The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton
Monday, May 17, 2021
Volume 109 Issue 17
Begovich Gallery Additional housing will open in fall under construction Students can enjoy a new art installation at CSUF this September. STEPHANIE CASTILLO Asst. Editor
Coming off the heels of a successful virtual spring programming, Cal State Fullerton’s Begovich Gallery is putting its efforts into recreating that engagement
for their upcoming fall program. Jennifer Frias, the gallery’s director, is hard at work to ensure the fall programming will be alluring and safe for all visitors. In an email to the Daily Titan, Frias said that prior to the lockdown, the gallery was in the process of installing an exhibition titled, “Kim Abeles: Smog Collectors, 1987-2020.” SEE ART
The Begovich Gallery will open in mid-September. (Andre Gomez / Daily Titan)
CSUF’s new suite style apartments will fit roughly 600 students by fall 2022. MATTHEW COOK Staff Writer
Cal State Fullerton is building new campus housing south of the Gastronome for students, which is expected to open in fall 2022. Larry Martin, the executive director for Housing and Residential Engagement and the Titan Experience, said the building will be designed as suite style apartments with three continuous wings and tailored towards sophomores and juniors. He said the campus housing will fit roughly 600 students and bring the total number of students in housing up to 2,200. The new building will take up space in Lot E and move the parking spaces that were available there over to the service lot by Titan Hall, Martin said. The goal for the new housing project is to replace the double apartments that are already on campus and create a pipeline for students who can live on campus all four years at CSUF. Martin said he saw positive experiences from students with on-campus housing.
“We have great success with first year freshman and new transfer students who want to live on campus because they see the benefit as they start their journey and get connected to campus and resources and to the people so we just wanted to build on that and hope that students will see the benefit in staying for a second year,” Martin said. The new housing will be a great way for students who live on campus to continue their experience while having more privacy, Martin said. “You’re going from 54 people to living really with eight people, each suite is eight and there will be several suites on a floor so you’ll still be in community but have a little more privacy,” Martin said. SEE ROOMS
Softball drops Big West title to Long Beach Correction: Irvine SEE PAGE 8
Costumes, kindness and magical moments A Moment of Magic club surprises children with character visits, positivity and hope. TAYLOR ARREY Editor
Whether it’s Queen Elsa visiting from Arendelle, a superhero dropping by to say hello after saving the city or a magic maker with a handful of surprises, this organization is dedicated to spreading positivity, happiness and most importantly — moments of magic. A Moment of Magic is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing magic to the children who need it most. In 2014, founders Kylee McGrane and Margaret McAndrew began their journey by dressing up as two princesses and visiting children receiving medical care. As they made their way through local hospitals in New York, the “Princess
Editorial: The pandemic took time from us that can never be brought back.
Project” was born. But what started as a humble mission adopted by two college roommates quickly became a viral story that captured the hearts of millions. By November 2016, the organization began establishing chapters at colleges and universities across the United States. Cal State Fullerton joined the mission in 2020, with club members establishing the first and only chapter in California. Brisa Bernal, the chapter’s founder and president, said that she learned about the organization from a friend who joined a chapter in North Carolina, and she took the opportunity to bring the magic to the West Coast. After a series of interviews with the national organization and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, CSUF’s chapter of A Moment of Magic was finally approved by the college last November, marking the start of a new journey for the club’s first executive board. Bernal said that the virtual environment made it difficult to find members, but she relied on close friends and sorority sisters to get the club off the ground.
campus sale grosses nearly $50 million ALLISON SWEIGARD Staff Writer
Cal State Fullerton’s sale of its Irvine campus in January 2021 grossed nearly $50 million, much higher than the amount incorrectly reported last week by Daily Titan. The sale of the building closed in March and Cal State Fullerton has said it will vacate the property by July 1. Since the sale closed, CSUF has been leasing back both buildings from the new owners. The leasing price, if any, has not been disclosed. The Daily Titan incorrectly reported an Irvine campus sale price
of $24.5 million which was based on the sale of only one of the buildings, Banting 3, which is the building Cal State Fullerton occupied. This sale price did not include the price of Banting 1, which CSUF owned and leased out to Western State College of Law; they will also vacate by July 1. The previously reported sale price did not reflect the true price of the two buildings that were bought eight years and then sold together. An associate dean questioned the sale price, and an investigation by editors revealed the error. SEE PRICE
The Irvine campus will close by July 1. (Andre Gomez / Daily Titan) VISIT US AT: DAILYTITAN.COM