The Daily Titan - Dec. 6, 2012

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Police raid prostitution ring OPINION 4

Taxi app causes legal trouble FEATURES 6

Local artist pursues music career Daily Titan News Brief - Get up-to-date coverage on top campus news stories.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 4 9

T H U R S D AY, D E C E M B E R 6 , 2 0 1 2

Tech protects cops and public RAYMOND MENDOZA & PETER PHAM Daily Titan

Bruises sustained after a violent encounter with the law often heal long before either party is due in court, but like physical scars, the intention to tell the truth before a judge may also fade over time. Because of the confrontational nature of law enforcement, police departments around the world often require officers to record their encounters with the public using audio and video devices. The instruments, which can be installed on police cruisers or worn as part of the officer’s uniform, are meant to provide concrete evidence in court cases where either party’s testimony is in dispute. University Police Capt. John Brockie said he believes the audio recording devices, which campus police are re-

quired to wear, help with the overall process of criminal investigations and day-to-day work for a police officer at Cal State Fullerton. Brockie noted that the “accuracy and its additional evidence” are the most important aspects of digital recordings because they help create an accurate picture of police interactions with citizens or suspected criminals. “We book the audio recordings into evidence,” said Brockie. “When we interview someone in the station in our interview room, we have video and audio.” Brockie also mentioned that he believes digital audio recording devices are going to be part of standard police equipment for neighboring cities and counties. “In Orange County and different countries there’s an expectation when you’re interviewing someone in a custodial setting that it at least audio recorded. Out in the field there is not that expectation yet, but I see it coming,” Brockie said. SEE RECORDING, 3


Think before adopting

A recently picked up dog, a terrier mix, sits inside its kennel in Orange Tuesday waiting to be adopted into a new family.

thought before buying a pet for the holiAuthorities discourage ‘impulse buying’ when it comes to adopting days. “The reason is, the holidays are not alpets during the holiday season BEVI EDLUND Daily Titan


Capt. John Brockie holds a new police dashboard camera.

Pet experts say there are many things to consider before making a purchase or adoption during the holiday season. K.C. Theisen, director of pet care at the Humane Society of the United States, said people often “impulse buy” when it comes to pets. People get very much wrapped up in the excitement and the impulse moment, she said. Theisen recommended giving serious

ways the best time for your recipient to bring a new animal home,” said Theisen. “You have to remember that you’re giving this person a lifetime responsibility, and to suddenly surprise them with it may not be in the best interest of the gift recipient or of the pet involved.” Due to some chaotic households around the holidays, she recommends getting a gift certificate to a local pet shelter or putting a stuffed pet dog or cat under the tree with a collar, tag and leash. She said this lets “the kids know: ‘hey, we’re going to go get a new pet. But we’re going to wait until this crazy

CAMPUS | Profile


Every year in the United States, there are many families who are separated because a family member is deported. Deportation can be a result of a variety of instances, from committing terrorist crimes to being convicted of certain crimes. Carlos Zelaya was 8 years old when his father was deported to Mexico. His father’s deportation was a result of a drug and alcohol addiction and domestic violence. “Until the age of eight my grandma raised me, my dad was in the picture but he was an alcoholic and a drug dealer,” said Zelaya. “From what I remember my mom telling me, he broke her jaw, broke her arm and he would hurt me, my brothers and sisters.” Beginning from age 8 until about 15, Zelaya never lived in one place for more than two years. He lived in various places along the West Coast, including Fullerton, Anaheim, Oregon and Washington. There are many experiences that help define Zelaya as an individual today, he said, but a crucial moment that resonates occurred when he was 15 years old. “I was unjustly thrown into a rehabilitation center, despite never having touched drugs,” Zelaya said. “My parents sent me there for two years because

my stepfather and I had a troublesome relationship.” During that time, Zelaya’s stepfather was training to become a California Highway Patrol Officer, and often used his training to physically harm Zelaya. “When I rebelled against the degrading and humiliating treatment and sought help from my mother, she sided with him. She took the abuse further by trying to make me obedient through unnecessary medication which I refused to take,” he said. Zelaya ran away from home and filed domestic violence charges against his parents. He said authorities did not believe him and as a result his stepfather sent him to a rehabilitation center in Mexico. After two years of being incarcerated in a place that according to Zelaya was ran by drug dealers, he escaped. “I hid for three months in Mexico; working and saving money to fund my return to California,” Zelaya said. Eventually, Zelaya reached his grandmother’s house in Fullerton. Once back in the United States, he was unable to find an attorney for a person in his situation, so Zelaya represented himself in court. “It took three months for the courts to vindicate me, thereby emancipating me from my mother,” Zelaya said. After getting a full-time job at a shoe store, Zelaya wanted to get his life together and refused to be held back. He tried enrolling at a local high school but was denied due to a shortage in credits.


part of the year is finished.’” The number of adoptions have classically spiked around the holiday season, said Ryan Drabek, director of OC Animal Care in Orange. “Our staff is good about inquiring with folks when they come in to adopt, (such as) trying to find out their living situation, trying to find out if they’ve owned pets before and their experience,” said Drabek. “If they come in trying to adopt a certain breed and it doesn’t seem like a good fit, obviously we’ll try to discourage that. We can’t discriminate, but we can certainly discourage certain adoptions,” he said. SEE PETS, 3

CAMPUS | Speech

Despite trials, Titan carries on Carlos Zelaya overcomes domestic violence and homelessness to succeed

Women’s basketball travels to Gonzaga


STATE | Police

Digital recordings provide valuable court evidence of police confrontations


Ambassador from Israel to visit campus NICHOLAS RUIZ Daily Titan

Zelaya’s time at Fullerton College wasn’t always positive. He often had to sleep in his car or on friends’ couches, since he did not have a home. Zelaya spent two years at a transitional housing program called Lake View Aisle during his time at Fullerton College. “For about two years I was living in a transitional housing program for former foster youth. That program gave me stable housing. Somewhere where I could keep my things and not worry about them being stolen. Where I could sleep at night and not worry about having a roof over my head and having blankets to keep me warm,” he said.

Israeli ambassador and head of Israel’s brand management team Ido Aharoni will be visiting Cal State Fullerton to relay successful Israeli business strategies to students and the community Thursday in the Titan Student Union. The event will be hosted by the Hillel Organization (HO), a group for undergraduate and graduate Jewish students. The group was founded by Eric Don, 21, a business administration major, who is also a member of Phi Beta Lambda, the Business Honors Society and a recurring writer for the University Honors newsletter. Don said the philanthropic and social organization welcomes people of all religions to join in its events. The ambassador’s visit will provide a rare look at the connection between politics and business through the lens of an experienced and global diplomat. “He will be speaking mainly about advances in areas of renewable energy, medicine, tech and agriculture among other and what Israel is doing with those innovations to help make the world a better place,” said Don. Aharoni usually lives in New York but is visiting select universities on the west coast, including CSUF. Don said he is excited to have the ambassador on campus, citing the teachers and staff that have asked him about this occasion.



SUE LAGARDE / Daily Titan

Zeyala, in his third year at Cal State Fullerton, is studying psychology and is project director for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.

“I persisted and found ACCESS, a community day school, which allowed me to continue my education at an accelerated rate. I took advantage of every resource available in achieving a diploma,” Zelaya said. After two years with ACCESS, where he gained four years’ worth of credits, Zelaya graduated with a 3.5 GPA and was the keynote speaker at his graduation. Zelaya went on to enroll at Fullerton College after graduation. “Enrolling at Fullerton College was the next step towards the right path. The atmosphere, the constant progress, and the ability to look at a problem through various viewpoints, and come up with a plan of action astounded me,” he said.








Traveling in the United States has been climbing to a comfortable cruising speed since 2008 and is projected to keep rising beyond 2016, according to the U.S. Travel Association. In addition, holiday traveling is also expected to soar past 7 percent this year.


U.S. Residents

Business trips 800


600 1000 400

Leisure trips


International visitors













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“It’s another opportunity to learn from somebody else’s experiences. He’s a professional in the business world and he has real world experience and foresight that we may not have at our current stage. Being so young and only at the beginning of our business careers,” Don said. According to Hillel, before joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aharoni earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Tel Aviv University with a jointmajor in film and television and sociology and anthropology. He then moved to the United States where he obtained a master’s degree in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston. Aharoni also had an active career in news production and produced several independent videos in Israel and the United States. Jessica Lebovits, one of the tour organizers of the ambassador’s trip, as

well as a representative with the Jewish National Fund (JNF), said she works with young people and brings them to campuses to give them the opportunity to talk to speakers and join in on training programs. The JNF was founded in 1901 as a non-profit that has since planted 250 million trees, built more than 210 reservoirs and dams, developed more than 250,000 acres of land, created more than 1,000 parks and provided the infrastructure for more than 1,000 communities. “We’re mainly an environmental organization that does work in Israel in areas of reforestation as well as water. Israel has been in a massive drought for the last seven years,” said Lebovits. Her specific role involves working in educational communities ranging from pre-kindergarten to collegiate environments. “Whenever I have the chance, I like to come on to campuses and tell them

about the projects we do and give them opportunities to hear speakers and representatives from Israel, such as Ambassador Aharoni,” Lebovits said. Aharoni said he is enthusiastic about the speech and elaborated about its overall meaning. “The subject is, ‘how do you market nations in crisis situations,’ and I will be using the Israel case study to illustrate a few points that we have learned in the process of trying to improve Israel’s overall positioning,” said Aharoni. The ambassador has already visited colleges such as San Diego State University and UCLA and has had a positive experience so far and hopes to continue to do so. “It’s been an extremely inspiring and uplifting experience because of the level of knowledge and interesting questions that I was asked,” Aharoni said. The event will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. to noon in the TSU Gabrielino.


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Obamacare saves, study shows A new analysis has revealed that Obamacare has saved consumers $1.5 billion in 2011 as a result of limiting what insurance companies can spend on expenses unrelated to medical care, according to the Los Angeles Times. An estimated $1.1 billion alone came in rebates to consumers, which were required because insurers exceeded their required limits. Studies have shown that the Affordable Care Act also aided in this as it forced insurers to become more efficient by limiting administrative expenses. Some insurers passed savings directly to consumers, by providing lower premiums and higher spending on medical care. Important consumer benefits have appeared and administrative costs in the individual market have dropped in 39 states, with insurers in 37 states spending relatively more of their customer’s premiums on medical care. Those who received health insurance through employment saw fewer benefits, as insurers believed they had already met requirements, but some were made to pay rebates. Consumer advocates continue to push health insurance companies to step up their regulation. Brief by GARRETT YIM

Fullerton council members sworn in Final results from the Fullerton election announced Tuesday name Bruce Whitaker as the new mayor and Jennifer Fitzgerald and Jan Flory were appointed to serve in the City Council, according to the Orange County Register. Whitaker was unanimously selected as the first new mayor since the police killing of Kelly Thomas in 2011, which raised criticism at members in City Hall. “This is an amazingly diverse … city and that makes it sometimes a bit unruly” said Whitaker, who has served on the council for two years. “My first term … has been very tumultuous and I expect that there will be moments like that in the next term as well,” Whitaker said. Doug Chaffee was unanimously chosen as the mayor pro tem; the position which steps in as mayor if the mayor is unavailable. Flory served on the council from 1996-2000. This is Fitzgerald’s first time in council. Brief by ARJUN MALHOTRA

Police bust alleged prostitution ring Two people are in custody for the suspicion of prostitution acts, conspiracy and child endangerment at an Anaheim motel, according to the Orange County Register Irina Martinez, 27, of Anaheim, and Andres Terrones, 28, were arrested by Anaheim police Monday. Martinez and Terrones were in investigation by undercover authorities due to an online advertisement that helped lead them to the motel. Police arrested the pair at the Motel 6 in the 100 block of West Disney Way for what appeared to be a sex-for-hire case. According to authorities, more women may have been involved. Police are asking for help to identify any other women who may have been involved. Anyone with with knowledge about this case is asked to contact Anaheim police or the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force. Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA





DTBRIEFS Iran captures U.S. drone

Iran’s navy has captured what they believe is to be a U.S. drone that entered over the Persian Gulf, according to CNN. A U.S. defense official who was questioned about the drone was not authorized to reveal his name, yet claimed that whatever it is the Iranians have, it is not an actively operating U.S. Navy drone. Adm. Ali Favid of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps was quoted that he believes it is an aerial device called a ScanEagle, a relatively low-cost, low-tech system that is operated by a number of U.S. allies in the Persian Gulf region. Iran has withheld any details of how exactly they had captured the supposed U.S. device, and Iran’s official Press TV showed footage of the supposed drone with no visible identification markings. Last month, the Pentagon reported that Iranian jets had fired on a U.S. drone as it flew off the Iranian coastline in the northern Persian Gulf. Brief by GARRETT YIM

Wash. approves gay marriage Gov. Chris Gregoire has officially approved the legalization of same-sex marriage in the state of Washington, according to the Associated Press. “This is a very important and historic day in the great state of Washington,” the governor said in a statement. Washington will now join the states of New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the District of Columbia that have also enacted laws or issued court rulings permitting same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples in Washington can now start picking up marriage certificates and licenses. However, Washington has a threeday waiting period so the new marriages will not be valid until Dec. 9. This new law will not require religious organizations or churches to perform marriages for same-sex couples. They also will not face any penalties for refusing. Brief by IRMA WONG

Starbucks stores expands Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee chain, is planning to add 3,000 stores over the next five years, with 1,500 of them to open in the U.S., according to the Washington Post. The expansion will make up 18,000 Starbucks in total globally. As of October, there were 11,100 Starbucks cafes in the U.S. By 2017, Starbucks will see a 13 percent growth in the number of its U.S. stores. The coffee company is also planning to double its number of stores in China. Currently, there are 700 Starbucks in China and by 2015 a total number of 1,500 are projected to open. Starbucks has also announced plans to acquire Teavana, a loose leaf tea shop chain with 300 shopping mall locations. The $620 million deal with Teavana is expected to close by the end of 2012. A new premium Starbucks gift card, which will cost $450, will be available Dec. 7. This card is worth $400 in credit and is valid on drinks, food and merchandise. In addition, cardholders will have to get exclusive offers which include a free birthday drink, a free drink or food items after they purchase 12 drinks, and free refills on brewed coffee or tea. Brief by KYMBERLIE ESTRADA


Kay Starr, a Garden Grove resident looking to buy a dog for her friend, reaches out to Cosmo, a 2-year-old Chihuahua mixed breed.

PETS: Care for it ‘as if it’s a human’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

He said the most frustrating thing for an animal shelter is that when somebody adopts and returns the animal in a couple of days because they did not realize what they were getting into. For students considering buying a pet from a shelter, Drabek said although some fees are required to adopt an animal, it is still less expensive than a store. All animals are required by state law to be spayed and neutered, $40 for cats and $50 for dogs. In addition, every animal is required to get vaccinations, a microchip, deworming and flea treatments. Katie Takeshita, 25, a Costa Mesa resident, has owned dogs her entire life before getting a puppy of her own and said her life had to adjust to cater to the new resident “A lot of times my parents would take care of them,

so I don’t think I really understood all that goes into having a dog, and just the amount of time it takes,” said Takeshita. Margaret Torres, 21, a mathematics and psychology double major, said the responsibility of having a dog would be the same as having a baby. “You have to take care of it as if it’s a human. And especially since, let’s say you’re never there, then why get the pet if you’re going to abandon it?” said Torres. Since Torres is a full-time student with two jobs, a dog or cat, according to Theisen, would not be a logical Christmas gift for someone to give her. Kristen Metz, 23, an English and history double major, said she would not want the responsibility of having a dog or cat either. “It’s like a lifelong commitment. You have to take care of it for the rest of their life, and it’s too much of a responsibility,” said Metz.


Goku, a three-year-old Siberian Husky, is up for adoption at the shelter.

RECORDING: Tapes ensure accuracy


Furthermore, Brockie and University Police has noticed a need for digital video recording as well since CSUF is in the process of equipping all six of the campus police cruisers with a video camera for additional evidence. Brockie said that a rough estimate for the six video “dashboard cameras” cost $85,000. The cameras will also be able to work in the dark and can be operated by a pager-like controller by the officer operating the cruiser. Onboard camera systems are incredibly valuable to the aid of police officers when presenting evidence of what takes place in the field. “It serves two purposes,” said Lt. Jerry Brakebill of the Brea Police Department. “One is absolutely for investigation purposes, it does assist us tremendously in that,” said Brakebill. “If you’re doing a field sobriety test on the side of the road, and the camera picks it up, obviously that could be used in court.” While helping out in routine traffic stops, it can also help an officer if he is ever put in harm’s way. “It can help us in a traffic collision situation, if an officer is involved in a traffic collision, the camera is constantly recording,” Brakebill said. “They are installed in every marked police car we have has a camera.” The Brea Police Department has been using the camera system around April through May of 2010. At the UC Riverside police department, audio recording devices are also mandatory and are routinely used as evidence for criminal cases. “We routinely submit audio recordings to the district attorney’s office in criminal cases and they are recognized as a legitimate form of evidence,” said UCR police Sgt. Michael Andert. “In general, audio recordings help the prosecuting attorney by accurately presenting the facts of the case to the jury during criminal proceedings.” While digital audio recorders are

