Tuesday April 17, 2018

Page 1

Volume 103 Issue 36

The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton

Tuesday April 17, 2018

University Police officers injured in altercation

A male nonstudent was arrested and charged with two felonies. AMY WELLS News Editor

Two Cal State Fullerton University Police officers received minor injuries during a physical altercation with a male nonstudent on Thursday evening, said University Police Capt. Scot Willey. Around 5 p.m., University Police received several calls

regarding a suspicious male throwing trash and yelling in a hallway in the Visual Arts Building D, Willey said. Two officers responded to the scene and recognized the individual as Bryan Cash Charle who has had prior run-ins with University

Police, Willey said. On March 10, Charle, 30, was escorted off campus and given a seven day Stay Away Order for “disturbing the peace” when he threatened to punch a student in the face for sneezing outside the Mihaylo building’s Starbucks.

Four days later, Charle was arrested under suspicion of trespassing after University Police received a call about a suspicious male in the women’s restroom in McCarthy Hall, Willey said. SEE CRIME


Former nurse now helps his students

CSUF professor Austin Nation pushes for health and HIV awareness. KAMERON LEONG Staff Writer

Counseling program tackles stigmas “ Ánimo: Latinx Counseling Emphasis will train students on how to provide services for the Latinx community. JACOB TATHAM Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton’s Department of Counseling will offer a new emphasis for master’s students in providing multiple mental health services specifically for Latinx and Spanish-speaking clients in the fall 2018 semester. The new program, Ánimo: Latinx Counseling Emphasis, will work to meet the demands of cultural and linguistic proficiency

in counseling assistance for the largest demographic at CSUF. The program will consist of five courses that teach counseling concepts such as assessment, diagnosis and treatment, in addition to addressing cultural components within the Latinx community. SEE HEALTH


Students unleash their inner wizard “

The Harry Potter Alliance hosts activities that mirror the films and books.

This is the first (club) where you can actually just nerd out completely and no one would judge you for it.


Asst. Opinion Editor

Hidden within the imaginary houses of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are eager members who hope to recruit potential wizards for the Harry Potter Alliance at Cal State Fullerton. Members pride themselves on the promotion of fan activism by using scenarios and concepts from books like Harry Potter and applying them to real-world events. While the CSUF chapter has only been around for about four years, the Harry Potter Alliance began in 2005 and now consists of 225 chapters in 25 countries. “I feel like it’s more of a safe space to be yourself,” said Brenda Castillo, club president. “It’s just something if you want to join with awesome people and get to know like-minded people.” The CSUF Harry Potter Alliance club has around 15-20 members and meets every Wednesday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Titan Student Union. During this time, the members mostly partake in crafts, writings and games, all within the themes of Harry Potter. The club does everything from

TABITHA BUTLER Club treasurer


The Harry Potter Alliance also has chapters at high schools.

wand making, to sorting its members into different houses by drawing cards from a sorting hat, just to add a little competition among its members. Cristina Herrera, criminal justice major and vice president of


the CSUF Harry Potter Alliance, said whenever people attend club meetings and participate in activities, they earn points for their house, and at the end of each semester the house that has the most points wins a trophy called

the house cup. During their two recent meetings, the club members created monsters and had to come up with a story behind them, explaining their strengths and weaknesses. The goal was to battle their creatures and combine their artwork to make a book on how to take care of magical creatures, similar to a monster book in the movies. The club is also planning an end of the year quidditch game for its members. “It’s basically just us envisioning what that game would be like for us to play it in real life. It’s obviously not as cool as the books and movies, but we do what we can,” Herrera said. It’s essentially a game of tag, with everyone running around on brooms and throwing balls at each other. There is also a separate person who will be playing the snitch, and play once during the game to give people a chance to catch them. SEE SPELL


I love teaching students. There is nothing more exciting than seeing that light bulb go on.


Olga Mejía, a CSUF associate professor, developed a new Department of Counseling emphasis to help students work effectively with Spanish-speaking clients.

