Thursday, April 25, 2013

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Professor discusses ethics of life OPINION 5

The face of terror is ever-changing FEATURES 7

Casino night bets on cause

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton T

Volume 93, Issue 41


Softball conquers Highlanders on road



Candidate spending tops prior elections SAMUEL MOUNTJOY Daily Titan

Following last year’s meager presidential campaign election spending, the 2013 Associated Students Inc. election spending jumped to record levels, according to campaign expense reports released Wednesday. During this year’s race, both candidates nearly quadrupled spending by last year’s winners, Dwayne Mason, Jr. and Katie Ayala. Each candidate spent about $4,000 on their campaign, but Rohullah Latif and Johnathan Leggett outspent their campaign rivals Carlos Navarro and Kim Haycraft by roughly $300, spending $4,250 compared to their opponents’ $3,927. Candidates Ryan Quinn and Eloisa Amador were eliminated during the first round of voting and did not turn in an expense report. Because of this, they are ineligible for future office. The bulk of campaign spending went toward the T-shirts which became ever-present during the four-week campaign. The Latif campaign spent more than $3,000 dollars on T-shirts alone. “That red, white and blue, everyone loves that shirt. It’s one of the biggest things we did,” said ASI president-elect Latif. The shirts were key to the campaign, according Latif and Leggett, and supporters wore them throughout the election. SEE CAMPAIGN, 2

ELEONOR SEGURA / For the Daily Titan

Aaron Kushner, CEO of Freedom Communications Inc., publisher of the Orange County Register, speaks to attendees at his keynote address on Wednesday in the Titan Student Union.

Publisher explains OC Register strategies CHELSEA BOYD Daily Titan

As part of Comm Week festivities, Aaron Kushner, CEO of Freedom Communications Inc., publisher of the Orange County Register, gave the keynote address on Wednesday in the Titan Student Union.

Kushner, who took his position as CEO 10 months ago, spoke about the evolution of print journalism as well as his opinions about the rise of digital media. William Briggs, dean of the College of Communications, hosted the event, which was attended by President Mildred García, faculty, students, Comm Week speakers

and staff from the Register. “Communications students need to hear about these trailblazing ideas that are happening and how they can get engaged in being part of these new adventures in these new ways of doing journalism,” said García. “We want you to be the very best and learn from the very best and I

think the Orange County Register is doing some really interesting things,” she added. Kushner focused on the major differences between the Register and other community flagships such as the Los Angeles Times and the Omaha World Herald. His time at the Register, while short, has brought on a wave of

change for the more than 100-yearold publication. New sections, like the university sections which include Cal State Fullerton, a website paywall and the addition of more than 100 staff members to the paper have been significant marks of Kushner’s leadership. SEE KEYNOTE, 3


CAMPUS | Speaker

A glimpse behind the University Police badge

Professor explores history of transnational science CSUF historian studies the impact Chinese-Americans have on technology JENNIFER NGUYEN Daily Titan

Officer Hollyfield strives to serve and connect with the campus community

A historian of science and technology will discuss how Chinese scientists in America affected Chinese-American relationships in science and how the field was shaped during a lecture on Thursday. Featured speaker Zuoyue Wang, Ph.D., a history professor at Cal Poly Pomona, will give a lecture titled “Chinese American Scientists: A Study in Transnational History of

TIM WORDEN Daily Titan

University Police Officer Hollyfield, callsign “307,” gets a call at 11:07 a.m. “307, there’s a girl in the library, she’s passed out,” the police dispatcher says. Hollyfield, at University Police’s parking lot north of the Titan Student Union, immediately starts her police car’s engine. She zooms out from the station as the dispatcher tells her the girl is in a bathroom on the north wing and is conscious and breathing. Hollyfield speeds south down the street to the TSU, then pops onto the sidewalk near the Titan Walk and flips on her police car’s lights, going “Code 3.” She puts the sirens on an intermittent setting, since full sirens attract too much attention on a busy campus. Students veer to the side to let her pass, but Hollyfield honks at one guy who appears not to notice her car. She parks at the west entrance of the Pollak Library and jogs inside. She checks the first-floor bathroom, but no luck (the dispatcher did not specify which floor). She walks upstairs and finds the girl at 11:12 a.m. “The response time for them was fast,” an onlooking librarian says. Officer Hollyfield, in the depart-

Science and Technology.” According to Wang, tens of thousands of Chinese came to the United States to study science and engineering in the beginning of the 20th century. The study abroad program was encouraged by the Chinese and U.S. governments as an effort towards modernizing China, said Wang. By 1949, there were roughly 5,000 Chinese students and visiting scientists in the U.S. After completing their studies, Wang said many of the students returned to their homeland. SEE SCIENCE, 2

CAMPUS | Program

TIM WORDEN / Daily Titan

Officer Hollyfield radios her dispatcher giving an update on her position. Hollyfield is one of about 30 officers on campus.

ment’s black short-sleeve uniform, waits with the girl and her friend until paramedics arrive, at 11:22 a.m. “You didn’t pass out, you just fell?” a paramedic asks. “Yeah,” the girl says. EMTs check the girl’s vitals and transport her via a stretcher to the library’s loading docks. Officer Hollyfield makes sure the girl has her cellphone with her before she is transported to the hospital. “She probably has that horrible flu virus that’s going around,” Hollyfield says as she makes her way back to her car. Hollyfield drives back to University Police headquarters, a cozy four-


“She zooms out from the station as the dispatcher tells her the girl is in a bathroom on the north wing and is conscious and breathing.” year-old building that services Cal State Fullerton’s nationally accredited police department, which has the full authority of a police agency to make arrests. The station has a briefing room, a lecture room, two overnight jail cells and an interrogation room. Hollyfield, a three-year-veteran of

the department and a Titan alumna who attended Cal State Fullerton as a human services major on a basketball scholarship, catches up with her partner, Officer Bridgewaters, a bald young officer who has been with the department a year and a half. SEE POLICE, 6

Women engineers receive Raytheon sponsorship GABY MARTINEZ Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton College of Engineering and Computer Science received a $20,000 sponsorship from engineering company Raytheon to fund the Women in Engineering program for the 2013-2014 school year. Raytheon allocated $20,000 of their annual contributions to the college for the program which began in fall 2012 with $12,500 grant from the Engineering Information Foundation. The program focuses on the success of female freshmen engineering and computer science majors, according to Hart Roussel, director

of development for Engineering and Computer Sciences. “The Women in Engineering program is a retention program structured as a learning community,” Roussel said. “The idea is to take a particular cohort usually with some kind of an affinity, and you provide a series of integrated services with the intention of supporting retention and improving outcomes.” According to Roussell, the female students of the program participate in a special session of the University 100 course during their first semester at CSUF which allows them to connect with other freshmen female engineering majors. SEE WOMEN, 3






CAMPAIGN: Competitive election means more spending


Chinese ‘stranded’ in US



According to Wang, some Chinese students and scientists returned to China to see the possibility of “professional development and national reconstruction in China under the communists” due to their view that the Nationalist government was corrupt. Another reason some departed the U.S. was due to their discontent over racial discrimination and their fear of being separated from their family if they did not return soon enough. Wang said there were two ways that Chinese students and scientists were “stranded” in the U.S. “One, when the Chinese Communists defeated the U.S.-backed Nationalists and took over mainland China, communications between China and the U.S. were largely cut off,” he said. Many Chinese students could no longer receive funds from their families in China to continue their studies in the U.S. “Two, many students had doubts about the new Communist government in China and therefore hesitated about going back to China after the completion of their studies,” he said. “The U.S. government actively encouraged Chinese students to stay in the U.S.” Those who stayed in the U.S. continued to assimilate into the American culture, Wang said. The U.S. gradually saw an influx of Chinese scientists and engineers, making it one of the “most dramatic developments in the transnationalization of the Ameri-

APRIL 25, 2013

Courtesy of Cal Poly Pomona Zuoyue Wang, Ph.D., a history professor at Cal Poly Pomona, will give a lecture Thursday in Langsdorf Hall.

can scientific community,” according to Wang. The leading Chinese-American scientists included physicists Tsung-Dao Lee, Chen Ning Yang and the late Chien-Shiung Wu. In 1957, Yang and Lee became the first Chinese males to win Nobel prizes. At the lecture, Wang will also discuss the impact of the Cold War on science and the current science and technology policy in China and the U.S. “I hope that the audience will learn ... about the importance of ethnic diversity and international cooperation for the development of American science and technology in solving global problems such as energy and environment,” said Wang. Jim Hoffman, Ph.D., a professor

of liberal studies and the chair of Cal State Fullerton’s liberal studies department, said this lecture will not only appeal to science majors, but also those in other disciplines. “It’s of interest for history of science reasons because of how science developed differently in two countries, depending on who was where. But then it’s also of interest to people who are just interested in AsianAmerican issues,” Hoffman said. Wang earned his bachelor’s degree in physics at Henan Normal University in Xinxiang, China and a master’s degree in history of physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. He received his Ph.D. in history at UC Santa Barbara. The lecture will be held in Langsdorf Hall 321 at 5:30 p.m.

