2007 10 23

Page 1

NEWS: Perfume debate emerges at CSU Stanislaus, page 2


Women’s soccer defeats Cal State Northridge, page 8

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 31

FEATURES: Ragtime Festival attracts a crowd to downtown Fullerton, page 6

Daily Titan

Tuesday October 23, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

DTSHORTHAND . Sexual assault discussion today

‘Everything else is going to burn’

The Women’s Center will host a discussion on sexual assault Tuesday, beginning at noon until 1 p.m. Professor Sue Passalacqua discusses social attitudes how prevailing preconceptions contribute to acts of rape. Myths and misconceptions dominate the subject of rape, Passalacqua argues, and the discussion will shed some light on the subject. Admission is free. The discussion will be in UH Room 205. For more information, call (714) 278-3651 or e-mail supassalacqua@fullerton.edu.

Boy turns mom in for driving drunk

WASHINGTON (AP) – An 8year-old boy riding in a car with his mom called 911 several times to report that she wasn’t “acting normal,” leading to her arrest for investigation of drunken driving and other charges, authorities said. Paulette Lynn Spears, 33, was arrested Saturday after she drove to a fire station and said she had a medical problem. “He said ‘I don’t know where we are, and Mom’s not acting normal,’” sheriff’s Sgt. Randon M. Walker said. At one point, Spears took a cellular telephone from the boy, told the dispatcher not to worry and hung up, Walker said. The boy called back, and again his mother cut short the call, Walker said. “The mother kept interrupting the 8-year-old,” he said. “It happened at least twice.” At one point, Walker said, Spears apparently bit the boy’s hand to get the telephone away from him. The boy and a 5-year-old child were placed with an aunt. As of Monday, Spears remained in jail for investigation of drunken driving, two counts of reckless endangerment and assault of a child. Records show she has at least one conviction for drunken driving.


An elementry school and animal center containing a few animals are in the path of the blaze as winds push the Santiago Fire over a ridge.

Thousands flee southland fires By Karl Zynda and Jake Kilroy Daily Titan Staff Writers news@dailytitan.com

By CAMERON PEMSTEIN/Daily Titan Photo Editor Chay Peterson, 46, films the fire from a safe distance as it crests a hill.

More than 250,000 people have been evacuated from homes in the wake of dozens of wild fires that have charred thousands of acres in Southern California. The fires – strengthened by high temperatures, dry conditions, and unusually strong Santa Ana winds – are consuming dry brush and trees as well as structures from the high desert to Malibu and San Diego County.

TODAY High: 91 Low: 61 SUNNY


TOMorrow High: 89 Low: 64 SUNNY

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Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

No one is above the law – this was the message delivered by Carl Bernstein in the Richard Nixon Library and Museum Monday afternoon. Bernstein, legendary for his news reporting with partner Bob Woodward for shedding light on the Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of Richard Nixon, spoke in the auditorium of the former president’s federal library in Yorba Linda to a crowd filled with students, reporters and curious spectators. He discussed his role in the Watergate Scandal, what journalism has now become and his revealing portrait of presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, who he wrote about in his new book, “A Woman in Charge.” The nearly two-hour lecture, followed by a question-and-answer session, included an intimate glimpse into Clinton’s life, including her strict Methodist upbringing where her mother discouraged divorce when her husband, Bill, wanted to leave the marriage. Religion and family was the basis of her philosophy that may have impinged on her potential to be something great, Bernstein said. A family suicide and constant criticism of her abilities as a person left Clinton uncertain of her

By DANIELLE SPANGLER/For the Daily Titan Carl Bernstein, legendary Watergate journalist, speaks at the Nixon Library Monday.

capability. Bernstein had no ill will toward the President he helped to bring down, rather, he said he felt a “strange kinship toward former president Richard Nixon.” “We need to understand the life of the man and not just his actions in the White House. That life is so much different when you go to the house he was born in,” Bernstein said. “You can’t help but be moved. You can’t help but reflect on the journey that he went on and his role in California politics.” Bernstein said that not even the

No one is above the law, even the president of the United States.


Hundreds of structures have been destroyed, and thousands of more homes are threatened. One fatality has been confirmed. The resources of firefighters have been stretched to their limits. “We have more houses burning than we have people and engine companies to fight them,” San Diego Fire Captain Lisa Blake said. Emergency personnel were diverted fighting fires to evacuate people who refused to leave their homes, officials said. See SANTIAGO, Page 3

Watergate journalist speaks at Nixon Library Breast removals double By RAE NGUYEN

During Friday’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, Maher tossed several protesters from the audience. After tolerating their constant interruptions, he charged into the crowd and helped security eject several people. More protesters began shouting for Maher to reveal the “truth” about the government planning the attack on Sept. 11. To his credit, Maher was able to deal with the protestors and slide right back into the show, seemingly unshaken. Duration: 4:30

By Cameron Pemstein/Daily Titan Photo Editor

– Carl Bernstein, Author

president can get away with unconstitutional and criminal acts. Nixon’s resignation was the result after the Watergate scandal was revealed linking to the president’s involvement.

“No one is above the law, even the president of the United States,” Bernstein said. In discussing his book, Bernstein said years of humiliation and doubt, especially the fiasco involving her husband’s affair with a White House intern challenged her image. Clinton emerged, Bernstein said, with a greater sense of self-confidence and maturity. That still doesn’t mean Clinton is an open book for the public to understand. Bernstein defends Clinton, saying her critics and opponents condemn her through unfair caricatures that depict her as “unemotional and unfeeling.” Even Clinton herself admits that she is an enigma to many, Bernstein said. Randi Lawrence, a freshman at Valencia High, found the speech inspirational. “I’ll find out a lot more about Bernstein,” said Lawrence, who is interested in political journalism. “This will give me an idea how I’ll decide on my future whether this is a path I want to go.” Timothy Naftali, director of the Richard Nixon Library and Museum, said it was a better turn-out than he thought. “We’re going to have more events like this,” Naftali said. “All we care is about excellence – whether [the opinion] is to the left, the right or the center.”

Associated Press More women who have cancer in only one breast are getting both breasts removed, says research that found the trend more than doubled in just six years. It’s still a rare option: Most breast cancer in this country is treated by lumpectomy, removing just the tumor while saving the breast. But the new study suggests 4.5 percent of breast cancer surgery in 2003 involved women getting cancerous and healthy breasts simultaneously removed, a 150 percent increase from 1998 — with no sign that the trend was slowing. Young women are most likely to choose the aggressive operation, researchers report Monday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. The concern is whether they’re choosing in the heat of the moment — breast cancer surgery often is within two weeks of diagnosis — or with good understanding of its pros and cons. “Are these realistic decisions or not?” asks Dr. Todd Tuttle, cancer See CANCER, Page 2

Page Two

Tensions escalate between Turkish military and Kurds

SIRNAK, Turkey (AP) – Dozens of Turkish military vehicles streamed toward the Iraqi border with heavy artillery and ammunition Monday after Kurdish guerrillas killed a dozen soldiers and claimed to have captured eight in an intensifying crisis threatening to spill into Iraq. Arab nations joined the U.S. and Europe in urging Turkey’s government not to attack suspected guerrilla bases in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, while Turkish citizens rallied across the country demanding action against the rebels. With tensions worsening, the Turkish foreign minister said his government was pursuing a diplomatic solution to halt rebel operations out of havens in Iraq, but warned that it wanted to see results soon if an escalation in military action was to be avoided. The Pentagon has said 60,000 Turkish soldiers have deployed along the border. The north is one of the few relatively calm Iraqi regions, and the U.S. fears an incursion by its ally Turkey could worsen the Iraq war.


