2007 08 20

Page 1

INSIDE: THE BUZZ Art gallery promotes sexual diversity

FEATURES: Fitness classes offer a way to battle the freshman 15, page 14


Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 1

SPORTS: Women’s soccer begins its fall season with alumni games, page 18

Monday August 20-26, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND History of CSUF on display in TSU Memorobilia stretching back through 50 years of Cal State Fullerton history will be available on display at the Titan Student Union, in the Chapman Atrium. The exhibit, titled “CSUF 50th Anniversary: Early Years of Campus Life and Programs,” includes personal accounts, photographs and articles back to the university’s inception. Coordinated by the Education Opportunities Program and Phi Kappa Tau Alumni, the exhibit will be on display until Nov. 2.

CSUF Executive VP honored

Robber gets ‘nun’ out of victim MADISON, Wis. (AP) _ A would-be thief came up emptyhanded after trying to rob a nun who had taken a vow of poverty. When the 61-year-old Catholic nun told him she had no money, he forced her to drive him around for almost an hour in search of money. The two did not stop at a bank or cash machine because the Sinsinawa Dominican sister continued to tell the man she did not have any money or access to any. As they drove, the robber apologized “to the victim and wonders if he’s going to be forgiven by her and the Catholic Church,” police spokesman Joel DeSpain said. Eventually, the man gave up and had the nun drop him off on Madison’s south side. She then drove to the Catholic school where she works and called police.

Unless I see a shark or whale go flying by, I’m good.

– Matt Sandlin,

a resident of Amarillo Texas on his level of concern about Tropical Storm Erin.

YOUTUBE: Student goes crazy

On his first day of college, this student decides to pull his very first prank. The other kids stare as he jumps up on his desk and screams gibberish before dancing and swinging his way throughout the room like a monkey. He then leaps off a desk and runs outside. Duration: 1:11.



High: 85 Low: 66 Partly Cloudy

TOMorrow High: 83 Low: 66 Partly Cloudy

WEDNESDAY THURSDAY High: 82 Low: 66 Partly Cloudy


High: 84 Low: 66 Sunny

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Photos By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Left - Executive Vice President Judith Anderson meets with CSUF President Dr. Milton Gordon during her retirement party Thursday at the Golleher Alumnae House. Top- A fellow colleague shares his special memory with Anderson. Above- Anderson takes the time to look at pictures and reminisce about the good times she enjoyed.

Judith A. Anderson retires after 15 years of service on campus MULTIMEDIA

By Laurens Ong

Daily Titan News Editor long@dailytitan.com

Dr. Judith A. Anderson, Cal State Fullerton’s executive vice president since 1997, has worn a lot of hats in her day. She has been involved with and headed many programs that have helped to make CSUF so successful. However, this marks her last year at CSUF as executive vice president after deciding she will retire from her position at the university. “My roles and assignments have been so varied, it’s as if I’ve had several positions over the years. Throughout my career here I’ve been responsible for the President’s Scholars Program,” Anderson said in an e-mail interview. “Shortly after arriving in ‘92, I was

o Check out dailytitan.com for an audio slideshow of Dr. Judith A. Anderson’s retirement reception at the Golleher Alumni House.

assigned responsibility for developing and implementing a university-wide planning process. For five years, our NCAA Division I athletics program reported to me. “As the executive vice president, I have responsibility for university planning, public affairs and government relations, university communications and marketing, the President’s Scholars Program and several exciting special projects.” Her contributions on campus were recognized with a retirement reception Thursday, Aug. 16 at the Golleher Alumni House. For Anderson’s efforts, CSUF President Milton Gordon gave her emeritus status as executive vice president, effective with her retirement

October 19. “I remember greatly when I first met with Judy. I asked her for four years and she ended up giving us 15,” Gordon said at the reception. Anderson took her first position at CSUF as the executive assistant to Gordon in 1992. “Judy was one of my first important hires,” Gordon said. “After that, I said everyone else is downhill.” The student body has swelled to become the largest in the CSUs and the campus has changed to accomodate this growth since Anderson first arrived. Upon her arrival, Anderson was imme-

diately challenged with heading the athletics department. “One of my first assignments to Judy was athletics,” Gordon said. “So you knew how tough I thought she was.” Gordon said during Anderson’s time as head of athletics, she was the only woman in the Big West Conference that did so and she did a wonderful job. “From 1994 to 1999, she was the line of responsibility for Division I intercollegiate athletic programs, and that five years was probably like 10 because you know athletics is a tough area to supervise,” Gordon said. Later on, Gordon also called upon Anderson to improve the communications, internally and externally, through marketing, publications and the Web presence of See ANDERSON, Page 2

Q&A Dr. Milton A. Gordon

Gordon has sage advice for incoming Titan students Dr. Milton A. Gordon has been Cal State Fullerton’s executive president since 1990. With new students coming into the CSUF campus each fall semester, he has some advice to make sure the students stay on track toward their academic goals while here in the university. This year also marks the campus’ 50th Anniversary and Gordon is proud of the upcoming events that will surround the celebration. Andrew Lay, for the Daily Titan, took the time to interview the campus leader. Q. What can new and returning students hope to expect from the first few weeks of the fall semester? A. Confusion. The first few weeks on the campus, everybody’s looking for parking spaces. You have to realize that you’re going to have about 10,000 new students that are going to be here for the first time. You’re going to have about 4,000 freshmen who have never been here. Your’e going to have about 4,000 upperdivision transfer students, and then you’re going to have about 1,000 to 2,000 post-backs. So you’re going to have about 10,000+ new students that are going to be on the campus for the first time. They’ve been here for admissions and things, but all of a sudden they’re going to be here. And we’re already a large campus so there’s going to be a lot of confusion just to find classes, find parking spaces; they’re going to be meeting new people. Plus it’s going to be the 50th anniversary of CSUF so there are going to be a lot of events and other things.

So it’s going to be confusion. I would recommend that students come here a week early and kind of walk around the campus and see where the buildings are, where the liberal arts building is, where the lunch room is so that they would at least know where they could park [and] where the different buildings are. They might be surprised to find classes across the street in college park. It’s a big campus. When you think that you’re going to have 35,000 to 40,000 students on 200 acres, it’s going to be very confusing. Q. How do you think this semester will differ from previous ones? A. Well, there are going to be a lot more activities and we’re going to start different: convocation, Concert Under the Stars, the open house; all for the 50th. So we’re going to have those two or three days where you’re going to have all kinds of 50th anniversary activities for the whole year, but we’re going to start everything different. So it’s going to be really very different, the start of the year and the entire year. Q. What measures would you request new students undertake to make the transition process into a new school, particularly one as large as CSUF, a bit easier and faster? A. Get to know the campus. In other words, if I were them, if they didn’t come early, I would come on the weekend when there is going to be less of a crowd and just walk around the campus. Know where the dormitories are, get to know where the library is, know where the buildings are and I think, to just become acclimated. I think that would help a lot.

Q. What programs or student organizations would you recommend to new and returning students in order to maximize the success and enjoyment of their academic careers? A. Get to know some of the activities the Titan Student Union and the Associated Students [have to offer]. They have a lot of activities for new students to orient them. They’re going to be doing various events during that time period. Go over to the TSU, go up, see the offices, the schedule they’re going to have. Now, maybe they’ll have them online. I don’t know. They have a lot of student orientations and meetings and activities [and] clubs. We have over 200 student clubs here. Just to get to know them, I think that would help a lot. Q. What is one thing you would like students to know about you? A. They’ll see me everywhere. I’m all over the campus. I try to walk the campus at least once a day. I talk to students. I don’t believe in staying away from the body of students and faculty so they’re going to have to get used to that. I like to have a feel of the campus.” Q. How do the plans for CSUF’s 50th anniversary differ from previous celebrations? A. It’ll be the biggest. On the weekend of September 14, 15, [and] 16, we’re going to be doing events. People can’t remember when we’ve had an open house. All the colleges will have open houses and students will be able to stroll [along] and see all of that. Were going to do a huge concert under the stars on Friday, September 14. We’re even changing the day and

By KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor Cal State Fullerton President Milton A. Gordon is proud of the achievements Cal State Fullerton University has accomplished in its 50th anniversary season.

where convocation is going to be. It’s going to be in the concert hall. Everything is going to be bigger and better. 50 years is quite a celebration. I was here when we did our 40th anniversary and [it] wasn’t even as large as the 50th [will be], with all the activities and everything. And there will be activities all throughout the entire year. We’re going to have a lot of our entertainers back for the Concert Under the Stars. Rod Gilfred, who is one of the leading voices of opera, is going to be there and we’re going to have a lot of our students who have performed on Broadway back.” Q. What plans for CSUF’s 50th anniversary are you most excited about? A. The weekend of September 14. It’s going to be exciting. That’s go-

ing to kick-off everything else. We’re going to be previewing all [of ] the material. I think that is really going to get the year off to a great start.” Q. As CSUF passes this milestone, what do you feel is the defining moment of your presidency thus far? What are you most proud of here? President Gordon: “We’re a large, urban, metropolitan university that works. You will hear of, what we call, the CSUF family and I think that as an institution, this large, multi-cultural organization – it works. And I feel really good about that. We have the largest, maybe the largest, number of Hispanic students of any university in the state of California. We have almost 10,000 [Hispanic students]. We have over 8,000 Asian students and we have a number of See GORDON, Page 2



Arctic Sea Ice at Record Low and Still Melting WASHINGTON (AP) – There was less sea ice in the Arctic on Friday than ever before on record, and the melting is continuing, the National Snow and Ice Data Center reported. Satellite measurements showed 2.02 million square miles of ice in the Arctic, falling below the Sept. 21, 2005, record minimum of 2.05 million square miles, the agency said. Sea ice is particularly low in the East Siberian side of the Arctic and the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska, the center reported. Ice in the Canadian Archipelago is also quite low. Along the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ocean, sea ice extent is not as unusually low, but there is still less than normal, according to the center located in Boulder, Colo.

STATE NEWS Huge wildfire 59 percent contained but still moving SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP) _ A huge wildfire burning in the Santa Barbara County wilderness since July 4 moved slowly northeast toward neighboring Ventura County on Thursday. The 134,396-acre Zaca Fire was about eight miles from the county line, said U.S. Forest Service spokesman Larry Comerford. Burning-out operations conducted Thursday were successful, Comerford said. Weather was cooperating, with no major winds blowing, but air quality along the coast was bad due to smoke and ash, he said. The fire, burning in the Dick Smith Wilderness and Los Padres National Forest, was 59 percent contained. Full containment has been predicted for Sept. 7. The blaze was ignited by sparks from equipment used to repair a water pipe.

CAMPUS CALENDAR MONDAY: Ergonomics and More, from noon to 1 p.m.: Workshop held by Dr. Rick Ho, D.C., discussing various physical aches pains and how to avoid them. Located in CP-700 Karaoke, from noon to 1 p.m.: The TSU Pub hosts free karaoke. TUESDAY: Evening Services Fair, at 4 p.m.: CSUF hosts a resource fair on services available for evening and night students. Open Mic, from noon to 1 p.m.: The TSU Pub hosts open mic. Free Billiards, from 3 to 7 p.m.: Free billiards offered to all students with a valid Titan Card at the TSU. WEDNESDAY: Dollar Bowling, from 6 to 10 p.m.: All bowling games and shoe rentals are $1 at the TSU.