“They can take the T-shirt, but the thing is them rockin’ it,” said Leggett. “More than once a week– they just keep on wearing it.” The Navarro campaign purchased baseball shirts, which are generally more expensive than the t-shirts used by other campaigns. “No one has ever done baseball tees before,” said Navarro, “We really spiced it up there.” Flyers attracted huge spending from both camps. The Navarro campaign spent $1,000 on more than 11,000 flyers. The Latif campaign purchased roughly 14,000 flyers. However, wristbands were a no-show during this year’s race. Rubber wristbands had been a staple of recent campaigns, attracting hundreds of dollars of spending in recent years. Much of the campaign funds came from the candidate’s own pockets, but both campaigns received sizable donations. $419 worth of candy, food, balloons and other supplies were donated to the Navarro campaign. More contentious campaigns attract more spending, and more voters, said ASI elections com-

missioner Megan Martinez. The more campaigning is done, the more students come out to vote, she added. Candidates generally put forth what they can afford, according to Martinez, and the higher campaign awareness brought a fairly high turnout this year.

“They can take the T-shirt, but the thing is them rockin’ it. More than once a week– they just keep on wearing it.” JOHNATHAN LEGGETT ASI Vice President-elect

The last campaign that came close to this year’s spending was 2011’s extremely close election,

which put Eric Niu and Jay Jefferson against Aissa Canchula and Megan Martinez, but candidates this year outspent that campaign by more than $500. Eric Niu and Jay Jefferson won the 2011 election by six votes. Races for ASI board of directors positions were very noncompetitive this year, especially when compared to last year’s race for the College of Business and Economics representative. According to the report, Yasmin Mata spent nearly $800 last year in her ultimately successful bid to represent the Mihaylo school on the board of directors. Last year’s race for the board was an anomaly; four candidates and a few write-ins were all competing for the position of chair and co-chair. Mata ran for the same position this year and spent $10 on her campaign. Most elected board of directors representatives spent nothing on their campaign, with the exception of Jonathan Kwok, who will represent the College of Arts, and Janet Perez, who will represent the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Kwok and Perez each spent $25 on their campaign.

MIMI HUNG / Daily Titan

John Davis, Ph.D., a philosophy professor at CSUF, speaks to students on Tuesday at McCarthy Hall.

Professor’s research suggests future medicine may slow aging process LAUREN DAVIS Daily Titan

A Cal State Fullerton philosophy professor presented his research surrounding the slowing or halting of human aging during a discussion titled “The Ethics of Life Extension” at McCarthy Hall on Tuesday. John Davis, Ph.D., discussed how with proper research and future medicine, aging can be stopped, ultimately allowing a person to remain physiologically youthful for a much longer time. “It is entirely possible and more likely than not, that in some time in your lifetime and mine, you will see drug cocktails (life extension medicine) that will aid in aging,” said Davis. Davis explained that in order for life extension to be successful for people, the method will include manipulating the process of aging at a molecular and cellular level. “Weak life extension is life extension achieved by eliminating causes of death,” Davis said. “Radical life extension is manipulating and slowing the rate of aging enough that VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM/NEWS

your odds of dying from age related causes, are less than your odds of dying from non-age related causes.” Davis said that for his current life extension research to be successful and move forward, more bioethics journals would be necessary to help spread his research to others.

“Weak life extension is life extension achieved by eliminating causes of death.” JOHN DAVIS CSUF Philosophy Professor

“It is rare to find a new set of philosophical problems, most of the ones we have have been gone over countless times by countless people,” Davis said. “It’s always nice

when you can find problems people have not thought about yet.” Nilay Patel, Ph.D., a genetics and molecular biology professor at CSUF, hosted the presentation and explained that although Davis’ topic was new to attendees, Patel himself has been looking into life extension, but through a stem cell biology scope. “There is the idea that as we age, we lose our adult stem cells and those adult stem cells were there to repair our body and reduce the number of cell divisions to hold onto your stem cells and not extinguish the full life,” said Patel. Patel said that the application of stem cells are going to be available to people that can pay $10,000 to $15,000 for treatment will be able to live longer because they can afford it. Danielle Zacherl, Ph.D., a biology professor at CSUF, explained what the presentation meant to her. “I just thought it was fascinating,” said Zacherl. “I have never really thought about those issues before, and it makes me think that as biologists, we should all be a little better trained in ethics.”



APRIL 25, 2013



OC supervisors approve settlement The Orange County Board of Supervisors approved a settlement in the federal wrongful death lawsuit filed in response to the slaying of an unarmed Marine sergeant by police, according to the Los Angeles Times. The family of Sgt. Manuel Loggins Jr. filed the suit when a sheriff’s deputy shot Loggins in a darkened high school parking lot. Darren Sandberg is accused of using excessive force against Loggins when the man was shot in a San Clemente High School parking lot after Loggins refused to follow the deputy’s orders. Last year, the Orange County district attorney’s office defended Sandberg, saying he acted reasonably given the circumstances of the incident and cleared the deputy of wrongdoing. It is up to the family to decide if they will accept the settlement, attorney Brian Dunn would not comment on the case. The agreement could take months, according to a county spokesman.


Boehner reduces operation spending





A cost-cutting effort by House Speaker John Boehner has resulted in a 15 percent reduction in operation spending by the House of Representatives, according to USA Today. The cuts are expected to save taxpayers $400 million by the end of 2013. Lawmakers had an annual $1.5 million office budget three years ago; that amount has been reduced to $1.2 million, which covers staff salaries and district office rent. The House cut $58 million in operating costs in the 2011 fiscal year, $143 million in the 2012 fiscal year and are on pace to cut $205 million in the 2013 fiscal year after the sequester. In 2010, the operating cost for the House was $1.37 billion and that number has been reduced to $1.16 billion in 2013. Committee budgets are also being trimmed, according to USA Today. The Natural Resource Committee has had a 22.35 percent cut in budget, from $8.4 million in 2010 to $6.5 million in 2013.




30,000 21,755 20,000

18,234 13,933


Dominguez Hills


Long Beach

Los Angeles

KEYNOTE: ‘Power of print is discovery’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

He spoke about those decisions as well as the recent decision to add a Washington D.C. bureau to the paper, a move that he said no paper in the country has made in recent history. “We are, in the last five to 10 years, the only newspaper in the country to actually add a bureau outside of our county,” said Kushner. He added that changes like these are made to benefit subscribers. “How do we give our subscribers more? How do we give Orange County more?” Kushner asked. “We happen, in Orange County, to be an incredibly important part of what happens in the country as a whole.” In regards to giving Orange County more, Kushner spoke plainly about the volume of content, saying that many publications, including the LA Times, have page counts as low as 30 or 40, while the Register gives readers 70 to 80 pages on a daily basis. Kushner then stopped to ask the audience a question: “Is there anyone in this room that likes to be depressed?”

After meeting laughter, Kushner asked the rhetorical question again and went on to describe what many other papers do is push “depressing” news to the forefront while leaving out positivity. “This isn’t to say that tragedy, if you think about entertainment, isn’t an important way that we craft narratives. There are going to be terrible weeks, like there was last week,” Kushner said. “That is not what I believe should define a newspaper” He added that expanding the paper to include positive community stories was an effort to get readers to nod their heads while reading the paper, rather than shake their heads. Kushner spoke about the new university section and the idea of evolving it beyond its current state to include more in-depth stories about specific areas of university life. “We have a great opportunity here in Fullerton to go more deeply into the actual education modules,” he said. “I’d love to see that even deeper, I’d love to have people whether they

are associated with Fullerton in any way whatsoever be proud that Fullerton is in Orange County and feel like they are learning when they read each week that section.” “The power of print is discovery,” he said. “That basic openness and ability to help people to discover things that they weren’t actively looking for, that’s how we grow as a community. García presented Kushner with a Titan baseball cap at the close of the presentation. “It was a learning experience for me, so I’m sure it was a learning experience for everybody else,” García said. Briggs said Kushner’s speech was important because it focused on the future of journalism and the evolutionary process that many perceive the Register to be a part of. “It’s a unique business model that they’re evolving. He makes it sound like it makes a lot of sense, time will tell whether they’re right or not,” Briggs said. “If they are right, it’s going to really reinvent that whole segment of the media.”


Curtain falls for Universal’s Gibson Amphitheater After 41 years in business, the Gibson Amphitheater in Universal City will close its doors in September, according to the Los Angeles Times. The venue, which first opened in 1972, will be torn down to make room for the new “Wizarding World of Harry Potter” ride as part as a revamping and expansion project for Universal Studios. The venue has hosted many of the biggest names in music throughout the years, such as Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Madonna and Vicente Fernandez. It has also been the home for the comedy acts of Chris Rock and George Lopez. Some of Los Angeles’ biggest radio stations have also hosted concerts in the Gibson, such as Power 106 FM’s Cali Christmas and KROQ’s Almost Acoustic Christmas. Live Nation plans to relocate most shows that were scheduled in the Gibson after September and will offer refunds for any shows that are canceled due to the change.




San Bernardino

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JOHN PEKCAN / Daily Titan

Norma Pablo,19, leads her group of civil engineers in a measuring exercise on Wednesday.

WOMEN: Program shapes female engineers CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

“We identify preferably a female instructor who coordinates the course specifically for this cohort,” Roussel added. “We also identify upperclassmen females in engineering who work as mentors and tutors as part of this program. We really try to make a connection between the Society of Women Engineers and this cohort.” Lexi Schaffer, 21, a mechanical engineering major and SWE club president, was one of the mentors for the program in fall 2012. As a female engineer herself, Schaffer said she recognizes the importance of having a support system for these female students who may feel overwhelmed by the large number of males in their classes. “When you first go into engineering, you don’t really realize that there aren’t that many girls in engineering,” Schaffer said. “It was really good that they (the female students) could build bonds as freshmen that way you could


have those friends later on.” Susamma Barua, Ph.D., an associate dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, said it is important to have a support program like Women in Engineering for female engineers and computer scientists. “We do not want the female students to feel isolated,” Barua said. When there is a support system that they know they can rely on, their confidence level goes up. The support system allows the cohort group to be together in at least one of their classes.” Schaffer said it is important for young female engineers to have other working female engineers as role models. Since the fields of engineering and computer science are still mostly maledominated, it is imperative that female students feel support from their college so that they feel encouraged to pursue their careers, Barua said. Support from Laurie Haack, a CSUF alumni and manager for

Fullerton’s Raytheon, was instrumental in the company’s sponsorship for the program. Haack is an active volunteer for the Women in Engineering program, precollege Engineering Innovation summer program and a member of the College of Engineering and Computer Science Leadership Council. In order to increase engineers and computer scientists who are female, engineering companies such as Raytheon need to start from the university, Barua said. According to Barua, Raytheon recognizes the importance of promoting female engineers and shows this by their willingness to contribute to the program. “They understand the importance of increasing the enrollment of female students in engineering and computer science because they know that it is difficult for them to get female engineers or female computer scientists as part of their workforce,” Barua said.

Source: CSU

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Setting the bar once more I’ll be perfectly honest and express my slight disillusionment with the gay and transgender civil rights activists in my experiences as of late. Whether it’s bickering over which causes are more important than others, the sweeping statements about certain pro-gay organizations or the claims that the “It Gets Better Project” only benefits white, middle-class gay males. I am tired of the infighting and the ironic saber rattling over who is most oppressed in our modern society, as if it was some moral high ground to fight over instead of something to mourn. It’s hard to engage with these kinds of prickly people when they are the ones I am supposed to connect with the most. There are enough obstacles in our endless path to equality without the help of silly qualms. In these times, it is best to look to the heroes who stand above it all and lead with embracing our commonalities. These are the people who keep my eyes on the prize. Last year, the gay marriage wins during the election took up much of the fanfare in the civil rights circuit, but it was also a groundbreaking time for gay and bisexual people in Congress. “In 2012, we nearly doubled the number of members in congress who were LGBT, including the first U.S. senator,” said Denis Dison, vice president of communications for the Victory Fund, an organization that raises funds for “out” or openly LGBT candidates. Despite the common faux pas of throwing in transgenders with lesbians, gays and bisexuals, Dison is right. Of particular interest is Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, the first openly bisexual representative ever elected in our history. I have been keeping track of her work through social media and the news, and while I have not approved of every action she has done since taking office, Sinema comes off as a wellspoken member of our government who seems to really care about her constituents, gay or not.

A more controversial subject as of late is the recent rash of outspoken Republicans coming out in favor of gay marriage for the first time. Many skeptical gay rights activists have proclaimed “too little, too late” at these developments. I don’t completely disagree, but I do still applaud these people for making the right decision. I will not turn away an ally like that. Civil rights does NOT exclude people in this way. We MUST have open arms. Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio is one example. After changing his mind about marriage equality because of his gay son, the disapproval rating among his Republican base jumped 13 points. It is doubtful that Portman is completely surprised by this new poll. Nevertheless he has forged ahead with a stance that points toward the future. He took a risk because he loves his son. Gay rights is about love, so he has done right by me, even if it took longer than it should. One of the final strongholds of widespread homophobia in the United States is the sports world. Masculinity rules the roost in this powerful hen house and being gay just doesn’t fit that mold in mainstream society. The leadership of the National Hockey League doesn’t seem to care, as they have recently partnered with You Can Play, a sports-oriented antihomophobia advocacy group, to provide acceptance training to all incoming players of the league. “We are delighted to reaffirm through this joint venture with the NHL Players’ Association that the official policy of the NHL is one of inclusion on the ice, in our locker rooms and in the stands,” league commissioner Gary Bettman said in a joint statement with You Can Play. This is a powerful way to break down barriers and an exciting turn of events for a sport filled with such male bravado. Not to mention outspoken American footballers like Brendon Ayanbadejo and Chris Kluwe, who have been no stranger to the media con-



cerning their support of gay people. Basketball star Brittney Griner casually came out in a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, telling it just like it is. “Being one that’s out, it’s just being who you are. Again, like I said, just be who you are. Don’t worry about what other people are going to say, because they’re always going to say something, but, if you’re just true to yourself, let that shine through. Don’t hide who you really are,” said Griner. That is something which rises above the noise of different civil rights groups fighting for the piece of the pie they could all share. I can rest easy and in good faith when these people are setting examples just by living their lives in the spotlight. At the beginning of the semester, I talked about the importance of ordinary people making change through the little things, so I leave off with a smaller story. Robbie Romu volunteers at a mentoring organization, and recently started helping out a boy he calls “Sam”. After an incident where the kid says that “He hates homos”, Romu is ready to discontinue work with this child. After some deep thought, however, the columnist decides to keep taking care of Sam, as it would serve as a great learning opportunity for the both of them. It would have been easy for Romu to give up. Instead, he takes the better road. Gay rights activists must always take this path of patience, and not just with our opponents, which is something I have forgotten. May myself and others in my field no longer forget.


APRIL 25, 2013





‘Anti-Prostitution Pledge’ is hindering world progression To cut funding to a health organization over ideology does more harm than good NICOLE WEAVER Daily Titan

Since the reversal of the global gag rule, it seemed as though the United States was on a path to ensuring and promoting women’s safe sexual health. However, with the Supreme Court presiding over a case known as the “AntiProstitution Pledge,” it appears as though our government has taken two steps backwards. The Anti-Prostitution Pledge is a law that requires organizations receiving funding through the president’s emergency plan for AIDS relief (PEPFAR) to adopt policies “opposing prostitution and sex trafficking.” Global health advocates refer to this ideologically-driven policy as being rooted in misguided moralism over sex work and not effective in HIV and AIDS intervention. The policy is seen by many as an unacceptable intrusion on an organization’s right to speak freely. Not only would an organization have to publicly announce its opposition to prostitution and sex trafficking, but it would also have to adopt this idea and promote it through their private speech, which frankly breaches the First Amendment right. No one, especially not a health organization as a whole, should have to adopt such a policy in order to receive funding. The private health organizations involved in this case should be able to remain neutral on this issue if they wish and not be ordered to implement a government-imposed ideology. In order to effectively

Terror: the root word of all evil What makes a “terrorist” is an ever-evolving concept, one that escapes definition IAN WHEELER Daily Titan

