Daily Titan - Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012

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Online Exclusive

What’s Inside: NEWS 2

Romney visits Southern California OPINION 4

Unemployment is higher than you think FEATURES 6

Where to meet people on campus No free ride - See how students feel about sales taxes on Amazon purchases.

Vo l u m e 9 2 , I s s u e 8

T U E S D AY, S E P T E M B E R 1 8 , 2 0 1 2

Peeping Tom arrested near dormitories BRIAN DAY & ETHAN HAWKES Daily Titan

Police arrested a student last week during an investigation into reports of a man trespassing and peeping inside women’s restrooms in Pine Residence Hall, authorities said Monday. The incidents were reported Tuesday and Wednesday, said University Police Capt. John Brockie. The suspect, a 25-year-old student from Lake Forest, was arrested Thursday night after he was spotted at the same building. The name of the suspect, who was booked on suspicion of trespassing and released from jail after posting bail, was not released as detectives continued investigating him for possible peeping charges, Brockie said. The first of the incidents took place just after 9 p.m. on Sept. 11.


Amazon imposes tax JONATHAN WINSLOW Daily Titan

Following drawn out negotiations with lawmakers, Amazon. com has conceded to charging sales tax in California, formerly a taxfree state for online shoppers. As of Saturday, all online orders placed through Amazon are subject to the California sales tax, which can range between 7.25 percent and 9.75 percent. Students like Tyler Ziak, 20, a business major at Cal State Fullerton, said a price hike such as this may ward off potential shoppers like himself.


“University Police received a report of a suspicious male seen leaving the girl’s bathroom on the fifth floor,” said Brockie. “The suspect allegedly entered the bathroom where a female student was showering,” Brockie said. “He opened the curtain, stumbled backward and left.” Officers searched the area, but the peeper was not found. The following day, police received other reports of a man spotted exiting a women’s bathroom in the Pine Residence Hall, this time on the second floor, Brockie said. Although the incident took place between 10:45-11:00 a.m., it was not reported to police until the afternoon. On Wednesday, extra officers were placed on patrol near the dorm, and officials handed out and posted flyers around the dorms asking for suspicious activity to be reported to the police.

STATE | Sales tax

California consumers now face a 7.25 to 9.75 percent increase in items

The benefits of a vegetarian diet


CAMPUS | Suspicious person

Man sneaked into girls’ room, was caught later


“I feel like it’ll probably affect my buying habits when it comes to online purchases,” said Ziak. “The whole reason why I buy online most of the time is to be able to avoid the sales tax.” Ziak also said that he prefers to do his shopping online, because it is easier to compare items and he doesn’t need to worry about whether a physical store will have his desired item in stock. “It’s just a lot easier to compare things, whereas in a store you’re just limited to the stock that they have in the actual store,” Ziak said. Some students seemed more understanding of the tax, such as Christina Blasco, 18, a mathematics major. SEE AMAZON, 2

LUCIO VILLA / For the Daily Titan Chicago Teachers Union and supporters rally at Union Park Saturday September 15. More than 26,000 instructors and supporters that marched in a strike that is still on as of Saturday.

Chicago strike continues California Teachers Association in solidarity with Chicago teachers’ strike

Protest that was ignited last week prolonged, no end agreement or deadline in sight VANESSA MARTINEZ Daily Titan

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) strike will continue after a failed attempt by the Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to end the strike by proposing an injunction from the Cook County Circuit Court, according a Wall Street Journal report. The judge said more time was needed before he could reach a ruling. The preliminary injunction, according to a press release by CPS, sought to end the strike


immediately, based on the CTU strike being illegal and “a clear and present danger to public health and safety.” According to the statement, “state law expressly prohibits the CTU from striking over non-economic issues, such as layoff and recall policies, teacher evaluations, class sizes and the length of the school day and year.” It also “prohibits students from receiving critical educational and social services,” some of which include meals, a safe educational environment and “critical services” for students with special needs. The CTU faculty, who are striking for reasons that include layoff and recall policies, teacher evaluations, class sizes and the length of the school day and year, have caused schools to

be closed during the duration of the strike. The strike began Sept.10. Mari Delgado, a 32-year-old mother of two children attending Jahn World Language School in Chicago, has been affected by the strike and said she is upset with the mayor because he waited too long to come to an agreement with the CTU, but that if they had not started a strike, they would have not been taken seriously. “They’re punishing our children and their education when this should have been overlooked or thought of a long time ago, but nobody was paying attention to where pretty much all of the money was going,” said Delgado. “Now, we get the short end of the stick.” SEE STRIKE, 3

