The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Wednesday September 23, 2015
Volume 98 Issue 12
Local leaders concerned with homeless shelters
The end of an era for local jazz club Steamers leaves behind decades of iconic history MAHDEE GILL Daily Titan
Four officials discussed the homelessness issue in Orange County Monday. Around 100 people attended the event at the Fullerton Public Library. The meeting addressed the placement and implementation of homeless shelters, as well as past treatment of homeless individuals in Fullerton.
Issues from citizens addressed at panel discussion BREANNA VASQUEZ Daily Titan About 100 people turned out for a public forum Monday night at the Fullerton Public Library where a
panel of local officials discussed Fullerton’s homelessness issue. The panel consisted of Shawn Nelson, Orange County supervisor of the Fourth District; former Fullerton Mayor and Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, Fullerton police Cpl. Michael McCaskill of the Homeless Liaison Unit and Maria Mazzenga Avellaneda, executive director of
the nonprofit Pathways of Hope. There are currently 4,452 nightly homeless individuals across the county, a 5 percent increase since 2013, according to the 2015 survey by the Orange County Commission to End Homelessness. The City of Fullerton has yet to implement a yearround shelter to house the transient population, but it
has taken steps to move forward by approving a zoning ordinance dated Aug. 18 that would allow for such a shelter. “I really am embarrassed, that at this point in my tenure, we don’t already have a facility,” Nelson said. “It’s complicated, but it can be fairly simple.” Council and community members have opposed prior plans to build a shelter
in the city. Some who claim to be proponents quickly buckle when they find out the proposed site is close to them, Nelson said. Although Nelson believes the proposed full-time shelter at 1000 N. Kraemer Place is “a little off the beaten path,” he does believe the city will go forward with the site. SEE HOMELESS
ASI promotes voter registration ASI Lobby Corps bring awareness to potential voters GRAHAM MCTAGUE Daily Titan Students gathered in the central quad Tuesday for an event held by Associated Students Inc. celebrating National Voter Registration Day. “We really want the students to feel like they have a voice and feel like it’s important and heard,” said Veronica Kdeiss, strategic coordinator for Lobby Corps. “One way to do that is registering them to vote and also informing them why it’s important to be a registered voter,” she said. “A lot of students are not registered to vote because they think their vote doesn’t matter, or maybe they just never had the opportunity,” Kdeiss said.
Students might also not know where to go or how to register, Kdeiss said. “Every student’s vote counts, their voice counts,” she said. In the 2014 election, a mere 38.3 percent of West Coast Americans ages 18 to 24 reported being registered to vote, according the the United States Census Bureau. This is significantly lower than the next age demographic, 25 to 44, which tallied a 56.5 percent registration rate. On a larger scale, 18- to 24-year-olds ranked the lowest in total registered voter percentages across all regions of the United States; only 13.9 percent of registered voters in that age range voted in 2014, according to the bureau. The Lobby Corps event not only promoted voter registration to students, but also encouraged them to voice their opinions by writing about their passions on a poster. SEE VOTER
Art exhibit showcases altered reality
CSUF alumnus Fred Tomaselli displays art inspired by altered states of consciousness at the Begovich 5 Gallery
“I want to be a consistent voter,” said Hailey Pietz, theater major. She registered to vote at Tuesday’s National Voter Registration event in the quad.
Apple car would change the auto industry
Apple has the finances to create a car that could both turn heads and revolutionize the automobile 6 industry
After entertaining audiences for over 21 years, the historic Steamers Jazz Club and Café in downtown Fullerton has officially closed. Although many may lament the loss of Fullerton’s only jazz venue, there is a plan to keep the music alive. Evans Brewery Co. is in the process of replacing Steamers. It’s a modern gastropub that will offer music of various genres and continue to maintain the influence of jazz in their lineup. “We’ve always talked about still doing some jazz … but also bringing in some rock ‘n’ roll bands, classic rock bands and country bands,” said Evan Rapport, owner of Evans Brewing Co. There’s a promising chance that musicians who have previously played at Steamers will continue to make appearances in the future at Evans Brewery. Its management has reached out to numerous bands and talent who have performed on the stage of the historic venue. “We have a list of the people who have played here and we have sent out letters to all of them that we’re still interested in playing jazz music,” Rapport said. Despite the closing of Steamers, there are artists who continue to practice, play and pursue the art of jazz. “My aspirations are to complete my bachelor’s in music education and to get a credential so I can teach K-12, and then focus on getting a position to teach at a local school,” said Steve Layton, trombonist and Cal State Fullerton education major. When considering what can be done to preserve jazz in Orange County, several factors could improve the likelihood of this endeavor, Layton said. “We have to educate the audience. The musicians need to forge new frontiers and get some new clubs started...the music programs in schools are being gutted,” Layton said. While some artists may have never played at Steamers, others can recall the lessons they learned while performing there. SEE JAZZ 5
Women’s golf wraps up in Washington
The Titans put on a respectable performance in Washington; however, they dropped to 6th place in the 8 last day of play VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM