The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Thursday April 7, 2016
Volume 99 Issue 33
CFA, CSU undergoing final negotiations Fact-finding report agitates last effort to make agreement MICAH AUGIMERI-LEE Daily Titan A 48-hour “blackout period” was announced Wednesday as talks between the California
Students teach OLLI language classes
Faculty Association (CFA) and California State University (CSU) management intensify before an impending campuswide strike. The blackout period was spurred by the an independent fact-finder’s report released at the end of March that agreed with the CFA’s request for a salary increase, thus making the proposed faculty strike legal.
Both CSU management and the CFA have agreed not to speak to any news outlets during this 48-hour time frame, nor to participate in campuswide communications and strike preparations. The sides hope to come to an agreement on a salary increase for members of the CFA, according to an email obtained by the Daily Titan from Jennifer Eagan, CFA’s president.
“During this quiet time, we hope to develop an agreement that not only settles this contract reopener, but also can lead to an improved relationship between the faculty and the CSU administration,” the email read. The CFA was encouraged to hear CSU Chancellor Timothy White express his concerns about the impact the strike may have on both students
and faculty, Eagan wrote. This blackout period marks the first time that White will directly participate in negotiations with the CFA, according to the email. If a tentative agreement is made by the end of the blackout period, there will be no need for the CFA to strike, but if an agreement is not made, “it will be full speed ahead toward the strike,” the email said.
The outcome of the final negotiation will be released Friday morning. The CFA will strike across all campuses in the CSU system if the chancellor does not meet faculty demands for a 5-percent General Salary Increase and a 2.65-percent Service Salary Increase for all CSU faculty. The five-day strike is set to occur from April 13 to 15 and April 18 to 19.
Mock Palestinian apartheid wall erected in CSUF quad
Spanish majors instruct seniors at learning institute AMBER MASON Daily Titan Elena Brenes was so nervous, she could hardly sleep. She was finally about to put everything she learned as a Cal State Fullerton Spanish graduate student into practice by teaching for the first time. She joked she was hoping an earthquake would strike and prevent her from entering the classroom. “It was nerve-wracking; it was exciting and I was a mess coming in,” Brenes said. She entered her classroom and faced a room full of people who were eager to learn Spanish. Brenes was not teaching as a CSUF professor, but as a volunteer at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). OLLI offers hundreds of classes, ranging from the arts to foreign languages, to older adults on the CSUF campus, mostly in the Ruby Gerontology Center. The institute also provides language students the opportunity to teach classes. While Brenes said she was nervous the first time she took on the teacher role, she came back every Wednesday to continue teaching. As she gained more experience, teaching became less nerve-wracking, Brenes said. “I leave on a cloud, especially if I see someone learn something or someone takes the time to tell you that they’ve learned something,” she said. Brenes was invited to become a volunteer at OLLI by Mercedes Vargas, who graduated with a master’s degree in Spanish in April 2015. The two women decided to volunteer for the program to get experience with teaching Spanish. Both are native speakers who had little to no experience teaching native English speakers. SEE TEACH
A mock Palestinian apartheid wall was erected in the CSUF quad Wednesday in hopes of raising awareness about current issues in Palestine. The wall was covered with statistics and phrases such as “anti-oppression” and “theft of the land.”
Students for Justice in Palestine aimed to raise awareness EMILY DIECKMAN Daily Titan A mock “apartheid wall” painted with phrases such as “Freedom Fighters,”
“Theft of the Land,” “Home Demolitions” and “Imprisoned Within” was constructed Wednesday in the Cal State Fullerton quad in hopes of raising awareness about issues in Palestine. Members of the CSUF chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) began erecting the wall from about 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.,
as students stopped by to read it during the construction and throughout the day. “Lots of times, the media does not cover the Palestinian narrative,” said Noor Salameh, SJP president. “But bringing this wall to campus just really exposes that and allows students to really see for themselves a lot of things that they may
equivalent of $59 per person in aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, and $6,482 per person in aid to Israel. “I didn’t know they had prisoners; I didn’t know they would demolish Palestinians’ homes,” said Perla Macias, a 20-year-old anthropology major who was observing the wall. SEE WALL
Tour highlights new campus terrain The event aimed to shed light on CSUF’s water reduction EMILY DIECKMAN Daily Titan In honor of California Poppy Day, a group of plant enthusiasts and sustainability experts gathered for a tour of Cal State Fullerton’s water conservation efforts Wednesday. Since CSUF started its “brown is the new green” initiative, the campus has been shifting its look from lush, grassy lawns to more drought-friendly landscapes, while trying to maintain an aesthetic appeal.
The tour was coordinated by contractors and architects leading the development, members of the CSUF Center for Sustainability and Fullerton Arboretum staff, said Tamara Wallace, Sustainability Projects coordinator. The professional and organizational development department also helped put together the event, said Marian Sherman, organizational development analyst. Mike Sullivan, one of the landscape architects who helped design the new, more drought-tolerant areas of campus, said that the changes from turfs to meadows have helped to reduce water usage by 65 percent. SEE TOUR
People were invited to join in on a tour of Cal State Fullerton that sought to educate about the steps the campus has taken to mitigate its water usage.
Workshop teaches marketing strategies
FC Barcelona fan explores European cities
Former brand director of Disney and Wet Seal presents insight into how to become successful in a 2 competitive field
CSUF student’s dream to see his favorite soccer team led him on an adventure through two countries over 4 spring break
not have access to from everyday media.” The wall was covered in statistics about the alleged injustices committed against the Palestinian people, including Israeli prison statistics and the amount of money Israel receives from U.S. foreign assistance starting during World War II. An infographic demonstrated that the U.S. has offered the
Emoticons can be used to expand dialogue
The trendy icons broaden discourse by allowing imagery to convey thoughts that language can6 not articulate VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM