The Daily Titan - Monday Dec. 3, 2012

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IPhone stolen right out of her hand OPINION 4

Speech silenced online DETOUR 5

Carousel entertains its audience Test cramming - Students share tips on how to do well during finals week.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 4 6 WORLD | Technology

Thumbs tap away as texting celebrates 20th


Neto stacks up against the best

M O N D AY, D E C E M B E R 3 , 2 0 1 2


After 20 years of development, texting has become a global standard in interpersonal communication JONATHAN WINSLOW Daily Titan

Twenty years ago Monday, the very first text message was sent from a computer the size of a file cabinet to a five-pound brick that passed for a mobile phone. Technology has come a long way since Dec. 3, 1992, when British engineer Neil Papworth sent a message that said “Merry Christmas” to Richard Jarvis, an executive at Vodafone. What was once a massive accomplishment in communications technology now occurs almost constantly; today, millions of people around the world are texting, not just engineers and executives. The Orange County Register reports that 8.6 trillion text messages were sent this year alone, which generated about $231 billion in revenue. The rise of texting can be attributed to a great number of things. The convenience of sending a short message can be more appealing to many people in certain situations than picking up the phone and initiating a full-on conversation. Texting is easier for Lekhapriya Kumar, 21, a biotechnology major at Cal State Fullerton, who uses text messaging to keep in touch with her family. “I’m an international student—I have friends back home, so that’s how I keep in contact with them, rather than just calling them,” she said. Convenience is not the only thing that can be attributed to the widespread popularity that texting has enjoyed in recent years. Another advantage that texting has over placing phone calls is that it can come in handy during emergencies, where phone calls are either too time consuming or too dangerous. SEE MOBILE, 2

CAMPUS | Philanthropy

Students host fundraising events for those in need

Business students hope to raise awareness and funds for local alcohol and drug abuse rehabilitation programs Monday and Wednesday on campus DOMINIQUE ROCKER Daily Titan

Cal State Fullerton students, faculty and staff have the opportunity this week to participate in events aimed at assisting patients recover from alcohol or drug abuse through rehabilitation programs. The two-day awareness and blood drive event is hosted in part by the work of four CSUF business students. The first day of the event, Monday, is aimed to raise awareness for Operation Rehab, a non-profit organization founded three years ago by President Steve Connally. Connally describes Operation Rehab as an organization that “raises funding to pay for quality in-patient alcohol or drug rehabilitation for addicts who can’t afford it on their own, which most people (in that situation) can’t.” The Kogi food truck will be parked in Lot R, between the Titan Student Union and the State College Parking Structure Monday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Operation Rehab will set up a booth with free candy, a donation box and brochures with information about their organization. Titan Radio will also be on site to play music for the participants. Students can also sign up for the Blood Drive taking place on Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For this event, Operation Rehab partnered with Blood for Missions, whose bloodmobile will be parked outside of the Kinesiology and Health Science building. Every blood donor, Blood for Missions will donate $20 to Operation Rehab, said Leah Espinoza, a sophomore business major. She is working on this event as a group project with three other students in their honors Business Writing class. SEE DONATIONS, 3 CONTACT US AT DTNEWSDESK@GMAIL.COM


A man smokes his cigar in 8Eightyeight cigar shop where smoking laws have become more and more hazy from its status as a bar and cigar.

Smoke clouds laws Cigarette smoke found seeping into downtown Fullerton bars and restaurants



Daily Titan

Unfiltered hazes of smoke from abandoned cigarette butts curl through an open window into a bar, slipping through the cracks in the wall of labor codes that govern smoking at restaurants and bars in downtown Fullerton’s locally famous night scene. The labor law in California with smoking in places of employment stipulates as of 1998, smoking is prohibited in bars and taverns, yet establishments have found ways to circumvent the law, allowing its patrons to smoke at the bar. Back Alley Bar & Grill can usually be found with the aroma of burnt tobacco due to the indoor patio with a garage-like opening to the outside area which acts like a patio. But it connects to the bar through an opening in the wall where ashtrays wait for smokers. To the casual observer, it is unclear whether the space is a patio or a hallway. The general manager maintains the room is a patio and says the bar is in compliance with California Labor Code 6404.5, which states places of employment are not to allow smoking indoors at their establishments. “It’s pretty ingrained in everybody now that that’s the way it is, so we don’t really get complaints,” said Back Alley Bar and Grill general manager Chris Presta about the indoor covered patio at the bar that allows smoking. “I think they like that because they can still smoke, and if the weather is like it is today, they could come inside. They can be covered and still smoke and have a good time,” he said. In 1995, when California first adopted the labor law that prohibits smoking at places of employment, the tobacco industry was under heat for hiding the

Number of annual U.S. tobacco-related deaths (2000-2004)


(secondhand only deaths)



(total deaths directly attributed to the use of tobacco, including secondhand smoke)







SOURCE: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION From 2000 to 2004, tobacco products accounted for almost half a million deaths in the United States.

addictive effect of nicotine in cigarettes. The public seemed ready for changes in the law, accepting that there are harmful effects of cigarette smoke. California was the first state in the country to pass a law that acknowledges the harmful effects from secondhand smoke. The state passed an indoor-smoking prohibition restriction for restaurants. Bars and taverns were given four years to prepare for the execution of the law, as the state was also waiting to see if some air vent strong enough to expel cigarette smoke from a building would be invented. But in 1998, bars and taverns crumbled under the restrictions and were forced to comply. “I’m not a cigarette smoker … but the government shouldn’t dictate what you could do or can’t do with your business,” Presta said, whose father was a smoker and died from lung cancer. Not all bars initially followed the law, and one bar in Fullerton decided to challenge it in court.

Lucky John’s in Fullerton admitted to violating the smoking law and was cited in January 2000 by the Fullerton Police Department, according to the Los Angeles Times. Initially in June 2001, Lucky John’s won a court appeal to the Orange County Superior Court, arguing that the California law was unconstitutional. But the same court later overruled its own verdict and forced Lucky John’s to comply with the California law. The studies about the harmful effects from secondhand smoke have not changed since the law passed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports “secondhand smoke exposure causes an estimated 3,400 lung cancer deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States,” and nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work increase their lung cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent. SEE SMOKE, 3

CAMPUS | Holiday donations

Camp Titan Toy Drive lacking gift donations

The annual event provides presents to roughly 50 underprivileged children ERINN GROTEFEND Daily Titan

Camp Titan is hosting their annual Camp Titan Toy Drive where Christmas gifts are donated to underprivileged children in Orange County. Students, faculty, staff and friends are encouraged to participate in this meaningful program. Unwrapped toys and monetary donations are being collected at the Titan

Student Union (TSU) Information and Services Desk. Wednesday is the last day to donate gifts for the toy drive. Ray Edmondson, Camp Titan codirector of staff management, said the turnout this year has been extremely poor. “We have about half of the toys that we did at this time last year, and there’s only a week until the holiday party,” said Edmondson. Kids that take part in Camp Titan are from group homes or other disadvantaged backgrounds. If it was not for the toy drive, many of them would not have a presents dur-

ing this Christmas season. Susan Bolter, Camp Titan co-director of staff management, worked with the event last year and considered it a great success. Last year the event had about 50 children that received at least 10 gifts each. But this year the event has received a low response from donors. “We will be lucky if each kid is able to walk away with one gift,” said Bolter. The children chosen to participate in the toy drive are those who were served by Camp Titan over the summer. These children are specifically recruited to camp due to having a disad-

vantaged background. “The children who attend Camp Titan are truly amazing and all deserve to be given a Christmas,” Bolter said. “We really need the community as a whole to work together to help make this happen.” Edmondson has taken part in previous Titan Toy Drives and considers it a great experience. He added that providing gifts to the children is lifting a burden on their families that would otherwise struggle to provide for their child. SEE TOY DRIVE, 5





DAILY TITAN QUESTION OF THE WEEK When shopping for Christmas presents, will you use cash/debit or credit? 20%


Cash/ debit

80% 0










Vote for our next question of the week at

MOBILE: Texting replaces traditional calls

It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Anders Howmann at 657-2785815 or at with issues about this policy or to report any errors.

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Photo Illustration by WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan

Many students at Cal State Fullerton use text messaging as a preferred form of communication. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

For example, text messages can be helpful in an emergency situation where phone lines are congested. A text message can always be counted on to go through in the event that phone lines have been overloaded or are busy. Even if there is not a disaster situation, texting can still be helpful. In one case, Kevin Soule, 21, a musical theatre major, got a role in a performance thanks to a timely text. “I got a text telling me one of our actors didn’t arrive, and I had about 15 minutes to get ready and run over there,” said Soule. Soule also noted that he communicates almost purely through texting, very rarely ever resorting to an actual phone call. “I almost never call on the phone, any time I need to talk to someone, it’s going to be through text,” Soule said. For all that can be said for text messages, including their explosive popularity in recent years, many still feel that there are certain things about placing a phone

call that cannot be captured in a text message. Bren Johnson, 19, also a musical theatre major, feels that phone calls are much more effective for most things beyond mere coordination. “You can just talk to them and actually finish the conversation, as opposed to waiting five years for them to respond,” said Johnson. Other students also pointed out that there is something in having

a conversation that can’t be replicated in a text message, whether it is face-to-face or over the phone. All the same, students agreed that texting is an important form of communication, and struggled to imagine a world without it. “I don’t think that it’s necessarily a bad thing that we have so much texting. It is a form of communication, even if it’s not the most allencompassing,” Johnson said.

APPLY NOW! EDITOR POSITIONS We are currently seeking students with an interest in journalism to fill all editor positions for the Daily Titan. If interested, please pick up an application at the Daily Titan newsroom (CP 670). Applications are available now through winter break. For more information, please contact:


A hearing on a defense motion to dismiss charges against two former Fullerton police officers accused of beating a mentally ill homeless man, Kelly Thomas, to death was postponed Friday. According to the Orange County Register, a motion to delay the hearing until Jan. 18 was carried by Orange County Superior Judge William Froeberg. Defense attorneys John Barnett and Michael Schwartz filed a motion for a continuance to prepare additional legal briefs. Former officers Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli were charged in connection to the death beating of a 37-year-old Kelly Thomas. Thomas was killed after a violent confrontation erupted at the Fullerton Transportation Center with six police officers in July 2011. Ramos pleaded not guilty to second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of Thomas. Cicinelli also pleaded not guilty to charges of manslaughter and excessive force. Thomas’ father and former Orange County Sheriff’s deputy Ron Thomas asked the judge to move the trial “in a speedy manner” in the interest of his son, since 14 months have passed since the incident.

Palestine granted statehood by U.N.

Anders Howmann, Editor in Chief The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free.

Hearing postponed in beating case


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The United Nations voted Thursday to recognize Palestine as a “non-member observer state,” according to the Washington Post. This grants Palestinians limited state rights, including the right to join the International Criminal Court and other international treaties. More than two-thirds of the U.N., which is made up of 193 members, overwhelmingly granted statehood to Palestine, voting 138 to 9, with 41 abstentions. The vote stems as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, the United States and Israel criticized the decision, claiming it would only complicate efforts for Middle East peace agreements. “Today’s unfortunate and counterproductive resolution places further obstacles in the path peace,” said U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed, saying the U.N.’s vote “will change nothing on the ground.” Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA

Jackpot winner yet to claim ticket Two winning lottery tickets, purchased in Missouri and Arizona, were drawn Wednesday night. The jackpot value was $587.5 million, according to CNN. The winning ticket holder from Missouri claimed her money Friday but the winner from Arizona has yet to come forward. Winners have 180 days to claim their winnings. Although, the nearly six million dollar prize will be taxed at the highest federal tax rate of 35 percent, which is based on the highest income earners. “A lot of lottery winners aren’t good with their money and run through it quickly, so sometimes an annuity is a good idea so that they save money,” said Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at tax research firm CCH. Winners also have the option to receive $385 million in cash right away, but it too will be taxed heavily. If the winners from Missouri and Arizona take lump sums of $192.5 million they would owe the IRS $67 million because of the federal tax rate. Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA





SMOKE: Loopholes in the law

The link between smoking and lung cancer is confirmed.

The harmful effects of secondhand smoke are acknowledged.

Health warnings first appear on cigarette packs.


California becomes the first state in the nation to eliminate smoking in bars.

Judge Kessler finds that the tobacco industry had deceived the American public for more than 50 years on health issues and marketing to children.

San Luis Obispo becomes the first city in the world to eliminate smoking in all public buildings.



Nevada becomes the first state to weaken its smoke-free law.






The website also reports secondhand smoke exposure causes an estimated 46,000 heart disease deaths annually among adult nonsmokers in the United States. According to the CDC, eliminating smoking from buildings is the only way to reduce secondhand smoke. Ventilation systems, separating smokers from nonsmokers and cleaning the air does not remove the risk of secondhand smoke exposure. “All exposure to secondhand smoke is unhealthy—there is no ‘safe’ level of exposure,” said Nicole Stanfield, a spokeswoman for the Orange County Healthcare Agency, in an email. Nevertheless, some bars allow patrons to smoke, claiming loopholes in the labor law permit them to smoke indoors. Cigar shop 8Eightyeight, also in downtown Fullerton, allows their guests to smoke inside the private lounge of their club where there is a bar. Walking into the shop, customers are led to a front desk where patrons are greeted and asked if they want to try cigars. The room next to that room is a controlled temperature environment where hundreds of cigars line the shelves. Beyond that room, behind a locked door, which only employees can open with a code, is the lounge where members can sit on lounge chairs and watch television. The full bar is in this room. The club claims to be a private cigar shop, which is one of the exempt businesses from the no smoking law. But the club also has a full bar. It has about 10 employees who have to sign a waiver saying they don’t mind the secondhand smoke, said general manager Lulu Aguirre. “Generally it is for members only, and the reason we do that is because it is an indoor smoking establishment, and so we get you to sign a piece of paper that says you’re accepting the fact that it’s indoor and people are smoking,” said Aguirre. The establishment has been open for more than 16 years—before the labor law was enforced against bars—and did petition for a license to sell alcohol, Aguirre said. Yet the nature of the rules in the labor code does not state if a privately owned cigar shop is allowed to serve alcohol and not be considered a bar. The Fullerton Police Department was unable to be reached for comment regarding the matter. However, Stanfield stated there are some provisions for smoking at bars. “In order for a small business with fewer than five employees to allow smoking they must meet all of four criteria: 1) Smoking area is not accessible to minors, 2) All employees who enter smoking area consent to permit smoking, 3) Air from the smoking area is exhausted to the outside by an exhaust fan, 4) Employer complies with all ap-


iPhone snatched Police are seeking a robber who snatched a cell phone from a female student’s hand Wednesday near the Student Health and Counseling Center, officials said. The crime was reported just after 7:15 p.m. Wednesday as an 18-year-old student was walking between the housing area and the health center, CSUF Police Capt. John Brockie said. “She had her cell phone in her hand, texting,” said Brockie. The robber grabbed the young woman’s iPhone from her hand and ran off, he said. The victim was not injured. Because the robbery took place in the dark, the victim said it appeared the robber was male though she could not be certain, Brockie said. The robber was further described as 20 to 30 years old, about 5 feet 8 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall, of thin build, wearing a baseball cap and a light-colored jacket. Brockie said no similar crimes have been reported, and the robbery appeared to be an isolated incident. Anyone with information can reach University Police at (657) 278-2515. Brief by BRIAN DAY


