2007 04 26

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Online DailyTITAn


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 42

Renaissance Faire

losing My religion

Wenches, pirates and fools gather THE BUZZ, p. 5 for pleasure

Did Jesus steal a horse? Dave Bruemmer think so OPINION, p. 11

Daily Titan

Thursday April 26, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

CSUF Remembers Victims of Virginia Tech By ALEKSANDRA WOJTALEWICZ

ally. “I drove from home just to come to this,” said kinesiology The flickering glow of candlelight major Danielle Silva, 26. The vigil began with a prayer, illuminated the mournful faces of students as they paid their respects followed by speeches by President to the victims of the Virginia Tech Milton Gordon, Dean of Stushooting at a vigil held Wednesday dents Kandy Mink Salas and ASI night at Cal State Fullerton’s Memo- President Heather Williams. President Gordon thanked rial Grove. students for responding to Vir“I came to pay respects to the vicginia Tech’s students. He also tims and their families since it was assured students that although a such a tragedy,” tragedy like said business the Virginia major Phi nguyTech shooting en, 21. can occur at It’s one of our realities Among the CSUF, camseven trees at that we have to live pus emergenMemorial Grove, with day by day. cy response which commemhas been imorate the victims proved. of CSUF’s 1976 “It’s one of library shooting, – Milton Gordon our realities 32 ribbons in Cal State Fullerton President that we have Virginia Tech’s to live with school colors-day by day,” maroon and orGordon said. ange--reflecting Salas reminded students “to the “Expressions of Hope” theme of honor those students” by recomthe event. “I could not think of a more fit- mitting to their studies, since the ting place for a memorial,” CSUF victims of the shooting were trying to earn degrees. President Milton Gordon said. She also urged students to More than 200 students gathered at the vigil. Some came in a group with friends, with their fraternity or SEE Vigil- PagE 5 sorority and others came individuDaily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

By KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor

SILENT PRAYER - Students gathered in Memorial Grove Wednesday to remember the victims of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Some 200 students lit

candes while listening to a poem read by one of the orgainzers of the event.

Vietnam Veteran Shares Concerns for American Soldiers By JENNy HOUSER

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Kenn Miller tied his bootlaces. It had taken him 30 minutes this morning just to pull the boots on. His legs were stiff and sore, he said, from the cold weather. He gripped his cane and stood up slowly. “This is what happens when you get old,” he said laughing. He pulled a green hat over his thinning gray hair. His skin was wrinkled from years of stress but he still smiled through his scruffy beard. He limped heavily when he walked, but his eyes gleamed as if he was still 20 years old. “This is what happens when you

get old.” no, this is what happens when you’ve spent three tours of combat sneaking around the jungles and mountains of Vietnam. Sometime— nobody knows exactly when because of American politics and ancient hatreds in the Middle East—tens of thousands of Americans will be dealing with the same demons that confront Miller every day. They will be the former soldiers, Marines and sailors washed up on American soil after the U.S. government declares victory in Iraq and Afghanistan and brings them home. Because of forces far beyond their control, these military veterans will walk the same psychological and physical trail blazed by more than 2 million Americans who served during America’s decade-long involvement in the Vietnam War. These returning veterans could do a lot worse than to listen to the lessons that Miller and his fellow Viet-

nam vets might be willing to share. In 2002, Miller was shopping It might be instructive for them to in Santa Barbara with his wife and hear a previous generation’s personal daughter. Waiting patiently inside after-action reports on how they a store while the women shopped, coped— or didn’t— with the after- Miller heard shouting from outside. math of an unpopular war. He stepped out to see 2,000 protestMiller knows the brutal realities ers carrying signs, yelling and bangof war. He also knows what it’s like ing cymbals. to come back “They were home and face people my age a critical public. and were anti-war After 30 years, people,” he said. Any time Americans Miller is again were re-livscrew up, it makes big “They witnessing how ing their youth. news. When America popular support They were people in wartime can just waiting for a does something right, diminish. chance to do this it doesn’t. “The United all over again.” – Kenn Miller States is not In 1962, Miller Retired American Soldier worthy of its joined the Army military,” he and was soon desaid, shaking ployed to Vietnam. his head. “Any He was a U.S. time Americans screw up, it makes Army long-range reconnaissance pabig news. When America does some- trol, trained and highly skilled in capthing right, it doesn’t.” turing the enemy without ever being

Retired patrolman discusses issues facing soldiers in Part 1 of 2

Daily Titan Staff Writers news@dailytitan.com

It was hard to miss the Internship and Job Fair in the Quad Wednesday, as hundreds of students hoped to score an internship or job before summer begins. According to the Career Center, over 262 employers were on campus to talk to students about the opportunities they were offering. Career Center director Jim Case said that yesterday’s event was the largest on-campus event in South-

Second Life course provides a new arena for classes online

ern California. “There are similar events on other campuses, but our event is the largest in this area and it continues to grow each semester,” Case said. Some of the more well-known companies that attended the fair included 24 Hour Fitness, ABC7, Capital Group Companies, Inc., Disneyland Resort, Enterprise, Girls and Boys Town of Southern California, JC Penny, Old navy, and Union Pacific Railroad accordSEE Fair - PagE 5


Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

By DANIEL SUZUKI/For the Daily Titan

FIghTINg woRdS - Payam Shahfari, a CSUF student, points out reasons why the U.S. should not prolong the war in Iraq to Sgt. Roberto Ruiz at the Intership and Job Fair Wednesday.


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TiTaN Kid HEalTHy CHallENgE


gET aCTiVE A recap of the free event that promotes healthy eating for family and children.

ing back from Vietnam were people who made the mistake of not staying in the Army for 20 years,” Miller said. “You have trouble dealing with everything. You can’t really respect the experience, and they’re out to get you. I mean there was a real prejudice against GIs then.” While attending the University of Michigan, Miller sat in the back of the room with fellow veterans in a film course called “Vietnam and the Artist.” The lecture hall was filled with 300 people and the four vets sat together. The lecture usually ended with the professor insulting the veterans. “It was an endless litany of how horrible we were. We’d all sit together and [the professor] would make references like, ‘We have our little fascist cluster over here. notice how they are all sitting in the right?’” SEE VETEraN - PagE 5

Virtual Classes to be Offered at CSUF

Students Make First Impressions By CAITLyN COLLINS aNd laUrEN MCKiNNEy

seen or heard. He was a ghost among the trees and rice paddies. With his CAR15 rifle in hand, the sergeant became known as the Warlord. 30 years and two published novels later, he is still known as the Warlord. Miller sat next to his friend and fellow Vietnam vet, retired Green Beret Col. Paul Longgrear. The two old soldiers shared war stories and joked about their time spent in the jungle. Their lightheartedness quickly turned serious. “You stayed in after the war, didn’t you, Paul? Those who stayed in the service did better. I wish I had,” Miller said. Longgrear made the military his career after Vietnam. After 26 years of service, he had earned the Bronze Star, three Purple Hearts and two Vietnamese government awards for valor. Miller left the Army and went back to school. “The people who suffered com-

SHAMU ROCKS Check out a video of Shamu’s friends, Bud and Wiggles at dailytitan.com

Ever dreamed of owning your own private island, along with an enormous mansion, luxury car collection, and all the nicest clothing that money can buy? In this life not everyone can live like a movie star, but in Second Life almost anything



is possible. The web site secondlife.com which had a virtual map of only 64 acres when it opened to the public in 2003 now has over 65,000 acres and almost 6 million residents. In this world people can create an avatar that resembles their looks and can roam around performing tasks, and getting involved in fun activities just as they could in the “real” world. With a continuing goal of trying to truly make this a second life for its residents; the Web site has many SEE VirTUal - PagE 3

TOMOrrOW Sunny High: 73 low: 57

Sunny High: 73 low: 57


april 26, 2007

Page two

IN otHeR NewS

INteRNatIoNaL NewS Mexico City Legalizes Abortion (aP)- Mexico City officials voted in favor of permitting abortions in the first three months of pregnancy. This decision is likely to set the stage for a contentious court battle in the predominately Roman Catholic country. according to aP, the archdiocese for the Roman Catholic church was quick to respond tuesday, saying it would “evaluate the moral consequences of the reforms” and Cardinal Norberto Rivera would have no public comment until Sunday. agustin guerrero, a legislator who voted for the bill, said there may be no way to resolve such an hotly-debated issue. “This debate, as heated and important as it is, implies that we will have to live with disagreement over abortion, just as we live with disagreements over other issues,” said guerrero, a member of the majority leftist Democratic Revolution Party.

YouTube Picks of the Day Title: Funny Animals

Duration: 3:12 How we found it: A search for ‘funny animals’ Summary: This great video is for cat lovers and haters alike. It open’s with a scene where a cat peers into a sunroof, and the roof closes and the cat’s head is cut off. I found out later it was a special effect. It’s a compilation of cats running into walls, falling down, falling and sliding off of counters, walking on two legs and attacking random things. There is a dog video featured at the end where he appears to be mad at his own foot. The best ones are the cat attacking the cactus, a cat jumping out of the bushes onto a kid, and a cat having a showdown, back arched and all, with its own reflection. And what’s up with the car ad at the beginning, and end, of the video? And what the hell is a Sportka? -Caitlyn Collins and Michelle Ascencio

NatIoNaL NewS Congress Subpoenas Secretary of State (aP) - Congress was in a frenzy wednesday attempting to speed up investigations of the Bush administration by approving a subpoena for Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and granting immunity to a former key aide to attorney general alberto gonzales. according to aP, Monica goodling, gonzales’ white House liaison, was granted complete immunity, but not yet subpoenaed, for her testimony as to why eight federal prosecutors were fired. The House oversight committee also issued subpoenas for the Republican National Committee to testify and for documents about “white House emails on RNC accounts that have apparently gone missing, in violation of the law.”

State NewS Anaheim Approves Low-Income Homes (aP) - The anaheim City Council approved 3-2 wednesday to build lowincome housing on a 26-acre lot that Disney has its sights on for a future theme park. The council voted in favor of the housing in spite of a Disneyland lawsuit and a possible election fight. Supporters of the affordable housing project said that the housing is desperately needed for the employees of local hotels and theme parks. “we work for Disneyland and deserve this housing,” said Susana Hernandez, a Disneyland Hotel employee who shares a one-bedroom apartment with six people in anaheim “They just want to make money. They don’t care how we work or in what conditions.” opponents of the housing project said that allowing non-tourist uses in an area that brings in around $70 million would stunt any future growth and reduce tax income.

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Title: Men in Coats

Duration: 5:56 How we found it: It was a former pick of the day Summary: These two guys in parkas work with illusions to entertain a live audience. They pull long sticks out of each other’s faces, make a man “elevate” off of the floor, pull a hat out of a bunny, and shrink a man down to half his size. One of the men then hides behind a curtain and reveals only his head on a puppet body. The best part of the clip is the puppet man dancing, including ballet and break dancing. Their creativity is worth noting: they use only everyday props for their illusions. In a related skit, the “Men in Coats Film,” one parka-clad performer even “loses” his head. It’s obvious the crowd is enjoying the act, and rightly so. Everyone likes to see two grown men acting like fools. -Caitlyn Collins and Michelle Ascencio


CaMPUS CaLeNDaR THURSDAY Free glow Bowling Thursday 3 to 7 p.m. at the tSU Underground women and Philanthropy Night at the Theatre “Stepping out” 6:30 p.m.: online registration is required for the event that will include admission to the play and a dessert reception. admission is $20 per person at Young Theatre. Cello Choir 8 to 10:30 p.m.: guest conductor Lee Richey leads this group of student cellists in a program of music

through the ages at the Recital Hall. admission is $10. Stepping out by Richard Harris 8 to 10:30 p.m. at the Young Theatre. tickets are $8 in advance for students with current CSUF ID and $9 for adult general admission. FRIDAY New Play Festival 8 to 10 p.m.: Play readings of new works by Cal State Fullerton students. The event will take place at the grand Central art Center. admission is free.




