2007 04 30

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Online DailyTITAn


Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 43

Klima on cleaning Up Brains

Digital Violence

Our politically-incorrect columnist discusses his job oPiNioN, p. 6

Michelle Ascencio examines video-game bloodshed GamiNG, p. 4

Daily Titan The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Trump Helps Pay Debt

ParT oNe of foUr

college students lack Political enthusiasm

jor. Hensley said he’s interested to see how the issue of global warming pans For the Daily Titan out in the 2008 elections with supnews@dailytitan.com porters like Sen. Hillary Clinton. “I think I’ve been doing a good Even though political interest may last only as long as springtime mist job in being more environmentally with some of Cal State Fullerton’s friendly,” said Thalia Whipple, 21, a finest, some politically savvy students kinesiology major. “My friends and still find that major issues in politics family thought I was crazy during need immediate attention and aware- Christmas when I wrapped their presents in newspaper rather than regular ness. Many campus clubs address the gift wrapping paper … I also try to issues that matter most to students. walk as much as possible in order not Politically Aware Titans, still in its in- to use my car.” Taxes, immigration, health care fancy, boasts an adventurous start. “Last semester we started Political- and education – these four issues are ly Aware Titans and, as a project, we expected to be ear catchers of young decided that this year’s project would and old American voters when presibe to get the school to sign on to this dential candidates begin their heated really great program that’s taken off debates. From the budget-minded politics nationwide called the Designated Suppliers Program,” said Caitlyn of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to the Whitney, 19, the compassiongroup’s student ate voice of Sen. leader and a poAs long as the woman Barack Obama, litical science mathe 2008 elecjor. is not Oprah, I am for tions are bound This program having a woman as to be a political aims to halt the president. party melee. exploitation of – Bill Dimopoulos The gender factory workers and race of the Advertising major by ensuring that next president universities are have also emerged not using sweatas issues. There shop labor and fostering unjust working conditions. are committees set up, such as the As universities join this program, American Women Presidents, which they allow an outside independent are dedicated to electing women to group like the Worker Rights Con- the U.S. presidency. “As long as the woman is not sortium to inspect all the factories they use, as opposed to the Fair Labor Oprah, I am for having a woman as Association, which is run by industry president. I think it would be great to show equal power upon gender,” leaders. “The FLA, a large portion of them said Bill Dimopoulos, 23, advertising anyway, are industry leaders regulat- major. “I guarantee you that the first ing themselves which doesn’t really woman to become president is going work in our opinion,” Whitney said. to have so many critics and put so Politically Aware Titans’ goal was much pressure on her. There will be to get CSUF to be the first CSU to a lot issues concerning women and I join the program. All the UCs joined think it might stir up many protests and more issues than there are now.” last year. nancy Snow, associate professor of Former Vice President Al Gore brought the issue of global warming communications, said, “As the world to mainstream media with his Os- protests more, we seem to have micar-winning documentary “An In- grated our protest marches to the Inconvenient Truth.” With statements ternet; a lot of people are registering such as, “Global Warming is the next their dissent but not so much out in big threat to civilization,” Gore has the open as we saw in the ’60s.” Whether on the Internet or in the turned young heads in the direction streets, citizens are still protesting in of environmental consciousness. “Whether you’re a fan of Al Gore or not, he isn’t really the issue here,” said Josh Hensley, 26, a business masee PoliTics - PaGe 3

Monday April 30, 2007

BY elVira riVas, eriKa JeNKo, Desirae macias aND mollY schNeiDer

Associated Press info@ap.org

BY reBecca harTNess/Daily Titan staff Photographer

KANYE WALKS - Kanye West entertains the crowd at Fullerton’s Ultimate Spring Concert on Friday

night, April 27, where he made a surprise appearance on stage with fellow rapper Consequence.

Kanye Dazzles csUf stage Consequence kept telling the audience to “get your hands up” as he rapped at the Fullerton Ultimate Spring Concert on Friday. The audience did just that – at least until Kanye West showed up. After a few songs on his own, someone started singing, “She gives me money when I’m in need … She’s a gold digger.” The audience looked around to see where the sound was coming from when

Kanye entered from backstage. The energy in the audience built up, almost spilling over the side of the railing separating them and the famous artist. Kanye and Consequence rapped “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly,” “Grammy Family,” “The College Dropout,” and “Gone” together. They ended the set with the new single they’re co-producing, “Don’t Forget ‘Em,” singing a cappella for the last part of the song.

“That’s how you know good music,” Kanye said about the single. “The radio doesn’t need to sell it to you. When the music starts, you can just feel it.” The two performers met in 2002 through a mutual friend, Ada Keys, and Kanye was Consequence’s special guest at the concert. See the Buzz on Thursday for the full story about the show.

SACRAMEnTO (AP) - Billionaire Donald Trump gave $10,000 to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to help pay off his campaign debts, a little more than a month after the governor guest-starred on Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice: Los Angeles,” according to a campaign filing. In an episode that aired March 18, Schwarzenegger hosted five of the show’s contestants in his private conference room at the state Capitol. The governor denies any link between the donation and the television appearance, but some political watchdog groups are skeptical. “He’s clearly using his personal friendships and his celebrity to pay off his campaign debt, and that’s just wrong,” said Jamie Court, president of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, a Santa Monica group that tracks campaign donations. Schwarzenegger spokeswoman Julie Soderlund said the April 20 donation was not connected to the governor’s appearance on the nBC prime-time show. She added that the taping took place earlier in the year. “The governor appeared on the Apprentice because the show was filmed in California for the first time,” Soderlund said. “Since the governor was elected, he’s appeared publicly nearly a thousand times in different venues.” The donation was Trump’s first to Schwarzenegger, whom he described as great friend when he told a group of contenders that they would meet California’s governor as a reward for winning a competition. The real estate mogul has previously given to other California politicians, including $3,500 to Jerry Brown for his 2006 attorney general bid. In 2005, Trump gave $25,000 to the California Republican Party, according to campaign records on the Secretary of State’s web site. Schwarzenegger has appeared on at least two other reality TV shows filmed in California, MTV’s “Pimp My Ride,” and ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” Schwarzenegger reported $2.3 million in campaign debt after his 2006 re-election bid.

Alumni Receive an Applaud Daily Titan Staff Writer


Five distinguished and honorary Cal State Fullerton alumni and a distinguished corporate partner were honored Saturday evening during the 14th annual Vision and Visionaries gala at the Crowne Plaza Anaheim Resort. CSUF’s Alumni Association, University Advancement, and the Office of Stewardship and Events coordinated the ceremony, which awarded each recipient based on their accomplishments and contributions to their careers, communities and the university, said Carlos Leija, executive director for Alumni Relations. “These individuals are set apart from so many others by their support for the university,” Leija said. Over 400 people attended the

black-tie event, which began with a social reception, followed by dinner, live music and opening statements by CSUF President Milton A. Gordon and Alumni Association President Kristen Crellin. “We have become one of the most influential university’s in the nation,” Gordon said. “More than 176,000 [graduates] have become role models for Cal State Fullerton’s current and future students.” Each recipient was introduced with a personal music and dance tribute performed by CSUF’s Dance and Theatre Department. The lyrics for each popular song were replaced to reflect the biographies and accomplishments of each honoree, said Eve Himmelheber, performance director for the event and coordinator for

BY aPril ValeNcia


BY leslie Umali/for the Daily Titan

MUSIC & DAnCE - Cal State Fullerton’s Theatre and Dance students Chris Chatman Sharon Taylor, Jessica Gurule, and Jeff Leatherwood perform the opening number “I Feel a Song Coming On.”

Tomorrow News

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ParT Two of PoliTical series


moBiliZeD TrooPs Public affairs reporting class examines political groups at CSUF

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o Check out dailytitan.com to hear and see musical adaptations of CSUF alumni.

the university’s Fine Arts in Musical Theatre program. “I think it’s important to tell [each recipient’s] story,” Leija said. “This is the institution that molded them into these individuals. It shows what you could potentially do in life.” Four CSUF graduates were honored, including Lucetta Dunn, president and CEO of the Orange County Business Council; Roger Kotch, chief financial officer of Inn-Out Burger; Steven G. Mihaylo, retired chairman and CEO of InterTel, Inc.; and Albert Wong, a retired entrepreneur. “I’ve been so lucky to have people so involved in me that I felt it was see alUmNi - PaGe 3

Tomorrow Partly Cloudy high: 78 low: 58

Partly Cloudy high: 75 low: 56


April 30, 2007


INTERNATIONAL NEWS Iran Agrees to Attend Conference on Iraq

(AP) - Iran agreed Sunday to attend a conference on Iraq to be held in Egypt this week. Iran, whose delegation will be led by Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, will join neighboring countries Egypt and Bahrain, as well as the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will attend the conference, increasing chances of a rare meeting with U.S. and Iranian officials. The confirmation brings hope that the Iranian government will cooperate in stopping the flow of weapons over the border and help calm the violence in Iraq. In an interview with Iranian state television, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said that the decision came after talks between Iraqi officials and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. According to the Associated Press, an Iranian envoy told Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki during the meeting that all countries that want stability in the region “have not choice but to support Iraq’s elected government.”

NATIONAL NEWS Kansas City Mall Shooting (AP) -Two people were killed and at least two more wounded Sunday at the Ward Parkway shopping center in Kansas City, Missouri. Authorities are unsure of how or why the violence began due to conflicting stories from witnesses. A window at a Starbuck’s coffee shop was shot out, but some witnesses claim the shooting took place near a Target store. Target employee Aaron Washington, 34, said he heard gunshots near the entrance to the store when he was returning from lunch. Witness Queea Miller, who hid in her truck with her 18-year-old daughter during the shooting, said the shooter was in the parking lot shooting in the direction of the Starbuck’s coffee shop. Authorities believe a nearby incident that left an officer wounded is related, Kansas City Fire Department Battalion Chief Joe Vitale said. He said the shooter was among those killed. Authorities shut down the shopping center and surrounding streets following the incident.

How to Report a Crime To report suspected on-campus


crimes, call 714-278-2515. For emergencies call 911.

Blue Angel Jet Crashes During Air Show (AP) - A major stretch of highway in the Bay Area collapsed Sunday after a gasoline tanker truck crashed and burst into flames reaching as high as 200 feet in the air, witnesses reported. Officials say the 250-foot span of freeway near the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, which carries 270,000 vehicles to and from San Francisco each day, melted and fell onto a roadway below. The truck’s driver walked away from the accident and no other injuries were reported. Authorities predict the worst traffic disruption in the area since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, saying the damage could take months to repair. The damaged section of highway carries 75,000 vehicles each day, but the collapse occurred in an area where three highways converge, leaving officials to predict traffic problems for hundreds of thousands of commuters.

April 20

11:45 a.m. Disturbance Police arrested a woman because she was yelling at a professor and a classmate at Building 1 at the Irvine Campus.

April 21

9:00 p.m. Suspicious Person A Community Service Officer saw two males inside the gated area at the Arboretum on Associated Road. The men should not have been in the area because the Arboretum was closed.

The area was too dark for the CSO to get a description of the men.

April 22

3:11 p.m. Medical Aid Call An elderly female at the Arboretum reported having chest pains. The woman takes medication regularly, but she did not have the medication with her that day. A report was taken. 3:28 p.m. Medical Aid Call Police were called to the Library after a person reported having pains

FOR THE RECORD It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Joe Simmons at (714) 278-5693 or at maneditor@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSUF System. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. Copyright ©2006 Daily Titan

in the area around the appendix.

April 23

5:21 a.m. Property Vandalism The clock outside the elevator on the fourth floor of Langsdorf Hall was broken. The newspaper stand located by the stairs on the north side of the first floor was damaged. A report was taken. 9:22 a.m. Medical Aid Call A 23-year-old male said he felt like he was going to pass out at Lot F on North State College.

5:55 p.m. Stolen Vehicle Report A golf cart was missing at Titan House on North State College. A report was taken.

April 24

10:17 a.m. Suspicious Person In Vehicle A woman said a man driving a black 4 door followed her car, parked to the left of her car, and honked at her. The woman was concerned that the man would damage her car while she was in class.