Wednesday, from noon to 1 p.m.: The TSU hosts its weekly free concert held in the Becker Amphitheater. Hot Coffee and Cocoa with ASI, from 6 to 8 p.m.: ASI will be giving away free coffee and cocoa in special travel mugs. THURSDAY: Free Glow Bowling, from 2 to 7 p.m.: Glow bowling offered free with valid Titan Card at the TSU. Shoe rental is $2.50. Pub Concert, from noon to 1 p.m.: Free concert held at the TSU Pub. FRIDAY: Resident Student Association (RSA) BBQ, from 3 to 5 p.m.: Food, games and activities will be made available to welcome residents to the residence halls. Located at the BBQ grill of Housing Phase I.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Julianna Crisalli at (714) 278-5693 or at jcrisalli@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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GORDON: ANSWERING YOUR QUESTIONS (From Page 1) other groups; and I think they all work together and I feel really good about that. And we do it without losing the quality of our academic programs. They all mesh well together and I think you’ll see that. As you spend time on campus and as you walk around, if you don’t see that, you just let me know how you’re feeling about that. I think you will see that it works. You’ll still see groups together, and I don’t have any problem with that, but you will also see members of all of these groups together and I think that that is really important. And we also have a large number of international students, about 1,500 of them, from all over the world and so they mix in all of this too.” Q. Looking to the future, what do you see as being the biggest challenge to the students, faculty and staff of CSUF? A. That they don’t lose focus. What

do I mean by that? They don’t lose focus on their goals. I’ll give you a great example. The state has no budget. Don’t let that sidetrack you from your goals as a student getting your degree. As faculty members or staff, in doing the work that the university needs you to do, because it is so easy to get caught up in, ‘well, the state doesn’t have a budget, I won’t be able to do this or do that.’ I think it’s a real mistake if you lose focus of what you’re here for. And there’s going to be a lot of possibilities. There are always going to be things that are going on around you. Somebody said, ‘It’s too hot today.’ So what! That’s what I mean about don’t lose your focus. Don’t get sidetracked with other issues. Just keep focused on what you want and what’s important to you and what you want to get done.” Q. Also looking forward, what are your goals for CSUF’s future? A. To continue to make the whole operation work. We’ve got a lot go-

ing on. You can see the new business building that we’re building on the front of the campus, the students are building another rec-center on the other end of the campus. It looks amazing. I don’t know where they are on it. They’re both supposed to be finished in ’08, I think. The rec-cent is supposed to be finished in January or February of ’08, and the business building is supposed to be finished in ’08. We’re talking about a third dormitory for the campus. And I’d like for the university not to lose focus on what it needs to get done, keep moving towards the future. We want to make sure that we stay abreast of the changes in technologies, especially as they impact students. The technology is changing so rapidly, and the students coming into the university, they’re more comfortable with new technology than most of us here that are older. For us it’s a change, for the students, they grew up with it. It’s

customary to you. You’re used to the technology of the fast videos and just the way the technology is used. Students live online. I read a statistic recently that a decreasing percent of people in the United States have any kind of a land phone, a wired phone. More and more people have only a cell phone and nothing else. I’m a mathematician, that’s my background, so I’m always looking at statistics. More people are now buying laptops then are buying TV sets because everything they need is there. That’s what I mean by the change of technology. I carry a cell phone and, but now someone was talking about an I-Pod phone, where it’s supposed to be the generation over a cell phone. For some of us here and who are older, all of these changes in technology are incredibly rapid. So we have to keep up with that because the young people coming in, they’ve never know any other way of life.

ANDERSON: A DEDICATED INDIVIDUAL “ (From Page 1) CSUF. “She’s handled so many programs, athletics, the scholarships, that when she became our executive vice president, she took on public relations and marketing and just a whole group of activities,” Gordon said. He also said that Anderson’s efforts were essential in aligning CSUF with a television station to promote more funding. “Judy was behind her and her team – behind the whole KCET movement,” Gordon said. “You’ve seen all of our spots on that and over the last two or three years, they’ve been running and it was some of the greatest support for our new performing arts center when it was opened.” Throughout her career, Gordon said Anderson’s strongest emphasis could be seen in her efforts to help facilitate the planning program. “It was with Judy that we created the original University Planning

Committee that took us at least one to two years,” Gordon said. “We worked closely with the senate. We constructed this very carefully and I think that some of the things we will be both remembered for are some of the planning activities that came out of that – the mission and goals statement and how we have used these over the last 13, 14 years.” Anderson said one of the things she really enjoyed at CSUF was being part of a team and being able to work with diverse groups of people on campus. “A university campus is an intellectually stimulating place to work,” Anderson said. “I’ve had an opportunity to interact with such a wide variety of people – students, faculty, staff, community members, international guests – who have different perspectives and world views.” Anderson said her most memorable moment at CSUF was watching her daughter graduate and being able participate first hand in the

I’ve had an opportunity to interact with such a wide variety of people – students, faculty, staff, community members, international guests – who have different perspectives.


August 20-26, 2007

– Judith Anderson,

Executive Vice President

ceremonies. “It was a very special moment when my daughter, Renee, walked across the stage to receive her certificate at the College of Communications commencement and thanks to Dean Pullen, I was there to hand

it to her,” Anderson said. In retirement, Anderson said she will be looking to spend more time with her husband, Hal, and their grandchildren. “My husband and I have booked a trip that includes Prague, Budapest and a cruise of the Danube,” Anderson said. “We’re looking forward to resuming German language classes and hope to spend a couple months in ‘immersion’ there in a year or two. Most exciting will be spending more time my twin grandbabies who are now 10 months old and who live in Michigan, and being with my daughter in Chicago after the birth of her baby in November.” No matter what her immediate future holds, Gordon said he believes Anderson will enrich all the endeavors she gets involved with. “She has a history of strengthening every program she’s been involved with during her years,” Gordon said.

VA Tech families to get more benefits Associated Press Families of victims in the Virginia Tech massacre will receive larger payments and benefits than originally envisioned under a final plan for distributing more than $7 million in contributions received by the university. The plan announced Wednesday has been approved by university administrators and was developed by consultant Kenneth Feinberg, who administered the government’s victim compensation fund after the Sept. 11 attacks. It calls for payments of $180,000 to families of each of the 32 people killed in the April shootings. The initial plan called for payments of $150,000. Feinberg met with victims’ families across the state and said the

changes reflect their concerns. In particular, the new plan is more generous in allowing surviving victims to continue their education tuitionfree, a gesture Feinberg said many families thought should have been made earlier by the school. Much of the anger expressed by families in those meetings went beyond what could be addressed by a memorial fund, Feinberg said at a news conference Wednesday. Those who survived the attack by student Seung-Hui Cho but were hospitalized more than 10 days would get $90,000, plus free tuition as long as they pursue a degree at Virginia Tech. The initial plan called for $75,000. People hospitalized for three or more days are eligible for $40,000 plus free tuition, an increase from

$25,000. Other victims, including some of those who were present at Norris Hall at the time of the killings, are eligible for either a $10,000 cash payment or free tuition while pursuing a degree. All the money, even the funds that will be used to provide free tuition, came from private sources, Feinberg said. He estimated the payments would essentially exhaust the $7.7 million raised under the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund and a related scholarship fund. In an earlier interview, Feinberg said that the families are angry about how the Tech administration handled the aftermath of the shootings, and that it was risky to talk about fairness and justice after such a tragedy.

Feinberg said he notified the families of the plan several hours before holding his press conference Wednesday. Holly Sherman, mother of slain student Leslie Sherman, said she was disappointed the families weren’t notified earlier. It might be premature to disburse the money because additional funds could still come in over the next few months, she said. The fund is being kept open until the end of the year, at the suggestion of the families, to receive additional contributions, and supplemental payments may be made if more money comes in, Feinberg said. Claims must be submitted by Sept. 15, and Feinberg said he hopes to have all money distributed by the end of October.

Cigarette company badgered to pull ads Associated Press Dozens of women’s and public health organizations on Wednesday called on R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. to remove from the market its Camel No. 9 cigarettes, a brand they say is cynically aimed at getting young, fashion-conscious women and girls

to start smoking. At the same time, a Congressional group said it had been rebuffed by major women’s and fashion magazines in their effort to get the magazines to stop publishing ads for the Camels and other cigarettes. Camel No. 9 hit stores early this year. It immediately drew fire for its

stylish packaging , shiny, sleek black boxes bordered with fuschia and teal and ads that included florals, hints of lace and the slogan “Light and Luscious.” The latest ad campaign says “Now available in stiletto” a longer, thinner cigarette. “This product is nothing more

than a veiled attempt to sell more cigarettes to girls and young women, putting them at grave risk for disease and a premature death,” said the letter to R.J. Reynolds chairman Susan Ivey. “Remove Camel No. 9 today.” The letter was signed by Cheryl Healton of the American Legacy Foundation.



August 20-26, 2007

A rebel of Titanic proportions comes full circle to teach New instructor Roy Rivenburg once published alternative campus paper By Sofia Arvidson

Daily Titan Copy Editor news@dailytitan.com

After more than twenty years have past, a former student of Cal State Fullerton has come back to school – to teach, that is. Some people may remember Roy Rivenburg for his writing in the Daily Titan or for his spoof of the Daily Titan, the Daily Titanic. Now he wants to be remembered for something else. “At this point, I’d rather be known as a good instructor,” Rivenburg said. Rivenburg, 49, attended CSUF from 1976-1981. Although he had started as a Radio-TV-Film major, he finished CSUF as a journalism major. He said he was drafted into the Titan newsroom after he began printing parodies of the school newspaper. He began the paper, The Daily Titanic, in his freshman year and continued it through his senior year at CSUF. He used politically incorrect humor to attract his readers and it worked. “People would just swarm around the quad to pick it up. It was really popular,” said Ann Harrison, a friend of Rivenburg’s who graduated in 1983. “People want a humor slant on the real news.” Harrison was in a few of the photos Rivenburg used to illustrate his satirical stories and even wrote a few of the stories herself but she said that he was the mastermind. “He was responsible for it,” Harrison said. While his morbid sense of wit compelled many to laugh, other readers felt insulted. Stories poking fun at deaf-mute assaults, bomb threats and suicides on campus made his humor a little too much for some people to bear but he is persistent if he thinks something is comical and worth fighting for Harrison said. Rick Pullen, Dean of the College of Communications, described Rivenburg as “kind of a free spirit.

By Ian Hamilton/Daily Titan Executive Editor New Cal State Fullerton instructor Roy Rivenburg holds up a copy of the Daily Titanic, an alternative campus paper that got him noticed as a journalism student at CSUF. Pictured include the first issue to the left and another issue with a satirical headline.

His humor was right on the edge of being offensive to some but I suppose all humor is. Most people thought it was quite funny.” Rivenburg said Pullen was not very close to him but he knew other people who were. When Rivenburg was working for the Daily Titan, Gary Granville was the newspaper advisor. “I think Pullen will tell you that he [Granville] had something on his desk under my photo that said, ‘This, too, shall pass,” Rivenburg said. Who knew that same student would one day return as a professor? In 1979 Rivenburg ran for student body president and almost won. Rivenburg attributed his popularity to the Daily Titanic. After he graduated from CSUF, he attended graduate school at Columbia University. He wrote stories for multiple publications including the Beacon in Dana Point, Orange Coast Magazine, and the Register. He was also a copy editor for Riverside Press Enterprise.

He won multiple awards including one from the Society of Professional Journalists for investigative reporting, one from the Orange County Press Club for best humor, and even one called the Wilbur Award for his religious writing. He was also a staff writer in the calendar section for the Los Angeles Times. “[The] L.A. Times has hired many of our grads -- we’re proud of every one of them,” Carolyn Johnson, associate professor of communications, said in an e-mail interview. “The Times experience can only be good. We need faculty members with proven writing accomplishments for our students. Roy has that.” His work at the L.A. Times proved that his joking did not end with the Daily Titanic. He had his own humor column in the LA Times called “Offkilter.” His articles in the column continued to spoof the news, including the 2002 presidential debates. “It [Offkilter] was syndicated and then they brought in this new

editor for my section and she didn’t like it so she killed it; but it was already running in other papers. I kept doing it on the side for a while and I started a Web site,” Rivenburg said. “For a paper that kind of is notorious for not having a sense of humor, they actually get away with quite a lot.” Rivenburg said he hopes to use the knowledge from his past to enlighten the students in his new class. He also said he wants to bring every issue of the Daily Titanic to be stowed away in the library. The library currently has two issues saved in the special collections section; one issue is the very first issue printed. Many faculty members still remember him or have at least heard of him. “I do not know Rivenburg personally but I have seen his byline and he is highly recommended by others in the college,” Anthony Fellow, chair and professor of communications, said in an e-mail interview. Rivenburg has given speeches in friend’s classes and at seminars before but this will be his first time teaching to a classroom full of students. “This is new turf,” Rivenburg said. A little advice will suffice. “Listen! Students are a wealth of information,” Johnson said.