Bush requests $46 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan WASHINGTON (AP) – President Bush asked Congress for $46 billion more to bankroll wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and said he wants the money approved by Christmas. The fighting in Iraq, in its fifth year, already has cost more than $455 billion. Democrats who gained control of Congress with an antiwar message said Bush should not expect lawmakers to rubber-stamp the request. Announcing his latest request, Bush alluded to the nation’s disenchantment with the war, which has claimed the lives of more than 3,830 members of the U.S. military and more than 73,000 Iraqi civilians. Monday’s proposal brings to $196.4 billion the total requested for operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere for the budget year that started Oct. 1. It includes $189.3 billion for the Defense Department, $6.9 billion for the State Department and $200 million for other agencies. With stepped-up military operations, the war is costing about $10 billion a month. The White House originally sought $141.7 billion for the Pentagon to prosecute the Iraq and Afghanistan missions, then asked for $5.3 billion more in July. Bush’s latest request includes another $42.3 billion for the Pentagon.


Sen. Clinton arrives in Fresno hoping to sway votes FRESNO, Calif. (AP) – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton touched down for the first time in California’s farm belt Monday, seeking to sway voters and small town officials in the state’s conservative interior pocket to her side. The Democrats’ presidential front-runner used the campaign stop to speak to hundreds of students, grandmothers and teachers outside Fresno High School about her proposals to pass immigration reforms and boost the farming economy. Clinton, D-NY, has racked up endorsements from more than 50 San Joaquin Valley party leaders, her campaign announced Monday. But Democratic presidential contenders have historically failed to attract much money or build a significant voting bloc in the region. According to the Federal Election Commission, Clinton has raised $13,270,732 in California for her campaign, more than any other candidate has received in in-state contributions.


Due to a reporting error in an article in the Monday, Oct. 22 issue titled “Bernstein to appear at Nixon Library,” the library curartor was misidentified. The curator for the Nixon Library is Olivia Anastasia-Dias. The Daily Titan regrets this error.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Julianna Crisalli at (714) 278-5693 or at jcrisalli@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

Various smells may affect the health of others Cal State Stanislaus students try to campaign for fragrance-free campus By THAO LE

For the Daily Titan


Potent smells such as fragrances can sometimes affect people in negative ways. Products to make students smell nice such as lotions, deodorants, perfumes and colognes are everyday essentials for many, if not all. Imagine coming to a school where you cannot wear any of it. A group of about 20 students from Cal State Stanislaus in Northern California, are trying to implement a fragrance-free policy for their campus. The campaign is being worked to increase awareness for people with real health problems associated with synthetic fragrance exposure. Senior Emily Mall, psychology major and vice president of the Neurotoxicology Association of Cal State Stanislaus said they give an “extraordinary amount of energy” toward this campaign. Posters, PowerPoint, word-ofmouth and other activities are just some of the ways they are trying to get the word out about their campaign. “Our club is preparing to present to the Associated Students Incorporated after we feel we have created enough awareness on the subject of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity,” Mall said. Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a condition in which various symptoms reportedly appear after a person has been exposed to any of a wide range of chemicals. Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating and breathing problems. People with MCS develop sensitivity and have reactions thereafter, even at levels most people can tolerate, according to WebMD, an Internet site that provides health information. With thousands of students at Cal State Fullerton, it would be impossible to institute a ban on fragrances. Although for those who are chemically sensitive, having an environment where no potent smells exist would be ideal. “I think it’s a wonderful idea,”

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Judy Valona, Associated Students, does to people would suffice. Inc. executive assistant at CSUF, The more people educated about said. the effects of scents, the more people People affected by MCS do not may start to reduce their fragrances recover but adjust their life against creating a breathable environment the exposure for everyone. to the chemi“It would be cals that affect nice to have a Nothem. Valona, Fragrance policy, who is sensitive but it would be to chemicals, hard to change mentioned because it’s the fragrances are societal norm,” found in everyValona said. “Peo– Michael Chau, ple like to smell thing. The lingerMarketing major pretty.” ing smell of Students from perfume in CSUF had mixed classrooms reactions on the in offices can thought of implecause chronic suffering for some, menting a fragrance-free Fullerton Valona said. campus. “I get headaches from fragrances Marketing major Michael Chau even at a close range, which leads to said putting on cologne is almost migraines,” said Valona. “Then I get second nature for him. fatigue and it reduces my ability to “It’s outrageous to even think think.” about not being allowed to wear any Policy enforcement would be dif- kind of fragrance,” Chau said. “I ficult in any circumstance. Valona would be the first one complaining suggests educational awareness on about stinky people.” the effects of fragrances and what it Proponents from Cal State Stan-

It’s outrageous to even think about not being allowed to wear any kind of fragrance.

islus said these products are easily replaceable with fragrance-free products. People can still maintain proper hygiene scent-free. “It would be reasonable to minimize the amount of fragrance in certain classes or around those that may get a reaction, but I’m not in favor of banning it entirely,” Chau said. Sarah Pae, a geography major, said she would be willing to comply and reduce her fragrances to accommodate those who are sensitive to chemicals. “I understand some people cannot concentrate sometimes in class when they are around fragrances,” Pae said. The campaign by the Neurotoxicology Association at Stanislus has gotten attention in the last few weeks concerning their No-Fragrance policy. Kaiser Permanente, Franzia Winery, Stanislaus County’s offices and restaurants and super-markets in Nova Scotia are just some of the places that have implemented fragrance-free or reduced-fragrance polices. The students involved in the fragrance-free campaign are involved with all toxins influencing the brain. The students at Cal State Stanislaus plan to research all solvents, pesticides, alcohol, cigarettes and a variety of things. “If students do not understand that the issue is not about aesthetics, but is really about the health of other people, they are much more willing to accept the idea and change,” Mall said. “We don’t want to ban perfumes; we just want to establish a policy so that these fragrances are not worn in the classrooms.” The campaign is currently lacking support from the student body. Senior Kristin Oosterkamp, psychology major and president of the Neurotoxicology Association, said if students are uneducated on the issue then they cannot truly examine the effects it can have on other people. Both OosterKamp and Mall believe that the policy will be enforced someday. “People wish to look and feel good,” Oosterkamp said. “We don’t want the university to change that at all. There are many products on the shelves that do not contain VOCs. People can take care of hygiene and style without compromising the health of anyone around them.”


Daily Titan


surgery chief at the University of Minnesota, who led the study after more women sought the option in his own hospital. “I’m afraid that women believe having their opposite breast removed is somehow going to improve their breast cancer survival. In fact, it probably will not affect their survival,” he said. The initial tumor already may have sent out seeds that had spread to key organs, Tuttle explained. But removing the remaining healthy breast does greatly lower, although not eliminate, chances of a new cancer developing on the opposite side. Don’t underestimate the peace of mind that brings, Trisha Stotler Meyer of Vienna, Va., who had her breasts removed three weeks ago, said. “Doctors are not up at night crying” in fear of their next mammogram, said Meyer, 37, who went back for a double mastectomy after her initial cancer surgery. “I don’t want to have to deal with the stress.” Meyer is far from alone. In a single day last week, Dr. Shawna Willey of Georgetown University’s Lombardi Cancer Center had two patients seek the operation.

One needed her entire cancerous breast together. breast removed, and immediately He used a government cancer regasked to have the healthy one re- istry that covers 16 regions, a repremoved, too. sentative sample of the U.S. popuAnother woman had recently un- lation, to track more than 150,000 dergone a lumpectomy and was sick breast cancer surgeries between from chemotherapy; She returned to 1998 and 2003. ask both breasts be fully removed. Tuttle calculated that lumpec“Her perception is, ‘If I have my tomies accounted for almost 60 breasts taken off, percent of those I never have to do surgeries in 2003. this again,’” WilLumpectomies ley said. She asked have gradually inthe woman to see a creased since they counselor and finwere proven just as ish chemo before effective as breast deciding. “I can unremoval for early derstand that point in 1991. – Shawna Willey, cancer of view,” Willey The surprise: Georgetown Single said. “But I always mastecUniversity tell them, it’s not a tomies remain guarantee.” the No. 2 option The American but are dropping Cancer Society estimated 178,480 — while double mastectomies, alU.S. women will be diagnosed with though uncommon, were on the rise breast cancer this year. About 40,460 for every stage of cancer. will die from it. Even women who qualify for antiSome women at high risk, be- hormone drugs that greatly protect cause of notorious breast cancer the remaining breast were as likely genes or family history, choose pre- to choose removal as women with ventive mastectomies before cancer harder-to-treat tumors. ever strikes. Why? Tuttle is planning a new Tuttle’s study is the first national study to find out if candidates are look at how many women choose to warned about such risks as infecremove both a diseased and healthy tions, which increase with the big-

I can’t recall a single patient who tells me they regret that decision.


October 23, 2007


ger surgery. Meyer had time to fully consider the option. She was diagnosed with cancer in January 2005, shortly after her son’s birth. At first, she was content with a lumpectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. But she didn’t qualify for protective anti-hormone drugs. And then in March, Meyer found a lump in her healthy breast. It wasn’t cancer but a cyst that would wax and wane, making for tense checkups. “It really freaked me out,” Meyer said. “It was at that moment that my breasts became like tonsils. I don’t need them anymore. They’re gone.” Georgetown’s Willey said better reconstructive surgery is partly spurring the trend. Still, she often encourages women to wait to remove the second breast, as lining up reconstruction sometimes dangerously delays treating the cancer. “When I was younger ... I really tried to argue with patients and talk them out of it,” Willey said. Now, if they’ve weighed the options, she doesn’t. “I can’t recall a single patient who tells me they regret that decision.”

Unified control advised for private security forces Associated Press A panel recommended to the State Department that the U.S. government impose unified control over private security guards working for the U.S. in Iraq, an idea already floated by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, The Associated Press has learned. The review panel found poor communication between diplomats and military officials and too little

oversight of contractors like Blackwater USA, two people familiar with the report’s findings told the AP on Monday. The State Department risks another incident like the Sept. 16 Blackwater shooting of 17 Iraqi civilians unless it quickly installs closer management of the private army guarding diplomats in Iraq, the independent panel privately told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Rice said she wants to discuss the

findings with Gates face to face and intends to act quickly. “The recommendations point a very good way forward,” Rice told reporters Monday night. She provided no details but said she and Gates would “discuss how we will carry out better coordination, how we will make certain that the United States government moves this forward with one voice.” The group strongly recommended that Rice coordinate her next move

with the Pentagon, and she plans to speak with Gates by phone before he returns from an overseas trip late this week, a State Department official said. A face-to-face meeting would follow. The panel, named by Rice in the wake of the Sept. 16 killings, made no specific recommendations about what should happen to Blackwater, whose guards were escorting an official from the U.S. Embassy when they fired on civilians in Baghdad.

October 23, 2007



SANTIAGO: Residents Consider What To Take (from Page one)

Orange County’s Santiago Fire north of Irvine was intentionally set by one or more arsonists, according to the county Fire Authority. As of Monday night, the fire had charred 15,800 acres and was 30 percent contained. Voluntary evacuations were given for Santiago Canyon Road and Hangmans Tree Road. Almost 500 firefighters with 94 engines are battling the blaze. Only one outbuilding has been destroyed so far. “This is the sixth fire in 20 years and it’s the worst one, the scariest one,” said Brett Peterson, 46, a longtime resident of Silverado Canyon. Tim Adams, 55; Larry Nihan, 50; and Ron Dugan, 47; – all residents of Silverado Canyon –watched the fire together from about a half-mile away. “I’ll take my tools so I can keep building,” said Adams, a carpenter. Nihan was prepared to evacuate. “I’ve got my paperwork, our animals and my work trailer,” he said. Dugan was determined to take his all-terrain vehicle with him. Signs on S18 tell travelers how they feel about Silverado Canyon’s fire. “As long as I can get my quad,” he said, he is ready to evacuate. Bernardino County. ated, and it’s total chaos,” she said. Mary Schreiber, 59, heads SilThe vast majority of the evacuaLeo Garcia, an administrative verado Canyon’s Fire Safe Council, tions have been in San Diego Coun- support assistant for the CSUF which acts as a middleman between ty, where 250,000 residents have Alumni Association, worried about residents and fire agencies. She was been moved to high schools, senior her godmother and uncle, who live hopeful that the worst of the fire centers, the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Escondido. had passed. and Qualcomm Stadium, home of “All I know is supposedly they “The smoke isn’t as thick and it’s the San Diego Chargers. were being evacuated because of the looking whiter,” she said an hour While fires have not broken out fires. They called to say that they and a half before a ridge near San- in Fullerton, they have affected were coming over,” she said. “They tiago Canyon Road exploded in or- CSUF students and staff. haven’t called, so I don’t think it’s ange and red flames. “I’m the most Lizzie Pelaez, a CSUF nursing that major yet.” optimistic person you’ll run into.” major who lives in Chino, is worJulie Maxham, a double major But when asked for additional ried about her brother, Montebello in theater arts and English, went to comments, she said, “Pray.” Fire Department Capt. Fernando visit her friends in Tustin Ranch just Pelaez. She thinks he may have been as they were evacuating. sent to the fire in Malibu. “They’re in Tustin Ranch, close “You always worry about these to Culver and Portola. They were things,” she said. “There’s already evacuated because the smoke was The fire in Malibu has destroyed been four firefighters injured. I wor- really heavy,” she said. She believed or damaged 16 structures and ry about backfires, if he’s going to the evacuation was voluntary. threatens thousands more, accord- get caught in the middle of one. Are “All the gated communities had ing to the Los Angeles County Fire there enough firefighters?” their gates unlocked,” she said of Department. The fire there is exKinesiology major Jada Beasley Tustin Ranch. “There were like 10 pected to burn an additional two or worries about her uncle. people sitting on top of the wall three days and will threaten thou“My uncle had to sleep in his car. (around a gated community), drinksands of homes before it is put out. He lives in Canyon County. The ho- ing and watching the fire.” The blazes have covered 310 square tels by his house are all packed. He Maxham watched the fire from miles already. had to throw things in his car and a shopping center at Sand Canyon Nearly 130 homes have been de- sleep in the parking lot at Target. Road and Irvine Boulevard, taking stroyed in Lake Arrowhead in San There’s been tons of people evacu- in a spectacular scene.