commonplace for UCR police, Andert said the campus police cruisers are not equipped with dashboard cameras. However, Andert said he recalls a specific incident relating to taser deployment in which a citizen complaint about excessive force was disproven with the aid of an audio recording device. With new technology, video and audio recording devices are becoming more compact and are able to store more data. Sgt. Jeff Stuart, who has worked on the Fullerton Police Department for the past 17 years, said he has noticed the change in technology in the past two decades. “When I first came on in the late ‘90s, we started using what we referred to as the MAVs, or mobile audio video units, and that was actually a VHS recording device that was in the trunk of the car,” said Stuart. “It was activated any time the emergency lights when on in the vehicle.” Since then, Stuart said VHS tapes became outdated and digital recording devices are now regularly used by each officer. Stuart said the Fullerton district attorney also sees the benefit of audio recordings since criminals can sometimes implicate themselves due to statements they made during their arrest. While digital video recordings might seem like the next logical step in police recording, Stuart admitted that video recording dash board cameras are useful, but only in stationary circumstances. “One of the setbacks for the video

cameras in the car is that typically they are set stationery to the front of the vehicle and that’s great if you have a traffic stop,” Stuart said. “I remember watching (an old police dash cam video) and you have a nice sight down the street in front of a patrol car but you have nothing else because whatever is occurring is occurring off to the side of the car.” Besides being used in criminal investigations, traffic stops and citizen interaction, the digital audio recording devices that officers commonly carry on their persons can also be used in cases against police officers. Southern California citizens and CSUF students might be familiar with the Kelly Thomas case. The police audio recordings will be used as evidence of excessive force by six Fullerton police officers, including Manuel Ramos and Jay Cicinelli. “Those officers had digital recorders on and that is part of the evidence that will be presented in the court case,” Stuart said of the Thomas case. The Fullerton Police Department’s policy manual, in Policy 450, states the department provides each of it sworn members access to audio recorders for on-duty use. “These recorders are intended to assist officers in the performance of their duties by providing an unbiased audio record of a contact,” it states. “I think it’s a great thing,” said Ron Thomas, father of the late Kelly Thomas. “It protects the public, it protects the officers.” “If an officer were to make a traffic stop, everything’s recorded at that

point and if the officer is doing everything completely correct it protects him too,” Thomas said. Thomas added that the audio evidence shed much light on what happened in Kelly’s case. Thomas said the digital audio recordings played an instrumental role in the case of his son against the Fullerton police officers. “Without them (the audio recordings) all we have is a video,” Thomas said about the evidence of his son being beaten to death by the officers. “When you see the video without any audio, you just don’t get the impact of what’s really happening.” Threats can be heard from Ramos and everything else going on, as well as Ramos setting everything up verbally. Thomas also noted the audio showed that Ramos did not tell Kelly that he was under arrest or asked him to put his hands behind his back.

“Without it (audio) we have nothing,” Thomas said. “I’d be like every other parent, mad as hell at the police department for getting away with murder and nothing to prove it.” Thomas said that audio recordings are key to protecting the citizens and the officers. “Any good cop would want it,” Thomas said. “They would never be afraid to turn it on.” The digital recordings also provide a piece of mind for citizens. “Sometimes it’s good to have a reference like they have in companies, they have video cameras and everything to record what’s happening so that’s a good way to keep track of law enforcement,” said Marlene Garcia, 26, a graduate student and Spanish major. Because the police are the ones tasked with protecting citizens, Garcia said it is important to know how they are doing their jobs.





DECEMBER 6, 2012

Irresponsible spending sprees

Those borrowing money for gifts expect fair, if high, interest rates at this time of year IRMA WONG Daily Titan

The holidays are here and now more than ever sales at stores bombard us as we walk in or taunt us with advertisements as we watch TV. The fact that many associate the Christmas season with gift giving fuels cash loan companies to market their installment loan services to a greater consumer base and upsell those that already do business with them. I know this marketing all too well because I work for a payday loan company myself. At places like Check N Go, Speedy Cash and Advance America, these installment loans can range from $2,600 to $3,000 with an interest rate of 199 percent. This means the payback would be double if a customer takes all the time available. Starting midway through November at some payday loan companies, however, people can qualify up to $5,000. These increased loans are being promoted as a holiday cash loan and have the same rate. Many people might question these companies and think that offering large sums of cash at a time when one may be vulnerable and not understand the true terms of the loan contract should be an ethical concern;

of course, these loans sound tempting to anyone who needs money to buy gifts and maybe pay off some bills they have left on the back burner. The problem is that many customers are so blinded by the fact that they will receive such a large amount of money that these same people are paying no attention to the terms being explained to them. This is the reason I am frustrated with the claim that cash lending companies are tricking people into high interest loans without being considerate if they will be able to afford it or not. What is not realized is that several factors come into play when these types of loans are funded. A customer’s pay stub, bank account and identification information are all collected and verified along with a credit check. This is all part of the application process. All these regulations follow in accordance with the goals of the Community of Financial Services Association of America, or CFSA, which is dedicated to advancing financial empowerment for consumers. A CFSA spokesman said in an article to AOL’s Daily Finance that “payday loans, which offer money to people quickly and regardless of their credit score, simply can’t be done cheaper mainly because of the risks lenders take on by giving money to people with poor or no credit.” Rather than seeing these large holiday loans as a negative, even with their high interest, it’s important to understand the risks of loan companies themselves.

Courtesy of MCT

Many loan and credit services raise interest rates during the holidays due to the high level of borrowing from consumers.

These lending services in general are a helpful resource for those with poor credit that might be able to get a loan somewhere else. Without payday loans as a fall back many would have no other alternative. In this case many would not be able to keep up with rent bills and gifts for the holidays without taking a loan. These holiday loans are only given to people who qualify, no one is getting

tricked into anything. These companies are just doing their job and growing their business. Offering higher loans during the holidays is the perfect time to do just that. Businesses aim to get richerplain and simple- and at least they are being responsible in collecting necessary paperwork and verifying the information. People taking out these loans have to be responsible and repay the loan they are tak-

Taxi cab regulators in reverse JONATHAN WINSLOW Daily Titan


ing out. Payday loan companies are doing their job in making sure they can afford the loan, but the customers have to make sure to budget themselves. Most importantly those taking out this loan must remember this basic rule, always read and understand a contract. Maybe then they will realize that they are not being tricked and that no one is to blame but themselves for not paying attention.

