Wednesday, September 12, 2013

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Volume 94, Issue 6



Police tout bike theft program Bicycle registration program aims to return stolen bikes to owners SARA HIATT Daily Titan

Heavier police presence, in addition to 11 new bike racks in the housing complex could reduce the prevalence of thefts in the area which had the highest incidence of bikes reported stolen last year. The Campus Resource Center, located near campus housing, opened two weeks ago will increase police presence in the area as well as ease of reporting theft and registering bikes with the bike theft prevention program. University Police are also urging students to register their bikes as part of a campus bike theft prevention program in efforts to reduce theft on campus. The free program encourages students to fill out a bicycle identification form and register it with University Police to help return stolen bikes. There has been a rise of

bike thefts at Cal State Fullerton since 2010, according to University Police Capt. John Brockie. More than 75 bikes were reported stolen in 2012, according to the Clery crime statistics, with the most common places for theft listed as the housing area and bike racks near McCarthy Hall. Most bikes are stolen in the daytime during the school week, Brockie said. When registering a bike, students are asked to take a picture with their bike at their side, and record the make, model and color. Registering a bike with a serial number enables University Police to enter the bike in a nationwide system, allowing other law enforcement agencies to contact the owner if the bike is found in another location. “We end up with a lot of bikes every year that we can’t identify, no serial numbers on record. We figure some of them are probably stolen and dumped, and there’s no one to return them to,” Brockie said. SEE BIKE THEFTS, 2


Baking and booze make sweet treats CSUF alumnus’ alcoholinfused cupcakes were featured on television NEREIDA MORENO Daily Titan

Hapa Cupcakes is not your typical mom and pop bakery. With the slogan, “Wanna Get Some,” the company is designed to raise eyebrows with their signature alcohol-infused desserts. “We decided we wanted to do something a little bit more provocative, a little bit more sexy,” said co-founder Hanayo Martin. “It’s true–people wanna get cupcakes you know but it’s also insinuating.” Martin, 26, and Akemi Lee, 28, graduated from Cal State Fullerton with degrees in advertising and finance, respectively. Despite finding success in their industries, the childhood friends decided to combine Martin’s love of baking and Lee’s entrepreneurial dreams

to start their very own cupcake company in late 2011. “We wanted to do something different and so we decided to put two really great things together, alcohol and dessert, and make cupcakes,” Martin said. While both women contribute to the baking process, Lee is more focused on the financial end as Martin handles the creative side. Martin is responsible for the different flavor and name combinations, Lee said. “We wanted to break the rules and make some jaws drop. That’s why the names of our cupcakes are risque like ‘Gonna Get Lucky Tonight,’ or ‘Will You Remember Me in the Morning?’” Lee said. “We just don’t wanna be cute.” The duo combines quality alcohol with matching flavors such as chocolate with Jameson (an Irish whiskey), Kahlúa with a cinnamon sugar cake and strawberry with champagne. SEE CUPCAKES, 5

DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan

Students gather to commemorate the events of 9/11 with speeches from students and chaplain Fernando Villicaña of the Fullerton Fire Department.


9-11 commemorated Campus Republicans pay respects to 2001 attacks at Student Resource Center REBECCA LOPEZ Daily Titan

Three-thousand American f lags decorated the front lawn of the Student Recreation Center yesterday. Cal State Fullerton’s Col-

lege Republicans held a “Never Forget” demonstration remembering the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Each f lag bore the name each of the 2,977 individuals who lost their lives in the 2001 attacks and the 2012 Benghazi Embassy attacks. The event began at 5:30 a.m. with club members and volunteers placing the small f lags on the SRC lawn.

Club president Seth Morrison spoke during the ceremony on how the terrorists attacks changed America. He asked all in attendance to engage in a moment of ref lection and place themselves back to where they were at the time the tragedy occurred. “We should remember how we came together as a response to fear and threats to our freedom. We responded in

generosity and giving of ourselves to each other,” Morrison said in his address to the crowd. Chaplain Fernando Villicaña of the Fullerton Fire Department spoke to attendees about his perspective on the attacks and the chain reaction that occurred across the country and the years following. SEE FLAGS, 3


Fifth Accounting Expo draws students to professional panels CSUF alums present career perspectives to finance students MIA MCCORMICK Daily Titan

Hundreds of business students gathered in the Titan Student Union on Wednesday, for the fifth annual Accounting Expo. The day was filled with workshops and speaker panels to help students prepare for a possible future in the accounting industry. The purpose of the Accounting Expo is to “provide information that helps accounting stu-

dents prepare for their career and to get insider perspective,” said Maria Valdivia-Pellkofer, a business industry specialist from the Career Center. Professionals working in many different stages of their career were represented at the expo to lend advice and tales of their personal experience with the students in attendance. “We wanted to show the perspectives from individuals that were successful but were at different points in their career,” Valdivia-Pellkofer said. Industry professionals from a broad range of experience were featured at speaker panels offered at the expo. Novice professionals and seasoned veterans

offered perspectives from various career milestones. Many of the professionals in attendance at the conference were also Cal State Fullerton alumni. Christal Shillingford, a campus recruiter with Ernst and Young (EY) accounting firm graduated from CSUF in 2011. “Really being grown from the school, you just have this passion to be here. There’s no other campus that I would rather be than Cal State Fullerton,” Shillingford said. As a student and now as a professional returning back to her alma mater, she sees the value of the experiences provided through the Accounting Expo.

“I think the topics that we’re presenting are relevant to the timeframe of where we are and just the landscape of the fall,” Shillingford said. EY has an extensive ambassador program with CSUF meaning that many EY interns and new hires have been recruited from CSUF. The Accounting Expo has undergone noticeable changes since its start 5 years ago. “This year’s Accounting Expo is actually kind of different,” said senior Nigel Wijoyo, 20, an accounting and finance major and president of the Accounting Society. SEE EXPO, 2

Courtesy of MCT Akemi Lee (left) and Hanayo Martin (right) created their cupcakes business around risque dessert recipes and names.


Student clubs express feelings on situation in Syria OPINION 4

Language requirement beneficial for student’s success FEATURES 6

Campus program aims to help foster youth SPORTS 8

Women’s soccer to begin three game homestand FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @DAILY_TITAN


Professionals offered angles on how to succeed in accounting in the Accounting Expo hosted by Steven G. Mihaylo College of Business.





SEPTEMBER 12, 2013


Students urge caution on war in Syria As the situation in Syria becomes increasingly tense, students speak out MATTHEW MEDINA Daily Titan

Politically active clubs and organizations at Cal State Fullerton represent a variety of opinions on military action in Syria. Some members of political clubs are completely against the United States military striking weapon facilities and other significant targets in Syria; other representatives are in favor of it. One consensus opinion among club officers is that United States should be cautious when moving forward, either in taking military action or pursuing diplomatic alternatives. Patrick Ryan, 23, a business administration major, is an officer with Young Americans

for Liberty, a nonpartisan political organization. Ryan is opposed to military action in Syria. “I believe pursuing a diplomatic solution should be our nation’s foreign policy priority,” he said. He cited non-interventionist principles, insufficient evidence that targeted military strikes would be effective, and concerns over refugees in neighboring cities and countries. “I believe the United States should only take military action in countries that present a clear and imminent threat to the U.S.,” Ryan said. “Syria does not reflect such a threat, and our political leaders have been unable to articulate that such a threat exists.” “Even with a strike, (Syrian President Bashar) Assad will likely still remain in power and will still be able to utilize his chemical weapons,” Ryan said. “What should we do if he decides to use them again or retaliate against Israel?”

Ryan added that the rebel forces in the Syrian civil war have been linked to terrorists in alQaeda, and destabilizing Assad’s regime may not be the best idea. “Military action would destabilize Assad, which may lead to the bolstering of these terrorist groups,” he said. “Frankly, the U.S. Air Force is not al-Qaeda’s air force.” The history of U.S. military intervention over the past decade has influenced how the public views American foreign policy now, and students here are no different. Ryan said that in the past, the U.S. provided arms to groups or governments in the Middle East, including Iraq,

Iran and rebels in Afghanistan, only for them to become hostile later. “It is counterintuitive, but it is true that military interventions around the world make America less safe in the long run,” he said. Marco Moreno, 20, psychology major, is president of Project People Against Trafficking and Human Exploitation at CSUF. Moreno said that the club focuses on other types of human rights violations and has not extensively discussed the Syrian civil war. However, speaking from a personal standpoint, he is in favor of taking action against the Syrian government if necessary.

“I think something should be done,” Moreno said. Moreno said that the U.S. should intervene if a foreign government or group commits heinous actions, but only to a certain extent. “I think it is within our values as Americans to go and be kind of the police (of the world),” he said. Moreno stressed that U.S. military action in Syria should be limited, focused and involve a backup plan in case initial strikes failed, and added that doing it successfully would be a difficult task. “You have to have a plan after the attack,” he said. The proposed diplomatic

agreement between Syria, Russia and the United Nations in which the Syrian government would agree to surrender its chemical weapons to the U.N. was seen as a positive development. “I don’t know if they’re actually going to go through with that, but that’s ideal,” Moreno said. However, some concerns about the negotiations include whether or not each group is playing by the rules. “To conduct such an agreement, we must illustrate how it mutually benefits all parties involved,” Ryan said. “Specifically for Russia, we must show that we do indeed share common goals such as economic prosperity and peace.”

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DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan Students in the Muslim Student Association discuss the situation in Syria.


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“Tragedies can somehow bring people together,” Pastor Villicaña said. Instead of factions, these different groups became one in unity, he said. The f lag display garnered attention from passersby including students, professional photographers and the local media snapping photos of the exhibit. CSUF’s Twitter feed was filled with pictures and tweets regarding the event and remembering the victims of 9/11. Members of the surrounding community including veterans, representatives Tim Shaw and Arturo Garcia from Sen. Bob Huff ’s (R-Diamond Bar) office and representative Desaré Ferraro of North Orange County Conservative Coalition were in attendance. Although the majority of


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The format of the events and workshops provided at Accounting Expo have shifted from a one-on-one type of interaction to more of a group setting. “I like the new concept where it is more into the panel basis instead of one-on-one with the recruiter,” Wijoyo said. “I could see how it could increase the exposure of them wanting to get to know the people and wanting to get across the message that they actually want to talk to students instead of doing it on a personal basis.” Professionals have also noted the benefit of this change as well as the heightened student involvement. “I think the Accounting

CSUF students were in elementary or middle school when the attacks took place, College Republicans felt it was still important to pay tribute to a life-changing event. Club officer Keith Fierro hopes that the event encouraged attendees to think what was inf licted by the attacks and that the event helps students to recognize the tangible loss the country faced in the attacks. College Republicans were also accepting donations in exchange for the f lags that were on display. Proceeds will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project, a nonprofit organization that serves veterans and servicemembers who suffer injuries in the line of duty. The crisis that took place the morning of Sept. 11 was declared an act of terrorism, resulting in the George W. Bush Administration launch-

ing a War on Terror to combat the Taliban and al-Qaeda, the extremist groups behind the attacks. After more than a decade of war, the U.S. has had over 6,500 military casualties.

Expo historically has been a great success but now that it’s back and Accounting Society is also involved I think it makes it a little bit better and a little more focused,” Shillingford said. Wijoyo is looking forward to “Meet the Firm,” the Accounting Society’s biggest upcoming event this year, which will take place on Sept. 26. “It’s kind of like a conven-

tion based event where we invite about 80 firms to come to the convention and bring their professionals from different lines of service,” Wijoyo said. Accounting Society is the largest student organization at CSUF and the largest on campus business organization in Southern California, Wijoyo said. “An accounting career doesn’t just happen, you have

While this was the CSUF College Republicans’ first time hosting this event, the club’s umbrella organization Young America’s Foundation, hosts a similar ceremony every year.


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to create it and that’s what we’re hoping that we can help them do,” Valdivia-Pellkofer said. The event was hosted by Steven G. Mihaylo College of Business, Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi. Accounting Week continues through Sept. 19 and recruiting events held by the Accounting Society will continue through December.




