Monday, August 30, 2021
The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
CSUF continues with vaccination efforts SEE PAGE
Hybrid classes should be a permanent option for students SEE PAGE
Art sophomores enter campus for the first time
Food pantry opens at CSUF Students can pick up free groceries once a week at the Titan Student Union. JESSICA BENDA Asst. Editor
The permanent food pantry at Cal State Fullerton has finally come to fruition. With bright lights and brimming shelves, the pantry resembles a mini grocery store — minus the checkout costs. CSUF students can come in once a week to collect five to 10 free items, such as fresh produce or canned goods, as well as five free snack items, like granola bars. Nestled in the Titan Student Union by the Wooly Mammoth, the pantry is open Monday through Thursday,
10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, students will still need to make appointments through a site called PantrySoft. Since its opening on Aug. 23, 98 students have used the service and nearly 30 of those on the first day. Cristina Truong, assistant director of TSU services and food pantry, said that many parts of the pantry are flexible, such as hours or inventory. “If we see a lot of people are running out of food, we want to stretch it out as far as to make sure that everyone gets food as well,” she said. Truong also shared that the amount of items students can take will fluctuate depending on inventory. The pantry partners with the Second Harvest Food Bank, which is the primary food provider with weekly deliveries. If it’s
running low on a product, the pantry uses funds or donations to restock. Previously, CSUF offered a mobile food pantry launched in 2018 which distributed food outside of the TSU monthly. While the mobile pantry operated, a permanent food pantry to target food insecurity has been on the agenda stretching back to 2016. In 2019, 19 CSU schools already had a permanent food pantry — or a similar service — which left Fullerton as one of four CSUs without one. Establishing a permanent food pantry was the platform the 2019-20 Associated Students president and vice president, Aaron Aguilar and Mansi Kalra, were elected on. SEE PROJECT
CSUF students Esperanza Rios (left) and Nicole Eltagonde (right) worked at CSUF’s food pantry on Friday morning. (Eliza Green / Daily Titan)
Titans beat the Fordham Rams in four sets at Titan Gym on Saturday night. ANTHONY BAUTISTA MARISA PALMERIN-FLORES Editors
After not being able to play last fall, Cal State Fullerton volleyball started its 2021 season by splitting two matches in the Titan Classic on Friday and Saturday. The Titans fell in three sets in their season opener on Aug. 27 against University of New Mexico, 25-23, 25-9 and 25-11, respectively. With 778 fans in attendance, it was the first game back in the Titan Gym after the team’s 2020 season was canceled due to COVID-19. Fullerton’s defense started out strong in set one against the Lobos’ offensive hitters. However, the Titans’ offensive errors caused them to lose, 25-23, after a nail-biting first set. Fullerton’s defense fell short to New Mexico’s offense as the Lobos had 16 kills in set two and 12 in set three with Kaitlynn Biassou and Uxue Guereca leading the UNM team. “We need to learn how to pick ourselves up when we’re down,” said interim head coach Nicole Polster about the match against New Mexico. SEE WIN 8
Discoverfest begins in-person Day one will showcase 80 organizations on campus, while day two will be conducted fully online through TitanLink. DARIUS JOHARI Asst. Editor
Schools have reopened, students are back on campus and Student Life and Leadership is ready to host a hybrid Discoverfest event that will include both an in-person and virtual fair for the fall semester. Discoverfest serves as the opportunity for students to dip into student life and get involved with organizations available at Cal State Fullerton. The first 80 fully-registered groups to sign up for the event will be guaranteed a table for the in-person day, while the remaining clubs will participate virtually on the second day. The in-person event takes place on Wednesday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and students can expect to see a variety of club booths along the Titan Walk. The Virtual Involvement Fair will take place on TitanLink on Thursday,, where students can navigate through informational links of registered clubs and organizations on campus. SEE FAIR
Academic Senate approves virtual instruction increase unanimously voted to create open spaces for discussion and updating of the current department personnel standards considering the updated university policy statement, and to TRAVIS JEPEWAY have them ready by no later than the Staff Writer 2023 fall academic semester. Cal State Fullerton’s Academic The senate voted unanimously to reSenate voted on Aug. 26 to implement vise the faculty emeriti status to allow an increase in the amount of virtugranting of emeriti status to tenured al instruction permitted in traditional professors both full and part-time. in-person instruction classes. The vote will allow temporary facAccording to the university policy ulty who have completed 10 years of statement, traditional in-person inservice, or a minimum of 300 weightstruction is defined as, “courses that ed teaching units. may contain 20% or less of total class The wording was changed in emermeeting time offered in an iti status to allow for tempo76% of Titan community members have online fashion.” rary faculty who may not have The senate unanimous- uploaded their vaccination records — 73% of been working for 10 years, ly approved a temporary in- students and 82% of staff and faculty. but have worked full-time crease in the percentage of and completed the minimum traditional classes taught in CAROLYN THOMAS amount of weighted teachan online format to 30% for Provost of Academic Affairs ing units to be considered for the 2021 fall academic term. emeriti status. Additionally, it gave faculty full au- whether the university will switch Emeriti status is awarded by the tonomy to determine the percentage back to fully virtual instruction. president of the university to faculty of a traditional class to be taught onThomas said that there are no plans who have served honorably and conline within the 30% limit. for a switch at the moment, with the sistently performed high-quality work Senator Matthew Jarvis motioned to caveat that things may change. at CSUF. round up the increase to an even five “There is no indication at this point It allows the faculty member to conweeks rather than the 30% to make from the county, the state, or the tinue to remain active in their profesthe allowable online percentage easier Chancellor’s Office that we need to sion and in service to the university. to manage. His motion was accepted shift to virtual instruction,” Thomas It is considered an honor and recwithout objection. said. “However, there is no way we ognition of the continuing professionThis approval came on the same can be certain what will come in a al activity of faculty and how they reday that the provost and vice president month or two.” main an integral part of the academic for Academic Affairs, Carolyn ThomIn addition to the points regarding community and a valuable resource to as, issued the Provost Report. virtual instruction, the senate also the university.
Faculty will be able to make up to five weeks of an in-person course virtual, a rise from the 20% limit.
She said that as of Thursday, 76% of Titan community members have uploaded their vaccination records — 73% of students and 82% of staff and faculty. “We have a lot to be proud of with our work in this area: our record on health and safety is exceptional; our protocols for collecting vaccine records are among the strongest in the CSU system; and the Reentry Leadership team has tremendous cumulative expertise to navigate today and tomorrow,” Thomas said in the report. With the recent rise in the delta variant, worries have risen about
Volleyball picks up first win
Volume 110 Issue 2