2007 11 07

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OPINION: I.D. badges will do little, if anything, to prevent the tragedy of school shootings, page 4

Goalkeeper far FEATURES: Panelists discuss spirituality and health care at away from home 14th annual Religious Diversity Forum, page 3

Since 1960 Volume 85, Issue 40

Daily Titan

Wednesday November 7, 2007

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton



Preparing for the flu season

Dining Etiquette – from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: The Student Leadership Institute will offer a workshop on dining etiquette from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in LH 201G.

Finding new ways to fight droughts within the state is becoming harder By DHAWANI PAREKH For the Daily Titan

Fall Texas Hold ‘Em Classic – The TSU hosts another round of poker at 4 p.m. in a series of qualifying tournaments before the Dec. 5 championship round. Admission is free. 9-Ball

Tournament – The TSU holds its second billiards tournament at 4 p.m. today. The tournament is limited to the first 16 participants.



Hugging in Illinois shows poor judgment MASCOUTAH, Ill. (AP) – Two hugs equals two days of detention for 13-year-old Megan Coulter. The eighth-grader violated a school policy banning public displays of affection when she hugged two friends Friday. “I feel it is crazy,” said Megan, who was to serve her second detention Tuesday after classes at Mascoutah Middle School. “I was just giving them a hug goodbye for the weekend.” Megan’s mother, Melissa Coulter, said the embraces weren’t even real hugs – just an arm around the shoulder and slight squeeze. “It’s hilarious to the point of ridicule,” Coulter said. “I’m still dumbfounded that she’s having to do this.” The student handbook states: “Displays of affection should not occur on the school campus at any time. It is in poor taste, reflects poor judgment, and brings discredit to the school and to the persons involved.” Megan’s parents plan to attend the next school board meeting to ask board members to consider rewording the policy or be more specific in what is considered a display of affection. “I’m just hoping the school board will open their eyes and just realize that maybe they shouldn’t be punishing us for hugs,” Megan said.


Due to a reporting error, figures in the article titled “Disney Land Wars” in the Nov. 5 issue of the Daily Titan were incorrect. Anajeim received $80 million in bed taxes. The Daily Titan regrets this error.




High: 73 Low: 53

High: 70 Low: 53




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Looking for more water resources

Photo ILLUSTRATION by Valerie Rodriguez/Daily Titan Graphic Designer

Students beware of sickness Health specialists at CSUF offer advice on how to avoid the flu By KARL ZYNDA

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

College students are at a particular risk for contracting influenza during the coming flu season and should get flu vaccinations, said Mary Hermann, director of health services at Cal State Fullerton. “Our students are under great stress, making them more susceptible to viruses,” Hermann said. “Students are often in close proximity to other students, to people coughing, and students are around people for long periods of time.” Flu vaccinations are available to CSUF students in the Student Health and Counseling Center for

$15, Hermann said. An appointment is required for a vaccination. The center has 250 doses on hand for this year’s flu season. “We’d love to run out of them,” Hermann said. In the three years she has worked at the center, she never has. An influenza vaccination consists of three strains of inactive flu viruses chosen with joint decision by the Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization. Antibodies develop two weeks after vaccination, and a high level of immunity lasts for three months afterward. There may be some slight side effects, such as fever and mild aches, for up to two days after vaccination. Age and health determines how effective a vaccine will be, as well as whether the virus strains in the vaccine match the virus strains that are prevalent during the flu season. Influenza is a contagious respira-

tory illness caused by the influenza virus, according to the Centers For Disease Control. The CDC is the federal government health agency that develops public health policies and guidelines that are followed by schools and other federally funded institutions. According to the CDC Web site, flu symptoms include fever, headache, feeling weak and tired, coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose and muscle aches. Stomach symptoms can occur also, but are more common in children than adults. Symptoms such as coughing or sneezing mainly spread the flu. Sometimes people become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their nose or mouth. Most adults are able to infect others one day before their symptoms start, and up to five days after becoming sick. Living conditions and health

habits also make students more vulnerable to influenza, Hermann said. Communal living situations, such as dormitories or apartments, increase susceptibility to airborne diseases. Often students do not get enough sleep and then attempt to compensate for sleep lost by using caffeine. Poor eating habits and stress do not help either. “We see a lot of colds and flu right at the beginning of finals through the holiday season,” Hermann said. “Every year we are inundated with flu cases. We see some really bad flu cases every year. We see students who have flu symptoms for 14 to 21 days. That’s a really long time to be sick.” Hermann said the first suspected flu case was seen at the center in September. Many more CSUF students with flu symptoms will See FLU, Page 2

