Daily Titan - Monday, October 22, 2012

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Video Exclusive


First Native American saint named OPINION 4

We need more moderate moderators DETOUR 5

The Walking Dead resurrects on AMC SPORTS 8

Women’s soccer beats Cal Poly

Bargains on Halloween costumes - Save money on costumes by shopping at local resale stores.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 2 7

M O N D AY, O C T O B E R 2 2 , 2 0 1 2

CAMPUS | Earthquake preparedness

Students pretend to die for statewide earthquake drill Participation in Great Calif. ShakeOut prepares CSUF for the “Big One” DANIEL HERNANDEZ Daily Titan

The Great California ShakeOut struck Cal State Fullerton last week, pretending to kill at least 12 theatre majors who were covered in fake blood and fallen debris outside different areas on campus. The actors, displayed as an example, laid for an hour on uncomfortable cardboard while students poked and pestered them. “You have to keep a straight face,” said sophomore Arron Aguayo with broken shards of glass appearing to pierce the skin on his face. “That’s the hardest part. People coming around messing with you.” A sign standing next to the fake corpses warned students about the dangers of fleeing a building during an earthquake, a message the Environmental Health and Instructional Safety department at CSUF wants to make sure students understood. The event, dubbed The Great California ShakeOut, was held throughout Southern California in an attempt to raise awareness on what to do when the “Big One” rattles. “I want people to remember that moving out of buildings is usually not the best response after an earthquake. Things outside may fall, such as trees, power lines and

unreinforced masonry, particularly during a large-scale earthquake,” said emergency management coordinator Sue Fisher. The recommended method for safety is to drop underneath a desk or table and cover your head, Fisher said. Geologists aren’t able to pinpoint exactly when the next Big One will rumble, but they do have an estimation of when they think the California faults will cause an estimated 6.7 or greater earthquake, said David Bowman, professor and chair of the Geological Sciences Department. The odds of the Big One striking in our lifetime in Southern California are high, Bowman said. Geologists are able to determine that the last big quake occurred in 1857. These big ones, he said, happen every 100 to 130 years, “which is why we talk about it being overdue.” The impending catastrophe could be devastating to local infrastructure. “All of our lifelines that we use that connect us from Los Angeles and Orange County to the rest of the country cross the San Andreas Fault,” Bowman said about water lines, gas lines, electrical lines, oil pipelines and freeways. “If there is a big earthquake on the San Andreas that were to sever those critical pieces… it would be a shock to the entire system that we have.” SEE SHAKEOUT, 3

EARTHQUAKE OUTLOOK Geologists say: Next earthquake will be a 6.7 or stronger


“Big Ones” strike: Every 100 to 130 years

Year the last “major” earthquake (7.9) struck Southern California



Candidates gear up

A student carries grocies by a collage of signs in front of a vacant lot on Chapman Avenue near Gordon Lane in Fullerton.

Fullerton City Council seats contested by new faces and the previously recalled DANIEL HERNANDEZ Daily Titan

One of the three Fullerton council members who was ousted from his public seat in the wake of the Kelly Thomas death filed papers in August to vouch for an open seat this election. Don Bankhead, fueled by efforts from recent council decisions attempting to disband the Fullerton Police Department, has been recalled twice from public office. In 1994, he was one of three members recalled from his council seat for voting in favor of a 2 percent utility tax, only to be voted

back in office a month later. “You elected me to the City Council because you trusted me to do what is in the best interest of Fullerton,” said Bankhead in a statement. “You can still count on me to do everything possible to keep our great city safe and economically strong.” Twelve candidates have officially filed with the city to fill the three vacant council member seats. The candidates are Barry Levinson, Vivian “Kitty” Jaramillo, Matthew Hakim, Bruce Whitaker, Jane Rands, Don Bankhead, Travis Kiger, Jennifer Fitzgerald, Rick Alvarez, Jan

LOCAL | Fastfood

Flory, Roberta Reid and Brian Bartholomew. The top three candidates to absorb the most votes will claim the city positions, which have been under fire the past year for incidents involving the Fullerton Police Department and the police beating and death of Kelly Thomas, a mentally ill homeless man. Roberta Reid, retired, and Matthew Hakim, a musician and artist, have no information listed on the city website and do not have a website of their own listed on the Fullerton City website. SEE COUNCIL, 3

