The Daily Titan - Wed. Nov. 7, 2012

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THE DAILY TITAN The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 37




Courtesy of MCT

‘The best is yet to come’ RAYMOND MENDOZA & BRIAN DAY

Electoral Votes

Daily Titan


Chants of “Four more years” and “Obama” echoed throughout Dodger Stadium Tuesday night as democrats learned Barack Obama secured his second term as President of the United States. After more than a year of aggressive campaigning from both sides that boiled down to tight races in several key states, the president defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney by winning Ohio and several other battleground states. The enthusiastic crowd exploded into cheers at about 8:15 p.m. when it was announced to the stadium of Obama supporters that the president had obtained 274 electoral college votes, propelling him past the 270-vote majority needed to retain his position.


206 Romney


Too close to call


Locals weigh in

Too close to call

Romney outvoted

Whitaker, Fitzgerald and Kiger elected to City Council

Proposition 30, others still neck and neck

Swing states Ohio and Wisconsin go to Dems







CSUF cheers and jeers at watch parties

More than 100 students and professors attend campus election events JAZMIN SANCHEZ & IRMA WONG Daily Titan

Many Cal State Fullerton students and professors reacted well to the results of the 2012 presidential race between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney at election watch parties around campus Tuesday. Two viewing parties were hosted by the African American Resource Center and campus organizations Pi Alpha Alpha, Pi Sigma Alpha

and Young Americans for Liberty. Starting in the late evening, couches in the Titan Student Union Underground and second floor of the Humanities Building were filled with viewers attentively watching television sets and sharing opinions with one another. Pizza, beverages and other snacks were given away at the events that brought in more than 100 students. Emotions ran high among crowds expressing their overwhelming support for Obama. Many predicted Obama’s victory, or at least a very close race. “It’s likely Obama is going to win,” said associate political science professor Matthew Jarvis,

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Voters tough out Hurricane Sandy

Ph.D., “I thought it was going to be narrow but it looks like it might be a bit wider than I thought, not a big victory.” Students like Luke Smude, vice president of Pi Alpha Alpha, found that this election had a larger turnout with a much more diverse crowd of voters including many of a younger age. He said he hopes for there to be some progress for the country and democracy. CSUF’s Associated Students Inc. encouraged students to vote this election through use of cookouts and numerous campus events. ASI officials said they registered a total of 2,210 people since the start of the semester. As students waited for results to be broadcasted, they did homework and updated their social networking pages. Some professors gathered after their classes to await the outcome of the debate at the African American Resource Center. “I’ve never seen the results with a group of such politically engaged students. This is a big time change, ‘Change, Round 2,’” said Elsie Carrillo, a child and adolescent studies major. “I’m excited—we are ready for four more years.” Students expressed excitement over Obama’s win in Ohio, a state that was once up in the air on whether it would turn red or blue. “Ohio sealed the deal!” said Tolu Babalola, a political science major. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday, the nationwide popular vote was extremely close between both parties leaving Obama with about 50

SUE LAGARDE / Daily Titan TOP: Two students follow Obama and Romney’s election status via the Internet. BOTTOM: Students gather in the Titan Student Union Underground to hear the results of the 2012 presidential election.

percent of votes and Romney with about 49 percent. Obama was victorious in other swing states, such as Virginia, Nevada, Iowa and Colorado. Romney captured only one swing state: North Carolina. As results were announced many students cheered and expressed their excitement for Obama’s re-election. Chants of celebration were heard from surrounding areas bringing in more people that were curious to see what all the hype was about. Glory Armstrong, a kinesiology major, said, “I always knew that Obama was going to win. Now he has more time to do what he originally started. There’s a lot that is going to change for the better.”

Students listened attentively to Obama as he said to a crowd of supporters in Boston, “A decade of war is ending. A long campaign is now over. And whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you, and you have made me a better president.” Other students hope the president will do more with his agenda this term around, including handling national issues like healthcare and education. “Hopefully since he is on his last term he can really lay down the law and pull out some punches and help us out even better,” said Matthew Reed III, a radio-TV-film major. “It’s been really tedious on television. I’m just glad its over.”

1994 after voting in favor of a 2 percent utility tax the year before. More recently, Bankhead was recalled in the wake of the death of Kelly Thomas for “lack of leadership.” Bankhead won 2,892 votes, putting him in the seventh spot for a council chair. Whitaker, Kiger and Fitzgerald all support pension reform. Whitaker is the founder and former president of Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers, which has played a role in many past lawsuits. Fitzgerald promised to “work to ensure that Fullerton is not the next casualty of municipal bankruptcy.” In a similar vein, Kiger promised “to negotiate firmly against the public employee unions and bring fiscal sanity back to Fullerton.” Further, both Kiger and Fitzgerald address and support government transparency on their websites. “I believe government should make it easy for citizens to gather information, understand issues, and engage in the decision-making process,” Fitzgerald stated on her website. Other important issues to Fitzgerald include keeping Fullerton a safe city as well as voting yes on measures W and X on the Fullerton ballot. Measure W concerns a Development Agreement between the City Council and the Pacific Coast Homes for the West Coyote Hills. Backed by funding from Chevron, Pacific Coast Homes would develop

housing complexes on the land if Measure W passed. Yes on Measure W would uphold Ordinance No. 3169; No would repeal the Ordinance and repeal the City Council’s agreement. If passed, Measure X would allow for the sale, production, and use of fireworks within the city of Fullerton. At 11 p.m. Tuesday, measures W and X were too close to call. Kiger also supports the fixing of Fullerton city streets and promises to restructure the budget in order to allow for change. Further, he will push for leadership and accountability within the Fullerton City Police Department. Whitaker also supports the reconstructing of city streets and parks. “Much is yet to be done. Our infrastructure has been neglected for too long,” said Whitaker. “I pledge to increase funding from existing revenues to accelerate plans for street reconstruction with coordination of water main and sewer replacements. An abundant supply of clean, safe and secure parks, sports fields and public common spaces are essential priorities.” Whitaker and Kiger were both endorsed by U.S. Congressman Ed Royce as well as State Assemblyman Chris Norby. All three elected candidates were endorsed by Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson and the Orange County Register. Eric Farrell also contributed to this report.

Fullerton elects council members Twelve candidates battle to fill three open seats on the Fullerton City Council DOMINIQUE ROCKER Daily Titan

This election season, a total of 12 candidates vied for only three open spots on the ballot for Fullerton City Council. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday, the two incumbent candidates, Bruce Whitaker and Travis Kiger, were each unofficially re-elected onto the council with 5,950 votes and 5,103 votes respectively. Whitaker, Mayor Pro Tem of the City of Fullerton, won 14.7 percent of the vote and has been on city council for the past two years. “This is an important time in Fullerton and we need a Council that will be active, take on these issues and not just defer them into the future,” said Whitaker on his website. Kiger, with 12.6 percent of the vote, kept his place on the council as well. Another seat unofficially went to Jennifer Fitzgerald with 5,530 votes and 13.7 percent of the vote. Following close behind was Jan M. Flory with 5,070 votes and 12.5 percent. Former councilman Don Bankhead, who had been recalled from his seat twice before, was also on the ballot again this year looking to win back his spot. Bankhead was first voted out in

Hurricane Sandy was said to be a factor at the polls, with roughly two-thirds of voters saying they approved of how President Barack Obama dealt with the superstorm and only 16 percent disapproved, according to the Washington Post. For hurricane-ravaged states like New Jersey and New York, special polling places were implemented for displaced citizens of the coastal states. Voters in New York had provisional ballots, with which citizens were able to vote anywhere. In New Jersey, voters were allowed to send their ballots in by email and fax. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, more than one million businesses and homes were without power, making voting difficult for the citizens of the affected states. With this, governors in both New Jersey and New York called for executive orders to give displaced voters easier access to the polls, according to the Washington Post. According to weather reports, the east coast is expected to face another onslaught of bad weather in the coming days. Brief by ADREANA YOUNG

Voter revived in time to vote While filling out his ballot at the polls, a Michigan man apparently died, then came back to life to finish voting, the Detroit News reported. Ty Houston, 48, a home care nurse, was filling out his ballot next to an elderly couple at a polling site in Southfield Township, just north of Detroit, when the woman asked the man a few questions and the man stopped responding. Houston laid the man on the floor and said the man had no heartbeat and was not breathing, so he started CPR. After a few minutes, the man revived and started breathing again. “The first question he asked was, ‘Did I vote?’” said Houston. Houston said the man had a tracheotomy, an incision that allows a person to breathe through a tube, in his throat. Later, the man said to his wife there are only two things that are important to him: “That I love you and that I finished what I came here to do… vote.” After he voted, EMS personnel took the couple to a nearby hospital. Houston said this serves an example that Americans should not take their right to vote for granted, according to CBS Detroit. Brief by TIM WORDEN

Social media influences voters Voters shared their voting experience via social media sites during election day. According to USA Today, the Obama versus Romney 2012 election is the first national election where social media has gone mainstream, with nearly threefourths of voters participating in social networking. Instagram users posted more than 680,000 photos with the hashtag “vote” and 250,000 photos with the hashtag “election.” In a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, 22 percent of registered voters have shared on social media sites what they marked on their ballots. Twitter proved to be a large influence among social media sites with a record breaking number of 105,767 tweets were recorded per minute. Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA







Four more years CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“I want to thank every American who participated in this election, whether you voted for the very first time, or waited in line for a very long time,” said Obama at a speech in Chicago. “Whether you held up an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard and you made a difference.” Obama congratulated Romney on a hardfought campaign and said he’s already reached out to the governor about how they can work together to “move America forward.” “We may have battled fiercely, but it’s only because we love this country so deeply, and we care about its future,” Obama said. Labor activist and consultant Barbara Maynard said she could hardly contain her excitement. “I feel like I’m going to cry. I feel like I want to scream,” she said after texting her daughter to share news of the president’s re-election. “This is unbelievable,” Maynard added. “It’s moving our country forward and not turning it back, and making sure that women like me and my daughter have the rights that we need. It’s just awesome.” U.S. Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles), in attendance at the event, said he was looking forward to the fulfillment of the president’s campaign promises, especially with concern to a healthy middle class. Becerra claimed the middle class will be the center of all the issues. “So it’s all about the middle class when it comes to jobs, when it comes to health care, when it comes to all the security issues that are important to Americans. And start from the middle,” he said. For those who kept a close watch over the election results while enjoying an endless supply of Dodger Dogs at the stadium clubhouse, there were several tense hours as early results arrived in key swing states such as Florida, alternating rapidly back and forth between Romney and Obama. At the time of this report, President

TOP: Glenys Bronfield shakes with excitement at a Democratic Party viewing event at Dodger Stadium Tuesday evening. DEANNA TROMBLEY / For the Daily Titan

RIGHT: President Barack Obama and his family walk on stage at an event in Chicago Tuesday to address a cheering crowd and the national audience. Courtesy of MCT

Romney and Ryan concede Decisive defeats in Ohio and Wisconsin leave Republicans waiting another four years DANIEL HERNANDEZ & BRIAN DAY Daily Titan

A meeting of Orange County Republicans in Costa Mesa took on a somber mood around 8 p.m. Tuesday when news emerged that voters in the battleground state of Ohio had placed their support and electoral college votes behind President Barack Obama. Though they did not immediately admit defeat, the optimism would not be regained. Minutes later, national news outlets began declaring that the election was over, and republican challenger Mitt Romney had lost his bid to unseat President Obama. “This is a time of challenges for America, and I pray that the president will be successful in guiding our nation,” Romney told his supporters in Boston as he conceded the election. “Paul (Ryan) and I have left everything on the field. We have given everything to this campaign,” Romney said. “This election is over, but our principles endure.” He went on to call for bipartisan cooperation to attack the nation’s problems and stated that “our leaders have to reach across

the aisle to do the people’s work.” In attendance at the Costa Mesa gathering was former California Gov. Pete Wilson. “We will live to fight again. We will win the next time,” said Wilson to about 500 Romney supporters at the Westin South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa. Republican Elizabeth Emken, who lost her U.S. Senate bid to oust longtime democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein from her seat, surmised that while the republican platform is a strong one, “We’ve got to work on our style game in terms of how we communicate.” “I think we have to do a better job of talking to everyone,” she said. “This is a very diverse country.” Republican candidate for Santa Ana City Council Karina Onofre agreed that the GOP does not reach out to other ethnicities enough. For example, she said, the party needs to make more progress in reaching out to Latinos. Lake Forest City Council candidate Dwight Robinson said while it might be time to “re-tool” the republican message, he believes it still resonates with the public, especially when it comes to the economy. “Unemployment is extremely high” under Obama, he said. “(Republicans) have the right message when it comes to how to create jobs.” “It came down to turnout more than anything else,” Robinson said. “I don’t think that people really were rejecting the message, (it

was) just that there was a strong turnout from both sides, and we were just behind a little bit in key states.” And while both Romney and Obama spoke of bipartisan cooperation moving forward from the election, not all were persuaded. Greg Woodard, an attorney and official with the Orange County Republican Party, said the presidential election results left him disappointed and worried. “It was going to be difficult no matter what… but it’s just kind of numb right now,” he said. Due to debt, health care and other policies established and sought by Obama, Woodard said he hoped the issues would be “gridlocked” and that he fears for his kids and their future. Kevin Gilhooley, spokesman for the Orange County Republican Party, said he also believed the republicans had the right ideas, despite the election results, because of the dissatisfaction expressed about Obama’s job as president. At the end of his speech, Romney thanked his wife, staff and supporters for their work and support leading up to Tuesday. “I so wish that I had been able to fulfill your hopes to lead the country in a different direction, but the nation chose another leader,” Romney said. “And so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him and for this great nation.”

National Popular

Obama had received 303 of the electoral college votes, compared with 206 for Romney. The president also was winning the popular vote with 53,991,556 votes to Romney’s 53,201,440. Obama will once again serve with a split Congress after Republican’s maintained their majority in the House of Representatives, and the democrats held onto their control of the Senate. Nonetheless, Becerra said he hoped the parties could work together to solve the major issues facing the nation and its people. “If the republicans are interested in helping us move the economy and jobs, they’ll work with the president,” he said. Sonia Ortiz, a 17-year-member of the Service Employees International Union, also watched election results with fellow democrats at Dodger Stadium. Though delighted by the president’s victory, she also said she hoped the president’s second term would see more bipartisan cooperation on issues of education and immigration. “The Dream Act is very important. Education is very important, plus immigration reform,” Ortiz said. “That’s the expectation right now. (Democrats and republicans) have to understand that they have to work together.” Event co-organizer and Los Angeles County Federation of Labor spokeswoman Caroline O’Connor said she hoped over the next four years, republicans would show more willingness to work with the president. “I feel like he’s been so stymied by the republicans for the past four years,” she said. “Now it’s time to go in, and if they are not going to work with him, so be it.” Obama concluded his speech, thanking all his supporters from the beginning of his campaign and the “incredible” work they have put in. “I’ve never been more hopeful about America, and I ask you to sustain that hope,” he said. “We remain more than a collection of red states and blue states, we are and will forever be the United States of America.”

Seats in the





185 0

232 18

193 Democratic seats up for re-election 242 Republican seats up for re-election

Seats in the





52 1

44 3

23 Democratic seats up for re-election 10 Republican seats up for re-election



50.3% 49.6%

53,991,556 votes







Authorities call draw on Props California Propositions still even at press time, results for nine of 11 pending BEVI EDLUND & LOREN MANNING Daily Titan

Five of California’s 11 propositions passed last night with the majority of voters opposing several propositions, including Proposition 37, the labeling of genetically engineered foods. Proposition 30, which would increase taxes to fund education, and Proposition 32, which would allow political contributions by payroll deduction, were too close to officially call at 11 p.m. As of late Tuesday night, Proposition 30 was winning at 50.1 percent with 2,284,802 yes votes. Opponents of Proposition 32 were winning by 52.9 percent with 2,382,218 voting no. Propositions that appeared to be passing included Proposition 35, which if passed would increase prison sentences and fines for human traffickers, and Proposition 40, which will approve new state Senate districts, at the time of this report. Proposition 35 appeared to have passed with 82.9 percent of voters in support. It will increase prison sentences and fines for human trafficking convictions. It also requires convicted human traffickers to register as sex offenders and those registered sex offenders to disclose Internet activities and identities.