In 1995, a federal building in Oklahoma City was blown apart. Four years later, plans to bomb a high school in Colorado turned into an automatic weapons-induced massacre. Two years later, four planes were hijacked and very effectively used as missiles. Since then, movie theaters, elementary schools and marathon finish lines have become the sites of future memorials. Regardless of color, race, religion and reason, the men who perpetrated these murders are terrorists which, of course, is simply one who employs “terrorism.” Terrorism is a scary word, but is plainly defined in several dictionaries. It is described by MerriamWebster as a systematic use of terror, which is defined as a state of intense fear, as a means of coercion. The word’s suffix, “-ism,” establishes that the root can become a theory or ideology—“-ist” is one who produces an action or thing. Understandably, distinct attacks that were obviously intended to kill or injure as many people as possible, like explosions, are instantly labeled acts of terror. Acts of horrific gun violence seem to acquire the label randomly, depending on whatever turns out to be the motive of the gunman. But a lot of things breed terror. Cal State Fullerton students were terrified last December when the campus was locked down while police searched for suspects who had just shot a cashier. Four of five suspects were eventually arraigned on a number of charges, but they weren’t considered terrorists. Many are terrified of spiders, and spiders show no signs of ending violence against humans, yet NATO isn’t ordering drone strikes in foreign countries to eliminate the most poisonous ones. Authorities and civilians alike seem to be confused about where to draw the line in labeling an attack an act of terrorism. It should be defined in a more literal sense. Society’s collective definition of “terrorist” should be expanded to include any person or group who commits a crime that subsequently causes a state of panic, even if accidental. “Terrorist” should not be limited to those packing backpacks with explosives to send a message. Bombers and gunmen who massacre without a political or ideological agenda should, if anything, be considered more dangerous than those boiling with anger over a government, group of people, etc. In 2010, a man flew a small plane into a federal building in

ensure women’s health though, these organizations should take a non-judgmental approach to sex work and reject stigmatization of sex workers. A recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that countries such as Brazil, India, Kenya and Thailand have succeeded in reducing STI transmission and controlling the spread of STIs and HIV in sex work by increasing condom use, exercising voluntary periodic screenings and diagnosing and treating the diseases. This study also calls for the decriminalization of sex work and urges countries to improve sex workers’ access to health services.

No one, especially not a health organization ... should have to adopt such a policy in order to receive funding. The current push for this pledge can have debilitating effects far beyond just these health organizations, though. Many countries have already had to forgo U.S. funding and close their sex worker drop-in centers. These kinds of closures can be detrimental to the health of sex workers. It’s interesting to note that following the reversal of the global gag rule, Obama addressed that

public health must supersede politicization of issues. However, he has not extended this reasoning to the pledge. If the government is so concerned with preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, shouldn’t it be concerned with taking all possible preventative measures? The reason the global gag rule was ultimately overturned was due to women in undeveloped nations performing unsafe abortions, which more often than not led to the death of not only the baby but also the mother. The global gag rule effectively prevented Planned Parenthood and other health organizations from allowing these women information and access to safe abortions. In essence, what I’m saying is that those women were going to have an abortion regardless of whether it was safe or not, and fortunately the government wanted to ensure the health of those women by allowing them safe abortions. Shouldn’t the government also want to protect the health of these sex workers by decriminalizing sex work and ending the policing of bodies? Shouldn’t it want to provide proper health care to treat pre-existing diseases and inform sex workers about the importance of safe sex? Ordering health organizations in other countries relying on U.S. funding to adopt an ideology will only perpetuate the criminalization of sex work. Sex work is a legitimate form of work and must be treated as such. When a government imposes such strict ideology such as the current ideology in question, it blatantly expresses that sex work is seen as illegitimate and harshly marginalizes and stigmatizes a group of people that should be empowered.


TOP: Last December, CSUF was locked down for several hours as police searched for an armed suspect that had fled to the campus.

Courtesy of MCT

BOTTOM: Thousands of people packed the streets of Boston as the second suspect of the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was arrested.

Austin, Texas, where about 200 people were working. The crash killed the crazed pilot, Andrew Joseph Stack III, 53, and left one person unaccounted for. Two bodies were eventually pulled from the debris, but investigators didn’t share their identities. Within hours of the crash, officials ruled out any connection to terrorist groups or causes mere hours after the crash, before the death or identity of the pilot had been confirmed, according to the New York Times. A family member told the media that Stack didn’t actually intend to kill anyone in the attack, just “damage the IRS.” He left behind rantings against the government, big business and taxes, which screams political motivation. The lack of national response and media coverage of this event was shocking. Do perpetrators of bombings, mass shootings and first need to


belong to a club where initiation is to pledge to cause death and destruction? Apparently not so in the Boston Marathon bombing case, though it is still unclear why the attack was carried out. But that doesn’t matter. The nature of the attack was significant—only three were killed, but more than 250 were injured. Boston was paralyzed in a very literal terror as events unfolded over the actions of the Tsarnaev brothers. The two can easily be considered terrorists, not because of the number of people they killed or the size of the bombs, but because of the fear they created in the wake of their actions. Definitions evolve as society evolves and endures, but the minutiae of what word’s literal definition is still important. Terror can ripple through a town after a single murder as easily as it can spread throughout the world after skyscrapers full of people are leveled.






Long distances take a toll on relationships MIA McCORMICK For the Daily Titan


TOP: Jonathan Leggett, left, and Rohullah Latif, right, congratulate each other with a handshake after winning the ASI election.


BOTTOM : Latif and Leggett discuss their platforms at the ASI debate. The two candidates won the presidency after a re-vote election.

IDENTITIES: Incoming ASI president’s journey to the top ADREANA YOUNG Daily Titan

Rohullah Latif woke up at 6 o’clock every morning for weeks, dressed in a full business suit, and began his day. He spent his entire day talking with students, planning a campaign and preparing to become Cal State Fullerton’s next Associate Students Inc. president. After a stress-filled tiebreaker re-vote, Latif, 22, and his vice president, Jonathan Leggett, won the ASI presidency. “Sorry, I’m a little sick,” said Latif. “The election really took a toll on me,” he laughed. Latif said over the course of the four-week election process, he lost about 10 pounds and went to bed every night with sore feet from walking around campus, talking with students all day. “We would be the first ones in and the last ones out,” Latif, a mechanical engineering and philosophy double major, said. “That was just the whole mentality during the election. You’ve just gotta keep going.” Standing by his side throughout the election was Leggett, 21,

an economics major, who said he believes this year is going to be one students will remember for years to come. “I’m very confident that we’re going to do an excellent job this year. I think that we’re going to have a legacy year. He (Latif ) has that kind of drive,” said Leggett. “That’s one thing that’s really stuck with me, that motivates me, to have that same drive.” Latif said winning this election isn’t the the first time he’s held a leadership position. In high school, Latif became captain of the police explorers program and was student body president during his senior year. “It all started when I ran for senior president,” Latif said. “Ever since then I was like, ‘You don’t need to be popular, you don’t need to be anything like that as long as you have a good head on your shoulders and you know what you want, people will believe in you.’” He recalled that he was up against a student who had held positions as freshman, sophomore and junior class president, but that didn’t stop Latif from trying. “There’s two types of leaders,”

Latif said. “This is cliché, but there’s usually that leader that’s born to lead and then there’s the one that works his way up ... I’ve worked a lot.” For Latif, the road to becoming the next CSUF student representative was one fraught with uphill battles. Eleven years ago, Latif, his three sisters and their single mother moved to Oregon from Afghanistan. He didn’t speak a word of English and they had no family or support system there. Latif said he and his family moved to California shortly after that because his aunt lived close by. Unable to speak the language, Latif said he faced criticism from other students growing up, but the difficulties that he has encountered because of his culture have ultimately made him a stronger person. “Growing up in a Third World country, moving to the United States, I’ve been able to see things in a different perspective,” Latif said. Latif said the culture shock he and his family experienced upon moving to the United States has

helped him transform into a more relatable leader by allowing him to see different lifestyles and ways of thinking. Rather than trying to hide his heritage, Latif said he has always embraced it and used the experiences to help him in his life endeavors. “I would never be ashamed of where I’m from,” Latif said. “I would just say Afghanistan. This is who I am and it’s helped me. It made me a stronger person. It’s made me a stronger leader as well.” Latif plans to go to law school after graduating next year, where he hopes to study patent law. He said eventually he hopes to own his own company. For now though, Latif expects his position as ASI president to be a full-time job. He said he will be resigning from his position as a loss prevention detective at Sears. “This is where I can make the most change. Typically you don’t need a title and I believe in that, that I don’t even need a title to do anything, but in this type of position with all the ideas Jonny and I have (we can make) a final impact on this campus,” Latif said.

Relationships are tricky. Whether two people in a relationship live next door to each other or a thousand miles apart, work is required for any relationship to be successful. The saying claims that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for some, distance increases relationship woes. “I think it’s a myth,” said Virginia Mintzlaff, a marriage and family therapist who teaches in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. “People grow apart and if you’re not spending time together, I think that risk is increased. It is easier to maintain a relationship with little to no distance,” she said. Distance puts a strain on the relationship. It makes it hard to see each other and find time to devote to the other person and when one or both people get busy with other things, loneliness can take a toll on the relationship, Mintzlaff said. Pam Hyle, a business management major, agrees. “For me, being in a long-distance relationship has been extremely emotionally draining and from time to time I have experienced depression when not being able to do the things that ‘normal’ couples would do,” said Hyle. Hyle met her boyfriend Robbie Coates while studying abroad in York, England. They have been together since the summer of 2008 when he visited Hyle in California. They will be getting married in August. “We were crazy about each other and wanted our relationship to work, so it has,” Hyle said. “Robbie is really great about reassuring me that we are in this together and (the distance) is not forever.” For Kenny Williams, a psychology major, being in a longdistance relationship was also an emotionally draining experience. “The summer when she got busier and busier we just had less and less communication,” said Williams.

