The Daily Titan - October 31, 2012

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Video Exclusive


Library adds more savvy study rooms OPINION 4

Fullerton to finally fire fireworks DETOUR 5

Musician shares the truths of the road Daily Titan News Brief - Get up-to-date coverage on top campus news stories.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 3 3


Men’s soccer to confront CSUN

W E D N E S D AY, O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 2


STATE | Election

CSU voter sign-ups hit record at 31,372

Prop. 36 toughs up convicted Political science profs debate “three strikes” law to be decided in November

CSUF registered over 2,000 students to vote in mobilized effort by CSSA

BRIAN DAY Daily Titan


After months of work across the California State University, the California State Student Association (CSSA) announced in a recent press release that a total of 31,372 new voters were registered in California. With the November election looming nearer and propositions that would directly affect the CSU on the ballot, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) and the CSSA worked tirelessly to get students registered to vote before the Oct. 22 deadline. Campuses across the system agreed on a goal of registering at least 10 percent of their student bodies, according to the press release. Schools such as San Diego State and San Francisco State hit over the mark. Overall CSSA is calling the effort to register voters a success. “I am proud of our organization’s efforts and those of the student leaders throughout the CSU in registering over 30,000 new eligible California voters,” said Pedro Ramirez, vice president of legislative affairs for CSSA, in the press release. “This shows that CSU students are committed to protecting our state’s system of higher education by voting for Prop. 30 and voting for candidates that support the CSU.” For Cal State Fullerton, 10 percent would account for nearly 4,000 students. According to ASI’s Chief Governmental Officer Kayla Coriaty, the final count came out to be 2,210 students registered to vote, more than double the initial goal of 1,000 students. This was achieved through various tabling and events held throughout the semester up to the deadline.

STATE | Ballot


Line drawn in the sand

Measure will increase taxes for the wealthy and decrease tuition for students if it passes in the Nov. 6 election.

Opponents say Proposition 30 is more nuanced than supporters claim


With just under a week to go before Proposition 30’s outcome decides the future of public higher education in the state, Gov. Jerry Brown offered two choices for voters in California: increase taxes or increase tuition. But opponents like the California Taxpayers Association (CTA) and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association argue against


K-12 schools and community colleges first, with public universities and other social programs taking what remains. The measure would increase personal income taxes for earners over $250,000 for the next seven years and raise sales tax by a quarter-cent for four years. It aims to raise $6 billion to stop automatic “trigger cuts” that would take place if the proposition is not passed.

the looming surge in taxes that Proposition 30 will bring, maintaining that Californians are pressured enough by the burden of high taxes. “We are number one in the nation in sales tax. We are number two in income tax rates,” said Kris Vosburgh, executive director for the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. “We have the third-highest unemployment rate, and it’s a third higher than the national average.” Proposition 30 is a bill that would fund

SEE PROP 30, 3



$498 reimbursement, tax hike

$150 tuition increase, no new taxes

LOCAL | Halloween

SEE PROP 36, 3

LOCAL | Crime

Driving with the dead in Costa Mesa

Hate crimes surge to elevated rates

Los Angeles County group finds hate crimes on the rise in the last few years

The 15th Annual Trick or Treat Festival and Halloween Hearse Show returned to the fairgrounds

BRIAN DAY Daily Titan

KRISTEN HAACK For the Daily Titan

Sunday marked the 15th Annual Trick or Treat Festival and Halloween Hearse Show at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Guests at this event ranged from children dressed in Cinderella and cowboy costumes to adults getting in the Halloween spirit. Regardless of age, there was something for everyone at this event. While the festival and show followed many old traditions, there were new features added this year to give a refreshing twist, including the Day of the Dead. Keeping with the Dia de las Muertos (Day of the Dead) inspired theme, the event included performances by Xipe Totec Danzantes Aztecas and Relampago del Cielo Grupo de Folklórico. Other elements included free sugar skull painting and stilt calacas (skulls), and sugar skull artist Dany Hernandez added to the Day of the Dead flare. Hernandez said this event was his first time displaying his work.

A group of four Cal State Fullerton instructors sat down with students at the Titan Student Union Tuesday for a panel discussion to share their insights into the controversial changes to California’s “three strikes” law proposed in Proposition 36. California’s three strikes law, enacted in 1994, allows for criminals to be sentenced to 25-yearsto-life in prison on their third felony conviction, provided they have two previous convictions for serious or violent offenses. If passed by the voters Tuesday, Proposition 36 would mandate that a third strike offense not only be a felony, but a serious or violent one. It would also allow more than 3,000 prisoners already sentenced to 25-years-to-life in prison as third-strike offenders for crimes not deemed serious or violent to petition a judge to reduce their sentences. Under the proposed legislation, those previously convicted of murder, rape or child molestation would continue to receive 25-year-to-life sentences, even if their third strike conviction is for a felony not deemed serious or violent. “California’s three-strikes law is the toughest in the nation,” said Pamela Fiber-Ostrow, Ph.D., associate professor of political science. “We’re the only state that has the option for of a third strike for a non-serious or nonviolent offense.” She pointed to examples such as Leandro Andrade, who was sentenced to two 25-year-to-life sentences for two convictions for shoplifting videotapes in 1995. He had previously been convicted twice of burglary in the early 1980s.

KRISTEN HAACK / For the Daily Titan

Dany Hernandez added to the Day of the Dead inspired theme with his colorful plaster skulls made of plaster instead of the normal sugar. The skulls ranged from 3.5 to 6.5 inches.

Rows of small, intricate and colorful plaster skulls made of plaster rather than the typical sugar were arranged on his table. These skulls were created for collection rather than a sweet treat. The skulls ranged from 3.5 to 6.5 inches. Hernandez’s skills as an artist were apparent, but it wasn’t always that way. He said his first sugar skull was small and didn’t look like they do now.


“I’m really into the car scene and if you’ll notice every one has some kind of pinstripe,” said Hernandez. “These skulls are plaster, but in Mexico the skulls are made out of sugar and are more of a treat.” The artist added that he has always made skulls but the Day of the Dead skulls have a lot of meaning to him. SEE HALLOWEEN, 6

After three years of decline, reported hate crimes in Los Angeles County increased by 15 percent last year. An annual report released last week by the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations (LACCHR) shows that hate crimes of all categories rose in 2011, though they remained at the second-lowest level in more than two decades. Incidents of reported hate crime grew to 489, compared with 427 in 2010. The Los Angeles County findings mirror figures from Orange County, released in August by the Orange County Human Relations Commission (OCHRC), which documented a 14 percent increase in hate crimes in 2011 following four straight years of decline. “Of course we’re concerned any time there’s an increase in hate crimes, but if you look at the big picture, this was the second lowest number of hate crimes reported in 22 years,”

said LACCHR senior intergroup relations specialist Marshall Wong, who authored the report. “That’s a small bump up if you look at the numbers from four years before,” he added. “While we are closely monitoring any significance the uptick might have, overall, we think the news is very positive.” In Orange County, with a smaller population and fewer incidents of hate crime than Los Angeles County, James Armendaris, OCHRC police community reconciliation program manager, pointed out that the percentage of increase reflected in the report reflects an increase of eight incidents, from 56 in 2010 to 64 in 2011. “We’re always concerned whenever there’s an increase,” he said, “(but) in Orange County, because our numbers are very low, we’re very careful before we read anything into it.” In light of the increase in hate crimes in Orange County found by the council’s report, “We’re very careful to make sure we aren’t sounding an alarm that there’s a major incident, however we do carefully monitor what’s going on,” Armendaris said. SEE HATE, 3





PolitiCorner: Election Trivia


E D Obama S M E D SLast seen: Washington, D.C. M E Campaign funds raised: $934 million









. WW











Campaign funds raised: $881.8 million



DECampaign MS funds spent: $852.9 million

Campaign funds spent: $752.3 million


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Disney announced Tuesday that they have agreed to purchase Lucasfilm Ltd., the film production company owned by Star Wars creator George Lucas, and revealed plans to begin releasing new Star Wars movies starting 2015, according to the press release. EY transaction value has NThe M O been EY stated to worth $4.05 bilN lion, and will net Disney all of OM Lucasfilm, including their businesses in film production, merchandise, animation, visual and audio effects. Disney announced that they will begin making new Star Wars movies with Star Wars Episode 7, which is expected to release in 2015. This is only the Y E beginning, however, as Disney OMN also announced that they have plans for three entirely new movies, which will make Episode 7 just the first in a brand new trilogy. In a video discussing the Sources: USA Today, The New York Times future of the Star Wars series, Lucas announced that he had prepared story treatments for the next three episodes, which he has now passed to Kathleen dent body and we hope to continue Kennedy, co-chair of Lucasfilm to utilize this tool in the future,” said and soon to be executive proASI President Dwayne Mason. ducer on the upcoming film. The second phase of this voter Lucasfilm is the latest giant effort, referred to as voter mobibrand to be added to Disney’s lization, will continue from now growing collection, following through election day. the purchase of comic-book giAccording to CSSA President Daant Marvel in 2009. vid Allison, the voter mobilization “For the past 35 years, one phase will focus more on campuses inof my greatest pleasures has dividually. CSSA will still help in any been to see Star Wars passed way possible, Allison said, but since the from one generation to the entity itself cannot be on every campus next,” George Lucas said in the and because they do not know each Disney press release. “It’s now campus as well as the student leaders time for me to pass Star Wars do, this effort will be led on a campuson to a new generation of filmby-campus basis. makers.” “Students are going to be affected