DTBRIEFS Car collision injures four ERIC GANDARILLA A two-car collision on Bastanchury Road sent four people to local hospitals on Wednesday morning, according to the Orange County Register. The four people all suffered a variety of injuries, but officials said that the three men and woman involved in the collision are all expected to survive. The two cars crashed near St. Jude Medical Center, west of Morelia Avenue at 11:30 a.m., according to officials. The three men were driving together in a Honda Prelude and the woman was driving alone in a Toyota Corolla. To free the woman from her vehicle, Fire Battalion Chief Mike Dillon said firefighters at the scene of the accident needed to cut the door off the Corolla. While rescue operations were taking place, Bastanchury Road between Morelia Avenue and Euclid Street was closed. They opened the eastbound lanes later at 12:20 p.m. while the westbound lanes were opened at a later time.


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Another advantage for students to register their bikes is to allow University Police to cut the lock off the bike in case the owner forgets the combination or misplaces the key, according to Brockie. Leon Young, a sophomore biochemistry major, says he has had his bike stolen while locked, but did not report it missing because he felt it was too old. Young opted to purchase a new bike, but for many students this may be too costly. Although a lock is not an absolute guarantee against theft, it is important to buy the highest quality lock affordable, according to University Police. “The best way to lock your bike is to use both a U and cable lock,” Taavi Kaskla, president of the CSUF Cycling Club said. Kaskla suggests locking the front wheel of the bike with a hard U-shaped lock, and the back wheel and frame with a cable lock. Parking bikes in a well-lit

area with a high degree of pedestrian traffic is encouraged by University Police. Locking a bike to an immovable bike rack and positioning the lock as high off the ground as you can to prevent easy leverage in cutting a lock is also recommended. In addition to the bike theft program, police are also implementing other ways to catch and deter bike thieves. Video cameras near bike racks and bait-bikes equipped with GPS tracking are all being used to address bike theft, Brockie said. Bike thieves can cut locks with bolt cutters hidden in a backpack with holes cut in the fabric for the blades, according to Brockie, this allows the thief to cut a lock relatively unnoticed. Students who witness a bike theft can be successful in catching thieves, Brockie said. If you see any suspicious behavior or need to report your bike stolen, the contact University Police at (657) 2782515 or file a report in person. The department is located on the west side of campus.

Y o r b a

Anthropology professor dies



DYLAN LUJANO / Daily Titan

Bikes on campus have been a popular item to steal, according to University Police.

L i n d a


B l v d



B l v d C o l l e g e S t a t e

N u t w o o d



students with an interest in journalism and writing for the


would like to become regular freelancers or involved in the production process.


5 Thefts

“We end up with a lot of bikes every year that we can’t identify, no serial numbers on record. We figure some of them are probably stolen and dumped, and there’s no one to return them to.” John Brockie

University Police Captain on the bicycle registration program


We are currently seeking article submissions from all

Daily Titan. We are especially interested in students who

9 Thefts

Illustration by MIKE TRUJILLO / Daily Titan

Photo Caption goes here.


F r e e w a y

Gov. Jerry Brown said Wednesday, he supports a bill that would raise the minimum wage for workers by $2 over the next two years, according to the Los Angeles Times. If the bill, AB 10, is approved, the state’s minimum wage would increase from $8 per hour to $9 per hour next July, and $10 per hour by January 2016. AB 10, proposed by Assemblymember Luis Alejo (D-Watsonville) is now in the hands of the state Senate where it awaits a final decision from the Legislature before a Friday recess. “This legislation is overdue and will help families that are struggling in this hard economy,” Brown said. Alejo said that AB 10 will financially support low wage workers to provide food, clothes and housing for their families. Organizations opposed to the bill include the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Retailers Association and the California Restaurant Association.




25 Thefts 5 7

Brown approves increase in wage



Fred Katz, a Cal State Fullerton professor emeritus and jazz cellist was laid to rest yesterday, according to CSUF. Katz, who joined the faculty in 1968, died Saturday at the age of 94 He served at the university for 14 years, teaching jazz, ethnic music and anthropology, before being awarded emeritus status. His first courses at CSUF included a six-unit Fred Katz seminar and a class on the the past, present and future of Jazz. In the courses, Katz orchestrated a personalized tour of the world of jazz, following its European roots to the importance it has had on the contemporary American scene. Katz earned a diploma from the National Orchestral Society at Carnegie Hall. He also wrote several musical and film scores, including the original score for The Little Shop of Horrors. Services for the funeral were held at Eden Memorial Park in Missions Hills.

Yvette Quintero, Editor-in-Chief

Ethan Hawkes, Managing Editor




Fight can spell end to boxing Two of the sport’s best fighters will step toe-totoe for a unification bout ADRIAN GARCIA Daily Titan

Boxing has been dominated by Floyd Mayweather Jr. for the better part of the decade and this weekend’s fight has him matched up against one of boxing’s young superstars, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez. Both fighters boast an impressive undefeated record and will fight for a unified junior middleweight title. The superfight is predicted to be one of boxing’s most anticipated in recent history, but poses the question, what’s next? In the ‘80s and ‘90s, boxing flourished with big time fighters including Mike Tyson and Oscar De La Hoya stealing the show in sold-out arenas. Fans witnessed the greatest competitors slugging it out toe-to-toe to prove themselves the victor. The fighters were hungry, bloodthirsty and left it all out on the mat to gain respect from competitors and fans alike. Recently, boxing’s biggest warriors have shown a reluctance to compete with each other, instead wasting their time on up-and-comers or

washed-up fighters to boost their records. The popular debacle between Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao was highly publicized after both fighters could not come into agreement. Both athletes, ranked number one and two respectively, seemed to be avoiding each other in an attempt to preserve their own legend in the sport. The most talked about fight in recent memory never came to be, which led to the decline of popularity in the sport. Supporters were disappointed in the boxers caring more about themselves than the sport, putting their own selfish needs over pleasing the fans. They were cowards and unworthy of the public’s respect. In 2012, Pacquiao lost in a split decision to Timothy Bradley which put an end to the rumors of the megafight between him and Mayweather. After his fall from grace to Bradley, fans suddenly lost interest in the sport and waited for the next boxing superstar to emerge. Enter Canelo a few years later. At 21 years of age, he possesses an incredible resume with over 40 wins with 30 of those coming from knockout. ESPN said that his size and strength will be nothing like Mayweather has seen in the