Cal State Fullerton professor Austin Nation was compared to the art piece “Sunday in the Park with George” by George Seurat by his colleague and mentor Penny Weismuller. Up close, the historical painting seems to only be composed of dots; viewers have to back away from the piece to make out the scene. “There’s all these little experiences that I’ve shared with him, but you have to step back to see this wonderful masterpiece that’s just larger than life – that’s what I think of when I think of Austin,” Weismuller said.

AUSTIN NATION CSUF nursing professor The two first met 20 years ago when Weismuller was the division director of the Disease Control & Epidemiology Division in Orange County, and Nation was a community activist working with people who contracted HIV. Throughout Nation’s lifetime, he has pursued a career in public service, helped many with his work in the HIV/AIDS community. Whether it was working extensive shifts at hospitals or making the decision to go back to school, Nation’s life has come full circle as he continues to give back to his community. After 20 years as a nurse, the CSUF alumnus found a change of scenery in returning as a professor at the university where he received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees. “I love teaching students. There is nothing more exciting than seeing that light bulb go on when they are struggling with some of the concepts we are teaching them,” Nation said. The position has also given Nation a platform to talk about health care issues within the African-American community with events like Faculty Noon Time Talks. “There are a lot of disparities among communities of color. We talk about why African-Americans have such high disparities in number of different health conditions,” Nation said. He wants to open up a conversation on the broader topic of “How we can move forward and engage folks of color who come into care?” SEE NATION



2 News


The Ánimo: Latinx Counseling Emphasis will focus on Latinx culture and its subgroups, as well as teaching students therapeutic Spanish-speaking skills.


Health: Emphasis aims to help Spanish-speakers 1

“I noticed that our students who are working with Spanish-speaking or Latinx clients weren’t always having supervision to help (the students) work with the clients in a more effective way,” said Olga Mejía, Department of Counseling associate professor. Mejía said this experience led her to develop the program, which she stressed is important due to the stigma that has surrounded counseling and treatment of mental health in the Latinx community. “If someone has diabetes or some physical illness, you go to the doctor,” Mejía said. “But if it’s depression or anxiety, it’s like

‘You can just get over it, just sleep better or eat better.’ That somehow the person can control it, but that’s not true.” She said that Latinx culture is so “family focused” that the notion of talking to a stranger about personal problems is uncomfortable for many in the community. Mejía said research refutes these beliefs, however, showing that talk-based therapy can be extremely beneficial to mental health. While there is a belief that previous generations have made these treatments taboo, there is also an optimism that this focus could help break those barriers, Mejía said. “Our parents and their generation

stigmatize mental health so we don’t talk about it,” said Paola Martinez, a third-year health science major. “Bringing this counseling program is really great for us, the students, so we can start having this discussion with our family and friends.” Students enrolled in the emphasis will be required to have proficient level of Spanish-speaking skills which can be verified through a verbal test or the completion of Spanish for Health and Human Services, or a similar undergrad Spanish course.The program also includes an exit requirement to verify intermediate Spanish-speaking skills in a therapeutic setting. “I’m excited for our master’s level

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PAOLA MARTINEZ Health science major students to have that training, and for the Latinx community to have mental health services that are more effective in targeting their mental health needs in a culturally appropriate and culturally sensitive way,” Mejía said.

Crime: Returning transient arrested

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Our parents and their generation stigmatize mental health so we don’t talk about it.


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FOR THE RECORD It is Daily Titan policy to correct factual errors printed in the publication. Corrections will be published on the subsequent issue after an error is discovered and will appear on page 2. Errors on the Opinion page will be corrected on that page. Corrections will also be made to the online version of the article. Please contact Editor-in-Chief Kyle Bender at (657) 278-5815 or at editorinchief@dailytitan.com to report any errors.