Attemping to show the plight of Saudis A documentary film by a 2006 CSUF graduate is screened at the Theater By BELINDA HURTADO

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Saudi American film maker and Cal State Fullerton alumni Fahmi Farahat screened his documentary yesterday at the Titan Student Union theater. T he CSUF Middle Eastern Student Society hosted the screening. Farahat graduated in 2006, but recieved his degree this summer in Radio-TV-Film. Farahat began working on the documentary in his senior year and it wasn’t until after graduating that he dedicated his time solely to working on the film. The documentary features Farahat, his friends and family. Saudis In America is a film that delivers a variation of views that contradict from its characters, Farahat said. “Being a Saudi in America as part of the society, I have something to say. There is a misinterpretation and this film informs people of reality,” Farahat said. “I wanted to show who Saudi in America are. They have image[s] of women covered and camels, but is that reality?”

PHOTOS By DANIEL SUZUKI/For the Daily Titan Director Fahmi Farouk Farahat is talking to Roxanna Mostatabi after the screening of “Saudis in America” at the Titan Theater.

Characters in the film express their feelings post September 11. Some Saudis feel affected by how they are viewed in American society and some feel indifferent, Farahat said. “I asked them questions that Americans have about terrorism and oppressed women,” Farahat said. With over 50 hours in interviews and footage, Farahat said his biggest challenge was editing the film to an

hour running time. Being a student at the time and working on the project while still learning was also a challenge for Farahat. He said having guidance from his producer and professors facilitated the process of making his documentary. “Characters were left out,” Farahat said. “My biggest challenge was making it all flow.”

Farahat submitted his documentary in a variety of film festivals, including the Arab film festival, and has received praise as well as a few negative feedback comments. “I submitted it to a few festivals and was rejected,” Farahat said. “They asked me to cut certain characters out that gave a negative view, but I didn’t want to censor myself. Industry people and media gave me See SCREENING, Page 2

Solving the water drought is a crisis for the Metropolitan Water District (MWD); however, for scientists, water droughts have been an existing part of Southern California’s history. The drought is also prevalent in Southeastern states like Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Local cities like Long Beach have already begun implementing water restrictions. California is a desert whose nature is unpredictable, said James Miller of the geography department at Cal State Fullerton. It is hard to say if global warming affects the water level, but at the same time, it is hard to rule out global warming. California gets its water from the Colorado River and the Sierra Nevada Mountain range through the State Water Project. “One acre-foot is a size of a football field – one foot deep. California used to get 3.7 million acre-foot of water. Now it gets 3.3 million acre foot,” said Anthony Fellow, vice chair of MWD and professor at CSUF. “The problem is how to make up for the 0.4 million acre-foot of water with an increasing population.” Miller noted in his research that there has been shift in the atmosphere circulation pattern. About 25 years ago, California experienced very wet weather. There was a lot of rain and there were many storms. However, in the last five to seven years, there has been a distinct shift in weather. There are two reasons for this. One reason for the shift is the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) – a long – term ocean fluctuation of the Pacific Ocean. It has a warm and cold phase and the Pacific Ocean has entered a cold phase. It changes every decade, according to Miller. The other reason for the shift is El-Nino-Southern Oscillation (ESNO). Currently, California is experiencing La Nina – dry weather, which is heading into a mild-moderate phase. That means there is less than a 10 percent chance of having a “normal” winter. When these two factors match up, the result is dry weather. There is a 50-50 chance of having a normal winter and rainfall, Miller said. There might be rain one year, but it will not make up for the other dry years. “If you do not sleep for seven nights and then sleep only one night, hoping to make up for the seven nights, you will not recover your sleep. Similarly, one year of rain will not make up for the dry years,” Miller said. “The drought can be self-reinforcing and can be expected to last the decade.” Looking back at the oldest records, 70,000 years ago, there have been times when California has been wet and dry for long periods of time, Matthew Kirby of the Geology department said. There have also been periods of mega-droughts. It is too early to tie in global warming with the water drought, but there is a relationship between climate and how often a drought occurs, Kirby said. In order to predict the future of climate, it is essential to understand the history of climate. “It is like investing in a stock market. If you were given $1 million to invest in [the] stock market, you would do research and get knowledge about the stock you are investing,” Kirby said. “You would not randomly invest in something you do not know about.” As water becomes crucial, the future of California is desalinization –the process of removing salt from the ocean, Kirby said. It is a very exSee DROUGHTS, Page 2