MeLBoURNe, Fla. (aP)a doctor dressed as Captain america was arrested after groping a woman at a bar and fighting with her boyfriend, authorities said. Patrons at the bar were dressed in costumes as part of a bar crawl Saturday night, police spokeswoman Jill Frederiksen said. a man carrying a burrito and

dressed as Captain america approached her, began to say dirty things and touched her inappropriately, police said. He then brawled with her boyfriend, authorities said. She identified Raymond adamcik, 54, as the attacker, police said. after he was arrested, he tried to flush marijuana down a toilet at a police station, police said.

April 26, 2007



Sea World Tour Highlighting Wildlife Makes a Visit to Cal State Fullerton “It can eat something as big as this guy’s head,” said Jackson, pointing at news@dailytitan.com a male volunteer’s head. Piraino’s mother, Mona, heard Shamu and friends rocked Cal about the tour from a family member State Fullerton’s Titan Student Union and thought her daughter would enWednesday afternoon. The “Shamu joy seeing the exotic animals. Rocks” tour stopped as part of a fourThe Children’s Center also brought week, four-state tour. kids to the event to see the animals. “This tour highlights animal con“We thought they would enjoy it. servation and all that’s new at Sea We really try to bring them to onWorld,” said Sea World public rela- campus events like this one often,” tions representative said Crystal Susie Campbell. Delatorre, a The tour includ24-year old fine ed appearances by arts major and That is so cool! I wish exotic animals and CenI could hold it because Children’s focused on conserter employee. snakes are my favorite vation education. The crowd Bud, the yellowfavorite was the reptiles. crowned Amazon highly-endanparrot, wowed the gered lemur, – Janelle Piraino audience with his “whose only job 7-year-old Fullerton resident imitations of barkis to stand here ing dogs, meowing and look cute cats and mooing for you,” said cows. Jackson, addAfter asking the ing that lemur audience for volunteers, Sea World conservation efforts have been so sucanimal trainer Anita Jackson placed a cessful that lemurs are being released 12-foot long python into the hands back into their natural habitat of of the frightened participants. “That Madagascar. is so cool! I wish I could hold it beThe Shamu Rocks show is playing cause snakes are my favorite reptiles,” on weekend evenings and will play said 7-year-old Janelle Piraino, who nightly Memorial Day through Lalives in Fullerton. bor Day at Sea World, San Diego. By DARALyN SCHOENEWALD Daily Titan Staff Writer


SEA WORLD - Animal trainer Gary Faucher holds a Yellow Crown Amazon Parrot during the Shamu Rocks event (left). Hyacinth Macaw bird “Wimpy” flaps his wings (top). The adorable primate, the Slow-Louris clutches a yellow blanket as children crowd around him in wonderment (bottom).

VirTUal: ONLINE CLASSROOMS COULD BE THE FUTURE FOR COLLEgE STUDENTS businesses, fast food chains and schools such as USC, Harvard and Cal State Fullerton scooping up land at a rapid pace. CSUF is not only buying property, it also plans on teaching classes in its state of the art virtual classroom, and the chosen professor is Paul Lester of the communications department. “I’ve been teaching online classes on Blackboard for about seven years now where we ‘meet’ at a specific day and time in a virtual classroom to discuss issues just as with face-toface classes,” Lester said. “Switching

to Second Life seemed like an interesting experiment with its avatarbased graphics.” A classroom setting within Second Life could also be the future of teaching online courses as students can get the feeling of actually being at school, rather than feeling isolated in front of a computer screen. “It will be much more visual, with students feeling as if they are more a part of a classroom experience,” Lester said. Teaching classes within Second Life is only an extension of the enormous landscape that already

exists and is growing by the day. “I think it’s awesome that actual schools are getting involved in Second Life,” said Second Life resident Elliott Roberts. “It seems like a natural progression, more and more people are getting involved every day. It’s really catching on.” The new class will also be one of the largest as the school plans on allowing an enrollment of up to 225 students. As far as how Lester plans on teaching such a large online classroom, he said he’d handle it with a tried-and-true method. “It is the same as with a class at

the RGC auditorium,” Lester said. “During any given class, only about 10 to 20 people say anything anyway, I would expect the same online.” Lester also confirmed that if the experimental class is a success, future online classes could also be taught within the realm of Second Life. Cynthia Gautreau, CSUF academic technology consultant, said the success of this class is almost eminent. “There have been other classes in Second Life through other Univer-

sities like Harvard and it was just wildly successful,” Gautreau said. “There are hundreds of other universities that are using Second Life to teach; it’s becoming an educational tool.” Cal Poly Pomona, and San Jose State currently have islands in Second Life. San Jose State even has a faculty member whose job it is to monitor Second Life as the assistant director, Gautreau said. “I think it’s a great idea, it seems that more and more things are going online nowadays so it makes sense that this would be next,” said

Dawn Hintzman, a student at Saddleback College. “An actual online classroom I think would make taking online classes much more interesting.” These classes also lend a helping hand to Second Life. “It gets more legitimized as more uses are found for educational/ learning experiences,” Lester said. With top-level universities like USC and Harvard already having land in Second Life, the Web site is already on the fast track to having both an educational and entertaining enterprise.

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April 26, 2007

Founder’s Wall Pays Tribute to College of Education Monument honors past graduates and college educators at CSUF By MELISSA FITZGERALD

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

In July 2004, the school of education officially became the 8th college at Cal State Fullerton. To commemorate the event, the Founder’s Wall was constructed and can be found in its honorary place on the wall in the Education and Classroom Building. Ashley Bishop, the chair of the reading education department, was the acting dean when the Education Department became the 8th college. Bishop said the Founder’s Wall

was his way of commemorating the newest edition to the colleges of CSUF and also to honor graduates. “I just wanted to very firmly say that we are our own college,” Bishop said. Although the College of Education has no undergraduate program the college still makes a tremendous difference with the amount of teachers and educators that leave CSUF credentialed or with a degree, Bishop said. According to Bishop, approximately 1500 teachers get credentialed each year. “Even though we’re a brand new college, we have a long and rich history,” Bishop said. The Founder’s Wall not only remembers past graduates but it also raised approximately $53,000, of which $50,000 will be put towards scholarships according to Bobbee

Cline, the college’s director of development. “It represents tribute to past excellence, as well as a vehicle of producing future excellence,” Cline said. The scholarship money raised was an important part of the process “because there’s a lot of students who struggle,” said Crystal Banett, a student assistant. “They have to balance school, work and family,” Banett said. If students receive a little financial help it makes a big difference Banett said. The dedication ceremony for the Founder’s Wall was held on January 20 and the experience was an emotional one for many, according to Cline. “It was a very emotional response from donors,” Cline said. The people at the ceremony made rubbings of the names they had

placed on the wall and also took pictures next to the name. “It was very nice to see that kind of emotional response to this effort,” Cline said. Professor Emerita Deborah Hancock said she had heard about the Founder’s Wall through a letter from Bishop and decided to participate. “I think it is a wonderful way for families to remember people in their own families who have completed their degrees and since died,” Hancock said. Hancock ran into the husband of one of her students who had passed away at the reception for the Founder’s Wall and he was grateful for the chance to place her name on the wall. “He was delighted to recognize her,” Hancock said. Hancock also recognized her husband for his contributions to educa-

tion. “He was just really a remarkable person,” Hancock said. Hancock met her husband, Lewis, in a class that she was teaching. One of her first classes happened to be on American-Indian linguistics and reading so she asked her future husband his thoughts because he happened to be American-Indian. He proceeded to give a half-hour lecture on the subject. “I was dumbfounded,” Hancock said. Hancock honored her husband by placing his name on the wall because of his commitment to education and the difference he made in the students lives who he taught. Hancock herself worked for 10 years in the reading program and later became the Dean of Education at CSU Bakersfield and said that there is a difference between the College

of Education and others. “I think the biggest difference is that we don’t have an undergraduate degree program,” Hancock said. “We don’t have the same long-term relationship with students. And yet, because the college is preparing people for their life’s work they are closer to the faculty.” Hancock can say from experience how close the education faculty is to their students. She has been in touch with some of her students for 40 years. She hopes that the Founder’s Wall will continue to inspire people to donate and to remember the importance of education. “My hope is people who have given to honor the wall will continue to support the university as future needs arise,” Hancock said.

Panelists Hold Discussion About How Hip-Hop Impacts Society By MELISSA FITZGERALD

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Panelists discussed hip-hop and the negative aspects of its culture such as materialism, rap slang and sexism in the Titan Student Union at “HipHop: Myth or Reality?” Solutions and theories on how rap affects society were also discussed. “Racial profiling, racism and stereotypes cannot be blamed on hiphop,” said Ayo Alabi, an Afro-Ethnic studies professor at Cal State Fullerton. Alabi explored who consumes rap and what it means to people. She referred to the rapper Nelly and his second album, “Nellyville,” when discussing overall consumption of rap by the media and society and the large dreams rappers sell. “You have rappers dreaming up perfection while living in poverty,” Alabi said. Alabi voiced concerns at last week’s

event over the statistic that 70 percent of rap albums are purchased by white youths, meaning society not only needs to look at who’s making the albums but who consumes them. “We have a problem in society and hip-hop has it too,” she said. Jamal, a Southern California artist and pastor, said the African-American culture is pigeonholed with rap. He said he hears the same kind of terminology used in rap lyrics every day, but that doesn’t mean that Caucasians like Don Imus can use it. “It’s not like we go to hip-hop basic-training school,” Jamal said. Tricia Rose, professor of African studies at Brown University and the author of “Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America,” said the way in which rappers showcase their lifestyles escalates the level of consumption in society. “If you don’t have the latest, dopest thing you don’t mean anything,” Rose said. Rose believes the type of consump-

tion rappers show does not have a limit and that women are a type of consumption in that lifestyle. “It used to be a couple of gold chains,” Rose said. Bakari Kitwana, co-founder of the National Hip-Hop Political Convention and author of “The Hip-Hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African-American Culture” and “Why White Kids Love HipHop: Wankstas, Wiggers, Wannabees and the New Reality of Race in America,” said the focus should be on the young people of this generation because so much has changed in the last few decades. “In the 80s, we were paying $20 for a pair of shoes and the gold chain was just something extra,” Kitwana said while the audience chuckled. According to Kitwana, the dream was more attainable then but now jobs that were available to youths have gone overseas and unfortunately this lays the foundation for the war on drugs.

Rose believes blacks must look to themselves to see why it is they consume rap and to attempt to avoid defensiveness when coming up with answers. “We cannot confront what we happily consume. I have seen a precipitous decline in communication. We cannot love each other properly if we cannot confront this. Black women are not bitches, not chicken heads or hoes,” Rose said to audience applause. There is hope for the rap movement according to Tim Singleton, the president of CSUF’s Afro-Ethnic Student Association. “What about the Talib Kwali and Erykah Badu’s? When they say rap is negative they are speaking of gangsta rap,” said Singleton. Jamal agreed there are positive things happening in the industry and he can say that from experience. “Support those that are trying to change things,” he said.

By ALINE LESSNER/Daily Titan Staff Photographer

Tricia Rose, panelist for the discussion “Hip-Hop: Myth or Reality?” discussed the effect of hip-hop music on culture, love and gender relations on April 17

April 26, 2007




FAIR: HUNTING FOR JOBS ing to the Career Center Web site. Representatives from the military, police departments and government offices from various areas also attended. The Career Center sponsors two Internship and Job Fair events a year. The event yesterday has grown in the number of participants since last year. “The events just keep getting better, and the quality of the employers keeps getting better,” Case said. Neda Assadi, 21, a marketing major, attended the job fair yesterday. “I came to see all of the different employers and hopefully get one step closer to getting an interview,” Assadi said. “I’m really interested in going to the RPA table, DDB Los Angeles [Advertising Agencies] and Nestle.” The Career Center also hosted a “Make Your Best Impression Workshop” on April 18 in the Titan Student Union to give students tips from potential employers on how to act at the job fair. Before attending either event, students were also provided with information to research potential employers on the Career Center Web site. To further spread awareness about the event, the Career Center compiled a newspaper to inform students about what companies were attending, which included a

brief description of the company and the company’s Web site. “The Career Center has done a really good job promoting this,” Assadi said. “I got an e-mail about it and decided to research companies and come.” Matt Taylor, a Cal State Fullerton student, didn’t plan on attending the event but ended up getting an interview for an internship. “I saw a lot of people and tents in the Quad, so I decided to check it out,” Taylor said. “I got a list of who was here and went around to a couple of booths and ended up getting an interview for an internship this summer.” Disney Parks and Resorts recruiter Tammy Edwards said that the Internship and Job Fair is a place where students can get exposure to many different companies. “It’s important for students to research the companies before they come to the job fair and customize their resumes to aspects of what the company is looking for,” Edwards said. “Disney is the number one place to start a career because of the opportunity for upward mobility,” Edwards said. “Students shouldn’t take any of the companies here lightly. Students shouldn’t look at our booth and think that the only thing we are hiring for are park positions. We offer a lot more than just that,” she said.

VETERAN: RECALLS PAST For Miller’s final class project, he turned in a full manuscript for a novel and received the lowest grade in the class. The students who hadn’t received an “A” were veterans. Miller later published the manuscript, called “Tiger: The Lurp Dog,“ and received positive reviews from the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times. Miller moved back to Reno and said that the discrimination continued. He worked at a casino giving change to guests. He wore a longsleeve, white collared shirt with gold cufflinks that he had bought over-

seas. “Excuse me. Where’d you get your cufflinks?” asked a woman gambling near the slot machines. “I picked them up in Hong Kong.” “Were you in Vietnam?” “Yes, I was.” “No wonder you’re wearing long sleeves. You’re trying to cover up your track marks.” Those words still sting the veteran to this day. Remarks made to Vietnam veterans and the treatment they endured continues to haunt Americans.

House OKs Deadline By ANNE FLAHERTy Associated Press info@ap.org

By DANIEL SUZUKI/For the Daily Titan

STUDENT PROTESTORS - Sgt. Roberto Ruiz argued with stu-

dents from Peace and Social Justice at the CSUF Job Fair.

WASHINGTON (AP) – A sharply divided House brushed aside a veto threat Wednesday and passed legislation that would order President Bush to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq by Oct. 1. The 218-208 vote came as the top U.S. commander in Iraq told lawmakers the country remained gripped by violence but was showing some signs of improvement. “Our troops are mired in a civil war with no clear enemy and no clear

strategy for success,” said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. Passage puts the bill on track to clear Congress by week’s end and arrive on the president’s desk in coming days as the first binding congressional challenge to Bush’s handling of the conflict now in its fifth year. The $124.2 billion war-funding bill aspires to complete the pullout by April 1, 2008 or earlier if the Iraqi government does not meet certain benchmarks. Bush has promised to veto the bill, and Republicans promised to stand squarely behind the president in rejecting what they called a “surrender date” handed to the enemy.

VIGIL: PRAyERS, POEMS AND CANDLES AT MEMORIAL “hold fast to the people that you love.” Williams read the ASI Resolution to Virginia Tech. “ASI stands in firm support of Virginia Tech,” Williams said. Following the speeches, co-coordinators Irene Umipig and Carrie Boone, of Peer Health University Network, read the names of each Virginia Tech victim. A moment of silence followed. As the vigil came to an end, students embraced, some wiping away tears, others offering words of affec-

tion to their friends. Although the Virginia Tech shooting occurred a week ago, a number of students still felt the stress and impact of a school shooting. “I live in the dorms, [and when the shooting happened] I was scared and frightened,” said psychology major Stacee Tweedlie, 19. The vigil was sponsored by the Peer Health University Network and Associated Students, Inc. Aside from holding a vigil, CSUF participated in “Orange and Maroon Effect Day” by wearing Virginia Tech’s

colors to show their support for the family and victims. “It’s a good thing that Fullerton got involved,” said business major Trenelle Lyiscott, 19. Since the Virginia Tech shooting, our students have responded and that shows they care about others,” said Gordon. According to Gordon, CSUF can connect to Virginia Tech since the campus experienced a shooting itself. On July 12, 1976 CSUF custodian Charles Edward Allaway shot

nine people, killing seven in the basement of the Pollak library in a 5-minute rampage. Allaway had called his estranged wife in the morning of July 12, telling her that this was his last day to live. Allaway then went to the CSUF campus and began shooting coworkers. Authorities apprehended him at the nearby Hilton Inn in Anaheim, and Allaway was later found not guilty by reason of insanity in his 1977 murder trial. “The impact will always be felt,” Gordon said.

By KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor

SUPPORT - Josh Cervantes signs a letter being sent to Virginia Tech.


Thursday April 26, 2007 11:00am – 2:00pm “SHOP FOR SOLUTIONS” On the Titan Walk Orange County Victim Service Providers will promote awareness of victims’ rights and provide education on their valuable services. Come and view the Orange County Clothesline Project and fill your complimentary shopping bag with resource information! This event is in association with Cal. State Fullerton’s Women’s Studies Program -- Third Wave Activist Group


April 26, 2007

introspect Bringing charity to the people introspect@dailytitan.com

sitting in the corner of a starbucks in Long beach with a cup of coffee in one hand and her Apple laptop in front of her, Brande Jackson was at work even when she was away from work. Jackson, a 27-year-old cal state Fullerton graduate, is the founder and executive director of Lokahi outreach, a business she five Jackson started years ago. The purpose of the organization is to fight against social injustice – particularly global poverty, by bridging various non-profit organizations and campaigns with cultural relevancy and the media industry by taking non-profit organizations on tour with bands like coldplay, U2 and Dave Matthew’s Band. While many non-profit organizations have booths or make some sort of outreach at concerts, Lokahi takes it a step further by actually going on tour with the bands. “We’re sort of this middle group. What we do is kind of weird and really specific, so it’s a really hard thing for non-profits to do,” Jackson said. Lokahi connects with different fan bases by reaching out to people who want to get involved, but may not know how. “A lot of people want to be involved and want to join stuff, but no one reaches out to them in a way that connects with them,” she said. The most recent Lokahi outreach project was partnering up the one campaign to fight against AiDs in Africa and extreme poverty U2 and coldplay. The organization has given more than 350,000 volunteers an opportunity to be a part of their

movement to help bring social injustice into light for the past two years through the one campaign. one of her co-workers, Daniel Binaei said, “Working for Lokahi has been an overall great experience. The work we do is very rewarding. to be able to share important messages with others about human rights and the environment has been a fantastic privilege. Further, to have the opportunity to support others in improving their ability to share these messages has also been a wonderful experience.” As part of her job, Jackson gets to travel on the road with different bands the organization is working with. occasionally, she’s on the road for many months out of the year. “i spend a lot of time on the road. With touring i’ll be gone for three, six, eight months out of the year. i’m typically gone during the summer and in 2005, i was gone for nine months out of the year,” Jackson said. Another perk is her celebrity encounters. “We have a lot of weird encounters. When we set up a show, it’s usually not as much the band that we’re working with, it’s just random celebrities there at the venue with us,” Jackson said. Jackson describes some of the unexpected encounters she and her staff have had. “We were in an elevator once with Jay-Z and Beyonce. We were at Madison square Garden, and while we were loading out, Anderson cooper held the door open for us,” said Jackson. What strikes Jackson’s heart the most are the volunteers and fans they meet on the road and at events, she said. “i think it’s more of the fans we meet that are really cool. And that’s what’s rewarding, my staff and i probably talk to close to 1 million people, without exaggerating. i’m probably more inspired and interested in people i meet people on a day-to-day basis. it reenergizes you,” Jackson said. Jackson finds pride in her and

We were in an elevator once with Jay-Z and Beyonce.


Daily Titan Staff Writer

– Brande Jackson Founder od Lokahi Outreach

the volunteers that help out with the outreach programs. “A lot of people complain about what goes on in the world, but you woke up and chose to do something today and that’s huge,” Jackson said. The most important thing to Jackson seems to be the impact the organization makes in the world. “A lot of people care about stuff, but don’t get to act on it, i’m sort of lucky in that i’ve managed to create something where we can get up everyday and act on it.” Long before Jackson became the founder and executive director of her own organization, she grew up constantly surrounded by her family business. Growing up in a business environment since she was 14, prepared her to start up her own landscape company at age 17. in her 20s, she began working with non-profit organizations. “i wanted to do more with politics and activism,” Jackson said. While at csUF taking grad classes, Jackson participated in the 2000 elections as a political activist. Jackson also took political science classes in grad school. “professors were in touch with what was going on culturally, politically at the time. it’s easy to get isolated from that,” Jackson said. pamela steinle, professor of American studies and graduate adviser, was one of the professor’s Jackson worked with during her graduate studies. “it’s the excitement of seeing them learn to ground their interests and abilities in historical context; to take up and refine their critical thinking through the interdisciplinary work that is inherent to American studies,” steinle said.

REBECCA HARtnEss / DAiLY titAn stAff PHotoGRAPHER Chad Records, a 23- year-old political science major, started his own business, Premier Senior Care, seven months ago.

student creates Business to Help the elderly of orange county BY LAuREn MCKinnEY

Daily Titan Staff Writer introspect@dailytitan.com

chad records is a 23-year-old political science major who is like most students at cal state Fullerton. He is a full-time student, likes to be with friends and cares about his family. But unlike most students, records owns his own successful business. records is the president of premier senior care in Yorba Linda, a company that sends registered nurses and caretakers to the homes of elderly adults who need assistance while still living in their own home. “We facilitate caregivers to go to the homes of the elderly and provide them with care,” records said. “i realized that there was a lot of money to be made in this field because there is a lack of quality people providing this kind of care. it’s an alternative to a nursing home, and it is more convenient and cheaper for our clients.” clients can choose the amount of hours per week they wish to have the caretaker around, with a minimum of four hours a day, 22 hours per week. clients can also have a caretaker live with them for a set fee. “i came up with the idea a year ago,” he said. “My dad runs re-

tirement homes and growing up i worked there as a subcontractor and re-did rooms and fixed things, so that’s how i began thinking of an idea for my business.” records said he used some of the connections from his father’s business to get going. “We have only been licensed by the state for six months, but we already have ten clients and it’s just going to grow even more,” he said. records said he would most likely be further along in school if it weren’t for his business. “if i didn’t have to go to school, i would probably be more successful in my business because i would have more time to devote to it,” he said. “school comes first though. it’s what’s going to make me more successful in the future.” records added, “it’s hard to own a business, go to school and have a social life at the same time. on one hand, you look at it [his business], and my major, and they have nothing to do with one another. This business might just be something for me to fall back on.” to help him out his mother terry helps in the marketing department, signing new clients and doing office work. she said her son has always been driven, even at a young age. “While attending middle school, chad started his own lawn business

at the age of 12 and expanded it to a general handyman business making $500 a week,” she said. “if he was presented with a job that he never did before, he would come home and ask me how to do the job, then go back and do it [painting, small repairs].” While attending csUF, he continued working on the side to support his education. records also attends rock Harbor church where he donates his time in helping people in Mexico build homes. “He has a strong faith in God,” terry said. records said his faith inspires him not only in his business ventures, but in life as well. “My personal relationship with God has inspired me and i pray about it [his business] and doors keep opening,” he said. “it’s hard to know what to do sometimes, but seeing the happiness of the people around me in church inspired me to be a happier person.” Although girlfriends have not been at the top of his priority list, records hopes to one day settle down. “since my business started, girlfriends have become my lowest priority. i feel like i might not have time for one,” he said. “i see myself dating someone who is graduating around the same time i am, who has a job and is on my same maturity level. i’m starting to get over this whole college thing.” records continued by saying, “Through owning my own business, my future wife can stay home and be one of those ptA and soccer Moms. i liked having my mom home with me when i was growing up,” he said. “What i do now will affect my family later.” records said he hopes to expand his business to other communities in palm springs, Hemet and Arizona, where there is a large population of elderly residents. “if the summer goes well and is successful then i will keep up my business, but if not, i want to go to law school after i graduate,” he said.

April 26, 2007



BY JAzz GRAzA/Daily titan staff Photographer

BY KARL tHunMAn/Daily titan Photo Editor

BY CAMERon PEMstEin/Daily titan staff Photographer Holly Tripp walks by memorial ribbons at the Memorial Grove vigil held for the Virginia Tech Students.

BY CAMERon PEMstEin/Daily titan staff Photographer


o Check out the multimedia section of dailytitan.com for video coverage and a slideshow of “Expressions of Hope” on April 25. More than 200 attended Cal State Fullerton’s candlelight vigil in honor of those lost at Virginia Tech University on April 14.

BY KARL tHunMAn/Daily titan Photo Editor Yen Ling Shek, left and Norene Protacio, right, hold candles in memory of those lost in the Virginia Tech University shooting on April 14. Cal State Fullerton’s “Expressions of Hope” vigil took place on April 24.


April 26, 2007


Today’s Liberals Don’t do it Like King Left-wing activists don’t reach out and connect like yesterday’s crusaders By Jesse AdAms

Brown Daily Herald (Brown U.)

(U-WiRE) pROViDEnCE, R.i. - When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “i Have a Dream” speech over 40 years ago, he inadvertently contributed to a paradigm that flies in the face of his legacy. Dr. King had a dream, yes, but he also had a plan – to win over the hearts and minds of wavering moderates, to attract the votes of self-interested officials and to leave no doubt that the Civil Rights movement had airtight moral legitimacy. King’s strategy involved presenting a unified front of undeniable respectability, co-opting traditional Biblical moral rhetoric and preaching an inclusive and hopeful message that embraced rather than alienated people. it was not enough for King to

fervently believe that he was on the right side of history – he needed to actively and empathetically engage the world of his time in order to effect its transformation. Many of today’s activists, especially on America’s college campuses, remember King’s dream – but not, alas, his strategy. Despite their insistence on tolerance, they lack the empathy and flexibility needed to understand, let alone persuade, the vast masses of people who oppose their opinions on sensitive issues – such as guns, abortion, sexuality and separation of church and state – that have drawn many to the Republican party in recent years. Whereas King spelled out a powerful vision specifically crafted to be stirring and persuasive to a broad audience, today many activists have slipped into a form of self-congratulatory complacency that may satisfy true believers but often proves offputting (or worse) to the unconverted. The shrillest examples of such complacency appear in the strident and divisive “activism” of the far left, of which last year’s Anti-Racist

Action is one of Brown University’s more obnoxious examples. The group sought to spread its aggressively antiisrael message with noisy confrontation, grandiose installations on the Main Green and vituperative finger-pointing – presumably with the hope of shocking passers-by into reconsidering their points of view. instead of inciting change, the group’s grating litany of grievances against “racist imperialists” antagonized a sizable minority into active opposition, provoked little more than irritation from most and thoroughly compromised the group’s credibility on campus. Even at such a liberal and activistfriendly place as Brown, the group managed, through sheer rudeness, to undermine their cause by associating the legitimate plight of palestinians with immature and unsavory radicalism. Off campus, many individuals view any and all activism with suspicion and are predisposed to react negatively – especially since the media invariably emphasize the shaggiest and most outrageous personalities they can muster. it’s paramount, then, that those

who truly wish to get their message out borrow a trick from the famous 1964 protests at Berkeley, in which participants built a broad coalition, marched respectfully in coats and ties and ultimately won concessions from their rabidly conservative state government. As at Berkeley, activists must make themselves impossible to dismiss, which means anticipating and defusing the adversary’s arsenal of distractions. no matter how eloquent and respectful each member of Students for a Democratic Society may be, charging a building and smearing it with raspberry jam to simulate blood – as happened at Brown earlier this semester – provides easy fodder for defenders of the status quo who can duck issues by attacking the stereotype of spoiled rich kids smoking pot at protests instead of getting a real job. indeed, Republicans have used such attacks for years, winning much working class support with various divisive cultural issues designed to make activists – and the Democrats they tend to support – seem like elitist alien saboteurs. And many,

including members of the Brown community, have assisted the GOp every step of the way with behavior that alienates, disrespects and excludes the very constituents needed to win elections and kick-start systemic change. Lest anyone believe that such counterproductive behavior is limited to an extremist minority, it’s important to remember how pervasive a problem it is – and how deeply many of us are implicated. Being counterproductive includes calling anyone who questions gay marriage homophobic. it’s condemning the Duke lacrosse players – or the Brown police - before a shred of evidence has been heard. it’s circulating chain e-mails after the 2004 election that labeled redleaning states “Jesusland” and baselessly claimed that Democrats have higher iQs than Republicans. it’s Howard Dean declaring patronizingly that Democrats need to reach out to “guys with Confederate flags on their pick-up trucks” and it’s the wave of politically correct liberal revulsion that his statement elicited. progressives should have enough faith in their cause – as King did – to

believe that it will advance through consciousness-raising and debate, not snide personal attacks and shrill street theater. in an era of rapid and destabilizing change, progressives cannot afford to build a small tent for a selfselected group of moral elites and simply “hope for the best.” Starting with the language of respect and reconciliation, they must strategically cultivate a muscular but moderate reputation in order to build genuine coalitions and marshal the necessary influence to make meaningful improvements. Underneath the noisy posturing, few of the participants in our republic – candidate, voter, donor or activist – are truly enemies. We are a diverse group of fellow citizens who, for the most part, are genuinely trying to make the right decisions for our common future. When progressives reject rather than court moderates, they undermine society’s potential for real cooperation and change. in order to build the nation that we’d like to see, we must first take after King and be willing to work with the nation that we have.

Partial-Birth Ban is First step to Criminalizing Abortions By KAtie striCKlAnd Daily Bruin (UCLA)

(U-WiRE) LOS AnGELES When a bunch of old, wrinkly men vote to uphold rules about what my doctor and i can do with my body, it really irks me.

This is why i was so upset this past Wednesday when i found out that the Supreme Court upheld a ban on “partial birth abortion,” or intact dilation and extraction, regardless of whether the woman’s health was in danger. Their reasoning? Because it’s really gross. Or at least that was what i gathered after reading Reagan-appointee Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion. Which may be true, but as far as i know, this has never been a criterion for outlawing perfectly safe medical

procedures. The banned procedure, called “intact D&E,” involves dilating the cervix of the pregnant woman, removing the fetus until only its head remains within the vaginal canal, and then using a tool to puncture the back of its head and suctioning out the contents of its skull. The procedure is generally performed when the fetus is 20 to 23 weeks old and is unable to survive outside of the mother’s womb. However, if you’d like a non-intact D&E, which can involve injecting

the fetus with a lethal substance be- womb, but it opens up more than fore it is extracted or tearing it apart expected and part of the fetus’s body while it remains inside the womb slips out, it’s OK. But how do you and then extracting it piece by piece, measure this intent after the fact? Kennedy is OK with that. This leaves our doctors in a very Kennedy, however, did not sim- difficult position. instead of being ply describe the banned procedure. able to honestly tell their patients He also added the testimony of an what they think is best, they now emotional nurse who referred to the must limit their advice and services fetus as “a baby” and said that after to what they think will not land the procedure was done, the doctor them in jail. irreverently “threw” it in a pan. Kennedy, however, has this covAs you see, there is an enormous ered. Drawing on his mind-reading difference between intact D&E and abilities, he has decided that pernon-intact D&E – the first is much forming an intact D&E is “almost more unpleasant for the nurses of always a conscious choice rather the world to witness. than a happenstance.” perhaps the most in response to disturbing and conconcerns about fusing aspect of the jeopardizing a [The Court’s] realaw the case upheld woman’s health, is that the procedure soning? Because [the Kennedy concludmay be performed procedure’s] really ed, based on his if the woman’s life gross. Or at least that years of medical is at risk, but not if training (see: 0), her health is at risk. was what i gathered that intact D&E is What exactly is the after reading ... [the] “never” necessary to difference between majority opinion. preserve a woman’s life and health, and health or life. where do you draw The American the line? College of ObsteComplicating the law even more, tricians and Gynecologists, howintact D&E is only illegal if the doc- ever, disagrees. in a statement issued tor intends to do it, Justice John paul to the press, they wrote that intact Stevens wrote in his opinion. So if D&E “is safest and offers significant a woman’s cervix is dilated in order benefits for women suffering from to terminate the pregnancy in the certain conditions that make non-

Supreme Court’s ruling may be the first in an anti-abortion trend


intact D&E especially dangerous.” Dr. Frederic D. Frigoletto, vice chairman of obstetrics and gynecology at Massachusetts General and past president of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, told The new York Times that a woman’s health could be endangered if she lived in a remote area and her only doctor was uncomfortable performing non-intact D&E but did so anyway. Karen Tumulty, a reporter for Time Magazine who has been covering abortion since the 1980s, wrote that an intact D&E was generally easier on the woman’s body and that having one could make a “difference in her ability to bear children later in life.” in her dissent, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – the only woman on the court – wrote that this case defies precedent. When considering restrictions on abortion procedures in the past, the court always made sure to include clauses that allowed the procedures to be performed if not doing so would put the health of the woman at risk. So although the ruling is hardly a severe blow against the abortion rights of women in the U.S., it could mark the beginning of a very disturbing trend: viewing women as little more than baby-holders, whose health and well-being are secondary to the considerations of a fetus. Which, to me anyway, does not sound like a pleasant idea. Two of the justices who dissented, Ginsburg, age 74, and Stevens, 87, are probably going to be retiring soon - which means whoever is elected president in the next term will replace them. Let’s keep this in mind during the election. We need to make sure that what’s in our best interests is decided by someone with a medical degree, not political connections.

April 26, 2007


The World Pro-War students: uncle sam Wants you those avid supporters Bank Woes For of the war in iraq, army By Jennifer ChurCh

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Buried beneath the media frenzy and shock over the Virginia Tech shootings is the scandal over World Bank president paul Wolfowitz’s lapse in judgment. Appointed by president Bush, Wolfowitz is facing harsh criticism and has been asked to step down by the bank’s top officials for giving his girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza, a pay and promotion package. The new York Times reports that European directors of the bank are using the scandal to take control away from Wolfowitz and the Bush administration. So why should anyone care anyway? Finals are coming and papers are due. Well, the World Bank is responsible for a multitude of issues around the world. it works with over 100 countries to help reduce poverty. it supports social services such as health, nutrition and education. it also partners with various countries’ governments to fight corruption. We should care because matters that happen thousands of miles away do affect us. While people with their own agendas are balking at why the boss gave his girlfriend a promotion, they are distracting everyone from the real issues. The bank is one of the largest international sources of funding for biodiversity. it funds environmental projects that amount to about $11 billion. Global warming is a very real issue that is affecting us now. it doesn’t take a scientist to realize that we have the power to do our part in controlling the waste products that we produce. The bank helps people all over the world by educating them how to use natural resources wisely. Another issue the bank addresses is helping countries emerging from conflict. one word: iraq. The iraq war’s unpopularity is bound to end up with us abandoning the country to its own defenses. Someone has to pick up the pieces after we’ve given up on the iraqi people. The bank is active in 35 countries, working to help people resume peaceful development and prevent violence. They aid in jumpstarting economies; repairing and rebuilding; and funding programs that assist widows and children. We need to care about what happens to the organization that will be there to pick up after where we left off. Wolfowitz is the leader of the World Bank and he used the platform of fighting corruption when he came into power. We should care who leads an organization that is able to assist people around the world. More importantly, we should care that energies and time are being diverted from more important issues – the long-term goals of this organization over someone’s mistake. The scandal may be over the promotion that was not Wolfowitz’s to give, but nobody is perfect. it seems as if people are more concerned about taking power away from him, and possibly, the U.S., and are just using this small blunder as a means to an end. They should be more concerned about the organization being able to move on to bigger and better things, like doing its job.


enlisters are waiting By shane ham

Arizona Daily Wildcat (U. Arizona)

(U-WiRE) TUCSon, Ariz. - They go by many names, such as chicken hawks, yellow elephants and College Republicans. You have seen them around campus, exhorting people to “support our troops,” by which they mean “send anyone but me to fight and die in iraq.” Whatever name is applied to them, they have three things in common: they are of military age, they support George W. Bush’s war in iraq and their mouths are much bigger than their balls (or lack thereof ). if you are a healthy young student who believes, as the president does, that the iraq war should continue or even escalate, then you fall into one of two categories: veteran or selfish little coward. our iraq misadventure is in its last throes, but the president is fighting a dead-end insurgency campaign against the American people by continuing this filthy and futile war. Most of the sacrifice required to continue this insane policy falls on the troops in iraq, their spouses, their children and their parents. if you are willing to make your fellow citizens suffer but you are unwilling

to make that same sacrifice, then you are a coward.i don’t mean to say that your opinion on the war only counts if you have served in the military. Most of us haven’t, which is the way it works in a democracy with a volunteer military. nor do i mean to say that fighting in iraq makes your view of the war correct. if that were the case, veterans would agree about how to proceed in iraq instead of disagreeing bitterly. What i am saying is that serving in iraq gives your pro-war view a degree of moral credibility, even though this war is profoundly immoral. i know that many UA students have served in iraq, and if you are one of them, then you have my gratitude and respect for your service to our country. However much i disagree, at least veterans have put their own lives on the line to back up their support of the war. it is far too easy to cheer for more blood when the only risk you face is a nosebleed from vomiting too hard in the Frog & Firkin bathroom. if you aren’t willing to put yourself on the line, then you are just spewing White House talking points as other, better people hold your pretty hair out of your face and then clean up while you sleep it off in your safe little dorm room. Are you serious about supporting our troops? Then go to iraq and help them. Desperate to bolster its num-

bers, the Army is offering significant incentives. A new program allows recruits to serve only 15 months on active duty. Coincidentally, that is how long soldiers are spending in iraq these days, if they are lucky enough to avoid an early trip to Walter Reed Army Medical Center or Arlington national Cemetery. You have no excuse for not going. Sign up now, and you will be done in three semesters. This university will still be here when you get back. You will return with a sweet scholarship and the pride of knowing you stood up for what you believe in. no prospective employers will look down on you for taking a break from college to serve your country. Quite the opposite, i assure you. You know who you are. You feel the weight of your own cowardice and hypocrisy every time you hear about an iED cutting short yet another young life. You know you should be there, but you just can’t bring yourself to enlist. You probably think i am rude for bringing your dishonor out into the open. You need not feel ashamed. if you don’t think this war is worth fighting, then stop saying so. if you do think it is worth fighting, go fight. if you do neither, then you can live with the knowledge that your fellow Americans are dying to protect someone who doesn’t deserve it. no amount of pro-war cheerleading can drown out that shame.

Developments in Darfur, Too Late? By Carla BouBes

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Since 2003, the African country of Sudan has served as the backdrop to the violent conflict that has consumed the western region of Darfur. For more than four years, the impoverished region has been under attack by the Sudanese government after two rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement, accused the government of neglecting Darfur. However the conflict quickly evolved into an islamic war. The Sudanese government has been arming Arab militias, such as the Janjaweed, with the means to destroy the region. Civilians have been victims of torture and repression of religious freedoms. Many women have also reported being abducted and raped by the Janjaweed. it’s quite obvious the region of Darfur is in a state of crisis. However, Muslim president omar Hassan al-Bashir has done nothing more than turn his back on the deprived region. The Sudanese government said the situation was being exaggerated. More than two million civilians have fled to camps in neighboring villages. Unfortunately, the camps

are not supplied with sufficient food, water and medicine. Aid agencies have tried to reach the refugees but are unable to due to the fighting. About 7,000 troops from the African Union have slowly been deployed. The African Union does not have the money or enough soldiers to cover the large area for much longer. The rebel groups that originally attacked government targets four years ago have made their point. The Darfur conflict is the result of a poor region being neglected by its corrupt government. The country has long resisted the aid of the United nations, saying it would take matters into its own hands all while not lifting a finger. However, it has provided Arab militias the heavy military equipment necessary to better execute the ethnic cleansing that former U.S. Secretary of State Colin powell called genocide. The estimated death toll thus far stands at an 200,000. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice accused Sudan of failing in its responsibility to protect the region and president Bush recently warned the Sudanese president that he had one last chance to stop the ongoing conflict or else the U.S. will impose sanctions. Considering that the last war against islam has proven to be some-

what unsuccessful, Bush may try again before his term ends. Four years and many casualties later, the Sudnese government agreed to allow 3,000 U.n. peacekeepers into Darfur. While president AlBashir may finally be acknowledging the crisis that has afflicted the region, his decision to take affirmative action is questionable. With the entry of peacekeepers one can only hope the current situation will progress. However, the Darfur conflict can only improve if the president and the Sudanese government cease fire.

Titan Editorial

Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Birthing a Debate The Supreme Court decided to uphold the federal ban partial-birth abortions. A little history: the law was vetoed by president Clinton twice, then signed into law by president Bush. The law was arguably unconstitutional – granted, like almost every law – which is what two separate lower courts found before the case was repealed to the Supreme Court. one of the reasons the law was overturned by lower courts is because the ban does not allow the procedure to take place if the mother’s life is in danger – a caveat that was added to abortion law by another Supreme Court case in 2000. The Supreme Court’s thinking is that, since other forms of abortion can be utilized to prevent a woman’s death in a life-threatening birth, a blanket ban on one kind is perfectly acceptable. What this ruling does is allow any abortion to be outlawed as long as there’s at

least one alternative. That alternative can be dangerous, painful and invasive form of the surgery, but it will fulfill this ruling. The kind of logic displayed by the court can also open up legislation that effectively sidesteps all the provisions in Roe v. Wade pertaining to when the government cannot ban or regulate abortions. While lawmakers will still be unable to pass a law that will outright ban firstor second-term abortions, there’s no reason they can’t simply ban any first-trimester measures like “day-after pills” or similar medicines. The precedent has been set that a pregnant woman’s life is no longer necessarily an over-riding concern. Why is the Supreme Court comfortable crafting legal opinions that essentially say that unborn children are more important, legally, than their mothers? The notion seems like a huge step backward.


Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

April 26, 2007


A Desegregated Prom, 50 Years Too Late Georgia highschool offers first integrated prom, did they miss the memo? By aleksandra WoJtaleWiCz Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

The girls’ sparkling dresses gleamed as they stood next to their prom dates in pressed tuxedos. Each couple posed for a picture with their friends, and all of the anxious students, black and white alike, lined up at the Turner County Civic Center in Ashburn, Ga. to attend their high school’s first integrated prom. Although it was just a school event, everyone was wondering what would happen when you integrate black and white students. Although this may seem like a scene from 1950s, when people were still getting used to the integration policies of Brown v. Board of Educa-

tion, this event took place in 2007 at Turner County High School. in a world where we are taught to be politically correct, that discrimination is wrong, it goes to show that there are still some parts of the country where these ideas have not reached. According to Cnn, the student’s reaction after prom was that of amazement and excitement. Yet the white students still had a separate prom for the sake of “tradition,” sponsored by their parents. This, i think, defeats the whole purpose of an integrated prom. Lewis Mumford said, “Traditionalists are pessimists about the future and optimists about the past.” in this instance, i think he is right. Well news flash people—it is 2007, and anti-segregation laws were passed because the ways of the past have not worked out too well. Yet the thought of wanting to have segregated proms astounds me.

What purpose do separate school dances serve? Tradition? Just because it is tradition, does not make it right. The reason they became “tradition” was because segregation laws were in place for years and people didn’t really have any other choice. But now, with those laws gone, there is no point in having separate proms. it is just a reflection of the deep rooted cultural prejudices, and that kind of attitude does not solve anything. What makes the “separate proms” issue even more hypocritical is according to Cnn, black students were invited to the white prom but chose not to attend. i think that if you are going to have a “white prom” then you shouldn’t invite another race for the sake of being politically correct, because what you are doing isn’t politically correct in the first place. And if one plans on inviting other races, then the idea of segregation does not apply. i also highly doubt that

white Susie Sunshine would waltz into an all black prom even if she received a personal invitation to the dance. one could argue that because the segregated proms were put on by the parents of the students, they are oK. But although school funds were not involved, these “traditional” proms were considered the “school” proms of Turner County High. A school event unites all students. These “traditional” school proms divided the school in half. i consider myself an old-fashioned girl whose cultural traditions are an important part of my life. Yet like with anything else, traditions should serve a purpose and be able to co-exist equally and be shared with other cultures, especially in this big melting pot we call America. As Joseph Addison said, “Tradition is an important help to history, but its statements should be carefully scrutinized before we rely on them.”


“A good newspaper, I suppose, is a nation talking to itself.” - Arthur Miller

EDiToR: The Daily Titan is a remarkable endeavor by CSUF students. Titans have quite a bit to be proud of about this publication. However, in the spirit of making something good ever better, i must express my misgivings about the paper’s opinion section. Currently, the authors of the articles in the paper are exclusively students enrolled in the Daily Titan class. The paper’s staff is comprised of the students enrolled in the class. The opinion section, however, should be handled differently. our school newspaper should have an opinion section where any student could get an opinion piece published, in the same way that it works for off-campus newspapers. it is understandable that Journalism students need to practice the skills they are learning. However, i don’t mean any disrespect when i say that some opinion pieces that are published on the paper demonstrate a disconcerting low quality of writing, together with very, very little depth. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t mean all articles must have content that delves deeply into issues of politics or things like that—especially since, after all, i understand this is a college paper. nevertheless, published articles should at least be better thought out. Writers should spend more time developing their pieces. The editor should have higher standards and expectations of quality. A piece that i read recently in the Daily Titan serves as an example within an upsetting trend. it was about the writer losing his virginity and then not being able to find anyone to have sex with. i am sorry to say that an opinion piece like

this one DoES noT deserve to be printed on our school paper. it was short from deplorable, as other students have agreed through letters to the editor. And i don’t mean from a moral perspective necessarily, but simply from a professional perspective. After reading that, it honestly hurt to know that i was reading it from my school paper. nonjournalism students who are willing to put in a lot of time into developing better opinion pieces should be offered a medium on campus to express themselves in print – and what better than the Daily Titan. it is a shame that their willingness to contribute to the paper, their efforts, their interest in the printed media, and their desire to train in these skills, are not being taken into consideration. And worse, awful pieces like that one are being printed instead. publishing opinion pieces from students with an expertise on subjects aside from journalism would contribute to the overall informative quality of the Daily Titan. Students could contribute on a variety of subjects of interest to the student body, with the added benefit of providing a different perspective on the topics, using their own, varied background. The selection criteria for publishing should be the quality of the writing and the overall contribution to public opinion that the piece offers. i mean no disrespect to the work of the Daily Titan. Many things about it are great, which is precisely the reason why we should not strive for less than the best which our student body can offer. This newspaper is letting a lot of Titan talent go unused and uncultivated. What is the additional cost of a page in the paper, compared with the ad-

ditional benefit it would bring? it is important to realize that, aside from serving journalism students as a practice medium, the paper is an important part of the student body and the university community as a whole. Alex D. Bowley Economics Major EDiToR: David Bruemmer seems to fancy himself a veritable Jackie Chan of the religious world; taking down dozens of bad guys, many with little more than a punch to the throat. When he threw a no-look punch at the Mormon faith in his last article, “Losing My Religion: Honey Get the Door, ”what he wasn’t looking at were the facts. i will not go into detail about all of the claims made in the article. That he quoted F.S. Spaulding, Archbishop of the Episcopal Church in Utah in the early 1900s on the question of the authenticity of Egyptian writings, however, is the intellectual equivalent of quoting David Spade about, say, organic biochemistry. The claim that the Book of Mormon (of which i can guarantee he has not read a word) is mostly “a plagiarism of the King James Bible, with stories that draw close parallels to Bible stories” actually lends credibility to the book and demonstrates the author’s fundamental lack of understanding what the Book of Mormon claims to be: scripture from God! Wouldn’t significant parity between the two scriptures be expected? Wouldn’t a lack thereof discredit the church? As far as the pseudo-archaeological claims regurgitated onto paper, i have a suggestion for you: make this guy include a bibliography to his articles from now on. otherwise it takes the whole paper down to Dan Rather level. All of those claims are outdated, one-sided, or simply not true. For example, he said that there were no horses on the

continent when Columbus came. Many believed this at the time the Book of Mormon was translated, which would have made Joseph Smith pretty stupid to print it if he were making it up, however, in the 20th century, many horse fossils were found in the asphalt mines at Rancho La Brea. Anybody who did any research would know that. i guess, in his words, rumors “led [him] to examine the claims” of the church. Apparently his definition of the word “examine” is “to search anti-Mormon Web sites for factoids because one is too lazy to research the truth.” if i want to know more about the Holocaust, should i tune in to Al-Jezeera and then quote them in a paper read mostly by people who know nothing about it? it’s simply irresponsible, and The Daily Titan would be irresponsible not to print this entire rebuttal in the opinion section for the whole school to read. if he put half as much blind faith in what Christians say as he did in those factoids he repeated, he’d be knocking on your door with a Bible in his hand faster than you can say “pass around the plate.” i found the last paragraph particularly interesting because it describes my feelings exactly: “if [Bruemmer] want[s] to seek me out with [his] claims and [his] stories, then [he] become[s] fair game for me to call [him] on [his] bull.” one more clarification: i was a Mormon missionary (if you couldn’t tell), and contrary to the Bruemmer’s implication, no missionary expects anybody to join the church because of the feelings in their heart, they simply invite people to study and pray and ask God for themselves if the church is true. What they do from there is up to them. Even if that means printing lies. Bruemmer must have open-mindedly stopped listening when the missionary told him that, though. Scott Keithly Accounting Major

Holocaust survivors need Better treatment From israel funded their projects with the reparations they received from their torture and loss. opinion@dailytitan.com This complete ignorance is a staFor some the adage “home is ple in the israeli government, who where the heart is” doesn’t carry as continues to desensitize themselves much truth as it does for others. of- with distractions, all while living histen we take our homes for granted, tory disappears into the overlooked not really being thoughtful as to streets of poverty. imagine being lucky enough to why or how we got there. However, for many of the 250,000 Jews who survive mass killings, gassings, starsurvived the Holocaust 62 years ago vation, the slaughter of your entire and who are spending the last years family and then only having debt to of their lives in israel, this idiom is show for your legacy. For most, an existence is depenmore of a cruel joke. With one-third, about 90,000, dent on what you have to show for of holocaust survivors living below yourself. For those unfortunate Jewthe poverty line in israel, it is fair to ish survivors who have suffered at the say that the israeli government has bottom of the list of priority by their own government, they have nothing failed in providto call their own. ing and supporting According to an its country’s most npR report, tens symbolic figures. While educating the of millions of dolEven with socialized Jewish youth of their lars are spent each medicine, most of the 70- to 80-year- traumatic past is im- year by the israeli olds who are depen- portant, caring for the government on new dent on the measly elderly in any situation memorials to honor the victims of the $500 allowance they receive month- should never get the holocaust. Howevly from the israeli dirty, soiled back seat. er, while its necessary and respectful government can’t to remember those afford the medical who unfairly perbills that collect as ished because of they grows older. it’s a shame that even after 60 years such foul acts, isn’t it almost more some Jews still can’t find a proper liv- disrespectful to build new memorials to remember those who were lost ing situation. Sure it’d be easy to point the finger than it is to take care of those you’re of this maltreatment at the Germans still responsible for? While educating the Jewish youth who inflicted this nightmare, but after more than 50 years and hundreds of their traumatic past is important, of millions spent in reparations, it caring for the elderly in any situation would be nice to know where the should never get the dirty, soiled money has gone. The answer: gravel back seat. Growing old is something that and concrete. in the ’50s and ’60s the israeli government used German everyone deserves a chance at doreparations to build roads, schools ing. However, being able to gracefully do it is something that only few and buildings. While every struggling country are lucky enough to experience. Alneeds a stabilized infrastructure, though we all expect to age with digthe israeli government should feel nity and respect, the impoverished obligated and in debt to those who Jewish survivors deserve it. By tom madden

Daily Titan Staff Writer


EDiToR: Regarding article ... The Virginia Tech shootings were horrific and will reverberate in our minds and hearts for a very long time. i was an undergraduate at CSUF taking summer classes in July 1976 when Charles Allaway walked across campus carrying a .22 rifle, entered the library, shot nine people and then calmly walked back off campus, still carrying his rifle. only two survived. A recent TiTAn article about the efforts of CSUF students to provide support to Virginia Tech students was outstanding in its failure to mention the 1976 shootings on their very own campus. There was full press news coverage of this tragedy up to and including the trial. My co-worker lost her father that day. it is certainly forever etched in my mind, just as it was every time i walked onto the CSUF campus until the day i graduated. Have we already forgotten? Janet B. Miller (nee Boyd) Class of 1978

online resPonses: EDiToR: Regarding Dave Bruemmer’s “Losing My Religion,” i have been reading these articles and postings all semester. i have always considered myself a Christian, raised in a nazarine church but ended up Southern Baptist and more recently going to Calvary Chapel for the last eight years, although in the months leading up to Dave’s articles i have had questions and doubts on many occasions. Like the story about emporer’s new clothes that Dave mentioned priorly, i have always been reluctant to voice these thoughts out loud. i just went along with the majority. After a semester of reading, i believe that there are many like me out there who are teetering on the fence between belief and sensibility. it’s not that i don’t want to believe, i do. But Dave has really convinced me that the whole religious thing is a sham and a crutch put forth by other men as a way of coping. i have read the replies and attacks, and frankly i was really hoping that someone would really step up and say “okay, here’s where Dave is wrong, and here’s where it’s logical to believe in God”. instead i’ve been seeing the same old tired arguments that have

been on the circuit for years. i’ve been looking into a lot of this philosophy this semester, and i’m convinced that there has been nothing new offered by Dave’s opposers. So i have concluded that there must not be anything new out there. i’ve been thinking of myself lately as an agnostic because i wanted to keep the door open. Today, i am coming out as an ATHEiST. nothing has changed. i don’t need to shower or anything. But i feel somewhat liberated from the shackles of religion at the same time. it’s not for everyone to become an apostate, i.e. turning my back on my religion. Some people really need it and want it, regardless if they think it’s a real thing or not. To them i say “go for it.” Dave Bruemmer, thank you for all of your work. You are doing the Lord’s work (metaphorically speaking) and i can tell you that you have changed one life for what that’s worth. Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you Daily Titan for having the courage to be the mouthpiece for someone like Dave, for i know that you must have taken your share of criticism and opposition at every turn, knowing how persistent Christians can be. Thank you all! Stephen Graham posted 4/20/07

regarding “How many tragedies Until We Have real Gun Control? 4/19”: it’s kind of strange, i’ve had two guns in house for over 50 years, and neither one of them has ever climbed down off the wall and shot someone of their own accord. i guess they are pretty well controlled, eh? Robert H. Owen posted 4/19/07 “i can only dream about the future and hope that my children and grandchildren will not have to worry about students bringing guns to school. Hopefully they can go to school without being searched and scanned before entering a classroom.” Do you really think you can have one without the other? Terese Laubscher posted 4/20/07

April 26, 2007



losing My religion By dave


Jesus Stole a Horse How many of you have to win an argument. That is ever envisioned Jesus riding why Jesus is quoted in the Bible gloriously into Jerusalem like as having two different stances Billy the Kid, on a horse that on divorce and three different was poached from its hapless views on fasting, among other owner? According to the Bible, things. But Jesus gives some that’s exactly how it went down really interesting advice on (Luke 19:30-34). one occasion. He denounces i’d still believe in ghosts to- divorce and his disciples reply day if i had never investigated. that if that is the case then it investigating and examining is not good to marry at all. Jeevidence is a good thing, and in sus agrees, and in fact recomdoing so i found it highly dubi- mends that men should castrate ous that Jesus ever really existed themselves for the Kingdom of as a real person. Maybe there Heaven if they can bring themwas a historical Jesus who was selves to do it (Matt 19:9-12). some kind of cult leader, and The church father origen, for stories were embellished about one, took this advice and literhim, but even ally hacked up that appears his own unit! ever more the Cathi’d still believe in And unlikely in olic Church light of recent ghosts today if i had used to enscholarship. never investigated. joy the sweet But that’s a investigating and ex- sounds of a story for anchoir of Casother day and amining evidence is a trati (ouch). i digress. Some other good thing ... instead, pearls of wislet’s take a dom from our look at some main man Jeof the things sus: about Jesus that you didn’t J.C. on family values- hate know, or at least never thought your mother, father and siblings about before. For the most (Luke 14:26; Matt 10:35-36), part Jesus seemed like an all- abandon your family including right guy, bumping around children and follow him (Matt from town to town, picking up 19:29) and call no man on followers, healing, feeding and Earth your father (Matt 23:9). speaking parables of wisdom. J.C. on tolerance- Jesus sugBut there was also another side gests in parable that those who to Jesus that is in the Bible if don’t follow him should be you look closer. slain (Luke 19:27). For instance, Jesus seemed J.C. on peace- peace on to despise gentiles (non-Jews) Earth, Good will toward men in certain verses and declared (Luke 2:4). However, Jesus that he came for the lost sheep came not to bring peace, but of israel. in one story, a gentile rather division, even among woman came pleading for Jesus families (Luke 12:51) and to heal her possessed daugh- not peace but a sword (Matt ter. Jesus came through, but 10:34). only after declining at first and J.C. on parenting- Jesus comparing her to a dog (Mark criticizes the pharisees (Jews) 7:25-30; Matt 15:22-28). of for not following the old Tescourse, we all know that there tament commandment to put is no such thing as being pos- their children who are disobesessed except for in the movies, dient to death (Matt 15:4-7). don’t we? Don’t shoot the messenger if it appears that the new Tes- you are offended. Remember tament authors, much like peo- that this is the Bible talking. ple today, wanted to quote Jesus Cheers!