POLICE: Building community CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

She drives to Lot E near the dorms for an area check, meaning she looks for suspicious activity. Finishing, she exits campus (University Police’s jurisdiction includes a onemile radius outside campus). She spots a man with sunglasses talking on his cell phone while driving at the Yorba Linda Boulevard and Placentia Avenue intersection. She flashes her lights and pulls him over. She takes his information and walks back to her car to write his citation as Officer Bridgewaters pulls up for backup. For safety, officers try to work in pairs. Bridgewaters stands behind the open passenger door of her car to watch the man while Hollyfield records his information.

“I think it’s important to get out there and talk to people.” OFFICER HOLLYFIELD University Police

“Info only, he’s been keeping eyes on (us) the whole time,” cautions Bridgewaters, Officer Hollyfield’s partner since February. Finishing the citation, Hollyfield gets another call, at 12:37 p.m. An elderly woman is in need of medical aid at the Ruby Gerontology Center. She zooms to campus and drives CONTACT US AT: FEATURES@DAILYTITAN.COM

He faced many difficult times during the two years of his relationship, traveling back and forth to Michigan to spend time with his girlfriend three to four times a year while they were together. Although being in a long-distance relationship allowed him the opportunity to travel by plane for the first time and visit new places, which he enjoyed, it was difficult for him when it was time to leave her and go back home. “After seeing each other after our trips, especially the first few times, that was really hard for me,” Williams said. Yannick Hausmann, a business and information technology major, traveled from Germany to study abroad at Cal State Fullerton this semester. He and his girlfriend, Mari Benachid, who have been together for two and a half years, have to drive three hours to see each other at their respective hometowns in Germany so dealing with distance is nothing new to them. While studying in America, they are separated by about 9,000 miles and a nine-hour time difference, making consistent communication difficult. However, this hasn’t ruined their relationship. “I like it because you don’t see each other on that usual basis and when you do it’s something special and we try to make it special,” said Hausmann. Hausmann said the biggest disadvantage of a long-distance relationship is not being able to be there for each other in a time of need. “Sometimes I just would like to see her or help her, maybe just the little things, but I can’t,” Hausmann said. Despite the struggles they face with being in a long-distance relationship, each of these three students stand by their decision to make it work. “There are, of course, the obvious differences between the two types of relationships; I can’t go on a date to dinner or be kissed goodnight, which is a total bummer. But when I can do those things with Robbie, it feels extra sweet,” Hyle said.

onto the sidewalk next to the Arboretum to get to the center. She makes sure the woman is OK and prepares the scene for the paramedics, who arrive 10 minutes later and transport her to the hospital. A friend of the woman says he will meet the woman at the hospital. “Are they gonna’ run code?” he says, referring to the ambulance driving with lights and sirens. The officers say no and the man leaves. “‘Run code?’ Where’d he learn that lingo?” Hollyfield says, laughing. “Little do we know he’s a 30-year sheriff,” Bridgewaters jokes. The officers are called back to the station around 1 p.m. It’s Thursday, three days after the Boston bombings, and Cal State Los Angeles just received a bomb threat. The police lieutenant (the department’s third-ranking position) coordinates a plan for CSUF. Officer Hollyfield goes on a foot patrol around campus. A police presence, or proactive policing, has a two-fold purpose, she says: It deters potential criminals and it makes the community feel safe. “Our number one goal is the safety of our students, faculty and staff,” she says. Hollyfield walks down the Titan Walk and talks to a local vendor who is selling oranges. She greets students and a candidate in the ASI elections. She says this—being part a positive member of the campus community—is what being a police officer is all about. “I think it’s important to get out there and talk to people,” Hollyfield says as she walks around the Quad. “We want people to know that we’re not just out there to get bad guys.”


APRIL 25, 2013



Titans cash in for a cause at Casino Night CHELSEA BOYD Daily Titan

The Titan Student Union Pavilions will transform into a casino on Saturday complete with food, music and gambling tables brimming with faux money. Of course, any real money changing hands will be in the form of donations for the clinics. The fourth-annual Casino Night is a fundraiser for the Cal State Fullerton Speech and Hearing Clinic and the Center for Children Who Stutter thrown by CSUF’s chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. The gala-style event is the flagship fundraiser for NSSLHA, an organization that is mostly made up of communicative disorders majors who are interested in speech and language pathology or audiology. An old Hollywood-inspired theme is set for the night and a silent auction and opportunity drawing are on the agenda featuring prizes donated by private and corporate sponsors. The items range from a weekend cabin trip to a MAC gift basket. Other items up for auction include a dinner for two, school supplies and even a flight lesson from the Fullerton Airport. Rochelle Pospisil, 21, a communicative disorders major and NSSLHA President, said a wide array of sponsors have been generous in the name of a worthy cause. “We have a good amount of supporters in the community who are very willing to give ... what they have access to for this event because it is such a good cause and

it’s really important to the community,” said Pospisil. Attendees can also take advantage of a professional photography station which will feature a backdrop of the Hollywood hills as well as cutouts of classic Hollywood stars like Frank Sinatra and Audrey Hepburn. The photos will be available for purchase with the proceeds going to the clinics. Those who are 21 and over can enjoy a full bar which will accompany a buffet dinner, catered by OC Choice. Pospisil said the board has been planning and conceptualizing the event since December, when they first took office. Last year’s NSSLHA president, Stephanie Floerke, said the event has evolved over the years, beginning as a youth event featuring magicians and balloon animals. “Four years ago, 2010 President Patti Mohan and her board changed the event into more of a casino event geared toward professionals in the field. It was called Poker for Pathologists. It began as a more casual event but has since evolved into more of a semi-formal gala,” said Floerke. Pospisil and Floerke both emphasized that raising money for the clinics is a big part of the organization’s work, as many club members gain experience through working with licenced pathologists. Grad students in the Communicative disorders program work in the Speech and Hearing clinic, which according to Floerke sees between 50 and 60 clients each semester and has a lengthy waiting list for the current semester. “It’s very important to our pro-

Daily Titan

A student, walking and texting at the same time, almost bumps into a bicyclist while making their way to class. Minutes later, the student arrives at that class, eyes still glued to the small screen. While in class, if eyes aren’t glued to that small screen, it’s laptops and tablets. Facebook is up. So are Pinterest, Tumblr, ESPN and other sites popular with students. And last, but not least, a word processor for note-taking during lecture. The consequences that students face by using their phones and laptops during class include missing out on important concepts being taught and receiving lower grades. Michael Rich, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School and executive director of the Center on Media and Child Health in Boston, said young adults’ brains are “rewarded not for staying on task but for jumping to the next thing.” In other words, working on homework assignments or sitting in

a lecture, browsing the Internet on their laptops and texting friends all at once is seen as engaging in effective multitasking. But to professors, like Scott Annin, associate professor of mathematics, it is nothing less than distraction and disrespect, not only towards the instructors but also to other classmates. “When the student is distracted, it is impossible for them to absorb the material the instructor is trying to convey in the lecture,” said Annin. “At the same time, other students who observe this behavior may unintentionally be tempted to ‘check out’ as well.” Policies regarding laptops vary by instructor. Some allow laptops while others ban them altogether. In some classes, if students use laptops, they must sit at the front of the class so professors could monitor their activity from the back of the room during lectures, making sure students are not scrolling through Facebook and other sites. As the amount of digital distractions increases, despite the numerous class-



Social media enables a new age of stalking Facebook provides curious users with easy access to personal information online JULIA GUTIERREZ Daily Titan

MIMI HUNG / Daily Titan

Rochelle Pospisil, NSSLHA president, helped organize the fourth-annual Casino Night, which will take place Saturday at the TSU Pavilions.

gram that (the speech and hearing clinic) be funded because a lot of graduate programs don’t have a speech clinic that they just have on campus, that they have access to,” Pospisil said. “We are very lucky to have one on campus, so we support that as an organization.” Carolynn Cardenas, a communicative disorders major, who works as an office assistant in the clinic, said she feels fortunate to have the experience of being able to work in the clinic. “It’s a great way to see what you’d be doing as a graduate student later on,” said Cardenas. Cardenas will attend Casino night for the first time and said she is excited about the Hollywood theme.

Casino Night raised $4,500 last year and the money is not only important for the students working in the clinic, but also for those in the community who benefit from the services provided. “Both depend heavily on donations and provide a lot of support for families who don’t have the means to pay for speech therapy for their children or for themselves,” Pospisil said. Organizers are expecting between 200 and 250 attendees at this year’s fundraiser, for which people can still buy tickets or make donations. Tickets are available on Sites. and for cash only at the door of the event.