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INTERNATIONAL NEWS Landslide devastates a remote village located in Mexico

November 7, 2007

Making a play for the environment

OSTUACAN, Mexico (AP) – When a mountain of mud and a wall of water buried a Mexican village in a “mini-tsunami,” only 14 of the 600 people there disappeared. One reason? Jittery cattle. The villagers’ nervous animals somehow sensed the impending disaster and fled to higher ground. Many people got out of bed to chase after them, then watched as their homes were engulfed when a rain-soaked hill collapsed, a senior official said Tuesday. Two deaths were confirmed Tuesday as rescuers dove through a murky river and dug among mountains of earth in search of victims, two days after the landslide crashed down on the tiny hamlet of San Juan Grijalva in Mexico’s southernmost state, Chiapas. That left between 12 and 14 people still missing. Chiapas Civil Protection official Alfredo Chan told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that authorities would also search nearby towns to see if victims had sought refuge there. The landslide in San Juan Grijalva, about 45 miles southwest of Villahermosa, added to woes caused by widespread flooding and heavy rains across Mexico and Central America.

(from Page 1)


Facebook opens up access to companies for free NEW YORK (AP) – Facebook has begun transforming itself from an online hangout into an online business district. Companies can now create their own pages on Facebook for free, under a new program announced Tuesday. Advertisers also will be able to show users their pitches in the guise of friends’ endorsements, based on what the friends buy and do online. For example, if a friend has booked a vacation on Travelocity, the online travel agency will be able to display the friend’s photo as part of an ad to entice the user to buy flights and hotel stays. The friend will have some control over whether to share that information, but the user will have fewer choices over whether to receive it. As Web companies look to boost advertising revenue by offering to target ads based on users’ hobbies, interests and behavior, Facebook’s move could change the tone of the site and revive privacy complaints it faced last year. Facebook will rely on information in users’ profiles and on friends’ online activity to determine what ads might appeal to users. Key will be how Facebook tells users about the program, something it plans to do shortly.

By Joy alicia/Daily Titan Staff Writer Recycle 101 was an event held in the Cal State Fullerton quad on Monday. “We’re encouraging students to think of their own solutions,” said Jeff Gruber, a Green Club member said.


SCREENING: CSUF PROVIDES aN AUDIENce for former student and a current filmmaker

Orange County sheriff temporarily steps down

(from Page 1)

SANTA ANA (AP) – Facing mounting pressure, Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona said Tuesday he will take a two-month leave of absence to fight federal charges that he and others took nearly $700,000 in bribes and kickbacks. The announcement came shortly after Carona met with his command staff and as rank-and-file deputies released a statement through their union demanding that their leader resign or take a leave of absence. It wasn’t immediately clear if Carona would be paid during his absence, and several sheriff’s officials and his own attorney could not say.Undersheriff Jo Ann Galisky, who will take over operations, outlined at a news conference how the nation’s fifth-largest sheriff’s department will run in Carona’s absence. As acting sheriff, the 23-year department veteran will oversee a department with an annual budget of $680 million and a staff of 4,000 that polices a county of about 3 million between Los Angeles and San Diego. Galisky said the turmoil swirling around Carona would not affect department operations. She added that the public could have confidence in her leadership even though she, like many in the command structure, had been appointed or promoted by Carona during his nine years in office.

For the Record It is the policy of the Daily Titan to correct any inaccurate information printed in the publication as soon as the error is discovered. Any incorrect information printed on the front page will result in a correction printed on the front page. Any incorrect information printed on any other page will be corrected on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections also will be noted on the online version of the Daily Titan. Please contact managing editor Julianna Crisalli at (714) 278-5693 or at jcrisalli@dailytitan.com with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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good feedback.” Farahat’s next project is a feature film that is a multicultural Middle Eastern romantic comedy. He expects to produce it by the summer of 2009. According the the film’s official Web site at http://www.zahrapictures.com/details_saudis.htm,

the movie deals with not just how Saudis are being treated, but it also focuses on the Saudis treat their own women. Farahat took his own camera to explore why Saudis have subjected their women to second citizen status. The president of Middle Eastern Student Society, Nehal Shahin, said he hoped the film raised awareness

of the bias that exists and dismantles the negative misconceptions. Farahat said it meant a lot for him to come back to CSUF to show his own documentary in front of a captivated audience. “This is where I got my start. I owe it a lot to this school. Anything I can do to give back to Cal State Fullerton I will do it,” Farahat said.