E-mail Dave at opinion@dailytitan.com

Passing On Useful Tips for Surviving College A reflection on all the useful information you don’t learn in class By Jennifer ChurCh

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

As a senior watching the semester draw to a close, a sense of dread and relief constantly battle in my head. Yes, i am really close to graduating, but no, i’m not sure if i can keep my sanity as i try to get there. i’ve been reflecting on the following life lessons i learned and i hope undergrads benefit from them. You will get to class on time if you park at a far-off spot and walk just a little bit more as opposed to sitting in wait at the prime parking spots and stalking people walking back to their cars. Besides, don’t you notice how smug people get when they realize you are waiting on them? Their

gait becomes just a little bit slower as they dangle their keys in their hands as if they were holding carrots in front of a donkey. This is just one of many helpful hints. professors like it when you show up to class on time. While most of them usually carry on with the class despite the interruption, you may end up with one who will demand that you apologize to your class for barging in late. i think it has to do with this practice that is dying out fast: courtesy. Even with today’s technology, people can still hide from you. people don’t always check their e-mails and voicemails – sometimes they are just lost. So what to do when you have grades hinging on a group project and a flake for one of your members? pick up the flack and shun the flake in future group projects. Yes, you can rat them out to your professor, but if your professor’s good,

they’ll know anyway. no matter how crappy you think your life is someone has it worse than you. My friend and i were on a lunch break complaining about our jobs were when we saw someone in a clown suit crossing the street. i think i’ll keep my cushy desk job that has internet access as opposed to the one involving dancing on a street corner with a sign hanging from my neck. Word associations work – especially stupid ones. How do you remember Boss Tweed ruled new York? Tweed is a fabric, fabric is used in fashion and new York has top fashion shows. Enough said. Teamwork helps. Whether it’s having someone you can call when you missed class or studying together; just make sure that person is at least a junior. Let’s face it: juniors and seniors are just more serious students because that goal of graduating is nearer and dearer to their

hearts than to a newbie freshman or a perennial sophomore. Sometimes you get to a point where your brain just stops taking in information. Take a break. Have a beer. Watch a favorite half-hour show. Your work will still be waiting for you, but at least you’re a little recharged. Just beware – this practice only works if you know the difference between relaxed and too buzzed. Time waits for no one and neither do bills. Choose your loans wisely. i know someone who is so afraid of taking on her school loan payments that she continues to take a class – any class every semester, just to keep from activating her loan payments. She brings new meaning to the term: never stop learning. When i reflect on these lessons learned outside of overpriced textbooks, i only wish i knew some of these things earlier in the game. But hey, better late than never.

Career Choices Too Dependent on TV? By Jenna andriano

Northern Star (Northern Illinois U.)

(U-WiRE) DEKALB, ill. - This past weekend i got to see my friend crucified on stage. it ... was ... awesome. it also made me think, my friend is going to school for theater, which is wonderful. i have so much respect for people who are pursuing careers they will actually enjoy, regardless of risk. i’d say about one in 10 college students can honestly claim to be doing this. The rest fall under a few less idealistic categories. personally, i’m going to be a doctor because of television. i grew up watching “ER,” i idolize “House” and i’m now realistically settling on being as good a physician as “Dr. Cox” from “Scrubs.” Does it freak anyone out that they may one day be treated by a girl who momentarily wondered if she wanted to be an anthropologist after seeing an episode of “Bones?” Don’t worry, i’m guessing that i’m not the only one jumping on the medical drama bandwagon. or, maybe they’re honing they’re legal skills; because, they were oh so inspired by Family Law. or they’re off to the police academy because they know, from television, how easy it is to be a crooked cop. if there’s a TV show about an occupation, there are people who find it intriguing enough to devote their lives to it. There is something seriously wrong with the reasoning behind our career decisions. if your number

one reason for choosing your major is to get a lot of money really fast, keep in mind all the money in the world won’t help you feel better after your marriage train wrecks and your kids won’t talk to you because they blame their failings on the fact that you haven’t been in their lives; because, you’ve been making money. Just saying. Students are picking horrible jobs; because, they can make a bit more money – money they won’t be able to spend because they’re stuck at their horrible job. or, maybe it’s to be impressive. You know what’s impressive - My dad can fix anything that is remotely mechanical, my uncle can wire a house and my other uncle actually builds houses. if anything bad ever happens and the college generation has to fend for itself, all the impressiveness in the world isn’t going to save our pretentious, over-educated selves from starvation, cold or the heart-stopping realization that we don’t actually know anything. it’s really no wonder that most young Americans are jumping on whatever sub-par reason for career choices they can come up with. There is so much pressure to make a decision, make it quick and make it good, that one’s passions take a back seat to what are supposedly more acceptable reasons. in many countries, it’s expected for a student to take a year off and explore careers and life before re-entering school at the university level. in fact, most of schooling is focused on helping students to

Tonight on E.R.

illustration By Petre sPassov/daily titan

decide on a career that will actually suit them. in America, students are given the same survey of classes that have little to do with real life until the reach college. once there, and they’d better be there right out of high school or face the embarrassment of being an academic failure. The options to explore different alternatives are only as present as the availability of classes.

Don’t ignore your passions because a business degree will give you the skills to pay the bills. Don’t be embarrassed because your talents will be useful in the event a freak disease wipes out 99 percent of the population and the survivors must remake a functioning civilization (see Stephen King’s “The Stand”). now, i’m off to become an impressively rich doctor because the television told me to.

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Horn Stars for Titan Track and Field BY JASON KORNFELD

April 26, 2007

Baseball Tries to Fend Off Challenger First place Titans look for a battle this weekend against UC Riverside BY STEVEN WALTERS

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

One week after Titans senior Jordan Horn eclipsed the Cal State Fullerton record for winning the 10,000 meter run, he and the Titans are set to compete in the California Collegiate Challenge at Berkeley. The Cal Berkeley Bears are hosting the inaugural California Collegiate Challenge Friday and Saturday, April 27-28, at Edwards Stadium and Goldman Field. Last week at the Oregon invitational in Eugene, Horn completed his run in an impressive 29:02.57. The run was good enough to lower former Titan Francisco Vazquez in the record books from first place to second. Vazquez’ 1998 record run was 30:43.77. For his efforts, Horn was honored this week by the Big West Conference as the male track and field athlete of the week. For the Titan women, freshman Jameena Hunt will look to continue the solid performances she has displayed in recent events. Hunt broke her record for the shot put when she registered her mark of 42 feet, 10 3/4 inches, which was good enough to improve upon her previous best attempt by half an inch. Other lady Titans that performed well last week were Kimiah Hudson and Dinah Clark. Hudson took the women’s 200 in 24.90 and finished fourth in the 400. Clark finished second in the 110 hurdles. The 4x100 relay team won its race. On the men’s side, Chris Epstein, Roberto Archibold and Nathan Skankey turned in good performances. Epstein finished third in the 200 and fifth in the 400; Archibold ended up in sixth for the 400 intermediate hurdles, while the 4x100 relay team finished second; Skankey finished third in the pole vault with 15 feet, 7 inches, even though it was raining.

In what could go down as a key series in determining the Big West champion, the Cal State Fullerton Titans baseball team will face the University of Riverside Highlanders this weekend at the Riverside Sports Complex. The Titans (27-12, 7-2) are riding an eight game win streak after defeating USC 3-1 on Tuesday in a non-conference game. The Highlanders (24-16, 4-2) defeated No. 18 ranked UCLA on Tuesday and have a chance to move past the Titans for first place in the Big West if they can win the series between the two teams. While many teams struggle against the Titans, the Highlanders have recently had success against them, going 8-7 since joining the Big West. The Highlanders have won five of the six games that have been played in Riverside, including a sweep in 2005. Titans Head Coach George Horton said one of the reasons the Highlanders have had success is that they are not intimidated by them, which makes them a dangerous opponent. “This could ultimately be a series that decides who plays for the championship,� Horton said. “They have been contenders for the title since the start of the season and they are one of those teams that have not been intimidated by Cal State Fullerton.� While Highlanders Head Coach Doug Smith said he was impressed with what the Titans have done historically, he feels as if this is just like any other game. “I can’t explain our relative success against them,� Smith said. “While this series is important, it is just another baseball game.� For the first time all season the Titans look like they have finally put all the pieces together.

Softball’s Weekley Picks Up Honors Titan senior pitches in and helps improve her won-loss record to 7-3 CSUF Athletics Media Relations

BY KARL ThuNmAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor AGGRESSIVE MOVES – Titan Clark Hardman comes up safe as Pacific shortstop Denis Hill tries tag him out. The defense has steadily improved and the Titans are finally getting consistent pitching from their starters, something they have missed all season long. Jeff Kaplan received Big West Player of the Week honors this week with his performance against Pacific. Kaplan threw his second complete game shutout of the season on Saturday in a 2-0 win. “It looks like we are getting a handle on our pitching and defense,� Horton said. “With that we are going to be in every single game and that is what is going to make us better.�




The most important game of the series could be the first game as Wes Roemer will face the Highlanders junior sensation James Simmons. Simmons (8-2, 2.08 ERA) has won Big West Pitcher of the Week honors three times this season, including two in a row earlier this month. Since struggling early in the season, Roemer has come back to his All-American form going 3-1 in his last four starts. In those four starts Roemer has thrown 32 innings and has only given up seven earned runs. In that span he also has two complete games.

While the first game of the series may be the most important and most exciting, Smith said he will be looking at the other two games as being the difference in the series. “The Simmons and Roemer match up is going to be great to watch as both guys pitch very well, but Saturday and Sunday are going to be the critical games,� Smith said. The Highlanders will throw southpaw Marc Rzepczynski (5-1, 3.28 ERA) on Saturday against Kaplan. For the series finale the Highlanders will throw another southpaw, Pat Cassa. The Titans have yet to determine a starter.

Cal State Fullerton senior righthander Brooke Weekley parlayed her first start in almost a month into an award-winning performance as the Titans’ senior was named the Big West Conference Pitcher of the Week on Monday as selected by the league office. Weekley made only her fifth start of the year, and her first since a March 27 victory over Loyola Marymount, in game two of Fullerton’s series against Pacific, keeping the Tigers off balance all afternoon. She retired nine in a row at one point and stranded eight Tiger baserunners - including leaving the bases loaded in the seventh after striking out Pacific All-American Jennifer Curtier to end the game. Weekley, who earned the conference’s Pitcher of the Week award for the second time in her career, allowed just one run on eight hits in the 5-1 Fullerton victory while striking out five in the complete game effort. She improved to 7-3 overall this season with a team-low 1.83 ERA that currently ranks fourth in the Big West. Cal State Fullerton takes a break from league play as the Titans travel north for a three-game series against future conference rival UC Davis this weekend (April 28-29). First pitch for Saturday’s doubleheader and Sunday’s single game is scheduled for 12 p.m. The Titans’ next home series will be against Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, a Big West Conference matchup that begins on May 5th with a doubleheader at Anderson Family field.



April 26, 2007

Baseball Pitches in To Defeat USC 3-1 BY NOLAN ANDRE

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

BY KARL ThuNmAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor A QUICK LEARNER – Titan Jeff Kaplan didn’t pitch until reaching college.