Add humor where appropriate, have a complete syllabus and be fair, Fellow said. So far, Rivenburg has only been hired for the fall semester. “With adjunct faculty it is semes-

ter by semester. If he does a good job, it is likely he will be hired in the spring since the journalism program is very strong right now and we need a good amount of part-time faculty,” Fellow said.



August 20-26, 2007

Getting the straight dope on using Wi-Fi on campus Security risks can pose a threat to on-campus users of CSUF’s connection By John Sakata

Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com

Hovering over Cal State Fullerton are the intimate digitized thoughts of laptop users from all over campus, free to be picked out of the sky like cherries. Unencrypted account passwords, e-mails and personalized instant messages transmitted while using the CSUF campus Wi-Fi are all susceptible to being watched, posing a potential risk for students returning to campus this fall with a laptop, said members of the Association of Computer Managing Club. Information is accessible by anyone with a wireless card and computer, using programs downloadable from Google, said computer science major Josh Garcia. “The packets broadcast information, kind of like a radio,” Garcia said. “You have to communicate with the Wi-Fi somehow. If you have a proper program you can listen to all the things being broadcast and then you collect them. Most of the programs people use are unencrypted.” To computer users fluent with the nuances of the industry, this information is commonplace. But for many students, knowledge that their e-mails, IMs and other private information could be read by someone other than the intended recipient could be received as disturbing. “I think I would use my laptop at home now,” Nishita Doshi, 20, said while studying for her Finance 320 final at the Titan Student Union. Doshi, an art history major, said she uses her laptop to check her email and access Blackboard whenever on campus. She said she is unaware if security measures are in place, which would protect her laptop from potential hackers. Amir Dabirian, chief information technology officer for the university, said the university provides better protection than most other high-level institutions. The campus limits guest users to 10 minutes on the campus Wi-Fi,

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Cal State Fullerton graduate student Adam Tucker, 25, surfs the Web using his laptop in the Commons Quad last Thursday. Using the campus’ Wi-Fi connection to access the Internet can pose a security risk for CSUF students.

scans security daily and rectifies potential red flags. The campus also monitors logs and has installed firewalls to protect important information. Students must authenticate their identity using a password before allowing entry onto the campus Wi-Fi. “It has nothing to do with money,” Dabirian said about the Wi-Fi security. “This is what the standard is. We use the same Wi-Fi here that they use

in airports, hotel rooms, cities and libraries. It’s the industry standard.” Last year, Dabirian said campus security blocked 300 million intrusions from users “trying to maliciously use our network.” Despite Dabirian’s best efforts, Uriy Postrekhin, 21, said hackers can easily slip onto the campus Wi-Fi. “The authentication sucks. You could break it in seconds,” Postrekhin said. “You go to the TSU and listen to

the network when a lot of people are on. You’ll see the [laptop] Mac Address. You take their Mac Address and their IP address. You’ll look exactly like their machine so when you send the request, the access point cannot say that this is not you.” Postrekhin and Garcia laugh off campus Wi-Fi security as an oxymoron. Vice president of the ACM Club last semester, Postrekhin remembers

being in class one day last semester and being able to peer in on what a classmate was doing behind him. He was able to identify her because she was the only laptop user with a Mac. “There was one lady surfing porn in one of my web classes,” Postrekhin said. “She was sitting in the back and she was the only one using a Mac in the lab.” Several semesters ago, Postrekhin

said he ran a security diagnostic program of the campus. Run on the highest level possible by the security program, he said red flags appeared all across the campus. He sent the results to campus Information Technology. Postrekhin said he received an e-mail citing a lack of equipment behind better security. Dabirian said he never saw such an e-mail. He said that the university See WI-FI, Page 5

Universities can’t avoid the fight for the top rankings Associated Press U.S. News & World Report releases its annual college rankings Friday in the face of the loudest and best-organized criticism from educators the magazine has ever encountered. But for all the complaints that the rankings warp college admissions and distract colleges from educating students, U.S. News still has the upper hand. Colleges are having a hard time quitting the magazine’s annual beauty contest. Sixty-two colleges have enlisted in an anti-rankings campaign led by education activist Lloyd Thacker. But a quick Web search shows even some

of those schools haven’t fulfilled a pledge to stop using their rankings to advertise themselves. And none of the highest-ranked schools have formally signed on. Interviews by The Associated Press with top officials at about a dozen elite colleges confirm a fault line in the rankings debate that’s more than coincidence: It irks educators everywhere to see colleges ranked like basketball teams. But it irks educators at the top-ranked colleges a lot less. “The list isn’t perfect but it isn’t totally evil either,” said David Oxtoby, the president of Pomona College in California, the No. 7 liberal arts college on last year’s list. The popular rankings are a way for students and

parents to get information, he said, and most know better than to take a college’s specific placement too seriously. The debate has been raging since the magazine began ranking colleges in the 1980s. But the focus this year is on Thacker, a longtime admissions counselor who has made it his mission to restore educational values to what he calls an over-commercialized college selection process. Thacker has been circulating a letter calling on colleges to boycott a portion of the rankings, to swear off using them for self-promotion, and to develop an alternative, something See RANKINGS, Page 5

Invention undresses wiki edits Associated Press What edits on Wikipedia have been made by people in congressional offices, the CIA and the Church of Scientology? A new online tool called WikiScanner reveals answers to such questions. As the Web encyclopedia that anyone can edit, Wikipedia encourages participants to adopt online user names, but it also lets contributors be identified simply by their computers’ numeric Internet addresses. Often that does not provide much of a cloak, such as when PCs in congressional offices were discovered to have been involved in Wikipedia entries trashing political rivals. Those episodes inspired Virgil Griffith, a computer scientist about to enter grad school at CalTech, to automate the process with WikiScanner. (It’s at http://wikiscanner.virgil. gr but intense attention has knocked it out of service many times.



August 20-26, 2007

By AMY Robertson/For the Daily Titan Construction goes on inside the Rec Center as it looks to be built in time for spring 2008. Michael Smith, director of the CSUF Design and Construction department said that the Rec Center was “designed for and by the students.”

Progress being made on student recreation center By AMY ROBERTSON

For the Daily Titan news@dailytitan.com

Seven years have passed since the idea was first conceived of building a Student Recreational Center, said Michael Smith, director of Cal State Fullerton’s Design and Construction Department. The blueprints have taken on three-dimensional angles since then, a metal behemoth deserving of stares with one semester remaining before its opening. “Right now, we’re just in awe of seeing this thing on paper become real,”

said Smith. “I think the students will be surprised by how large it is. It’s quite impressive.” With its massive 95,000-squarefoot foundation up and the main structure complete, Smith said the main part of the project is done and now all that’s left is the finishing touches. “Right now they’re putting the windows in and finishings. Once the windows are done, we’ll focus on the insides, such as flooring,” Smith said. “With half a year left, we still have a lot to go.” However, windows and floors are not all that is being planned out and worked on to get the Rec Center ready for its grand opening. “We are in the process of procuring fitness equipment. We’re shopping around and getting pricing on about $1 million of furnishings,” said

Titan Student Union Director Kurt for writing all procedures from group Borsting. “We are also getting service exercise program schedules to how agreements in place for such things as the staff will open and close the cenmaintenance, construction, etc.” ter,” Conran-Dunham said. Service agreements are only one asOn top of all the logistics that have pect of a plethora of to be perfected, the paperwork that has staff is also preparto be painstakingly ing for memberproduced behind ships, said Director the scenes in order of Rec Sports Anfor the Rec Center drea Willer. to be able to oper“What’s different ate. with the new Rec – Michael Smith, Center is that stuBex ConranDunham, assistant Design and Construction dents will have to director for Business register and sign a Operations of Rec waiver,” Willer said. Sports, brought on “Also, students will seven weeks ago, is get in by scanning in charge of anything and everything their hand instead of being able to use that goes into keeping the Rec Center their ID card.” running once it finally opens. Willer said the Rec Center staff “Operationally, I am responsible is hoping to get as many students as

Right now, we’re just in awe of seeing this thing on paper become real.

Rec center looks to be built in time for student traffic to flow through

WI-FI: CAN POSE SECURITY RISKS on campus (From Page 4) monitors and fixes potential threats daily. Security must be balanced with convenience though, he said. The university is not obligated to provide Wi-Fi access, Dabirian said. Excessive security could impede students from receiving easy wireless.r. “We do the best we can, we try to attack all the issues but there is always going to be risk to security,” Dabirian

RANKINGS: Serving as a distraction (From Page 4) he also is pursuing. He’s received lots of attention and encouragement from the top schools. But so far no liberal arts colleges ranked higher than No. 30 on last year’s list has signed the letter, nor have any of the top 100 universities. Thacker and other rankings opponents acknowledge he’ll eventually need to enlist the big names. The fight against rankings “must be led by the beneficiaries,” Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College in upstate New York, wrote in a recent letter to U.S. News and to fellow college presidents, saying he would sign on to the protest if schools like Harvard, Princeton and Williams do so first. “To end a corrupt and misleading game, the winners, not the losers, have to call it quits.” At some of the highest-ranked colleges, officials declined to comment. Some that did said they are sympathetic to Thacker’s case (many already refrain from advertising their rankings, at least in their own publications). And some are cooperating, at least partially. Yale will host a major gathering next month for Thacker’s effort to develop a rankings alternative. Lee Stetson, dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania, said he expects his university and its Ivy League peers will eventually work with Thacker in some form. Brian Kelly, editor of U.S. News, says the protesters have it all wrong, the publicity from appearing in the rankings at all is good for their colleges.

said. “Security is a level of confidence. You can be confident you are doing security well, than you get to a point where some other unexpected [attack] comes up and your confidence falls. Then you build, build, build it up again.” Garcia said there are safer ways to secure the Wi-Fi connection, but with so many students it would add complications in accessing the Internet.

This isn’t a vote of confidence on campus Wi-Fi security. Garcia believes a lack of incentive for hackers is more responsible for safety than anything the university is doing to protect students who use Wi-Fi on campus. “The average person who uses the network is probably [going to face problems] but campus IT’s main server, the websites and stuff like that, should be secured,” Garcia said.

possible inputted into the system during the fall semester in order to avoid long lines once the center opens in the spring. Student memberships aside, fall semester should prove to be a busy month. Borsting said a rock wall will be built inside the center sometime around September or October. The rock wall is one of only a few last minute, more difficult projects, Smith said. “The final site work will include the digging of the pool and the rock wall,” Smith said. Aside from the actual construction of the building itself, Smith said those two projects will be the largest endeavors to complete. Despite the hard work that still lies ahead, Borsting and Smith said, up to now, the new Rec Center is on track

and on budget for its opening at the start of spring. “We have had good luck with weather this past year and good luck with deliveries and procurement of materials,” Borsting said. “[The construction team] has a very aggressive schedule as well.” Smith said the team is on track with the plans that were drawn up for the Rec Center long ago. “It was designed for and by the students,” Smith said. “We haven’t deviated from those plans. They are getting exactly what they wanted.” Luckily, students won’t have to wait long to get what they want. The new Rec Center, which is designed to be an extension of the TSU, will open at the start of spring semester 2008 and will formally celebrate its opening with a party later in March, Borsting said.

