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Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 39
Bad Boys, Bad Boys
Ugly mondays
Titans talk back about gun control and Jeff Klima oPInIon, p. 5
Campus troublemakers show up in Cop Blotter PaGe Two
Daily Titan
Monday April 23, 2007
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Murder Mystery Dinner Thrills
Justice Summit Draws Crowd
Daily Titan Staff Writer
BY JoHnaTHan KroncKe
BY aLIne Lessner/daily Titan staff Photographer
HEAR NO EVIL - Cal State Fullerton student Kimberly Fisher, who plays Dorothy, takes a verbal beating in the new performance production of
‘Stepping Out’, which runs from April 20 through May 6 in the Young Theatre.
New Theater Production is ‘Stepping Out’ BY caITLYn coLLIns
Daily Titan Staff Writer
In a play of quirky personalities and therapy sessions, “Stepping Out” actors tapped their way onto the stage Friday. “Stepping Out” is a British comedy with “strong musical elements,” said Diana Demartino, 26, an assistant stage manager. While there is no singing, there is a lot of dancing in this story of a tap class full of students with more passion than talent. The teacher, Mavis, played by Kyle Dallatorre, is a retired Broadway dancer just trying to make ends meet. “It’s a different look at the world of dance,” said Carly Wiel-
stein, 20, who auditioned to be a then play it like it’s not funny. Slipmusical theater major. “It’s a bunch ping on a banana peel is funny for of women and this man who come everyone else except the person on to tap class not to be superstars or the ground.” to make it on Despite any Broadway … difficulty finding Their personal the right balance problems and life of humor, HimI trained before I came melheber really stories just can’t to college to be the help but be taken enjoys this type out through their of play. best dancer and aim movements.” Most of the for that professional Set in Britactors have to world ... ain, the humor “type up” to their is often dry and roles, said Wiel– Carly Wielstein sometimes easy stein, who plays CSUF Student to miss. the 33-year-old “Comedy is Sylvia who has much, much to get used to harder,” said dibeing older and rector Eve Himmelheber. “You have not remain childish. to understand why it’s funny, and “You just have to try to study
More than 60 students joined the Resident Student Association on Thursday for a night of food, carnival games, prizes and murder. The club’s semi-annual murder mystery dinner was held in the multi-purpose room located in the Cypress resident hall. The room was transformed into a carnival setting. Red, blue and yellow balloons draped from cornerto-corner and streamers wrapped around the room’s columns. Music blasted from a stereo and the smell of popcorn, cotton candy and hot dogs filled the air. Around 7:30 p.m. there was a loud commotion and the lights shut off. When the lights turned on the tightrope walker was lying dead on the stage. The students were given until 8 p.m. to interview the remaining actors to find clues to solve the murder. This was the first time the association dinner used a carnival theme. “Traditionally the murder mystery dinner is a sit-down dinner with the actors walking around and coming up to the tables,” club President Kyle Rush said. “We wanted the dinner to be different to get more people involved and be more interactive.” Throughout the night students were free to eat hotdogs, nachos, cotton candy and caramel apples and play carnival games while mingling with the actors. Some games included throwing a ring around a bottle, throwing a ball into a basket, or spinning a wheel to win tickets that would be entered for a raffle. T-shirts, Titan Gear, Titan Shop gift cards and USB flash drives were raffled off and goldfish were given away throughout the night. The main prizes, an iPod Shuffle and an iPod nano, were raffled at the very end of the night to those students who correctly guessed the killer’s identity. Rush said the theme of the murder mystery dinner changes each semester, but they’ll probably go back to the traditional dinner next semester. Some students that attended had mixed feelings about the carnival theme. Advertising major Jacquelyn Wallace attended the previous murder mystery dinner and said she prefers the carnival theme. “This one is more up beat and fun and gives you a chance to socialize,” Wallace said. “The last one was a sitdown dinner and was very mellow but the carnival activities make it more fun and enjoyable.” “It is fun to go around and play games, but it’s definitely harder to guess the murderer because the actors are not coming to you, you have to go to them,” communications major Heather Weeks said. For the event organizers, the main concern was not how many students would guess the correct murderer. “The point of the murder mystery is a way for residents to interact with different students on campus, and basically to draw people out to meet new people,” said Alisa Van, the club’s campus liaison.