When the officers arrived, Charle was sitting on the ground gripping a pen that the officers thought could be used as a weapon. Willey said the confrontation turned physical when the officers attempted to talk with Charle while he was sitting down, but Charle stood up and began attacking the officers. “He was very mellow up until that point, and then all of a sudden the fight was on,” Willey said. One officer tried to tase Charle after he elbowed an officer in the eye, Willey said, but the taser dart didn’t make contact with Charle’s skin and was ineffective. Charle threw the officer with the taser to the ground and jumped on top of her, Willey said. She tried to tase him again a few times by making direct contact but it was also ineffective. The officers called for backup and two more officers arrived to the scene. Willey said it took all four officers to get Charle on the ground and into custody. “(The officers) just said he was incredibly strong, and whether that came from an unknown substance or not, we don’t know,” Willey said. During the altercation, Charle received minor cuts to his face and two officers received injuries


Mug shot of Bryan Cash Charle.

mainly to their knees, causing them to be out of service for at least a week, Willey said. Charle was charged with two felonies: obstructing and resisting an executive officer and battery on a police officer with injuries, and was booked into Orange County Central Men’s Jail, Willey said. He is still in custody with bail set at $20,000, according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department website. Because CSUF is an open campus, Willey said it’s common for University Police to interact with Fullerton’s transient population; however, the level of force that was used in this case is not as frequent. “It was really wild, I’m just very thankful that everybody including (Charle) walked away from this with just minor injuries,” Willey said.

© Copyright Daily Titan 2018 All Rights Reserved The Daily Titan is a student publication, printed every Monday through Thursday. The Daily Titan operates independently of Associated Students, Inc. College of Communications, CSUF administration and the CSU. The Daily Titan has functioned as a public forum since inception. Unless implied by the advertising party or otherwise stated, advertising in the Daily Titan is inserted by commercial activities or ventures identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the university. Such printing is not to be construed as written or implied sponsorship, endorsement or investigation of such commercial enterprises. The Daily Titan allocates one issue to each student for free. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @THEDAILYTITAN


Lifestyle 3




Nation: Professor advocates for minorities


The WAND serves as the Harry Potter Alliance’s quarterly magazine.

Spell: Club brings magic to the TSU CONTINUED FROM

“The officers do a great job considering the fact we don’t have a lot of money, the fee is very small so I think they do pretty well for a small budget,” Patterson said. The members also created their own version of the card game “Mafia,” which Butler labeled as one of the club’s favorite activities. In this case, the civilians are wizards or muggles and the mafia are death eaters. Outside of arts and crafts, the Harry Potter Alliance club officers have been working on creating more social events for members to bond outside of campus, like having a Harry Potter movie marathon sleepover, watching a movie on campus or going to Round 1 for karaoke and arcade games. Officers and members enjoy the level of openness found at the club and how their debates can spark a new understanding and love for Harry Potter. “This is the first (club) where you can actually just nerd out completely and no one would judge you for it because we’re all equally geeky about these things,” Butler said.


“I imagine the quidditch game will get intense just because we do have some intense club members, but I think it’ll be really fun,” said club member Aubrey Patterson, a sophomore who is double majoring. To join the club, there is a $20 membership fee, which goes directly towards purchasing supplies for the semester’s crafts and games. “We don’t have an inter-club council like some clubs … so it is fully self-funded. A lot of the club officers put in their own money so that we can make things happen just because we don’t want to put all the financial burden on the members,” said Tabitha Butler, club treasurer and second year communications major. This is the reason the club tries to stick to crafts that they think are cost-efficient. For the club’s signature wand-making craft, they take chopsticks or wooden dowels and hot glue gun them or paint on decorations. This usually costs only $20 for the entire project.