OPINION Does the road to graduation lead through


August 20-26, 2007

Summer sch


It’s an important stop opinion@dailytitan.com

Work, eat, surf, sleep. That was how my summer used to be. I miss those days. This summer, instead of polishing my nails, I was polishing homework. Instead of trying to beat traffic to go to the beach, I had to beat traffic to get to work and summer school. I got up early and went to bed late. It was like the school year never ended for me. I want to graduate sometime soon. I am already on the plan that many people dread – “The Five-Year Plan.” I remember hearing people talk of this plan as a freshman. I did not want it to happen to me but it was an inevitable fate. During my sophomore year at Cal State Fullerton I heard something about a four-year graduating plan for freshmen – too bad I was already a sophomore. How do people graduate in four years? Has anyone actually done it? I know I am not the only person asking these questions. I do not think I have met anyone who has actually graduated in four years now that I think about it. I decided to look online for the graduation program I had heard about during my sophomore year. I found “The Fullerton First Year Program” for freshmen. It is one of the

learning communities for freshman students to engage in. It gives students information and capabilities to gain lasting skills and personal growth. However, it is an experience that lasts one year. Also, the program helps a student graduate in four years if their occupation and day-to-day routine is accommodating. Really, whose is? Unless students have financial aid or caregivers who pay for their education, having a steady, reliable job is very important. Tuition does not pay for itself. Not to mention the little extras college students pay for such as books, a cell phone, a car, rent, food and anything else that is necessary to function.What if a student had all of these things taken care of? Surely then they could graduate in four years, right? Wrong. Obtaining the right classes is almost impossible. Students have to depend on luck just to get the classes they want. When they do not get what they want, they have to keep hoping to get the classes in the following semester. Summer school is the only other option to take those classes and for a while, that was a last resort for me.

The bottom line is, students have to take summer school to graduate in four years. They have to snag the classes they can and make them fit in with their work schedule. I read somewhere that students should make their work schedule accommodating to their school. If I am offered a full-time job with benefits at a location where I want to end up, there is no way in hell I am going to pass that up. That is good money, benefits and a foot in the door. If classes do not fit into my schedule, I will make them fit. How else am I going to pay for my schooling? How can I go to school without money to pay for classes? This summer, I worked at a summer school in an elementary school on top of going to summer school at CSUF. The class I took would not comply with my normal work schedule when the fall semester began. I had to make it fit. I had to work to make money to pay for everything that was already mentioned except rent. My form of rent is paying for the electricity bill but every bill adds up. I had to work an extra job to keep an extra paycheck because there was a gap between the end of summer school

The bottom line is, students have to take summer school to graduate in four years.

By Sofia arvidson

Daily Titan Copy Editor

I’m on a joyride at the elementary school and the traditional school year. I also landed an internship with the Daily Titan, which meant I had to start working on the first edition of the school newspaper. On top of all of this, I was working with a friend on a documentary– a project of our own. This summer, I worked two jobs, and an internship to help myself finish school faster while working on a documentary at the same time. It has been exhausting but to get anywhere, this is what I had to do. There is no way I will finish school in five years, let alone four, if I do not push myself to take a full load and go to summer school. Of course, I can’t afford any of it without a job. In order to graduate in four years, a student must have a fairly open schedule. Regardless of if they have a job or not, they have to take summer school to obtain classes that were full the first time they attempted to add them. However, summer school may not offer the class they are looking for and in that case, they will have to wait for the next semester to take it anyway. I did not even mention the route students have to take to graduate in four years when they switch majors or have problems choosing a major. The point is that students have to take summer school to have any chance of graduating in four years.

By ellice soliven

Daily Titan Copy Chief opinion@dailytitan.com

I’ve only been to summer school once in my entire academic career. Before my junior year of high school I took a Word Processing class that taught me to use Microsoft Word (which I already knew). It was one of the easiest classes ever, and I only took it to get ahead because I knew my junior year was going to be hell, with all the Advanced Placement and Honors classes I was taking. Since then, I decided I wouldn’t ever take a summer school class unless I absolutely had to. Now that I’m starting my fifth year of college, sometimes I wonder if I should’ve taken a few summer session classes so I wouldn’t had to have spent this much time at Cal State Fullerton. Sure, graduation’s important. Being an Honors kid in high school and at the start of my college career, I knew that concept very well. However, by the end of my first year at CSUF, I realized that I would never be able to graduate in that little time without taking summer and winter session classes. What I realized though, was that my part-time job and my meager earnings couldn’t support the insane increase in fees every summer session. Now it’s $800 to take one five-hour class, four days a week during the summer? And then I’d have to find time to work

after that? Where would I fit in a social life? Because if there’s anything I’ve learned from these four grueling years at school, it’s that I need a social life to keep me sane. This is our youth, our time to live, laugh, drink and be merry! Go crazy, make some mistakes, live it up for goodness sake before we graduate into the world of big-kid jobs and 401Ks. And what better time to do this than during the summer? After realizing just how much it cost to take one measly class this summer to graduate “on time” (really, what does that even mean anymore?), I passed on getting ahead, even though I’m growing more and more restless to graduate. And you know what? I’ve had the best summer of my life. I worked a lot, made more money than I’m used to, went to Vegas, spent days at the beach and nights at the clubs in LA. All without the stress of going to school in the summer, but more importantly, without regrets that I didn’t make the most of my three months away from school. Now I’m ready to be back in class, I have more of a zest to learn and I’m already so close to graduating I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. Looking back, it was definitely worth sucking it up during my 16-unit semesters, just so I could have amazing summers like this one, and still be one semester away from stepping into the real world.

August 20-26, 2007





August 20-26, 2007

Unbalanced budget PETA goes overboard, will hurt disabled too quick to judge Vick California residents “ opinion@dailytitan.com

Budget will cause fourmonth delay in cost of living funding By robert moran

Daily Titan Copy Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

Since June 15 the state budget has not been signed. The budget passed in the Assembly on July 20, but the budget has stalled in the State Senate. In order to pass, the budget needs a two-thirds majority, but the budget is only one vote short of the needed majority. Senate Republicans have been holding out on the vote because Democrats do not hold enough seats in the Senate to pass the budget. Still there are some drawbacks to the budget itself because it includes a four-month delay in cost of living funding for Supplemental Security Income recipients, which reversed a promise made by the Democrats to make the increase in January 2008, not April 2008. The delay would shift $123 mil-

lion from Supplemental Security Income recipients back into the state’s general fund. SSI is a Social Security program, funded by a combination of federal and state money, for citizens who are born with a disability, many of whom are unable to work. The Republican’s proposed budget cuts are not much better. The first thing on their chopping block is the CalWorks program. The proposed changes would drop support for children of parents who are not compliant with the regulations of the program meaning, that even some disabled children of non-compliant parents would no longer receive state assistance. Using the children to punish the parents is not something that I can accept. There are better ways of going about it. Public transportation is also on the block. The Republicans want to cut $100 million in funding from public transportation, which is the primary method of transportation for disabled Californians. Senate Majority Leader Don Pe-

rata (D-Alameda) proposed the Republican caucus led by Minority Leader Dick Ackerman (R-Irvine) to write an alternative budget including the reductions in CalWorks and public transportation funding were among the proposed cuts they came up with. The budget impasse is now into its second month and the process is being held up by 12 Republican Senators in the State Senate. Ackerman has declared that no member of the Republican caucus will vote yes on the budget unless their proposed budget cuts are agreed to. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed that once the budget has been passed he would explore the possibility of changing the budget voting from a super majority to a simple majority. Even if Schwarzenegger’s changes were made, Californians would have to pay a terrible price because the changes can only be made after the budget has been passed. The budget stalemate could last for a very long time and might go on for as long as a year. This means many of the states’ programs such as the Department of Rehabilitation, which provides assistance to disabled people while they are attending universities or other professional training programs, will be without funding. Homes for the disabled that receive state funding will also be without funding. Hopefully both the Democrats and the Republicans will be able to come to an agreement that will not require the children and the disabled of this state to pay the price for the incompetence of both political parties. It’s time to stop the politicking and do what needs to be done: passing a fair and balanced budget.

The last time I checked, you are innocent until proven guilty in the court systems of America. For NFL quarterback Michael Vick, innocent or not, he has walked the steps of a convicted man. Vick is alleged to have been involved in a dog fighting operation out of his home in Virginia. There is no doubt that dog fighting is inhumane and has no place in society, but the public and animal rights group PETA has singlehandedly ended his football season and career through enormous pressures put on the NFL without validity. The case is still surrounded around suspicion. To what extent was Vick involved with the dogs? Was he the mastermind or was he just a fan of the fights? Did he bet money or was he the bookie? We don’t know. What we do know is that his friends are willing to testify against him. But other than that, me, you and PETA have no clue yet. The case is still unraveling itself. This seems all too familiar. Can you recall a similar situation where athletes were charged for a crime that seemed to convict them of allegations before any of the evidence was presented? Let me jog your memory. The men’s Duke lacrosse team. A rogue district attorney in that case made presumptions of illegal behavior that we, as the public, accepted simply because they fit the profile of individuals that would commit such a crime. They were white, privileged players alleged to have raped a black, female stripper. Black leaders such as Al Sharpton called for a conviction of the players the same way PETA has against Vick. While Black leaders and PETA

It’s great to stand up for animal rights, but why didn’t we pay attention when other players were on trial for murder?

By Bram Makonda

Daily Titan Opinion Editor

both have very good intentions in trying to speak up for the victims they have eliminated the rights to a fair trial. What followed was the resignation of the DA and an unprecedented probe into the case. Groups such as PETA should let due process run its course before jumping into any conclusions and causing unnecessary pressure. It’s great to stand up for animal

rights, but why didn’t we pay attention when NFL players Ray Lewis and Leonard Little were on trial? Why does puppies catch our attention? More importantly, why are they still playing? Vick as terrible and horrific he may be has not even been found guilty yet and PETA is already out there in full force lining up the picket lines like striking grocery workers. I love dogs as much as the next person but where was the outrage for the loss of human lives when Little was acquited driving drunk killing a motorist? I hope the best thing to come out of this experience will lead to an end to the barbaric act of dog fighting. I believe, however, that PETA needs to focus on human cases also. After all we are animals too.

Art by Mandi Braga / For The Daily Titan

August 20-26, 2007





Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

At age 50, there’s still no community at CSUF Cal State Fullerton has long been labeled a commuter campus, a place where people go to school and then leave to enjoy their social lives elsewhere. It is thought to be a place where you go to school, not a place where you live, have fun or visit with friends. This is unfortunate and we don’t believe everyone wants their college experience to be this way. This semester marks the 50th anniversary of this institution’s existence, and as such, it is our sincerest hope to help see a community here at CSUF. So, we are keeping with the greatest traditions of the past and exploring new possibilities into the future to help rally this school into a closer knit community. We’d like to give you something that will inform and help you as you read, watch and listen to our stories. Something that you can laugh, cry or get angry at. And something, ultimately, you can interact with. The beginning of our effort to better inform you starts with “DT Shorthand.” A quick read featuring weird, funny and helpful information appearing on our front page everyday. We’re also employing a Webfirst mentality, posting stories to our Web site the moment they are

done so you get the news when it happens, not the next day. Then there are columnists, or, to refer to them as they probably should be called, “ploggers.” A plogger, the printed equivalent of a blogger, is a person who can spout off on the most random of things in a hilarious fashion or tear into the most socially relevant topics of the time. Take a look at today’s columns page - do you think something is missing? If so, then you should write about it in the Daily Titan. This paper is neither the mouthpiece of the university nor the pet project of some journalism students. It is the student voice of Cal State Fullerton and it needs your voice too. We will be out there everyday trying, as learning journalists, to find the stories that matter to you, but you think there’s something we should cover - let us know. Sends us your ideas and suggestions, comments and criticisms and begin to interact with our Web site, which is going through a complete overhaul in the near future. We have big plans for what can be done on the internet with a little community interaction, so keep your eyes on dailytitan.com in the upcoming weeks for some major changes.