Last seen: Avon Lake, Ohio



Disney purchases Lucasfilm






VOTERS: ASI doubles registration goal CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“We tabled every day for the month before voter registration closed and we had it available at all of our events,” said Coriaty. They also spoke out in classes and brought registration cards along with them. The biggest event held in the voter registration effort at CSUF was an ASI Voter Fair Cook-Out, in collaboration with Government Relations, that took place Oct. 17. Proponents and opponents of the propositions were invited, as well as local candidates and advocacy groups, all in an effort to get students to understand why their vote is important. “I think it’s important that students vote, because if we don’t, we’re never going to matter to our legislatures,” Coriaty said. “I’ve been in legislative visits where a legislature has literally said that, students are not the constituents they cater to because we don’t tell them what we want.”

Coriaty said even if a student feels like their one vote won’t really matter to bigger issues like the presidential election, they still matter for items like propositions, where just a few votes can mean the difference for their passage. In this registration campaign, the Internet had a huge impact as well. ASI posted links on social media sites like Facebook in order to reach students easier. According to Coriaty, more than 1,000 of the new registered voters from CSUF, which comes out to at least half of the total number, came from those done online. In online registration, CSUF came in second behind San Francisco State, Coriaty said. “Voter registration is always hard on this campus because we’re a commuter campus and it’s hard to pin students down, but having the online tool specifically for Cal State Fullerton really helped out a lot. I’m really pleased that we were able to have online registration available to our stu-

whether they vote or not, but if they vote they can have a positive effect,” Allison said. With only a week until the election, these new efforts will focus on educating students on the issues and getting them out to the polls to make informed votes Nov. 6.

Library acquires ‘smart rooms’ RAYMOND MENDOZA Daily Titan

Having a group project can be a stressful venture since students seem to have limited time on campus and no one knows where to meet up. Until recently, using a group study room at the library was scarce due to the availability of only three rooms. However, with funds from the University Mission Goals Initiative (UMGI) and renovations done during the summer 2012 semester, four additional group study rooms are now available on the second floor of the Pollak Library. The proposal was a collaboration between Afsaneh Hamedani, assistant director of user services/call center for the Information and Learning Commons, and Will Breitbach, head of instruction and information services at the Pollak Library. The concept of the “smart rooms,” which were formerly called equipment group study rooms, were implemented in the Pollak Library in 2006 as a place for small student groups to meet up and work on projects. “We realized they’re very popular based on statistics and every time they were booked, they were booked,” said Hamedani. Hamedani said the UMGI funds amounted to about $35,000, which was spent on creating the four new rooms on the second floor of the library. The rooms were originally each equipped with a PC, a Mac, a television and a lectern (an overhead projector-like device), which are meant to provide students with various means to finish their work. Information Technology Services network analyst Sepehr Sobhani said the technology that the smart rooms tout also condenses equipment by hooking up both the PC and Mac to the wall-mounted television, which


The Pollak Library adds new study rooms with the latest technlogy.

takes away the use of two screens for each computer. “The new rooms basically we have a Mac mini, which is a very small Mac,” said Sobhani. “And we have a PC and we both connect them to the TV basically. Unlike the (group study rooms) on the first floor, it used to be connected to the projector… it’s very compact and it’s very practical.” Additionally, both the Mac mini and PC use a wireless mouse and keyboard for ease of use throughout the entire study room. The “smart rooms” also use smart technology to ensure that there is no trespassing in the study group rooms, by use of a wireless key card lock. The lock on the door can be opened using a student’s TitanCard and will only work during the time a student is registered to use the room. “The card swipe system that we have is brand new, I believe,” said Sobhani. “It was fairly cheap compared to the one that is connected to the wire because someone has to wire it.” Furthermore, Sobhani also noted that the system itself has been in place by CSUF for some time, but the locks on the “smart rooms” are innovative since they require less construction due to the card readers being wireless.

“The system that we have is already in place by (the) TitanCard office. That’s very important because it actually saves a lot of money for us; instead of setting up a brand new system from the server,” said Sobhani. “It’s very innovative because it’s all wireless so you don’t have to do a lot of construction.” The use of these locks were not only cost effective, but also innovative since the rooms can be monitored via the key card lock which would then take away the need of hiring additional staff. “We came up with the idea of having door swipes on the doors so we don’t need to send anybody upstairs,” said Hamedani. “So we didn’t need to add any human resources to our operation or any service desk to make four additional rooms operational and I guess that’s why our proposal won.” IT consultant Torin Truong also noticed that the smart rooms are very popular and reservations for the rooms tend to be booked quite regularly. “It’s actually been pretty busy starting between midterms and once it gets to finals, it gets really busy,” said Truong. Reservations for the group study “smart rooms” can be made up to a week in advance either in person or online.


Superstorm Sandy wreaks havoc Two days after its initial landfall, reports of the damage caused by Sandy, a “superstom,” continue to filter through. Deaths, flooding, fires and power outages all continue to be assessed and dealt with as Sandy moves inland, according to CNN. As of last night, at least 48 people across eight states were reported dead from the storm, and an estimated 8.2 million people across 17 states were without power, according to USA Today. Parts of New Jersey and New York, including the New York City subway system, suffered heavy flooding. In New York, at least 18 deaths were linked to the storm. Nearly 200 firefighters struggled to fight a raging fire that destroyed more than 100 houses in Queens. Fire officials said the fire had been contained as of Tuesday, according to the New York Times. Mass transit services in New York City partly resumed Tuesday, with buses and taxis back on the streets. President Barack Obama signed federal emergency declarations for 10 states and the District of Columbia, and canceled campaign plans to oversee the federal response to the storm. The effects were felt for those living outside of the Northeast as well. More than 15,000 airline flights were canceled on Tuesday alone, and the New York Stock Exchange was closed for the second consecutive day. The worst of Sandy’s force is likely over as the storm is losing its strength and forecast to move into Canada, USA Today reported. Brief by ERIC FARRELL






Shooting suspect jumps off bridge, falls 10 stories BRIAN DAY Daily Titan

A man and woman shot and carjacked a man in Anaheim late Monday before leading police on a wild chase that ended with a crash and a death-defying leap off a 100-foot bridge late Monday, authorities said. The shooting victim was hospitalized in critical condition following the carjacking and shooting, which took place just after 10 p.m. behind a Target store in the 8100 block of East Santa Ana Canyon Road, Anaheim police Sgt. Bob Dunn said. Officers responded to the Target store after the wounded man reported that he had been shot by some acquaintances, who also stole his car, Dunn said. Police found the man suffering from a gunshot wound to his upper body and alerted surrounding police agencies to the wanted car. Dunn said a Fullerton police officer spotted the ve-

hicle just before 11 p.m. at the 91 Freeway and East Street and was quickly joined by other Fullerton and Anaheim police officers. They tried to pull the vehicle over on the westbound 91 Freeway at Knott Avenue, but the woman driving refused to pull over, kicking off a chase. Shortly after passing the San Gabriel River (605) Freeway, “The driver lost control of the vehicle and they crashed into a concrete wall,” Dunn said. Both exited the car and continued fleeing on foot. “The male got out of the vehicle and jumped off a bridge into a wash about 100 feet down,” he said. Despite the 10-story fall, the man was expected to survive his injuries late Monday. The female suspect ran into a nearby neighborhood and was found hiding in a backyard with the help of a police dog, according to Dunn. She was being treated for apparently minor dog bite wounds. The identities of the two suspects were not available pending booking.

HATE: New stats break trend CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1


Paul Dimeo, an expert on the history of drug use in sports visiting from the University of Stirling in Scotland, discusses cases of high-profile doping, including Lance Armstrong’s recent fall from grace.