Digital distractions detract students from focusing JENNIFER NGUYEN


room policies professors have in place, some say there’s really not much one can do about the issue. Students may have come across professors who would joke about answering phones that go off in class as a way to embarrass or humiliate them. In some cases though, there are professors who don’t joke around, which is seen as unnecessary. Annin said a private conversation with a student after class about their phone going off would be a more appropriate response as opposed to humiliation. “If the problem persists, the instructor may need to take more severe action, but this should never need to be a public spectacle in front of the whole classroom,” he said. Most of the time, professors understand that life happens and sometimes students expecting important phone calls during class need to step out to take a call. Overall, students are expected to keep in mind that there’s a time and place for everything. Joel Abraham, assistant professor of biological science, recalled

a time when a student answered their phone at an improper time. “For instance, once during a test, I had a student who checked her phone when it rang, which was an automatic response but a very inappropriate one,” he said. “That’s much more serious than somebody just forgetting to leave it off.” Abraham said college is the beginning of one’s professional life rather than an extension of high school and therefore should be treated as a professional setting. This includes texting or web browsing on their laptops when they should be paying attention to the instructor, he added. “I think it’s useful technology and if people have the focus to use the technology in class in a professional way, that’s good. If not, they have to learn it,” said Volker Janssen, assistant professor of history. “And if they refuse learning the use of technology professionally, then they will do poorly and that will reflect itself in their grades and also their professional experience,” he added.

Before Mark Zuckerberg brought his social-networking website into the limelight, keeping tabs on exboyfriends and ex-girlfriends required a lot more effort. Instead of crying over a changed relationship status, people were forced to face the old-fashioned way of moving on after a breakup. There were no ways to stealthily find out who an ex was with or what an ex had been up to. Through Facebook, heartsick college students have an easy inside look into every aspect of their exes’ lives. Status updates, wall posts, photos and now even shows watched on Netflix can be viewed by others. With the lack of concern students may have for their privacy settings, it can become easy to “stalk.” Some chuckle when the subject of Facebook stalking is mentioned and television shows like Catfish on MTV highlight the odd trend of having an online-only identity and relationship. But many students will easily admit to having lurked on their exboyfriend or ex-girlfriend’s profile. For students like Sandy Cheung, a business major, Facebook stalking does not always have to be a serious action. Cheung said she has only lurked on people’s Facebook profiles because she was curious about an ex or a possible new flame. “I wouldn’t call it stalking. I would call it exploring their (a love interest’s) background ... If you were dating somebody you kind of want to know what’s out there (about them) in public already. Like, what does everyone else know? I want to know too,” said Cheung. She said the degree in which a person follows someone’s actions online depends on the extent of the relationship. In other words, if the relationship was a short fling, the need to know every detail of an ex’s day may not be important. She added that how a relationship ends also matters. Although many people harmlessly and quietly research a former or new love, psychologists have recently discovered that Facebook stalking can be a lot more serious than one would think. A recent study by Amy Lyndon, Ph.D., Jennifer Bonds-Raacke, Ph.D. and Alyssa D. Cratty, Ph.D, found

that college students who use Facebook to stalk an ex are about six times more likely to show other stalking behaviors. Lurking on Facebook may begin innocently, but can often turn into obsession over an ex. Emal Gerami, a sociology professor at Cal State Fullerton, said Facebook stalking is a serious concern, but that it has not caused any societal problems at this point. As of now, it remains a psychological issue. It may phase out eventually. However, if the cyberstalking through Facebook continues regularly it could lead to further problems, he said. Gerami said students’ use of Facebook is simply another method of communicating and of developing the self.

“Lurking on Facebook may begin innocently, but can often turn into obsession over an ex.” While developing the self, individuals are able to present themselves positively to others. Gerami said this is known as impression management. By doing this, an individual can protect personal information. “(On Facebook) we get to go into the lives of our friends (and friends) of friends, who would otherwise not share their lives in the same way ... pictures are up; it seems relatively intimate,” said Gerami. “There’s, in a sense, greater expression of the self while people are trying to maintain a degree of safety as well.” He said individuals may have the ability to censor themselves more online than in person. An individual can be more picky about what they choose to reveal to their followers and their friends. Karen Chen, a business major, said Facebook stalking should not be considered a complete invasion of privacy because users have the ability to pick and choose the information they want revealed. “You basically can choose if you want your Facebook to be public or private; so if you choose public, it’s not an invasion (of privacy),” Chen said. “You’re giving them permission to do it.”

“I wouldn’t call it stalking. I would call it exploring their background ...” SANDY CHEUNG Business Major






Softball stifles Highlanders in 4-1 win on road SERGIO GOMEZ Daily Titan


Infielder Lauren Mario runs to first base at Anderson Family Field. The junior has three home runs and 10 RBIs this season.

The Cal State Fullerton softball team stayed hot as it increased its winning streak to six games after defeating the UC Riverside Highlanders 4-1 Wednesday at Amy S. Harrison Field in Riverside. After winning their last five games, the Titans (22-25, 7-8) kept the ball rolling as they struck first against the Highlanders (1924, 6-10). In the top of the fourth inning, Titan third baseman Eliza Crawford was able to draw a walk to start the inning. Lauren Mario then came in to pinch run for Crawford. She was able to reach third base on a throwing error by shortstop Natalie Sanchez on a sacrifice bunt by Titan shortstop Gabby Aragon. After first baseman Melissa Sechrest drew a walk to put runners on the corners, second baseman Carissa Turang hit a shot to left center for a single to score Mario from third. The Highlanders didn’t stay down for long, as in the bottom of the fourth inning they were able

to tie things at one apiece. Titan pitcher Jasmine Antunez walked center fielder Kayla White to start off the inning. After stealing second base and advancing to third base on a ground out, White was able to cross home plate when catcher Alexis Pickett reached first base on a fielder’s choice. The Titans threatened again in the top of the sixth inning when Crawford drew another walk to leadoff the inning. After a sacrifice bunt by shortstop Samantha Galarza that advanced Crawford to second base, Sechrest drove the ball to center field for a double that scored Crawford from second base for the 2-1 lead. The Titans were unable to put another run on the board in the inning as they leave runners on the corners to end the inning. Crawford finished the game going 1-for-2 with one run scored while Sechrest finished the game with one RBI and one double on a 1-for-2 night. The Titans broke out for two more runs in the top of the seventh inning when center fielder Ashley Carter started a one out

rally with a single up the middle. Designated player Desiree Ybarra then hit a huge bomb to left-center field for a two-run home run for the 4-1 lead. Carter finished the game going 2-for-3 with one run scored while Ybarra finished the game going 2-for-4 with one homerun and two RBIs. CSUF failed to capitalize on another opportunity after the home run as Crawford hit a double to right-center and advanced to third base on an illegal pitch but was stranded on third base. The four runs was all that Antunez (15-13) needed as she earned her fifth win a row, which included a no-hitter on Saturday versus UNLV, as she completed seven strong innings allowing only one earned run on three hits, with two strikeouts and three walks. The Titans look to keep their hot streak alive as they hit the road and head North to take on UC Davis this weekend for a threegame series starting on Saturday. First-pitch is scheduled for noon. For more informationon the softball team, visit

Baseball looks to hammer Hawaii CHRIS KONTE Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton baseball team will travel to the University of Hawaii to take on the Rainbow Warriors in a three-game conference series beginning Friday. With the visit to Honolulu, the No. 3 Titans (34-6, 10-2 Big West) wrap up a season-long seven-game road trip on which they have won three of four so far. CSUF sports an impressive 19-2 away record thus far this season. Freshman starting pitcher Thomas Eshelman (7-2) will likely get the nod on Friday night. In 73.1 innings this season, he has 49 strikeouts, one walk and a 1.23 ERA. It is expected that another freshman, Justin Garza (8-0), will start Saturday, followed by sophomore Graham Wiest (6-2) Sunday. First pitch for Friday and Saturday is slated for 9:35 p.m. PT, and Sunday’s game will begin at 4:05 p.m. PT. Friday and Sunday’s games can be streamed live for free at This weekend’s series will be only the 13th all-time meeting between the two clubs. CSUF has won eight of the twelve, including five of the eight at Hawaii. The two sides most recently squared off in 2011, with the Titans sweeping a four-game road set. The ‘Bows (8-27, 3-9 Big West) have dropped eight of their last nine conference games, and have

won only one of their last seven against the Titans. Hawaii is coming off a sweep at the hands of Cal State Northridge, dropping them to the bottom of the Big West standings. CSUF, meanwhile, is coming off a series victory against No. 23 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in which the Titans took games two and three after dropping the opener. In the finale, CSUF rallied to score a pair of runs in the top of the ninth to win 6-4. Since then, Head Coach Rick Vanderhook agreed to a five-year extension with CSUF and first baseman Carlos Lopez was named as a finalist for the 2013 NCAA Senior CLASS Award, which recognizes excellence in the community, the classroom, character and competition. The Titans will return home following the three games at Hawaii. The Long Beach State Dirtbags will then visit Fullerton next weekend for a rivalry series. At 34-6, CSUF is off to its best start since 1996 when the school opened at 38-4. The Titans have won eight out of 10 games this season against ranked opponents, and also have 13 come-from-behind victories. CSUF has not lost a series against any team. Michael Lorenzen leads the team with seven home runs and 12 saves in 13 chances. He is also tied for the lead with 51 hits and eight doubles. Lopez, who also shares


the team lead in hits, is tops on the team in stolen bases with 13 in 16 attempts. Austin Diemer has the highest batting average at .354. Fifteen of the Titans’ remaining 16 regular season games will come against conference opponents, but only six are scheduled to be played at Goodwin Field. The Titans currently lead the Big West by two games over second-place Northridge. The two teams square off at Northridge for the last three games of the regular season. For more information on the baseball team and their upcoming schedule, visit FullertonTitans. com.