Concerns in common

Campus feels fire impact By Patrick Chavis and Edward Peters

Daily Titan Staff Writers news@dailytitan.com

By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor

By CAMERON PEMSTEIN/Daily Titan Photo Editor Flames engulf the hillside of Silverado Canyon.

“There were 100-foot flames, that’s what they said. And the fire moved up that hill so fast.” Some residents were completely surprised by the fire. “We talked to these two men coming from Laguna Niguel. They had been gone, and they had time to get their cats and leave. They had no idea that the fire had been going,” she said. Maxham said that spectators became a problem along Irvine Boulevard. “There were people from out of the area watching,” she said. “And

there were people crossing the road [Irvine Boulevard] and going into the field to get closer. I thought, ‘Are you crazy? One gust of wind and that fire will overtake you.’ “ Maxham added that the fire’s speed was amazing. “The fire on the other side of the hill made a glow, so you could see the silhouette of the hill. I turned to talk to someone, and I looked back, and the fire had come down the hill, and it was like a burst of flame,” she said. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Soot-filled air descended on campus Monday as the strong Santa Ana winds carried ash from the fires burning across Southern California, causing a myriad of issues for Cal State Fullerton. Due to safety concerns related to the unhealthy air, the Irvine campus was closed Monday and the status of Tuesday’s classes wasn’t likely to be decided until the morning. Any CSUF sports that take place outside have been temporarily canceled while the Health Center treated a number of students suffering from asthma and allergic reactions to the smoke and pollen caused by the wind and fires. Judging by the car count, administrators also said there are fewer people attending school at the main Fullerton campus. “Outside activities – pool, soccer, softball, recreation – are all closed down because it’s a red flag warning,” said Andy Lopez, a clerical assistant for Rec Sports. “All the games outside will be rescheduled.” CSUF grounds were littered with fallen trees, broken branches and debris. Groundskeeper Raymond Stapf was one of many who saw the havoc caused by the wind on campus. “It’s like a tornado hit this place,” Stapf said. Jack Santucci, project manager for the Student Rec Center, said the winds did not stop construction work on campus. “There is absolutely no damage at all,” Santucci said. Although the university hasn’t suffered any structural damage, the Santa Ana winds have caused serious health risks for the CSUF students. Director of Health Education Mary M. Hermann said, “We’ve had a lot of students come in complaining of sore throats, eyes burning, especially students that have asthma can be affected by this. Any students [who] have allergies are definitely affected by this. Just being out and about you see students walking around covering their mouths, or covering their eyes or wearing glasses just to keep the debris out.” The atmosphere around the school is not healthy and Hermann recommended staying inside as much as possible.



October 23, 2007

ASI representatives hope students participate in upcoming elections Aundrea Cardoza: College of Health and Human Development I am a third-year Human Services major. I am very involved with campus activities and I have experience with leadership skills. I am a San Diego native but I love Fullerton. I also love my school and that is why I am looking to get even more involved. I want to be on the ASI Board of Directors for the College of Health

and Human Development. I want to make sure my college has a voice. I want to help improve my college even more by having a say in funding allocations for programs and services and by advocating for student interests. I will be a great representative for your college because I am responsible.

I am running for the 2007-2008 ASI Board of Directors for the College of Business and Economics. I am currently in my third year with a double concentration in finance and marketing. This is my second year being involved with ASI and I have been a member of the Finance Committee, Titan Tusk Force and

the Accounting Society. For each event designated to my committee and myself, I am responsible for providing a vision and working together to make it happen. By being on the Board of Directors, I hope to apply that on a bigger scale for the student body and make CSUF an even better university.

I am currently a sophomore double-majoring in Political Science and Psychology. For the past six years I have been active in the Orange County community, serving vital organizations such as the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the American Cancer Society. At CSUF, I currently serve as a Titan Ambassador. One of my main

Emily Asaro:

goals is to lower fees and tuition, textbooks, parking, and to greatly increase financial aid and scholarships. It is also my goal to make much-needed changes to the school’s computer system so at the time of registration students are not kicked-off from their session. I am here: Listening to you. Accomplishing for you. Succeeding with you.

I am running for the ASI Board of Directors for the College of Engineering and Computer Science. This is my second year attending CSUF, with a major in Civil Engineering. I am ready to enhance my college experience by performing a task that demands a great deal of responsibility and devotion. I do not give up

Vanessa Garcia: College of Communications

until I have satisfactorily accomplished my ideals. I love to do things the right way and with fairness. If I win this election, I will make sure that the college of Engineering and Computer Sciences is exceptionally well represented. I want to be more than a representative: I want to be a loyal, approachable friend.

I want to run for ASI because I would do an effective job at giving the College of Communications a voice within the student government. I was involved with ASIBoard of Directors before, so I definitely know the “behind the scenes” workings on how to ask for funding

of my campus involvements include: Student Academic Life Committee, Titan Tusk Force and Titan Radio. My main goal is to gain as much knowledge within my college as possible. By networking and learning multiple communication skills I will better myself for future experiences within the fields of communication.

College of the Arts

College of Engineering and Computer Sciences California Higher Education Student Summit, where I both learned essential student leadership skills and lobbied to state representatives on issues concerning higher education. I hope to continue on the Board, representing my college, and doing my best to advocate the concerns of the student body.

I am a second-year communications major with an emphasis in broadcast journalism. Throughout my time here at CSUF I have been actively involved in both academics and co-curricular activities. I enjoy meeting new people and traveling. I hope to one day host my own talk show for a large company or simply take over Montel’s job. Some

Sabrina Stephens:

Jesus Vizcaino:

College of the Arts

lege of Humanities and Social Sciences, ASI University Affairs Committee – Vice Chair and Humanities and Social Sciences Interclub Council – ASI Liaison. My main goals for the coming year are to limit increases of student fees, make textbooks more affordable, ensure parking availability keeps up with campus growth, etc.

College of Communications

College of Humanities and Social Sciences goal is to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Adolescent Development along with a credential. My primary goal for ASI is to serve as the director for the College of Education. By representing the College of Education, constituents will have a voice. Needs will be met and problems will be tackled.

I’m your current representative to the ASI Board of Directors and I’d like your support in the ASI elections. I am currently a junior majoring in political science. I have been active in ASI for over two years, working to advocate for students throughout the university. My experience includes service as ASI Director for the Col-

Mario Davis:

Henoc Preciado:

College of Education

I am a third-year illustration major and am the current College of the Arts representative on the ASI Board of Directors. I love art and literature with a passion. I have been involved in ASI since my freshman year, dedicated to committees such as Titan Tusk Force and, most recently, Lobby Corps. Last year, I attended C.H.E.S.S,

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

College of Business and Economics

April Divinity:

I was drawn to CSUF because of the wonderful teacher preparation programs that are offered. I have successfully completed two years of my college education and look forward to completing the remainder. I am currently a member of the Multicultural Mentoring Program, Future Teachers Program, and the STEP Program. My

Daniel Ramsey:

Marielle Cortes:

I’m currently a senior here at Fullerton. My major is art with a concentration in glass. Right now I serve as the Hot Glass Club representative for Arts Inter-Club Council. My passion throughout my life has always been art. Although I focus on glass, I love working with all different mediums. I also have an interest

and how to accurately represent communication students. I am a problem solving person who likes to get things done. I am opened minded, and determined to make things better. I am qualified to be a strong advocate for the students in the College of Communications.

in both visual and performing arts. I hope to become a voice for the College of the Arts. I feel that this position is my next step. I think that it is important that our college has representatives that care about issues concerning the arts. I feel like I will bring a new and fresh outlook to the board.



Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Students speak loudly, but do they vote? The old adage has always been proven true: Actions speak louder than words. Over the last few weeks, we have witnessed the fact that Cal State Fullerton students have passionate words. Our message boards have been flooded with often well thought-out and original reactions to a myriad of topics from Greek life to gun control. Both the positive and negative responses have been exciting and encouraging. One man, who was just exercising his First Amendment rights in the Quad, generated more than 60 comments in a long message board discussion, over 1000 hits on the Web site and a large protest of students. Now Titans get the chance to exercise their own rights as the Associated Students Inc Board of Directors’ elections loom at the end of the week. Last year, there were only 792 votes casted in the entire election, out of a campus nearly 35,000 students strong. This number is dismal, trumped only by the fact that there weren’t even enough people running to fill all the positions. ASI, it appears, has given up.

Letters to the Editor: Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Executive Editor Ian Hamilton at ihamilton@dailytitan. com

Student government is projecting 2,500 votes this time, but the annual election fair has been canceled due to lack of interest. While it is a nice idea to tempt people into voting with fairs, candy and games, it shouldn’t be necessary. In the past, student apathy has been blamed for low voter turnout, yet throughout the last few weeks, students have proved to us they are anything but apathetic. ASI has sufficient funds to get the students really motivated, but at this point it seems like it thinks there’s nothing that can be done to raise interest. The easiest way to make ASI an important institution to students is by making them aware of the issues and their importance to the students. What is clear is the fact that students do have voices they can make heard. While most students might not understand the importance of voting in student elections, those elected do impact student life whether they do anything or not. The election for ASI Board of Directors is an event students should respond to en masse. We know they can do it, but will they?

October 23, 2007

Always political. Sometimes correct. Rarely politically correct.

Cindy Cafferty

My experience with homelessness in California Gratitude. Humility. Confusion. As I drove the two miles home from Long Beach Friends Church Sunday evening, my heart filled with compassion and my mind swarmed with questions. Two miles. Such a short distance separated two worlds – my world of plenty and theirs of need. How is it that, in the richest nation on the planet and in one of the wealthiest states in the country, there could be so many people without food and shelter? Originally I had set out this past weekend on a mission to complete a photojournalism assignment. As I met, spoke with and got to know some of the subjects of my pictures, though, I found myself on a new mission: trying to make sense of what has become a community and national crisis – homelessness – and giving the less fortunate and those who help the needy a face and a voice. There are approximately 774,000 homeless and chronically homeless people in the nation [according to a 2005 study composed of data collected by the Department of Housing and Development] about 41 percent of which are families. In my community, Long Beach, an estimated 5,000 adults and children go without shelter and hundreds more are on the brink of homelessness. I had the opportunity to meet a few of those 5,000 this past weekend and hear their stories. The individuals I spoke with led me to a place, that as a recovering Catholic with strong agnostic tendencies, I didn’t expect to find myself at: in the basement of a church on a Sunday evening listening to a sermon.

Photo by Cindy Cafferty/ Daily Titan Columnist Saturday I parked my car and started trekking downtown on foot toward Pacific Avenue with my camera gear and a bit of reticence I feared would cloud my open mind. I wanted to get a story but not be exploitative. I wanted to speak with the people I was photographing but was also nervous about the $3,000 worth of equipment I was carrying as I ventured out alone. Within minutes, my fears were assuaged by Dale – the first person I met Saturday and the last person I spoke with Sunday evening – who I found sitting on the grass outside a sizzler. We struck up a conversation and were soon joined by “Cancer” Bob. Dale had moved to Long Beach from Florida in February, and despite working Monday through Friday, could not yet afford a place to live. Bob had been more or less homeless for quite some time, but had an attitude I could barely muster on my best days. Dale pointed me in the right direction and informed me of Pastor Fred at the Friends Church who, every Sunday provides a meal, a sermon and two to three dollars out

of his own pocket to the 250 or so people who show up in the church’s basement each week. Little did he know, but Dale would change the way I viewed and spoke about the homeless, prodding me to amend my terminology to “those who are having difficulties.” My mind had been opened and my heart humbled as I headed down to Lincoln Park by the Civic Center where the less fortunate congregate- an isolated community in the heart of a booming downtown area. At first, I was deemed suspect with my camera, but within a couple of hours, people began warming up to me and opened the door into a world few see and most refuse to look at. It occurred to me that I was the only person in the park who was not experiencing difficulties feeding and clothing myself. Ordinary citizens in Long Beach avoid Lincoln Park like the plague. Dale, Al, Butch, J-Ross and Leroy, just to name a few, let me into their lives. Soon, I had the downlow on the down and out. Many people in the park wrested with addictions, oth-

ers with mental illness and some were struck out by a curve ball life had thrown them. All of them at one time or another felt invisible to society. They take care of their own because aside from a few churches and a select few individuals, nobody else seems to care. One of those select few is Pastor Fred. Sunday I made my way to the Friends Church and ran into Dale again. He met me with a smile and introduced me to Pastor Fred. I met others, most who were there for the provisions offered by the pastor and others who came to study Pastor Fred intent on becoming ministers themselves. I finished taking pictures and Dale walked me outside. “You’re welcome here anytime,” he said. “You can stay as long as you want.” As I walked away I wondered … how many people had ever bothered to offer him the kindness he so freely bestowed upon me? Gratitude. Humility. Confusion. I wrapped the words around me like a blanket and vowed to find a way to get my questions answered and lend a voice to those in need.



October 23, 2007

The floor of the Imperial Ballroom is worn away by couples dancing to the music of Wyndham and Co. during the RagFest. The annual festival pays homage to a music form popularized in the early part of the 1900s. Attendees use the event as a chance to dress in period clothing and cut a rug. Photos By Damon Casarez/For the Daily Titan

Musicians tickle the ivories in Downtown Fullerton “ By Eleni Reed

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Ragtime tunes are lively, joyous and intricate melodies fun for people of all ages. Starting seven years ago, the tunes found a place in Downtown Fullerton at what would become the annual Ragtime Festival. Over the course of two days, a variety of artists perform classic songs or their own composed work. On Oct. 20 and 21, multiple acts were located at various venues in the area, such as The Imperial Ballroom, Steamers, Mo’s Music Center and The Fullerton Public Library. The occasion attracted both young and old and brought out those dressed to impress. Authentic costumes of the era brought about smiles to spectators’ faces. It was also an outlet for the creative to show off their vintage style. Mikal Sandoval, a singer also knows as “The San Francisco Song-