Drug use in sports explored

Expert outlines recent examples of athletes using enhancements to cheat LOREN MANNING Daily Titan

Fulbright scholar and leading expert in the history of drug use in sports, Paul Dimeo, visited Cal State Fullerton to discuss with students on elite athlete doping Tuesday. Paul Dimeo, who teaches sports policy at the University of Stirling in Scotland, addressed the recent Lance Armstrong scandal during his hour-long lecture that sparked participation from a crowd of about 20 students. Dimeo started his lecture off with a humorous remark and said that he hopes students would be able to understand his Scottish accent. He then delved into his speech with a short and simplified explanation of the drugs used in doping as well as the general concepts behind anti-doping, including the idea of “spirit of sport,” which he playfully joked American football lacked. Throughout the lecture, Dimeo sparked participation within the room as he outlined three different doping cases regarding the olympics throughout the years, starting with one case in the ‘80s. Each individual case questioned the students on how they would each handle the situation. He then revealed the outcomes.

One case study in particular raised different opinions from the students. Dimeo described an athlete in 1988 who was questioned for doping after drinking ginseng tea, which was believed to contain pseudoephedrine, commonly used for making methamphetamine. Some students believed that the athlete should not be punished; others pondered over whether or not he was telling the entire truth. Dimeo explained that the athlete was given the benefit of the doubt and was let go, although later cases would prove to be quite different. Dimeo gave instances of athletes being let off the hook, more so in earlier years, and athletes who were completely banned from a sport altogether. He also gave details concerning the World Anti-Doping Agency and its impact on Olympic sports such as standardizing a list of banned substances. Towards the conclusion of his speech, Dimeo brought up the recent and much publicized Lance Armstrong scandal. For those students unfamiliar with the case, he gave a brief background explanation of Armstrong and the most current findings, including the fact that almost all of the 21 cyclists given spots on the winning podiums had been doping during the races. He asked students their thoughts on the matter, and whether or not they agreed with the way in which

allegations were made, as well as Armstrong’s punishment. Kinesiology major Fernando Andrade brought the other cyclists into the discussion concerning Armstrong’s wins and made an impression among the student attendees. “If 20 out of 21 tested positive for some sort of banned substance, then in my opinion, the guys were on a level playing field,” Andrade said. Dimeo seemed to have reached his overall goal with the fair amount of student participation throughout the lecture, which was for students to gain a better insight to the world of doping. “A lot of cases are much more ambiguous and complex and it’s not always easy to make decisions even if you have an idealistic principle,” Dimeo said. Tera Prancevic, also a kinesiology major, was satisfied with the lecture as well as its discussion on Armstrong. “I thought the speaker was very knowledgeable… and I liked how he brought up Lance Armstrong,” she said. Dimeo currently holds three World Anti-Doping Agency grants to fund his research on anti-doping, according to John Gleaves, Ph.D., assistant professor of kinesiology. He has also published an awardwinning book, A History of Drug Use in Sport: 1876-1976: Beyond Good and Evil.

PROP 30: ‘The stakes are high’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

The automatic cuts, which are built into the law to compensate for another budget cut, will raise tuition another $150 per student. The trigger cuts were put in place as buffers to keep universities and schools running at the minimum, with no faculty raises and continued pas in the educational system that Vosburgh claimed it was their own doing. “The fact is they put the trigger cuts there themselves, and they can undo them,” Vosburgh said. “There is no reason that they have to cut money for schools—either K-12 or higher education.” If the measure is approved by voters next week, student tuition will “roll back” to fall 2011 prices and reimburse students nearly $500 for the 9 percent tuition hike decided by the CSU Board of Trustees. Brown said it is unlikely that any groups disagree with the measure, as the consequences for not passing it would be detrimental to the public higher educational infrastructure that has seen tuition and fees rise more than 150 percent in the last five years. He sourly estimated that a total of 25 people oppose the bill, who he called “financiers who don’t want to pay” the relatively low tax increase.

“It’s a very unbalanced equation with a vast weight of authority on the ‘Yes’ side with a few obviously self-interested business guys who say, ‘Hell no, I don’t want to pay,’” said Brown. School officials are eager for the proposition to pass because college presidents earn over $400,000 a year and half the state budget is spent on education, Vosburgh said. The state has “already increased spending by 6 percent,” he said. Proposition 30 states, “we’ve been counting on spending this money we don’t have yet, and if you don’t give it to us we’re going to have to cut back.” Vosburgh contends that the state’s real progress should come in reforming how K-12 teachers are evaluated, an idea that union officials rally against. According to Vosburgh, Golden State citizens dish out more taxes a year than just about every other state and that they shouldn’t bear the burden of another tax uprush. “A lot of people are leaving California because it is so miserable to live here, and we’ve got to get the legislature to stop focusing on things like raises for (state employees),” Vosburgh said. However, Brown said taxes under former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

last year were twice as high as what they would be under a “rather modest income tax, and of course a sales tax.” Brown argued that Schwarzenegger’s tax policies were $14 billion more brutal than they are now, and that he simply wants to “recapture” some of it to fund the dire situation facing public education from kindergarten to college. He reminded reporters in a conference call that he had a less volatile solution for taxpayers last year that would have taxed the top earners less and still provided for education. But he said that every Republican in the state senate and assembly voted against him and resorted to cuts. The top 1 percent of filers in 1975 earned 10.5 percent of all income in the state, Brown said. Last year, he said, they earned 22.5 percent of the income, doubling the amount from 36 years earlier. “The stakes are high. If we don’t pass this thing, tuition is going to go up—no question about it. If we do pass it, not only will (we hold tuition down) but I think you’ll also get a rebate,” Brown said. Either way, voters have the opportunity to decide the fate of higher education in the state with the outcome of Proposition 30. Voting booths open Tuesday at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. statewide.

It was too early to say whether the statistical trend was continuing in 2012. Over the two decades in which the collection of hate crime data has been legally mandated, hate crimes peaked in Los Angeles County in 2001, with 1,031 reported incidents, according the LACCHR’s recently released report. Southern California’s observed increase in hate crimes contrasts with a small decrease in total hate crimes in 2011, as reported by the California Attorney General’s Office. Statewide, reported hate crimes dropped from 1,107 in 2010 to 1,060 in 2011, a decrease of 4.2 percent. “We don’t have any information that would suggest why that might be,” Wong said. “We think that there are normal fluctuations from year to year which we shouldn’t focus on too much.” Race, ethnicity or national origin-based hate crimes were up 13 percent, accounting for half of all reported hate crimes in Los Angeles County, the report found. Fifty-four percent of the hate crimes perpetrated based on race, ethnicity or national origin involved violence. Blacks were the most-victimized group, accounting for 60 percent of the race-related hate crimes. Hate crimes targeting blacks were up 24 percent, while those targeting Latinos declined by 34 percent, despite immigration at the southern border being a highly controversial political issue. Hate crimes motivated by sexual orientation in Los Angeles County also rose by 13 percent, comprising 25 percent of reported hate crimes, according to the LACCHR report. These crimes were the most likely to be violent, at 71 percent. The vast majority of the attacks, 84 percent, targeted gay men.

The biggest jump in hate crimes were based on religion, up 24 percent in 2011 to 94 incidents, compared with 76 in 2010. They comprised 18 percent of all hate crimes reported, and 77 percent were anti-Jewish. Twenty percent of religion-motivated hate crimes involved violence. A single anti-semitic serial vandal in the Santa Monica-area played a significant part in skewing the statistics, Wong said. Gang members are believed responsible for 12 percent of all hate crimes in Los Angeles County, up from 9 percent the previous year. “In the great majority of these cases, Latino gang members targeted black victims,” the LACCHR report noted. Hate crimes linked to white supremacists increased by 54 percent to 103 reported incidents, up from 67 the previous year. The majority of these crimes involve graffiti vandalism depicting swastikas or other hate symbols. White supremacists are believed responsible for 21 percent of the 2011 hate crimes, compared to 18 percent in 2010. In a written statement, LACCHR President Kathay Feng said the numbers regarding gang and white supremacist activity are alarming. “This means that potentially a full third of hate crimes are committed by ‘mission offenders’ who believe that they are part of a larger cause to terrorize entire communities,” she said. But Wong pointed out that while hate crimes tied to gangs and white supremacists grew significantly in 2011, they declined by similar margins in 2010. While Cal State Fullerton student Stevan Antimo, an undeclared freshman, said he was not especially alarmed by the statistics, they are still thought provoking. “What could have caused it? It just makes you think,” he said.

PROP 36: Panel weighs possibilities CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

But CSUF criminal justice lecturer and Orange County prosecutor Gary LoGalbo said that such cases are few, and that Proposition 36 would take important discretion away from judges charged with protecting society from dangerous criminals. While there exists several examples of judges sentencing convicts to 25year to life sentences for seemingly minor crimes as third-strike offenders, “In my experience, they don’t,” said LoGalbo. Only 8 percent of those charges as third strike offenders end up being convicted and sentenced as such, due to the discretion of judges and prosecutors who are already “finding the appropriate balance,” he said. And when dealing with the 3,600 third-strike offenders already sentenced to potential life terms for nonviolent or non-serious felonies under current three strikes legislation, “You can’t look at it in a vacuum,” LoGalbo said. “You have to see what was their prior criminal history.” It’s not just the offense that triggered the third strike that is being punished, he added. “What we’re punishing with this law is the recidivism of a person that doesn’t reform.” Kevin Meehan, Ph.D., associate professor of criminal justice, said he supports the idea behind California’s three strikes law and voted for it in 1994, but the current legislation needs modifying to better serve the public good. The three strikes law was enacted to lock up society’s worst offenders, “(But) we throw this huge net to include all felonies,” said Meehan. As it stands, he argued that California’s three strikes law works against “proportionality” in the just system—the notion that “the sentence should fit the crime.” Criminal justice professor George Dery, Ph.D., agreed with the other


Criminal justice lecturer Gary LoGalbo (left) discusses Proposition 36 revisions Tuesday in the Titan Student Union.

pro-Proposition 36 panelists that Proposition 36, as we see it today, is harsher than what was intended by the voters. “It was, in a sense, a Draconian law,” he said. Meehan cited the large number of third strike convicts serving time in California prisons as evidence the law goes too far. Of the 120,00 or so inmates expected to make up California’s prison population in 2013, about a third of them will be serving sentences under second or third strike convictions. Proposition 36 is expected to save the state as much as hundreds of millions of dollars in prison costs. With the current economic climate, “You want to consider this from a financial standpoint,” Meehan said. LoGalbo said he was not convinced the monetary savings associated with the proposition would be as significant as proponents have claimed. “Financially, I’m not sure how big the impact will be, with the numbers (of affected individuals) so small,” he said. And the issue to be considered regarding this proposition is public safety, LoGalbo said. “Who wants to

tell a victim, ‘Sorry, you had to (be victimized) before we could take him off the street?’” Fiber-Ostrow countered that Proposition 36 would not result in the automatic release of anyone previously sentenced as a third striker, but rather make them eligible to seek a hearing with a judge to ask for a reduced sentence. “It doesn’t mean we’re going to open the floodgates and let them all out,” she said. “There would still be a judicial process.” Regardless of political leanings, panelists on both sides said voters should educate themselves on the issue and make an informed decision on election day. After thanking the panelists for their participation in the event, Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society and Criminal Justice Student Association president Jacob Gomez asked the audience to give the issue serious thought before heading out to vote. “Please take everything they say seriously, and take it to the polls,” he said. Tuesday’s panel was sponsored by the Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society and the Criminal Justice Society.





Measure X will allow safe use of fireworks in Fullerton The dangers are limited and people deserve some fun during Independence Day

OCTOBER 31, 2012




Should energy drinks be regulated for health risks?


The Fourth of July brings one word to the minds of those who look forward to celebrating it: fireworks. However, for those in Fullerton, fireworks haven’t been an option since 1990. That should change next week. The Measure X ballot question would allow fireworks to be sold and purchased by Fullerton residents between the dates of June 28 and July 6. All that remains between residents and the legalization of the fireworks is a simple majority vote. For those who are stressing over the possibility of seeing M-80s being exploded next to their houses, or skyrockets being launched above their bedrooms, they can sit back and relax. Measure X claims that only fireworks deemed “safe and sane” will be on the market. Safe and sane is defined by the state fire marshall as those that don’t explode or launch projectiles. That includes those noisy and annoying things that are already set off by residents throughout the city, with or without the ban. Fullerton has not seen fireworks in its city in 22 years. That’s a decent amount of time for fireworks to evolve and become safer. Even when they were legalized, damage and injuries were minimal. The American Pyrotechnics Association compiled federal data estimating the number of injuries due to fireworks dating back from 1976. As of 2010 the number of injuries dropped 91 percent per 100,000 pounds of fireworks sold. In 2011, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, four deaths were firework relat-


Fireworks have been illegal in Fullerton since 1990, even though they are often set off every year by celebrators during the Fourth of July.

ed. However, illegal fireworks caused three of those deaths, and the other death was due to a homemade device. So in other words, don’t be stupid and you won’t be hurt. Banning fireworks in cities doesn’t prevent them, either, nor does it prevent the injuries that come along with them. Take a parking spot in any city in Orange County on the Fourth of July and count how many fireworks, both “safe” and illegal, are set off within a couple of minutes. Rather than banning fireworks all together, Fullerton and other cities with the same rules in effect need to focus on enforcing punishment for the illegal fireworks that are snuck in through borders and are sold under tables. In other words, quit worrying about the petty sparklers that might burn a couple hairs off a hand and start looking for the massive explosives that could seriously injure someone. As for financials, many benefits parallel the legalization of safe and

sane fireworks. In a Fullertonian article a local football coach explained that selling fireworks would help organizations like his raise money for certain programs such as sports and educational scholarships. “This goes back to freedom and the Fourth of July. This is America. Why is our city acting like our parent and telling us what we can do on our driveway?” Fullerton Council Member Travis Kiger recently said in the same story. The Fourth of July is a celebration of freedom for all Americans. However, It’s quite ironic that some citizens don’t have that same freedom to celebrate the holiday however they choose. So, Fullerton, pass Measure X, because chances are the rebels who are going to be setting off the illegal fireworks will be setting them off no matter what law stands in their way. Bring the “good ole’ days” back by celebrating America’s independence with Piccolo Petes and sparklers. Let the police handle the nuisances.

Photo Illustration by ROBERT HUSKEY / Daily Titan

Energy drinks have fallen under criticism for their heavy use of stimulants such as caffeine.

It’s the FDA’s job to regulate stimulants like caffeine in our food PRO: ERIC FARRELL Monster Energy. Rockstar. Full Throttle. NOS. These are just some of the tantalizing, flashy names given to energy drinks that are readily available for anyone to purchase in our country. The drinks, which have become ubiquitous with the younger generation, have popped up sporadically over the years in the news. Less than two weeks ago, Monster Energy was cited in five deaths that the Food and Drug Administration is currently investigating. A 14-year-old girl died after drinking two 24-ounce Monster energy drinks in 24 hours. The cause of death, according to an article by the Associated Press, was ruled to be “cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity.” Energy drink companies have all of a sudden faced heavy scrutiny for the large levels of caffeine in their drinks—and rightfully so. Yet motions to regulate drinks have thus far not passed. The FDA can only regulate food and drinks, and energy drinks are classified as “nutritional supplements.” “We have no guidance or regulations that govern the formulation of energy drinks,” said FDA spokeswoman Susan Cruzan in an email to USA Today. “Under current law, the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its products are safe and such products do not require FDA premarket review or approval.” The FDA needs to reclassify energy drinks so they can impose caffeine limits and curb health effects stemming from over consumption. “Double Strength—Double Size,” the packaging on your typical Rockstar energy drink reads. That double strength equates to 80 milligrams of caffeine per serving, or 160 milligrams per 16-ounce can. That’s not necessarily that much caffeine, though. A Q-and-A published by the Washington Post noted that a standard cup of brewed coffee has anywhere between 90 to 200 milligrams of caffeine. But the 24-ounce Monster energy drink that the 14-year-old girl consumed contains 240 milligrams of caffeine. That still might not seem like a lot, but the added cocktail of ginseng, taurine and guarana—other stimulants in addition to caffeine—present a potential-

ly dangerous situation, especially when multiple large cans of this drink are consumed. Caffeine is classified as a stimulant—a type of drug. What are some other stimulants? Try nicotine—the addictive substance found in cigarettes. Try various illicit amphetamines like cocaine, meth and ecstasy. Try Ritalin—used to curb the effects of ADHD, but recognized as a Schedule II controlled substance by the U.S. No, caffeine is not as bad as cocaine, but the similarities are that both these drugs are designed to stimulate the body in a variety of ways. All of the above are regulated and designated as controlled substances, which makes it even more shocking how caffeine goes unregulated in energy drinks. According to an article published last year by The Gazette, Canada officially began classifying energy drinks in their country as food, and limiting energy drinks to 160 milligrams of caffeine in the process. That means the mammoth 24-ounce energy drinks can’t be sold in Canada. It’s time the FDA does the same for our country. A 2011 report by the Drug Abuse Warning Network showed that in 2008 and 2009, there were 29,167 emergency room visits as a result of energy drinks. About half of those trips were made as a result of mixing energy drinks with alcohol or other drugs—and the rest were solely from overconsumption of energy drinks. Overconsumption is a key word, and some might blame the individual for possible negligence. Yet a recent article published by WebMD Health News reported that of 27 energy drinks tested, 11 didn’t list the amount of caffeine on the label at all while five products had 20 percent more caffeine than advertised. The discrepancies are a telltale sign of what the FDA is doing wrong: classifying these clearly potent drinks as nutritional supplements that get considerably less regulation than food and drinks. Yet someone of any age can waltz into a 7-Eleven and purchase a few 24-ounce cans of Monster energy. This isn’t a matter of scrutinizing the energy drink companies. Nor is a matter of pointing fingers at parents or individuals for their habits. All eyes should be on the FDA.