How not to market your game in two easy steps

Clearly there is no need for further regulation, except to help protect an outdated service from new efficiency

Ever since the invention of the wheel, technological innovation has been synonymous with progress. In the case of a new taxi-hailing app, however, bureaucratic greed is attempting to halt progress for the sake of making more money. At the center of the whole issue is Uber, an app that connects customers directly with car service companies. Cab drivers who agree to work with Uber receive free iPhones that allow them to locate people who are requesting a ride through the app. It comes as no major surprise that this app has ruffled some feathers with traffic regulators around the country. The notion of cutting out needless middle men is apparently not too appealing to said men-in-the-middle. Vehicle processing centers are completely cut out of the equation thanks to this app, and that’s a lot of money out of the pockets of people who have been taking advantage of a hole in communication up to this point. Uber is currently facing legal battles with San Francisco and Chicago, and is dealing with a $20,000 fine from the California Public Utilities Commission. It’s easier to appreciate the absurdity of this situation if we reduce it down to a more simple picture. Imagine that there’s a river that everybody would like to cross over, but nobody has the materials to build a bridge. At some point, a conniving troll takes a rotting log and lays it across the river, letting people pass if they pay him. Eventually, a craftsman gets the materials he needs and builds a beautiful bridge, allowing everyone to pass for free. In this situation, the troll has essentially beaten up the craftsman and ordered him to tear down his bridge, because it is interfering with the “business


Courtesy of MCT

Uber, a company that developed an app that allows people to seek taxis without calling a processing center, is under threat from regulators backed by those they are cutting out.

operation” already in place. In the end, it just looks like a corporate entity throwing a tantrum because they’re no longer relevant. Only in today’s society would this happen without massive eyebrow raising from the public. Some of our (considerably) older readers might remember the days of switchboard operators, who connected incoming calls to the correct extension. Obviously enough, we are well beyond the days of telephone operators at this point. What’s more, there wasn’t an enormous corporate hissy fit when the time came to get rid of them, either. You won’t find the Great Operator Uprising of the 1960s in any textbook. That’s because people acted rationally about it; they realized that they had become outmoded thanks to the development of technology, and gracefully took their place within the annals of history. We can only cling to the bureaucracies of old for so long before it starts to look ridiculous. Imagine if carriage drivers had filed lawsuits against the makers of the first automobile, or if future flying cars are sued for being able to fly over toll booths. Making a big deal about an app like this sends a message; the vehicle processing companies refusing to let go on this issue is like saying “it’s okay for technology to advance, but let’s not get too crazy here.”

Societal and technological progress should not be held back the personal and business interests of greedy individuals who have situated themselves in the gaps that technology has yet to fill. Advancement in technology allows us to streamline our society, to make it neater, cleaner and more straightforward. To cling to an outdated system and create glaring inconsistencies between what we could be doing and what we actually do, just so some companies can rake in more cash, is the epitome of pettiness.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR The Daily Titan welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must include the sender’s first and last name. Students must include their majors and other writers must include their affiliation to the university, if applicable. Letters must refer to an article published within the last week. Once a letter is submitted it becomes property of the Daily Titan. Publication of letters is based on the validity of content and may be edited for length, grammar and spelling. Letters may be sent to

Marketing is certainly a hit-ormiss style industry. Sometimes you strike gold when the jingles, catchphrases or pictures ring with consumers and executives spend the next quarter jumping into piles of money a la Scrooge McDuck. Sometimes commercials are intentionally created to go viral (the Old Spice guy) while others achieve fame less purposefully (the Snuggie). And then there are the times that marketing backfires so much it ends up hurting the very product it’s designed to help. Hitman: Absolution, a game developed by IO Interactive released by Square Enix in November, has been the unfortunate victim of some horrible marketing by its publisher and advertising team. While the game itself seems to be at least decent, you wouldn’t necessarily know that from looking at the ads. First off, there was the trailer for the game released back in May, well before the game’s launch. The video featured—and I can’t believe I have to type something like this—a team of scantily clad nun-themed assassins with heavy weapons as they are attacked and killed off by the series’ main character, Agent 47. Sexily. And creepily. Creepily as to how the women pictured were being sexualized, fetishized, and then killed. Just writing it makes me cringe, to be honest. This sparked a backlash, even in the young-male dominated landscape that makes up the target market for these kinds of trailers. The developer later apologized for the way the trailer had been interpreted, stating they had not meant to offend anyone. Well, then what did they think the trailer was going to accomplish? “Oh sweet!” They expected us to exclaim, “I can’t wait to shoot sexy nuns in the face!” Thankfully, as many things that need to change in the gaming industry, the gaming audience has at least (mostly) matured past that kind of grossness. By the way, was these sexy nuns all this fuss was about? They’re in a small part of one mission in the entire game. But that was half a year ago, why are we talking about this now? Well we’re mentioning it because apparently IO or Square Enix or whoever they’ve hired for their marketing hasn’t really learned their lesson. They have chosen instead to make even more bad decisions before hastily apologizing for the multiple groups they’ve offended.

It’s All Geek to Me MATT ATKINSON On Tuesday, a Facebook app was launched to promote the game after its release. The premise? After allowing the app access to your account, you can assign “hits” on your friends. “Haha, hilarious! I can promote this game via thinly veiled death threats posted on my friends’ Facebook timelines. How droll!” As if that wasn’t enough bad ideas for one marketing scheme, you can also give info regarding the person’s appearance (so Agent 47 can identify them), such as “ginger hair,” “her hairy legs,” “strange odor,” or “big ears.” I am not making this up. But wait, it gets better. Why order hits on your friends? You can provide a reason as well. “Cheating on their partner,” “laziest person alive,” and “farts too much” are a few of the delightfully offensive options you can choose. But none are as good as options like “her small tits” or “his tiny penis.” Yes. After selecting a friend whose endowments you find lacking, a message will be posted on their wall and they will have the option to watch a neat little video of Agent 47 taking them out. Hilarious. The real question here is how on Earth any of these completely and indefensibly reprehensible ideas were allowed to be published! Sure, Square Enix immediately pulled the app and apologized, almost before gaming websites had time to publish anything about it, but that simply exacerbated the question of why it was ever approved in the first place. It’s not just the fault of whoever thought of it, as stupid as they must be, but the fault of almost everyone else in charge that didn’t notice that this was possibly the worst marketing idea in the world. As for the game? It’s just OK.





Alumnus wins TV award ETHAN HAWKES Daily Titan

SUE LAGARDE / Daily Titan

Carlos Zelaya struggled with homelessness upon becoming emancipated from his parents. He spent two years at a transitional housing program called Lake View Aisle, which provided him with stable housing.

ABUSE: Zelaya strives to be more than a statistic CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Zelaya said if it wasn’t for the program he probably would have dropped out of school. “It was really difficult. But either way I made it. I graduated with an A.A. in sociology from Fullerton College,” Zelaya said. The field of sociology became Zelaya’s passion, he said, because it helped him understand some of the experiences he had in the past. What he learned, he said, was somewhat therapeutic. “One of the main reasons why it became my passion was because it helped me understand that a lot of things I went through weren’t necessarily my fault. In a way it has been therapeutic. There were a lot of things out of my control because of my age, because of my background. But now I’m older,” Zelaya said. Zelaya is now a junior sociology major at Cal State Fullerton. He is also a Guardian Scholar at the university. The Guardian Scholars program was established at CSUF in 1998, in collaboration with the Orangewood Children’s Foundation, to help former foster youth achieve their educational and career goals. Zelaya currently works at the Fullerton College EOPS program and Orangewood Children’s Foundation. Zelaya is also a project director for an event called Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week through the Volunteer and Service Center. Zelaya, along with co-project director Mary Basco, help host a series of special events, such as exhibits, resource fairs and discussions to bring awareness to the issues of hunger and homelessness. Basco said working with Zelaya on this event has been very amazing

SUE LAGARDE / Daily Titan

Upon graduating with a 3.5 GPA through a day school, Zelaya enrolled at Fullerton College where he received his A.A. in sociology.

because he is dedicated to the cause. “When I first met Carlos he seemed really upbeat and a really funny guy and then he turned into a super dedicated person who just has a lot of fire and a lot of drive for what he is doing and that’s really awesome,” said Basco. Carolina Franco, a student assistant at the Volunteer and Service Center, also works with Zelaya. She said he seemed like a really interesting character when she first met him last August during a retreat event. “When I first met Carlos, I saw him interacting with other students and the conversations he was having so he just seemed really passionate about a lot of different issues especially education and impoverished youth,” said Franco. “He just seemed really outgoing and ready to dive right into what the Volunteer and Service Center had to offer.”

Even after already winning two Emmy Awards, Cal State Fullerton alumnus Nick Pavlovsky did not stop there and secured his third Emmy this year. The radio-TV-film graduate was working the position of photographer, also known as the cameraman, when he won his third regional Emmy while working at KOMO TV in Seattle. The Northwest Chapter’s Emmy Award was under the promotions category for “News Promo, Single Spot.” Pavlovsky won his first Emmy award for the promotional campaign “A Day in the Life,” a promotion for KOMO TV’s weather team. The campaign’s premise followed around the station’s weather team as they used meteorology terms in their daily lives. Even though he graduated in 2004, Pavlovsky started his career in the TV production industry early in 2002 when he received his first job at Time Warner Cable. Ever since then, and until he received his current job in 2010, he has been building his portfolio, doing freelance work for reality TV shows in Los Angeles, COX Communications in Orange County, and various films and commercials. “When I interviewed with my boss, he loved my range of experience. I wasn’t just working for a news station and I wasn’t just working as an editor,” said Pavlovsky. “I did sports, I did commercials, I did films. I did pretty much everything and he loved that. He knew that no matter what, I could step in and get the job done.” While working at KOMO TV, Pavlovsky became a worthwhile asset to his job and team. “His technical skills are impressive, he’s a very quick study and committed to personal growth, but most importantly, he’s an absolute pleasure to work with in all ways,” said Dannis Hanson, operations manager for KOMO TV. He made the decision with his wife

Courtesy of Nick Pavlovsky

Nick Pavlovsky won his third regional Emmy for his work on a promotional campaign at a local station in the Seattle area.

to leave Southern California and move up to Seattle. It paid off, as Pavlovsky said he enjoys working a steady job up north and said the best part of his job is helping small businesses. “(The best part is) when we work with small businesses and we hear from the sales department that, by us creating their commercial, their profits rose hugely,” Pavlovsky said. “It’s good hearing that, after the fact, knowing that our commercial made their business better.” During his time at CSUF, the most useful and enjoyable class he took was the advanced video production class. Pavlovsky took the position of director and editor and helped create a film with the class which won “Best Picture” category at the TV Film Society Awards at CSUF. As far as professors go, one of the best teachers he had at CSUF was Shelly Jenkins, who he said was really easy to talk to and really tried to get the best out of every student. Jenkins said Pavlovsky was mild mannered in the classroom, but a very dedicated student. “He was serious about learning his craft and, although quiet at times, he

would seek additional help and guidance when needed,” said Jenkins. Pavlovsky had some advice for students looking to get a job in the television industry. He did his internship in his sophomore year and recommends taking an internship early to make sure students are training for a job they actually want to do. “If not for anything else, it’s to figure out that it’s the right industry for you,” Pavlovsky said. But the most important advice he had to give to RTVF hopefuls was something most students have heard before: networking. He asserted he received a lot of his freelance jobs by meeting someone, getting hired, being liked enough to get hired by the same person on another project, meeting someone new, making a good impression and then keep getting rehired. “I know a lot of people stress this, but it is so true: You have to network,” Pavlovsky said. “If you get stuck with the same crowd, you’re not really going to grow and you’re not going to learn as much as you really can by getting out there and meeting people.”