August 20-26, 2007

Back-to-school ads distort real needs Companies who target young demographics are having a field day By erin tobin

Daily Titan Special Projects Editor opinion@dailytitan.com

When it comes to back-to-school shopping, image is everything and it has to be new. That’s the message sent out by countless numbers of department stores and apparel companies every August. With a barrage of commercials, advertisements and cliché Web site slogans, parents are advised that regardless of what they tell their children, the only way to succeed in school is to have new clothing and school supplies. They have to be in the season’s latest trends or else the pupil is doomed to failure from the very start of the academic season. The truth of the matter is, the only new thing a student has to have for the start of a school year is lined paper. Yet the NPD Group, the leading provider of market research to retailers, predicted that most families plan to spend upwards of $500 on backto-school shopping alone. That’s a lot of paper. More likely the money is spent on new backpacks, folders, clothing, shoes and other miscellaneous items. Parents and students flock to stores, filling up carts with items on “helpful” teachers’ lists when all those markers, compasses, folders and lunch pails from the year before are still in perfectly good condition. In fact, the NPD group reports that only 36 percent of back-toschool purchases are done with the intention of replacing a worn-out item.The majority of items bought during the back-to-school rush are simply picked up because shoppers view them as a good deal thanks to back-to-school sales that spring up everywhere.While most consumers are perfectly able to decide what and where to spend their money, stores aren’t letting them scrimp on their August shopping without a guilt trip.Target.com lists “Essential” and

“Must Have” items that include things like watches, flash cards, stickers and digital bookmarks. While all of these things are nice and handy, their essential aspects are doubtful. Mervyns.com includes a “Back to School Survival Guide.” There’s no mention of study habits or using time efficiently. Instead, the flashy page, obviously aimed at the teenage and preteen demographic, allows shoppers to make sure their style “makes the grade” and advises that all a new student needs to do to fit in is wear the right clothes. Some of the items aren’t even beneficial for students to have in school and just serve to further distract them from their studies. In addition to many backpacks that include extra pockets specifically for cell phones and MP3 players, Mead, the company known for Trapper Keepers, recently released a binder that includes speakers and a pocket for a MP3 player.

While this sounds like a neat idea, it isn’t the least bit necessary. Students are in school to listen to their teachers, not their iPods, and school supply companies shouldn’t be encouraging anything different just to stay on top of the trends. The message is clear: If you are a good parent and you want your child to excel academically, you must buy them this. If you want to be a good student, demand the best and the name brand. Even graduating from high school doesn’t get parents and students off the hook.Almost every store has a dorm-decorating guide. Gone are the days when a student’s dorm room was a hodgepodge of odd pieces of collected furniture obtained as parent’s hand-me-downs or from garage sales. To inspire learning and good grades, stores encourage students to buy coordinating bedding, towels and matching room décor. Mervyns.com even pushes buying kitchenware, even though

most dorms don’t have kitchens. And then, there’s the electronics. According to current marketing schemes, a student who values their education must pick up the latest (and most expensive) version of cell phones, laptops, desktops and calculators. As a result, even Circuit City and Best Buy advertise backto-school sales and specials. This is regardless of the fact that most universities are well stocked with up-todate computer labs already. In order to keep up with all, shoppers have started shopping earlier than they have before, which means stores have started advertising sooner than before. The result ends up being consumers being bombarded with commercials as early as the end of July. Enough is enough; the superficial message is becoming quite an overload. All a student really needs to succeed in school is an appetite to learn and a finely tuned schedule of studying and activities.

Art by Rocky Vidal / For the Daily Titan

August 20-26, 2007





Jake’s Take

Speak up, Titans!

My summer and a second chance

This was the summer of big dreams for me. Some dreams that came true: - I quit my job as a waiter just under the five year mark. - Rumor has it that Rachel McAdams is no longer with Ryan Gosling, meaning that she’s vulnerable and watching romantic comedies while eating ice cream, wishing she were dating some charmer with a beard. - I finally grew a beard (and love romantic comedies and ice cream, by the way). - Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows came out and was just as good as me and my 13-year-old neighbor thought it would be (that lucky bitch was at Barnes & Noble at midnight in full magical attire). He invited me, but his step-mom said I was too old. Whatever. I was drinking Jamison at home watching Futurama, waiting for my brother to buy the book and patiently let me steal it while he slept that night. - This guy that I’ve carried a 12-

year-long grudge against got busted for running a drug business in his garage. Luckily, I was senior class president. So, at our high school’s 25-year reunion, for which he’ll just be out of jail, I’ll make sure his nametag reads “Hello, My Name Is…Trouble.” - One of the tellers finally addressed me as “Invincible Dynamite” at the bank instead of “Jake.” - The Daily Titan (for whatever mishap or misfortune) gave me my own column. And that’s just the beginning to the end of the world. This paper is picked up by Web sites…that people read…who know other people…that have jobs… which are in the journalism industry…who could maybe score me a sweet gig as a columnist so I don’t have to work at Border’s with my sister come weeks after graduation. I see this weekly column as just one more instrument to keeping the real world at bay, like a pirate ship

in the distance awaiting my royal execution. If I exploit my friends, family and editors enough, I can carry this beautiful pile of junky words to kingdom come (adulthood). And if I abuse my shallow knowledge of integrity, wit, humor and whatever else it takes to be a wellrespected writer, I could endure a probable cause of change in myself and maybe you, the careless-iffyreader-who-is-only-reading-this-because-you-thought-Sodoku-was-onthe-opinion page. Of course, I will also include my expansive understanding of how to be an exciting self-loather (with an ego the size and worth of a landfill) that often believes in self-destruction, spite, narcissism, binge-living and chocolate. But I can cover the insanity that lies like a sleeping dog in my head to produce broken poetic nonsense and obnoxious/immature takes on the world that read like a whiny

The Higher Ground I consider myself a feminist, yet do not believe abortion is just a woman’s right to choose. I am an idealist that wants to save the world, yet a realist because I know that unfortunately, money has a say in today’s world. I vote by candidate, not party. Taking all these extremes into consideration, some may think I’m indecisive, yet I see myself more as moderate in every aspect of my life -- social, political and religious. I attribute this moderate thinking to responsibility. Although I am not perfect, I try to be honest with myself and decide what I think is right. I think that no matter what, two different views can coincide if they

Jake Kilroy 5-year-old’s crayon sketches. Oh, I’ve done it before. I should mention that they let me have my own column called “Jake’s Take” in high school. Through it, I started a presidential campaign, as well as my own fan club and hate club. I also spawned letters to the editor, a public apology, a teacher to demand my head on a silver platter and a homework assignment or two regarding my column. The day I graduated, I found out that my principal (and arch-nemesis) was in the process of putting an end to personal columns for good. Can you imagine what I can do and say with a college paper where I can swear and drink on the job? Here we go, paper patrons and pompous poets. Ready your eyes and nerves. P.S. Hey, high school principal, this one’s for you. I told you my college paper would give me a second shot at Jake’s Take. Up yours, Mr. Johnson.

Aleksandra Wojtalewicz

Independently passionate I am a tree-hugger, yet I practically live in my car, take extremely long showers and always forget to conserve energy by turning off my computer monitor and printer (According to Harvard University, more than 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere when a desktop computer is turned on all day everyday for a year). I am the center of attention in a group of friends, yet I am shy when I meet new people. I am anti-war (any kind of war) but I am dating a person in the military. I got off the boat (well, plane to be more precise) onto American soil 15 years ago, yet support the majority of the immigration laws.

August 20-26, 2007

are backed by responsibility that will help them work together. From personal choices to laws, without responsibility, nothing will last. That is why I am interested in politics. I view politics as a solution to the problems of the world, with the differing viewpoints each having a portion of the correct answer. Yet it is the act of figuring out that answer that is intriguing, and can be accomplished by using the right tool: responsibility. The two opposing dominant views in the American mainstream political world, those of the Democrats and Republicans, constantly argue about what is best for the country. As November 2008 approaches, the arguments or “debates” will be heard

among the candidates regarding various issues such as abortion, immigration, the war in Iraq and same-sex marriage, among others. As many candidates that there are, there are as many conflicting opinions, even among party lines. In order to solve an issue affecting the U.S., the candidates need to take into consideration not only their own party views, but what the other party says in order to responsibly solve the problems this country faces. We, citizens, have the responsibility of knowing the different viewpoints to make a responsible decision that is not based on the name of a party, but what is actually best for the common good.


Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Executive Editor Ian Hamilton at ihamilton@dailytitan. com

By bram makonda

Daily Titan Opinion Editor dtopiniondesk@gmail.com

When I picked up the Daily Titan as a bright-eyed freshmen, I spent most of my time reading the opinion section. They were filled with columnists who were all journalism majors with mainly the same views written differently. Once I was appointed opinion editor for the Fall of 2007, I made it my personal goal to make the opinion section interesting and most of all, well represented. This is why I, along with the Daily Titan staff are conducting a school wide search for the next

great columnist. If you are an interesting person with a unique perspective in life, we want you writing for us. If you are an enrolled student at CSUF, posses solid writing abilities and are able to write a weekly column, we want you to apply. All you have to do is come into the Daily Titan office located on the sixth floor of the College Park building (CP-670) and submit a writing sample with your name, age, major and interests. We will be interviewing prospective candidates based on originality and overall perspective. So please apply and make this semester’s opinion section an exciting one!

The Social-Light Amy Robertson

Socially tuned out – all thanks to new technology

In a school of almost 40,000 students, incoming freshmen might be under the impression that making new friends would be a cinch. How can someone not make at least one connection when thousands of possible matches are available? However, with such a large population of unfamiliar faces, I’ve found such a task is, at times, next to impossible for it is easy to get lost in the sea of anonymity. Cal State Fullerton, though, is not the only community in which forming relationships with people is difficult. In fact, the majority of the world is very much disconnected compared to just as recently as five years ago. People everywhere are so wrapped up in themselves that bonding with other human beings has been thrown to the back burner. I blame the state of this sad situation on the vast array of technological advancements that have been made throughout the past several years. Rewind to approximately two years ago. A commercial on television appears advertising Apple’s iPod. It shows people in random locations such as the streets, subway, etc., watching their trusty handheld iPod – headphones plugged in and world tuned out. The end statement says something to the effect of “make everywhere your living room.” When I first saw this commercial I was disturbed. This ad is frankly frightening. It portrays a world of disconnected people completely immersed in their own world and not concerned about interacting with anyone or anything else besides their iPod. Kudos to the advertising people at Apple because they must have done something right to land that gig, but I was disappointed with this slogan. Personally, I know when I’m at home in my living room, I’m not interested in conversing or interacting with anyone. I’m in my own world. But sad to say, this depiction is no longer a mere TV commercial. It has become a reality that can be seen walking around even the campus of CSUF. It seems as if everywhere I turn, people have morphed into what looks like CIA agents with iPod headphones snaking through their shirts and attaching to their ears,

making them unaware and disconnected from any noises in the world around them. Setting aside the existence of iPods, with so many other new technologies, you would think communication would actually become nearly impossible to avoid. With cell phones, text messaging, online instant messaging, two-way pagers and email, how could interaction with people be anything but easy and unavoidable? Although it might be easier to interact and get in touch with others, these technologies in communication have ultimately driven us further away from truly communicating. I hate to admit but even I have succumbed to the easy outs technologies offer us. Instead of calling up a friend to talk or arrange a hang out, I text them. In fact, if I do actually call them, I sometimes end up crossing my fingers hoping they don’t pick up so I could just leave a message instead. I think people, as a whole, these days are too accustomed to not having to carry on conversations anymore, unless face to face that is. Furthermore, snail mail has become nonexistent. People no longer write as many personal letters. As a kid, I had more pen pals than I could count on one hand. I would look forward to buying stationary and cards. However, now there’s ecards and email. We are becoming a less personal and intimate society. Such distance can be seen in everyday interactions. Picture this: you’re walking through campus and pass by a friend. It is guaranteed that something close to the following “conversation” will take place: You: Hey! How are you? Friend: Good, how are you? You: Fine thanks. See ya later. This entire dialogue can last up to five seconds and commonly occurs while the two individuals are in the process of walking by each other. Most times, they don’t even take the time to stop because people today are in such a hurry or are too busy to give even two minutes of their full attention to someone else. Furthermore, the conversation is such bullshit. People should just stick to saying hello and not even bother to ask how the other is. They don’t really care how the other person is doing because if they did, they would have taken the time to stop in order to give and receive an honest answer. But sadly, even most answers are not honest. How many people are truthfully always good, fine or okay? What happened to rest of the English language? Why are people never amazing, happy, crappy, upset or anything else included in the spectrum of human emotion? Instead, people stay plugged in to their iPods and unplugged from each other. I think what people have to do, though very unlikely to happen in society today, is to slow down. Because everyone is so caught up in their lives and schedules, they’ve lost sight of the surrounding world. However, try instead disconnecting not from other people, but from your gadgets. Force yourself to see friends face to face and say hi to that person walking by. If anything, you might freak them out, which is fun for you in and of itself.