Energy drinks are completely safe if consumed in moderation CON: IRMA WONG Energy drinks have become ubiquitous in today’s culture. With people constantly in a hurry and sleeping less— especially college students—the need for more energy has become a giant industry. One of the most popular styles of energy beverage besides coffee is in the form of canned soft drinks such as Monster, Rockstar and the like. It is not uncommon to see people pick up these caffeinated beverages on the way to work or school. After all, these drinks aim to provide a boost of energy to those who need it. In recent news, however, energy drinks have become somewhat of a hot topic because of the dangers they might pose. As opposed to pointing out the benefits they might provide some have chosen to look to demonize these products, making energy drinks the latest victims of what I like to call the “sue-happy” trend. It seems to be that every couple of years a case surfaces where some individuals pin the blame on businesses. The New York Times reported just last week that the mother of a now deceased 14-year-old girl is blaming the death of her daughter on the Monster Beverage company and filing a lawsuit against them. According to the article, “The lawsuit charges that Monster failed to warn about the risks of its energy drinks.” Although I am sympathetic towards the mother for the loss of her child, I cannot agree that energy drink companies such as Monster do not provide information on the risk of their products. Energy drink companies label their products with information that show its levels of caffeine, sugar and calories. Monster cans, in particular, even include a warning label that state more than three should not be consumed daily and that they are not recommended for children, pregnant women or those sensitive to caffeine. Therefore, the regulation of such products should not be necessary since companies are providing more than enough information about the beverage and make evident the fact that these products should be consumed in moderation. In fact, when consumed in moderation, energy drinks CONTACT US AT DTOPINION@GMAIL.COM

can actually help an individual in many ways. Apart from boosting energy and moods, the caffeine in the beverages can “stimulate the central nervous system, alleviating fatigue, increasing wakefulness, and improving concentration and focus,” according to The health website also states that adults can intake approximately 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day. A 16 ounce can of Monster falls under this recommendation, having 160 milligrams of caffeine. Also, energy drinks contain anti-oxidants like acai berries and ginseng, which can prevent the body from damaging effects. Other ingredients like ginkgo extracts, taurine and guarana provide supplements to enhance healthy living, which makes the argument that energy drinks contain no nutritional value invalid. Energy drink companies even take into consideration those looking to watch their weight by sugar-free and lowcalorie versions available to their customers. The fact that some are blaming energy drink companies for health complications, and now death, reminds me of when lawsuits blaming McDonald’s for making people overweight were highly covered in the media a couple years back. It also brought back to mind a case from 2009 where a man sued the cereal-maker Kellogg’s because he claimed he did not know Froot Loops were not made with real fruit and that he would not have purchased it if he did. Cases like these make me wonder when people will stop suing companies for things they should already know. Regulations for edible and drinkable products like energy beverages should not be put in place just because some individuals cannot consume them in moderation. The ugly truth is that if people do not know what products like energy drinks have in them, then they simply should not buy them. For those who say they don’t know the the information on something the solution is very simple; Google it! It is not hard to find information nowadays since everything can be found online.





BOOK: The touring man’s bible THE ROAD MOST TRAVELLED


Courtesy of Ana Kefr

The band released their first album in 2009 and their latest album, The Burial Tree, in 2011. Their muse includes world religions and philosophy.

Ana Kefr band is beckoned to Becker

The five piece band was formed in 2008 through family, friends and Craigslist ALICIA PEREZ For the Daily Titan

Ana Kefr is a band whose music can be described as enlightening, with often fast-paced compositions of philosophical lyrics, raging guitars and screams alternating with hauntingly melodic vocals. Lead vocalist Rhiis Lopez and rhythm guitarist Kyle Coughran founded Ana Kefr in 2008. Lopez, who was then living in Egypt, met Coughran while visiting his brother in the United States. At the time, Coughran was in a band with Lopez’s brother but he and Lopez worked together so well that Lopez decided to stay in the U.S. to focus on music. “It’s like he’s my long lost musical soulmate,” said Lopez about Coughran. The rest of Ana Kefr’s current lineup came together through a mix of chance and Craigslist. During his audition, Lopez and Coughran recognized the current lead guitarist, Brendan Moore, as someone they had previously played a show with. Drummer Shane Dawson was brought into the band by Moore and bassist Alphonso Jimenez was found through Craigslist. Ana Kefr released their first album, Volume I, in 2009 and their latest album, The Burial Tree, in 2011. Lopez said most people label Ana Kefr as progressive death metal, but he feels genres are limiting. “Part of the problem with the whole genre thing is that words never totally capture the essence of anything,” Lopez said. When it comes to songwriting, Lopez said the process begins with music. He and Coughran write the music and then other members put their own spin on it, creating what Lopez calls a “clusterf*** of ideas.” After the music is written, Lopez sits down to write the lyrics. He calls The Burial Tree a buried bookworm kind of album that was inspired by both old and new literature. Much of Lopez’s muse comes from reading; especially about world religions, philosophy, mythology and psychology. Echoing Lopez’s philosophical interests and his beginnings in Egypt, Ana Kefr means “I am infidel” in Arabic. Lopez said the central theme of The Burial Tree is the path to enlightenment. If ignorance is bliss, Lopez said, that implies that enlightenment is pain and sorrow. He finds it an interesting statement that happiness and fulfillment is to be completely ignorant. “We think about enlightenment as this light and beautiful process,

but what if it’s actually very painful? Because the truth isn’t always very pleasant,” Lopez said. Ana Kefr has been involved with secular and atheist organizations including the Orange County Freethought Alliance. During a tour in Mississippi, one of Ana Kefr’s shows was cancelled by a venue due to their secular affiliations. This didn’t discourage the band, who found it more funny than frustrating. Lopez said this occurrence was the biggest manifestation of a negative reaction to their music. In writing The Burial Tree, Lopez realized that not everything is about politics or religion and it doesn’t need to be. Lopez said he’s ready to move on from The Burial Tree to some-

“Part of the problem with the whole genre thing is that words never totally capture the essence of anything.” RHIIS LOPEZ Lead vocalist thing new and fresh. “People think what they think, and whether you scream at them or not, it’s not really going to change their minds,” Lopez said. Despite the critics, Ana Kefr has acquired some very dedicated fans. While filming a promo video in an abandoned shack, Ana Kefr made a spoof video of MTV Cribs in which Moore used lint rollers on his leather jacket. Later, at a North Carolina venue, Ana Kefr was greeted by a fan armed with lint rollers for them to autograph. Lopez said Ana Kefr’s success as a band hasn’t changed them at all. While they’ve had major labels approach them for contracts, Ana Kefr is cautious because of the pressure to become commercialized. “Sometimes you have to choose: Do you want to sign away your right to be yourself and be successful? Or do you want to stay true to yourself and possibly not make a lot of money?” Lopez said. While the opportunity to sign with major labels is a big one, Ana Kefr just wants to stay real. “In the end it’s worth it. Because if you love music, then nothing else compares. And that’s the way it is for us,” Lopez said. Ana Kefr will be performing today at the Becker Amphitheater from noon to 1 p.m.