For Zelaya, directing an event like Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week was a way to make a difference in the community. “My main purpose as to why I got involved was because I wanted to do something where I could reach out to my community and do something where I could use my own experiences to teach others,” Zelaya said. In the future, Zelaya hopes to become a sociology college professor and continue to work with foster youth. He said he wants to use his experiences to help those around him. “I’m trying to do whatever I can to make sure that I don’t end up being just another statistic,” Zelaya said. “If I can help them get out of bad situations, if I can help them overcome whatever bad situation they’ve gone through, I’m willing to do it.”






Resources help students nail job interviews

On-campus services give students tools necessary to do well in their job search IRMA WONG Daily Titan

Courtesy of Takuji Shibata

Takuji Shibata came to the United States nine years ago in search of a better life. He fostered an interest in music and was in a band for some time. Now he is pursuing a solo career in electronic music and hopes to record four full-length albums in the future.

From Japan to the stage

Takuji Shibata was inspired by American bands like Nirvana to pursue his own musical career BEVI EDLUND Daily Titan

Popular ‘90s family sitcoms and Disney movies are not likely inspiration for travelling halfway across the world to experience another culture, however Takuji Shibata did just that. Growing up, he did not have the traditional loving family that is depicted in mainstream American media, so he journeyed here looking for a new experience. “I was missing love … I didn’t have a good childhood in Japan,” said Shibata. About nine years ago Shibata, 27, moved to America to find happiness. He began pursuing music and has since decided that he wants to change the future of pop culture in American music. Shibata attended Orange Coast College shortly after arriving in California. Attending college in America was fun, he said, yet stressful. He attended college with another transfer student from Japan he met at a bus stop, Hoshiki Tsunoda. “We share a lot of the same kind of interests; art, and music ... We have a lot of things in common. That’s why we get along,” Tsunoda said. Shibata is always trying to improve himself, Tsunoda said, and that motivation is inspirational. While attending OCC, Shibata had to take every class without really knowing English. “I had to learn to make American friends who could help me,” he said. The best part about attending college, he said, was meeting many different types of people and cultures. “It’s such an inspiration. I grew up in Japan, so I only knew Japanese culture,” he said. The biggest culture shock for Shibata was sizes in America compared to Japan: milk cartons, steaks, even the streets were bigger.

“Everything is huge and tasteless,” he said, laughing, “Even milk was tasteless.” Shibata began getting involved with music while he attended high school. Nirvana served as a huge inspiration to him. Shibata was exposed to Japanese music while growing up, but American music particularly sparked his interest. “The sound of Nirvana was just hitting me so hard. I never heard music in the way that this music is expressed. I felt like it was raw, and naturally really reached me,” he said. Shibata said he found an escape in American music and felt inclined to be a part of it. He said he started thinking about making music after that experience. “I picked up a guitar; I didn’t know anything about it. I just messed around with it and made weird songs,” Shibata said.

“I want to encourage others by making music, and digging my own soul.” TAKUJI SHIBATA Musician Shibata describes his own music as “creepy cute.” “There is always some mysterious aspect to my music. I like something new in the music, and at the same time something familiar that reaches people,” he said. He said he hopes to record at least four albums in the future. “I want to find the sound that satisfies me … I think that it what art is all about,” he said. He wants to express himself to the fullest. He said he feels that this will inspire others to do the same. “I want to encourage others by making mu-


sic, and digging my own soul,” Shibata said. He said the response he has received from people when he performs is overwhelmingly positive. However, that was when he was in a band. Shibata’s band had a huge following in Orange County and he still gets recognition from it. He is now working on his own music which is different than what he is used to. He is experimenting with electronic music which he said can still be played live. Besides music, painting is also a passion for Shibata. “I don’t care about getting too famous with art,” he said. “In five years if I get famous, that’s awesome. If some rich person sees my paintings, and I have a huge art show, that’s amazing.” As for his music, he wants to include more “cuteness” that the American music industry lacks. He said one way that the Japanese music industry differs from America is the bridge between “cute” and “too cool.” He wants to build a middle ground between the two. “Japanese music is super cute and super loving ... Everything is super positive. American music is too cool ... I think people feel pressure when they listen to it,” he said. Shibata has two goals: to introduce the Japanese sound to America or introduce the American sound to Japan. Friends say his personality fits well with his music. “What drew me to him the most was his free spirit,” said longtime friend Abraham Agopian. Agopian said Shibata embraces things without thinking what the world will think about him. If he’s into something, he embraces it immediately rather than waiting for confirmation from other people. “It leads him to how he is with his music, and how he performs in the music. It’s 100 percent honest and it comes from his heart, he’s not trying to mask it with anything. There’s no second guessing what his intentions are,” he said.

When applying for internships or a job, sending off applications, resumes and cover letters is a pivotal factor in getting you through the door. Interviews are just another step in the application process, but are probably the most important. A one-on-one conversation with a potential employer is not always the most anticipated meeting. Interviews are infamous for being a nerve-racking experience because they can make or break your chances at landing the job. In making sure that students are best prepared for internships, the workforce and interviews, Cal State Fullerton provides resources and services for students who seek help. An example of one resource that CSUF has readily available for students is the Center for Internships and Community Engagement. The center provides a variety of services that are listed on their website. The center provides orientations on academic internship and service-learning opportunities to ensure the internships have academic relevance and are in a professional environment. “The compensations (students) receive in internships is in the form of learning and experience. Our office is here to facilitate that the placement works well and meets university policies and procedures,” said Kathleen Costello, assistant director of the center. In the 2011-12 year, the center had 2,200 walk-ins and approximately 3,620 calls. Students are welcomed to their office in Langsdorf Hall for counselling on internships possibilities. The Career Center is another useful resource for students to take advantage as its services and website provide great amount of information, specifically about interviewing. One important service the center provides is mock interviews. In these mock interviews, “counselors simulate as much as possible the conditions of an actual employer interview,” according to its website. Students are given coaching and pointers on what to improve on and are given a copy of their interview on a CD afterwards. When it comes to what em-