bird,” presented original tunes. an original Tex Wyndpiece she wrote ham was one herself. such act who Sandoval has been playpurchased her ing ragtime off-white ankle for 35 years. length lacy dress He closed his at a thrift store. half-hour set – Eric Marchese, She added with a song Ragtime Fesitval her own pink written in Organizer ribbon, bought 1921 during at a fabric store. the ProhibiShe bought a matching hat from a tion era. Goodwill and added “flowers and “Although this is a Prohibition such” with material she purchased. tune, the lyrics really celebrate what “I have lots of outfits. To be part we are celebrating here together at of my whole situation is dressing the RagFest during the weekend, and part,” Sandoval said. that is the uplifting and therapeuIt was her first time performing tic values of this music,” Wyndham and attending the RagFest, but said said. she enjoyed it tremendously. Mo’s Music Center also hosted The Imperial Ballroom featured solo pianists. Among those musiThe Heliotrope Ragtime Orchestra. cians, there were two unique perThe big band belted out archetypal formers. melodies that brought the guests Vincent Johnson addressed the in costumes to their feet. Dancing crowd about the songs he was playtraditional moves in pairs, the men ing and the history behind them. twirled their women around and For example, he said that cats were around. a popular subject for novelty pieces, The entire atmosphere felt like a a specific type of playing style of ragpainting from the early 20th century time. come to life. He checked how much time he Steamers featured solo pianists had left with a silver pocket watch with amazing talent to mimic the and tapped his black and white Vans along with the beats he played. Johnson is only 15 years old. He said he was drawn into ragtime playing for various reasons, but began to mimic them on his keyboard at home. Johnson has composed some of his own work, as well. “I do this festival once a year,” Johnson said. “This is my first year as an official performer.” Shirley Case was the only female pianist featured at this year’s RagFest. She opened up her set by playing original music from female composers of that era. Both songs were food-themed and she said she has a full-length CD specializing covering only songs with food in the name. Eric Marchese is the mastermind

There is no end to the supply of music from 100 years ago or from the new composers.

The annual RagFest celebrates live music from a bygone era

Members of Wyndham and Co. perform ragtime style music in the Imperial Ballroom during the annual ragtime festival held in Downtown Fullerton. The group is led by Tex Wyndham (not pictured), a recognized authority in ragtime music.

behind the annual event. Working with an outside organization, Friends of Jazz Inc, Marchese spends all year preparing for the event. He said that the kickoff event in 2000 was a test run and it drew a strong response. Each year the event has gotten larger and larger, hosting all the acts and celebrations in venues around the area. Marchese began the function for the love of the music and its elating effect. “It puts you in a good mood. [It is] wonderful, wonderful music. There is no end to the supply of music from 100 years ago or from the new composers,” Marchese said.

Erica C. Miller performs alongside Eric Marchese at Steamers Jazz Club in Downtown Fullerton during the 8th annual RagFest.


October 23, 2007


CSUF groups walk together to raise AIDS awareness, understanding By Breanna Moore

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

“Keep, keep, keep it up! “Keep that AIDS Walk spirit up! “Shake, shake, shake it up!” “Shake that AIDS Walk spirit up. “Go AIDS Walk! Go AIDS Walk! Go, go, go AIDS Walk!” The sounds of chants and cheers like these lingered for miles. Made by supporters and volunteers, it was almost impossible to hear anything else. Hearing wasn’t the only sense overwhelmed. The multitude of smells made it difficult to distinguish any that stood out. A melting pot of colors and people created a wave over the streets. This was the scene of the 6.2-mile AIDS Walk Los Angeles, which began and ended at West Hollywood Park off of Melrose Avenue and San Vicente Boulevard in L.A. on Sunday. Despite the heat, men and women, both hot and sweaty yet immensely excited, wore their smiles like badges of pride while they walked. They represented all different walks of life. They were both young and old, small and large and represented different nationalities, lifestyle choices and organizations. Their differences, however, somehow melded to create a parade of unity. They united in their support of fighting the AIDS epidemic. A handful of Cal State Fullerton students were among those to walk. Though there were several groups from CSUF who walked, each group acted as a sort of team for its fellow members.

Two of these teams were CSUF’s Hermanas Unidas, an on-campus organization for primarily Latina women, and Fighting Back, a team organized specifically for the AIDS Walk Los Angeles through CSUF’s Volunteer and Service Center. Ishita Shukla, a 20-year old biology major and team leader for Fighting Back, said she was glad they had a team. “They just keep you hanging, keep you going,” Shukla said. “They make you laugh and ... you learn something from them.” Though no one from either Hermanas Unidas or Fighting Back had any personal involvement with AIDS in friends or family members, there was still plenty for them to learn. Cherie Ventura, 22, a child development major and the current longest-standing member of Hermanas Unidas at CSUF, said the AIDS Walk in L.A. is a tradition for their group and a way to teach freshmen about getting involved in the community. “We’re trying to show them that as an organization, we do things like this together, not just go out and have fun and ... do all that stuff,” Ventura said. Many members of Fighting Back echoed the importance of awareness of AIDS and its role in the walk. “I think thats just another point of the walk ... to create awareness,” Shukla said. Shukla said that with enough awareness, the AIDS problem could begin to improve. “It’s something that if we just put in enough research and enough time, that it could be prevented, or at least reduced,” Shukla said. However, acknowledging that it is

a problem is a huge step in fighting it. “You see it everywhere. It’s an epidemic, not just something to overlook,” Fighting Back team member and human communication major Rikka Venturanza, 23, said. However, not everyone that attended the walk was there to support AIDS . Ana Vacquez, a 20-year old Fighting Back team member and photo communications and dance major said that a group of protesters lined a portion of the walking route. The protesters, Venturanza said, seemed to be protesting homosexuality, as there were many homosexual people involved in the event. “AIDS ... has gotten more attention with the homosexual population, so I think it’s just being against that, being against how the times are changing,” Venturanza said. With positive emotions running high, the negative vibes were a shock, Shukla said. “It’s supporting; We aren’t doing anything wrong,” Shukla said. “You’re projecting positively and they’re putting on negative things.” Venturanza was also shocked by the protesters. “There’s always somebody trying to zap that momentum or positivity ... with any type of ... help, there’s always somebody trying to rain on their parade,” Venturanza said. But in the end, the walk is about AIDS and not homosexuality. Those walking said they were mainly concerned with raising awareness about the AIDS epidemic. “You don’t have to support anything,” Venturanza said. “You just have to recognize how much of a problem it is and be here.”

By Lindsay Kwek/For the Daily Titan The hot sun during Los Angeles AIDS Walk may have gotten to 20-year-old Jeff Mercado’s body, but didn’t discourage him from finishing the 6.2-mile event. Mercado was a member of CSUF’s Fighting Back, one of two groups that represented the university at the event.

By Lindsay Kwek/For the Daily Titan Members of the group Fighting Back, head down the street as part of the Los Angeles AIDS Walk. The group was created by the Cal State Fullerton Volunteer and Service Center for the event.

Students needed for article on the cost of tuition The Daily Titan is interested in writing about the real impact increasing tuition fees have on students who are responsible for their finances. To do this we need students willing to be part of an in-depth article on the expense of attending Cal State Fullerton. We would like to feature students having a difficult time affording school now, and will face more difficulty in the future as tuition increases. If you feel you would make a strong subject for this article and would be willing to submit financial information (including bills, pay stubs, etc.), please contact Erin Tobin. She can be reached either via e-mail at dtprojectsdesk@gmail.com or on the phone at 714278-5027.


The Weekend Rundown


October 23, 2007

A review of happenings in the world of sports By Siamak Djahanshahi Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

La Russa to remain in Cardinal red The Associated Press

Tony La Russa tended to his many pets on the West Coast for a week or so, and made up his mind: He wanted to keep managing. Now, he’s hoping the St. Louis Cardinals can make a quick decision on hiring a general manager. La Russa agreed Monday to a two-year contract to stay in St. Louis, confident that the Cardinals can still be contenders. Whether he ever works out his rift with Scott Rolen, that remains to be seen. “You’ve got to be honest, he’s probably the one guy who has issues with me,” La Russa said. “You hope he’s healthy, understand we have issues, and don’t let it get in the way.”