The Back Alley Bar & Grill, located in downtown Fullerton, features a smoker-friendly patio and bar. California law states that businesses with less than five employees are not permitted to allow smoking in their vicinity.

“All exposure to secondhand smoke is unhealthy —there is no ‘safe’ level of exposure. ” NICOLE STANFIELD Orange County Healthcare Agency plicable state and federal ventilation standards,” Stanfield said. 8Eightyeight employs more than five people. Adjacent to the cigar shop, Back Alley Bar & Grill does not permit smoking inside its college-

trendy establishment. But the indoor patio allows a significant amount of cigarette smoke into the area where the band plays inside the bar. “I don’t mind the smoking because it’s outside, so if I go to bars I think it’s one of those things that’s normal,” said Deena Iquinas, a customer of the bar who was celebrating her 27th birthday. Although Iquinas said she feels smoking inside the bar is not a good environment, she agrees that the Back Alley Bar & Grill smells like cigarette smoke, but it does not deter her from going to the establishment. Cal State Fullerton students frequently drink at Back Alley Bar & Grill, and student Michael Armor, a senior, said the smoke from the patio area annoys him. “I’m inside and I shouldn’t have to smell smoke,”

Armor said. “But I don’t really mind the smell of smoke that much, but I’m not expecting to have to smell smoke.” At the bar, a “Thank you for not smoking” sign hangs from the green wall next to the wide-open window by the exit to the bar from the patio where people constantly smoke. Above the open window a cheers sign hangs, which looks similar to the old Cheers logo from the TV series—a time when smoking in bars and taverns was legal. At 9 p.m., the bartender lights a cigarette from behind the bench and places it in an ashtray that sits at the big window opening from the indoor patio. The bartender puffs his cigarette from behind the bar and blows the smoke towards the opening to the patio. He then tosses the cigarette back in the ashtray and continues serving customers.

DONATIONS: Students host fundraiser for addicts CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“It’s a service learning site that we have to be employed at for our project and we have to offer our business writing skills to them to be able to practice what we’re learning in the class,” said Espinoza. The group worked with Connally to create an event for students to help raise funds for Operation Rehab. Hayden Koch, a sophomore business major, said he enjoyed working on the back-office work leading up to the events. “We created like two fliers, we have a memo that we wrote and a paper and presentation that we’re doing that all goes along with it,” said Koch. Students are encouraged to visit Blood for Missions and Operation Rehab’s websites. Operation Rehab can be contacted via email at or phone at (714) 943-0940.

REHAB FUNDRAISER MONDAY, Dec. 3: TIME: 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. LOCATION: Kogi food truck in Lot R, between Titan Student Union and the State College Parking Structure Rehab will set up a booth with free candy, a donation box and brochures with information about their organization. Titan Radio will also be on site to play music for the participants.

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 5: TIME: 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. LOCATION: Bloodmobile parked outside Kinesiology and Health Science Building. For this event, Operation Rehab partnered with Blood for Missions, whose bloodmobile will be parked outside of the Kinesiology and Health Science building. VISIT US AT DAILYTITAN.COM/NEWS





A voice to voiceless

Taking a moment to reflect When I first moved to California, I was amazed by the natural environment here. There’s something really extraordinary about this place for people who aren’t native Californians. Just going for a drive in some places that are relatively scarce of population, one will see undulating hillsides and rugged terrain filled with shades of green, brown and copper. The land imperceptibly transcends man’s attempt to tame it. I can’t explain why or how, but there are places in this great state that are just meant to be enjoyed rather than farmed, mined, flattened or built upon. These places of intense beauty deserve to be preserved so that multiple generations might enjoy them. That’s one of the many reasons that I started this column. I want to spotlight the efforts of individuals to conserve the natural ecology of Southern California; I truly believe this is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. However, I’d be lying if I told you that my high school years in Temecula didn’t have a tremendous impact on my deep-seated love of conservation efforts. In 2010, Liberty Quarry was starting to get plans together to use a proposed strip of land near the Santa Margarita River to extract gravel, sand and other materials over a 75-year period. The land flanked an important San Diego State nature reserve and would have interrupted the flow of the river, which was one of only a few free-flowing rivers in the Southern California area that remained. At the time, I was an intern for the local newspaper in my town. I had received my assignment from the Temecula Valley News, which was to cover the protest held by gravel quarry enemies at Ronald Reagan Sports Park. I had no attachment or investment in this project. For me, it was just another thing to write about. However, as I watched people march in triple-digit heat that day, something clicked. It suddenly occurred to me that sometimes as people, we need to take a step back and evaluate the decisions we’re making in regard to our natural surroundings. Although the growth of business is incredibly important, it’s also important that we set aside something in the midst of all our growth. These individuals were standing together to fight against a business that would have hindered air quality, disrupted an important river, and would have posed a threat to wildlife that had previously held sanctuary between the proposed

DECEMBER 3, 2012


area and the ecological preserve. I wrote the news story that night in the most formal and unbiased way, but part of me thought that people would be silly not to recognize that the proposed location for the quarry would have been a terrible one. To make a long story short, the quarry issue would go back and forth. One year, the Riverside planning commission would vote against it, only to have it fast tracked as an agenda item for the following year. This went on for a few years. Liberty would fight long and hard to maintain its location near the Santa Margarita river, and the people of Fallbrook, Temecula and Rainbow would fight equally hard to keep it out. It wasn’t until the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians paid a settlement of $20.3 million a couple weeks ago that Liberty Quarry would finally halt its plan to use the area. Now the land can effectively go back to its prior purpose. It can stand to function as a place where the ecosystem, air quality and water quality remain intact. It will also stand to keep life in the surrounding communities happier and healthier as well.

“The land imperceptibly transcends man’s attempt to tame it.” So what was the point of this extendedly long narrative? Well, my point is that there are dozens of “Liberty Quarries” out there. Not literally, of course, but there are businesses that stand to pose a significant threat to their environmental surroundings. Whenever that happens, it’s important that people stand up to fight it. Next time you have a little free time, drive out to a place that’s scarcely populated. Basically, the kind of place where the only thing around is nature. Granted, there aren’t many places like this left in Southern California. But if you go to one of these places, you’ll see that there’s a lot worth preserving.

The case of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei shows the power of free speech and information online IRINA DANOVA For the Daily Titan

Throughout history there have always been mediums for social commentary, from complex forms such as literature and art to more simple mediums such as bulletin boards at the local college or coffee shop. In recent years the Internet has become one of these simple mediums. Any American can sit down at their computer and state their opinion without fear of being silenced. This freedom has given people the opportunity to express themselves and their causes and get others involved. Anyone can make a difference now, and all it requires is access to the Internet. But perhaps Americans take this for granted, knowing they have nothing to worry about; that their voice is protected even if they’re cursing the government at the top of their lungs. Now imagine living in a country where the government can silence any voice they want and block information on the Internet from reaching the public. This thought, though horrific, is a reality for some. This is the situation in the People’s Republic of China. The government there has control over the lives of their citizens; a fact artist Ai Weiwei learned firsthand. Ai Weiwei has been called one of the most controversial figures in China. His art is unconventional and includes pieces that could easily upset even the most freespirited of art enthusiasts. However, for several years, his most prominent form of communication was the Internet. Ai used his blog and Twitter account to rouse the people of China. That is, until the government of China shut down his blog and attempted more than once to silence him completely. Forgetting the idea that the Internet can inspire movements and gives every person an outlet, it is also for information. Blocking information is one way to control people; if the citizens only know things that their government wants them to know, they have no reason to believe that their govern-

Courtesy of MCT

Ai Weiwei’s controversial art and rebellious acts have given him a loyal global following.

ment has ever done anything wrong. In fact, controlling the Internet is the same as controlling the minds of an entire country. Sound like a warning straight out of George Orwell’s 1984? It should. Ai attempted to spread information that the government didn’t want getting out through his online blog. When an enormous earthquake hit Sichuan, China in 2008, 5,335 students were killed at the school. The names of these children were kept quiet by the government. Ai Weiwei took to the Internet, rallying his followers and using his blog to find and reveal the names of these thousands of children. The government shut down his blog because they could; all because Ai Weiwei wanted to give peace to families all across China by giving these children names. It turned the eyes of the nation toward the government and the government had nothing to say. The government could do nothing to help. But that is the power of the Internet. One person with one blog can change the way an entire government operates, and can open the eyes of an entire nation to something they had barely even realized was happening. Of course this is terrifying for the government of China—it must be terrifying to governments all across the world. So, in one action, the government ripped Ai’s blog from the face of their nation’s Internet. They simultaneously stopped the flow of information and forced a figurative hand over the well-meaning mouth of Ai Weiwei.

If this happened in America, the Internet would explode with opinions. The media would point a judgmental finger at our president, and every activist and random human being with an opinion would blog and fight, kick and scream, until Ai Weiwei’s blog was reinstated. But in China, the fight was more discreet. The government proved their power, and Ai Weiwei’s fans and followers protected their beloved artist in more sneaky ways. When he created a Twitter account, they created similar fake Twitter accounts to make it more difficult for the government to silence him. Fake Twitter accounts shouldn’t be necessary. A person having to hide their opinions and beliefs shouldn’t be necessary. The Internet should be a safe place, and in general people should feel safe and secure expressing themselves. The Internet has become a world in itself. It has become a safe haven for people to show their support or discontent of the government, or present their art for public consumption, or to find information and read or watch the news. But that is in America; even in today’s world there are places where human beings are not so free. A world where a person’s rights can be torn away from them, stripped out from under them, by a force with more power than any one human being can imagine. What a terrifying and hopeless thought, but it is the dystopian horror that people like Ai Weiwei have lived in and fought against.

Europe’s fiscal crisis is simmering While economic troubles persist in the U.S., Europe’s myriad of issues multiply DANIEL BARBEAU For the Daily Titan

As we Americans spent the last weeks of November with family and turkey while contemplating the repercussions of the fiscal cliff, our European cousins had another depressing week of bad economic and fiscal news. Battles boiled over which constituency was entitled to whose money as the Eurozone continued to squabble over

how to extract enough meager wealth to prop up several flailing welfare states while maintaining the confidence of their angry voters. Fiscal meltdown attention has temporarily shifted away from Spain, while Greece again regained its perennial spotlight with continued negotiations over Athens’ next bailout and partial default in exchange for further austerity. However, before Greeks could return to Brussels hat-in-hand, a chasm surfaced between the nation’s creditors when International Monetary Fund (IMF) director Christine Legarde rejected European Union (EU) and European Central Bank (ECB) officials’ pleas to allow Greek debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratios to stay above 120 percent until 2022 versus 2020. Still, with a shrinking economy and eternally higher debt now at 140 percent of GDP, attainment of even the most pessimistic Greek debt reduction goals looks about as likely as Michael Vick becoming president of PETA. More ominously, continued bailouts and austerity make both the governing coalitions of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras more fragile as opposition politicians use the protracted crisis as a weapon to promote anti-bailout and anti-austerity challengers. Eventually the prospect of another decade of German-mandated Greek austerity will likely bring the growing Maoist-inspired Greek Syriza party

into power and, by rejecting further austerity, torpedo the intended solution to Greece’s sovereign debt crisis. Meanwhile bailouts continued the transfer of wealth from prudent northern countries to other profligate peripherals. The small island nation of Cyprus claimed to have secured up to €17 billion ($22 billion) in bailouts, equal to the country’s annual GDP, only to be contradicted by Eurozone bureaucrats who denied any finalization of a deal. On the other end of the continent, Spain accepted €35 billion ($45 billion) in nationalized bank bailouts in exchange for thousands of layoffs, who will soon join a quarter of the nation’s workforce on the unemployment rolls. Other economic news is still worse. With governments across the continent desperately groping for tax revenue, the Eurozone economy shrunk for the second quarter in a row, confirming that the slump looks to be chronic and not temporary. Another report confirmed Eurozone unemployment touched a new high of 11.7 percent. Even some of the less unhealthy economies of Europe are quivering before their debt chasm. Citing factors such as an ossified labor market, loss of competitiveness, and structural economic problems, the credit rating agency Moody’s slashed French credit from its prestigious Triple-A, which signalled a shotacross-the-bow for other core Euro-

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to CONTACT US AT DTOPINION@GMAIL.COM

zone economies. Meanwhile, French unemployment hit a 14-year high and Socialist President François Hollande ripped a page from the Hugo Chavez playbook by threatening defiant cooperations with nationalization. Back in Spain, the equally bankrupt autonomous region of Catalonia seems to have had enough of Madrid’s fiscal shenanigans and, notwithstanding a €5 billion ($6.5 billion) bailout request to the national government in August, now seeks a divorce. Despite Spanish vows to block the independence drive, Catalan voters delivered victory in local elections to separatists who promised to hold a referendum on the issue. More drama is sure to follow. Finally, the famed stiff upper lip of British politicians froze into a perpetual frown as they walked out of a meeting intended to secure £13.8 billion ($22 billion) in British funding for EU governmental operations. These British Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) balked at Brussels’ insistence that the U.K. fund higher EU expenditures all while pontificating to Greece and others over notions of austerity. Britons seem to be increasingly fed up with the games of their continental neighbors, and popularity of a British EU exit is gaining strength. For the U.S., these European troubles are a blessing in disguise, since they foretell our own fiscal and monetary future and allow us to watch the consequences of our own free-spending ways. As if we possess a crystal ball, we can observe what happens when welfare states rack up more debt than their creditors believe they can ever repay. The driving force behind this predictable crisis is debt, and as the most bankrupt nation in a bankrupt world sinks under a trillion dollars of new debt each year, we need only to wonder “when” and not “if ” we will be afflicted with similar chaos.





PLAY: A blissful romance? CAROUSEL

DEANNA TROMBLEY For the Daily Titan

Courtesy of MCT

Customers, fans and lovers of Hostess products are forced to say goodbye to their favorite guilty pleasures, most infamously, the Twinkie.

Farewell Hostess, no longer mostest DEANNA TROMBLEY For the Daily Titan

The panic! The sheer bloody horror! America is still in mourning from the heartbreaking news that Hostess Brands has closed down due to bankruptcy. The news came out on Nov. 16 when the Hostess company put out an official notice for the public which stated the following: “Hostess brands to wind down company after BCTGM (Bakery Confectionery Tobacco Workers & Grain Millers) Union strike cripples operations.” The BCTGM union had received several warnings from the Hostess Company that due to the strike, action was going to be taken. On Nov. 12, three plants permanently closed down to work stoppage. On Nov. 14, the company announced it would be forced to liquidate if workers did not return to work. By Nov. 15, it had been decided that there was an insufficient amount of employees for the company to get back on its feet. The Hostess Company even made a last and final offer to lower prices for the incentive to attract new financing, but the BCTGM union was having none of it. “We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” said CEO Gregory Rayburn in a statement. Hostess Brands will have to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce. Once the news reached the public Nov. 16, there was instant panic as people rushed out to purchase and hoard as much Hostess products as possible. It was as if the zombie apocalypse was coming. Tallahassee, from the 2009 movie Zombieland, would be damned proud of America. Shelves in every leading grocery store and pharmacy like Vons, Target and CVS were completely cleaned out of all the Hostess products by the end of the day. Twinkies were the first to go. Some Hostess customers have gone as far as to list Hostess products on eBay for well above double or triple the original cost. If you haven’t already stocked up, it may be too late. However the key is to find them in local gas stations. You may be lucky enough to find a Ho-Ho gold mine. Hostess sales have been dwindling since mothers have been buying healthier snacks for their children. Turns out that fat-filled snack cakes and hearty white bread is not so good for you when eaten on a regular basis. Who would have thought? “There are serious questions as to the logic decision to strike,” said Robert Drain, a United States bankruptcy judge, at a hearing in

White Plains, New York. Drain was urging for the union and company to mediate in order to save the potential loss of more than 18,000 jobs because of this union strike. Not all 18,000 employees want to be part of this stand, and are at risk of unemployment because of this righteous fight for dignity. The BCTGM union blames the Hostess Brands company for the bankruptcy. Many Hostess employees have blamed both the company’s management and the union for this mess. Eulogies for Hostess Brands may have come a bit premature. The 82-year-old company and the disgruntled union agreed to talk things over, but sentiment on possible outcomes are still mixed. If Hostess does find a solution, there’s going to be plenty of people with the unnecessary and awkward life supply stashed away in their cupboards. One of the most likely solutions is for Hostess to fond buyers to save the day. “A few (buyers) have surfaced already since Friday expressing interest in the brand to acquire them,” Rayburn said in a statement. Interested contenders include ConAgra and Flower Foods. The company with the most edge is the Mexican brand El Grupo Bimbo, the largest bread company in the world, headed by billionaire Daniel Servitje Montull, according to ABC News. Still, there is no promised outcome. For all we know, Little Debbie could be the next hostess with the mostess. Keep your fingers crossed, or if you fancy to be a bit more active in this whole situation, keep one hand filled with spongy sugar coma inducing Twinkies while waving a large American flag with your other hand and hope for the best. Hostess may rise from the dead, or you may very well have to ration our beloved Ding Dongs.

HOST-LESS Twinkie 150 calories

Ding Dong 360 calories

Donettes 430 calories

Zinger 470 calories

The cast of Carousel delivered a memorable and innovative performance, pulling at heartstrings and offering tearjerker moments. Director Eve Himmelheber fearlessly led the cast, crew and, most importantly, the audience into the 1930s with hopeful and blissful romance blooming in the air. “We all hoped to be ferried away to an adventure with romance and exotic beauty, however each of us pays the price, gets on, grabs for the golden ring, and then our ride is over and another wave of people replace us, ad infinitum,” Himmelheber’s note for the audience read. The opening scene is a prologue to the story of Billy Bigelow and Julie Jordan, played by Keaton Williams and Gina Velez. With instrumental music creating an atmosphere that spoke to the turn of the century carousel in a carnival and action without dialogue, the personalities unfolded before our eyes. Bigelow is the charismatic and flirtatious Barker employed by the temperamental Mrs. Mullin. Bigelow singles out the quiet and darling Julie Jordan in sweeping her off her feet with a ride on the whimsical carousel. Bigelow gets himself in trouble with Mrs. Mullin for being too friendly to Jordan on the job, which results in losing his job. If the brilliant costume design wasn’t enough to convince the audience members, the physical creation of the carousel was genius. If you’re curious as to how the props and scenery crew managed to make the carousel functional and be easily used by the cast. Carrie Pipperidge, played by Audrey Curd, is another lovable character introduced in the beginning. Being more proper and what would be considered ‘nerdy’ in the 1930s, she is the loyal best friend of Jordan.

The most interesting part of the storyline that hooked me is the high contrast of Bigelow’s personality and Jordan’s personality in the scene titled “If I Loved You”. Bigelow is revealed to be the rebellious and rambunctious one, making it difficult to imagine him settling down with anyone. Jordan is the starry eyed romantic that finds the virtue to trust him, regardless of learning the rumor that Bigelow gets girls to fall in love with him to steal their money. It seems almost all too perfect for the pair that they are both penniless and stubborn, falling in love by the end of the number while it’s clear to the audience members that this relationship will inevitably have a tragic ending to it. The scene design for “If I Loved You” along with nearly every other scene was immersive in clever ways, giving the performance a lasting impression. The actors also did a remarkable job in delivering their songs, each having impressive vocal ranges to go with the playful lyrics of the songs. Each of the actors stood out in their own way. Within the passing of a couple of months, Julie Jordan is now Julie Bigelow and Billy Bigelow is now Billy the Grump. There is also a high contrast in the progression between Julie’s relationship to Billy and Pipperidge’s relationship with the renowned and wealthy Enoch Snow. Shortly after Julie reveals to Pipperidge that Billy hit her one night, Pipperidge announces her engagement to Snow. Pipperidge sings of the pure love she shares with Snow with the same hopeless romantic starry eyes that Julie once had for Billy. When Snow finally appears, it’s hard not to love this guy. He’s successful, affectionate, and has his feet firmly planted on the ground while our anti-hero Billy Bigelow is temperamental, jobless and easily swayed by manipulative friends. Wait! There’s more! Julie reveals her pregnancy to Billy, offering hope to rekindle the love in their marriage. However, Billy finds it as an opportunity to finally give back to Julie and to provide for his newfound family.

The dodgy and confident Jigger Craigin, played by William Hoshida, convinces Billy to help him out in a plan of theft that would earn them $3,000 to split. While even the intrusive Mrs. Mullin foresees nothing but failure in this idea, Billy is determined to prove himself. Two of the best events in the second act is the scene design for heaven, where Star Keeper introduces himself to Billy. Bright lights hang from the ceiling as stars while Star Keeper is standing on a ladder, putting up more stars that are ready for the sky. Star Keeper offers Billy a chance of redemption for both his widowed wife and now 15-year-old daughter, Louise. Billy has a whole day to go back to earth to straighten up his unfinished business with his heartbroken family. With that, a screen is lifted, introducing Louise as she’s dancing by herself in her solo number, “Ballet.” Louise quickly becomes one of my personal favorites because of the fighter personality she inherited from her deceased father. Louise is a tragic character; being teased and hated for being the daughter of a criminal and being taken advantage of by the flirtatious men who were similar to the young Billy. Seeing the tragedy he has brought upon the people that he loves the most, Billy jumps at the opportunity to fix things. One of the most memorable and relatable lines is by Julie: “It’s possible for someone to hit you hard and not hurt at all.” Perhaps the relationship between Billy and Julie wasn’t all that bad, because it’s in the nature of love to kick your heart in the butt sometimes. In the words of Julie Bigelow, “He’s a fella and you love him, that’s all there is to that.” Now, if you want to know how it all unfolds, I recommend going to a show time if Carousel. This play was charming, clever and unforgettable. The collaboration between the cast and crew made this story a believable one that draws you in to care about the characters. The play runs through Dec. 16 at CSUF’s Little Theatre.


Camp Titan is hosting their annual Camp Titan Toy Drive that provides donated gifts of various sizes to underpriveleged children. Unwrapped toys and monetary donations can be dropped off at the Titan Student Union (TSU) Information & Services Desk until Wednesday, Dec. 5.

TOY DRIVE: Every child deserves a Christmas CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“You can see the stress melting off of the parents when they see the happiness of the children,” Edmondson said. During this month, Camp Titan student organizers will distribute the gifts to the children. When the children arrive at the party, they immediately go to a table where a pair of staff members host a Christmas craft or activity. Previous crafts included making snowflakes, frosting holiday-shaped cookies and freezing bananas with liquid nitrogen before nailing them to a wooden plank. “The kids really loved the activities we provided for them, and it was wonderful to see their eyes light up when they unwrapped their gifts,” Edmondson said about last year’s toy drive. Even though the event is primarily for the children, families can attend and are encouraged to participate in games and activities. Snacks and drinks are also provided for children and their family. Once the activities settle down, Santa Claus makes his debut and calls each

child’s name and gives them a present. A raffle is then held for the bigger gifts. “Previous years we have received bikes, scooters, digital cameras, etc.,” Bolter said. “The holiday party comes to a closing and after that they all leave with smiles.” Providing the children with the gifts means these children are having an actual Christmas, Bolter said. Christmas can be a hard time for families and Camp Titan gives parents the opportunity to be stress free and not worry about getting presents under the Christmas tree. Bolter added that when the children receive their presents at the holiday party, she sees an instant light in their face. “You can tell that this is not something that they are used to and it is amazing to bring these children into the spirit of Christmas,” Bolter said. In previous years, Bolter has taken part in the toy drive and considers it a blessing to help children and give them a Christmas. “Being able to engage each child in a Christmas activity and see their face light up as they open their gifts is

an experience that I feel each person should experience once in their life,” Bolter said. Edmondson, Bolter and 11 staff members participate in the solicitation of gifts, wrapping and execution of the holiday party. Returning counselors also help with the gifts and wrapping. Camp Titan is hoping that there will be a big last minute push of donations. Edmondson said they expected to get around 10 toys of various size and quality per child, but this year Camp Titan will be lucky if each child receives just one. “We take any gift, no matter how

small,” said Edmondson. Camp Titan was created in 1969 by a group of Cal State Fullerton students that wanted to give back to the community and help underprivileged children of Orange County. “It is truly amazing to be a part of such an amazing organization,” Bolter said. Any gift for a broad range of ages is needed. Camp Titan’s goal is to provide the children with a few presents to brighten their day. For more information about the Camp Titan Toy Drive, visit or contact the Camp Titan office at (657) 278-3036.





DECEMBER 3, 2012

Women’s basketball loses by one


The Titans’ bad shooting night aids in giving Northern Arizona first win of the season, 55-54 LINDSAY HENKEL For the Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton Titans women’s basketball team went up against a tough Northern Arizona Lumberjacks on Friday night, losing by just one point, 55-54. The Titans gave the Lumberjacks their first win of the season, as CSUF fell to an overall record 2-5. Although Northern Arizona was 0-6 going into this game, Head Coach Marcia Foster said their record did not change a thing because she knew how strong the Lumberjacks were. “They are a veteran team that has beaten us last year, and they are just struggling this year. This game really had nothing to do with their record,” said Foster. Sophomore forward Kathleen Iwuoha had an all time career-high of 14 points during the course of the game. Freshman guard Annie Park also had a personal best with nine points. “We just try to go into every game thinking we have to get better, and we have to play hard and play as a team,” said Park. The Titans started off the game with a strong effort, racking up three offensive rebounds. They took a 1-0 lead within the first minute of the game thanks to Iwuoha, who made a free throw and put the Titans on the scoreboard. The Titans trailed behind Northern Arizona for the majority of the first half, and only made two of their first 11 field goal attempts. However, the Titans kept fighting and tied the game at 16-16 with 9:02 remaining in the first half. Fullerton kept the game close, and were only down by one point, 26-25, at halftime. This Friday night showdown drew in a decent size crowd for both the Titans and the Lumberjacks. No matter how loud or quiet the crowd may be, the players are in the

SUE LAGARDE / Daily Titan

Sophomore guard and forward Kathleen Iwuoha attempts a free-throw against the Northern Arizona Lumberjacks. She also had a career-high 14 points in the game.

zone and try to focus solely on the game. “For me, I block out everything around me and focus on the court, and I think that is what the team does too,” Park said. After the half, the Titans and Lumberjacks continued their battle as the teams continued to go back and forth, trading the lead eight times. With less than four minutes left to play, Iwuoha made a beautiful shot, giving the Titans the lead 52-50. Unfortunately, that would be their last lead of the game.

With 11 seconds remaining, the Titans called their final timeout. Foster wanted to find a way for the Titans to come out of this game with a win. “I wanted to design the perfect play. We got a layup, that is what we needed but we just could not do it again,” Foster said. The Titans ultimately fell short and Northern Arizona left Titan Gym with a win. “I really thought we had it this game, and now we have to get out of this losing streak,” said Iwuoha. The Titans only made 28 percent of

their field goals, and were 55 percent from the free throw line, which was a season low for them. “We were 20 for 70 from the floor, we missed 50 shots. We are taking good shots, I like what we were doing, how we were executing defensively, we just did not make shots,” Foster said. Coach Foster is hopeful for their next game, and knows the team needs to really focus during their practice in the next week. “We need to work on shooting. We executed better, we just did not shoot

Volleyball’s Kayla Neto comparable to Olympian?

Men’s basketball preyed upon by Eagles in first game of weekend trip A bad offensive second half ultimately dooms the Titans against Eastern Washington JUSTIN ENRIQUEZ Daily Titan

As Neto’s collegiate career comes to a close, her statistics look eerily similar to gold medalist Kerri Walsh PHILLIP LECONG For the Daily Titan

Southern California is known for all the stars and athletes. Staples Center had Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O’Neal and the Lakers. The Dodgers had Mike Piazza and the Kings had Wayne Gretzky and Luc Robitaille. California also has three-time collegiate and AVP champion Kerri Walsh. We can add one of our own to this list: rising athlete Kayla Neto. While there are differences between Walsh and Neto’s paths to collegiate greatness, there are many similarities that mirror each other’s game. The comparisons to Kerri Walsh were no more apparent than in the five set win against UC Irvine when Neto put the Titans on her back and lead them to victory. Neto ended up with 20 kills and 20 digs. She followed that up two nights later with 20 kills and 19 digs in a four set victory against Long Beach State. Neto concluded with 100 kills and 40 digs. While enjoying both these victories, fans could tell they were witnessing someone special and very similar to Kerri Walsh. Neto and Walsh both grew up in Northern California towns. Walsh is from Saratoga, Calif., while Neto grew up in Clarksburg, Calif. They both went to a Catholic high schools. Walsh went to Archbishop Mitty High School, and Neto went to Christian Brothers High School. Neto led the Falcons to a CIF Championship as a senior. Walsh won multiple school honors as a senior. From there, both players went on to highly respected collegiate careers. Walsh went to Stanford University. Walsh and Neto both were individually named All Freshman Player of the Year. Walsh led the Cardinals in kills her freshmen year with 521 and her junior year with 373. Neto was second on the Titans with 305 kills her freshman year. Walsh’s freshman year numbers were: 521 kills, 137 errors, 1042 total attempts, .369 attack percentage, 113 assist, 47 service aces, 9 service errors, 309 digs, 14 solo blocks and 105 assisted blocks. Neto’s freshman year numbers were: 305 kills, 14 assists, 85

the ball well,” Foster said. The Titans were heartbroken by this loss, and fell to 0-5 losing streak against Northern Arizona. However, the team cannot dwell on this loss and needs to move forward and focus on their next game against New Mexico. “To be honest, I hate losing, especially by one point. We have to practice our hardest, and focus on our execution, and we can get a win,” Iwuoha said. For more information on this game and the women’s basketball team, visit

ALEX CALISH / for the Daily Titan

Senior outside hitter Kayla Neto goes up fro a spike. Neto is the Titans all-time leader in kills and was named to the All-Big West team for the 16th time in the history of Fullerton.

digs, 97 blocks, .319 percentage and 21 aces. Looking at their final numbers of their careers, Walsh ended with 1553 kills, 1285 digs, 502 blocks, and a hitting percentage of .358 while at Stanford. Neto’s final numbers as a Titan were 1628 kills, more than 800 digs and 306 blocks. Neto’s four-time All American selection even rivals Walsh’s Olympic teammate Misty May-Treanor, who attended Long Beach State from 1995-1998. Walsh and Neto gave flair and excitement to their respective collegiate careers. With both enjoying multiple awards and accolades, they brought heart and athleticism every time they stepped onto the court. With Kerri Walsh’s career is already written culminating by her third gold medal in beach volleyball this


past summer in the London Olympics. Kayla Neto’s collegiate career has come to a close at Cal State Fullerton. With Neto passing Susan Herman and Brittany Moore on the all time kills list with 1628. She also topped the all time points list as well. The facts show that both their career paths have mirrored each other. It could even be argued that Kayla Neto could be compared to Kerri Walsh. Only time will tell if Neto takes the jump like Walsh and competes for either on the professional or Olympic volleyball level. Whatever she decides, if last Saturday’s game at Cal State Northridge happened to be her last game playing volleyball, then we saw a special player for the last time at CSUF.

It was a tale of two halves as the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team (3-3) dropped a close game to the Eastern Washington University Eagles (2-5), 79-75. The game took place on Friday in Cheney, Wash. The Titans went into the halftime break up 46-39, making 17 of 38 shots for 44.7 percent from the field and half their three-point attempts, shooting 6-of-12 from behind the arc. They could not keep this momentum going as they went ice cold in the second half, including a near seven minutes without a field goal, near the end of the game. CSUF shot 7-of-25 for 28 percent and an abysmal one-of-ten from three. The loss breaks the Titans three game winning streak and brings their overall record to .500. However, they kept another streak going as it was CSUF’s fifth-consecutive road loss dating back to last season. For the Eagles, it was only their second win of the season as they began the season 0-4. Winning their second in the last three games, the win brought their overall record to 2-5. The Eagles closed the game strong by ending the game making 7 of 8 from the free throw line including a pair to put the game out of reach for the Titans with 1.4 seconds left. Eastern Washington were led by freshman forward Venky Jois and junior guard Justin Crosgile as both racked up double-doubles in the comeback victory. Jois scored 22 off a blistering 71.4 percent

from the field and grabbing 13 boards. Crosgile scored 16 points, grabbed 10 rebounds and dished 6 assists in the game. Crosgile also turned the ball over seven times in the game. The Eagles also had a strong performance from freshman forward Thomas Reuter who had 16 points and five rebounds. Reuter also racked up an assist, steal and block in the game. Reuter was the spark plug in the game as he scored 11 consecutive points for the Eagles, rallying the team in the second half. Off the bench, sophomore guard Parker Kelly contributed with 12 points, three rebounds, two assists and two steals. Despite the loss, the Titans had strong performances as well as senior guards D.J. Seely and Kwame Vaughn both scored more than 20 points. Seely scored 21 from 8-of-16 shooting and was a factor on the defensive end as he grabbed six boards and stole the ball five times. Vaughn racked up 22 points, 2 rebounds, and two assists in the game. CSUF also had solid rebounding performances from redshirt senior Sammy Yeager with nine boards and freshman guard Jared Brandon, who grabbed seven boards. As a team, the Eagles outshined the Titans in the big three statistical categories. They shot 45.6 percent from the field off 26-of-57 shooting and grabbed 40 boards and 16 assists. The Titans, on the other hand, shot 38.1 percent, grabbed 33 rebounds, and dished out 13 assists. CSUF turned the ball over only 13 times, compared to the Eagles’ 16 and had 13 fast break points as opposed to Eastern Washington’s four fast break points. For more information on this game and the men’s basketball team, visit


December 3, 2012


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Aries (March 21-April 19) Listen to the competition. You’ll soon have time to relax. Study the practical aspects, and come up with a brilliant scheme. Ask for more and get it.


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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Have the party at your house. Friends help you make a solid connection. The way you did it before won’t work. Move quickly without rocking the boat. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Your mood changes dramatically. You’re even smarter than usual for the next few days. The very idea you were looking for appears from afar. Use imagination, not money.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) You’re entering a two-day profitable phase and can afford a home upgrade. Get down to bare essentials: simple and comfortable. Outside obligations interfere with private time. Schedule them. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Expand your resources. Life’s easier and you’re more confident for the next few days. You can afford to fix things. If there’s a roadblock, meditate. Entertain suggestions. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You see your creative path clearly as you enter an intuitive phase. Review plans. Take a page from your partner’s book. Discipline is required. Get your antiques appraised. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) There’s a zinger in your work environment. You may have trouble getting through to someone. Associates provide deeper insight. Spend a little. Limit travel for now. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Attend to career goals today and tomorrow. Anticipate disagreement, and keep at it. Bring playfulness to work, and let your thoughts settle. Stay out of the way. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Miracles could be possible. Travel is not a good idea, but do make contact. Read the manual, and study a technical subject. Call upon experts. Finish an old job. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Organize your finances today and tomorrow. You get a boost from friends and your partner, who all want your attention. Don’t start the new project yet. Do the scientific research. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Consider all possibilities, and entertain suggestions. It’s a good time to ask for money. Study takes priority over regular chores. Let another represent you. Discover romance today and tomorrow. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) There’s too much work. Listen to both sides of a controversy. Allow the process to unfold. Put your partner in charge. Good news arrives.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.