This Summer See You at the


This Summer See You at


Racism, stereotypes and discrimination are a part of society, and Nation wants to move beyond biases and prejudice so that each person’s life is properly cared for. Nation’s research on African-American health care extends to his graduate work, which consisted of him researching HIV and substance abuse among young black gay men. A predoctoral program through UCLA and UC San Francisco encouraged Nation to go back into minority communities; this ignited the spark for Nation’s graduate work and his continual work on African-American health care. Part of his work is figuring out how to address the disproportionate number of new HIV infections among people of color. “We have to figure out how to engage our population if we are ever going to get to zero new HIV infections, particularly among people of color that have incredibly high disproportionate rates of new HIV infections. We have to figure out the thinking behind these issues,” Nation said. Along with his work on African-American health care, Nation wants to look into the issues that the LGBT community faces. Whether it is health care access or barriers to attain it, Nation wants to find out what is and what isn’t working. For Nation, it comes down to finding the best way to improve the health and lives of the LGBT community. In the 20 years that Weismuller has known Nation, she said she has witnessed Nation grow from someone with passion to advocate for HIV-infected individuals, to someone who has attained a high-level education who can apply the knowledge


Austin Nation also attended Long Beach City College.

There’s all these little experiences that I’ve shared with (Nation), but you have to step back to see this wonderful masterpiece that’s just larger than life.


PENNY WEISMULLER CSUF nursing professor and research to help people from multiple communities. “You can only emulate people you have seen as a student,”

Nation said. “It’s one thing to look at something and think it’s cool and another thing to actually do.”

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4 Lifestyle



Four songs to kick-start a soulful road trip Here’s a playlist curated to help you transform any car ride into a moody music video.


We’ve all been there. You’re gliding down the 405 Freeway and that song comes on during shuffle — the one that sounds great over your car’s stereo, the perfect road trip music to stare out the window and up at the sky. Suddenly, your life is a movie. It’s hard to imagine driving without your phone on the auxiliary cord, choosing instead to listen to a static radio that censors songs as often as it repeats them. It’s even harder to think about the individuals (sociopaths?) who elect to drive in silence. Whether you’re driving to Los Angeles, San Diego or Lot G, there’s a song out there to encapsulate your mood and journey. So grab the Bugles, spend those 20 minutes trying to pair your iPhone to your

car’s bluetooth and enjoy this selection of songs to drive along to while pretending you’re in a music video. Prune, You Talk Funny - Gus Dapperton New York singer Gus Dapperton has been described by Pigeons & Planes as a “paradigm shift” in indie music. That’s a funny way of saying textbook hipster. To a music lover who shuns the invariable playing field of indie rock, the effect of Dapperton’s discography, complete with eye-rolling song titles like “I’m Just Snacking,” amount to a little more than a harmonica song in a jail cell. But there’s a song from his 2018 EP “You Think You’re a Comic!” (groan) called “Prune, You Talk Funny,” (louder groan) that serves as the perfect starter pistol for your road trip. Keeping in mind all of my half-articulated criticisms of Dapperton, “Prune, You Talk Funny,” isn’t half as bad as its title. The song is actually quite melodic, and Twitter has even labeled it the anthem o f

Urban Outfitters employees on their way to work. In the track’s chorus, Dapperton’s voice cascades over synths and guitar strings in ways that evoke the feeling of driving through the countryside in a restored 1960s Chevy with your friends who have bowl haircuts on purpose. This is indie rock at its most charming and campy. That reason alone merits its place on this list. Nights - Frank Ocean “Round the city, round the clock. Everybody needs you. No, you can’t make everybody equal,” sings Ocean on “Nights,” a track off his 2016 album “Blonde.” Those lyrics were enough to make me, a single freshman in college with absolutely no social or familial obligations, bang my forehead against my steering wheel. Not only is this song an optimal choice for your car stereo, but hearing the beat shift at the song’s 3:30 mark in the middle of evening traffic could result in a 16-car pileup. Normal Girl - SZA Ever driven your significant ter a disastrous first with their parents?

