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What’s Inside: NEWS 2
17-year-old girl killed by train OPINION 4
Religious garb in the workplace, finally DETOUR 5
Profile: Tony Reyes debuts series A taste of many cultures - Check out what Titans had to say about AICA’s multicultural event.
Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 7
STATE | CSSA meeting
CSSA seeks students
Two to five students will sit on the CSU Board of Trustees to help make decisions on major issues BEVI EDLUND & DAVID HOOD Daily Titan
Warehouse Workers United (WWU) alleged poor working conditions in some Walmart-contracted warehouses.
Walmart criticized
Warehouse workers march for new equipment, safer environment Daily Titan
In what has been described as a six-day pilgrimage, warehouse workers across Southern California are marching 50 miles from the Inland Empire to Downtown Los Angeles to protest poor working conditions in Walmart-contracted warehouses. Elizabeth Brennan, a spokeswom-
Women’s volleyball hosts Classic
M O N D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 2
an for Warehouse Workers United (WWU), said the Mira Loma workers are striking over the lack of basic necessities in the warehouses, including the presence of broken equipment, cooling fans, and a lack of drinking water and safety equipment. They are also protesting alleged retaliation for raising these concerns. “They need to take responsibility,” said Brennan. “They are one of
the largest companies in the world, and therefore set the standards for wages and labor practices.” According to the Huffington Post, warehouses have recently been popping up throughout Riverside and San Bernardino counties, because the area is an entry point for goods manufactured outside of the U.S. destined for local stores. SEE MARCH, 3
California State Student Association (CSSA) held its third meeting of the year Sunday at Cal State Fullerton to discuss the student trustee nominating procedure, the proposed upper-division unit adjustments and possibilities if Proposition 30 fails in November. This year, the committee will focus on how to accomplish a strategy to publicize the search for two to five students that will be appointed to the California State University Board of Trustees for two years as student trustees. Student trustees are voting members of the board who decide on major issues such as tuition increases and graduation unit requirements for the entire CSU. They plan to increase marketing to get students to become interested in joining the committee through social media, especially Facebook. Once they set their timeline, they want to announce publicly that the search is open. Each person on the board will visit at least two CSUs to recruit students. The board set a goal of seeking a minimum of two candidates per campus. Chair of the CSSA, Aaron Jimenez, said the plans to publicize the search should be thought through by someone who previously went through the process. The newest appointed member of the board, Cipriano Vargas, said it was an easy process, and he was lucky to be able to get funding to go to the governor’s office, which was critical to be there in person. “I applied because I think that this is a great position to do student advocacy, and sitting on the Board of Trustees with the current issues that are going on — I want to be a part of it,” said Vargas. CSSA President David Allison said he is excited about appointing Vargas on board to represent students on the Board of Trustees. “Trustee Vargas, the new trustee, this is going to be his first meeting as trustee, but I have every bit of confidence in him as well,” said Allison. “And I look forward to seeing what he does with this great responsibility.” Sarah Vagts, assistant executive director, said there are certain phases to recruit a student. The first is the search to get the word out by making a marketing plan. They will also be looking at application deadlines, they will be setting screening dates to screen the applications. Once the finalists
450,000 students
23 voting members
CSSA addresses issues affecting students at the statewide and systemwide level. CSSA is governed by a student board of directors composed of the officially recognized representatives of each of the 23 CSU campuses. are chosen, each campus will have one representative on the president’s panel, where they’ll actually do the in-person interviews with the candidates. Screening those applications is an important role. The board will have the opportunity to set screening criteria, determining a fair and consistent way to screen applications. The final phase is interviewing the finalists. The Associated Students Inc. presidents, or whomever they designate, will each have a spot on that interview panel. Once they send the name to the governor it will take about a month or two before they make the decision and publicly announce it. Additionally, the CSSA heard from vice president of student affairs Berenecea Johnson Eanes, Ph.D., who appeared in president Mildred Garcia’s absence. She welcomed the committee and encouraged them to represent the students of the CSU well. The CSSA welcomed state Senator Lou Correa, a CSUF alum, who represents California’s 34th Senate District. He urged them to be more vocal about what is going on in Sacramento and to keep everyone in the state Senate more accountable for their actions and their votes. The CSSA represents over 450,000 students in the CSU. They serve and protect the interests of students and consult the governor, state legislature, and the CSU Board of Trustees on issues that affect students. Overall, Allison said the meeting was productive and that CSUF received “12 out of 12 stars” according to his personal criteria for holding CSSA meetings on campus.