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April 30, 2007



alUMNi: csUf hoNors accoMPlisheD alUMNi time to take an interest in them,” Mihaylo said of his decision to support CSUF. “I support the people that do the real work here – the teachers, the administrators, the students – it’s not just about writing the check, it’s about getting involved in the people.” Allen Boerner, chairman and CEO of Granite Investment Group and the only nongraduate to be honored, received the Honorary Alumnus Award

for his support of the Guardian Scholars Program, which helps students in the foster care system pursue their educational goals. “This is one of the highest honors, there are no words to describe it,” Boerner said. “I will always be a part of [the Guardian Scholars] because I have a great spot in my heart for those kids and their achievement.” A Corporate/Foundation Partner

of the Year Award was also given to the Archstone Foundation for its support and direct financial assistance to the College of Health and Human Development and the Center for Successful Aging. Each recipient was nominated through the university and a select committee reviewed and deliberated this year’s nominees, said Pamela Hillman, vice president of University

Advancement and committee member. “It’s very moving ... It really bonds everyone together and builds community and Titan pride,” Hillman said. “This event is great because you see the product,” Gordon said. “It all goes back to honoring the students – any funds we raise go toward the students and advanced operations.”

their own ways. Last year more than a million immigration rights protestors demonstrated on May 1 across the nation. Officials expect this year’s May 1, or May Day, to draw demonstrators again. Rita Galaviz, 22, gave up eating food from Carl’s Jr. two years ago because of her mother’s influence. “My mom saw a commercial with [Hugh] Hefner in it and she thinks he’s a disgraceful tool to use for family business,” Galaviz said. “I couldn’t have Carl’s and now I feel guilty if I go.” Although Galaviz’s quest to protest didn’t gain national attention, it became a way for her to begin to understand how 21st century America operates. “I think society is starting to care more about protesting and give the causes they believe in more time and effort than before,” Galaviz said. Another form of CSUF student protest emerged four years ago. The fire within communications major Bryan Solomko, 22, got him in the heat of the action during the 2003 grocery workers’ strike. At the time, Solomko was an employee motivated to strike, but uncertain for what he was striking for. “I didn’t know how good our employees had it with benefits until the strike,” Solomko said. “When the strike actually happened and I got to be able to observe, I didn’t know how good of a contract we actually had.” Despite such examples of activism, many young people today lack interest and concern in politics. To

some students, politics is viewed as boring. “I do not follow on the latest news or views by our political leaders. I don’t believe any of them,” said John Damoulakis, 22, advertising major. Students stereotype politicians as untrustworthy, boring, remote and self-serving, according to studies by the National Centre for Social Research. “Honestly, I do not even pay attention to politics anymore since George Bush continues to send troops to Iraq,” Damoulakis said. Students attribute their apathy toward politics to several causes. “I think that some students may have their own opinions on politics but for the most part they grew up one way and that’s how they think because of their parents,” said Jamie Caccavale, 24, public relations major. “I do feel that most students tend to be very disinterested in politics because of their lack of knowledge.” Lack of knowledge can be attributed to voter apathy in some students, but not all. “I could say that I know more about politics than most 28-year-olds here on campus know. I care a lot about them,” said Aaron Avantes, 28, public administration major. Over the last 30 years, presidential primary voter turnout has declined dramatically, leading to a series of historic lows, according to the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate. Editor’s Note: this series was reported and written by students in Mike Tharp’s Public Affairs Reporting Class.

PoliTics: sTUDeNT aPaThY for chaNGiNG PoliTics

BY sTefaNo PalTera/associated Press

SEN. OBAMA - Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, is seen at the First AME Church in Los Angeles, Calif., Sunday, April 29.

BY chrisTiNa hoUse/Daily Titan Photo editor

“DISPLACE ME” - On April 28 roughly 7000 people gathered at the L.A. Fairgrounds to simulate a Ugandan refugee camp.


april 30, 2007


are games a Cause of Violence? Research isn’t conclusive, and the question is being asked in the public realm By Michelle Ascencio

Daily Titan Staff Writer maneditor@dailytitan.com

in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, people are scrambling for explanations. When something this tragic and this unexplainable occurs, people dig deep to find some reason in something so senseless. as with Columbine, many are looking at violence in video games as the source for the violence occurring in today’s youth culture. The day after the massacre, Phil mcgraw, better known as TV talk show host Dr. Phil, appeared on the Larry King Show and said he believes video games are at least partially to blame for the shooting. in response to mcgraw’s comments, Howard Stern lashed out and blasted mcgraw’s ideas. Stern said that neither adolf Hitler nor Osama bin Laden had video games to fuel their murderous ways. in either case, people should not jump to conclusions when trying to find a cause for violence, said mindy mechanic, Cal State Fullerton assistant professor of psychology. “i caution anyone to not make simplistic claims for one causal effect,” she said. “There are a number of different and complicated factors that are involved in something as deadly as Virginia Tech.” People should look at the facts, which is that crime rates among youth in the U.S. are actually decreasing, before coming to any conclusions, said Wayne Hobson, professor of american studies, in an e-mail interview. “any effort to place this killing spree in context should recognize and take account of this downward trend of crime and violence rates,”

Photo illustrAtion By Petre sPAssov/Daily titan

Hobson said. But in spite of decreasing crime rates, Hobson said that, in comparison to other nations, america is extremely violent. The causes for this high level of violence are “complex and deeply rooted,” and american culture embraces aggressiveness as a “positive personal trait.” Because of this, americans embrace violence in entertainment. Violent entertainment is not the cause for violence in american society, but a symptom of american reverence for aggression, Hobson said.

“Look at Japan. They love violent video games ... they also have very low levels of interpersonal violence,” he said. although there is no concrete evidence that video games were a factor in the Virginia Tech massacre, americans have become immune to the amount of violence in entertainment media, mechanic said. “Of course there is a desensitizing effect, but that doesn’t translate at all to extreme cases of violence,” she said. although there’s no apparent link between violence and video games,

mechanic said she sees a correlation. “There have been studies showing that with increased exposure to violent video games there is an increased level of aggression,” she said. an article in the april 2000 issue of the american Psychological association’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology supports the connection between violence in video games and aggressiveness. Psychologists Craig a. anderson and Karen E. Dill conducted a series of two studies where participants played games such as “Doom” and “mortal Kombat.”

“One study reveals that young men who are habitually aggressive may be especially vulnerable to the aggression-enhancing effects of repeated exposure to violent games,” the researchers reported. “The other study reveals that even a brief exposure to violent video games can temporarily increase aggressive behavior in all types of partricipants.” in light of this study, mechanic said that increased aggressiveness does not mean increased occurrence of violent crimes. “Just because people indulge in violent video games does not mean they’re more inclined to commit heinous crimes,” she said. Cynthia King, associate professor of communications and specialist in media effects on society, said that while the studies like the association’s might reveal a correlation between exposure to violence in video games and aggressiveness, it is impossible for that type of study to connect the two. The studies “are not able to provide long-term effects of violent video games,” King said. “They can see the immediate aggressiveness in answers to study questions, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to run out and take it out on other people.” There are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration as well, she said. “Research shows that media, such as video games and movies, can have some effect on some people some of the time,” King said. “Typically there are a lot of other factors involved, like personality, environment and situational.” among those factors is culture. it is extremely easy for anyone to access guns in america, King said, and she said she is surprised that violence like what happened at Virginia Tech doesn’t happen more often. “People need to consider this,” King said. “Is it entertainment that shapes culture, or is it culture that shapes entertainment?”

This Week’s Games a slow week for games. The only major release is movie tie-in Spider-man 3.

All Platforms – Spider-man 3 Based partly on the movie and partly on the comics, this new game has some large shoes to fill. The original Spider-man game on the PlayStation was one of the first good superhero games, and its sequels have been fairly well regarded. initial looks at the game are guardedly optimistic.

PC – 911: First Responders – alpha Prime – The apprentice: Los angeles – Circus Empire – UFO: afterlight – UFO: Extraterrestrials

PS2 – Heatseeker – Legend of the Dragon

PSP – asphalt: Urban gT 2 – Legend of the Dragon – Ultimate Board game Collection – Winx Club: Join the Club

Wii – Heatseeker – Legend of the Dragon

DS – Brain Buster Puzzle Pak – Classic Action: Devilish

GBA – Major League Baseball 2k7

april 30, 2007



nintendo lied – there are Japanese Plumbers By PAtrick chAvis

For the Daily Titan maneditor@dailytitan.com

In the book “The Soul of Japanese Advertising,” Fred Perry wrote about the impact that foreigners have had on Japan, especially white men. At least at the time Perry was writing, white men had a better chance of selling products in Japan than Japanese did. An International Herald Tribune article in 2003 reported a survey of images on beauty products counted “17 white

males, 16 white women, one black woman, one David Beckham, nine Japanese women, but not a single Japanese male face.” These results were from Japan. “It seems that non-Japanese person, especially Caucasian Americans, are almost seen as fictitious characters in [Japanese] popular culture,” video game developer Sam Hart wrote in an essay published at geekcomix.com. Using stereotypes is a constant in video games, whether they’re used on accident or seemingly on purpose in games like “Grand

Theft Auto.” “Characters in various genres often run to type – when was the last time you saw a wizard without a beard and long, flowing robe, crazed look and raised hand gestures,” Don Lagerberg, a professor of art who specializes in both Japanese and Western art, said through e-mail. “The honest answer is marketing. The U.S. is Japan’s biggest market for sales, Europe being second, and the majority of the people purchasing video games are white males,” Ben Ballot said.

Ballot, a grad student of CSUF, was a game writer and designer for eight years. He worked for bigname companies like Interplay, Activison, and Realtime Associates. Some companies are simply avoiding using race. Video games like “World of Warcraft” are revolutionizing how characters are made by letting players decide how their character looks. Another alternative is creating characters that don’t mold to a specific ethnicity. Video game journalist Chris Kohler wrote, “It’s easier for any-

body to identify with Jade because Jade can stand in for anything.” Jade, the main character from “Beyond Good and Evil,” is very hard to place racially. Alyx Vance from “ Half Life 2” is another fictional character that, like Jade, is very hard to place under one category of race. Vance became one of the more popular digital characters. Users at twitchguru.com voted her the sixth-most popular video game character ever. In addition, “Half Life 2” was a commercial success.

Characters like Jade or Vance are not made on accident. As Ballot explained, making characters ambiguous opens them to a larger audience. “It’s also become the standard practice of Japanese artist, for both video games and anime, to make their characters, male and female, not look Japanese or even Asian at all, except in the case of historically based games,” Ballot said. “The Onimusha series by Capcom is one of the few AAA Titles to have a Japanese character as the lead in recent times.”

Video games may Just be the art of Tomorrow By elizABeth siMins

Columbia Daily Spectator (Columbia U.)

(U-WIRE) NEW YORK - At the end of this year, a cinematic work of art will be released that has a multi-million-dollar production value, an all-star cast, and a director with over two decades of experience in the industry. But you won’t see “Lost Odyssey” in a movie theater. You’ll play it on your Xbox 360. Video games have come a long way since the days when every character was a cluster of pixels vaguely resembling an alien and every soundtrack sounded like a touch-tone keypad. Increasingly in the past few years, video games have come to resemble movies with their well-developed characters, complex storylines, and orchestral soundtracks. Film is a form of expression that is indisputably recognized as an art. And, though the vast majority of Americans wouldn’t say the same of video games, one has to wonder if recent and forthcoming events will change that.

Two of the many current games that are pushing the boundary between art and gaming are “Okami” and “Eternal Sonata.” “Okami,” which came out last September for PlayStation 2, has beautiful graphics that simulate Japanese brush-style art, along with a gameplay mechanic that allows the player to alter the course of events by freezing time and painting over the scenery using the controller. “Eternal Sonata,” which will be released before the end of 2007 for Xbox 360, has a narrative that is loosely based on the life of Frederic Chopin and integrates music into nearly every aspect of the gameplay. Because of the extent to which these games incorporate art, in both their presentation and gameplay, “Okami” and “Eternal Sonata” beg the public to return to that ever-socontroversial question: “Can video games ever be considered art?” In order to answer that ques-

tion, it’s helpful to compare video games to their closest relative: Film. There are a few superficial differences between the two. Video games, for example, are much longer than movies, often taking over fifty hours for their main story line to be completed. The most important difference, however, (the one that made Roger Ebert utter his now-famous words

that video games are “inherently inferior to film and literature”), is the interactive nature of the medium. With movies, books, and paintings, goes the argument, the artist has complete control over the audience’s experience. And it’s certainly true that players have varying levels of input into the outcome of a video game, depending on the game.

But if video games were widely acknowledged as a form of art, albeit an interactive one, they wouldn’t be the first. Interactive digital art, using various forms of virtual reality and even interfaces similar to those in games, has been shown in galleries and museums since the late ’80s. Why, then, aren’t video games already considered art? Though each player might have a slightly different experience while playing a game, all of these potential outcomes have been preprogrammed by the game’s creators. The player is only interacting with a packaged experience, just like the many interactive works of art that have been being created and accepted as art for the past two decades. It could very well be that the only reason for video games’ current inferior status is the fact that most people still assume that games are just for kids. How could there be a

genre of serious art that isn’t even aimed at adults? In light of all this, it is fully possible that “Lost Odyssey” will completely change the lay of the land. It might even establish video games firmly within the realm of art. “Lost Odyssey” is a high-budget game being developed by Mistwalker, which is a new company led by Hironobu Sakaguchi (the creator and former director of the astonishingly popular “Final Fantasy” game series that has been setting industry records since the late ’80s). Most significantly, the story line of “Lost Odyssey” is being written by Kiyoshi Shigematsu. Though most Americans probably have no idea who he is, in Japan Shigematsu is a much renowned, award-winning novelist. “Lost Odyssey” is going to take the relationship between so-called serious art and video games a step further by literally merging the two. Hopefully, “Lost Odyssey” and other games like it will make 2007 the year that video games are finally recognized as the art they are fully capable of being.

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Appril 30, 2007

opinion Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Visions of the Future They are the Visions and prepared you to conquer Visionaries. given career path you have And this past weekend, chosen. Cal State Fullerton paid now think about this: tribute to four individuals Dunn, a CSUF graduate – CSUF alumni – whose is the CEo of the orange achievements and contribu- County Business Council. tions have made them pillars Kotch, a CSUF graduate is of our community. They are: the chief financial officer of Lucetta Dunn, Roger Kotch, in-n-out Burger. Steven G. Steven G. Mihaylo and Al- Mihaylo, a CSUF graduate, bert Wong. is the retired chairman and T h e CEo of inhonor is t e r - Te l , a rare one inc. AlAll of the aforemen- bert Wong, and only the elite are tioned champions got a CSUF meritorious graduate, is in receiv- their start on the very a retired enconcrete you trepreneur. ing it. The same quartet of stand on as you read The botsuccessful tom line is this ... Titans rethat with ceived their vision, the honors by sky is the making limit. All of good with the degrees they the aforementioned champiworked for at the university, ons got their start on the very making something of them- same concrete you stand on selves and giving back to the as you read this – and all venorange and blue establish- tured out to achieve at high ment. levels. And if you are one of Think about this: as many the lucky ones graduating, of you prepare to graduate remember these sentiments and get that real job, you as you march to pomp and might just be questioning if circumstance in a few weeks. the training and connections They are visions. They are you have made at this uni- visionaries. And they are an versity will have sufficiently inspiration to us all.

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Titan Editorial is solely the opinion of the Daily Titan editorial board and was written after the open debate between board members. The editorial board consists of the executive editor, the managing editor, the opinion editor, the news editors, the copy chief and other editors upon appointment of the executive editor.

BY JaKe KilroY

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Since being fired for his impressively bold on-air racist and sexist remarks, Don imus has said that young black women are being demeaned by their own black men. imus added that it doesn’t give him “any right to say it, but it doesn’t give [black men] any right to say it.” And Russell Simmons listened. Last week, the music mogul, who just two weeks ago was arguing for the rights of rappers to express themselves as artists, did an aboutface and called for the voluntary banning of “bitch,” “ho” and “nigga” from the lexicon as “extreme curse words,” according to The Washington post. At a panel forum organized by The oprah Show, Simmons said, “The hip-hop community is a mirror, a reflection of the dirt we overlook – the violence, the misogyny, the sexism.” But this wasn’t what hip-hop was when it was born sly in the Bronx. Up until the late 1980s, hiphop was built around the struggle and culture of the inner-city. Social historians cite the beginning stages of the hip-hop scene for replacing gang violence with rap battles. Hip-hop replaced brawls with words, and the pioneers knew what they had. Early MCs weren’t known for advocating the backward pedal of humanity. in the early stages of the genre, the themes were honest and the music wasn’t heavy. Disco beats or sampled funk breaks played as the pioneers of the scene rhymed about friends and parties. Sure, it sounds campy now, but there was relevance and resonance then. Gang members of the late 1970s and early ‘80s wanted out of a harsh life, not trying to paint street pride on album covers. it wasn’t rough street anthems with even coarser lyrics, as it is these days. it was gangsta rap that hung the

corpse of early hip-hop. Though gangsta rappers belong to what should be considered a separate genre, they corrupted the integrity, intelligence and respect of old school hip-hop and what the wordsmith pioneers were trying to create with a new sound. Gangsta rap took everything the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s stood for and burned it. These thug MCs grew up listening to the hip-hop pioneers they would later betray. instead of creating a furtherreaching black community, gangsta rap revived the n-word. instead of moving toward respecting equality, they started referring to women as “bitches” and “hos.” And instead of improving the lyrical stylings of brotherhood, they penned riot anthems about guns, drive-bys and vengeance. name another genre of music besides “Hatecore” (a racist hardcore scene in the South) that rallies musical troops against other human beings as direct and volatile as modern rap. Hip-hop was fun and funky originally. What has become of the purity in the church of rap? The prophets have retired and the new leaders are killers. The lyrics of a British hip-hop duo seem relevant to all American East and West Coast rappers, though an ocean away. on dan le sac VS scroobius pip’s socially observational recent hit “Thou Shalt Always Kill,” dan le sac raps, “Thou shalt remember guns, bitches and bling were never part of the four elements [of hip-hop] and never will be.” Gangsta rap destroyed everything hip-hop was. Well, Simmons, you were there in the beginning of hip-hop. You were there when it forked off into the genre you hate now. And today, you’re here in the aftermath, ready to see a hopeful and long-awaited change. Gather your MCs and DJs and rebuild hip-hop.

Ugly Mondays BY Jeff


When I Grow Up I Want to Be... in life, i think it is far more the Hantavirus, Hepatitis and important to do interesting other creepy creepies, it isn’t the things than to make money. safest work. now more than a few of you But when someone asks me are making that “jerk off” mo- what the weirdest thing i’ve tion with your hand right now, ever done is, i have a nice, long but damn it, it’s true! if “fighter list. Currently i think it is using pilot” paid minimum wage and a dust pan to scoop brain mat“smoke detector assembler” ter off a kitchen floor. That or paid 100K a year, and i could be finding teeth and bits of head either, i promise you i wouldn’t intermingled with old fries inbe inserting side the cup “screw R into holder of a socket M.” Toyota. Gruei have some stuff, ... hold out for someworked some but somebody thing worth doing, has to do it. interesting jobs: porn something that will Herein lies shop manager make people ask ques- the problem, and mall Easwhat tions. My job right now though: ter Bunny, as do i do next? well as jobs is ‘crime scene cleaner.’ i am not gofrom hell: ing to clean scam teleup grandparmarketer and ents and gang night guard at members and a factory that made pool clean- the depressed forever. But i’ll ing chemicals. But i promise be damned if i go back to beyou, especially those of you ing a Receiving Manager at graduating with me in a couple party America or into the 9 to weeks, hold out for something 5 office world that is my major worth doing, something that of advertising. i do have a few will make people ask questions. options, though. A guy i once My job right now is “crime knew, who used to party with scene cleaner.” Larry Flynt (so he has some As a “crime scene cleaner,” i credibility), said that every man go to homicides, suicides, ac- should spend a year of their life cidental deaths, meth labs and on a fishing boat in Alaska. i filthy cat lady houses that just have a Rescue SCUBA Diver need some damn scrubbing. i certification, so i am thinkcleaned out a jail cell last week ing shark diver in Africa, but that had bloody finger marks if anyone has a better idea and raked into the concrete. Yes- you don’t want to do it yourterday, it was a guy that was self, let me know. i’ll do it. killed in a drive-by shooting, But then again, Robert Frost this morning a woman fell took the road less traveled by, downstairs and bled to death and he ended up a lame-ass into her carpet. it isn’t the most poet, so what the hell do i or pleasant work, and considering Bob Frost know? that i am potentially dealing Become what your parents on a contact level with AiDS, do.

Titan Editorial

Gansta rap not What HipHop Was originally about

Investigating Military Misbehavior, Surprised? LETTERS To THE EDiToR Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns, along with your full name and major, to executive editor Adam Levy at alevy@dailytitan.com.

Latest hearings regarding military in iraq are more evidence of ineptitude BY ToM Madden

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailyitan.com

Destroyed evidence, an autopsy that didn’t conform to regulations and witnesses who seemed to vanish “out of thin air.” no folks, this isn’t a Hollywood movie, it’s just another day spent basking in the weird and inconceivable days of the Bush administration. pat Tillman, the former nFL star turned Army Ranger, was shot and

killed mistakenly in April 2004 by his fellow American troops. Three years later, we are still trying to wade through the mud in an attempt to find factuality, something that commonly results from any Bush administration flub-up. Rep. Henry Waxman, who called a hearing to investigate claims from the Tillman family that the pentagon and, surprise, the Bush Administration hid the facts behind what really happened in Tillman’s death, described the situation best. “i come from Hollywood. i expect show biz in Hollywood, not from the military,” Waxman said. Well, we might as well build a huge white sign and send over some

rehab prone celebrities, because this war is all about Hollywood and entertainment value. For God’s sake, the command information center in iraq was designed by a famous Hollywood set designer. nothing should surprise you anymore, with these oil-blooded vampires. Minutes after Tillman’s death from friendly fire, those in charge of the situation threatened any army specialists who witnessed the killing to keep everything hush. They warned against telling Tillman’s brother, who was also in the Army at the time, or else they would “get in trouble” too. They then buried Tillman, promoted him to corporal, and awarded him the Silver Star for

his bravery, all while telling his family that he had been killed in combat against Taliban fighters. Even after warning both Rumsfeld and Bush that the death of Tillman had to be kept quiet for fear of public embarrassment, Bush used the fabricated Tillman story only days later to gain public support for the war. Tillman was the perfect piece for Bush’s Candyland approach to this war (chess is more of a thinking man’s game) and a public relations dream. picture this, white football star that left the American dream behind and heroically died fighting the terrorist regime. Jeez, Karl and Dick, i think we might have a good movie here – i mean war. While these games might be suitable for young boys using their Gi Joes to defeat the Cobra Rebel force, in no means is it ethical to play with human life. imagine that, our fake cowboy president using a false story to show how manly and right his war o’ false pretence is. Well if you can’t imagine that, then go Google the name Jessica Lynch. Lynch, the captured Army supply clerk whose fake story of the sweet white girl who went down with her guns blazing, was used by the Bush administration to once again rally support. At the same congressional hearing, Lynch said, “the story of the little girl Rambo from the hills who went down fighting was not true.” So here we have two more examples of how Bush and his administration will use anything to garner support for the war, even if it means falsifying and disrespecting those who don’t have a voice from the grave. if someone truly believed in this war, would they need to exhaust fabricated stories of acts of courage and heroism to rally support, or wouldn’t they simply let their actions do the talking for them? Either way, until next year let’s try not to let George play Candyland anymore, and force him to bring the pieces of his board game home.


(From Page 8)

“I didn’t think today’s pitching was that good,” Titan Head Coach George Horton said. “We should have scored more runs today.” The Titans were able to fight back behind a strong relief outing by Dustin Birosak, who went four and a third innings giving up only one hit. After a pair of doubles and a single cut the Highlanders’ lead to 5-3 in the fourth, Smith went to his bullpen to preserve the lead. The Highlanders’ bullpen went five innings giving up only one hit and one unearned run. Joe Kelly picked up the save after coming in during the eighth inning. Kelly came into the game after Matt Wallach hit a one-out double to the left field gap. Kelly was able to get the next two Titans out on fly balls to left and center field. “Our pitching staff has been so good all year,” Smith said. “One of the keys today was Simmons giving us nine and Rzepczynski giving us nine so that allows us to extend runs and bring Kelly in early in the eighth. That saved the game for ustoday.” While many in the college baseball community saw this year as a rebuilding stage for the Titans, considering they have only three returning starters form last year‘s team, Horton said that it was not an excuse for his team’s play over the weekend. “It isn’t the young guys that is the problem, it’s the old guys,” Horton said. “The young guys aren’t young anymore, it’s just baseball players now.” The road back to the top of the Big West Conference will be long and hard for the Titans, as they saw themselves fall from first place in the standings before this weekend, to tied for third with UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara. “There are some parts of our team that we need to fix to pick ourselves off the ground from this tough weekend and compete for a Big West championship,” Horton said. The Titans will resume play on Wednesday as they face Pepperdine in Malibu. Big West action will resume on Friday when the Titans play host to UC Santa Barbara.

