Online DailyTITan
Since 1960 Volume 84, Issue 53
Losing My Religion
Weird Jobs
Odor tester and cheese sprayer are INTROSPECT, p. 11 just a few
Dave Bruemmer’s closing words OPINION, p. 15 for the semester
Daily Titan
CSUF Singer Honors Jazz Icon
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Students Protest War in Quad
Daily Titan Staff Writer
BY JAZZY GRAZA/Daily Titan Staff Photographer
speaking out - Students gathered in front of the Engineering building the morning of Thursday, May 10, to vocalize their opinions against the
war in Iraq. Students who were in favor of the war in Iraq staged a similar demonstration nearby.
Titans voice their concerns over the war in Iraq on campus BY JENNY HOUSER
Daily Titan Staff Writer
nearly two-dozen students marched in protest at the Quad on Thursday while holding anti-war signs and chanting, “We want freedom. We want peace.” as music played in the background, students and passers-by gathered to catch a glimpse of the
demonstration as students and guest speakers spoke out against the war in Iraq. Students supporting the war in Iraq assembled on the grass holding signs of their own. “Freedom isn’t free,” they yelled over the protesting crowd.
“Yes, freedom isn’t free,” said guest speaker DeDe Miller, sister of Cindy Sheehan, an anti-war activist who gained international attention for her SEE PROTEST - PAGE 4
CSUF Student Faces Possible Deportation From mike Tharp’s Public AFFairs REPORTING CLASS
The last time Urmi Rahman, a senior political science major at Cal State Fullerton, held hands with her fiance, Hussain Subzwari, was on a cool March night in his apartment. now, the closest they come to holding hands is when she stands behind an inch-thick Plexiglas window in the Orange County Jail in Santa ana and they press their palms against its surface. When visiting hours end, Subzwari has no choice but to leave the visitors’ space, which is about the size of a motel bathroom. Rahman slowly places the black phone back in its wall cradle and turns to go back to her cell. Rahman, 23, who is only a few credits shy of graduating with a degree in political science and a minor in communications, was arrested with Subzwari in March when six FBI agents and an Immigration and Customs Enforcement official ac-
Helping Titans To Graduate Daily Titan Staff Writer
When most people work on their senior project, they settle for cramming their lexis within the confines of 8 1/2” x 11” paper. andrea Calderwood considered that her starting point, but in no way her only outlet. Instead, she opted for something a little more grandiose to do justice to her iconic subject. She performed. as patrons wandered down the streets of Downtown Fullerton, Calderwood stood outside Steamers Jazz Club and Café fiddling with her mint green dress. She was prepping for an interview with a local news station about her senior project and recital paying tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, a jazz vocalist icon and Calderwood’s “favorite singer.” “She is the go-to singer for me,” Calderwood said. “She is everything music should be. I found no other person that I should pay tribute to but her.” Calderwood, a music major with an emphasis in voice at Cal State Fullerton, presented her project in the modern-day speakeasy where muffled voices from patrons could be heard over the schizophrenic jazz melodies serving as background music before she took the stage. Calderwood is no stranger to the café. For the past year and a half she has acted as its server, head host, and bartender, so it was no surprise to Terrance Love, the owner of establishment, that it was the right place for her to showcase her project. “We are honored to have her here,” Love said. “It was kind of a given that she’d do it here. This is her place. Plus, she has an amazing voice.” The project is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelor of arts in Music. Calderwood began the program
Monday May 14, 2007
cused them of violating U.S. immigration laws, among other charges. “at the time I was not worried about myself,” Rahman said in a phone interview from the jail. “I was more worried about Hussain.” Rahman’s case illustrates the problems illegal immigrants, no matter how much they may have achieved after arriving in the United States, face in the post-9/11 atmosphere. according to Virginia Kice, Western Regional Communications spokesperson for ICE, Rahman entered the United States on Jan. 29, 1991, with a visitor’s visa. “This visa is designed for shortterm visits,” Kice said. “Working would be a violation of her visa.” although Rahman’s visa permitted her to stay for a matter of months, she lived in the United States for more than 16 years before her arrest. She worked at a Comfort Inn in anaheim and attended public school, both violations of her visa. according to Kice, attending public school is not permitted with a visitation visa, but Rahman did not
Daily Titan
HOT WEATHER Check out the Summer Titan running from May 29 through June 6. Happy Vacation!
need proof of citizenship when she enrolled at Golden Hill Elementary in Fullerton. Subzwari, a 26-year-old businessman who moved to the U.S. from Pakistan when he was 11, was released on bail after a few days in custody. However, Rahman, who moved to the U.S. from Bangladesh at age 6, has spent the entire time in custody – two days at San Pedro’s Terminal Island facility, followed by six weeks at the Orange County Jail in Santa ana before returning to Terminal Island. The FBI initially searched for Subzwari, who they suspected of terrorist activities when they linked him to a Canadian woman who was dealing fake Social Security cards. after extensive questioning, the FBI and ICE agents dismissed the terrorist allegations. Rahman was denied political asylum when she was a dependent of her father at age 19 and was summoned for a deportation hearing. Rahman said she was constantly on the move, and claimed she never received the
summons by mail. Judith L. Wood, a lawyer specializing in immigration cases, is representing Rahman. Currently, Wood is working to have Rahman’s case re-opened so that she may appear before a judge and plead her case. according to Subzwari, ICE typically ignores illegal immigrants who live peacefully even if they have warrants for failing to appear. The federal government is focused primarily on illegal criminals who are labeled as dangers to society. at the Orange County Jail, Rahman was detained in an 8-foot-by9-foot cell. “The place was really dirty,” Rahman said. “The worst part about being there is the feeling of not knowing what is going to happen next.” Rahman is hoping to obtain F-1 status, a visa given to those in pursuit of higher education in the United States. Reading and writing helps her pass the time, and while other inmates watch “american SEE RAHMAN - PAGE 4
With graduation fast approaching, many students are struggling with the hardships that come from trying to pass finals while getting ready for graduation. Tassels, caps, and gowns are all necessary items for the graduation process, and the Grad Center, located in the Titan Shops, is aiming to be an easy solution to graduation madness. “Its just easier to get everything done at one place,” said 19-year-old gear associate Todd Yorizane. “Its convenient and we have everything possible they need for the graduation ceremony.” The Grad Center, which opened in april, carries CSUF alumni sweatshirts, graduation invitations, bumper stickers, graduation gifts, diploma frames and the necessary graduation regalia. With Commencement ceremonies starting on May 19, graduates are rushing to finalize everything they need to receive their diplomas, while attempting to survive the last week of classes. “It’s been a hectic last month or so, and I wasn’t looking forward to the hassle of getting ready to graduate, but they made it easy” said ali Bakhshi, a 26-year-old graduating business major. With the average student spending around $40, Yorizane said most students were coming in and only buying the regalia. “It’s been pretty much normal in here…They [students] usually just buy the regalia, which is $36.99 for the bachelors degree, it’s rare for them to buy diploma frames or other higher priced items,” Yorizane said. For those who don’t have time to stop by the Titan Shops for their gear, the Grad Center also provides an online store where students can purchase their necessities up until the week of graduation. The site can be found at “I wasn’t really sure where to go for everything,” Bakhshi said, “but I was able to get everything I needed and also got out pretty quickly.”
BY TOM MADDEN/Daily Titan Staff “You are” - Kersaundra Hall performs an original piece entitled “You Are” on her way to winning the Sudent Diversity Program’s annual talent show.
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Sunny High: 77 Low: 57
Sunny High: 77 Low: 57