Photos By Karl Thunman/Daily Titan Photo Editor Above: Freshman Danielle Bitonti (23) and sophomore Jackie Hovda hug in celebration. Right: Titan Brianna Buffington and Matador Kimberly Culver both wind up to kick the ball during Sunday’s match at Titan Stadium.

Titans flex their muscles in win over Matadors Head coach says team is finding its stride after shutting out Northridge by Phillip Radke

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

Cal State Fullerton’s women’s soccer team dominated the ball Sunday night as it cruised past the Cal State Northridge Matadors 3-0. The Titan defense stayed focused all night, maintaining control, making sure the ball never broke through to the back of the net. The Matadors could not find an answer to the Titan offense as it kept secure control of the game all night. The play on the field remained even during the beginning of the game. Both teams could not mount a

strike against one another while the ball hovered around the center of the field. The monotony was broken when Titan senior Stacey Thompson penetrated the Matador defense and scored the first goal of the night on an assist from sophomore Tanya Slusser. The goal caused a visible shift in the momentum of the game as the Titans took control and dominated the Matador players. Another Titan goal came just a few minutes later when freshman Christina Murillo went one-on-one with Matador goalkeeper Kellie Drenner and emerged victorious with her fourth goal of the season. The Matador offense tried to fire themselves up but the Titan defensive line stayed strong, giving goalkeeper Shayla Sabin the help she needed in front of the net. The CSUF net was empty all night due

Think Different. Think Simon. Simon Liang

The Red Sox will win a close series in seven How crazy have the MLB playoffs been this year? With a late run, the Colorado Rockies barely made the playoffs in the 14th inning of a one-game playoff. Now they face their toughest challenge yet – the Boston Red Sox. The payrolls are obviously lopsided. Boston has a payroll three times the size the Rockies have. The Rockies swept both the Philadelphia Phillies and Arizona Diamondbacks on their way to a record of 21-1 in their last 22 games. With Colorado’s eight-day layoff, the momentum is in Boston’s favor. Boston won three must-win games over the weekend. In the only series played between the two clubs this season, the Rockies beat the Red Sox 20-5 in Fenway Park, so you know they aren’t intimidated. For game one, you will see Red Sox ace Josh Beckett versus Rockies ace Jeff Francis. The Sox win the pitching battle for game one, as Cy Young candidate Josh Beckett will face the Rockies’ 17-game winner Jeff Francis. Beckett, who is unstoppable in his playoff history, will pitch a gem in a close Red Sox victory. The Rockies did light up Beckett in their only meeting this year, but this is the playoffs. This is where Beckett shines. It wasn’t a fluke when he won the 2003 World Series MVP, and he is on his way for a second trophy this October. In the second game, Colorado will hit Curt Schilling all over the place. Schilling is 40 years old and his fastball isn’t what it used to be. No bloody socks will be used in this series. Colorado’s hard-throwing Ubaldo Jimenez is going to impress many people and shut down the

heart of Boston’s lineup. He might get in trouble early with his command, but the defense behind him had the best fielding percentage in the league and will allow him to find his groove. The series tied will head to Colorado, facing National League rules. With no designated hitter, do you put Big Papi or the better defender, Kevin Youkilis, at first base? Youkilis has been hot lately, and was the best hitter for the Sox in the ALCS. David Ortiz has been non-existent. I say they will put Ortiz on the bench until the later innings. Youkilis will be too important for his glove at first base. Game three will feature Josh Fogg of the Rockies against Boston’s Daisuke Matsuzaka. Fogg’s best pitches are his sinking fastball and slider. With that defense behind him, and if he can force ground balls, he doesn’t need to fear. Matsuzaka has a wealth of pitches he can throw. He still hasn’t lived up to the billing of the $103 million man, however, and will lose his first World Series game. Boston Manager Terry Francona won’t want to make the same mistake he made in the ALCS, so he will start Beckett in game four, allowing him to pitch in game seven if necessary. The clutch ace will win game four for his Sox to tie the series again. Bypassing games five and six, game seven and Beckett’s third World Series start will be a reality this October. The final game will once again be Beckett vs. Francis, and Beckett will not lose in a game-seven situation. The series will be close but, in the end, the Red Sox will, once again, be parading in Boston.

to the strategy orchestrated by Head defensive line kept a tight formaCoach Demian Brown. tion, deflecting any balls that came Both teams fought back and forth its way. for the remainder of the first half, “A 3-0 shutout is very impressive,” but the Titans were up 2-0 at the Titan fan Alan Reynel said. “They break. really shut down Northridge.” The Titans came out strong in The only threats against the Titan the second half, nets came at the attempting sevend of the second eral shots on half. The MataDrenner before dors made several Titan freshman last ditch efforts Danielle Bitonti to score but were knocked in her quelled by the perfirst career goal sistent Titan de– Demian Brown, fense. on an assist from Women’s soccer head coach Thompson and “I think that Slusser. we’ve found a really The goal progood stride with pelled the Titans the team now,” to a 3-0 lead they held for the re- Brown said. “I think we are getting mainder of the game. very predictable so that the girls on The Matadors continued to try the team know what’s going to hapand gain control of the ball but ev- pen.” ery attempt would fail as the Titan The Titans showed renewed ag-

I think that we’ve found a really good stride with the team now.

Lets run down this past sports weekend … Watching Tom Brady destroy NFL defenses week in and week out makes it safe to say he’s the favorite to win the MVP and the Patriots are the favorite to win the Super Bowl. His six touchdown passes on Sunday against the lowly Miami Dolphins upped his total to 27 on the year and put him on pace to throw a mere 62. That might be stretching it, but he definitely has a shot at Peyton Manning’s record 49 touchdowns. In other news about the NFL, the New York Giants became the NFL’s hottest team (aside from the Patriots and Colts) after winning their fifth game in a row through Week 8. Their defense, led by pro bowl defensive end Michael Strahan, has turned the team around by forcing 10 turnovers and compiling 25 sacks in their five-game winning streak. Speaking of streaks, Notre Dame won’t be able to snap their bowl winless streak. The Fighting Irish added another blemish to their “worst season” resumé on Saturday by hitting an alltime low, getting blown out at home 38-0 by rival USC. That win for USC, plus UCLA’s stunning (and I mean STUNNING) win against No. 10-ranked Cal this weekend, helped the Trojans jump two spots in the new BCS poll. Talk about stunning wins – the No. 5-ranked LSU Tigers pulled off their own stunner Saturday night against No. 18 Auburn in a classic SEC showdown. With Auburn up 24-23 in the fourth and the clock winding down to the final seconds, LSU’s Matt Flynn completed a deep touchdown pass while leaving only one second left on the game clock. What’s so stunning about that? The fact that LSU Head Coach Les Miles decided to risk their national championship hopes on a long pass when he could have just called a timeout and taken the 40-yard field goal to win the game instead. More on stunners, the Red Sox are going to the World Series again. The Red Sox are on their way to October’s main stage for the second time in the past four years. Down three games to one in a playoff series would normally make a team worried, right? No way. Just ask Boston’s Manny Ramirez. “If it doesn’t happen, so who cares? There’s always next year.,” Ramirez said. “It’s not like the end of the world or something. Why should we panic?” In the local sports scene, the Lakers and Clippers squared off Sunday night at the Staples Center. The Lakers season opener is one week away, and with Sunday’s loss to their locker room rivals, they’ve managed a 2-3 record this preseason. Losing in the preseason isn’t a big issue, but when their concentration is supposed to be on defense this year and they are giving up of 108.2 points per game, there are issues. The Clippers put together a 3-3 record and have shown they can still compete, even with All-Star Elton Brand out for the season. One of the biggest surprises for the Clippers has been rookie Al Thornton. He’s averaged 18.6 points per game this preseason and torched the Lakers for 24 points Sunday night. He’s shown he deserves bigtime minutes and should have a very productive rookie season.

