of the Titans’ mainstays in the circle with a 2.67 ERA and a 4-5 record.

soFTBall: BaTTle For THe ToP

team earn their runs,” Kolze said. “Fullerton is too good of a team to be giving extra outs to.” (From Page 14) The Titans swept the Tigers last Weekley and Jessica Doucette. All three are in the Top 15 in ERA year by a combined score of 24-3, including two and will need shutouts. to stay sharp Titan Head to stop the TiCoach Michelle gers offense. We have been paying Gromacki is Baker leads looking to get attention to detail and the Titans to 300 with a record have worked harder this closer wins. of 15-9 while year than we ever have The eighth Weekley has year head coach before. the team’s best is at 297 wins – Brian Kolze ERA with a and will look get Pacific Tigers Head Coach mark of 1.95. to the milestone Kolze said it mark sooner than will be the litlater. tle things that Saturday’s first decide who game will begin at noon with the comes out of this series on top. second game tentatively schedule for “Who advances the runners, which pitchers make the batters earn 2 p.m. Sunday’s finale will also begin the hit and who makes the other at noon.

The Nationals held moments of silence for the victims of Monday’s shooting before their home games Monday and Tuesday. Washington’s RFK Stadium is a drive of about four hours from the university’s Blacksburg campus. “This happening in our backyard, we’re more sensitive to this than anybody,” Kasten said. Nationals third baseman Ryan Zimmerman is from Virginia Beach and went to college at Virginia Tech rival Virginia. “It was special, especially for me, them kind of being the school we always wanted to beat, more than anybody else,” Zimmerman said. “It kind of shows you how little sports mean. It makes you realize how lucky we have it and not to take any days for granted.”

Mighty Ducks Look to Rock the Honda Center and Move Past the Minnesota Wild Associated Press Ducks center Ryan Getzlaf wasn’t really surprised the Minnesota Wild finally won a game in their openinground playoff series. “We never expected to shut them down the whole series. They’re a good club,” Getzlaf said Wednesday following a brisk practice. After a 4-1 victory by the Wild in Minnesota, the Ducks will take a 31 lead in the best-of-seven series into Thursday night’s game in Anaheim. Looking back on the loss, Getzlaf said, “We scored the first goal and felt comfortable, maybe too comfortable.” Anaheim forward Teemu Selanne said the Wild played with a greater sense of urgency. “They were more desperate than we were; if they lost, they go home for the summer,” he said. The series steamed up in Game 4, with Anaheim forward Brad May receiving a match penalty and a game

misconduct for punching Minnesota playoffs. defenseman Kim Johnsson with less “We know the series is heating than two minutes remaining. up, the intensity is ramping up,” he The NHL is reviewing the play said. “We’ve played four games and and could each game suspend May. was more inJohnsson, who tense.” has been unSaid GetPlaying a seven-game dergoing tests, zlaf: “Playseries, it’s going to have didn’t make ing a sevena little chippiness. If it the trip and game series, won’t play in it’s going to weren’t, we wouldn’t be Game 5. a little taking it seriously enough. have Asked if he chippiness. – Ryan Getzlaf thought that If it weren’t, Anaheim Mighty Ducks Center incident might we wouldn’t provide more be taking motivation it seriously for the Wild, enough.” Rolston said, Minnesota “No. The motivation’s there anyway. coach Jacques Lemaire wouldn’t say I think we have to compete hard, how he might shuffle his lines for the but stay disciplined. We don’t want game. to hurt ourselves by taking penalties In the Wild’s victory, he put his that we shouldn’t.” top three scorers, Rolston, Marian Anaheim coach Randy Carlyle ex- Gaborik and Pavol Demitra, on one pected the emotions to keep build- line. ing, as it usually does through the Minnesota, held to a total of four

By Carlos delgado/daily Titan staff Photographer

Left fielder Chris Snelling’s cap wearing the Virginia Tech caps came will be sent to the Hall of Fame in from a fan from Calvert County, CooperMd., who estown, N.Y., mailed team while Acta president Stan and some Kasten. It kind of shows you players au“When I read tographed it, I thought, how little sports mean. their hats, ‘Wow. This is It makes you realize how which will really nice,’” lucky we have it and not be sent to Kasten said. “It take days for granted. Virginia was the very Tech. least we could – Ryan Zimmerman “ T h e do.” Washington Nationals Third Baseman Nationals He said the have you in team ran the our hearts tribute past and in our Major League prayers,” reBaseball beforelief pitcher Chad Cordero wrote hand and commissioner Bud Selig above his signature. and chief operating officer Bob DuThe Nationals said the idea of Puy “were instantly supportive.”

Associated Press

goals in the first games of the Western Conference series, finally produced some pop on offense. Gaborik scored on a power play, a rarity for the Wild in the series, and Rolston, Pierre-Marc Bouchard and Mark Parrish also scored. Lemaire said the scoring outburst should be a confidence-builder for the Wild, who have been playing hard but not getting the puck into the net enough. “When you get one in, you think, `Hey, I can get another one. I can do that,”’ Lemaire said. The Ducks may start Jean-Sebastien Giguere in goal for the first time in the series. Ilya Bryzgalov, solid in the opening three games, gave up three goals on six shots in the third period of Tuesday’s loss before Giguere replaced him. Giguere missed several games and practice sessions toward the end of the regular season while spending time with his wife and their newborn son, who was born with a deformed right eye.

april 19, 2007

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The Daily Titan


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TWO ROOMS FOR RENT/ FEMALE 7 miles from CSUF. Starts @ $530 + deposit. Utilities shared. Available now. Contact Maggie (714) 693-3659 ROOM FOR RENT Room available in downtown Fullerton. Close to downtown shops and restaurants, Fullerton College and Cal State Fullerton. Own bedroom, Share bathroom. No pets. Available now. $750/ month and $500 deposit. Call for more information. (949) 378-9645


April 19, 2007


Softball looks to Keep Pace in the Big West I M O

By Jaime

CSUF has a key Big West Conference showdown at Anderson Family Field

Idols, Curses and Titan Baseball


Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

In my opinion … was not worried about the MadMy girlfriend is cheating on me den Curse, if I were a Titans fan I with Sanjaya. I called her on Tues- would be. Every player to appear day night to let her know that my on the cover has suffered either class ended early and that I was on some sort of injury or seen his camy way to her apartment. reer begin to decline ... Most of the time, she calls me Despite published reports that and tries to drag the conversation the No. 17 ranked Titan baseball on, but not this time. Almost im- team’s offense has been struggling mediately recently, the she was Titans are wanting to actually on I’m not an American get off the an offensive phone. Idol viewer, though I did tear of late, The rea7.5 think that Haley Scarnato scoring son: she was runs a game was nice to look at – watching over the last American 10 games. when I pressed the mute Idol. E v e n button. I’m sure though the I’m not the Titans are only boywithout first friend that baseman has expeJake Vasquez rienced that. Unfortunately, too and second baseman Joel Weeks, it many people watch American would be wrong to think the team Idol – last week Idol was the most is walking-wounded. watched program on television. While on the subject, since reThis week seems to be no differ- placing Vasquez at first, Matt Walent, as Idol was the most watched lach is 10-for-36 at the plate. Matt show that Tuesday, garnishing a is the son of former Titans’ great 9.9 rating among adults 18 to 49, Tim Wallach. according to TVWeek.com. Finally, my prayers go out to I’m not an American Idol the students of Virginia Tech. viewer, though I did think that I was out and about when the Haley Scarnato was nice to look shootings took place and didn’t at – when I pressed the mute but- get home until really late in the ton … day on Monday, but a senseless EA Sports made its decision act like that really makes you apabout who will be on the cover of preciate life even more. You just the Madden 2008 cover and all I never know what is going to hapcare about is that it is not LaDai- pen next. nian Tomlinson. Enjoy life, enjoy sports. Congratulations to Vince Jaime Cardenas’ columns appear Young and the Tennessee Titans, every Thursday but good luck. Young, who on an online chat with ESPN, said he jcar@csu.fullerton.edu

The Cal State Fullerton softball team will have one of their biggest tests and most important match-ups this weekend as they take on the first place Pacific Tigers at Anderson Family Field. The Titans (25-17, 7-2) are coming off a disappointing three game series against Long Beach State in which they lost two of three. Those two losses took them out of a first place tie with Cal Poly and now has them in third place behind The Tigers and Mustangs. The offense failed to execute during the series, leaving 23 runners on base in the three games, including nine in the series finale. The 49ers have had pitching problems all year, but the Titans offense could not seem to get the key hits when it mattered. After taking the first game by a score of 3-2, the Titans could muster only one more run in the final two games as they lost by scores of 3-0 and 5-1. The Tigers (31-13, 6-0) have snuck up on both the Titans and Mustangs as they are coming off a season where they were 7-11 in league play. “The biggest change from last year has been our approach,” said Tigers Head Coach Brian Kolze. “We have been paying attention to detail and have worked harder this year than we ever have before.” The Tigers have won 14 of their last 16 games and looked very sharp against U.C. Riverside. In the three game series the Tigers showed why they are one of the top teams in the league by beating the


By Karl THuNMaN/Daily Titan Photo Editor SLIDING SAFELY – Cal State Fullerton’s Courtney Martinez slides for second base. The CSUF softball team will look to help themselves this weekend with a three-game set against Pacific [31-13, 6-0 Big West] at Anderson Family Field. Highlanders by scores of 7-1, 4-3 and 5-0. The big match-up this weekend will be between the Tigers offense and the Titans pitching. The Tigers explosive offense is

lead by Gina Carbonatto who comes into this weekend with a .411 average, four home runs, four triples and 37 RBI. Three of the top six Big West leaders in average are from the Tigers.

They will face one of the top pitching trios in the Big West when they go against Candice Baker, Brooke SEE SOFTBall - PaGE 12

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