Daily Titan Staff Writer
people and watch people who are older – make-up helps,” said Dallatorre, 22, who also plays an older character. “If my acting ability isn’t good enough, just look at the lines on my face.” Himmelheber provides just enough help with the acting process, according to Dallatorre, a musical theater major. “Eve lets you have your interpretation of the character but at the same time she helps you focus and guide it along with everyone else’s,” Dallatorre said. In addition to learning how to speak in different British dialects, the actors had to do a lot of outside research about see THeaTre - PaGe 3
Drag Show Raises Funds BY Tom madden
Daily Titan Staff Writer
The Bootylicious Drag Show held last Thursday in the Titan Student Union featured everything from a Cher impersonator to a mock fight between a drag queen named Donna Bella and president George Bush, and included an appearance from ASI Vice President-elect Curtis Schlaufman. The four-hour drag show was held to raise both money and awareness for the Queer Student Association on campus and to give students a chance to freely celebrate their sexuality. “It’s a celebration of diversity,” said 26-year-old grad-student Jon Arat, who performed to The Divinyl’s song “I Touch Myself.” “The message [of the show] is to embrace everything and have fun, while not being judged.” The show, which has gone on for several years, featured performances from a Liza Minnelli impersonator named Josie P. Katt and other professional performers who flew in from around the country to take part in the night’s festivities. The emcee of the drag show, Sade’ Michaels, made her entrance by sing-
see sUmmIT - PaGe 3
o Check out to see a video of Sparkle Martinez and other drag queens at last week’s Bootylicious ing and dancing to blaring electronic Performers like Donna Bella, in her music all while collecting tips from fourth appearance at Bootylicious, the very large audience packed in the had a performance, which parodied TSU. Throughout the night, Michaels a fight between herself and President reminded the audience to tip the per- George Bush. The fight ended with formers in hopes to match or surpass Bush being defeated before running the $700 that was raised at last year’s off stage hand-in-hand with Bella. show. With both a raffle giveaway and The presidential beat-down along a silent auction to bid on dates with with other acts received loud cheers single Cal State Fullerton students, the from an audience that often feels night seemed to be meeting up to its misunderstood by society. audience’s expectations. “People don’t understand,” said “It’s really awesome,” said 19- Fernando. “They only think gays year-old Andrew Fernando, who and lesbians are part of this culture, like many other audience members people are scared to come out with dressed in drag to support the cause. who they are … so I think it’s great “I didn’t know they had drag shows that the student body came out to in Orange County, I always went to support this.” Los Angeles.” In her sixth year of participating in Schlaufman also attended the the show, Alexander Internationale, show in an effort to promote more a self-proclaimed “Veteran Queen” gay awareness on campus. and 23-year-old CSUF graduate stu“The more students know about dent, felt her appearance helped out this, the greater the event could be,” those in the crowd struggling with Schlaufman said. “It’s an event not their own sexual identities. for just the gay community but for “The drag show makes you realize straight people as well, we need to that gender roles are very arbitrary, really stress that so we can bring it’s what we make of it … it’s somegroups on campus together and pro- thing you make, not what you are,” mote a campus community.” Internationale said.
Tomorrow news
Hand scanners
new secUrITY CSUF welcomes new hand scanning technology in the Titan gym.
Students, faculty and community members alike were invited to join Students Achieving Civic Transformation at the Titan Student Union on Saturday for the third annual Social Justice Summit. Each year the organization, which works out of the Volunteer and Service Center at Cal State Fullerton, hosts the free summit to address pressing issues of social importance including abuse, poverty, hate crimes, abortion and social equality. “What we are trying to do here is inspire people,” said Paul Saeidi, project director for the organization. “This is a grassroots, vanguard movement to create change in Orange County.” Keynote speakers Sonali Kolhatkar and Kate Bornstein were on hand to promote social change through their respective works. Kolhatkar’s first book, “Bleeding Afghanistan: Washington, Warlords, and the Propaganda of Silence,” deals with the effects of U.S. policy in Afghanistan. Bornstein promoted several of her previous books along with her new solo show, “Kate Bornstein is a Queer and Pleasant Danger.” The summit also featured a wide range of workshops designed to shed light on certain social issues as well as a resource fair that included various organizations, both on and off campus, seeking support for different causes. Brian Levin, associate professor of criminal justice and director of the Center for the Study of Hate and
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BY maTT PeTIT/For the daily Titan
LAPDANCE 101 - Gabriel Anayo slips a couple bucks to third-year
human services major Michelle Ovnelas performing under the name Kiwi.
Tomorrow Mostly Sunny High: 71 Low: 53
Sunny High: 71 Low: 55