August 20-26, 2007





August 20-26, 2007

Fall is time to shed extra pounds with a little pizzazz Creative options exist for students who want to remain healthy By Jazzy Graza

Daily Titan Multimedia Editor news@dailytitan.com

Being fit doesn’t have to entail monotonous routine trips to the gym and dieting. There are several ways to prevent the “Freshman 15” this fall. The Freshman 15 was named after the notorious extra weight some new university students seem to pack on. Even those who are no longer freshman may need to tone out that beer belly, which was hiding under that oversized clothing all summer. There are fun ways to drop some extra fat, stay healthy and look good all semester. For those who dread going to the gym, there are several physical activities that do not limit exercise to the Stairmaster. Mountain biking or hiking is an intense workout for those looking for an outdoor challenge. Chino Hills State Park, located east along the Carbon Canyon Road in Brea, is considered to be a great place for mountain biking and hiking. According to BikingDestinations. com, Chino Hills State Park is huge to say the least. It spans over 11,000 acres with over 60 miles of hiking, biking and horse trails. Victor Chang, 27-year-old master trainer at 24 Hour Fitness in Brea, said doing anything to keep the body mov-

Inna Shud instructs her aerobics class during the summer term at Cal State Fullerton. CSUF offers a variety of fitness classes including yoga, kick boxing, aerobics and jogging. ing and active is beneficial for a person’s health. “You can even exercise in front of the TV – instead of just sitting on the

couch you can do little exercises on the ground like push-ups, crunches or even ‘the plank,’” Chang said. Chang described the plank as an exercise performed in a position like a pushup, but holding the weight of the body on the forearms and elbows instead of the palms. A person should hold that position while feeling his or her abdominal muscles tighten. This will strengthen the “core,” which will help to strengthen the whole body. Group activities such as yoga, dance or martial arts are great ways to burn calories, learn a new skill and meet new people. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial

art which is breaking its way into the mainstream. Capoeira has been featured in several movies including Ocean’s Twelve and Meet the Fockers. Capoeira looks similar to break dancing, but is actually a defensive weapon that originated in Brazil by slaves who disguised their fight tactics as dance rituals. Menstre Gee Barros, 33, instructs at Capoeira Centrosul, a studio that offers classes in Bellflower and Huntington Beach. “Capoeira is such an effective workout because many people who join it to get fit forget about the workout because it is so much more,” Barros said. “It involves thinking, strategy and a whole culture. It

By Cameron Pemstein/ Daily Titan Photo Editor

is an intense workout but it is also gentle on the joints.” Achieving fitness doesn’t have to be completely painful all the time either. There are some activities that anyone would most likely enjoy. According to 21-year-old kinesiology major David Chong, sex releases oxytoxins, a hormone also known as the “touch hormone.” “Not only does sex work out almost every part of your body, it’s a stress reliever,” Chong said. Oxytoxins are also known to increase the heart rate and lead to deep feelings of well-being and relaxation. Tackling diets or substituting meals for protein shakes may not be the most

successful way to eat right. Eating right means making better choices everyday. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can do more harm for the body. “The misconception most people have about eating is that the less you eat the more weight you lose,” said Chang. “This is not true. When you stop eating, your metabolism slows down and your body builds up fat as a defense mechanism.” Not eating will make a person weak, lethargic and unhappy. Chang also suggests eating fruits and some sort of cereal for breakfast and, if there is time to cook, egg whites or oatmeal.

August 20-26, 2007





August 20-26,2007

Involvement is key to a better college experience Socializing may seem daunting for students, but it can be important

proach. “I would suggest finding a student club that the student is interested in and joining it,” Rush said. Rush explained joining a club is beneficial because of the types of By Christy Orgeta people in the club. Daily Titan Staff Writer “The student will make friends news@dailytitan.com with people that have the same interests,” Rush said. Parking permit? Check. Every semester, New Student ProSchool supplies? Check. grams hosts Discoverfest, a midday Textbooks? Check. gathering of student clubs and orgaFriends? Welcome to Cal State Fullerton! nizations. Brett Robertson, a coordinator for Time spent at this campus is a prime time to shine and develop, both aca- New Student Programs, described demically and socially. Outside of the events of Discoverfest. “Attending Discoverfest is an exthe studying and what seems to be endless nights of writing essays, hav- cellent way to explore all the student ing a solid group of friends is a good organizations and campus services way to keep in touch with one’s so- at CSUF. Over 100 campus clubs [are] represented with more than 40 cial side. campus programs It’s figuring out and services in a how to make new festive, fair-like atfriends that leaves mosphere,” Robsome students conertson said. fused. With a little “It’s a very bit of confidence unique way for and when apstudents to come proached correctly, to one location making friends in to find out about Fullerton is an easy ways they can get feat. – Heather Williams , involved on camAmanda Smith, ASI President pus,” Susan Ama child and adolesdahl, the office cent development manager for New major remembered Student Programs said. her first experience upon coming to Students can also visit the StuCSUF. “I moved to Fullerton from San dent Organization Resource CenDiego so I knew nobody coming into ter on the second floor of the Titan school my freshman year,” Smith, a Student Union. There, a list of clubs junior, said. “I made friends with my and meeting times are made availroommates in the dorms and a few able for people interested in getting involved. people in my classes.” ASI President Heather WilliamsFor students who live in the residence halls, making friends is as easy said she knows the benefits of getas saying hello. Simply acknowledg- ting involved first-hand. “Being involved not only allows ing your neighbors as they walk past you to make friends. It provides you instantly gives the greeter a friendly vibe. Perhaps that “hello” can parlay with a connection to the campus, into an actual conversation and per- helps develop many skills that will be needed as we enter the workforce haps a new friend. Smith, who is also a resident ad- [and] helps you to learn more about viser offers some advice to residents. yourself,” Williams said. “It looks “Get involved and go to programs. great on your resume, you get free They’re a great way to meet people stuff and overall, it just adds so much more to your college experience.” and get free food,” Smith said. Angela Meyers, Director of Public Kyle Rush, a senior political sciSee SOCIAL, Page 17 ence major suggested a different ap-

Harsh academic jungle can be tamed with guidence Planning and assistance helps make college work less unconquerable By Kevin Monahan

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

As summer winds down and August nears its end, Cal State Fullerton will endure its annual explosion of activity as thousands of students head back to school for the start of another year. In addition to the packed parking lots and the long lines at just about every location on campus, many students also face the challenge of getting themselves readjusted to handling the pressures of school.

Of the 36,000 students attending CSUF this fall, 3,800 of them are freshmen who are dealing with university classes for the first time. In addition, these students also have to make the transition into college life. Maruth Figueroa, coordinator of Freshman Programs, said they have more freedom and independence because many are beginning to live on their own. The change from the restrictions of high school may make it tempting for freshmen to take their college classes a little less seriously, but Deanna Merino, assistant director of the Academic Advisement Center, said that going to classes and putting in the extra work are important habits to learn.

“For every one hour you spend in class, you need to spend two to three hours outside of class studying or working on assignments,” Merino said. Merino also said that keeping track of due dates and planning a certain amount of hours to set aside for school work are great ways for all students to keep from falling behind in classes. Dean of Students Kandy Mink Salas agreed on the importance of good time management for academic success. “Your college experience should be close to your number one priority in your life,” Salas said. “For example, build your work schedule around your school schedule, not the other way around.”

Among the biggest pitfalls Merino sees in students is failing to effectively communicate problems or concerns with their professors. “Every professor on campus holds office hours that you may use to discuss issues you may be having in a particular class,” Merino said. “Your professors want to you be successful in their courses. Talk to them!” Getting overwhelmed and stressed out is another problem students should avoid. Ryan Alcantara, associate dean of New Student Programs, said this can be prevented if students simply anticipate moments of stress and take care of themselves properly. “Get lots of rest, eat well and exercise. Managing those periods of See ACADEMICS, Page 17

Courtesy of ArtToday.com

The sterotypical countless cups of coffee and long, sleepless nights studying leads not to academic success, but simply to frustration for most new university students.

Being involved not only allows you to make friends. It provides you with a connection to the campus.

sit close by is a sure fire way to meet people. “I always made an effort to talk to other people I sat next to,” Jillian Ibarra, an American studies major, said. “A good number of the friends I keep in contact with today were made through classes I have taken since my freshman year at Cal State Fullerton.” Smith also saw the positives in making friends during class. “Get involved with your major,” Smith said. “Meet people that are interested in pursuing the same things after college as you

are.” Despite being a commuter school, Fullerton has many community-developing opportunities for students. “Taking advantage of sporting events, Titan Student Union and other amazing resources our campus has to offer is something no student should pass up,” Smith said. “Find a friend to get involved with … attend different events on campus, go to a basketball game, attend a program at the residence halls, go to the Titan Student Union at lunch and strike up a conversation even!”

Academics: Help exists for weary students who are overwhelmed with workloads

Managing those periods of expected stress is particularly important...

– Ryan Alcantara,

Associate Dean of New Student Programs

addresses college survival and transitional issues. Figueroa said that getting an early head start in joining campus communities has proven to be helpful for her Freshman Programs students. “If you feel connected to the community, you’re more likely to be happy on campus,” Figueroa said. The Student Organization Resource Center has all the information students need to find groups on campus that share their interests. The center’s website said students can stop by to learn how to join over 250 clubs and organizations at CSUF. Students can even find information on starting new groups and using the available offices and meeting rooms for their club activities. Besides being involved with clubs or organizations, Figueroa said it is important for students to also be aware of the other resources available

to them on campus. The library, the University Learning Center and the Student Health and Counseling Center are among the many service locations that students can utilize. The Writing Center is another resource that provides tutoring and advising for any writing assignment a student may be struggling with. Although most of its visitors are from the English department, the Writing Center’s services are open to all CSUF students who are looking for help with their writing. Online tutoring and various workshops are available throughout the semester. Students who are learning English as a second language also have the center’s English language tutorials at their disposal. However, student assistant Kelly Stratford said there are many who do not seek help because of their preconceptions of tutoring. “A lot of students are shy because they think we’ll take a big red pen and mark them up,” Stratford said. She advised students who want to do well in their classes to look into the many resources they have available at campus. “Take advantage of these services because they’re free,” Stratford said.


expected stress is particularly important in the event life throws other challenges your way,” Alcantara said. Because of the commuter nature of the campus, it’s also easy for many students, particularly freshmen, to feel out of place or disengaged from the university. “There’s a sense of ‘I’m just a number,’” Figueroa said. “There’s no sense of connection.” However, Alcantara said freshmen should not shy away from seeking help when they need it. “As a freshman you are not expected to know your way around so don’t hesitate asking for help,” Alcantara said. “Also, look for opportunities to meet new people. After all, CSUF is your new home.” There are a variety of services on campus designed to help students get that feeling of belonging. Around 500 students joined Freshman Programs for the fall, which allows incoming freshmen to join one of five learning communities. Each community is designed for students with different situations and career goals. In addition to receiving academic support, students in the program also take a foundation course that

(from Page 16)

By Cameron Pemstein

Relations of ASI agreed. “To really meet people you need to be a part of something. If you are part of something that you’re interested in, everyone else is probably interested in it too. You’ll have things in common and make friends that way,” Meyers said. Williams said you just have to go out there and get involved. “You won’t regret it but you probably will regret not doing it,” Meyers said. For those looking to make friends in class, speaking to students that

Hey, hey party people! Cameron here…your Daily Titan Photo Editor. So I’m trying a new photoblog for your viewing pleasure. We’re going outside the boundaries of blogs and displaying photos instead of text. The photos will be presented here and on the Web once every week. It will give opportunities for criticism, ideas and feedback. I will give you the option to send me ideas that you would like to see shot for friends, family or loved ones. This first photo is yours truly featuring my various personalities. Enjoy.