home with other afmeeting

If not, then you can just pretend you did while listening to “Normal Girl,” a track off SZA’s debut, grammy-nominated album “Ctrl.” Lyrics like “This time next year I’ll be livin’ so good, won’t remember your name, I swear,” are practically written to be belted in a car, driving home from a breakup or bad date. Crew - Goldlink (Ft. Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy) What better way to conclude your trip, wherever you are and wherever you’re headed, than with a reminder of just how great your life is? If you roll your windows down, trust Faiyaz’s featured vocals, singing “She see money all around me; I look like I’m the man,” to remind the drivers around you as well. Perhaps a continuation of the empowerment exhibited toward the end of SZA’s “Normal Girl,” Goldlink’s track off his 2017 album “At What Cost,” serves as the perfect crescendo to your journey, especially if you’re going somewhere you will want to make an impression. But regardless of which song you end with, listening to a selection like this, I wouldn’t blame you for not ending it at all.


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Opinion 5



‘Prop. 65’ mislabels coffee with cancer warnings Demanding labels on cups creates senseless overreactions.

COLE GRAVES Staff Writer

Whatever nickname it has at home — morning joe, java, rocket fuel — coffee is a necessary indulgence that ultimately makes people throw back the covers, knowing they can jump-start the morning and that the rest of the day will somehow be made better with it’s consumption. But the judicial system, not medical professionals or scientists, are now making a ridiculous judgement that coffee is on the list of substances to be avoided because it might give people cancer. Demanding that cancer warnings be placed on cups of coffee is overblown hysteria and flawed thinking. The Council for Education and Research on Toxics recently won a lawsuit against Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Peet’s Coffee and many other members of the National Coffee Association, saying the companies are in violation of California Proposition 65.

This claim is based on the fact that coffee contains acrylamide, a chemical that naturally forms when plant-based foods are roasted or cooked at high temperatures. Coffee, the latest victim of the toxics council, forms acrylamide when the coffee beans are roasted. As a result, coffee companies, by law, must place warning signs in stores and on individual cups informing people that coffee is known in the state of California to cause cancer. This decision was not made by a scientist or through any biomedical research, as it should have been, but by a Superior Court Judge, Elihu Berle. “Defendants failed to satisfy their burden of proving by a preponderance of evidence that consumption of coffee confers a benefit to human health,” said Berle in his decision. No one is claiming that coffee doesn’t contain acrylamide, a carcinogen, because it does. What is in question though, is proof that acrylamide poses a health risk to humans, which hasn’t substantially been proven. The World Health Organization deems acrylamide a “probable” cause of cancer for rats. However, American Cancer Society research has found that humans process acrylamide differently than rodents, and have found no link between cancer in humans and acrylamide. People aren’t going to be able to understand these risks and interpret “probable” causes. Instead, these short warning signs


Scientists, not the judicial system, should decide if coffee labels are needed.

may pose misunderstandings about coffee that baristas would rather not have to explain to customers. This issue doesn’t only occur with coffee but in many locations and products — from french fries to cereal to cookies. Though people may not notice it, signs are posted that say, “This area contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer.”

The problem lies in the stringent way Proposition 65 was written. California’s Proposition 65 offers protection for and encompasses over 800 chemicals known to man and according to its guidelines, it pertains to anything that has a “1 in 100,000 chance of causing cancer in a person when exposed to the product over 70 years.” Take a second to digest that quote — that’s a cup of coffee

everyday for 70 years and still only having a 1 in 100,000 chance of getting cancer. Not to mention this testing was done on rodents that received a dose 1,000 times the amount of acrylamide in the average cup of joe. Finding trace amounts of any substance listed on the Proposition 65 list has proven to be a gold mine for nonprofits and their lawyers. Since Proposition 65 took effect in 1986, over $25.6 million has been won in court by nonprofits like the toxics council and lawyers who took home 75 percent of it, according to The Wall Street Journal. There are also heavy fines for those who do not comply with the court rulings. Fines can be up to $2,500 per day for stores that do not have a Proposition 65 sign posted. 7-Eleven relented and paid out over $900,000 after the judgement was rendered. Additionally, the toxics council is calling for cancer warning labels on every cup of coffee sold and could sue coffee chains $2,500 for every cup that was not labeled. Combined with massive fines being pushed onto lawyers, the entire ordeal is expensive legislative overkill and just a quick way for lawyers to make money. People love the taste, smell and flavor of coffee too much to abandon it. Unless scientists can prove without a doubt that there is a link between coffee and cancer, people don’t need to take these signs seriously because they are nothing more than a nuisance.

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6 Opinion


As electric cars, and solar and wind powers become more popular, the energy industry will need to stop investing in oil, if it wishes to continue being successful.


Renewable energy is the future, not fossil fuels Increased investments are needed to compete in market.


For the past hundred years, fossil fuels have dominated the energy industry creating a juggernaut in Big Oil. However, the increased popularity of renewable energy indicates that if fossil fuel companies want to keep their grip on the market, investments in renewable energy are needed.

As valuable and powerful as Big Oil is, it isn’t invincible from evolving energy trends. Increased investment in electric cars, and solar and wind power shows that the future of energy doesn’t lie in fossil fuels but instead renewable energy. In 2016, there were two million electric cars globally, according to a 2017 report from the International Energy Agency. By 2025, it is predicted that 1 in 6 cars purchased will be electric, according to a 2017 survey from UBS, an investment bank. As Big Oil become more cost competitive with conventional gas cars, the overall sales of electric cars may increase. Tesla, specifically, has been unable to meet the high demands for its electric car, Model 3. With the trend of electric cars becoming cheaper, it may not be too long before other brands of electric cars sell out like Tesla’s Model 3.

The growing increase in electric car production takes away from part of Big Oil’s business. Forty-five percent of crude oil in America is used for passenger cars, and the increased number of electric cars will adversely affect Big Oil’s bottom line, according to CNN. But, electric cars aren’t the only product that could disrupt Big Oil’s control of the energy industry. The emergence of solar and wind power is providing consumers with a viable alternative energy source. Wind power is another form of renewable energy that is becoming more readily available. From 2018 to 2027, the wind power capacity is expected to increase by 65 gigawatts a year due to emerging markets, offshore wind and U.S. tax subsidies, according to Green Tech Media, a news source that provides information on energy sources. Aside from established markets



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Though Big Oil may not have an incentive to rethink its business model in the United States under President Donald Trump’s administration, it would be an oversight to focus on short-term profit instead of long-term success. If the Paris Agreement indicates anything, it’s that the global attitude toward renewable energy is now more of a concern than ever, with or without the United States. Countries remain focused on how to best maximize renewable energy sources and slowly wean off of fossil fuels. By the year 2040, renewable energy will make up 86 percent of the $10.2 trillion invested in energy, according to Michael Liebreich, founder of Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The fossil fuel giants may lose their grip on the energy industry, but if they wish to continue to be financially successful, an adaption to renewable energy must be made.

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in Europe and North America, the markets in Latin America, the Middle East and Africa will also see significant wind power increases. Africa and the Middle East alone will see their annual wind power capacity tripling from 2018 to 2027, according to Green Tech Media. Fossil fuels like oil are a cheap source of energy, but the growing capacity for wind and solar power is another indication that energy needs are increasingly being met through renewable methods, not nonrenewable ones. The year 2016 may not have been an outlier from previous years as countries that are part of the Paris Agreement are beginning to see change. One such country spearheading renewable energy movements in the Paris Agreement is China. In just 2016 alone, China contributed to a fifth of all electricity investment, according to Bloomberg Markets.

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Leisure 7




ARIES (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) You might not fully comprehend the relationship between cause and effect today. Normally, the results of your behavior are quite predictable, especially if your goal is known to others.

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TAURUS (Apr. 20 - May 20) Trying to explain everything that happens today is a fruitless task because powerful energies are leaking from other planes of existence into the mundane world.