Proposition 37, which supports the labeling of genetically engineered foods ,was opposed by 56.3 percent of voters at the time of this report. If passed, it would require labeling of genetically modified foods. It would have also increased annual state costs from a few hundred thousand dollars to over $1 million in order to regulate the labeling. Opponent of Proposition 37, Kathy Fairbanks, said that if Proposition 37 does not pass it will be good for the residents of California. “It would’ve increased grocery bills in California, it would have increased state taxpayer cost. It was just a really bad measure, bad policy, bad for California families,” said Fairbanks. Proposition 31, which would have established a two-year state budget, was also opposed by California voters. If passed, it would have changed certain fiscal responsibilities of the Legislature and governor. Other propositions that did not pass included Proposition 32, which would have prohibited unions from using payroll-deducted funds for political purposes, and Proposition 33, which would have changed current law to allow insurance companies to set prices based on whether or not the driver previously carried auto insurance with any insurance company. If passed, Proposition 33 would have allowed increased costs for drivers without history of continuous insurance coverage. Proposition 32 would have prohibited union and corporate contributions to candidates and their


committees, and would have prohibited government contractor contributions to elected officers or their committees. Proposition 34, which would ban the death penalty and replace it with life imprisonment without possibility of parole, did not pass, with 55 percent of voters opposing it. If it did pass, it would have directed $100 million to law enforcement agencies for investigations of homicide and rape cases. “It’s early and things could change, but the initial results are encouraging,” said opponent of Proposition 34 spokesman, Peter DeMarco. “We hope that tonight’s election will show that (voters) chose to stand with public safety officials to protect our streets from the most violent and vicious murderers.” Proposition 36, which would revise the law to impose life sentences only when a new felony conviction is serious or violent, passed with 68.5 percent of voters supporting it at the time of this report. It may also authorize offenders to be resentenced if third strike conviction was not serious or violent. Proposition 38, which would have increased taxes for education, was opposed by a landslide. The revenues would have gone to K–12 schools and early childhood programs. Proposition 39 passed, and will require multi-state businesses to pay income taxes based on percentage of their sales in California. It will dedicate revenues for five years to clean and efficient energy projects.

Orange County Popular

VOTES PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT Completed precincts as of press time: 1839 of 1977

President and Vice President

Vote count


Romney/Ryan (R)



Obama/Biden (D)



Johnson/Gray (L)



Stein/Honkala (G)



Barr/Sheehan (P-F)



Hoefling/Ornelas (AI)



Royce claims 39th district Incumbent defeats Democrat Jay Chen by large margin for Congress NICHOLAS RUIZ & JONATHAN WINSLOW Daily Titan

Incumbent Republican Representative Ed Royce maintained his seat for the 39th Congressional District, defeating Democrat Jay Chen yesterday by a 30,000-vote margin at press time. The 39th district includes the cities of Brea, Buena Park and Fullerton, among others. Royce, a Cal State Fullerton alumnus, has held political office since 1982, achieving tenure in the House of Representatives within that time. “I just want to express my appreciation to the voters,” said Royce. “(I) appreciate the encouragement I’ve received from them.” Royce is also a social and fiscal conservative, voting against samesex marriage, and has championed the deregulation of banks. Royce is also in the running for the chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee. “The first thing I’m going to do is travel to Asia,” Royce said to a cheering crowd at his campaign headquarters. “I look forward to traveling to Taiwan and to China and expanding this relationship.” Royce’s challenger, Jay Chen, is a relative newcomer to the political scene. He was once a business consultant for Bain & Company that worked with Fortune 500 companies and is now a realtor as well as a member of the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Board of Education. In a speech Chen gave at the Democrats of North Orange County headquarters, he was happy and supportive of Obama’s victory and thankful to his supporters. “We’re realistic that what we chose to do is go up against one of the longest standing republicans in Orange County,” Chen said. “We made this decision knowing full well what the challenges were. Among them, someone who had been in office for 20 years, who had $4 million at their disposal.” For the 2012 election, Chen raised $773,493 in campaign funds while Royce collected $2.5 million in contributions, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Chen said the bulk of his money did not come from corporations. “Ninety-eight percent have come from individuals,” said Chen. “Two percent have come from some small PACS, like teachers, who have liked the work I have done on the school board.” In February 2011, Royce found


Courtesy of MCT TOP: Ed Royce addresses a crowd of supporters who elected him to victory. He garnered more than 89,000 votes in Orange County. BOTTOM: Democrat Jay Chen speaks to a crowd of students at CSUF. Chen accrued 54,765 votes by 1:30 a.m. Wednesday.

himself in the middle of a controversy after he attended a protest rally in Orange County over a disaster relief event hosted by the Islamic Circle of North America Relief USA. Chen denounced Royce’s participation in the rally and said it was unfitting of a congressman supposedly in favor of diversity to take part in such an affair. Protesters with Royce allegedly shouted anti-Muslim rhetoric at the relief attendees, but the representative dismissed those as a “splinter group” that was not a part of the main protest and did not represent his beliefs accurately. Chen has also had his share of mixed press when Royce’s campaign accused him of breaking FEC rules that prohibit super PACs from consorting with individual candidates. This came after the funding of attack ads aimed at Royce that were made by a super PAC named America Shining, paid by Shaw Chen, Jay Chen’s brother. In response, Chen’s campaign has denied involvement with the PAC. “We have not coordinated with America Shining or any other PACS out there. We know the rules very well,” Chen said.

According to Nien Su, a spokesman for Royce’s campaign, an investigation is currently being opened against the Super PAC by the Federal Election Commission. “It is a fact on FEC records that Shaw Chen is the sole funder of America Shining, which has spent a million dollars probably by the time this election is over to run negative ads and smears and lies against Congressman Royce,” said Su. Su went on to say that the main reason voters are supportive of Royce is his stance on the economy. “Throughout this entire election, Ed Royce has put forward a plan to bring jobs and strengthen the economy in Southern California,” Su said. “That’s one of the most important things that voters are telling us that they care about. It’s jobs, it’s the economy.” Susie Gapinski, one of Royce’s supporters, said she was happy that Royce managed to close out the election. “I’ve supported him for as long as he’s been in Congress,” said Gapinski. “I’m a conservative, and I’d rather go with somebody who respects that taxpayer than (one who) thinks that we owe people.”