ployers expect from potential employees there are some significant things to keep in mind. Patty Malone, a professor that teaches a human communications course called “Interviewing: Principles Practices,” said that the most important thing employers seek is communication skills. A description found on the Careers Portal confirms that communication skills are the primary thing that employers and interviewers look for in a candidate. Not only do employers look for verbal or written communication skills, students must also be able to communicate and work alongside others. This will show employers that they will have an effective relationship with co-workers. It will also show whether that ability will extend to clients and other essential people to their business. Preparation is another key factor potential employers take into consideration. Numerous human resource departments have reported that demonstrating no evidence that you researched their company is a red flag. Ideally those applying will have to research the company, and visit its website if they have one, before they even apply for the job. Doing some research can give candidates an edge. This advantage can be especially useful when an internship or job is competitive. “To prepare for my interview I evaluated my strengths, weaknesses and prepared questions to ask,” said senior Jennifer Truong, a business finance and entertainment and tourism major. Malone said employers do not mind answering questions candidates might have during an interview. When candidates ask questions it assures employers of their interest in the position and shows they will be not hesitate to point out concerns in the future. A basic rule of thumb to follow in interviews, and with every meeting in life, is to make a great first impression. Malone said you have seven seconds to make a first impression. He said in that time an employer makes up their mind if they are interested or not in the candidate becoming an employee. Arriving ahead of time, dressing formally and displaying a positive attitude are all simple ways to make a good impression. Knowing what employers want in a potential employee may help ease nerves on future interviews.


December 6, 2012


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Aries (March 21-April 19) Okay, you can shop now ... don’t overspend from guilt. Keep it light. Others ask your advice. Reaffirm a commitment. Get your message out. Accept a grand social invitation. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Your dream is in action. Create flexible structures, and don’t forget a deadline. While reason and emotion argue to a standstill, romance hovers nearby. Look for hidden resources.


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Gemini (May 21-June 20) You’re gaining skills. Be watching for a need to fill, and stay respectful to folks who feel strongly. There’s a serendipitous meeting. It’s a safe bet. Make a wish. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Completing old tasks pays best, so decrease obligations. Take care of a friend. Supply the food. You can find what you need nearby. You’re admired for sticking to your standards.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Stillness is restful. Balancing powers and keeping your word is essential. Get cleaning out of the way. You’re attracting more attention. Hold on to whatever you’ve gained. Consider all possibilities. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) An old friend can help you make a dream real. Think about it. You have plenty of luck. Delegate to a perfectionist. Find another way to cut costs. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Naturally, you’re in the middle of the controversy. A bonus boosts self-esteem. Devote yourself to the task. Private meetings are best. Don’t fret a temporary setback. Win the prize. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Physical effort works today. Spend time outdoors. Make a new connection. Increase vigilance; you get through where others fail. Postpone travel and impulsiveness. Stick to work ... it’s profitable. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Your logic spreads. Rise to the occasion. You may respectfully disagree with an opinionated person. Pay back a favor, after paying bills. Celebrate an attractive person’s loyalty. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Someone has a great idea about renovating your home. Consider options privately. You have the skills required. Continue to check off the list. If traveling, consider comfort first. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Confer with your team. Postpone travel for now... stay with the group. You get more if you act quickly. Others find you fascinating. Enlist help with subtle bribes. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Simplify matters. A crazy scheme could work, but don’t start a new project yet. Physical effort helps clarify your thinking. Love hits you like a feather. Disrupt the status quo.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.

SPORTS Titans to make it ‘ruff’ for Bulldogs


DECEMBER 6, 2012


The women’s basketball team travels to Spokane, Wash. to play Gonzaga Bulldogs Sunday GABY MARTINEZ Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton women’s basketball team (2-6) faces the Gonzaga University (7-2) Bulldogs in a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. at McCarthey Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash. The Titans are coming off a 52-43 loss against the University of New Mexico Lobos on Tuesday in Albuquerque, N.M. The Titans’ mere 43 points is their lowest total points in a game this season and the lowest since Feb. 9, 2012 when they scored 39


points against UC Santa Barbara. In the loss, the Titans continued to struggle in shooting percentage, making only 26.9 percent of their field goal shots. Sophomore point guard Chante Miles led the Titans in scoring once again. She scored 12 points and was the only player to tally double digits. Sophomore forward Kathleen Iwuoha trailed her in points with six and led the team in rebounds with nine. Lauren Bushong notched three blocks on the night, which gave her a career total of 49, moving her into a tie for sixth place on CSUF’s all-time block list. New Mexico had several players scoring with three players posting seven points or more in the win. Sara Halasz scored nine


points, and Bryce Owens scored eight points and had six steals. The Titans continued to struggle to get some scoring early in the game. They trailed 7-0 early in the game and missed their first five field goals. They didn’t make a shot until 14:44 of the first half when junior Mya Olivier fired a jump shot. Both teams struggled to get a good rhythm going early in the game. They combined for turning over the ball 15 times in the first half. A 5-0 run for the Titans brought them back in the game trailing 9-7 with 10:30 left in the game. A few minutes later in the game, the Titans went on another offensive run with five minutes left in the half scoring six points in a row on three

consecutive possessions. They ended the first half down 21-18. In a 10-minute span in the second half, the Titans fell behind 39-25 and managed only one shot in that time period. They were forced to play catch-up from that moment on. The Titans’ greatest deficit was 19 points. They went on a spectacular 16-5 run to conclude the game, but it was to no avail as the Titans dropped the game 52-43. The Titans now take on Gonzaga in their second game of their three game road trip. Gonzaga is coming off a 65-50 win over Eastern Washington University on Tuesday at home. The Bulldogs had lost their previous game to No. 1 ranked Stanford University, so this was a solid

win for Gonzaga. Before taking on the Titans on Sunday, Gonzaga will face Portland State University in an away game on Friday night. Offensively, Gonzaga is led by junior guard Haiden Palmer who has 106 points on the season and has averaged 11.8 points per game. Defensively, redshirt freshman center Shelby Cheslek leads the team in blocks with 16. The Titans have a tough opponent in Gonzaga. Luckily, CSUF has four days to rest and practice before taking on the Bulldogs. In order to be successful, the Titans need to improve their field goal shooting percentage. For more information about women’s basketball, visit

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