Surfing class takes first trip to the ocean, page 3
Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 7
Daily Titan
Tuesday September 11, 2007
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
DTSHORTHAND CSUF sponsors L.A. County Fair
Return of the Titan
CSUF Inside – As part of its yearlong 50th anniversary celebration, Cal State Fullerton will be the official sponsor of College Thursdays at the L.A. County Fair, running Sept. 7-30. Students with college IDs from any institution of higher education will receive a discounted admission fee of $5 every Thursday. Performances include the reigning national champion CSUF dance team and the awardwinning Theatre and Dance Department. For more information visit http://www.fullerton.edu/50.
Smith is charged with possession of drugs and taking bribes at CSUF By John sakata
Daily Titan Asst. News Editor news@dailytitan.com
Nudist works with wood outside
Men’s Soccer
See Sports, page 6
In this comedic aside from “Family Guy,” Osama bin Laden records a new threat for the American people, but flubs his lines and has a hard time keeping a straight face. That is, until Stewie shows his football-shaped face, ready to do Jedi-like battle with the Sept. 11 mastermind with only a rubber chicken as a weapon. Terrorists, fear the genocidal babies of America. They are coming for you. Duration: 3:25
Main line: (714) 278-3373 News desk: (714) 278-4415 Advertising: (714) 278-4411 E-mail: news@dailytitan.com
Dave Serrano, the new head coach of Cal State Fullerton baseball, is bringing his assistant coaches from UC Irvine, leaving long-time Assistant Coach Rick Vanderhook without a position. Serrano said he decided to go another direction with his coaching staff on Monday when he was introduced to the CSUF community at a press conference at Goodwin Field. “I think it’s time for us to move on. People are aware of what transpired,” Serrano said. “Rick and I have been in touch, and our friendship will continue on.” George Horton announced his sudden departure from the University of Oregon on Aug. 31 and brought CSUF Assistant Coach Jason Gill along with him. Horton’s suggestion for his replacement was Vanderhook, who has coached for
High: 90 Low: 66 Sunny
I’m thrilled to be home, and this truly is my home.
– Dave Serrano,
Baseball Head Coach
the Titans since 1985 and was recently promoted to Assistant Head Coach before the 2007 College World Series. CSUF Athletic Director Brian Quinn faced the task of finding George Horton’s replacement. Quinn considered Vanderhook for the head coaching position, but ultimately decided on Serrano to follow in Horton’s footsteps. “He’s a legend. Nobody can replace George Horton,” Quinn said. “But we did the very best that we could do, and I think the best in this country, to bring in someone to keep up this tradition.” Serrano’s assistants will be Sergio Brown and Craig Bergeron,
who helped lead UCI to their first College World Series berth last season. Serrano’s familiarity and respect for the Titan program ultimately led to his exit from UCI. He served as both a pitching coach and recruiting coordinator for the Titans between 1997 and 2004, when he left to take over the Irvine program. “I’m thrilled to be home, and this truly is my home,” Serrano said. “My kids [and] my wife have all had a big part of wearing the Titan colors, and we’re proud to be back.” Serrano’s familiarity with Titan baseball should ease the sudden coaching transition. Horton’s departure may have been unexpected, but CSUF President Milton Gordon feels Serrano will handle it just fine. “[Horton leaving] was a surprise, but when you have a premier coach like Horton you know there are a lot of teams that are always
going to be after him,” Gordon said. “I think [Serrano’s] going to move the program and continue the success of the past.” Even though Titan baseball is losing its coaches from last season, the program has no choice but to move forward. Serrano has the confidence of Gordon, Quinn, his players and even former Head Coach Horton, who attended the press conference. “I hope they’ll reflect back at my tenure here and say I did make a positive impact,” Horton said. “I have a great love and admiration for Dave. He had a lot to do with my success as a head coach, and the way I look at it is just basically passing the baton to a very capable young man.” “I know the tradition we’re taking over, and I welcome the challenge,” Serrano said. “We’re going to work together as a group to continue on the excellence [of the Titan program].”
Five felonies were levied against Cathleen Louise Smith, a former administrative assistant of Cal State Fullerton, last Friday, during an arraignment where she pleaded not guilty to accusations of accepting bribes to expedite the application process of four international students. Employed by the university since July 1990, Smith was charged with possession of amphetamines and accepting bribes of up to $2,500 from the students to gain admittance into the university. Smith, arrested in July, is scheduled for a pre-trial on October 15. “We do not file charges against someone unless we feel that they’ve committed a crime,” District Attorney Spokeswoman Farrah Emami said. “We believe that we have the proof beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury that we can convict somebody of a crime.” Smith was accused of using her computer access code to skirt the formal application procedures for the four international students. She is accused of accepting bribes from a fifth student to change their grades. “As part of a routine review, there were irregularities in coding discovered on applications,” University Spokeswoman Pamela Selleck said. “Once those irregularities were discovered, they were traced back to a certain individual and that is when we started the investigation.” According to an L.A. Times article published Friday, Deputy District Attorney Dan Hess, said three of the students remained enrolled in the university. The fourth student had dropped out of the university. The university is not at liberty to discuss the status of the students, Selleck said. “I’m sorry that it happened because I had a very good record there, extraordinary performance reviews,” Smith said to the L.A. Times earlier this year. “I was a very good employee at Cal State Fullerton. I worked there for a very long time for very little money.” Smith acknowledged accepting $2,000 from two Kuwaiti brothers, who she said were both academically eligible. The Admissions Office had assured her that steps have been taken to keep out intruders from repeating similar actions, Selleck said.
Memory of Sept. 11 lingers on for some CSUF students Students and staff reflect on the sixth anniversary of the New York attacks For the Daily Titan
High: 90 Low: 67 Sunny
By David Carrillo
Daily Titan Staff Writer
By Dhawani Parekh
Former assistant Dave Serrano returns to CSUF baseball team as head coach
Once again, the city will pause for four moments of silence to mark the attacks that killed more than 2,700 people. Family members will lay flowers where the twin towers fell, and the names of victims will be read. But much will be different on the sixth anniversary of Sept. 11, after tense arguments about where to hold the ceremony, whether a presidential candidate should be allowed to speak and if it’s still fitting to put on such a large-scale commemoration. On the other side of the nation, students at Cal State Fullerton were conflicted over how to commemorate
the anniversary. Student and faculty differed in the best way to react to the tragedy six years ago. Political science Professor Sarrah Hill said she was surprised terrorism had not registered higher in the human conscious after the events that unfolded that day. “Things have changed because of the war, but how much do we really worry about terrorist threats given 9/11,” Hill said. “It is quite remarkable that 9/11 has not affected our daily lives and does not bother us. We are more concerned about how we treat other countries rather than being concerned about what other countries might do to us.” Lynn Nguyen, a business major, said that the nation needed to move forward rather than drudge up those memories. “It is bad that we are dwelling upon 9/11. Each year, we focus on it so much that we are bringing back the pain,” Nguyen said. “We should let it die down. Instead, we should com-
memorate it. The more we bring it up, the more it is going to hurt us.”
It is an emotional time when we should think of all the people that died due to terrorism.
My team’s not dirty. Look at our overall foul count and you’ll see it’s not high. We didn’t become dirty tonight. – Head Coach Bob Ammann,
By Cameron Pemstein/Daily Titan Photo Editor Backed by his new team, Dave Serrano was introduced to the CSUF community Monday. He was head coach at UCI and brings both of his assistants to the school.
OAKLAND (AP) – A carpenter caught hammering nails and sawing wood in the nude has been found by a judge to be not guilty of indecent exposure. Alameda County Superior Court Judge Julie Conger ruled Thursday that although Percy Honniball of Oakland was naked, he was not acting lewdly or seeking sexual gratification. Honniball, 51, was arrested last year after he was spotted building cabinets in the buff at a home where he had been hired to work. The carpenter has said he likes to work in the nude because it’s more comfortable and it helps him keep his clothes clean. Honniball earned two years’ probation in 2003 after being caught three times working naked in Berkeley, which prohibits public nudity. Oakland does not have a similar ban.
Former CSUF employee pleads not guilty
– Ruby Rivera CSUF health science major
Ruby Rivera, a health science major, recalls how her mother was on an airplane on the same day two airplanes crashed into the towers. The day carries a special significance for her. The anniversary of Sept. 11 should be a celebration of life and an
opportunity to reflect on those who died, she said. “It is an emotional time when we should think of all the people that died due to terrorism,” Rivera, 18, said. “It is also the time to realize and appreciate for being here today. To think about the people that lost their loved ones is a terrifying thought for me because that same day, my mom was on another flight.” On the anniversary, political science Professor Georgia Spiropoulos sees the actions from Washington D.C. as hypocritical. She finds it silly that America is immersed in Iraq and engaged in war when those in the World Trade Center were killed. She believes the best way to recognize the anniversary is to immortalize the day with a memorial. For Spiropoulos, the images of that day six years ago are still fresh in her mind. “It is sad that we do not have anything to replace 9/11 with, like, a monument or a structure because of
lots of political and financial arguments,” Spiropoulos said. “It seems like it just happened yesterday and [it’s] hard to believe it is already six years. Terrorism seems to be a game of death and destruction versus death and destruction. When 9/11 occurred, instead of going out and reaching to the international community, we go and bomb countries. To kill people over a difference of opinion is silly and irrational.” In New York, another change in the ceremony will be the list of victims. After the city ruled a woman’s death of lung disease was caused by exposure to toxic Trade Center dust, the official death toll was increased by one this year. The name of that woman, Felicia Dunn-Jones, will be read at the ceremony for the first time. The anniversary was moved this year because of more intensive construction under way at ground zero,
See 9/11, Page 2