CSUF PITCHING Thomas Eshelman Record: 7-2 Stats: 1.23 ERA, 49 K, 1 BB

Justin Garza Record: 8-0 Stats: 2.65 ERA, 61 K, 11 BB

Grahamm Wiest Record: 6-2 Stats: 2.73 ERA, 59 K, 8 BB


TOP: Michael Lorenzen winds up during a home game at Goodwin Field. The junior has 12 saves this season. BOTTOM: Infielder Matt Orloff gathers a ground ball. The senior has a .294 on-base percentage and two doubles in 2013.



April 25, 2013



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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis brought to you by

ACROSS 1 Dot-__ printer 7 Hash house sign 11 Org. that financed many public murals 14 Brand with a Justice For Potatoes League 15 Inside information? 16 Ancient pillager 17 Pop 20 Air France-__: European flier 21 Cathedral areas 22 Place in a 1969 Western 23 Tech staff member 24 Camel hair colors 26 Pop 32 Bat mitzvah locale 33 Bands from Japan 34 Gp. concerned with dropout prevention 35 Run smoothly 36 Condor’s booster 39 Ruckus 40 “__ you sure?” 41 Charcutier offering 42 2010 Angelina Jolie spy film 43 Pop 48 “Sooey!” reply 49 “Goodness gracious!” 50 Kitty’s sunny sleeping spot 52 TV and radio 53 Toulouse : oeil :: Toledo : __ 56 Pop 60 An official lang. of Kenya 61 The “a” in “a = lw” 62 First word of Longfellow’s “Paul Revere’s Ride” 63 Technique 64 Chews the fat 65 First step toward nirvana DOWN 1 Poke fun at 2 Shrinking sea 3 Duration 4 Poke fun at

5 Defensive denial 6 Second word of Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” 7 Outdoor security options 8 Battling god 9 Itty bit 10 Pink Floyd’s Barrett 11 Pentecost 12 Flat-bottomed boat 13 “Put Your Head on My Shoulder” singer 18 Claim with conviction 19 Truckee River city 23 II into D 24 “Yay, the weekend!” 25 Short right hand? 26 “Balderdash!” 27 Chekov bridgemate 28 Quantitative “science”? 29 Bulls’ org. 30 “Jurassic Park” co-star 31 Father of modern Italian, per linguists 36 Very soon after


brought to you by

Aries (March 21-April 19) Figure out your finances. If you asked for a tax filing extension, now may be a good time to complete your return. Don’t wait for October. Get it done and celebrate. Taurus (April 20-May 20) Vivid expressions of love and creativity bubble forth. Your team is on fire with productivity, and your leadership capabilities impress. It’s a good time to get messages across. Haste makes waste.


Sudoku brought to you by

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Get inspired by your work. The action may be backstage, but you can still participate. It’s a great time to write your novel. Craft the infrastructure. Be bold, and prosper. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Stifle outrage for now. Distractions are abundant. Keep focusing on what you want, espe cially your financial objectives. Relax with friends and something tasty later. You’ll have an entertaining story. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Put your own oxygen mask on so you can help others. Keep your nest tidy. Someone surprises you by acknowledging you for the value you provide. Don’t gloss over it. Take it in. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) It’s all so clear now ... handle priorities first, and explain it to co-workers. Accept a creative assignment. Also offer your support for another’s project. Upgrade workplace technology. Expect another great learning experience. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) It’s getting lucrative, but it’s too easy to spend new income. Shop to get the best deal. Act quickly, but not impulsively. Love is all around; share your dreams and everything looks possible. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The next few days get active and fun. A turning point regarding home and career keeps you busy. Use your experience wisely. Get what you need from far away. It’s refreshing. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Curtail spending for now, and review priorities and plans. Deadlines are looming; keep your focus. Clean out closets, and discover something that was missing. You have plenty, distribute it wisely. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) A new money-making scheme tempts, and a scheduling tool opens new possibilities. Your public life interferes with privacy. Some things may have to be left behind. Enjoy the attention. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Take responsibility. Choose strategies and budget. Accept coaching from the competition. Tempers could flare; stick to cool efficiency and prioritize, for a shift in a donation campaign. Imagine it flowing perfectly. Pisces (Feb. 19-March work; take advantage of Communication around You don’t always have to

20) You’d rather play than the mood for future planning. scheduling eases crankiness. say “yes.” A great burden lifts.

How To Play: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9: and each set of boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.


By Jeffrey Wechsler

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 President between Tyler and Taylor 38 No and Who: Abbr. 42 Messy room 44 Excalibur part 45 Change the colors of, say 46 Wavy lines, in music 47 Justice who’s the son of an Italian immigrant


50 Get into a lather 51 New Rochelle college 52 Overly submissive 53 “The Simpsons” bus driver 54 Poke fun (at) 55 Intro to science? 57 Put into words 58 It’s usually FDICinsured 59 Bassoon end?

April 22 - April 28, 2013 Visit:

MONDAY 4.22 11 am - 1 pm Pavilion B “Media and Tourism in Cuba”

Speaker: Dr. Lourdes Cisneros, Dean of Tourism, University of Havana, Cuba Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas

1 - 2:15 pm Alvarado AB “Creating a TV Show for Public Broadcasting” Speaker: Allan Borgen, Television Host, “Let’s Dine Out” TV Show Host: Professor Waleed Rashidi

1 - 2:30 pm Theatre “Crafting Your Best Life”

Speaker: Jack Mierop, Motivational Speaker, Jack Up Your Life Host: Professor Jack Mierop

2:30 - 3:45 pm Hetebrink AB “Fun in the Trenches”

Speaker: Philip Condit, Owner, PHC Productions Host: Professor Bill White

2:30 - 3:45 pm Tuffree AB “Communications for the Happiest Place on Earth”

Speaker: John Nicoletti, Vice President of Communications, The Walt Disney Company Host: Professor Gail Love

5:30 - 6:45 pm Pavilion B “The Root of Grassroots Public Outreach” Speaker: Sandra Bernardo, Vice President, Westbound Communications

Host: Professor Cynthia King

6:30 - 10:30 pm Richard Nixon Library “ETC Annual Industry Mixer: When in Rome” Sponsor: Entertainment & Tourism Club

Host: Professor Waleed Rashidi

7 - 8 pm Hetebrink AB “Travel and Tourism”

Speaker: Tessa Kranz, Marketing Manager, Anaheim/OC Visitor & Convention Bureau Host: Professor Jim Collison

7 - 8:30 pm Alvarado AB “Working with Disney Media”

Speakers: Erin Glover, Manager of Print & Social Media, Disneyland Resort Janice Sindoni, Manager of Media Relations, Disneyland Resort Sarah Tully, OC Disney Reporter, The Orange County Register Host: Professor Andi Stein

7:15 - 9:30 pm Tuffree AB “The Art of Photography”

Speaker: Michael Roud, Photographer, Michael Roud Photography Host: Professor David DeVries

TUESDAY 4.23 AdCon Day 10 am - 9 pm Titan Student Union 10 - 11:15 am Pavilion B “Personal Branding”

2:30 - 3:30 pm Pavilion C “Social Listening”

Speaker: Hailey March, Saatchi & Saatchi

4 - 4:45 pm Pavilion B “Big Data”

Speaker: Audra Priluck, GFK

5 - 6:15 pm Pavilion B “Agency Culture” 6:30 - 7 pm Pavilion A “Alumni Mixer” 7 - 9 pm Pavilion A “Creative Competition” 10 am - 11:15 am Tuffree AB “The Life and Legacy of Boris Karloff” Speaker: Sara Karloff, President, Karloff Enterprises Host: Professor Gloria Monti

