E arth q u a k es Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 18
While earthquake coverage has students shaken up, professors and collegues reassure students of their safety, page 3
Daily Titan
Monday October 1, 2007
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Staying Sex Saavy
Percentage of students who fail the English Writing Proficiency Exam annually at CSUF.
Trapped patient sick of waiting TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) – A cancer patient says she was left alone in a CT scanner for hours after a technician apparently forget about her, and she finally crawled out of the device, only to find herself locked in the closed clinic. Elvira Tellez of Tucson said she called her son in a panic, and he told her to call 911. Diagnosed with bone cancer, the 67-year-old Tellez had been sent to the clinic for tests to see if her cancer had spread. Pima County sheriff’s deputies contacted the office manager, who was not aware of the situation. Tellez was taken to a hospital as a precaution, then released early the next day. Tellez said she’s had trouble sleeping since last week’s incident. She said the technician did call to apologize the next day. “I don’t know what to think,” Tellez said in Spanish. “I think and think and think, but I can’t understand it.” A technician placed her inside the large machine at about 4 p.m. on Sept. 19, dimmed the lights so she could relax and told her not to move during the 25-minute procedure. Ted Eazer, practice director for Arizona Oncology Associates, said Friday that the group has revised its closing procedures so no one is ever left behind again.
We came to play soccer and they had something else in mind. That is obvious with the number of penalties out there.
in the modern
W RLD Women’s Center offers advice to students on their sexual health By Elisabeth Donovan
Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com
With sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy becoming more prevalent in today’s society, it’s important for young adults to protect themselves. Both women and men are affected by the rapid spread of diseases such as chlamydia, gonnorrhea and HIV. In response to this issue, the Cal State Fullerton’s Women’s Center held “Women and Safe Sex in the 21st Century,” a discussion about the latest updates on safe sex and contraception. Janet Emery, a nurse practitioner
– Bob Ammann,
at CSUF, provided students with information on sexual health. “We live in a sex-crazed society,” Emery said. “The choices that people make when they’re young affect their entire lives.” Emery said the rates of STDs and teen pregnancies are highest in the United States than in any other western country. “People aren’t marrying until they’re in their late ‘20s,” Emery said. “Young girls are reaching puberty earlier than ever before. Some girls begin their periods at ages 10 and 11. Young people have a lot of time to be sexually active.” Every year 750,000 women under the age of 20 become pregnant. Of those pregnancies, 80 percent are unplanned. “Unplanned pregnancies can have serious social implications,” Emery said. “Many females from teen preg-
Men’s Soccer head coach See Sports, page 6
nancies will also become pregnant while they’re young. Many boys become delinquent and end up in prison.” Sexually transmitted diseases remain an important aspect of reproductive health. In the heat of the moment, many young people overlook the diseases that accompany risky sexual behavior. Because of this, diseases are plaguing their way through America’s youth. Chlamydia and gonorrhea remain the most prevalent STDs among teens and young adults. Many times, symptoms don’t accompany these diseases. If left untreated, chlamydia and gonorrhea can infect a woman’s reproductive system. This infection, called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, may cause a woman to become infertile. Emery said the Human Papilloma
Virus (HPV) has become a prevalent, yet preventable STD within the student community. While HPV may lead to cervical cancer, four out of 100 DNA types cause cancer. Fortunately, 96 HPV types leave a person’s body after one year, Emery said. Gardasil, a new vaccine on the market, prevents people from contracting the four cancerous HPV types. “While this vaccine isn’t free, everyone should get one,” Emery said. HPV may sound horrible, but HIV remains the most serious disease a person can contract. Emery said 20,000 people are diagnosed with HIV every year. In the U.S, HIV mostly affects black women. This deadly illness, which impairs the body’s immune system, can be contracted sexually through cuts on a person’s genitals or through See STD, Page 2
Love: an important part of relationships By Marissa Armstrong
Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com
A diverse group filtered into the Women’s Center Wednesday, Sept. 26. The men, a large number of women and a few couples all came to hear about “Love’s Two Arms” from Brett Williams, author of “You Can Be Right or You Can Be Married.” Most of the early arrivals chose to sit toward the back of the small room, but by 12:10 p.m., the late-comers didn’t have much choice as the See LOVE Page 2
Titans lose conference opener, 0-1
Movie-making masters Tony and Paul once again bring their clever style to the Internet-viewing public. Their three-part trilogy, “Battle of the Balls,” features two competitors training for The Ultimate Battle for Ping Pong Master Champion of the Entire World. Part one combines stop motion as well as slow motion clips to emphasize one man and his unique training methods. Duration: 1:53
High: 82 Low: 60 Sunny
TOMorrow High: 85 Low: 61 Sunny
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By RAE NGUYEN/Daily Titan Staff Writer Cadet 1st Lieutenant Tony Chan and Captain Richard Alvarez-Brown sorting, loading and distributing magazines to comrades at Camp Pendleton rifle firing range.
Learning tricks of the raid at Camp Pendleton By: Rae Nguyen
Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com
Cal State Fullerton’s ROTC students prepared for a weekend of intense training, leaving the CSUF campus at 3:40 a.m. last Friday to Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego. The three-day event, organized by Cadet Major James Chaney, was something Cadet MS2 Rae Fenstermaker hoped would improve her management abilities. “The ROTC has a lot to offer and there are opportunities for females to pursue to gain leadership skills,” Fenstermaker said. Field Training Exercise (FTX) is not only a physical test on agility and endurance, but also an assessment on leadership skills - the pri-
mary focus of what ROTC hopes to achieve. “ROTC surpasses all other leadership programs because of a handson approach method to leadership whereas college classes [teach] out of a book,” Chaney said. On the second day of FTX, one group was assigned to Land Navigation while the other practiced Basic Rifle Marksmanship, sectioned in the remote part of Camp Pendleton. Points were given by percentage of accuracy; at least 23 out of 40 was a satisfactory score the cadets like Fenstermaker aimed to have. Almost 300 meters away, large black numbered boards lined behind targets that were either mounted or lowered in the ditch. They served as lane assignments for each cadet to aim in their designated area. See ROTC, Page 2
By KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor Cal State Fullerton’s Ben Hofstetter fights for the ball with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s Jeff Meyer during Saturday’s game. The Titans lost the game 0-1. The team fell to 4-4 for the season and the loss was the first conference game.