World weary, but wiser

We hardly knew ye

He’s no longer the idealist of 2008, but Obama has a second chance at change

A return to obscurity for the former governor who couldn’t quite stand out



President Barack Obama has been reelected as 44th president of the United States. Regardless of the result, this election reflected a difference from his landslide victory four years ago. Obama’s road to this point was a long and hard one. He did not enjoy the landslide victory that he managed in 2008. Concepts of “Hope” and “Change,” as idealistic and attractive as they seemed four years ago, were nowhere to be seen this time. With gray hairs on his head, Obama had to fight hard to pull out another victory. Unlike Romney, Obama did not have to deal with specific gaffes or leaked videos, but rather with voters’ overall interpretations of the last four years. With his allies, Obama pushed hard to send the message “Things have been hard but they’re getting better,” while his opponent pushed that the president’s attempt had failed. Polls referenced how most Americans liked Obama better as a person, but Romney for the economy. The tone of the campaign was noticeably different. This was no longer the up-and-coming idealist. This was a man fighting hard for what he believed in, but wasn’t sure he could make it. The length that the campaign attacked Romney on positions and personality reflects that. It was a far flung thing from seeking hope and change. It wasn’t until the first presidential debate on Oct. 4, arguably the most important of the three, that the race became much closer. No longer the passionate and personable face that voters had come to expect, the president looked downcast, distracted, and even defeated. While Romney displayed a then unseen show of personality and passion, Obama stared downward and often seemed like his mind was simply not on the debate floor. Liberals lambasted the poor performance while Republicans touted a victory for a candidate even their own members had criticized. Some joked that perhaps Obama’s mind was on his own anniversary, and leftleaning Internet users sprang to Twitter to poke fun of Romney’s “Big Bird” remarks, lacking any real firepower in defense of their candidate. The polls started to reflect the performance, and suddenly the race was close again. Even pollsters that continued to peg Obama as the likely candidate showed a

Mitt Romney’s run for the White House has been, in a word, strange. A more venomous man might even go as far as to say that the fact that the former governor of Massachusetts was able to make the 2012 presidential election a competitive contest is nothing short of a miracle. Despite Obama taking the swing states and, in turn, the election, Romney made it nail-bitingly close every step of the way. It’s easy to see some of the gaffes in his campaign and inflate them to a ridiculous level; this is, after all, politics. Hyperbole is the name of the game. But a name is one of the few things that, even up to the final hours of the campaign, the American people know about him. We knew about his five point plan. We knew his Mormon faith only added to the oddity of his role as the face of the GOP (whose mantra has often reverted to that of “strong Christian values”). We knew his vast wealth almost single-handedly financed both his attempts for office. We knew a politician in his rawest form, but rarely were his policies on social issues—most telling of a person’s beliefs—consistent. In Massachusetts, a state beset by a Democratic majority, Romney was incredibly moderate, but this seemed to quickly fade once he was in hot pursuit of his party’s seat. Once the candidacy was his, if ever he did hint at his standing on a social issue—such as reproductive rights or immigration—it was soon swept away or even completed changed. True, we could assume based on his party affiliation, but it’s a sad day for partisanship when we are expected to go strictly by the “party line” to “know” a candidate. Despite being a publicly “known” entity since the 2008 Republican primaries, it’s still hard to pin down just who Mitt Romney is from a social standpoint. Yet there he was in the race for “leader of the free world” and, more so, making it an actual race. Romney battled in every swing state, likely owing almost entirely to one factor; Romney consistently pushed his fiscal reforms on a fiscally battered American people. The over $11 trillion of public debt and 7.9 percent unemployment rate were never far from Romney’s lips. Nevermind that the economy has slightly improved in four years under Obama, or that the talking points of

Daily Titan

Daily Titan

Courtesy of MCT

sharp drop in his chances after that night. Since then, Obama has fought an uphill battle to retake the lead, and in the next two debates came out much stronger. Voters agreed he won the second and third debates, but the influence compared was less. Yet Obama’s message remained: The country is on the right road to recovery. We can make it if we keep moving forward and don’t enact changes that set us back. Partisanship was in full effect, and a recent Reuter’s report discovered that three quarters of each candidate’s supporters had decided who they would vote for before the first debate even started. So it came down to those undecided voters with the general population almost evenly split down the middle. And so here we stand, with Obama in the White House for four more years. In his last campaign speech of his career, as a tear rolled down his cheek, he once again made the call for change. “One voice can change a room. And if it can change a room, it can change a city. And if it can change a city, it can change a state. And if it can change a state, it can change a nation. And if it can change a nation, it can change the world,” he said. Now that he has a second chance to follow up on what he promised, we will see what kind of change that means.

Courtesy of MCT

Romney’s five points for “a stronger middle class” remained vague enough that we will never really know how he could have rescued America from itself. The weight that empty wallets carry in politics was evident in this election. In a country in strife, the dollar is king and Romney played the knight in shining armor to perfection. And that is, again, strange. After all, this is the man who stated that 47 percent of Americans are dependent on the government to “take care of them” in a rather miserly manner and suggested they were already in the veritable bag for Obama. That nearly fifty percent of people is a pretty huge contingent to write off, but Romney capturing the early popular vote lead showed that at least some of these freeloaders weren’t such Obama loyalists in the end. Regardless of one’s political leanings, however, Romney’s sporadic campaign—focused and inconsistent at the same time—was impressive in its oddity. He lacked a unique identity, yet many Americans still found him the preferable candidate. If hyperbole is the name of the game, and that game is politics, it was a game Romney played admirably. One could accuse him of many things, but failing as a politician is most certainly not one of them.

