The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Monday April 4, 2016
CFA strike now legal in light of new report
Fullerton breaks out the brooms against CSUN
Mediator releases findings from salary proposal VERONICA MARQUEZ-ESHELBY Daily Titan The fact-finding stage of the proposed salary increase by the California Faculty Association has confirmed that California State University faculty salaries lag behind market comparators, giving the CFA the legal right to strike this month. Fact-finder Bonnie Castrey published her report Monday, March 28, on the stalled negotiations over CSU faculty pay, now in the second year of the contract. The report offered four major recommendations: -“Increase faculty compensation with a General Salary Increase of 5 percent.” -“Provide Service Step Increases to the approximately 43 percent of faculty eligible.” -“Continue to study the faculty salary issue. Develop a list, agreeable to both sides, of comparable universities that award bachelor’s and master’s degrees and do a comparison using available AAUP (American Association of University Professors) data and include a cost-of-living comparison.” -“Develop a joint strategy and documentation to go to the California Legislature and the governor to seek the needed state funding for the CSU budget.” SEE STRIKE
Cal State Fullerton baseball began Big West Conference play on a high note as it took all three games against the Cal State Northridge Matadors this past weekend. The Titans improved their overall record to 16-11.
Baseball sweeps Matadors in first conference series HAYLEY M. SLYE Daily Titan In its first conference series of the season, Cal State Fullerton baseball pulled off a sweep over the CSUN Matadors, leaving the weekend with a spotless Big West record and a
16-11 record overall. Despite the triumph, the dramatic series was anything but three relaxing days at the ballpark. “You hate but you love Titan baseball games,” said senior designated hitter Dalton Blaser. “It keeps you on your toes” In Friday’s game, Josh Vargas hit a triple that sent three runs home and propelled the Titans’ lead to 7-3 after the Matadors tied the game in the eighth.
On the mound, starter Blake Quinn struck out seven through 4.1 innings, contributing to a combined 12 strikeouts by Titan pitchers. CSUN scored one run in the ninth, but the Titans held on to secure the 7-4 win. Saturday’s game was a closer contest as Fullerton managed to come away with a 2-1 win. At the top of the fifth, right-handed starter ConnorSeabold gave up a single and pegged two batters to load the
bases. He went on to strike out RBI leader Branden Berry and the following Matador hitter to end the threat. “Those were two huge strikeouts against their three and four hitters,” said junior Timmy Richards. “It was awesome to watch, it got me pretty pumped up out there at shortstop.” Seabold went six innings, striking out eight and allowing only one CSUN run. With starter John Gavin making a solid first outing in
relief this season, the Titans kept Northridge at just one run. The Titans’ prowess on the mound proved to be crucial in securing the victory, considering the offense left a runner on base in all but one inning and left 11 on base in total. “One-run games are huge,” Richards said. “To be able to win those games will definitely pay off later in the season.” SEE CONFERENCE 6
Local art center unveils ‘Video Project Space’ Artwalk embraces community’s creativity and originality AARON VALDEZ Daily Titan Local art enthusiasts made their way to Cal State Fullerton’s Grand Central Art Center (GCAC) on Saturday night for a showcasing of “Polaris,” a short video and sound work by Cuban artist collective Los Carpinteros. Located in the heart of downtown Santa Ana, the GCAC sits adjacent to the vibrant 2nd Street Artwalk and serves as a satellite unit for CSUF. On the first Saturday of every month, the Artwalk Promenade provides community members with an opportunity to tap into their creative sides and explore
the wonders of art. A plethora of restaurants, museums, galleries, musicians and street vendors are sure to keep attendees entertained with their intriguing art pieces and dazzling performances. The Artwalk has brought in revenue to GCAC and the surrounding businesses as its lively and culturally diverse environment attracts over 3,500 guests every month. Saturday night’s iteration of the monthly festivities featured numerous artists displaying their unique craftsmanship while music groups from local schools filled the air with refined and well-rehearsed symphonies. Upon entering the art center, visitors will notice a wide variety of sculptures and paintings on display made by a mix of local students and independent artists. The main event of the
evening, “Polaris,” was shown through the art center’s newest exhibit, “Video Project Space.” The exhibit is designed to show new video work on a continuous loop from artists all around the world. GCAC Director and Chief Curator John Spiak, who has been affiliated with CSUF since September 2011, discovered “Polaris” while attending Los Carpinteros’ studio during his trip to Cuba last May. Spiak was immediately fascinated with the work and knew it was something he wanted to bring back and share with his local community. “They were showing it in their studio and when we started doing the ‘Video Project Space,’ I thought, ‘Wow, that’s that piece I wanted to show,’” Spiak said. SEE ARTWALK
Los Carpinteros’ “Polaris” captivated audiences during the monthly Santa Ana Artwalk at Cal State Fullerton’s GCAC ‘Video Project Space’ exhibit Saturday night.
Policy about repeating courses examined
Vegetarianism could help the environment
Softball doesn’t skip a beat against UCR
Students may have to seek adviser approval before taking a class over again after a failing or in3 complete grade
People should incorporate more veggies in their diets to reduce the harm meat production companies have 5 on the world
The Cal State Fullerton softball team kicked off the Big West Conference with a threegame sweep of 8 the Highlanders