There‘s no doubt that knowing more than one language has its benefits. Teachers and employers have underscored its importance, and now Cal State Fullerton, has made it a requirement to graduate. According to the 2013-2015

catalog, two academic years in the same foreign language is required to graduate. By adopting a second language requirement in order to graduate, the university is leading its students towards the path of success. A person who is fluent in more than one language has a better chance of getting hired or promoted in their field, giving them a definite advantage over their monolingual peers. The Department of Modern Language and Literature lists 10


Courtesy of Getty Images Floyd “Money” Mayweather Jr. and Saul “Canelo” Alvarez are pitting their undefeated records against each other Saturday which could be boxing’s last mega fight.

past and he can prove a bigger threat than the pound for pound king presumes. Although Mayweather is expected to win this fight, no one is quick to count out the young fighter’s punching power. The boxing world expected this fight last year when Mayweather announced his opponent for his Cinco de Mayo bout earlier this year via Twitter, but instead he chose to fight Robert Guerrero. Boxing fans speculated that Mayweather was again avoid-

Second language a good investment The university’s foreign language policy will be beneficial in the long run

SEPTEMBER 12, 2013

benefits to learn a language varying from appreciating international literature, music and film, to increasing understanding of oneself and one’s own culture. A second language can improve a person’s chances of entry into college or graduate school while increasing global understanding and sharpening cognitive skills that can prove beneficial in the future. CSUF students are at a unique advantage, as 33 percent of the student population is Hispanic

ing competing against someone with a reasonable chance to take his undefeated streak away. In the past, he had put an emphasis on his place in the sport’s history as opposing to giving people the fight they deserved. Luckily, he stepped up to the plate and will fight on the Mexican Independence Day. However, the future of boxing is in jeopardy now that these two fighters are entering the ring. If Mayweather wins, it cements him as the greatest fight-

er of our generation and there will be no fighter capable of taking his undefeated streak away. If Canelo wins, Mayweather will almost certainly ask for the rematch which will make for another exciting match. However, if Canelo wins, then he will now be in Mayweather’s shoes. Although Mayweather danced his way around fighting Pacquiao, he had trouble finding a formidable opponent to challenge him. This problem will now be Canelo’s.

World Boxing Council president Don Jose Sulaiman recently said that he hopes the winner of this match will face Pacquiao in the near future. With two losses under Pacquiao’s belt in the past year alone, the magnitude of the fight would be lost. For this weekend, boxing will remain a relevant sport as two of the greatest fighters in the world will punch each others’ faces in for gold, but boxing fans should be ready for a bleak future.

and the chances that a fair amount of those Hispanic students speak Spanish are very high. In addition, there are over a dozen cultural Latino clubs and organizations on campus so students not only have the resources they need to learn the Spanish language, but also have the resources to learn about the culture. The Pew Research Center reported that a record 37.6 million people in the U.S. ages 5 years and older speak Spanish at home making it the most spoken nonEnglish language in the country. “The next most spoken nonEnglish languages are Chinese (with 2.8 million speakers), Hindi, Urdu or other Indic languages (2.2 million), French or French Creole (2.1 million), and Tagalog (1.7 million),” according to an article from the Pew Research Center. With the university implement-

ing a foreign language requirement, students can strengthen their command of languages spoken at home. Oftentimes, students learn a colloquial variation of their native language. Though this colloquial variation may reflect rich cultural intricacies, it may be difficult for speakers of the same language to understand because of the lack of standardization. Heritage speakers may be able to hold an informal conversation between friends, but without the fundamental training they would receive in the classroom, they will have difficulty using their language in formal and business type settings. The understanding of a second language can open a variety of doors for students to experience a culture firsthand. Foreign movies give viewers a unique perspective at a culture’s

thoughts and values often times disregarded by the public. Most cities, churches, schools and public organizations host cultural events with food, music and entertainment. Knowing a second language can compliment a person’s experience because they can speak to various people and gather a deeper understanding of the culture. When push comes to shove, learning how to conjugate verbs is much easier than dissecting a frog. Incorrectly conjugating a verb will not result in irreparable damage to a bodily organ. With the second language requirement already in effect, it is time for students to stop resisting an opportunity for self improvement, and time for them to embrace the reality that learning another language will be beneficial to their futures. Fullerton: 215 N. Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa: 2930 Bristol St. Long Beach: 4608 E. 2nd St. #iFoundThisAtBX

Courtesy of Joel Kramer / Flickr A foreign language will not only be beneficial in a business setting, but will give you a deeper understanding of a culture.





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“We try to match them with flavors that will complement them,” Martin said. “It’s taken a lot of trial and error but we love our cupcakes.” Martin said the chocolate Jameson and strawberry champagne cupcakes are their biggest sellers. The cupcakes are baked with about a cup of alcohol in the batter. While there is not enough alcohol content to warrant a 21 and over stamp, the flavor remains in their products. “It’s not gonna get you drunk like a Jell-O shot. Plus, it probably wouldn’t taste so good if it tasted like a Jell-O shot in a cupcake,” Martin said. Despite gaining fame for their alcohol-infused desserts, Lee said their cupcakes appeal to every demographic, as they often cater to children’s birthday parties and weddings. They also sell non-alcoholic gourmet and specialty cupcakes. Flavors include “Squeeze my Lemon” and “Nuts About You.” Hapa Cupcakes’ unusual desserts and risque marketing strategy grabbed the attention of executives at the Food Network in 2012. The duo competed on Cupcake Wars in June, ultimately reaching the baking industry mecca. “It’s kind of the stamp of legitimacy,” Lee said. “We didn’t get kicked out the first round which

was our first goal.” While they failed to make it to the final round, Lee said they had fun learning from the other contestants. “When we actually filmed cupcake wars, we’d only been doing it for like four or five months,” Lee said. “Everybody else had been doing it for like 30 years. We’re not even 30 years old.” Cupcake Wars aired on June 30, 2012. Martin and Lee immediately quit their day jobs and opened up shop in Anaheim on July 1. Hapa Cupcakes currently operates out of a space in Anaheim. Customers may walk in or place an order online at The pair is hoping to open a dessert lounge by the end of the year, Lee said. The company would provide customers with a modern and fun take on a dessert lounge. Lee said they are hoping to pair their alcohol-infused desserts with alcohol–wine, champagne and beer for customers with a sweet tooth and late night cravings. Focused on Orange County, they are currently looking at locations in downtown Fullerton and Anaheim Hills. Alcohol-infused cupcakes currently sell for $34 for a dozen, while non-alcoholic versions are $29. The dozen full-sized cakes also come with the option to be swapped out for 24 mini ones. Students with a valid CSUF I.D. receive $2 off any purchase through October.

Safely surfing Instead of fearing sharks, instructors advise surfers to watch out for stingrays RILEY TANNER Daily Titan

The iconic sport of surfing harbors a number of submerged dangers that often go overlooked due to its contemporary appeal. The traditional idea of surfing usually entails idyllic beach settings, complete with umbrelladrinks and tanned athletes maneuvering through the waters. This perception, however, fails to reveal the complete picture. The second meeting of the beginners surfing class at Cal State Fullerton was dedicated to overviewing safety regulation in order to prevent harm. The class was also tested on rudimentary swimming skills and a student’s ability to hold their breath underwater. “I figure out (which) things go bad, and then next semester I can prevent that,” said Alain Bourgault, the surf program’s class instructor. There are a large number of dangers present in the water that can be avoided with a little knowledge and affirmative action. Rip currents are a serious threat to those unfamiliar with the water and for poor swimmers. Ocean water continuously moves toward the shore as it is carried by currents. At certain points, the water returns back out into the ocean where it has broken through the local sandbar in a circular motion. These flows of water are also referred to as ‘rip tides’ and have been known to carry the unwary out to sea. Students learn that by swimming parallel instead of directly to shore, those stuck in a rip can break through the swifter moving areas to calmer water. “People freak out, then they get tired, then they die,” Bourgault said. “And it is illegal for people to die in the class.” Movies and pop culture have dramatized shark attacks into paralyzing horror stories that don’t reflect its relative rarity. “As long as I won’t end up as a shark’s dinner, I think I can han-

dle it,” Theresa Hoang said. Quieting fears regarding these dangerous sea animals, Bourgault turned the class’ imaginations toward the more realistic threats of stingrays. Relaying a tale of encountering the venomous barb of the creatures, Bourgault made the class aware of the fact that a debilitating stingray encounter can be avoided by shuffling feet while moving out to the lineup. “A lot of people get out there and they’re like, ‘Oh, I’m scared of sharks,’” Bourgault said. “Don’t worry about sharks, worry about stingrays.” While the activity of surfing itself occurs on a softer surface than the familiar grounds of land sports, there is the potential of a surfer falling on their own surfboard. Sometimes resulting in damage to the surfer or the board, impacts are regrettable, especially on the nose, fins or rails. These unfortunate events often begin with a poorly timed takeoff on the wave that usually coincides with improper foot placement, ultimately leading to bodily imbalance and, eventually, the fall. When tumbling, it is important to guide the surfboard away from your body or the area of water you expect to land around. Beginner surfers often avoid timing pitfalls by opting to acquire their basic skills riding whitewash that forms with the breaking of a wave and advances toward shore. Contributing toward safety, the boards that most beginners use are made of a softer, more malleable material than the rigid fiberglass and polyurethane models favored by the sport’s more adept. Diving into the water having finished a ride is also discouraged because visibility is often low and a misjudged descent into shallow water could result in injury. Despite these hardships, surfing is renowned around the world and exists as a uniquely challenging workout, a stress-reliever and an arguably spiritual experience. “(I) signed up for this class because I decided I should finally learn how to surf, seeing that I’ve been following it for ages,” Savannah McGovern, another student taking the class this semester said.





Professor’s artful success Wendy Grieb moved across the country in order to fulfill her dreams ERICA MAHONEY Daily Titan

Standing in front of her illustration class Professor Wendy Grieb teaches to her students how to make art fit for films and television. Many of Grieb’s own illustrations have been viewed by audiences all over the globe. The Cal State Fullerton professor has worked on many Disney films and television shows including Hercules, Tarzan, Lilo and Stitch, Pepper Ann, Dave the Barbarian, Phineas and Ferb and Emperor’s New School. The CSUF art professor’s most recent work involves the dance routines of the Disney Channel characters Phineas and Ferb, though she says her dance skills are limited only to paper. Grieb’s initial work with musical numbers was on the late 1990s Disney Channel show Pepper Ann for the episode, “You Oughta be in Musicals,” where she discovered the fun of animating choreography. Grieb grew up on the East Coast and earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Chuck, also an animation artist and art professor at CSUF, set out for California to pursue their dreams of being involved in the animation industry. The couple has been successful in their careers. Each have earned their Master Degrees of Fine Arts. Chuck received his degree at the University of Southern California, while Wendy recieved her degree at CSUF. Another notable accomplishment for the illustrator is her 2004 Annie Award for her work on Dave the Barbarian. “It’s like winning an Academy Award or an Emmy,” she said. “It’s the highest animation award for storyboarding.” In late 2010, she also received a People’s Choice Award at an illustration convention. Grieb’s students look up to her achievements and 17 years of experience as a Disney Studios storyboard artist as inspiration. Like many of Grieb’s stu-

JESSICA PINEDA / Daily Titan Professor Wendy Grieb showcases her new children’s book Monster Needs a Costume. This is the first in a series of children’s books Grieb is planning to publish.

dents, Chelsea Jauregui, a junior, has aspirations of becoming an animation artist. “I would love to get a job at an animation studio someday, Disney would be great,” Jauregui said. “Who doesn’t want to work there?” Grieb said she encourages her students to take advantage of the opportunities they have around them, living here in Southern California. She pointed out the fact that she and Chuck moved across the country, specifically to Southern California, in order to launch their art careers. Grieb is currently working on a set of children’s books. The first of the series that was recently released is Monster Needs a Costume. The next book to be released will be called, Monster Needs His Sleep. Her use of bold colors brings the pages to life and creates dynamic illustrations to match the narrative. Grieb also designed and produced a line of plush stuffed monster toys.