We’re all doomed [Insert candidate’s name here] will cause America’s downfall MATT ATKINSON Daily Titan

Well that’s it. There’s no point moving to Canada, because Canada isn’t safe either. We’re all doomed. Now that President Barack Obama has won again, America is literally going to be completely and utterly destroyed. I mean, we all know he is a Kenyan socialist communist Muslim who wants to destroy America, spend money and tax job creators because he hates them. Just research it out and you’ll see. It’s so obviously true. It doesn’t matter who’s in Congress or what our representatives in the House and Senate decide to do, the country is now on an irreversible track to our inevitable downfall. I mean think of things like deficit, the economy, jobs, fiscal cliffs, Greece and so on. I mean think about it. Anyone can see the problems, so I won’t point them out or articulate that point any further. Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said we have nothing to fear but fear itself, but obviously he did not factor in the possibility of Barack Hussein Obama becoming president, because this is literally the worst thing that could occur. It’s been shown in the secrets that have leaked out along the campaign trail. As the campaign went on, Obama clearly said he wanted to

raise taxes on job creators (who he has hated passionately) partly because of his hate of freedom. Worse than that, he wants to cut military spending, which could mean that in four years we could live in a world where the United States is not spending more money on its military than the next 13 countries combined. We cannot survive such a weakened state. What’s more, Obama has declared—in a campaign speech no less—his hatred for the job creators when he told the country that they did not build their own success. He passed Obamacare, which costs literally everyone more money and forces mothers to have abortions against their will. Also it’s socialism. The only reason it worked for Mitt Romney in Massachusetts was because it was a state, which is totally different. He simply does not understand the American Dream. Anyone can make it, and when they do, it’s because they worked hard. If you didn’t make it, it’s because you weren’t smart enough, good enough, rich enough, or hard working enough. How hard is that to understand? Apparently very hard, because it seems Obama serves another master: People who aren’t white or rich or male or all three. The race came down to the margins, and if Obama hadn’t started a class war

by stirring up the latino, black, and female vote, this race would have been in the bag. So now we begin America’s decline, away from the values that started it. You know, the values, the ones that matter. Family values or whatever. It’s important to remember how much power the president has. It’s absolute. For four years Obama will now be directly in charge of the country with no oversight or protest. It’s not like Congress will have any say in how to run the country, or have any responsibility for the consequences that follow. Everyone knows that any problems we encounter as a nation are the fault of our president. Unless it was George W. Bush, because we all know the liberal media is just making a big deal of that to help the Obama agenda. Obama just can’t take responsibility for any of his actions. Don’t you see America? You’ve made a huge mistake, you’ve doomed us all! There’s no way we’ll survive the next four years, elect another president, continue on as a country, address social and economic issues, and generally just proceed doing the best we can with what we’ve got. No, this country is going to be ruined. I hope you’re happy. While I await our demise, I’ll be in Canada, at least they have free health care there. VISIT US AT DAILYTITAN.COM/OPINION





ELECTION 2012 Beauty and grace, he’s (err) Mister United States? ERINN GROTEFEND Daily Titan

So maybe the 2012 presidential election doesn’t include the swimsuit, gown and interview session for the candidates. And even though many Americans have not passed the bar, they are definitely judging. Not only does the President of the United States have to run the country, he needs to be admired and supported by the people. John F. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in the 1960 presidential election. It was during this elec-


tion that the first televised debate in U.S. history was held. It is reiterated through history lessons that people watching the debate thought Kennedy won, but people listening to the debate thought Nixon won. Presidents are more popular with the people when they are relatable, outgoing and charismatic. Out of our 44 presidents, a list of the top five most charismatic, attractive and memorable presidents are as follows:

With reddish brown hair and greenish grey eyes, the 35th President of the United States stood at a lean 6’1”. Kennedy was known for his magnetic personality and ability to connect with the American people. He was rumored to have affairs with multiple women including the major sex symbol, Marilyn Monroe. His sophisticated and classy wardrobe made him one of the most fashionable presidents along with his fashion icon wife, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Kennedy enjoyed various sports including golf, sailing, swimming and tennis. Photos were constantly taken of him on his boat Victura. One of his favorite quotes was by Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” And if you ever get tired of guys that oversatturate themselves in cologne, just so you know: John F. Kennedy was a real man that didn’t wear cologne.

Illustrations by BLANCA NAVARRO / Daily Titan



Every woman loves an honest man, so it makes sense to have Honest Abe in the top five. Apart from his 6’4’’ stature, Lincoln was muscular and in very good shape as he led the U.S. through the American Civil War. With a full head of hair and beard, Lincoln helped to abolish slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln is best known for his double-breasted frock coat (made of black wool), vest (shawl-collared, single-breasted and four-pockets) and trousers (fly front and metal suspender buttons). Some of his suits were made by Brooks Brothers located in New York City. Very spiffy attire during the civil war. If you want to see more on the 16th President, Daniel DayLewis will play The Great Emancipator in the movie Lincoln set to open Nov. 16.

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” This is one of the most famous quotes said by a U.S. President. As the 42nd President of the U.S., Clinton admitted to having an “improper relationship” with intern Monica Lewinsky. But could anyone blame her with his boyish-like charm? With his seasoned grey hair, Clinton stands at 6’2’’ and definitely knows how to connect with an audience. Even after the infamous scandal, Clinton still knows how to get the women’s vote.



Everybody loves a giant teddy bear, and that is exactly what Roosevelt portrayed. He wore C-bridge type pince-nez (a type of spectacle popular in the 19th century) and kept his mustache perfectly trimmed. The 26th President was known for his rugged cowboy persona and energetic personality. The 5’10” president enjoyed hunting, writing and having his face carved into Mount Rushmore. During an African safari, Roosevelt and his party hunted and brought back thousands of animals, flora and fauna to the Smithsonian Institution and the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Roosevelt’s masculinity and quiet confidence fits his slogan: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

The 32nd President of the U.S. stood at 6’2” with brown hair and striking grey-blue eyes. Roosevelt contracted polio, which resulted in paralysis from the waist down. But that didn’t stop his caring and compassionate personality. It was his character and sense of dedication that lead him to be the only president elected four times. Roosevelt was also the first president to speak on television and the first president to fly in an airplane. When Roosevelt passed away he had one of the largest stamp collections in the world. As if you didn’t like Roosevelt already, he had a Scottish terrier named Fala (le sigh).