Social: campus CLubs offer many Opportunities To Bond

(from Page 16)



August 20-26, 2007



Familiar Faces Test Titans

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Devon Bukoski attempts to spike a ball over two alumni blockers on Saturday. The Titans won all three games by the scores of 30-25, 31-29 and 30-17. In the second game, the alumni team was up 29-27 and serving game point, but this season’s Titans rallied back to win the next four points and took the match.

August 20-26, 2007

Bram’s Breakdown

Look for twosome tandems on draft day I, like many sports fans from Southern California, do not have a football team to root for. Call us football fans in waiting. And no Beckham we weren’t waiting for you, I’m talking about smash mouth American football. I’ve had stints with both former Los Angeles teams and they were short and heartbreaking. Rams took our colors and celebrated a win in St. Louis with the greatest show on earth while the 2002 Raiders flopped in the big dance. Oh I would have been a permanent citizen of Raider nation if Rich Gannon didn’t get stage fright. With failed attempts in following team success in the NFL, I looked toward the stars. The NFL is the only league where flashy moves and overall individual talent speaks louder than Super Bowl rings. So I quickly stumbled into the exciting world of fantasy football. A place where putting together players that rack up enormous points has fans doing their own end zone celebrations in front of co-workers, friends and family. A place where I am the owner, and head coach at the same time without the pressure. A place where I can go

head to head against Peyton Manning with two running backs and run all over his ridiculous stats. Ah, the beauty of fantasy football. Throughout the semester I will be discussing fantasy dos and don’ts if you will. A place where you the reader can gain knowledge from my avid fantasy desire to beat fellow Daily Titan editors at their own game. The beginning of school marks the start of the NFL season and a good time to gather last minute mock drafts and player projections. The core of all fantasy stats are generated by running backs. As your draft day approaches, running backs should be the focus of your target players. Look for a solid one-two punch. If necessary look for a third option, in case of the Edgerrin James fiasco of a year ago. James and his stats disappeared for the first half of the season last year and left owners such as myself looking through the waivers. This season I am locked in on four solid second options that will give me consistent numbers every week. 1. Ronnie Brown 2. Willie Parker 3. Travis Henry 4. Maurice Jones-Drew

By Bram Makonda Sports Columnist The big names will be up there and take them if available. But rely on a twosome tandem. Having LaDanian Tomlinson, Larry Johnson or Shaun Alexander is great, but don’t stop looking in the running back pool for a good second candidate. One guy I’m zeroing in on is Travis Henry. He was a former Tennessee Titan turned Denver Bronco that will thrive in Mike Shanahan’s zone blocking running attack. The Broncos are notorious for turning perennial losers into studs in their system. Henry is a speed back who relies on speed and toughness to gain yards. I will look for him later in the draft as a possible number two option. Another tailback that is primed for a breakout year under a new scheme is Ronnie Brown. Former Chargers offensive coordinator Cam Cameron is under the helm in Miami, and just look at what he did to Tomlinson. Brown has the skills to be a similar running back under the right coach. Well I hope I helped you in your draft day process and remember, don’t draft big names that don’t produce the numbers. It’s a good thing Michael Vick will not be playing this year folks.

Experience may determine soccer success

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Titans senior Kristen Boujos (left) and freshman Christina Murillo (right) attempt headers in an exhibition game Saturday. The Titans faced off against members from the inaugural women’s soccer team to the 2006 NCAA Tournament squad.

Titans look to make a third straight postseason run in the Big West. By Shawn Trondsen

Daily Titan Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

On the heels of a NCAA Tournament appearance, Titan fans are looking for big things from this

year’s women’s soccer team. Fullerton returns eight starters from last year’s squad. Many of whom experienced both last year’s tournament appearance and the sweet sixteen journey two seasons ago. First year Head Coach Demian Brown knows the experience his team has. “I feel excited about this team,” Brown said. “Having the ability to

have at any time seven seniors on the field makes a big difference.” While Fullerton has lost some key position players, Brown knows their experience will guide them through the year. “During the beginning of the season we’ll have some ups and downs as every team does,” Brown said. “But I think as we get to the end of the season those experiences will help us.” See SOCCER, Page 20



August 20-26, 2007

2007 August and September Volleyball Schedule Date

08/24/07 08/25/07 08/31/07 09/01/07 09/07/07 09/08/07 09/11/07 09/21/07 09/22/07 09/25/07

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Deven Bukoski and Brittany Moore (left of net) jump and block in sequence to defend their side of the court.

Titans’ starting six will lead the way By Shawn Trondsen

Daily Titan Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

After a successful exhibition against the Titan alumni, the Cal State Fullerton volleyball team now looks forward to the regular season of 2007. CSUF now has to follow up their most successful season. The 2006 squad went 17-12 with a .586 win percentage, but Head Coach Carolyn Zimmerman said her mind doesn’t linger on the past. “We want to overdo what last year’s team did, but other than that the comparisons are over,” Zimmerman said. “This is a new team, new hitters and it’s a new year.” A new team also means new players, however, including a new assistant coach in Mitch Kallick. Kallick understands this year’s team has an abundance of youth and first timers. “It’s a young team, so there will be little bumps in the road,” Kallick said. “It is some people’s first time playing in college.” Kallick said he feels veteran leadership should help younger players get their foot in the door. Zimmerman said the Titans will have to play hard no matter their roster. “I think we are going to have to be a team that overcomes some of our inexperience,” Zimmerman said. “We need to go out and battle regardless of personnel on the floor and who we are playing.”

Titans to watch

Brittany Moore

Deven Bukoski

Alex Wolnisty

Julie Geissert

Named the teams most valuable player last season. The Titans will again look to Moore to be their key component. The 6’5 sophomore will intimidate opposing strikers with her size alone. Had 17 points in the Titans triumph against UC Santa Barbara.

The Titans first challenge will be Friday when they travel to Boise to face No. 23 Santa Clara in the Boise State Tournament. “Nothing less than a winning record coming home [is expected],” Zimmerman said. “We’ve got to be more consistent with our serving and play (well) regardless of who our opponent is.” Even with inexperience, the Titans return All-Big West Conference junior Brittany Moore and AllFreshman Deven Bukoski.

All-Freshman Bukoski played in 102 of 103 games her first season. She is no longer a secret to opponents. Just the third Titan to reach the 2500 career save mark, Geissert no doubt wants a senior season worth remembering.

Other returning players who will have a strong impact on the success of the 2007 Titans are senior Julie Geissert and 6’5 sophomore middle blocker Alex Wolnisty. “We have to go out and play hard every point,” Kallick said. “If we play as hard as we can every time, the end result will take care of itself.” Voted sixth in the preseason Big West Conference polls, CSUF will look to change the mind of voters as they kick off the season Friday in Boise.


vs. Santa Clara at Boise State vs. UT San Antonio vs. Bowling Green vs. Stony Brook vs. Portland State vs. Missouri at Texas State vs. Houston at San Diego State vs. UC Davis vs. Pacific vs. Loyola Marymount



Boise State Tourn. Boise State Tourn. Boise State Tourn. Titan Gym Titan Gym Titan Gym San Marcos, TX Tourn. San Marcos, TX Tourn. San Marcos, TX Tourn. San Diego Titan Gym Titan Gym Titan Gym

4:00 p.m. MT 12:30 p.m. MT 5:00 p.m. MT 7:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 10:00 a.m. CT 7:00 p.m. CT 2:00 p.m. CT 6:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT



August 20-26, 2007

2007 Season Schedule

SOCCER: experience will help Date

08/25/07 08/31/07 09/02/07 09/07/07 09/09/07 09/14/07 09/16/07 09/20/07 09/23/07 09/28/07 09/30/07 10/05/07 10/07/07 10/12/07 10/14/07 10/19/07 10/21/07 10/28/07 11/01/07 11/04/07 First-year Head Coach Demian Brown instructs his players after the alumni games Saturday.

(From page 18)

One key player to replace is former goalkeeper Karen Bardsley. Bardsley, a three-time All-Big West Conference goalie, holds every major goalkeeping mark in school history. Including 47 career victories, 312 saves, a 0.84 goals against average and 26 shutouts. Brown has not yet decided who will fill the shoes left by Bardsley, but freshman Shannon Simpson, junior Shayla Sabin and senior Kerri Ward are all competing for the job. “I’m sure that when the dust settles we’ll have a good keeper in there,” Brown said. Fullerton returns several leading goal scorers including Brianna Buffington and Kristen Boujos, who had eight and five goals respectively. “Returning those girls makes me feel really good about what we’ll be able to do on the attack,” Brown said. Titans’ junior midfielder Leslie Munoz is coming back with a bit of experience from the next level. Munoz teamed with former Titan Marlene Sandoval to help the Mexican Women’s National Soccer Team to a fourth place finish at this summer’s Pan American Games in Brazil. Munoz appeared in all six games against top notch opponents and

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor

Titans to watch

Leslie Munoz

Coming off a fourth-place finish with Mexico in the Pan Am Games, Munoz should be ready for Titan opponents.

Brianna Buffington

With eight goals in only 12 starts last season, Buffington should have no problem reaching double digit scores.


Kristen Boujos

Her performance against in last season’s Big West Tournament showed her ability to attack the net.

Titans’ Goalkeeper

Head Coach Brown said he hasn’t chosen one yet. Whoever gets the call will have to fill the shoes of a threetime all-conference soccer star.

o Check out dailytitan.com for an audio slideshow of the women’s soccer alumni games.

started the team’s final four matches. Brown said he has seen new ideas from Munoz after her return from playing with the caliber of players she did. “She has the skill and ability to pull off some of those things she saw,” Brown said. “It is definitely going to make us better.” The Titans were voted fourth in the Big West Conference preseason poll, with Cal Poly, UC Santa Barbara and No. 25 Long Beach State ahead of them in the rankings. “Our conference is getting better and better,” Brown said. “It’s inevitable we’ll be playing some big games

(this season).” The Titans have something that no other Big West team can claim to have ever had. They are the first team in the conference to have NCAA tournament match wins in back-toback seasons. “I think our experience into the NCAA tournament is going to help us, definitely,” Brown said. “All eight seniors on the team have experienced those things with us.” Fullerton plays one more exhibition match against Biola on Saturday. They will kick off the regular season Aug. 31 in Las Vegas against the UNLV Rebels.




vs. Biola (ex.) TITAN STADIUM at UNLV Las Vegas, NV vs. Idaho State Las Vegas, NV at Portland Seattle, WA at Washington Seattle, WA vs. California TITAN STADIUM vs. Oklahoma TITAN STADIUM vs. LMU TITAN STADIUM at UC Davis Davis, CA at San Jose State San Jose, CA at Fresno State Fresno, CA at UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, CA vs. Santa Clara TITAN STADIUM vs. Pacific TITAN STADIUM at Long Beach State Long Beach, CA vs. CSU Northridge TITAN STADIUM at UC Riverside Riverside, CA vs. UC Irvine TITAN STADIUM vs. San Diego TITAN STADIUM

The Korner Barry Bonds: A hall of famer indeed First off, welcome to the Korner! Feel free to kick back and grab a cold one. I’ll be providing you with sports information, humor and possibly confusion during this fine semester. The first topic that I’m sure enthralls you all is Barry Bonds. Cal State Fullerton sits in Orange County, which means 95 percent of you probably hate the man. That’s OK. The issue I have is that you don’t recognize him as the greatest home run hitter of our generation and you won’t leave the man alone. The question I beg to ask is, why? Right away you are probably foaming at the mouth to scream, “He cheated! He cheated!” I applaud you for your oh-so-original criticism. If you are a bit more innovative, perhaps you feel that his antisocial personality trumps any of his personal achievements. Let me hit you with some knowledge, if I may. To start with, I am a die-hard Dodgers fan. That probably made you stop reading because again, most of you are probably Angels fans. I have no issue with the Angels, they have a nice ball club. Fans that call

Dodger Stadium ghetto need to gain some perspective though. By the way, how are those rats out at the Big A doing? As a Dodgers fan, it isn’t automatic that I hate Bonds because the Giants just aren’t competitive. If you educate yourself on Bonds’ past, you’ll learn some interesting things. To start with, he isn’t necessarily to blame for antisocial flaws. His father, Bobby, entered the Giants organization when Willie Mays was on the tail end of his career. Mays took Bobby under his wing and mentored him. The most intriguing thing that he told Bobby was that the press was basically his enemy, and to stay focused. Bobby raised Barry the same way, which explains his aloofness. While Barry frequently acts questionably, he has a softer side as well. Giving teammates in need money is something Bonds has done on numerous occasions. You can do the research if you’d like, but he does have a softer side. If you were forced into the spotlight and barraged with cameras as often as he is, you probably wouldn’t be all smiles either.