It seems that too often, the fans, skeptics and dreamers that make up society believe in the fantastic and unbelievable stories of excess that have come to be associated with the touring musician. Somewhere between the ‘70s and ‘80s a notion was born: the idea that the life of the touring musician consists of countless parties and binges that include alcohol, women and drugs in the most outlandish forms. Chuck Ragan’s new book, The Road Most Travelled, paints a very different picture for readers. Ragan began his life on the road at a young age. In the early ‘90s his path on “the road” continued with his long-running punk rock band, Hot Water Music, later as a folk artist and eventually with his multi-artist touring ensemble, The Revival Tour. The Road Most Travelled talks about the struggles, sacrifices and pitfalls that touring musicians face. Each chapter, with a unique voice and a different person’s story, only reinforces the dedication needed to live a healthy and happy

life while on the road. The book in its own way can be thought of as the touring man’s bible. Although the forward of the book is the only portion that Ragan wrote, each short chapter that follows comes from someone else who has lived or continues to live his or her life on the road. “Travelers who thrive on a path of sensory overload will find an abundant supply of knowledge and wisdom from marvels found and faults defined—as long as they keep their eyes and ears open. Every one of these lives has a story, and every one of those stories has an origin and a reason. And every now and again, someone may be willing to share their story of the joy and tragedy of the road most traveled,” wrote Ragan. The various tales of disaster, stories of experience and the tips for safe journeys that follow Ragan’s forward range from thoughtful and touching to humorous and slightly disgusting. The reader can laugh along with one story while being shocked by the near death experiences of another. Be it another musician, tour manager or bus driver, each story gives insight into the life that exists behind the curtain. The life that moves like a caravan, from one venue to the next, be it by plane, train or bus. These men and women who live

this life do so at a pace that would wear most people out. These stories are about the reality of a traveller’s life. These insights can be seen not only as words of wisdom for those travelling “the road,” but for life. The constant themes of friendship, courtesy and respect that resonate throughout are a complete contradiction to the “girls, girls, girls” lifestyle that many still associate with musicians and entertainers. The various contributors to the book include Frank Turner, Brian Fallon (Gaslight Anthem), Al Barr (Dropkick Murphys) and Brent Harding (Social Distortion) among many others. Another co-author is Goldy, drummer for the band Yellow Red Sparks. With 16 years of experience on the road, he is a veteran of the trade who shares some knowledge about what it takes to survive not only on the road, but also as someone dedicated to his or her craft. “Usually the people that last in this crazy world are the ones who have a good head on their shoulders and stay motivated and passionate about what they’re doing,” wrote Goldy. But musicians like Goldy were not the only contributors. Sylvia Hahn is a booking agent in Berlin, and has 13 years of experience with musicians on the road. Although she works on the oth-

er side of the wall, so to speak, she knows what it takes to successfully balance the needs and wants between promoters and entertainers. “Some of the most important things, though, are just simple rules most people stick to in everyday life, anyway: Be honest, reasonable, respectful and friendly,” wrote Hahn. But don’t take this book, the stories in it, and the words of wisdom and travel advice from these road warriors to mean that they know it all. The book is also full of the knowledge that they are lucky and grateful to be doing something they love so much for a living. Whether readers think the book is a survival guide depends on the person’s outlook. It can easily serve as a reminder that all dreams, however large, can only be achieved through hard work, sacrifice and constant effort. Ragan, along with many others, continues down the hard and windy road. His grandfather asked him when he was a young boy if he loved playing the guitar, he replied that he did. The advice that followed is still something that he carries with him today. “Well, you’re a damn fool if you ever put it down, and don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

Zoé rips at Santa Ana The alternative band played at the Observatory in Orange County on Oct. 21 with the rock group Fobia ANDIE AYALA Daily Titan

Santa Ana had a stronger gush than the Santa Ana winds blow into its parameters on Oct. 21. Alternative band Zoé, known for its psychedelic melodies and trance-like rhythms, graced the city with a performance at the Observatory in Santa Ana. Zoé is native to Mexico City, Mexico, a region known for its rich music scene. The band, which formed in the mid 1990s, now has a Latin Grammy under its belt as well as a considerable amount of fame far beyond the reaches of the United States’ southern border. In an age where most young people never even step foot inside a record store anymore, concerts have become vital for the survival of most bands. Chau Ho, 18, a business major, said she plans on continuing to attend concerts because of the engagement with the audience it offers performers. Fellow Mexico City band Fobia, which formed in the early 1990s, opened for Zoé. Fobia kicked the show off with their hit, “La busqueda de algo mejor.” Fobia’s sound gathers from the thick melodies of the ‘80s with a twist. Hard guitar sounds as well as high-pitched vocals are reminiscent of the bands The Clash or the The Cure. Fobia firmly holds a title as one of Latin America’s first and biggest names in the rock scene and has a considerable following among music lovers in Latin America. Zoé grabs inspiration from the likes of Led Zeppelin and Radiohead, and their sound is a great example of the bold sounds recently emerging from the Latin Indie scene. Most describe their sound as pop mixed with hard rock. “I love their sound because it creates a new level of music that other bands never reach. The music is real and you can feel the beat in every aspect of your life,” said Angelica Ruiz, 20, a women and gender studies major. Since Zoé has received little U.S. recognition, visits to the states are rare. Their current tour bears only a handful of concerts within the borders and consists mostly in cities dense in Latin culture. Perhaps the U.S. tour will help spread the band’s name to non-Spanish speakers.

Fan favorites 1. “Soñe” 2. “Labios Rotos” 3. “Luna” 4. “Nada” 5. “Sombras”

WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan TOP: The alternative Mexican rock band has a modern sound with some prominent British influences like The Clash and The Cure. They often sing in Spanish, English or a variation of both. Many of their lyrics convey emotion, honesty and a certain level of sophistication. BOTTOM: The band formed in 1994. The line up changes led to various memebers until the group was locked down in 1997 with León Larregui (vocals and guitar), Sergio Acosta (guitar), Rodrigo Guardiola (drums), Ángel Mosqueda (bass) and Chucho Báez (keyboards).






Falling for the trend report Three fashionable styles that will be seen this fall include the 90s grunge look, classic prep and baroque


While the preppy trend falls short of being unexpected, this classic fall look never fails to outdo itself each year. The fall 2012 prep charm look calls for hints of bold patterns and much needed layering. This schoolgirl trend includes classic, timeless pieces such as pleated skirts, long socks, blazers, button ups, and loafers. Brands like Tommy Hilfiger and J. Crew have mastered this signature style from the trend’s evolution to what it is today. Celebrity style icon Alexa Chung has been noted to influence this transformation of prep charm using dysfunctional collars and patterns and pairing it with simple, classic pieces. The picture to the left illustrates a classic and clean traditional preppy look. Take a vintage varsity knit sweater and layer it on top of a solid, collared long-sleeve button up. Adding a neutral-colored leather backpack helps achieve a sophisticated collegiate essence. To spice up this conservative look, the key is to add hints of color. The leopard-patterned loafers serve as the statement piece for the outfit, giving it the modern spin on classy prep charm.



‘90s GRUNGE The ‘90s called, they want their closet back. The grunge look includes denim jackets, long maxi dresses, dark lipstick, un-styled hair and an ex-boyfriend’s band tee. Nineties grunge “anti-fashion” has inspired today’s generation of rebels and style gawkers. This laid-back look introduced a simple look that oozed sex appeal, as seen on Cindy Crawford’s ‘90s Pepsi campaign, where she wore a fitted white tank top and stonewashed high-waist jeans. Flashback to the early years of Beverly Hills 90210 or the 1995 teen drama Clueless to get a better idea of this revived trend. The 2012 version of the ‘90s grunge look offers a kick of glam and femininity. Designers like Alexander McQueen have taken their own spin on grunge in their own collections, reviving plaid prints, florals, denims and dark colors to evoke this androgynous trend. Unlike the baroque trend, which tends to be costly, grunge-clothing pieces can be found at thrift stores, parents’ closets and even in our own closets. The trick to putting together a ‘90s grunge inspired outfit is knowing how to style such pieces. Take a plaid printed garment and pair it with a distressed or worn out T-shirt, such as the example above. The studded backpack gives the outfit a modern, personalized touch. The hardware on the cutout boots masculinizes the attire while giving it a girly flare. Easily enough, this trend is affordable and requires little effort. Photo illustrations by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA

Baroque: a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from the early 17th to mid-18th century. This old-age art style is better perceived as extravagant, complex and bizarre, or reminiscent of the Shakespearean era. Baroque pieces consist of heavy fabrics, intricate details and elaborate brocade. This print is interpreted on Kanye West’s H&M clothing line, in Dolce and Gabbana fall 2012 runways, and in vintage Versace pieces. This highly decorative trend is popping up everywhere and inspiring daring looks, such as mixing prints and highlighting bold staple pieces. However, this baroque trend can get “costumey.” Putting together a baroque-inspired look can be tricky. If you’re not afraid to stand out from the crowd, this elegant, sophisticated look will make heads turn. Pull off this look with a statement baroque piece, such as the dress shown in the illustration, and pair it with wardrobe essentials such as black stockings. Baroque styles are best complemented with other thick fabrics like velvet (the purse) and tapestry (the shoes).