11:30 am - 12:45 pm Bradford AB “Citizen Journalism: News Gathering as an Engineering Problem” Speaker: Pedro Paramo, Editor, Watch Our City

Host: Professor Mel Opotowsky

11:30 am - 12:45 pm Hetebrink AB “iReporter: Digital Tools of a Journalist”

Speaker: Tom Bray, Senior Director, Digital News Operations, The Press Enterprise Host: Professor Robert Quezada

11:30 am - 12:45 pm Ontiveros BC “Changing Landscapes of High School Sports” Speakers: Thom Simmons, Director of Communications, CIF Southern Section Rob Wigod, Commissioner, CIF Southern Section Host: Professor Henry Puente

11:30 am - 12:45 pm Tuffree AB “The Life and Legacy of Boris Karloff” Speaker: Sara Karloff, President, Karloff Enterprises Host: Professor Gloria Monti

1 - 2 pm College Park 670 “Daily Titan Open House” Sponsor: Daily Titan

Host: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo

1 - 2 pm Ontiveros BC “Breaking News – The Inside Story of TV Journalism”

Speaker: Leanne M. Suter, Eyewitness News Reporter, ABC 7 Host: Professor Brent Foster

1 - 2:15 pm SGMH 1506 “How I Went From a Struggling CSUF Student To The Executive VP of a TV Network” Speaker: Tony Allevato, Sports Television Executive, Freelance Host: Professor Ed Fink

2 - 4 pm Quad

Fullerton Arboretum Event Sponsor: PRactical ADvantage Communications Host: Professor Doug Swanson

2:30 - 3:45 pm Gabrielino “Mass Media Ethics”

Speaker: Dennis Foley, Innovation Editor, The Orange County Register

Hosts: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo and Professor Tom Clanin

2:30 - 3:45 pm Tuffree AB “The Life and Legacy of Boris Karloff” Speaker: Sara Karloff, President, Karloff Enterprises Host: Professor Gloria Monti

4 - 5:30 pm Theatre “Writing and Hollywood: Dale Launer’s Adventures in the Screen Trade”

Speaker: Dale Launer, Screenwriter and Author, Hollywood Screenwriter Host: Professor Ari Posner

4 - 5:30 pm Alvarado AB “Revision Practices in Media Arts & Design” Speakers: riCardo Crespo, Director, th13teen Kathleen Kaiser, Principal, Pencilbox Studios Joven Orozco, Mayor Jovenville, Jovenville Lucy H.G. Solomon, Founder, The League of Imaginary Scientists Bill Thompson, Creative Director, Pencilbox Studios Host: Professor Xtine Burrough

5 - 6:30 pm Gabrielino “Speech and Debate Showcase” Sponsor/Host: Professor Erika Thomas

7 - 10 pm Pavilion C “Project Vietnam”

Sponsor: Comm 438T Host: Professor Jeffrey Brody

7 - 9:45 pm Irvine Campus, Room 213 “Adventures in TV, Radio, and Film”

Speaker: Michelle Merker, Writer and Producer, PBS So Cal/KOCE-TV/The OC Channel Host: Professor Beth Georges

7 - 9:45 pm Gabrielino “Radio News in the 21st Century - The Field Role”

Speaker: Pete Demetriou, News Radio Field Reporter, KNX 1070 News Radio Host: Professor Robert Van Riel

7 - 9:45 pm Ontiveros BC “Senior Publicist at The Walt Disney Company”

Speaker: John McClintock, Disney Publicist, Disneyland Resort Host: Professor Anne La Jeunesse

7 - 10 pm TSU Underground Pub “Poetry Slam” Sponsor: SOAR and CICC

Host: Assistant Dean Peggy Bockman


1 - 2:15 pm 10 am - 12 pm Gabrielino Hetebrink AB Speaker: Christie Cordes, Ad Recruiter “The U.S. Hispanic Market: “Networking and Etiquette: Do Myths and Realities” 1 - 2:15 pm The Little Things Right!” Speaker: Francisco Valle, Vice Sponsor: Career Center Pavilion B President of Marketing, Community “Consumer Decision Science” Relations, and Special Projects, Tri-City Host: Laura Neal and Professor Speaker: Emily Mabry, The Martin Agency

Medical Center

Host: Professor Fred Zandpour

Beth Georges

11 am - 12 pm Pavilion C “Performing Rights Societies”

Speaker: James Leach, Vice President, SESAC - Los Angeles Host: Professor Genelle Belmas and Professor Jason Shepard

1 - 2:15 pm Pavilion C “In the New Age of Journalism, the Fundamentals Still Apply”

Speakers: George Lewis, NBC Correspondent (Retired), NBC News Cecilia Alvear, NBC News Producer, NBC News Host: Professor Gail Love

1 - 2:30 pm Theatre “Narrative Design - The Collaborative Process of Visual Storytelling and Content Creation” Speaker: Nelson Coates, Production Designer of popular films like The Proposal, Flight Host: Professor Shelley Jenkins

2:30 - 3:45 pm Hetebrink AB “Hunting for Justice”

Speaker: Victoria Redstall, Journalist and Author, Freelance Host: Professor Bill White

7 - 8:30 pm Hetebrink AB “Click Here: The Evolution of Online Advertising”

Speaker: Nate Manchester, Director of User Sciences, Innocean USA Host: Professor Gail Love

7 - 10 pm Pavilion AB “A Masq’d Casino” Sponsor: PRSSA

Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas

THURSDAY 4.25 9 am - 6 pm Pavilion ABC “American Advertising Federation District Fifteen National Student Advertising Competition” Sponsor: American Advertising Federation Host: Sandy King

10:15 am - 11:15 am Hetebrink AB “Hands for Africa: An Introduction to the Non-Profit Sector”

Speaker: Solomon Gerber, Executive Director, Hands for Africa Host: Professor Peter Lee

1 - 2 pm 3 - 4 pm Hetebrink AB Ontiveros ABC “News and Sports Reporting” “Getting Your Foot in the Door in Speaker: Derek Opina, Sports Journalism” Reporter, KFBB-TV Speakers: Elaine Aradillas, Journalist, People Magazine Stephanie Miranda De Lucia, News Producer, KNBC Dennis Foley, Newsroom Internship, Recruitment & Training Coordinator, The Orange County Register Derek Opina, Sports Reporter/Anchor, Fox21/KHBB Host: Professor Beth Georges

4 - 6 pm UltraLuxe Cinemas at Anaheim Garden Walk “Cowgirls N’ Angels”: An Evening with Writer/Director Tim Armstrong Sponsor: Documentary Film and Television Host: Professor Larry Ward

4:30 - 5:30 pm Pavilion C “A Conversation with The Orange County Register Publisher Aaron Kushner”

Keynote Speaker: Aaron Kushner, CEO, Freedom Communications Inc. (The Orange County Register) Host: Dean William Briggs

5:30 - 6:45 pm Pavilion B “Hispanic Public Relations Panel from HPRA”

Speakers: Stephen Chavez, Principal, Chavez Marketing & Communications Delia Lopez, Communications Consultant, HPRA Jose Xicohtencatl, Senior Account Executive, Edelman Host: Professor Dean Kazoleas

7 - 8 pm Pavilion C “Mobile Media”

Host: Professor Brent Foster

1 - 2 pm Tuffree AB “The Challenges and Future of Spanish-Language Media”

Sponsor: Latino Journalists of CSUF Host: Professor Holly Ocasio Rizzo

1 - 2:15 pm SGMH 1506 “Keep Calm and Carry On: An Insider’s Survival Guide on Starting Smart and Staying Strong in the Entertainment Industry”

Speaker: Grant Anderson, President, Shane Brennan Productions Host: Professor Ed Fink

2 - 5 pm Irvine Campus, Room 220 “PRactical ADvantage Open House” Sponsor: PRactical ADvantage Communications

Host: Professor Doug Swanson

4 - 5 pm Langsdorf Hall 322 “Faith and the Media”

Speaker: David Hood, Editor, The Daily Titan Host: Professor Philippe Perebinossoff

FRIDAY 4.26 9 - 10:30 am Theatre “Lifestyle and Entertainment”

Speaker: Paul Cochrane, Head of Video, Lifestyle and Entertainment, Yahoo!

Speaker: Lora Friedrichsen, Executive Vice President, Global Results Communications

Host: Professor Henry Mendoza

Host: Professor Jeffrey Brody

7 - 11 pm Pavilion ABC NSSHLA’s 4th Annual Casino Night: “Old Hollywood”

7 - 8:30 pm Tuffree AB “Writing Compelling Narrative Feature Stories” Speaker: Greg Hardesty, General Assignment Reporter, The Orange County Register Host: Professor Vik Jolly


Sponsor/Host: NSSHLA

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