CAMPUS | Zumba dance

Dancing for fun, fitness and joy Zumba, a dance fusion, brings the theme of a “party” to the gym twice a week RAYMOND MENDOZA Daily Titan

RAY NIKPUR / For the Daily Titan

BRIAN DAY Daily Titan

University Police are warning students about a large increase in bicycle thefts on campus this year. Police have received 52 reports of bicycle thefts so far this school year, compared with 44 reported in the entire 2011-2012 school year, said University Police Cpl. Paul McClain. The statistics include the summer session. In most cases, thieves have been targeting bikes locked

with low-quality, easily defeatable bicycle locks, said McClain. The thefts have been reported campus-wide, however the hardest hit locations have been the housing areas and McCarthy Hall. “For our students, the loss of a bike is significant,” said McClain. To combat the problem, police suggest students use sturdy “U-locks” to secure both the frame and a wheel of the bike to a rack, rather than flimsier chain-style locks which crooks can more easily cut.


While not 100 percent reliable, and in fact some bikes equipped with such locks have been stolen, McClain said the sturdier type of lock provides a strong deterrent. According to campus crime statistics, the most common locations for bike thefts were the housing area and the Pollak Library in the 2011-2012 school year. Fifty-nine bicycle thefts were reported to campus police in the 2010-2011 school year, with Pollak Library and McCarthy Hall being the most affected.

A mix of salsa, a dash of merengue, a little bit of hiphop all thrown together with aerobics and that makes Zumba, one of the newest fitness crazes which combines working out and dance. According to the official Zumba fitness website, Zumba was first created in the mid ‘90s on accident when Colombian fitness instructor Alberto “Beto” Perez forgot to bring his normal aerobics music to a class he was teaching. Instead of cancelling class, Perez improvised a workout routine by using a mix tape with salsa and merengue music while using dance moves instead of pushups and jumping jacks. The class focused on feeling and moving to the rhythm of the music, instead of simply doing a standard work out to pop or hip-hop music. Since its inception, Zumba has grown to a worldwide fitness phenomenon, with millions of participants spread across more than 150 countries. Zumba has gained popularity as a fun and alternative way to do normal fitness routines and has been featured in video games and fitness DVDs. Allie Yep, 22, a psychology major and two year veteran of the SRC Zumba classes, has been more than satisfied with the Zumba classes and instructors that she has encountered at Cal State Fullerton. “It’s a good way to get your groove on,” said Yep. “Because it’s kind of dancing and exercising at the same time so it’s fun and you’re working out at the same time.” Kimia Amiri-Dazani is one of three Zumba instructors at the SRC and has noticed an overwhelming positive response to the classes based on their entertaining nature. The dance-based routine is centered on having fun, which can be a clever way to have people enjoy their workout, instead of treating it as a burden. “The whole theme of Zumba is party, it’s a dance party,”


Zumba combines different styles of dance into a fun workout. The Student Recreation Center offers classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

said Amiri-Dazani. “You don’t feel like you are exercising when you’re in the class, you feel like you’re just dancing with friends.” She also mentions that normal workout routines can be boring and that Zumba offers a new, enjoyable alternative way to exercise. She also said the Zumba class popularity has grown so large that she has to turn students away since they reach capacity so quickly. Amiri-Dazani has been teaching Zumba at the SRC since summer 2012. April Park, 21, child and adolescent development major, has been taking Zumba and other drop-in fitness classes since the spring 2012 semester. Park has enjoyed her Zumba experience so far since she finds it much more satisfying than using the fitness equipment. SEE ZUMBA, 8

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