CAMPUS | Constitution Day
DETOUR | Fashion
Some traditional fashion from the borders beyond
US Constitution turns 221, experts celebrate Professors and students discuss the document and its impact on politics today
Females wear a multi-colored dress or skirt and males wear mariachi attire which consists of a black suit
TIM WORDEN Daily Titan
Cultural days are celebrated on campus with their music and performance accompanied by their symbolic flair of style. Mexican Independence Day brings about a variety of riches in the form of clothing and food as well as its historic roots. It took place 200 years ago, in September 1810. Jorge Herrera, Cal State Fullerton Chicana and Chicano studies professor, defined the cultural day as the culmination of the Mexican War of Independence led by Mexican-born citizens, Spaniards and mestizos who saw independence from Spain. “We as Chicanos, Latinos, Mexicans (and) Mexican-Americans celebrate the separation from Spain on that day,” said Herrera. Celebrations consist of gathering as a community and celebrating independence, Herrera added. These celebrations include Mexican music, cuisine and dance. Mexican Independence Day is also called El Grito meaning “the yell.” In Mexico, Independence Day is celebrated with el grito in which citizens yell out, “long live independent Mexico.”
CSSA Facts
The celebrations include Mexican music, cuisine and dancing. The community gathers to celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spain. Different regions of Mexico celebrate differently.
Historically, this day constitutes the victory for the country and its people. Culturally, this day is celebrated with festivities in the United States and Mexico. The different regions of Mexico celebrate their festivities with what they eat and how they dress and dance. The costumes and their colors originate in Jalisco. Yesenia Altamirano, a Chicano studies and political science double major, said the traditional fashion is a combination of different attires due to intermixing of cultures that are defined by separate regions in Mexico. “Stereotypically it’s the girl with the big falda, with a mariachi dressed guy” said Altamirano.
A falda is a skirt with the option of being different lengths. “A falda is usually large where you could raise your arms and cover your arms. It’s usually seen in the traditional folkorico dancing,” Altamirano said. Jennifer Perez, a criminal justice major, said these traditional forms of clothing are accompanied by flowers in the hair. The females wear a multi-colored dress or skirt and the males wear mariachi attire. Mariachi attire consists of a black suit with gold embellishments on the sides and a sombrero, Altamirano said. SEE INDEPENDENCE, 5
Constitution Day festivities were kicked off at Cal State Fullerton with a panel that examined hot-button issues including health care, immigration and the 2012 elections at the Becker Amphitheater Thursday. About 80 students braved the heat to attend the noontime panel, “Contemporary Challenges to the U.S. Constitution.” It was sponsored by CSUF’s Division of Politics, Administration and Justice; Associated Students Inc. and the Office of Government Relations. Constitution Day, celebrated annually on Sept. 17, commemorates the adoption of the Constitution and recognizes new U.S. citizens. In 2005, the U.S. Department of Education proclaimed the day a federal holiday and required schools to provide educational programs about the Constitution to observe it. “We’re going to celebrate the 221st birthday of the signing of our venerable Constitution and its longevity suggests that it continues to be relevant,” said Scott Spitzer, assis-
tant political science professor and moderator of the panel. Robert Castro, Ph.D., an associate criminal justice professor, discussed SB 1070, the controversial Arizona law that opponents claim allows police officers to racially profile people. “So what you have, I think, in laws like these is too much discretion left in the hands of the police and that collectively this may run the risk of unconstitutional deprivations of liberty,” Castro said. Other speakers included Pam Fiber-Ostrow, Ph.D., associate political science professor, and Joshua Yang, Ph.D., assistant health science professor, who discussed ObamaCare. Matthew Jarvis, Ph.D., associated political science professor, focused on the 2012 election. Since four Supreme Court judges are in their 70s, he said, this upcoming president may get a chance to lock in a longlasting legacy by appointing his own favored judge. “The Constitution provides the entire structure we have for our elections,” Jarvis said, adding how the Constitution defined elections effectively created a two-party system. SEE CONSTITUTION, 2