Snyder Says... Barry Bonds: Where was Bud Selig? 755 is no longer the number it once was. What used to be Major League Baseball’s all-time home run record is now just a thing of the past. Although it stands in the middle of one of sport’s most intriguing controversies, the record that stood for 30 years is now considered second best to Barry Bonds’ ongoing mark. This was and still is one of the most attractive records in sports. But for some Bonds hasn’t broken the record, nor will he ever. Because he is the center of the steroid issues in baseball, many fans feel that this record is tainted and that “cheaters” such as him should not be allowed the credit others see fit. Even the commissioner of baseball, Bud Selig, shows pessimism towards Bonds and the numbers he has produced. When the record was broken, where was Selig? To me, this shows the doubt that Selig has for his sport. I say “his sport” because he over-

sees everything that goes on in and around the league. He is a part of all suspensions that are handed out, all fines, all trades and free agent acquisitions. And yes, he even deals with the government. Why? Because his league is infested with steroid using, HGH addicted rebels that are trying to get an advantage in a competitive league. Well that’s what everyone and everything is making it out to be. Many problems continue to snowball, not only in baseball but also in the NFL with Michael Vick and the NBA with former referee Tim Donaghy. You would think that if there was a way to show how uncorrupt and undivided a sport can be, that opportunity came in the form of Bonds surpassing Hank Aaron. Bud Selig needed to be at that game. He needed to be there to support the competitive nature of baseball. He needed to be there to support the comments that he made when he

7:00 p.m. PT 7:30 p.m. PT 11:00 a.m. PT 4:30 p.m. PT 1:30 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT 12:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 12:00 p.m. PT 3:00 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT 6:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 6:00 p.m. PT

By Jason Kornfeld Sports Columnist But I digress. The main problem I have is that people have made Barry the scapegoat. Why should he be solely to blame for the hundreds that have cheated? It’s not his fault that the likes of Mark McGuire, Rafael Palmeiro and Jose Conseco don’t play anymore. Home runs make the game more exciting. While some argue that “the cream” and “the clear” enhance your hand-eye coordination, I personally remain unconvinced. Before Barry allegedly started using performance enhancers in 1999, he was already the sole member of the 400 home run, 400 stolen base club. He was a Hall of Famer, without question. Finally, the argument that the steroids scandal has put Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron at a disadvantage is ridiculous. First of all, no one has proven anything yet. And second, have you forgotten that pitchers are bigger and stronger now as well? It’s not a fair comparison. Sure, if Barry never cheated he would probably ONLY have 600something home runs right now. But is that really how you want it?

By Andrew Snyder Sports Columnist said, “all citizens in this country are innocent until proven guilty.” By not being there, Selig showed he already formed an opinion on Bonds and just how “innocent” he is. It bothers me when a person acts irresponsibly and it bothers me even more that Selig didn’t take responsibility. Bonds played the game and chased the record with cameras and reporters and pessimists in his face the entire time. And despite all of that, he was able to stay focused and achieve a goal that should highlight his career. He will go down in history as one of the greatest players of all time, whether the truth is told or we are all left in the dark. So move on, get over it, and let the man play. And what should Selig do? Snyder says Bud Selig needs to move beyond his own ego and do what is right for the sport. Baseball is bigger than you, me and even Barry Bonds’ head.



August 20-26, 2007

NO LONGER BELOW THE RADAR Men’s soccer confident and thriving with chemistry

SkylerThuresson evades two San Diego State defenders as he winds up for a shot in a spring match. Thuresson will be part of a three-man forward crew this upcoming season.

Titans have high expectations as the 2007 season begins. By Shawn Trondsen

Daily Titan Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

Excitement might be the perfect word to describe Head Coach Bob Ammann’s feelings about the upcoming men’s soccer season. Voted third in the conference by fellow head coaches, Ammann feels his Titans are ready to prove themselves in the Big West Conference, a league with defending national champion UC Santa Barbara and other soccer heavyweights. “[The third place vote] is a testament to the hard work my assistants and players have done this off sea-

son,” Ammann said. “We should be vying for the league.” Ammann has high expectations for this season’s squad, and rightfully so. The Titans return eight starters from last year’s team and Ammann said they are ready to succeed. “I thought we had a good year (last season),” Ammann said. “Now is the time to reap the rewards of our hard work.” Last season, the Titans were forced to play a 4-5-1, meaning four defenders, five midfielders and only one forward. With a core of talented defenders and midfielders, Ammann is able to adjust the lineup to have up to three forwards this time around. Most likely to fill the forward slots are senior Skyler Thuresson, sophomore Gabriel Farfan and junior transfer Joshua Meyer. Thuresson is the team’s leading returning scorer, Farfan was voted sec-

Titans to watch

Farfan and Farfan

Skyler Thuresson

Amir Shafii/Matt Sanders

Joshua Meyer

Second-team All-BWC Gabriel will be unleashed as a forward. Freshman of the year Michael will be a threat at midfield. Head Coach Bob Amman describes them as two of the best centerbacks in the league. Co-Captain Shafii will lead a core of experienced defenders.

ond-team All-Big West Conference last season and Meyer helped lead Cerritos to a state championship. “He’s powerful,” Ammann said of Meyer. “He will be a focus for opposing defenses. He is always a threat around the box.” Ammann is able to add more forwards due to his talent and options

2007 Season Schedule Date

08/25/07 08/31/07 09/02/07 09/07/07 09/09/07 09/14/07 09/16/07 09/23/07 09/29/07 10/03/07 10/06/07 10/10/07 10/13/07 10/17/07 10/20/07 10/24/07 10/28/07 11/03/07 11/10/07 11/16/07 11/18/07 11/23/07



vs. Alumni Titan Stadium vs. Long Island Titan Stadium vs. Detroit Mercy Titan Stadium vs. Memphis Titan Stadium vs. Michigan Titan Stadium vs. Penn State at UCLA TourN. vs. Ohio State at UCLA Tourn. at Coastal Carolina Conway, SC vs. Cal Poly Titan Stadium vs. CSU Northridge Titan Stadium at UC Santa Barbara Santa Barbara vs. UC Riverside Titan Stadium vs. UC Irvine Titan Stadium at UC Riverside Riverside at UC Davis Davis at CSU Northridge Northridge vs. CSU Bakersfield Titan Stadium at UC Irvine Irvine vs. UC Santa Barbara Titan Stadium vs. UC Davis Titan Stadium at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo vs. NCAA Playoffs TBA

Time 4:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 5:00 p.m. PT 11:30 a.m. PT 1:00 p.m. ET 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 3:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT 2:00 p.m. PT 5:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 7:00 p.m. PT 1:00 p.m. PT TBA

3 goals and 3 assists last season, expect Thuresson’s points to thrive in a three-forward offense. A transfer from the state champion Cerritos College team, Meyer’s size and skill at forward will be a distraction and threat for opposing defenses.

at midfield. Freshman of the year and All-Big West Conference Michael Farfan is sure to shine this season, and 21-year-old freshman Pete Kingman will be looking to make an impact after a red shirted 2006. Kingman’s teammates are so fond of him they named him co-captain. The other strength of this team is

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor

their defensive core, led by the other co-captain, Amir Shafii. Along with the Shafii will be senior Ben Hofstetter and sophomores Matt Sanders and Shay Spitz. Anchoring the Titans defense will be fifth-year senior goalkeeper Brent Douglas, who beat three other goalies competing for the job in spring. The Titans first four games will be at home against teams from out of the region. “They will test us right away,” Ammann said. “It will give us a good gauge of where we’re at [entering the season].” Ammann said this team has the experience and the camaraderie to succeed. “I really enjoy this group of guys. They are a great bunch. They work hard with good attitudes,” Ammann said. “I know they have the potential.”


Vying for the league By Shawn Trondsen

Daily Titan Sports Editor sports@dailytitan.com

The college baseball season is over. A quick exit from the nation’s center stage disappointed Cal State Fullerton fans this summer. However, baseball ending does not mean competitive sports are slumbering until spring. The Titans’ men’s soccer team was voted third in one of the best leagues in the nation. With eight returning starters, several All-Big West Conference players and boatloads of chemistry, this team is no longer a quiet threat. Head Coach Bob Ammann owns a sincere confidence about his squad. In his second year as head coach, Ammann has strived to alter the atmosphere within the Titan soccer program. “My goal was to change the environment and attitude when taking over,” Ammann said. “I think I’ve done a good job. It is always a work in progress.” Ammann says every player on this team has been made to feel welcome. Team chemistry is something that starts at the top and Ammann has worked hard to integrate everyone into the team. Ammann describes the regular season as “the first season,” with its main goal being to reach the playoffs. In fact, he is so sure his team has the potential to make the NCAA tournament Ammann has set the schedule to prepare them. The Titans travel to the east coast for just one game against Coastal Carolina in September. It is a designed move to give players a simulation of how traveling in the tournament will be. So if you need more reason to follow Titan athletics, look no further than the confident face of Head Coach Ammann. “I can’t wait to see [my players] reap success this season,” Ammann said. “We will be a very exciting team.” I, for one, can’t wait either.


Summer in Photos

looking back at

August 20-26, 2007

freedom Fall semester closes the book on summer fun

By Cameron Pemstein/Daily Titan Staff Photographer Clockwise from left: 1.) The Kilauea Lighthouse provides visual bliss on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. 2.) Robert Manwell tries to flip his son, Roy, age 7, off of a raft at Newport Harbor High School’s pool. 3.) Biking trails throughout Orange County are a great way to keep busy and stay in shape. This trail is found at Newport Beach’s Back Bay Reserve. 4.) Newport Beach’s recreation and senior services department hosted its second “Splash Bash” at Newport Harbor High School, screening the movie, “Happy Feet” while children frolic in the pool. 5.) Rion McKinney catches a wave at Newport Beach’s A Street on a hot summer day. 6.) Sunny days come rare in San Francisco, but when they happen people take full advantage of it. Here a lady walks her dog down from Twin Peaks.

aug, 20, 2007 August 20-26, 2007

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Today you’ll try the old “goat in a box” trick, on your new boss. It’ll backfire, though, and you’ll be the one with the clown shoes. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) You will have a hunch, today. Perhaps you should try a firmer mattress? Leo (July 23 - August 22) Beware of rodents. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Squid day, again. Try to make the most of it. Perhaps you could go around with a bucket of squid, and give one to each of your neighbors? Chances are you don’t know them as well as you should, and this will make sure nobody feels guilty about that in the future.

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August 20-26, 2007

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