Highlanders Lefty Rzepczynski Silences Titan Bats in 3-0 Win Pitcher allows only three hits in a complete game to help UC Riverside BY NOLAN ANDRE

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

His name may be hard to pronounce, but UC Riverside’s Marc Rzepczynski proved hitting his stuff was even harder. The lefty threw a complete game shutout in a 3-0 victory over the No. 15 ranked Cal State Fullerton baseball team Saturday evening at the Riverside Sports Complex in Riverside. Rzepczynski (6-1) allowed just three hits, struck out nine and walked one, throwing 117 pitches. The complete game was the second in as many games for UCR. “I had a good feeling going into today’s game,” Rzepczynski said. “I threw my pitches to their spots and it worked out for me.” Rzepczynski never allowed a runner past first and had only one of his outs reach the outfield. “He pitched a gem of a game,” CSUF Head Coach George Horton said. “He had a good sinker and good command in and out.” Titan starter Jeff Kaplan (7-3), last week’s Big West pitcher of the week, matched Rzepczynski until the sixth inning. He went seven innings, allowing four hits and three runs. In a 113 pitch performance, Kaplan struck out six and walked four. UCR Head Coach Doug Smith praised Kaplan’s performance. “Our guys were all commenting on him after the first half of the game because they were not getting very good looks at him,” Smith said. “He’s really deceptive and his stuff was fine but they said they couldn’t pick him up very easily. That was clear because we weren’t getting very many good swings.”

... And One BY Jonathan Saavedra

Compare and Contrast

BY CARLOS DELgADO/Daily Titan Staff Photographer USUALLY DEPENDABLE – Cal State Fullerton catcher John Curtis. The game was scoreless through five-and-a-half innings but Kaplan ran into trouble in the sixth. Centerfielder Carl Uhl doubled to lead off the bottom of the sixth. A groundout moved Uhl to third and an intentional walk to shortstop

He pitched a gem of a game. He had a good sinker and good command in and out. – George Horton Titans Baseball Head Coach




April 30, 2007

Jamie Pedroza put runners on the corners. First baseman Mark Samuelson stepped in to break the scoreless tie but Kaplan threw a wild pitch that scored Uhl. Pedroza advanced to third after catcher John Curtis lazily retrieved the ball from the backstop.

“What I’m really disappointed in was the lack of hustle by Curtis,” Horton said. “We pride ourselves on our speed and his lack of hustle resulted in two bases and a run. That’s what Titans do against somebody else.” Samuelson lifted a fly ball to center that easily scored Pedroza. The next batter, Aaron Wible, drove a solo home run to left to give UCR a 3-0 lead. Smith said his team was easily motivated knowing the opponent would be CSUF but is not putting too much emphasis on the series win. The victory put UCR in a threeway tie for first in the Big West conference. “We got into the top 20 early in the year…but we did not go out and play very well [in a couple series],” Smith said. “I think we are in the mix but it’s way too soon for us to even consider it. For us I think it’s a distraction that we just don’t need at this point.” For the Highlanders, Pedroza ( the brother of former Titan outfielder Sergio and current Tampa Bay Devil Rays’ farmhand) was 2-for-2 with two walks and a run scored.

In the playoffs, 67 wins don’t mean a thing. Just ask the Dallas Mavericks. Sure, those 67 wins got the Mavericks to the playoffs, as well as a comfortable No. 1 seed allowing them to face the “lowly” Golden State Warriors. But once that ball is thrown in the air for the opening tip in the first playoff game, those 67 wins go out the window. The Mavericks seem to be having a hard time solving the riddle that is Golden State. Over the past two regular seasons, Dallas is just 1-6 against the Warriors. The Mavericks don’t exactly look like the NBA’s best team playing against a team that barely squeezed itself into the playoff picture. After a 12-season absence from the playoffs, it’s been a long time coming for the Warriors, a team that finally seems to be in harmony. While it appears to have just happened over night, there are a few key elements to this improved team. First, their young players are showing promise and steady improvement. Monta Ellis, a 2005 second round draft pick, was named the NBA’s Most Improved Player after boosting his averages in nearly every category. Ellis averaged 16.5 points, 3.2 rebounds and 4.1 assists in 34 minutes per game this season compared to 6.8 points, 2.1 rebounds and 1.6 assists in 18 minutes per game during his rookie year. Rounding out the top five candidates for the award was Ellis’ teammate Andris Biedrins, who had a solid season with 9.6 points, 9.3 rebounds and 1.7 blocks per game. Last season, the Latvian big man averaged just 3.8 points,

4.2 rebounds and 0.7 blocks per game. And then there was the trade that unloaded Mike Dunleavy Jr. and Troy Murphy and brought in Stephen Jackson and Al Harrington. Since the acquisition of Jackson and Harrington, the team is 23-19, including a late 8-1 surge that shoved Golden State into the playoffs. The health of Baron Davis is another ingredient to the Warriors’ recipe for their best season since the early 1990s. He hasn’t played in more than 60 games since his 2003-04 season with the New Orleans Hornets, where he appeared in 67 games. The oft-injured Davis has played in 63 games this season and had his highest points, steals and field-goal percentage numbers since the aforementioned year in New Orleans. And who could forget about Don Nelson? He has coached Golden State to its best record since the 1993-94 season and brought hope back to anxious fans in Oakland. The former Mavericks coach has his fingerprints on his playoff opponent’s team and seems to have the upper hand in this chess match between Nelson and his successor, Avery Johnson. With a seasoned, winning coach, promising youngsters, skilled veterans and a system that fits their personnel, the Mavericks may have shot themselves in the foot by securing that No. 1 spot entering a playoff series against the best “worst” team in the NBA. Things could get interesting.