SPORTS | Men’s hockey

Hockey trumpets back against LMU

Burger joint fades at home, excels abroad

Down two goals with six minutes left in the game, Titans come back to win

Southern Califorina’s Fatburger closed local stores during financial struggles, but is now expanding globally



Where there once was a Fatburger in Brea Downtown now sits a Bruxie, a waffle sandwich restaurant. The burger joint that brands itself as uniquely from Los Angeles has been disappearing from the Orange County scene since 2011. But in celebration of its 60th anniversary this year and growing from 40 units to 125—a bulk of the growth coming in the last couple of years—Fatburger has retooled its brand and shipped the restaurant’s Southern California imagery overseas. “We are always looking to open new Fatburgers in any market available to franchise,” vice president of marketing Thayer Wiederhorn said about re-opening up restaurants in Orange County. “A new Fatburger will open back up in Orange County as soon as we are approached by a franchisee who would like to develop the area.” Lovie Yancey and Charles Simpson founded Mr. Fatburger in 1947 and soon dropped the “Mr.” from its name in 1952. Realizing an opportunity to expand, the restaurant began to offer franchises by 1981. Yancey died in early 2008. Fatburger attracted local celebrities early on



Two Fatburger employees prepare meals for customers at a Buena Park location.

and appeared in the sitcom Sanford and Son and the film The Fast and the Furious. The iconic name Fatburger soon began to gain steam with entertainers such as Ray Charles and Redd Foxx, who would custom order their burgers, according to the Los Angeles Times. Wiederhorn bought the burger stand for $7 million in 2003. At that time, he was the CEO and chairman of the board for Fog Cutter Capital Group. However, the company struggled and declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2009, and later had to sell locations in California and Nevada. The Brea, Irvine and Newport Beach locations were recent Orange County victims of closure.


“The situation in Orange County (Fashion Island) was unique in that the landlord at that particular location would not renew our lease as a tenant, thus the location was forced to close,” said Thayer Wiederhorn, son of Andrew Wiederhorn. Fatburger has since expanded its restaurants globally. With burger stands in China, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, the restaurant chain has further plans to grow in the United Kingdom, Qatar, Oman, Lebanon, Jordan, Pakistan, Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Belarus, the Philippines and Singapore, according to Orange County Register reports. SEE FATBURGER, 2

It only took about two minutes for the tides to change when the Cal State Fullerton men’s ice hockey team made a comeback and roared past the Loyola Marymount University Lions Saturday night at the KHS Ice Arena in Anaheim. Down 3-1 with about six minutes left in the game, defenseman Payne Sauer picked up a loose puck in the neutral zone and fired a low shot that trickled through the pads of the Lions’ goaltender. That goal set off a chain reaction that saw the Titans explode offensively, tacking on two more goals within the next couple of minutes and adding an empty-net goal for insurance to ultimately win 5-3. The two-goal deficit late in the game was a gut check for the Titans, who had let the Lions control the first half of the third period. “At 3-1, we were like alright, we need to do something here. We pulled together, but it could have gone the other way with us hanging our heads

and saying this game is over,” said assistant coach Chris Houlihan. The pace through the first two periods was slower and sloppier than the action-packed third period that saw seven goals scored between the Lions and Titans. LMU struck first at the beginning of the second period when the Titans failed to clear the puck out of their own zone. Hunter Costin of the Lions stripped a Titan defender from behind the puck and stepped out in front of the net, backhanding a puck over goalie Brandon Heethuis. Titans defenseman Jacob Brummett tied the game up late in the second when he built up a head of steam along the sideboards and fired a shot that beat the Lions goaltender low. The Lions entered the third period determined to put the game away, as they swarmed the Titans and bottled the team up in their own zone. A pair of rebound goals by the Lions put them up 3-1. The Titans bench fell silent. “They scored that goal and we were down 3-1, and the whole bench got quiet,” said Sauer. “I’m pretty sure everyone on the bench, including myself, thought we were going to lose.” SEE HOCKEY, 8

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