KRISTEN HAACK / For the Daily Titan

Keeping with the Dia de las Muertos theme, the elements included painted sugar skulls by artist Dany Hernandez that ranged in size.

HALLOWEEN: Pumpkin artist carves candidates CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Other works of art at the event were the Dia de las Muertos portraits and altars in memory of those who have passed. The altars showcased at the event were nothing shy of spectacular. From collages to caskets with roses on top, to framed Bible verses and prayers, the attention to detail on these memorials was obvious. Each of them were uniquely decorated, possibly to honor the personalities of the late individuals so near and dear to their hearts. While adults admired these altars, kids trick-or-treated at the altars that offered candy. The attraction added an eerie, but fun, factor to the Halloween event with the Hearse Show. The classic and restored hearses, funeral cars and ambulances were decked out for the spooky holiday. “Each hearse is custom made. No two are the same. All of have personalities of their own,” said Joanna Howard, hearse owner. Owners of the hearses and ambulances are members of the Phantom Coaches Hearse Club. Even though the owners have a hearse club membership in common, Howard said they’ve all come from different walks of life and professions. Of course, driving around in a car like this is sure to get some in-

teresting reactions. Donna Culwell, ambulance hearse owner, said people laugh all the time, take pictures and post videos on YouTube of her hearse. “To me it’s just my car that I have fun with and that I love,” said Culwell. “I never knew it would get the reaction it does. If they love it, then I like that.” The pumpkin carving booth added a comical and lighthearted presentation to the event. Pumpkin artist Doug Goodreau presented his two presidential candidate pumpkins Obama and Romney. The booth attracted a lot of hype and guests could vote for their favorite one. Goodreau said he’s been working with pumpkins for a long time, building both his expertise in pumpkin carving as well as his pumpkin design gallery. “I’ve done pumpkin carving all my life,” said Goodreau. “Professionally about 15 years.” The Trick or Treat Festival and Hearse Show was certainly a spooktacular event that captured the spirit of Halloween and the Day of the Dead. Diverse groups of people came together to surround themselves in a Halloween themed atmosphere and were not disappointed. Be sure not to miss next year’s Trick or Treat Festival and Hearse Show, guaranteed to send chills down your spine.

Top frightening foreign films GARRETT YIM Daily Titan

With Hollywood’s latest seasonal films being dry of ideas yet again, Halloween has little to offer aside from what has already been expected: sequels. So unless new titles such as Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes (a story about a Bigfoot hunter who claims to possess the body of a dead Sasquatch) has you unsettled, here are five horror films that have held up their shelf life.

MARTYRS Considered to be a part of the New French Extremity movement, Martyrs has been regarded as overtly violent, seemingly sexist, yet also thoughtful in religious and philosophical dissection. An orphan named Anna, through her abused childhood friend Lucie, discovers a secret society dedicated to torturing young women as a means to discover the essence of human euphoria. The film burns deep with its reliance of meditating on subtle details and creating an ambiance that is realistic. The violence is both psychological and direct, yet never unnecessary. The journey and conclusion of Martyrs is one that garners sympathy from the viewer; questioning us beyond the confinements of our mentality and pleasure in this world. With America setting its eyes on a remake, Martyrs is something

that must be seen before being wrapped up in a neat little Hollywood package.

SUICIDE CIRCLE The beginning of Suicide Circle holds one of the most iconic horror film scenes in history: 54 schoolgirls committing a mass suicide by jumping in front of an incoming Tokyo train. The plot seems simple at first. Detective Kuroda asks, “Why?” However, an epidemic of suicides begins to take place beyond just impressionable high school students. The plot is further complicated when factoring in a man named Genesis. He claims to be the Charlie Manson of the Information Age and an underage pop group (named Dessert) who forces subliminal messages through their music. Suicide Circle, despite holding such poetic skepticism toward westernized Japan, is perhaps his most accessible film that deals with stylized Japanese pop culture involving schoolgirls, J-Pop and sensationalized violence.

AUDITION Audition has been mostly labeled as surreal and highly sadistic, and is a staple for many fans of Japanese horror. It is based on a novel by Ryu Murakami, a Japanese author who is highly regarded for his sexually stylistic tales. It was only right for the equally prolific director Ta-


kashi Miike to take on the story. The character depth is utterly human and completely tragic. Audition reinforces that, despite our insecurities and jealousy, all we want in life is acceptance. The plot revolves around a widower named Shigeharu, who enlists in a friend of his in the film industry to hold a fake audition to find a partner for himself. It works, but the girl has a deeply hidden past and her lust for acceptance is obsessive. Audition has a considerable amount of depth to it despite the last 10 minutes being surprisingly gruesome in a way that is best kept secret. The ending is simultaneously saddening and depicts a certain realism that goes beyond most unsympathetic horror films.

A TALE OF TWO SISTERS Staying true to its name, The Uninvited was an American remake of the film in 2009 that was truly that. Another attempt at banking off of foreign cinema which completely disregarded any sense of the cultural implications of the original. A Tale of Two Sisters was based off of a Joseon-era (1392-1897) Korean folk tale named “The Story of Janghwa and Hongryeon.” It’s a piece that has been adapted to film several times in Korean cinema. This surreal film revolves around a blurred sense of present

Courtesy of MCT LEFT: A Serbian Film includes themes such as necrophilia and other forms of sexualized violence. RIGHT: Suicide Circle holds an iconic horror film scene where 54 schoolgirls commit a mass suicide.

time depicting a psychologically disturbed young girl named Bae Su-mi and her sister, Bae Su-yeon, who is the subject of abuse toward their new stepmother. The siblings are plagued by a ghost while Bae Su-mi attempts to convince her father to help them. This adaptation is truly definitive of ambiance and psychological horror. From the isolation of the backyard lake struggling to look onward, to even the common horror tropes such as the transparent human figure hiding amongst the cracks of the house, A Tale of Two Sisters is jarringly slow, emotionally devastating, and frighteningly claustrophobic.

A SERBIAN FILM A Serbian Film is not entertainment. It is not to be enjoyed. Watch it once because you are curious, watch it twice and there is something wrong with you. The film is about a semi-retired porn star named Milos whose life is not going well. Milos comes into contact with a former co-star who offers him a role in an “art film,” which turns out to be a snuff film. Themes such as necrophilia and other forms of sexualized violence are graphically depicted throughout. Widely banned for reasons such

as violating criminal law or threatening sexual freedom, the film has seen little justification. Director Srđan Spasojević has defended its politically charged message. According to the Wall Street Journal, Spasojević said it is about “the monolithic power of leaders who hypnotize you to do things you don’t want to do.” During the interview Spasojević claimed that the violence through film is needed to understand the relevancy of violence in real life. A Serbian Film stands as a sort of testament to the disturbed and primitive nature of the human psyche. The impact this film will have you on will permanently scar you.


October 31, 2012



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Aries (Mar. 21-April 19) You’ll learn quickly for the next few days. Complications and changes could arise, so revise plans. Study the angles. Don’t share with friends yet, and avoid gossip at all costs. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Cover all the bases, and tap another source of revenue. It’s not all about fun and games now, but you can still enjoy yourself. Choose an empowering interpretation. Gemini (May 21-June 20) You’re getting more sensitive and stronger. Postpone travel and daydreaming, and jump into action instead. It will require willpower, and you have it. Cultivate inner peace.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) No more procrastination for the next few days ... put it off for the weekend. It’s emotion versus reason now, and both count. Watch out for hidden dangers. Create love and peace. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Associates deliver data now. The answer will surprise you. Be polite, and don’t say everything that’s on your mind, unless you welcome controversy. Sometimes peace and quiet work best. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Others wonder if you’re ready for more responsibility. Show them that you are. Lead by example. Keep an open mind; you need what you’re learning to do the job well. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Working your agenda with care is good but there’s only so much planning you can do. Get into action. Don’t be afraid to hit the trail (or the slopes). Just do it. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Finances are more of an issue for the next two days. Make changes while saving money. Postpone family time slightly. Don’t believe everything ... imagination’s especially alluring.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Fantasy doesn’t quite match reality, at least for now. Make the best of it, even with unwanted conflict. Plug a financial leak, and it all works out. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Stand up to critics. Refocus on work today and tomorrow. But it’s not always about the money. Postpone a shopping trip. Observe the impact of your words. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Your loved ones encourage you to take on a new challenge. Silence is bliss now. Plan a special romantic evening. Love finds a way, and friends help you to see farther. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Discover the truth, and erase all doubt. Make household decisions for the next few days. Face your demons. Provide advice only when asked. Stick close to home.