2006. He endured an arm injury in 2005 forcing him to sit out the entire season. “My first year pitching (2004), I only went like 10 innings. I then got hurt so I had to sit the whole season out (in 2005),” Kaplan said. “Last year was my first full year of pitching.” In addition to setting the Irvine Valley College record for strikeouts in a season, Kaplan also set a school record for strikeouts in a game with 12. He also was named an all-Orange Empire Conference first team player in 2006. “He was a special individual,” Madole said. “He wasn’t here to socialize; he was here on a mission.” Kaplan did not start his Cal State Fullerton baseball career on great terms. In his first official start against Stanford, he lasted just 2 2/3 innings allowing five runs. “After my first start, I was a little nervous, as any pitcher would be,” Kaplan said, “But my second start in Vegas is when I started to get more comfortable.” Following his strong start against UNLV, Kaplan returned to Goodwin Field to throw a complete game shutout against the Arizona Wildcats. The shutout broke the Wildcats’ nine game winning streak. “He’s become a complete pitcher,” Horton said. “I knew he had a good arm, he’s developed a pretty good changeup and when he’s got three

pitches going, he’s as good as anybody on our team and as good as any pitcher in the league.” Kaplan’s performance this season and the prominence of the baseball program has many predicting draft in his future. There are several factors, however, that would lead to his choice of turning pro or staying for his senior season. “There are a lot of circumstances that go on with that – the money issue, where I go in the draft,” Kaplan said. “I’m not really thinking much about that right now. When June comes, I’ll worry about it.” If baseball does not work as a viable career, Kaplan has his backup plans. The communications major is a few semesters away from a degree and would like to do something in the writing field. “It’s important because it’s nice to have a backup. I’m interested in finishing school because I’m almost done” Kaplan said, “I’ve come this far so I want to finish.” Kaplan and his teammates are currently ranked No. 15 in the country by Baseball America leading the Big West Conference with a 27-12 overall record. Success for Kaplan, much like the Titans’ baseball program appears to go hand-in-hand on the baseball field. “I’m thoroughly overjoyed for him,” Madole said. “Under their (Cal State Fullerton coaches) tutelage combined with his work ethic, I’m not surprised at the success he’s had.”

The Cal State Fullerton Titans baseball team defeated USC 3-1 in a non-conference game Tuesday night at Dedeaux Field in Los Angeles. Titan first baseman Matt Wallach went 2-for-4 and hit his third home run of the season. The win was the eighth straight for the No. 15 ranked Titans. CSUF completed the season sweep of the Trojans (21-21 overall) after previously defeating them 7-1 on April 10 at Goodwin Field. Titan pitching again dominated the opposition’s offense. In the past four games, CSUF (27-12 overall) pitchers have combined to allow a 0.25 ERA. Last weekend, the pitching staff allowed just two runs, both

unearned, in the three game sweep guys out there … they were just of Pacific. dominating,” Horton said. After posting the best ERA in the After Wallach’s home run gave nation last season, the pitching staff CSUF the lead in the second inning, was seen as a the Titans scored weak point for twice in the top of the team comthe fourth. USC ing into 2007. starter Tommy I was disappointed in “That was the Milone (2-5) the quality of the atAchilles’ heal for struck out the us heading into first two batters bats. For some reason the season and faced in the we weren’t competitive he now it looks inning but gave offensively like we have up consecutive – George Horton the confidence singles to Titan Titans Baseball Head Coach of a lot of kids designated hitter and I’m excited Chris Jones and about that,” Wallach. Catcher CSUF Head Dustin Garneau Coach George pulled off a perHorton said. fect suicide squeeze scoring Chris Adam Jorgenson started for the Jones. Second baseman Corey Jones Titans and pitched three shutout then singled home Wallach to give innings. He combined with six re- the Titans a 3-0 lead. lievers - Paul Canedo, Cory Arbiso, Things almost unraveled for the Dustin Birosak, Nolan Bruyninckx, Titans in the ninth. Klipp, who had Justin Klipp and Bryan Harris - to the lowest ERA on the team coming allow seven hits and struck out four. into the game, came in to close the “Great job by coach Vanderhook door on the Trojans but gave up a and coach Kernan for bringing six run-scoring single to leftfielder Lu-

CSUF pitcher Adam Jorgenson starts and six other Titans finish up

cas Duda. He then hit first baseman J.J. Owen before giving way to Bryan Harris. “He fell behind some batters and the worst thing he did was hit the kid on the first or second pitch,” Horton said. USC Right fielder Anthony Vasquez put a successful sacrifice bunt down to advance the runners to first and third. Harris then retired the next two batters on a popup and a groundout to end the game and earn his first save of the season. After the offensive outburst this past weekend, Horton said he was frustrated with the team’s approach at the plate. The Titans only managed two hits after scoring their third run in the fourth inning. “I was disappointed in the quality of the at-bats,” Horton said, “For some reason we weren’t very competitive offensively.” The Titans will begin a series with Big West Rivals UC Riverside this coming weekend. Wes Roemer (6-4, 3.18 ERA) will look to extend the string of dominant starts when he takes the hill Friday.

Softball Team Hopes for a Good Trip Titans are looking to improve on their 27-18 overall record in 2007 BY ShAWN TRONDSEN

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The Cal State Fullerton women’s softball team is coming off a successful weekend homestand, where the Titans took two of three from the Pacific Tigers and reigned in a Big West Conference award. Titan pitcher Brooke Weekley, in what was only her fifth start of the season, earned herself the Big West Conference Pitcher of the Week honors in her performance in the second game of a doubleheader against Pacific last Saturday. Weekley pitched all seven innings, allowing eight hits, one earned run,

while striking out five and walking just two Tiger hitters. At one point in the game, the Titan senior retired nine straight batters to earn her seventh win of the season as the Titans downed Pacific 5-1. The series win against the Tigers brought Fullerton to 9-3 in conference play, and 27-18 overall. Cal Poly currently leads the conference owning a 9-1 record while Pacific is in second at 7-2. The two losses to Fullerton were Pacific’s first in conference play this season. After last weekend, the Titans have now received four votes in the ESPN.com/USA Softball Collegiate Top 25 poll. Cal Poly received two more votes than Fullerton, but are also not yet ranked in the top 25. The Titans now prepare to head north for UC Davis, a non-conference foe, and currently an indepedent team for this season. According to the Big West Con-

ference Web site, UC Davis will be the ninth softball team in the Big West Conference next season, so the Titans will be seeing a lot more of the Aggies in the upcoming seasons. The Aggies are coming off a successful weekend against Cal Poly, taking two of three from the Mustangs. UC Davis has won three of their last five games, and are 8-6 in the month of April. Davis sports several power hitters in what could be a threatening lineup for Titan pitchers. Deanna Menapace leads the team with a .331 average and nine home runs. Mandi Salcido is hitting a nearequal .322 with seven home runs. Other Aggie hitters with power are Nikki Sheldon and Sarah O’Neill, who have seven and five home runs, respectively. UC Davis has two stellar starting pitchers as well. Jessica Hancock is 13-10, with a 2.22 earned run aver-

age. In 24 starts, Hancock has allowed only five home runs and has 146 strikeouts under her belt. The other starter, Lindsay Tognetti sports a 3.00 ERA with a 13-16 record. Tognetti has an impressive 173 strikeouts in 23 games started and holds her opponents to an anemic .212 batting average. The Titans look to match UC Davis in power, however. The Titans have four players with six or more home runs, including Ashley Van Boxmeer who is hitting .331 with seven home runs. Candice Baker leads a strong Titan pitching staff. In 27 starts, Baker has held opponents to a .186 batting average, while recording 211 strikeouts and a 16-10 record. Baker won’t be pitching all three games this weekend, however. Look for Weekley to try and match last weekend’s award-honoring performance by pitching one of the twogames Saturday against the Aggies.

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April 26, 2007


Kaplan Comes Into his Own as a Titan I m O

BY Jaime

JUCO transfer emerges as a weekend starter for the nation’s No. 15 team

CSUF Tennis’ Late Season Surge


Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

In a sea of fresh faces, none have made quite the impact that pitcher Jeff Kaplan has made with the Cal State Fullerton baseball team. The team lost several veteran players to the June amateur draft and graduation last year but a slew of new guys have helped the Titans remain one the college baseball powerhouses. The 21-year-old from Irvine, Calif. had the daunting task of replacing two-thirds of a pitching rotation that posted the best earned run average in the nation last season. The right-hander has flourished with a won-loss record of 7-2, a 3.20 ERA and 45 strikeouts. Kaplan has also thrown two complete-game shutouts, the most recent being last Saturday against Pacific. Kaplan spent the previous three seasons at Irvine Valley College. Last season, he went 5-5 with a 2.56 ERA. His 100 strikeouts were an Irvine Valley College record. Kaplan chose Cal State Fullerton over University of San Diego, UCLA and UC Irvine. The coaching staff, Kaplan said was the biggest factor in his decision to become a Titan. The feeling was mutual among the coaching staff. “He came in with great credentials,” CSUF Head Coach George Horton said, “We knew he was one of the best J.C. pitchers in the state.” Prior to the start of the season, his role with Titans was not clearly defined though Kaplan felt he earned a spot in the rotation. Horton believed early on that Kaplan was go-


BY KARL ThuNmAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor EMERGING TALENT – Cal State Fullerton junior pitcher Jeff Kaplan has a 7-2 won-loss record and a 3.20 ERA. ing to be a vital player to the team this season. “We expected him to vie for a starting role or to be one the key relief pitchers out of the pen and he hasn’t disappointed us,” Horton said. The most remarkable thing about Kaplan’s pitching career is he did not start pitching until after high school. He spent his entire career at Dana Point High School as a hitter. After attending a baseball camp at Cal

State Fullerton, Kaplan decided to make the switch to pitcher. “(Assistant Coach Rick) Vanderhook came up to me and told me I needed to become a pitcher,” Kaplan said, “So I took his advice and I just starting working on pitching.” Kaplan spent the previous three seasons at Irvine Valley College under the watch of Head Coach Kent Madole. “He was very raw but the arm strength was there,” Madole said.

“It was pretty obvious he would succeed.” He was recruited by a few schools out of high school as a hitter but ultimately decided to heed to the advice of family and friends to go to a junior college. At Irvine Valley College, Kaplan learned how to pitch but it took two tough seasons and a lot of hard work before he had his breakout season in SEE KAPLAN - PAGE 13

Stay positive. Don’t look at the score. Just have fun. Who hasn’t heard it. But who really expects positive reinforcement to work? Well, Bill Reynolds, that’s who. The Titans’ longtime women’s tennis coach is a positive dude, but even the most passive of coaches could have lost their ways coaching the Titans this season. After starting the season by hosting a tournament, the Titans then traveled to San Diego to play Point Loma. They won. Actually, they beat up on the Sea Lions, 90. But that was in October. The Titans wouldn’t get to drink victory juice again until March 20 as they lost 15 consecutive matches. A lot happened in between their wins. A baseball season ended and begun. The Indianapolis Colts won the Super Bowl. The University of Florida won national championships in football and basketball – conversely, Ohio State lost in the national championship game in football and basketball. Don Imus got fired and Saddam Hussein got hung. Through it all, however, Reynolds and the Titans stayed positive. They chose not to focus on the final score, but instead concentrate on improving their individual game. “And it’s paid off,” Reynolds said on Wednesday. The Titans have turned it around, ending the season on a five-match winning streak heading into this weekend’s Big West Tournament at Indian Wells. “It’s easy to get on the negative side, but we didn’t focus on

the other schools,” Reynolds said. “We didn’t focus on the win-loss records as much as we did on improving as a team.” Some of the winning streak is due to scheduling, Reynolds said. The Titans played a lot of tough schools early on and the seventeam Big West conference has five teams that are nationally ranked, he added. But most it is the fact that the team is just playing better. The team’s No. 1 singles player, senior Gina Le, has won eight of her last 12 matches. The No. 2, senior Mai-Ly Tran, has won eight of her last 10. And No. 5, sophomore Cheyenne Inglis, delivered an impressive 6-0, 6-1 win in last week’s season finale against UC San Diego. The Titans, seeded No. 7 in the conference tournament, will need everyone to keep their solid play going if they want to advance past Thursday’s first round match against No. 2 Long Beach State, which beat the Titans 7-0 earlier in the season. Playing loose has been their style through the season, Reynolds says the team won’t focus much on their opponents or their records. “We are still going into this match on a very positive note,” Reynolds said of the winning streak. “It’s a matter of staying positive. As long as they play their hearts out and enjoy the competition, and not worry about the score, they’ll have a fun. And I’m sure they’ll do that.”

Jaime Cardenas’ columns appear every Thursday jcar@csu.fullerton.edu

april 26, 2007







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