Endorsements of the A, B and C lists of Hollywood SIMA SARRAF Daily Titan

Boss on Obama: ‘Born in the USA’ “Right now, there is a choice going on in America, and I’m happy that we live in a country where we all participate in that process. For me, President Obama is our best choice because he has a vision of the United States as a place where we are all in this together. We’re still living through very hard times but justice, equality and real freedom are not always a tide rushing in. They are more often a slow march, inch by inch, day after long day. I believe President Obama feels these days in his bones and has the strength to live them with us and to lead us to a country ‘…where no one crowds you and no one goes it alone.’ That’s why I plan to be in Ohio and Iowa supporting the re-election of President Obama to lead our country for the next four years,” wrote Bruce Springsteen.


• Gwen Stefani

• George Clooney

• J.J. Abrams

• Ellen DeGeneres

• Alicia Keys

• Steven Spielberg

• Beyonce Knowles


As with most political elections in this country, the citizens are listening attentively to the primary candidates: President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney. They are watching and studying debates, researching and fact checking, but most importantly, they are watching for the endorsements from the Hollywood elite. Don’t lie. You know your interest is peaked anytime an A-list actor or musician or even a C-list businessman gives an endorsement hoping to sway the polls. This year is no different, with a range of publicly mocked as well as publicly applauded endorsements. Some of the most notable came from Hollywood actor and director Clint Eastwood. Eastwood’s appearance at the Republican National Convention was the cause of not only attention, but also mockery. His speech ended with a bizarre and seemingly unscripted rant (from the usually scripted actor) at an empty chair that was occupied by an imaginary President Obama. On the other end of the celebrity spectrum is the rock icon Bruce Springsteen, who has played at rallies (most likely in four-hour increments) in support of President Obama. Photos Courtesy of MCT LEFT: Bruce Springsteen has supported Obama by performing at rallies often up to four hour shows. RIGHT: Clint Eastwood spoke at the Republic National Convention throwing his weight behind Romney.

Dirty Harry talks dirty to Obama “I know what you’re thinking, you’re thinking: What’s a movie tradesman doing out here? They’re all left wingers out there, left of Lenin!’” said Eastwood. “There are a lot of conservative people, moderate people, Republicans, Democrats in Hollywood . . . The conservative people by the nature of the word play it closer to the vest. . . Believe me, they’re there,” Eastwood said. “So I. . . so I’ve got Mr. Obama sitting here. And he’s. . . I was going to ask him a couple of questions. But. . . you know about. . . I remember three and a half years ago, when Mr. Obama won the election. And though I was not a big supporter, I was watching that night when he was having that thing and they were talking about hope and change and they were talking about, yes we can, and it was dark outdoors, and it was nice, and people were lighting candles.”


• Donald Trump

• Jeff Foxworth

• Gene Simmons

• Kid Rock

• Jon Voight

• Ted Nugent

• Scot Baio


November 7, 2012



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Aries (March 21-April 19) Let the love carry you away, and be pleasantly surprised. You may encounter a dip in the learning curve, which becomes an educational experience in itself. Appreciate your home. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Don’t launch just yet (but soon). Your family is there for you, and friends help make connections. Others are feeling generous. Eat well to support new responsibilities. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Postpone travel. Notice the beauty that surrounds you. Light candles at dinner. Save and invest in home and family. Enjoy simple pleasures. Cancer (June 21-July 22) There’s more money coming in, but things don’t add up. Question old assumptions, and improve working conditions. A loving friend makes an excellent suggestion. Then a miracle happens. Ask.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Pass the test and win a promotion. Working at something you love brings abundance. Listen for the ring of truth. You don’t have to control everything. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your gold is on the rise ... add to reserves. Do the research on a home project. Past good deeds bring new benefit while you play with friends. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Make your own luck (and pay cash). Balance work and fun by rewarding progress with play. A temporary setback could stall things. A generous offer requires thought. Question authority. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Take the roundabout route when necessary. Spend and invest later. Make sure you understand all of your options. Spend time with visiting friends. Feast and be merry! How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Indulge in a treat. Don’t entertain yet. Take control of the details. Expand your horizons. Your career path is filled with optimism, and the outlook is positive. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your past work speaks well for you. It’s not a good time to travel. A beautiful dream enchants; grab a constructive opportunity. Acknowledge your team’s efforts. Optimism increases. Let someone else set the agenda. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Gather in what you need. Accomplish your dream by providing excellent service. Stay out of someone else’s fuss. You could fall in love now, or discover hidden bounty. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You’re energizing each other. Don’t worry about money. Find treasures in your closets and trade. Restate each party’s goals. Get a good recommendation from a friend. Reaffirm a commitment.