Jonathan Saavedra’s columns appear every Monday. sports@dailytitan.com

More Titan Softball’s Gromacki Records Records Milestone Victory Set For Track and Field CSUF Athletics Media Relations

Titans compete over the weekend at the California Collegiate Challenge

Cal State Fullerton Head Coach Michelle Gromacki won her 300th career game and the Titans got stellar pitching performances from seniors Candice Baker and Brooke Weekley to sweep a doubleheader from UC Davis by the scores of 3-0 and 3-1 in 13 innings on Saturday afternoon at La Rue Field in Davis, Calif. The wins improved Fullerton to 29-18 overall while Gromacki improved to 301-154 (.662) in her

eighth season at the helm of the program. In the opener, Baker (17-10) tossed 6 2/3 innings of no-hit softball before Sarah O’Neill singled down the right field line with two outs in the seventh for the Aggies’ lone hit of the contest. In the nightcap, Weekley struck out 10 while pitching all 13 innings and Lupinetti’s one-out RBI single through the left side snapped a 1-1 tie as the Titans emerged with a 3-1 victory.

CSUF Athletics Media Relations Hurdler Dinah Clark, sprinter Antonio Vega and the rest of the 4x100 relay team grabbed the spotlight Saturday for Cal State Fullerton at the California Collegiate Challenge at the University of California. Clark broke a 21-year old school record in the 100 meter hurdles when she was clocked in 13.89, which also qualifies her for NCAA Regional competition. The old mark was 13.91 by Julie Fricke in 1986. Clark placed sixth in the competition. Vega ran the 100 meters’ qualifying heat in 11.88 to break Kandace Wilson’s record of 11.94 set two weeks ago at the Mt. Sac Relays. Vega ran 12.01 in the finals to finish 11th, just behind teammates Yewande Findley (ninth in 11.93 -which also beat Wilson’s mark) and Wilson, tenth in 12.00. Wilson also ran a personal best of 24.41 to place 12th in the 200 meters. The trio also teamed with Kimiah Hudson to finish fifth and break their own school record in the 4x100 meter relay with a time of 45.79, beating their previous best of 45.97 set earlier this year. For the men, Lemar Jackson made a major improvement with some new technique to run 14.39 in the 110 high hurdles. Roberto Archibold finished fifth in the 400 meter hurdles in a time of 52.86. A smaller contingent of Titans competed at the Steve Scott Invitational at UC Irvine. Andrew Little placed fifth in the pole vault at 16 feet, 6 3/4 inches.

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April 30, 2007


Titan Softball Sweeps Past UC Davis CSUF Athletics Media Relations Cal State Fullerton junior Jessica Doucette struck out eight and added a bases-clearing double during a four-run second inning to help lift the visiting Titans to a 6-2 win and a series sweep of host UC Davis on Sunday afternoon at La Rue Field in Davis, Calif. The win lifted the Titans to 3018 overall on the season as Fullerton

reached the 30-win plateau for the third consecutive season and the 26th time in 28 seasons. The Aggies fell to 28-23-1 overall. Doucette, who didn’t allow a hit until a leadoff single by Ashley Johnson in the fifth, evened her record at 5-5 in the circle, allowing two late runs on three hits and walking seven in the complete-game effort. Lindsay Tognetti (13-9) suffered the loss for UC Davis.

BY KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor NO EXCUSES – Cal State Fullerton Head Coach George Horton said the relative youth of the Titan baseball team did not excuse their poor play.

Highlanders Leapfrog Over Titans in Sweep BY STEVEN WALTERS

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

The UC Riverside Highlanders baseball team completed a threegame sweep against the Cal State Fullerton Titans on Sunday with a 5-4 win at the Riverside Sports complex.

Joey Gonzalez’s RBI-double proved to be the difference, as the Titans were swept for the first time in a three-game series since 2004. It was also the first time since 2003 that the Titans (27-15, 7-5) were swept in Big West action. Ironically that sweep was at the hands of the Highlanders (27-16, 72) as well. “You can’t look at that and say you

are going to sweep them,” Highlanders Head Coach Doug Smith said. “We tried to stay off the winning and losing part. Having said that it was a very pleasant weekend, but you can’t plan on sweeping them, they are too good.” After Nick Mahin hit his teamleading fifth home run of the season to give the Titans an early 1-0 lead, it looked as if they were going to be

able to get to Highlanders starting pitcher Pat Cassa early and often. However, it was the Highlanders who were able to strike early, getting to Titan starting pitcher Michael Morrison in the first two innings. Morrison was tagged for five runs, all earned, in an inning-and-a-third. SEE BASEBALL - PAGE 7

april 30, 2007

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3bed/2bath, 2miles CSF, Liv & Din rm, mstr bd/ bth, 2 car garage, XL kithn, water/ trash/ gardener paid. Av. in May. $2650/ mo (4 people = $662 per person) Call (714) 366-0661

Fun and Games

HOME FOR SALE Upgraded single-story beauty in Orange! 15-min commute to CSUF. Exceptionally well-maintained & upgraded, single-story home w/ 4 oversized bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, ample storage, new oven & stove, remodeled master bath, smooth ceilings, newer roof & carpet. Approx. 2000 sq ft on large lot with nice yard. Perfect for a family, walking distance to schools/ parks. Offered at $739,900. Go to www.ruth23.com or contact Linda Smith, Seven Gables Realty, lindasmith@compuall. net, (714) 832-9148. 402-4834 BREA TOWNHOME! Country Road complex, 3bd/2bth, new tile/carpet, patio, 2 car garage. $2300 + deposit. 624 Clover Ct., Brea (805) 705-4624

7600 Room for Rent TWO ROOMS FOR RENT/ FEMALE 7 miles from CSUF. Starts @ $530 + deposit. Utilities shared. Available now. Contact Maggie (714) 693-3659

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ROOM FOR RENT Room available in downtown Fullerton. Close to downtown shops and restaurants, Fullerton College and Cal State Fullerton. Own bedroom, Share bathroom. No pets. Available now. $750/ month and $500 deposit. Call for more information. (949) 378-9645


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