When Grieb was younger she used to make her own stuffed animals growing up, and with encouragement from her husband, decided to bring some of her monsters to life. So far, she has had two characters produced and has ideas for more. Grieb conducts her animation pre-production class with warmth, passion and a critical eye, making it an ideal atmosphere for creative expression and growth for her students. Another of Grieb’s students, Nicholas Grines, a senior, described the professor as “very approachable.” He said his favorite part of the pre-production animation class is the “creativity and openness” that Grieb brings to her classroom. Animation pre-production is a two-semester long course in which each of the students put together an animation story from start to finish. The first semester is spent developing and creating the characters, storyboarding and writing a script.

The second semester involves the actual animation of their characters. This includes creating the voices for their characters. Grieb said that the benefit of this class is for students to gain experience in every aspect of the production process. By creating an entire animated story the students learn all the positions instead of only one specific position. With this, Grieb’s students can venture into the professional animation world with a deeper understanding and appreciation for every artist’s job. The class also gives students a chance to explore and discover positions in animation they might not have studied before. Grieb’s most important piece of advice for her students is simple. “Draw,” she said. “Always, always draw … (it) will give you ideas for stories. Give your heart to it. If you really want to do this, you have to have your heart in it.”


Members of the Surfing Club learn basics of surfing.





SEPTEMBER 12, 2013


Professors win WRPI grants to study water Thirty percent of the water we use and drink comes from groundwater ADREANA YOUNG

Daily Titan


The Guardian Scholars program on campus works with college studetns who have recentley or are transitioning out of the foster care system.

CSUF program works to aid foster youth Currently, there are 43 students involved with the campus program KRISTEN CERVANTES Daily Titan

Among the thousands of students at Cal State Fullerton, there are many who not only carry the common stresses of school on their shoulders, but also a destructive past and uncertain future. Some students grew up in toxic environments, involving abuse, having drug addict parents or feeling neglected by people who should have loved them the most. For many foster care youths, childhood struggles linger on well into college. At the age of 18, most are faced with the difficult decision of what to do next in life without guidance or help from family. However, many local foster care students are able to finish school by being involved with the Cal State Fullerton Guardian Scholars program. The program provides young adults who are transitioning out of the foster care system

the opportunity to experience and complete college through a scholarship. Jason McBeth, a CSUF alumnus, was one of the Guardian Scholars recipients in 1999 and gives credit to the program for helping him graduate. “I can say without fear of exaggeration that (Guardian Scholars) saved my life,” McBeth said. “Guardian Scholars not only gave me an opportunity I never even considered possible, but helped me to redirect my outlook on life.” McBeth lived most of his life in the foster care system. He was taken from his family due to parental neglect and drug abuse and adopted at the age of one. He said he was headed towards a life full of crime and drugs until the program came along. “Guardian Scholars provides opportunity for a part of society that is too often completely overlooked,” McBeth said. McBeth remains active in Guardian Scholars by assisting with fundraisers. With the help of other supporters, he raised over nine thousand dollars by running in the Los Angeles

Marathon this year. Guardian Scholars receives funding through CSUF, private donations and public agencies. The money is then used towards covering each student’s cost of tuition, textbooks and housing. Guardian Scholars began 15 years ago when its founder, CSUF alumnus Ron Davis, wanted to find a way to give back to students who struggled through the foster care system. Davis has first hand experience of what many of the program’s students have been through since he grew up in foster care. According to Davis, less than 1 percent of foster care youth graduate from college. However, students who go through the Guardian Scholars program have an 80 percent success rate. He said he attributes the high graduation rate to the mentoring and support staff members provide to the students. Becky McGraw is part of that success rate as she is the first Guardian Scholars student to graduate. Before joining the program, she was a teenager in foster care and a single mom. McGraw said the concept of the

program was just getting started by the time she became involved with it. In 2000, McGraw received her bachelor’s degree in communications at CSUF and is now a Guardian Scholars advisory board member. Not only does the program provide college success and financial security to students, but it also provides compassionate support by having staff that acts like a second family. “The financial assistance helped me earn my college degree, but it’s been the relationships that have helped me through life,” McGraw said. To this day, Davis interviews every student who applies to the program and remains in touch with graduates. “We’re more than a scholarship,” Davis said. “We’re a family making dreams come true.” Davis said he wants to show foster care youth that the world is a good place and people that can be trusted. “They can become a good functioning member of society,” Davis said. For more information about the program, contact Guardian Scholars at (657) 278-4900.



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On a Thursday night, rather than beginning to wrap up his week, assistant professor Garrett Struckhoff was hurrying to write a proposal that would aid him in his stormwater runoff research. The application for the Water Resources and Policy Initiatives (WRPI) grant came on Sept. 20, 2012 and was due the following Monday. The engineering professor, specializing in water treatment and environmental engineering, said he is collaborating with two professors from Cal Poly Pomona, Monica Palomo, Ph.D., and Ali Sharbat, Ph.D. “The grant was kind of a funny one,” Struckhoff said. “So, I emailed (Monica Palomo) and she said ‘That’d be great!’ So we wrote a proposal together over the weekend.” After receiving funds from WRPI in January this year, the team began working on a bio-cell that will trap stormwater runoff to treat it for contaminants before the water seeps into the ground or runs into the ocean. “Stormwater runoff is kind of a big problem, especially in Southern California,” Struckhoff said. “You have all the oil and brakedust and rubber and whatnot from cars and since it rains so seldom that all washes off and it’s very, very concentrated.” In comparison to places like the Midwest, where rain is more common, pollutant buildup isn’t such a problem. However, in places like Southern California, contaminant buildup is far worse, Struckhoff said. With this in mind, the cell Struckhoff and his team plan to build will be a simply designed 6-foot hole filled with a layer of mulch, gravel and then plants on top. The layers would act as a filtering system for the contaminants that produce cleaner water. “When rainwater falls the current paradigm is to make sure it doesn’t flood anything, so you just get it into the river as quick as possible. You build huge con-

crete walls and then shuttle it into the ocean,” Struckhoff said. “But if you can actually take it, capture it (and treat it), particularly for small rain events, get that into the groundwater it’ll really benefit everyone.” Struckhoff and his team at Cal Poly hope to engage their students in the project. Palomo said the team hopes “to be able to develop a curriculum that can be taught at Cal Poly and at CSUF engineering programs and to investigate the natural processes occurring in best managment practices used to improve the quality of stormwater.” Struckhoff said the plan is to have their senior students build a module for the bio-cell and then in later senior classes conduct the water treatment on the cells. The team is envisioning a competition between CSUF senior engineering design students and Cal Poly engineering design students to see which class can come up with the most efficient work. “Our plan is to incorporate it into a senior design, if we get funded, in spring 2014,” Struckhoff said. To continue their research and designs, the team is hoping to gain more funding from the CSU campus as a Living Lab grant. Struckhoff said they will know within the month. In addition to Struckhoff’s work with stormwater runoff, Phoolendra Mishra, Ph.D., an assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at CSUF, is working on his own separate research on groundwater pollutants. Mishra is pursuing information on where groundwater contaminants come from. “When you see there is pollution in groundwater, the problem is you just see it, you don’t see where it came from,” Mishra said. “What I’m trying to develop matters so we can estimate where the source could be.” With 30 percent of the freshwater we use coming from ground water, being able to accurately find the source of its contaminants is highly complicated. But it’s a complication that needs simplifying because “the water problem is a problem we are going to face no matter what,” Mishra said.

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis PROVIDED BY:

ACROSS 1 Meter site 5 After Chicago, the most populous Illinois city 11 Cave dweller 14 Atlas section 15 Adds excitement to, with “up” 16 Syr. neighbor 17 Scrooge’s underpaid clerk 19 Fed. property manager 20 Lotto-like game 21 Take down a few pegs 23 Frighten off 28 First host of “America’s Got Talent” 29 __ the cloth 30 Senseless 32 Piano concerto highlights 33 Not impressed 35 Lab subj. 36 Entry-level pos. 37 Reading in an unruly class? 40 Morse’s rank: Abbr. 44 30-day mo. 45 Combed (through) 50 Toi et moi 51 Time, in Germany 53 North of Mexico 54 Hit __: run into trouble 56 Forest shade 58 Shape of Michigan’s Lower Peninsula 60 Reversals, slangily 61 Memorable period 62 Light lunch (and a hint to this puzzle’s circled letters) 68 Hill VIP 69 For hire to sire 70 Tibetan priest 71 His, to Henri 72 Bottom-of-the-line 73 Learning experience? DOWN 1 Part of a pickup line

Associates cheer for you and handle a situation by themselves. Keep increasing your savings this week. Practice your arts and skills. Consult an expert to level up. Offer advice only if asked. Cut wasted effort.


Intuition guides career decisions. Plan an adventure with a partner. Keep learning this week, increasing skills and understanding. Patiently wait for the data. Don’t make the expensive choice. Ask for more and get it.


By Peter A. Collins

2 Troupe for troops: Abbr. 3 Bone in a cage 4 Auditorium latecomers’ seating 5 Yoga pose 6 Above Manhattan’s 59th Street, say 7 Ocasek of the Cars 8 Glaswegian’s “Gee!” 9 Tim or Tara of Hollywood 10 Fall flower 11 Divas have them 12 Goes after 13 It may be rapid 18 Illegal smoke, quaintly 22 Southwest sight 23 Rice rival, briefly 24 Axe 25 Collection of literary odds and ends 26 “The Sound of Music” setting 27 Interactive party song 31 Some lighters 34 “In Her Shoes” co-star 38 Page with views


Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

39 Trace amounts 40 Really botched up 41 “Not on your life!” 42 Beach acquisitions 43 Hurdle for a jr. 46 Lawn sign 47 Roman numeral? 48 Le Tour de France time 49 Kit’s home


52 Make even, to a carpenter 55 Pass, but not with flying colors 57 Buddy 59 Chris of “The Good Wife” 63 Flint-to-Detroit dir. 64 Depot: Abbr. 65 SoCal destination 66 Marcus Welby’s gp. 67 Block

You get a surprise at work. This could lead to interesting things. Explore. Practice something you love. Don’t give up. All of a sudden, everything starts making sense. Invest in newer technology.

SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21):

Great and fast results astonish you. Reduce your financial risk this week. Don’t even discuss money, if you can avoid it. Consider an unusual suggestion or a brilliant view. Tidy up and have a dinner party.


Your own place is a good hideout. Take your work seriously. Bring it home and get comfortable. Delegate pieces to a perfectionist. It’s okay if you don’t know how. Embrace a surprise. An innovation works.


CAPRICORN (DEC. 22 - JAN. 19):

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22):


Trust a hunch. Meditate on it, and then choose. Take on a challenge. The pieces come together. Point out a potential conflict. Financial topics can raise tempers ... avoid complaints. Kick back instead.

You’re entering a two-day romantic phase. Luxuriate somewhere lovely, with delightful company. Enjoy family and friends. Things seem easy. There may be a conflict anyway. Keep your promises, and soak in the love.

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LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22):

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22):

Follow a creative leader. Compromise may not be possible, yet. Ask a person with technical skills to help. Delegate and free up some time. Go with people who are highly recommended. Keep increasing options.

Be nice, even if tempted to snarl; compromise gets you farther. Gather more data for a fascinating discovery. Your confidence grows. Keep your eyes, ears and mind open. This cloud has a silver lining.

Gather your tools and supplies. Keep practicing. You see the light at the end of the tunnel. Surround yourself with peace. Get together for inexpensive fun, like a beautiful walk or card game in the park.


There’s some evaluating going on; keep it objective. Lightning fast talk goes over people’s heads. Intuition provides an answer. Explain your ideas carefully. Change the itinerary. Continue to increase your authority this week.





SEPTEMBER 12, 2013


ROBERT HUSKEY / For The Daily Titan

Senior midfielder Janali West races up the sideline and whips in a cross.