gressiveness behind the ball and made sure the Matadors could not mount an effective attack. The Matadors fell under hard times as referees seemingly overlooked every possible penalty that may have happened near the end of the match. Several perceived tripups and thrown elbows went unnoticed by the officiating crew. The non-calls from referees caused a cascade of jeers to fall from the few Matador fans crowded in the windy stadium. Nothing could save them though, as they could not remain effective against the rampaging Titans. “The win today was amazing,” Titan fan Victor Acorda said. “If they keep playing like that then they should have no problem maintaining this success.” The Titans improved to 9-6-1 overall while the Matadors fell to 310-1 on the season.


October 23, 2007

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Bar 1 Credit Card Services **Credit Repair** We legally remove negative information from your credit score. Honest and affordable. Call Now! 877-2271243 or check out www.bar1creditservices.com

Fiscal audits of the Associated Students and Titan Students Union for the year ending 6/30/07 may be reviewed in TSU-218 during business hours. Graduate student available for evening and weekend private tutoring in English, Reading, EWP, History and Research Skills. Call (714) 726-4132. Math, Science, English, and Education majors to tutor younger students (k-8). Call (714) 5778540

6100 Business Opportunities 53 Full & Part-Time Jobs Sodexho to manage employee food service at DISNEYLAND starting now. We will coordinate with your school schedule, offering days, afternoons, evenings and weekends. Full-Time (over 30 hrs/wk) Benefits: Free Parking, Disneyland park pass for all employees. Sodexho (www.sodexho.com) is a global food service company in over 80 countries. For immediate consideration, call 714524-4529.

Make Big Dollers

Become A GoYin Founding Distributor Before 2007 Launch. Call Local Director For Details. Jesse: (714) 234-6475

6200 Career Opportunities P/T Hotel bellman/guest services wanted. Full/Part time positions available incl. weekends. Starting wage $10/hr + tips and extras. Award winning family hotel across from Disneyland. Applicants must be CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERTS, upbeat, outgoing & active. Apply in person 9am - 5pm any day of the week. Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel, 1380 S. Harbor Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92802. www.hojoanaheim.com. Get Paid To Play Video Games! Earn $25 - $120 to test and play new video games. www.videogamepay.com. PR Job For Artist/Designer Caly Design Research, a toyota company, is seeking PR/ Media Relations Coordinator at our Newport Beach Design Studio. Candidate must posses a dynamic and engaging personality; design/ visual art education and/or exp; and professional writing experience. Responsibility will be to represent and promote Toyota’s automotive designs to the public and media. For more information and to apply, visit www.toyota. com/talentlink. No Calls please. Clerical full time position for small size construction company. Must possess excellent computer and phone skills. Call 714 9782500. Earn $800-$3200 a month to drive brand new cars with ads placed on them. www.adcarclub.com. Real Estate Investor Seeks Students Earn a potential $15k-$20k month while we coach and mentor you Jeffery (951) 813-2554 set4lifeinvestments@yahoo.com

Administration Assistant Needed

Sitters Wanted! $10 or more per hour. Register free for jobs near campus or home. www.student-sitters.com.

6500 Help Wanted PART TIME Work at private lake w/boating in Yorba Linda. Boathouse positions available. Will train. Must be customer service oriented, motivated, w/CA Drivers license. $8.00/hour. Minutes from CSUF. Shifts available: Sundays 7am – 3:30pm and 12pm-7:30pm. East Lake Village, 5325 Village Center Drive. 779-0657. Applications required. Ask for Jeff or Susan. Are you depressed for more than two weeks? The University of California, Irvine and the University of California, San Diego Psychiatry Departments are recruiting patients for a study of sleep deprivation as a potential treatment for depression. We will also study how other changes of the sleeping time might affect depressed mood. Subjects will be compensated for their time and inconvenience. If you are interested, please call us at (949) 824-3362.

Pre School Teacher/ Tutor Needed Preferably with ECE units Full-time or Part-time position. Flexible hours and a good pay package. Pre School located in Fullerton & Tustin. Pls. Call 562-631-4788

Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You will have a nightmare tonight, in which you find yourself dangling from the ceiling, while brightly colored paper maché animals with glowing eyes file into the room. One of them will be carrying a stick. Perhaps you shouldn’t eat so much candy before going to bed?

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) After spending days learning to simultaneously pat your head and rub your tummy, you will move on today to patting your head and rub bing someone else’s tummy.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You will have a trifle too much punch at a party this week, and will amuse the other guests by flopping around on the floor an making “Ark! Ark!” sounds. But who cares? If they want to be stuffy, let ‘em, I say.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

A friend will ask you for help, but you should turn them down, silently, with a sad little shake of your head. When they ask what’s wrong, sigh deeply, and mutter “nothing, it’s nothing.”

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Today you will begin work on a life-size ptero dactyl robot, which you will use to terrorize the city. Either that or you’ll take a nap. It just depends what sort of mood you’re in.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You will invent a cool machine that will auto matically make over 800 different varieties of coffee drinks.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) Try to think of life as a game, today. For fun, make up new rules.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Today you will be overcome with a sud den strong urge to learn to play a wooden flute while cavorting around in the forest. I recommend you treat those separately at first.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Previous Puzzle

Stay out of the Cheez Doodles today.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Today you will get one of those pimples that just suddenly appears, and you will only notice it when you glance in the mirror after a very important meeting.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

I see you making a special trip to the store today, to get something. It’s in a sort of yel low-ish little box, about the size of a tooth paste box, I think. It’s “prep-something”? Ah! “Preparation”-something, I think. Oh. Ahem. Anyway, if it’s any consolation, I hear that Jet Fighter pilots have that problem much worse than most people. All that acceleration, you know. Don’t worry -- your secret is safe with me!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

You will decide to take up juggling, today, and will become exceedingly good at it. Eventually, you’ll start an offbeat new religion, and pro claim that Supreme Truth will be revealed to those who juggle.


HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com

Nice Big House

(state college & 91) Internet, cable tv, and laundry included. $450/ month. Call 714-468-3463 email: phamwilliam@yahoo.com

Attn: Fine Art Grad Students CSUF Grand Central Art Center located in downtown Santa Anna’s Artist Village has one studio apartments for rent ($700.00 per month) that will be available the second week of october. Included in the rent are all the utilities (excluding phone), monthly parking pass, internet access, and a studio space. Please contact Tracey Gayer at (714) 567-7238.

Condo For Sale

400 N. Acacia Ave, #D37. Open House Sat & Sun 1-4. Call for access. 1Bd, 1ba near CSUF, Fullerton JC. Resort amenities, secure bldg. Reduced $265k$268k. Great Investment! Agent, Cherry 714-326-5743.


Fill out the “Best of Fullerton” survey at www.dailytitan.com and be entered for a chance to win two park hopper passes to Disneyland.



October 23, 2007

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