WILLIAM CAMARGO / Daily Titan A Titans hockey player controls the puck against the USC Trojans. The Titans were unable to convert on most of their power plays on the night which lead to their defeat.

Titan hockey falls to USC in heartbreaker GABY MARTINEZ Daily Titan

Going scoreless on four of their five power plays and facing a hot goaltender led to the demise of the Cal State Fullerton ice hockey team as they lost 4-1 to USC Saturday night at Anaheim Ice. The Titans’ last game was a huge 8-3 win versus UCLA Friday night. The Titans got goals from Sean Saligumba, Payne Sauer (2), Zach Henderson, Jacob Brummett (2), Ryan Cruz and Brandon Booth. CSUF got scoring from several players in that win, but had trouble finding the back of the net against USC’s very hot goaltender Eric Chiccone. USC’s Beau Selisker took a penalty near the end of the second period, which led to the Titans’ lone goal by junior forward Taylor Castle. Castle shot a puck down low, but Chiccone stopped it. He got his own rebound and found the back of the net.

“We were on the power play. I was down low and a shot came through from the point. I was able to find it. I had one whack on it; it went wide. I was able to pull it back and sneak it right behind the goalie on his glove hand,” said Castle. Ryan Cruz assisted on the Castle goal. He also scored in Friday’s win. He had several scoring chances in the game including a couple of breakaway opportunities. The speedy forward talked about the difference in his game now compared to earlier in the season. “A lot of it’s mental, just confidence how you feel coming in to the rink,” said Cruz. “Even though I’m playing well, ultimately I want to see the team succeed. It’s nice to score, but losing like this to USC it stings.” The Titans came out strong in the first period. They won the opening faceoff and maintained control of the puck. They began the period passing well and got good pressure early. They had several breakaway opportunities. Cruz and Brummett both

had opportunities on the breakaway, but were denied both times by Chiccone. Castle also had three quality scoring chances in the first. Brandon Heethuis was solid in net for the Titans. The first goal of the game came from USC’s Andrew Walkon with 5:13 left in the first. A CSUF player tried to clear the puck from their defensive zone, but it was intercepted by Walkon. He fired a quick shot that found the back of the net. CSUF outplayed USC in the first, but due to an unfortunate bounce, CSUF trailed 1-0 at the end of the first. The Titans began the second period with 22 seconds left on the power play, but couldn’t get out of their defensive zone. Brandon Booth and Castle were stopped on a couple of slap shots early in the second. USC’s Thomas Waschenfelder scored on a power play to add to the Trojans’ lead. Minus Taylor Castle’s goal, USC dominated the second period. They had superb

passing and several quality scoring chances. The Titans came out strong in the third period and seemed full of life and ready to tie the game. Unfortunately, USC scored on a give and go play about midway through the period, which swayed the momentum for USC. CSUF had one more opportunity to score when USC’s Beau Selisker took his third penalty of the night giving the Titans a power play with 2:28 left in the game. USC immediately cleared the puck. The Titans failed to get many quality scoring chances on that power play. Castle and Booth got a few shots on net, but failed to score. CSUF pulled the goaltender for the extra attacker, but USC scored an empty net goal with 29.4 seconds left in the game to seal the victory for the Trojans. “We weren’t able to capitalize on the opportunities that we had. Even though we had control of most of the game, we couldn’t put the puck in the net,” Castle

said. “They (USC) were able to capitalize a couple of times.” Tyler Hainey, who played most of his life as a defenseman, was playing forward for most of the season. When Payne Sauer got injured, Hainey returned to defenseman. Sauer returned from the injured reserve as a forward and has brought some muchneeded offensive pressure. Hainey has made some key defensive plays for the Titans. Assistant coach Berkley Hoagland discussed how the team is still making adjustments. “We are trying to do whatever we can do to figure things out. There’s always a switch there to get more offense and better defense,” Hoagland said. “It’s an experimental process.” Hopefully, these adjustments can render positive results for the Titans. The Titans play the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in two away games, Friday and Saturday night at Sobe Ice Arena. For more information on this game and the men’s ice hockey team, visit


Senior guard D.J. Seeley drives to the basket. He went 9-17 from the field against the Washington Huskies and scored 24 points to lead all scorers. Seeley also had five steals and three rebounds.

Huskies maul the Titans ANGEL MENDOZA Daily Titan

Coming off a tough four-point loss against Eastern Washington, the Cal State Fullerton men’s basketball team (3-4) looked to bounce back against a formidable University of Washington (4-3) squad Sunday. Unfortunately for the Titans, they are now on a two-game losing streak as they went down against the Huskies 74-72. CSUF dominated the first half, going into the half up 43-29. The Titans offense was powered by senior guard D.J. Seeley who scored 15 points and one assist and a steal all in the first half. Field goals went the way of Fullerton, as they scored 18 compared to only nine for Washington. The Titans also dominated on the boards and points in the paint. Fullerton had seven more rebounds and ten more inside points as well. The only bright spot for the Huskies in the first half was the play of sophomore forward Desmond Simmons, who had four points, nine rebounds and two steals. Washington also shot well from the free throw CONTACT US AT DTSPORTSDESK@GMAIL.COM

line, going 9-11 from the line, good for an 81.8 percent. The second half was a completely different story for both teams, as Washington dominated in almost every aspect of the game en route to a two-point victory. Simmons play was stellar once again, putting up ten points and nine more rebounds and a block. Junior guard C.J. Wilcox was the top performer in the second half however, scoring 14 points to go along with five rebounds. Washington shot lights out, going 15-30 from the field in the second half. They also made 10 more free throws than the Titans and outrebounded them by five. The Huskies also dominated the paint, 26-16. Seeley was the top scorer for the game, putting up 24 points, three rebounds and five steals in 32 minutes. Redshirt sophomore guard Alex Harris contributed for the Titans formidably as well, scoring 14 points, six rebounds and four assists and 27 minutes. Simmons’ double-double was huge for the Huskies, as he finished 14 points and a career-high 18 rebounds. Wilcox put in 21 points,

five rebounds and three assists in 37 minutes. Fullerton had an unsuccessful trip to the state of Washington, going 0-2 in their road trip over the weekend. On Friday against Eastern Washington, the Titans offense was held to 16 points below their season average on their way to a loss against the Eagles. The loss also ended the Titans’ three-game winning streak. After being up seven points at the break, 46-39, CSUF led by as many as nine points on three different occasions early in the second half. The Titans couldn’t keep up their momentum however and went on to lose 79-75. Men’s basketball now has their eyes set on Cal State Bakersfield, who they will play on Dec. 6. Senior guard Stephon Carter is leading the Roadrunners this season, scoring 12.9 points per game, 4.9 rebounds per game, and 17 total steals. Sophomore guard Javonte Maynor has been a good compliment to Carter, putting up 12.3 points per game and shooting 42 percent from the threepoint line. For more information, visit

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