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LOCAL | Fullerton
Coyote Hills future decided by Measure W
The 510-acre park owned by Chevron in north Fullerton will be developed if enough voters endorse the bill in November DANIEL HERNANDEZ Daily Titan
The fate of Fullerton’s West Coyote Hills rests in the hands of the city’s voters this November with Measure W, a ballot initiative that, if voted down, repeals an agreement between the city and a subsidiary of Chevron to develop there. A Fullerton-based group called Friends of Coyote Hills gathered over 10,000 signatures in 2011 to create the referendum, said Angela Lindstrom, the group’s board member at-large. “Our organization’s mission is the protection of all 510 acres of West Coyote Hills as a nature park and preserve for now and the future,” Lindstrom said. “We aim to do this by purchasing the land with public and private funding and donations.” The Fullerton city council adopted the ordinances in July 2011 in an agreement between the city and Pacific Coast Homes, a subsidiary of Chevron, for the development of the West Coyote Hills project. SEE COYOTE, 2
LOCAL | Halloween
Fullerton touts spooky tours
Alumni House and other locations provide haunted houses for local residents DOMINIQUE ROCKER
Former President Clinton speaks at the Bren Events Center at UC Irvine to show support for Democratic candidates Raul Ruiz, Julia Brownley, Alan Lowenthal, Scott Peters and Mark Takano, who are all running for seats in Congress this November.
Clinton backs local candidates Groups Democrats of the Desert, Democratic Women of the Desert and College Democrats at UC Irivine turned out in solidarity with former President Clinton at the rally
Daily Titan
For those looking for a haunting experience this Halloween season, both Cal State Fullerton and the city of Fullerton are hosting separate tours designed to frighten and spook. The Alumni Association will host its 3rd annual Haunted Alumni House Thursday, Oct. 25. From 7-8 p.m., the George G. Golleher Alumni House will host “Kids Hour,” where children can come dressed up and go trick-or-treating throughout the house without the scary elements that will be put in place for the haunted tour. Once through the house, participants are greeted by a Halloween Festival on the outdoor patio, which will include games, crafts, and and candy. The main attraction, the haunted tour of the alumni house (located right off State College Boulevard by the Titan Student Union), will run from 8-10 p.m. Each year, the alumni house has a different theme and storyline created by the Student Alumni Ambassadors. SEE HAUNTED, 3
With the election just a few short weeks away, former President Bill Clinton visited UC Irvine Tuesday to endorse several congressional candidates in the hope of creating a democratic advantage in Congress. The event centered on President Clinton’s endorsement of Raul Ruiz, Julia Brownley, Alan Lowenthal, Scott Peters and Mark Takano. UCI student Carlos Alvarez, 19, an english major, attended the event and was expecting to hear about Clinton’s support and various views on hot topic issues.
“Unemployment and most likely things that affect us around the community and things that would affect the nation in general,” said Alvarez. “I feel like today I’ll learn a lot.” Alvarez also mentioned he is a democrat and is voting yes on Proposition 30 because of the implications it has on schools. Also in attendance were various groups in support of the Congressional candidates. Democrats of the Desert member Bob Miller said Ruiz would be a good congressman because of his plans to help the community. “He’ll also be involved with getting business down in the Coachella Valley,”
said Miller. “(Ruiz) has got a heart that will be involved with all the people who are the minorities.” Miller said Ruiz is reaching out to the Latino and Native American population for support. Democratic Women of the Desert member Frances Miller said she believes incumbent Mary Bono Mack is not doing enough good for the community. “Mary is a terrible person,” said Miller. “She flip-flops too.” In regards to Clinton’s endorsement, Miller said that while Clinton’s clout is uncertain, she hopes his views will get Ruiz elected. “I just know it has to work,” said Miller.
CULTURE | Celebrating the German festival
After a brief introduction, Peters, Takano, Brownley, Lowenthal and Ruiz all had a chance to speak on topics including healthcare, education, social security and equal rights for women and minorities. Takano started off the event by voicing concerns about school budget problems and lower employment opportunities that college graduates are facing. When Takano mentioned the plans of Republican representatives, the crowd booed. “Don’t boo, vote,” said Takano. “It’s the choice between common sense California values and extreme Washington ideology.”
CAMPUS | Athletics
Oktoberfest: bratwursts and beers
New softball coach looks to hit new high
Former Mt. SAC head coach hopes to continue her success at CSUF’s top softball spot
The traditional German festival, put on by the Phoenix Club, is brought to Anaheim for visitors of all ages
PETER PHAM Daily Titan
PETER PHAM Daily Titan
The Phoenix Club in Anaheim is an Orange County tradition when it comes to celebrating Oktoberfest. “We opened up (our business) in 1960,” said Sigrid Kunkel, a member of the Phoenix Club’s office. “It’s a membership, culture club.” Located shortly after the Ball Road exit on the 57 Freeway, the Phoenix Club is a short drive of 6.5 miles away from Cal State Fullerton. Kunkel added the club hosted the Oktoberfest for 52 years and has always had a good success. “We do it almost like Germany,” Kunkel said. The Phoenix Club is one of the most common places to celebrate Oktoberfest in the area. Oktoberfest, according to Kunkel, is a celebration of the harvest time back in Europe. It begins in September and continues through the end of October. “People come back year after year,” Kunkel
PETER PHAM / Daily Titan
The Phoenix Club has a variety of vendors, musicians and different German activities. Traditional foods include weisswurst, smoked sausages, funnel cakes and potato pancakes.
said. “We have performances, we have dances, we have German food and we have a lot of activities for the children.” Denise Yamagata and Phil Witkowicz drove from Chula Vista to partake in the celebration for the first time.
“It’s interesting, (we’ve) never been to one before,” said Yamagata. George and Teresa Beck travel from Corona each year to attend the festival. SEE OKTOBERFEST, 5
Kelly Ford, the new head coach of the women’s softball team, returned to Cal State Fullerton last week after working for more than a decade at Mount San Antonio College as head softball coach. To say Ford’s time at Mt. SAC was successful is a severe understatement. When Ford joined the Mt. SAC team, the team was 17-34. In her first season, Ford turned it around to 34-17. In her second season, Ford won the state championship for Mt. SAC and continued through a seven-year run of playing in the championship game every year. Mt. SAC won the state championships in the odd years: ‘03, ‘05, ‘07 and ’09. The team came in sec-
ond place the other years. Ford was awarded the South Coast Conference Coach of the Year five times and the All Sports Conference Coach of the Year twice. Nine years prior to taking the head coach position at Mt. SAC, Ford was an assistant coach at CSUF for two seasons, working under Judi Garman and Michelle Gromacki. “This was kind of a coming home,” said Ford. “I’ve always felt like part of the Cal State Fullerton softball family and when this position became open again, it was something I just knew in my heart was the right time.” Hard work, inspiration and determination are a few things she brings with her from Mt. SAC and she plans to use those ethics to inspire CSUF. As far as coaching on the field and tactics, there’s not a lot in the game Ford plans on changing. SEE COACH, 8