pensive procedure that requires a lot of money. Several Asian countries have begun the desalinization process. Miller said he believes that in Southern California, the drought will probably increase because of two factors. As the population of California increases, there will be more strain put on water. Second, higher temperatures will cause the water from lakes and melting snowcaps to evaporate. Then, the water becomes low. The MWD is spending a lot of money to educate the public about how it can conserve water. It spends millions of dollars in newspapers, media and lobbyists who push a legislature, Fellow said. “Politically, we are asking [for] money from Sacramento and Washington,” Fellow said. “However, politically, it is a failure. Hardly any senators want to seat on it because it is not an appealing topic and there is not much money to make on it. California needs money to carry out these procedures.” Other ways to save water include recycling water, using desalinization and doing extensive projects, like cleaning up chemicals in contaminated wells. “The government and the state should focus on [the] allotment of water by cutting down on agriculture,” Miller said.


be entering the center between now and the end of the flu season. “Unfortunately for these students, there’s not a lot we can do to treat the virus,” Hermann said. “Antibiotics do not treat the virus. Over-thecounter medications can treat many symptoms such as sore throat or runny nose, but the best thing you can do is rest and drink fluids. You basically have to ride it out.” The flu season can last from October to early May, according to the CDC, but Hermann said January to the beginning of early February is prime flu season. This year’s flu season may be

somewhat worse than normal due to a different type of flu virus expected to be prevalent that many people have no antibodies for, according to MSN Health and Fitness Web site. Flu vaccines are also available at Walgreens drugstores. Clinics that administer flu shots also accept appointments. The clinics move from store to store in Orange County and are held on Saturdays. The next one in Fullerton is scheduled for Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Walgreen’s at 1826 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Jamie Lamont, 22, a pharmacy technician Walgreens, said Wal-

green’s will expect between 70 and 90 people to come to the clinic Saturday. People of all ages come to the clinics to be vaccinated, but most of the people are elderly. Medicare Part B coverage pays for the vaccinations of most of the senior citizens. Eighty vaccines are on hand for the clinic, but the store can get more vaccines from other stores if needed. An appointment is not necessary, but it is encouraged. Lamont encourages people to make an appointment, as this allows for necessary paperwork to be filled out ahead of time. The cost is $25.

St. Jude Medical Center in Fullerton has already had its annual flu vaccination event. About 2,000 senior citizens 60 years old or older were vaccinated, said DruAnn Copping, vice president of public affairs for St. Jude Medical Center. The free vacccinations were obtained from the Orange County Health Care Agency. Other walk-in, free vaccinations are available for seniors and people with health conditions who are more prone to get the flu. Callers may be placed on a waiting list or referred elsewhere due to scheduled clinics being filled.

November 7, 2007



Understanding the healthy body, the healthy soul A dying patient pages his nurse

Medical, religious professionals discuss patients’ spiritual needs By Gail Navarro

Daily Titan Staff Writer news@dailytitan.com

Photo Illustration By Gail Navarro/Daily Titan Staff Writer The ability to balance patients’ medical needs while respecting their religious choices has always been an issue for many medical practitioners. Last Saturday the 14th annual Religious Diversity Forum, created panels to tackle the issue head on.

Things like hope for life, purpose in life ... those are all aspects of spirituallity. – Jon Wetterholm

Director of Pastorial Care UCI Medical Center

dition to earning continuing education units, nurses can knowingly take into consideration what Colt and the panelists shared with them Saturday. First-year nursing student in the accelerated degree program, Phuong Kim Nguyen, said Colt’s presentation opened her eyes up to different world views. “It’s really helpful for us [medical students],” Nguyen said. “I’m already an RN, but I just want to improve myself more so I can serve better.”