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The Heat to repeat? NBA season preview

Player movement, stacked teams and pure athleticism make this season one to follow JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ Daily Titan

From coast to coast, the hardwood for 30 teams has been dusted off and polished. It’s time for NBA basketball again. The 2012-13 season is already looking to be a promising one with big name players being moved in the offseason, the league being as competitive as it is and the fact that there will be a full season instead of a shortened one like last year. The Miami Heat raised their banner and received their rings last night after capturing the 2011-12 NBA Championship. They will once again have a target on their back as defending champions. However, this is nothing new as they have been scrutinized since summer 2011 when LeBron James and Chris Bosh joined the team. James is undoubtedly the best player in the league and continues to evolve his game to new levels each year. Last year he developed his post-game offense and expect more of the same as there have been rumors that he has been working on his skyhook, a move made famous by all-time scoring leader Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. James adding the weapon of a virtually unblockable shot is a very scary thought as he’s already got the skill set to be considered one of the greatest ever. The Heat’s success does not solely reflect on James as they come into this season improved from last year. The biggest piece they added is 37-year-old sharpshooter Ray Allen who on any given night can hit several three-pointers especially considering the attention the Heat’s other superstars will be getting from opposing defenses. They also added 6 feet 10 inch forward Rashard Lewis who can hit the three and provide some much needed bench scoring. One of the scariest things about the Heat is they also have Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. James is such a fantastic player that it is often forgotten that they also have two of the best players in their respective positions. Wade has been considered to be the second best shooting guard of the past decade behind Kobe Bryant. Bosh was considered one of the best power forwards in the game prior to joining the Heat. With the wealth of talent and now the experience of winning a championship, the Heat are once again positioned to win it all. However, the team that the Heat defeated in last year’s finals have revenge on their mind. The Oklahoma City Thunder turned from the ‘team of the future’ to one of the premier teams of the league seemingly overnight. Powered by one of the best scorers in recent memory, forward Kevin Durant will undoubtedly use the pain of the loss to drive him and the Thunder team to more success this season. The reigning three-time scoring champion won’t be alone as he’s got point guard Russell Westbrook at his side. Westbrook is not only one of the most exciting players in the league, but combined with Durant they may be the best duo in the league. Aside from Durant and Westbrook, a measure of the Thunder’s success could depend on their continually improving power forward Serge Ibaka. Ibaka led the league last season in blocks en route to being named to the NBA All-Defensive First Team. The biggest weapon Ibaka added to his game last season is the mid-range jumper, a great tool to have for someone primarily seen as a defensive player. On Saturday, reigning Sixth Man of the Year James Harden was traded to the Houston Rockets due to financial reasons. This rather surprising news could change the trajectory of where the Thunder go from here. Harden was a spark off the bench and also ran the offense when Westbrook wasn’t in the game. Some would even argue that Harden is a better pure point guard than Westbrook himself.

Courtesy of MCT

Lakers stars Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant walk off the court after falling to the Oklahoma City Thunder in last season’s Western Conference semi-finals.

The Harden trade may pan out to be a good move by the organization in the long run, but short-term it could hurt the Thunder’s championship aspirations. The team that could benefit the most from this is the Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers arguably had the most successful offseason of any team as they nabbed future hall-offame point guard Steve Nash and the best center in the league Dwight Howard in off-season trades. Nash is the first great point guard the team has had since Magic Johnson in the early 1990s and his passing skills and basketball IQ will vastly improve the Lakers’ ball-movement. In addition, Nash’s skill set combined with exceptional near 7-footers in Howard and Pau Gasol will make for an exciting pick-and-roll. Howard has been the best center in the league for years now and only adds to the Lakers’ tradition of legendary big men. He is a defensive monster, winning three consecutive NBA Defensive Player of the Year awards from 2009-11. On paper, the Lakers should dominate the league, but they also have the most questions surrounding them including if Howard’s back is completely healed from the injury he suffered last season. They also didn’t win a single preseason game, which usually isn’t a good barometer for how the actual season is going to go but it showcased that they had holes as far as their depth goes. In addition, at age 34 will Kobe Bryant still be able to perform at the highest level like he has the past couple of years? Or maybe the biggest question is if Bryant will be able to pass the torch to Howard or share the team with him and Nash. Bryant is the wildcard in all of this because his competitiveness and/or selfishness could potentially spell doom for the team. The two dark horse teams that can vie for the title have consistently challenged the past couple years; the San Antonio Spurs and Boston Celtics. Both teams have older veteran players that continue to push their bodies to the limit in order to get another taste of championship glory. It’s because of this veteran leadership and the fact that they are led by two of the best coaches in the entire league that you can never count these two teams out. The Celtics have one of the best five point guards in the league in Rajon Rondo. Boston also boasts one of the deepest benches in the league. They recently added energy guard Leandro Barbosa, swingman Courtney Lee, rookie forward Jared Sullinger and center Fab Melo. Aside from veteran leadership, the often overlooked Spurs have promising young talent in Danny Green, Tiago Splitter and Kawhi Leonard. The fast-paced high-energy NBA game is finally on display and once again it seems to be another promising season in the association.

Titans look to gore Matadors CSUF Men’s soccer hope to extend three-game winning streak versus CSUN tonight ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team (7-10-1 overall, 3-4-1 in conference) will look to continue their strong play as they host Cal State Northridge Wednesday. The Titans have been playing stellar as of late, winning their last three games by scoring a total of nine goals. Their two most recent victories came against Big West rivals UC Riverside and UC Irvine. Against the Highlanders, senior midfielder Gerzon Blanco scored the “golden goal” to hand the Titans the 3-2 victory with just under two minutes remaining in the second overtime period at the UCR Soccer Stadium. First-half play was defined by hard playing defense, as both teams were unable to score and went into the half knotted at 0-0. In the 69th minute, however, senior defender Jameson Campbell was able to break the deadlock by way of a strike from the middle of

the box that found the right corner of the net for the 1-0 lead. After a goal by each team, CSUF was four minutes from victory thanks to sophomore midfielder Ian Ramos who scored a penalty kick in the 86th minute. With just seconds remaining in the game, UCR scored off a header that sent the game into overtime and led to Blanco’s aforementioned game-winner. Against the Anteaters, it was a case of deja-vu as Blanco netted the only goal of the game to seal it up for the Titans at home. Both teams played well defensively but it was Blanco’s positioning that made the difference against UCI. In the 83rd minute, Ramos sent a ball low into the box from the right corner that went Campbell’s legs and right to Blanco, who put it home into a wide open net. UCI played well against the Titans, outshooting them 15-10 and maintaining a good amount of the possession over the course of the game. Fortunately for CSUF, junior goalkeeper Bryan Escalante was up for the challenge, making six saves for his first career shutout. The Titans will have to keep up


their superb play if they look to bring down a formidable CSUN team (12-5, 6-2 Big West). The Matadors’ most recent loss came at the hands of CSUF in a 5-4 thriller at Titan Stadium. CSUN will look to exact revenge and will rely on sophomore forward Sagi Lev-Ari to keep on being their anchor offensively. In 17 games played, he leads the team in goals (16) and points (24). Sophomore forward Edwin Rivas and junior forward Beto Velasquez have also played well for CSUN. Rivas is second on the team with eight goals and 19 points, while Velasquez has seven goals and an assist thus far. Ramos and senior forward Jesse Escalante lead the Titans with 16 points apiece. Escalante has accumulated seven goals and two assist, while Ramos has six goals and four assists. Bryan Escalante, Jesse’s younger brother has played well in the goal as he has 44 saves and a .650 save percentage. The Titans play the Matadors at Titan Stadium tonight at 7:00 p.m. For more information on the men’s soccer team, visit


James is the best player in the league and they’ve actually improved the roster since they won the championship.

2. Boston Celtics

4. Brooklyn Nets

3. Indiana Pacers

5. Atlanta Hawks

You can never underestimate a team that knows how to win and has a coach that knows how to motivate his players. They exceeded all expectations last season by placing third in the standings, expect more of the same.

With a new home, look and lineup this Deron Williams’ led team will definitely turn some heads. The Hawks just seem to sneak their way into middle-of-the-pack standings and lets face it; the Eastern Conference is weak.


The starting lineup of Howard, Gasol, Metta World Peace, Bryant and Nash simply seems too good on paper.

2. Oklahoma City Thunder

4. Los Angeles Clippers

3. San Antonio Spurs

5. Memphis Grizzlies

The Harden trade moved this team a couple steps back this season but their young superstars will continue to lead the way. Gregg Popovich is the best coach in the league and the Spurs are one of the deepest teams in the league.

After a full-training camp and a deep roster of great team chemists, expect the Clippers to pick up right where they left off. The frontcourt of Rudy Gay, Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol has potential to be the best in the league.

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