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Titans look to conquer UC Davis in playoffs Men’s soccer team hopes to ride momentum into this weekend’s Big West Conference Championship RODRIGO RUIZ


For the Daily Titan

Today at 2 p.m. the Titans head to Northern California to battle UC Davis in a do or die playoff match. The Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team (811-1, 4-5-1 conference record) has enjoyed their best stretch of soccer in the last five games. This rich vein of form has catapulted them from last place in the Big West South Division into a 2012 Big West playoff participant. The Titans have won 4 out of the last 5 matches, all of those against Big West Conference opposition. The Aggies (9-6-4 overall, 7-3-0 in the conference) also finished the year with solid results. Since Sept. 30 the Aggies went 7-2-0. They rose to the top of a very competitive Big West North Division. Wednesday’s match will be the second and final time both teams will play in 2012. One month ago the Aggies beat the Titans 2-1 in Davis. After an Ian Ramos goal in the 63rd minute tied the score at one apiece, UC Davis forward Alex Henry scored the game-winner sixteen minutes later. CSUF leads the all time series against UC Davis by a narrow margin with a 6-5-3 record. The Titans have a .500 record against the Aggies at their home stadium going 3-3-2. Since 2007 The Titans are 2-1-2. CSUF’s record in matches further than 55 miles is 1-4, this includes the UNLV Tournament. Their one victory was a comeback versus UNLV on Sept. 2. The Titans have had a goal scoring committee as different players have stepped

Senior forward Jesse Escalante aims for a score. He has sveen goals on the season.

up and scored throughout the season. In the last few matches, Gerzon Blanco (four goals, three assists, 11 points) has scored three goals in the last four games. One goal was the game winner against UC Riverside on Oct. 20. Blanco, once again entered the scoresheet against the Highlanders in the most recent home game. Blanco said that the Titans should have won their first matchup with the Aggies. “We were up there and we took the loss. We felt really good we should have won that game. It’s going to be revenge and hopefully get the win over there,” said Blanco. Blanco, like the rest of the Titan frontline, are constantly running, looking for open spaces, fighting for loose balls, and contribute defensively. These traits are seen in First Team Big West forward Jesse Escalante (eight goals, two assists, 18 points) and Jameson Campbell (two goals, four points). “We expect to win, we played them before and we were better than them,” Campbell said. “Soccer is a crazy game, there times that you’re better than teams and sometimes you lose. That’s what happened last time, this time we’re going to expect a different result.” First Team Big West midfielder Ian Ramos (six goals, six assists, 18 points) is a dynamic counterattacking player. He brings speed and has the natural ability to beat his marker, and treats the crowd with flamboyant skill. Ramos disrupts opposing defenses, once he does he can pass, 6 assists, to an open teammate. Lately Big West teams have taken notice as


they assign a second or a third defender to slow him down. Defensively, the Titan’s organizate solidly with a four man backline and two holding midfielders. When they commit themselves to play a deep defensive line they absorb pressure very well and contain the opposition from making clear goal scoring chances. The Titan defense was a work in progress. Early in the season the defenders made innocent errors that the Titans paid for dearly. As the season moved along they have improved significantly. Senior defender and captain Bobby Reiss shores up the defensive side. Reiss and senior Jonathan Birt are versatile defenders. UC Davis’ stout defense has been key to their success. UC Davis allowed 19 goals this season in 19 matches. UC Davis offense has been highly economical, they’ve scored the fewest goals, 21, and tallied the lowest assists, 16, in the Big West. Also 11 different players have scored, meaning all their players are accounted for. Titans Junior goalkeeper Bryan Escalante is focused on getting the win away from home. “We went up there last time, we know what its like, we know what we need to fix. We didn’t get a result. The team is confident we know what we need to do. Winner keeps going, loser goes home. We’re going for the win,” said Escalante. If the Titans get the win the next game will take place against either Cal Poly San Luis Obispo or Cal State Northridge on Saturday at 1 p.m.


Is All-Star voting flawed? When voters receive their ballots, they will notice a drastic difference. A sign of the times, certain candidates will no longer be eligible to steal the votes of the people. But it has nothing to do with last night’s presidential election—the NBA has chosen to keep the center position off the ballots for the NBA All-Star Game. Beginning this season, the NBA will put an end to the traditional All-Star Game fan voting format of voting in two guards, two forwards and one center. Instead fans will vote in two guards and two frontcourt players. This showcases the growing trend of the “big man” on NBA rosters becoming an endangered species. Athletic players with bodies fit to play power forward have taken over the center position. For example, Head Coach Erik Spoelstra of the Miami Heat put, Chris Bosh, one of the better power forwards in the league at center and had Most Valuable Player LeBron James move to the power forward position. The experiment proved successful as the Miami Heat coasted to their second NBA Championship. With the successful “small ball” system, it’s understandable why the NBA would see this change. However, for basketball purists, this is one tough pill to swallow. Since the genesis of the NBA, the center position has been solidified by great big men. Bill Russell, Moses Malone, Bill Walton, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing and Hakeem Olajuwon were all faces of their teams and the league. However, the latest incarnation of the game eliminates the need for a dominant true center. Dwight Howard, the Lakers’ newest center, knows what it’s like being the main attraction. He also has big shoes to literally fill, having just joined a team with the deepest of traditions when it comes to great big men. The Lakers have boasted the likes of George Mikan, Wilt


Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Shaquille O’Neal at their center position. Howard himself has received heat from former the Laker O’Neal for not being a traditional backto-the-basket center. Undoubtedly, if there was a center position on the All Star ballot this season, Howard would start for the Western Conference. Regardless of his suggested nontraditionalism, Howard still wants the center position on the ballot. He has made it very clear that he does not like the new format at all, even if the game has evolved. “You look at the game back then and now, centers are bigger, stronger, faster. Guards are bigger, stronger, faster. So the game evolves. That doesn’t mean you take out a position because of the game evolving, because the players that play center are evolving also,” said Howard. Despite the objection from Howard, the NBA will continue without the center position on the All-Star Game ballot. It remains to be seen whether or not this is a permanent change. Even if the game has evolved into a more athletic incarnation and fewer seven-footers are athletically inclined, I hope this does not signal the end of the “big man” in the NBA. There still is a glimmer of optimism that an influx of bigger, faster and stronger centers will come to save the position from the endangered species list and possible extinction.

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