in the middle of the night. Breathing through an oxygen mask and attempting to open his eyes, the 90year-old man reaches out his frail hand in the cold air. His nurse bursts through the door, falls to the man’s bedside and glances at her patient’s heart monitor that slowly beeps a fine rhythm. Quickly, the nurse makes eye contact with the old man, who can barely utter his dying wish – “pray with me.” This scenario brings to the forefront a tough decision for the physician to make because, usually, religion is such a sensitive subject to discuss, especially in a secular environment like a hospital. In order to address this issue properly, Cal State Fullerton hosted the 14th annual Religious Diversity Forum for the second time in a row on Saturday. In previous years, the forum took place at UC Irvine, but the venue is currently undergoing renovation. Next year, UCI will host the event on Sunday, Nov. 9 with “Religions and Violence,” as the topic. This year’s topic centered on spirituality and health care. Panelists representing the Jewish, Sikh, Islamic, Christian and Buddhist faiths discussed the religious needs of patients and the sensitive nature that comes with that topic. In addition, the keynote speaker, Dr. Henri Colt, a world-renowned doctor in the field of pulmonary and critical care medicine, said the health care system is making progress in terms of patient treatment. “It appears that there is a movement among the health care provider networks to increase the humanistic approach,” Colt said during the forum. “In that, of course, includes our sensitivity to various cultures.” The Institute for Religious and Cultural Competency invited representatives from diverse cultures and as a result, they have the golden opportunity to generate open dialogue not just about cultural differences but ethical issues dealing with patients’ willingness to discuss their religious faith. “[One could argue] it would be morally and even legally unjust because any opinions that the physician may have, may threaten to override a patient’s human and legal rights,” Colt said. The UCI Medical Center director brings up such an issue that many people are afraid to delve into, but the religious diversity forum addresses a new hot-button topic every year and brings it to the public’s attention. It takes careful planning and dedication to put on this event. “It’s a labor of love,” said Ben Hubbard, CSUF comparative religion professor and member of the Institute for Religious and Cultural Competency. This year’s topic benefited the nursing students at CSUF. In ad-

In terms of improving religious service to patients, health care professionals have local religious leaders on standby for patients who request spiritual counseling. Jon Wetterholm, director of the Pastoral Care Department at the UCI Medical Center, provides chaplain service to families. “One of the first things we do as

chaplains is try to determine where the family is coming from spiritually,” Wetterholm said. In a case where individuals or families identify themselves as being atheist, Wetterholm said he firmly believes faith takes different forms. “Things like hope for life, meaning in life, purpose in life … those are all aspects of spirituality,” Wetterholm said. In order for the debate between spirituality and health care to remain effective and relevant in the future, the entire religious spectrum needs to be covered. Venerable Kusala Bhikshu, a Buddhist chaplain at UCLA, said he represented the diversity at the forum because he wasn’t “by the book.” His mantra focused on progressing with the times.

Despite the fact that Bhikshu said he feels Buddhism’s voice gets overlooked in the religious community, he eludes to the growing Buddhist influence in California. “Orange County has a thriving Buddhist community,” Bhikshu said. Regardless of religious affiliation, acts of kindness are highly respected throughout the world.

Jewish physician Herb Modelevksy said his appreciation for nurses reaches far beyond the realm of religious thinking. “I treasure nurses,” Modelevsky said during a emotional moment during the panel discussion. “The wisdom that you have ... by being at the bedside all the time is the greatest source of information a physician can have.”



Titan Editorial Providing insight, analysis and perspective since 1960

Overdue audit released The California State Auditor recently released its analysis of California State University executive pay and benefits policies. The audit is long overdue considering the $4 million and counting that has been doled out to departing university executives over the past 10 years for little or no work. While students have seen classes cut and curriculum curtailed, the CSU Administration has handed out six-figure “transitional pay” and “consulting assignment” deals. For years the administration has continually increased pay and benefits for departing executives while student education suffers from lack of funding. The controversial sweetheart deals attracted attention after The San Francisco Chronicle reported the outrageous figures in July of last year. Beside housing and automotive allowances, campus presidents even receive a $300 entertainment allowance direct from the state’s general fund. It might not seem like much, but when everyone else is trimming corners, it matters. Students and faculty are well aware of the blow education has suffered at the hands of the university’s administration who can’t manage enough state funding for CSU’s, but outrage is nowhere to be seen for the plush deals of former executives. Meanwhile,

Letters to the Editor:

student fees have doubled and student loan debt increased eight percent since last year. Nobody seems concerned that students are graduating with more debt than ever. Nor do increased class size and dwindling resources seem to alarm anybody. The audit is available for viewing at www. bsa.ca.gov/bsa implores California State University to enforce stricter policies for compensating current and former employees. The university currently has three executive post-employment packages compensating departing executives. These three programs supplement the existing standard benefits to those eligible. Some management personnel plan employees also received suspicious compensation even when they were no longer providing services to the university. The justification offered for this and other frivolous perks doesn’t stack up when compared to other colleges and universities, the audit points out. It’s about time somebody brings these dark deeds and the administration takes responsiblity for shortchanging it’s students. According to the audit, the university has no current system to monitor whether financial policies are being followed. With that being the case, we suspect this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Any feedback, positive or negative, is encouraged, as we strive to keep an open dialogue with our readership. The Daily Titan reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar and spelling. Direct all comments, questions or concerns along with your full name and major to Executive Editor Ian Hamilton at ihamilton@dailytitan.com

November 7, 2007

School badges are a good first step By Nathan Wheadon

Daily Titan Staff Writer opinion@dailytitan.com

Anyone who was conscious in 1999 remembers the Columbine High School shootings. In that tragic event, 12 students were killed and 23 others injured before the two shooters killed themselves. The most recent and less publicized school shooting happened Oct. 10 in Cleveland. A 14-year-old shot and injured two students and two teachers before killing himself. Could these school shootings have been prevented or are they out of anyone’s power to control? Rancho Verde High School, which serves Moreno Valley and Perris, thinks school badges could be used to prevent violence on campus. Last year, all students at Rancho Verde were issued badges. They were required to wear and keep them visible at all times. Students are not

allowed on campus until they pass through security showing their badges. Do these badges really make the campus any safer than before? No. I think school shootings are like earthquakes. We can prepare for them all we like, but we never really know when they are going to happen. I don’t think a badge will stop a student from opening fire at school. If a student is hell-bent on taking his or her frustrations out by shooting other students, he or she is going to, no matter what anyone else does. It’s like watching the news after the police catch a murderer. The neighbor always tells the reporter the killer was quiet and never bothered anybody. He or she never sees it coming. It is the same story whenever a shooting happens. The shooter is

The Higher Ground

Aleksandra Wojtalewicz Trouble is brewing in the world, again. This time, it’s in the South Asian country of Pakistan. President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has declared a state of emergency in the country and imposed martial law to restore law and order. In an address Saturday, Musharraf stated he will not allow the growing militant violence to create further crises, hence the need for his actions. Yet, as coincidence (or not) would have it, the Supreme Court was about to rule on the legality of his elections. Musharraf ’s opposition took their arguments to court, stating Musharraf should not have been eligible for a presidential third term because he is still the head of

the military. Because of the timing, the perception might be that Musharraf knows his election was illegal. Therefore he suspended the constitution to give himself more time in power before the courts expose him. But that is just speculation. Pakistan has a history of militant violence. In recent months, political upheaval has affected the country due to Musharraf ’s support of the United States’ war on terror. The country has been the playground for Taliban and al-Qaeda militants and Musharraf, with U.S. aid, has been cracking down on these militants. Hence, if Musharraf would be ousted from office, potential Islamic fundamentalists might gain power in the country. And having Islamic fundamentalist terrorists in control of a nuclear country would just stir the brewing pot even more, to put it lightly. Musharraf ’s actions are contra-

5 8 4 6 3 1 0 7 u k o d su side in


always the person who got bullied and picked on, but nobody ever thought he or she would bring a gun to school. The security checkpoint, where students have to show their badges to get on campus, would be an easy target for a potential shooter. Having all the students huddled in a line, waiting to get on campus would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Vista del Lago High school in Moreno Valley also requires badges for students. Along with the new badges, the school has built fences around the campus. This might sound like a good idea to keep the bad guys out, but what if the bad guys are on the inside? A student could just as easily bring a gun to school, even with the new badge rule. Once the student is in, the fences would do more harm than good, as people would be trapped on campus. One way in, one way out could lead to a potential disaster at

Vista del Lago. The badges would only prevent people who are not students from entering the campus. There have been four major school shootings since Columbine, according to the Riverside Press Enterprise. Only once, the shooter was not a student. The fact is that students are more likely to cause violence on campus than the creepy old guy who lives across the street from the school or a stranger passing by. The badges are a positive step in creating a safer environment for high schoolers, but the fences are stupid. School shootings happen on campus by students; the reality is that the badges won’t prevent school shootings. Nobody knows when a school shooting is going to happen. Although some high schools are trying to prevent shootings, unfortunately, it seems inevitable.

