The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Thursday September 8, 2016
Parking further limited off-campus
CSUF vehicle vandalized
Commonwealth parking no longer free to students ELIZABETH HUMMER Daily Titan Congested parking has long been a discussion amongst students and teachers and now the City of Fullerton has made “Resident Only Parking Permits” on vital, nearby streets. Commonwealth once served as a go-to parking area for students when they could not find parking on campus or when they did not want to pay a $236 parking permit fee in previous semesters. The parking area ran from the North Commonwealth Avenue and East Chapman Avenue junction all the way to South State College Boulevard. The City of Fullerton is now requesting that anyone who parks on these streets have a “Resident Only Parking Permit.” SEE PERMITS 2
A Daily Titan cart parked in the College Park parking lot was found with a broken windshield on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The suspect, Ronald Rodriguez, contacted University Police himself using an emergency “Blue Phone” to report the crime.
Transient shatters windshield of Daily Titan cart SARAH WOLSTONCROFT Daily Titan
A local homeless man vandalized a parked Daily Titan newscart by punching the front windshield Tuesday around 4:40 p.m. The suspect, Ronald Rodriguez, used an emergency “Blue Phone” to
call the incident into University Police himself, according to University Police captain Scot Willey. “He shouted, ‘I will see you in the jail yard’ at the CSU Fullerton Police dispatcher who answered the emergency line,”
Willey said. Witnesses told responding officers that the suspect was “yelling randomly” prior to punching the cart, Willey said. Rodriguez, 54, was charged with vandalism and violating a stay-away
order, For Tuesday’s crime. Rodriguez was contacted by University Police 32 times over the past two years, according to Willey. SEE TRANSIENT
Professors study Ethiopian monkeys Research project led by CSUF faculty enters tenth year PRISCILLA BUI Daily Titan Most people like to spend their summers at the beach or at home, but two Cal State Fullerton professors would rather spend that time surrounded by an exclusive breed of gelada monkeys found in Guassa, Ethiopia. “Geladas only occur in the Ethiopian highlands, which is sort of unusual for monkeys,” said Nga Nguyen, Ph.D., co-director of the research project. “Most people think monkeys – at least, terrestrial ground-living monkeys in Africa occur in sort of savanna, hot, sweltering habitats, but geladas live high in the mountains.” Co-directed by Nguyen and Peter Fashing, Ph.D., the Guassa Gelada Research Project (GGRP) is a long-term research endeavor devoted to studying the wild population of gelada monkeys. The geladas’ unusual set of behavioral traits are what drew both professors’ interests to the species in the first place.
It’s an interest that has remained strong for 10 years and counting. John Tillquist, Ph.D., the director of research development at CSUF, said that the importance of faculty research projects like this is absolutely huge. “Our department is very encouraging as a foundation for the faculty to build themselves professionally and to increase the reputation of the university as a scholarly institution,” Tillquist said. The GGRP team aims to understand the timing of reproduction for gelada females, food production for the monkeys as a whole and the overall effect of new gelada males entering into one-male units of female monkeys. All of these factors are utilized to understand female reproductive patterns in the monkeys. “We’re trying to tie the timing of births with food production,” Nguyen said. “One of the best indicators of food availability is rainfall, so we’ve been measuring rainfall. We’re trying to look at the timing, the patterning of rainfall – tie that to the patterning of food production and tie that to the patterning of births.” Every summer, Nguyen
Alumna takes a top position at Kaiser
Julie Miller-Phipps was named the president of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and Health Plan in Southern 4 California
and Fashing travel to their campsite in Guassa where they observe the monkeys. Because they are both fulltime professors at CSUF, they are not able to be at the campsite with the monkey’s year-round, Nguyen said. Fortunately for them, they have two student volunteers who are willing to stay at the campsite each year to keep track of the monkeys and the data collected on them. “Every year, we have two students who are in the field who go out everyday with the animals and record what they’re doing, what they’re eating, what their social life is like, and what their mating patterns are like. They do this recognizing the animals as individuals,” Nguyen said. Recognizing the gelada monkeys as individuals is a key method in keeping track of, on average, 200 of them. Fashing said that after gaining the geladas’ trust, the scientists were able to name all of them. “If you follow them long enough, you’ll start to recognize them as individuals,” Fashing said. “It’s harder than recognizing humans, obviously, because we humans are used to recognizing one another....Still, they have a lot of
Nga Nguyen, Ph.D., is co-director of a project that researches the behavior and reproductive cycles of gelada monkeys in Guassa, Ethiopia.
very distinguishing characteristics if you look carefully enough.” Nguyen said that this was a great way for the students to gain research experience before they headed off into grad schools and Ph.D. programs in animal behavior. While the students are following the monkeys during the day, they have paid Ethiopian
Cursive needs to be embraced by schools
The dying handwriting form should be kept specifically for child development rather than workplace 6 relevancy
staff who watch over the campsite, The campsite itself is usually remote. However, Fashing said that the campsite at Guassa has gained more access to the rest of the world over the 11 years he has been working there. “Originally, it was isolated. There was no phone coverage and no internet,” Fashing said. “Now we
have a little bit of internet coverage, but we live a sort of very basic life in tents.” Both professors have seen many interesting occurrences within the gelada colony. One instance involved two female monkeys from different groups accidentally switching infants, Fashing said. SEE GGRP 5
Titans look to get back in win column
CSUF women’s volleyball will host the Quality Inn-Placentia Fullerton Classic this weekend at Titan 8 Gym. VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM