2007 10 15

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CSUF’s “Frozen” is, dark and complicated

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 26

OPINION: CSUF students discuss the misperceptions of the Greek systems, page 4 NEWS: Authorities clamp down on overcrowding in bars and restaurants, page 2

Daily Titan

Monday October 15, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND Reducing global warming in SoCal Patrick J. Michaels, senior fellow in environmental studies at the Cato Institute, will discuss reducing the effects of global warming in a public lecture Tuesday. The discussion will be held in the Titan Student Union’s Titan Theater from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Professor Michaels will refute the notions that global warming is either a false phenomenon or an imminent disaster and reducing its effects in the southland. For more information, contact Radha Bhattacharya at (714)2783652 or rbhattachary@fullerton. edu.

‘Cuffed man has freedom of dress TULSA, Okla. (AP) – Some fashion statements draw more attention than others, and wearing handcuffs while walking near the Tulsa County Courthouse is one that got noticed. A man wearing a pair of handcuffs on one wrist drew the attention of passersby Friday, who contacted law officers. But it turns out it was just his idea of a fashion statement, said sheriff’s Sgt. Jody Britt. The man, whose name was not released, was wearing “goth” clothing, with one end of the handcuffs on his wrist, making it appear as if he had escaped custody. “Wearing a set of handcuffs near a courthouse is not exactly the most intelligent thing you could do,” Britt said. Deputies stopped the man and checked for warrants. None were found, and he was released.

[The Daily Titan] have the unique ability to reach every student on campus and to shape the thoughts and opinions of them.

– Curtis Schlaufman, ASI Executive Vice-President See Opinion, page 4


Titans shut out Pacific Senior Brianna Buffington leads CSUF to 3-0 win with two goals By Laura Burrows

Daily Titan Staff Writer



al State Fullerton senior Brianna Buffington scored two goals and freshman Christina Murillo scored her third goal of the season in a 3-0 win against the University of the Pacific Tigers in Sunday afternoon’s women’s soccer game at Titan Stadium. The Titans improved to 7-6-1 overall and 22 in league play and broke a three-game losing streak. The Tigers fell to 6-5-3 overall and 1-21 in Big West play. It was a well-matched game as the ball continually shifted possession in early play. Neither team managed to get a shot off until 15 minutes into the action. The Titans took control of the pace of the match by the 30th minute but the game remained scoreless at half time. Red-shirt sophomore Danica Ramirez said the team was having difficulty connecting “up top.” “We are not having a good game. No one will run up for it, they are all hiding in the back,” Ramirez said at half time. “Some one needs to be selfish.” CSUF Head Coach Demian Brown said FriSee WOMEN’S SOCCER, Page 6

By KARL THUNMAN/Daily Titan Photo Editor

For Muslims, Ramadan consists of reflection A month long religious observance ends with a three-day celebration By Urmi Rahman

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Viral superstar DeAndre Ramone Way, better known as Soulja Boy, has released a “how-to” video to coincide with his hit song “Crank Dat.” In it, the 17-year-old rapper goes through the dance stepby step, giving fans the chance to perform the moves along with Soulja Boy and his background dancers. Numerous home videos of people dancing to the song have already popped up online. Duration: 4:01




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Titan redshirt freshman Tamara Dewey [#15] and Pacific Tiger freshman Sammi Teramae [#24] fight for the ball in Sunday’s match at Titan Stadium. CSUF shut out Pacific 3-0.

The sacred month of Ramadan, a display of sacrifice, worship and celebration for Muslims worldwide, ended Saturday. For many students at Cal State Fullerton, a month of fasting provided lasting and humbling insight. The fasts fall on the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Muslims abstain from food, beverages, sex and smoking from sunrise to sunset. Fasts fall in accordance with when the Holy Quran was sent down from Heaven to Prophet Muhammad. As a student who kept his first Ramadan fast as a Christian, Abrahim Appel, 29, said religion should be how Islam represents it. “It was very difficult denying yourself not your needs, but your wants,” Appel said of fasting. “It strengthens your mind and your quest to get near God.” At the end of Ramadan, the sighting of a new crescent moon signifies Eid-ul-Fitr, or the feast of fast breaking. A three-day-long celebration ensues with family and friends gathering for prayer, large meals and an exchange of gifts. Children also receive money from their parents and relatives. The night before Eid, Muslims, primarily of South Asian descent, celebrate Chaand Raat, or the night of the moon.

Photo By Urmi Rahman/Daily Titan Staff Writer Prayers took place last Saturday at the Santa Clara Fairgrounds in Northern California.

Appel converted to Islam six years ago and found the ethics matched his own. The faith taught him to have selfcontrol, to not judge others and to deny basic human needs to appreciate and connect with the less fortunate. Appel avoided drinking and said he was happier for the experience. During the last month he broke his fast at sundown. “Not all Muslims are the same. We’re all trying to pursue truth in our own way,” said Appel, the only Muslim in his family. Born and raised a Muslim in Cali-

fornia, 19-year-old graduate student Fatima Rangoonwala started keeping Ramadan fasts in grade school. “It is a challenge to balance time [with] worship and study[ing],” said the psychology student, clad in a lightly-beaded black hijab. For Rangoonwala, the observance is not just about abstaining from food, but about creating a God-conscious mindset and training herself to avoid immoral behavior for the year to come. It was difficult to fast as a child, but with time she understood the significance and benefits. Rangoonwala spent the weekend

attending morning prayers, visiting family and exchanging gifts. Although her counterparts celebrated with music, shopping, henna and food, Rangoonwala observed the night before Eid as a sacred time for worship. “It is better to pray and worship [that night] and not deprive ourselves from the benefits that can be attained,” said Rangoonwala, whose family fasts and attends mosques. Rangoonwala said she enjoys having iftar, the meal eaten after sundown, with sisters at school because of the bond it creates. The CSUF Muslim Student As-

sociation holds Monday through Thursday evening iftars for all students fasting and even those curious and hungry. An iftar with chicken, samosas, rice and drinks is made possible through donations and with help from students and alumni. The MSA has seen a wide range of ethnicities in membership ranging from African, South Asian to Middle Eastern. “We’ve had everything from sheep to pizza,” said the association’s president, Kevin Santos-Flores, 24. The last 10 days are especially significant for Muslims. The 27th day is Laylat-al-Qadr, or the night of power, which celebrates the night of the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad. “Worship during that night is equivalent to 1,000 months of prayer,” Rangoonwala said. “A lot of things Muslims practice is cultural and it’s not bad. It is more important, [however] to do religiously sound things.” The celebrations are different for Appel, whose mother’s one-year death anniversary marks a spiritual weekend spent with prayer and memories. She passed away in the last hours of the October 2006 month of Ramadan. For the students of CSUF, the month of fasting carried different meanings. “It is an honor for me to have this position,” said Santos-Flores, who is also a convert and of Salvadorian descent. “[It helps] makes sure I am the best Muslim I can be.” For more information, the Muslim Students Association National Web site at: http://www.msanational.org/

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