Friend or foe: Musharraf straddles delicate U.S. line dictory. As a U.S. ally who is making strides toward battling terrorists, his move to impose martial law is a step towards dictatorship. His extra-constitutional measures are taking Pakistan away from democratic means and toward authoritarian rule. Suspending the Constitution, restricting the media and turning into a dictator over night are not solutions to the problems Pakistan is facing. As president, he needs to follow through with the country’s constitution and stay clear on the democratic path. We learn history to not repeat its mistakes, yet history has a tendency to repeat itself. And in any corner of the world we look toward – Latin America, Europe and Africa – “democratic” presidents who completely steered away from the law and imposed martial law to solve their country’s problems (i.e. Augusto Pinochet in Chile, Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines),

turned into self-imposed dictators. And unfortunately, the common citizen suffers while the problem still remains. Pakistan has had a problem with militants for a while, so if it was such a concern for Musharraf, why did he not take such measures earlier? Why did he wait until his presidential legitimacy was questioned? Sidestepping from constitutional means is just further destabilizing the country. Musharraf cannot expect to curtail militants and bring stability to Pakistan without first stabilizing his own power. His military solution is a setback for its fueling opposition from a range of characters – extremists, opposition leaders and citizens. We can only hope that history does not repeat itself. The United States and international community don’t need another “democratic” president to befriend the United States then turn into an anti-U.S. regime.


November 7, 2007

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Humorscopes brought to you by humorscope.com

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Good day to buy a stereo microscope, and examine that stuff under your toenail. Well, as good a day as any.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Good day to hold hands. If you don’t currently have a spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend, you can probably find a fake “severed hand” at a magic supplies store. That might be a good thing to pick up in any case? You never know when it might come in handy.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

This is not a good day to start a new romance. Particularly not a new romance based on a per sonals classified ad in the back of Mad maga zine.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Two people near you will engage in sudden, violent, rubber-band warfare. You will be caught in a crossfire, and severely thwapped. Next time, consider wearing protective headgear indoors.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) Birds figure heavily in your day, today. My advice? Wear a hat.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) You’re having trouble getting your elderly rela tives to pay attention to you. Have you tried talking with a Scandinavian accent and using a soap bubble machine? That, and accordion music, always do the trick for me.

Libra (September 22 - October 22) Good day to try impressing someone in authori ty. Why not show them how good you are at making under-arm noises? That’s always good for making a lasting impression.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to argue any more, unless you’ve paid.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Today you will rush around in a tizzy. It will be sort of fun, actually, since the tizzy handles well, and has more than enough power to make an exciting ride.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) Your ACME Rocket Sled arrives today!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) An elderly gentleman next to you on the bus will spontaneously combust, today, and you’ll become an instant celebrity when you put him out with a Slurpee (tm). Eventually, they’ll make a prime-time TV drama about the incident.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Good time to become involved in a secret plot to overthrow someone or something. Personally, I think your best bet is to start small. You can pick up some tips in “Overthrowing Things For Fun And Profit” by Kwan No, M.D., Ph.D.

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Sudoku is made possible by the people at www.dailysudoku.com

Gamestakes.com a leading entertainment website is seeking 1 agent per university. No sellingHuge income potential! Email now:playersU@gamestakes.com

7400 Houses for Rent/Sale

Attn: Fine Art Grad Students CSUF Grand Central Art Center located in downtown Santa Anna’s Artist Village has one studio apartments for rent ($700.00 per month) that will be available the second week of october. Included in the rent are all the utilities (excluding phone), monthly parking pass, internet access, and a studio space. Please contact Tracey Gayer at (714) 567-7238. Beautiful Brand New Condo for Lease in Garden Grove! Two blocks from Disneyland and UCI Medical Center. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Amenities including Pool, Jacuzzi, Recreation Center and Fitness Gym. Top floor with view. $2200 per month. Near all freeways. Reva1978@aol.com 714-396-2876