Lions will travel to CSUF jungle Women’s soccer look to bounce back from a road loss with a homestand VINCENT LAROSA Daily Titan

The Cal State Fullerton women’s soccer team will be looking to get back to their winning ways on Friday as they take on Southern California rivals Loyola Marymount University at Titan Stadium. Friday’s match is part of a three-game homestand that includes games against Utah State and Washington State. The Titans return home, where they are undefeated to start the season, having narrowly lost 1-0 away to Texas Tech last Friday. Before dropping their match with the Red Raiders, CSUF had enjoyed a three-game unbeaten streak. Despite the loss, the Titans have had a very balanced start to the season with a 2-2-1 record, which includes a streak of three straight shutouts during their recently snapped unbeaten run. Among the standouts to start the year for Head Coach Demian Brown’s Titans, senior goalkeeper Lindsey Maricic has been sharp between the posts with two shutouts already this season, while sophomore forward Christina Burkenroad has continued her All-Freshmen Team form of last year by contributing a goal and an assist on the other end of the field in 2013. In their matchup with LMU, look for the Titans to again rely heavily on their defense, which has been strong despite losing three of their starting back four from last season. Brown will have his choice of two strong keepers with the aforementioned Maricic likely to start, although redshirt freshman goalkeeper Jennifer Stuart has shined early in the season with a victory and a shutout in her only start of the season, a 2-0 win over the Montana University Grizzlies.

Regardless of who steps up in goal for the Titans on Friday, they’ll be called upon to organize the Titan defense in front of them with the help of the team’s only returning starter in defense from last season, sophomore Morgan Batcheller. In the middle of the pitch, preseason All-Conference team honoree Chelsey Patterson, recently named team captain, will look to link defense and attack, while getting the Titans back on the scoresheet after the team was shutout in their last match. Up front, CSUF will look to Burkenroad and junior forward Rebecca Wilson to finish their chances and add to their one goal apiece total to start 2013. On the opposing side, the road has not been kind to the Lions of LMU this season. Posting a record of 3-3-0 to start 2013, LMU has lost all three of their matches away from home this season by a combined score of 8-1. In spite of their road woes, LMU boasts a senior-heavy squad with 11 players returning for their senior season. And while the Lions were picked to finish sixth in the West Coast Conference (WCC) to start the season, it must be taken into consideration that LMU’s conference sent four teams to last season’s NCAA tournament. In addition, the WCC features no less than three teams in Top Drawer Soccer’s Top 25 rankings, including the likes of Brigham Young University at No. 8 having already defeated the Titans 3-1 earlier this season. Regardless of record, the Lions should provide the Titans with a chance to test themselves against another strong team from the WCC. Kickoff is set for 7 p.m. on Friday at Titan Stadium. After the match, the players will be showing their appreciation for their fans and sign autographs for those in attendance. For more information on the CSUF women’s soccer team and all other Titan’s athletics, go to


Junior midfielder Mark Vasquez dribbles the ball down the field and lines up a shot. Vasquez has three starts this season and has one shot on target.

Titans East Coast bound Men’s soccer continue their road trip with an Ivy League matchup in Ithaca VINCENT LAROSA Daily Titan

In their longest trip of the season, the men’s soccer team heads to Ithaca, N.Y., to face Cornell University on Friday. The match will be CSUF’s second of a season-long four-game away swing. The Titans (1-3) travel across country having dropped two matches on the bounce. After losing their home opener 2-0 to Loyola Marymount University, CSUF’s latest defeat came in stunning fashion, allowing three unanswered goals after being up two goals to none at the University of San Diego. The Toreros’ third goal came with just over three minutes remaining in the game’s second overtime period. Much of this season’s early troubles can be attributed to

the many new faces Titan Head Coach Bob Ammann has had to integrate to start the 2013 season. With 10 players straight out of high school and six transfers on the current roster, Ammann has had his hands full this season trying to put together a cohesive squad. Thus far, his blending of the new guys slowly has been relatively successful offensively, with junior transfers Alex Cannas and Amara Soumah finding the net in the Titans’ last match. However, the transition on defense has been disappointing, as the Titans have yet to shutout an opponent in any of their four games thus far having conceded seven goals to their opponents. A pivotal step to getting the Titans going this season will be junior winger Ian Ramos’ renewal of his stellar form from last season. The Utah native, an All Big-West First Team honoree in his sophomore season, has shown patches of brilliance to start the season but has yet to

find the back of the net or set up any of his teammates in 2013. The Titans will need Ramos back in his 2012 form, where he lead the team with six assists and was second with six goals, if they hope to be successful on Friday. Facing a second straight slow start to the season, Ammann’s men have to be hoping the chance to get out of California will provide a chance for the team to gel on the road and give their season the kickstart they are desperately craving at the moment. On the opposing side, Cornell have had their share of trying times early in the season as well. Boasting a 1-0-1 record, the Big Red have needed two overtimes to decide both their matches. A double overtime 1-1 draw against the University of Detroit Mercy in their opener was followed by a late doubleovertime winner off the foot of junior midfielder Conor Goepel in their following match against

Hartwick College. Despite the lackluster start, Cornell will provide the Titans with a formidable task and is not to be taken lightly. Last season, the team from Ithaca easily cruised to the Ivy League title with a 15-2-0 record before losing to Syracuse in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. This year they have been ranked No. 25 in Top Drawer Soccer’s Preseason Rankings and return senior defender Patrick Slogic, No. 84 on Top Drawer’s Men’s National Top 100 list. Following the match on Friday, the Titans will take a short trip to Colgate University on Sunday, before heading back west to take on the University of Nebraska at Omaha. The team won’t return home until their Sept. 28 matchup with Grand Canyon University. For more information about the Cal State Fullerton men’s soccer team and all Titans athletics, please visit

DTSTATS Women’s soccer team leaders

Men’s soccer team leaders

Goals: 1 (Christina Burkenroad, Rebecca Wilson, Erica Mazeau, Ali White)

Goals: 1 (Amara Soumah, Ritchie Gonzalez, Alex Cannas, Zach Bryan)

Assists: 2 (Janali West)

Assists: 1 (Jordan Wolff, Colin Okirie, Ritchie Gonzalez, Mark Vasquez, Spencer Johnson)

Shots: 11 (Rebecca Wilson)

Shots: 9 (Marc Fenelus)

Saves: 24 (Lindsey Maricic)

Saves: 18 (Bryan Escalante)



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