Walking on to his dream


November 7, 2007

Thousands of miles away from his home and mother, redshirt goalkeeper fulfills aspirations to play and teach soccer by Nathan Wheadon

Daily Titan Staff Writer sports@dailytitan.com

In Scotland, soccer is more than a game. It’s more than a sport. Soccer is a religion. Religion dictates which team you support. In Glasgow, if you’re Protestant, you support the Rangers. If you are Catholic, Celtic is your club. Religion has played a significant role in Paul Allison’s life. Religion and soccer. For Allison, “It’s all about religion.” Allison believes it is his faith in God that has brought him to the United States. “I’m a big believer in God,” Allison said. “I feel like God put me where I need to be.” Leaving Scotland was a difficult decision for Allison. He loves Glasgow. “Everything is sports-minded,” Allison said. “It’s a great place to grow up.” Leaving Glasgow meant leaving his beloved Celtic. When he was 5 years old, Allison said he was adopted into the Celtic fan base. “That’s when soccer became part of my life,” Allison said. Attending a Champions League Final game further cemented soccer as part of his life. Allison was able to watch Real Madrid versus Bayer Leverkusen with a great view from the V.I.P. section. He got the tickets for free by earning them through a youth club he played for. Although Celtic was not on the pitch, watching a Champions League Final was like going to the Super Bowl, or game seven of the World Series. Leaving his hometown was difficult, but Allison knew he wanted to be in California. In Glasgow, Allison lived with his mother. She raised him on her own. The decision to leave his mom behind was much more difficult than leaving his favorite club.

“I grew up with my mom,” Allison said. “My mom is the most important person in the world to me.” On Aug. 15, at the age of 18, Allison kissed his mum goodbye and headed for America. While training with a professional team in Scotland, Allison had the opportunity to gain a full scholarship to play soccer in the United States. “I was a bit optimistic about it,” Allison said. “We don’t have sports scholarships [in Scotland].” Allison picked Hope International University, where he received a full scholarship. When he first came to Fullerton, he thought he was going to Cal State Fullerton, but instead he went to the small campus across Nutwood Avenue. When he saw the large campus, he knew he wanted to make it there. He was determined; it was his dream. Looking at CSUF from across the street, Allison thought “This is where I want to play.” He became the starting goalkeeper at Hope and held the position for two years. He even earned the National Christian College All-American Award. This year, Allison realized his dream. He walked-on to the team as a redshirt. “It was my dream to play here,” Allison said. Allison credits Head Coach Bob Ammann for giving him the opportunity to play. “Bob helped me through the process,” Allison said. “I’m a goalkeeper and he’s an ex-goalkeeper. He helps me through it.” While Allison was at Hope, he trained local youth keepers. One of his trainees filled his position at Hope when he left for CSUF. Allison, along with roommate and teammate Skyler Thuresson, has started the Next Level Soccer Academy. A few weeks ago, the camp opened for training for the first time in Laguna Beach. It is the first business venture for both Allison and

Thuresson. “It was a great success,” Allison said. “I love coaching, I’ve been coaching for about two years now.” Allison sees the soccer academy as a potential successful business. “I want to go into the business side of things, see where we can go with it,” Allison said. “Skyler is really committed to it.” Allison is busy. Along with being on the CSUF soccer team and training youth players at his academy, Allison takes time to go back to Scotland twice a year. “I go back in the summer and for Christmas,” Allison said. “I hang out with the family, me and my mom spend a lot of time together.” Allison has already realized one of his dreams by playing soccer for CSUF, but he still looks toward the future. “My dream is to live out here,” Allison said. “I want to be successful in the States. I want to move my mom out here too.” Allison feels the soccer academy can be the ticket for his permanent residence in California and also allow his mom to move out here. “I’m going to see how far soccer takes it,” Allison said. Although Allison is excited about the success of the soccer academy, he could not contain his excitement about having his mom visit California for the first time. “My mom’s coming out for my 21st [birthday],” Allison said. “She’s just going to tour around California.” Allison loves his mother and talks to her on the phone everyday. Although he misses her, he said he realizes the experience of being away from home and assimilating into a new and different culture is a great learning experience. Overall, breaking out of his comfort zone and having a change of scenery has been a positive experience. “It’s hard to live away from her,” Allison said. “But you learn a lot.”

Paul Allison hopes to one day bring his mother to the United States after he graduates.

photo By Brian Evans/For the Daily Titan

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