Elizabeth Chen

Benches in front of Kinesiology building


GEMINI (May 21 - Jun. 20)



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Last Issue’s Solution: SAWDUST


VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22) Scheduling a well-deserved break makes a lot of sense today, especially if you recently completed a big project. But even if there are still loose ends to tie up before you call the job done, set aside some time for yourself.

HINT 1: Place HINT 2: Full of boxes HINT 3: 2 words


6 6 9 5

Avocado Gorilla Snakes Shrub Layer Panther Toucan Mango Canopy Monkey Cocoa Rain Macaw 8Banana Flowers Leaves Sloth Ants 4 Papaya 1 Oxygen 2 Fig

5 3

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Daily Sudoku: Thu 12-Apr-2018

LIBRA (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22) You don’t understand why anyone is upset with you now. You just want to be left alone so you can get on with your day. However, you may be holding onto unresolved feelings that could show up in projected forms through the behavior of others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) You’re cautious about acting on a whim. You prefer to wait and see where the feeling takes you before committing to a particular path. Sometimes you wish you were more impulsive because hesitating might cause you to miss an opportunity.

2 9


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)


3 1

8 5

7 2

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6 9 1 8 3 2 7 4

7 5 2 6 4 9 1 3

4 8 3 7 1 5 2 6

8 7 6 1 9 3 4 5

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4 3 1 5 8 9 2 6 7 Last Issue’s Solution Daily Sudoku: Thu 12-Apr-2018



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You are proud of the fact that you mapped out your entire weekend, so you could fit everything into your schedule. Although it appears that you took all the obvious variables into consideration, things might go awry anyhow, leaving you without a way to regain the upper hand.


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What good does it do to be afraid? It doesn’t help anyt hing. You better tr y and f igure out what ’s happening and correct it.

LEO (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22)

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CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) You don’t enjoy feeling pressured by your friends to participate in a social activity. It’s not that you like the idea of being a hermit; you simply prefer to make the choice on your own.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

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Daily Sudoku: Sun 8-Apr-2018

You hope your actions positively influence the lives of those around you, or even change the world. Although you are wise enough to make longterm plans, your impatience peaks today and it feels as if you cannot wait another day for the starting gate to open.



You see the future unfolding before your eyes and you possess a clear sense of your place in the world. Although you continue to develop your life plan, others might not realize what you’re doing with your © thewordsearch.com time.

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(c) Daily Sudoku Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.


Check again next week for a new question!

Resistance to your ideas fades away as the same people who recently obstructed your progress now offer to help. You wish you could take some credit for modifying your current trajectory, but the truth is that the energy shifted on its own.

Since we borrowed kitsch from German in the 1920s, it has been our word for things in the realm of popular culture that dangle, like car mirror dice, precariously close to tackiness.

Dana Brown


CANCER (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22)

something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality



You have plenty on your mind today but might not find it socially acceptable to express your opinions. Nevertheless, you are willing to moderate your position in order to get your ideas out into the open.

PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) You intuitively know that you must transform your good intentions into tangible results, and this weekend marks a significant turning point on your road to success. Your planning days are over; you must be ready to hit the ground running.




8 Sports



CSUF, now No. 2 in the Big West, is six games into its conference play matches, averaging a .339 on-base percentage.

Titans stay on the road to face University of San Diego Baseball looks to tack on another win in its first matchup of the season against the Toreros. RICARDO NAVARRO Staff Writer

Cal State Fullerton baseball will face off against the University of San Diego at Fowler Park and Cunningham Field on Tuesday at 6 p.m. Fullerton will face USD (17-19) after

losing its weekend series against San Diego State University. The Titans were on a hot streak, winning six straight games before falling to the Aztecs. CSUF’s last opponent was San Diego State University, No. 3 in the Mountain West Conference, and though the Aztecs put an end to the Titans six-game win streak, the series was a nonconference matchup, which didn’t affect conference standings. SDSU claimed the series 2-1 while CSUF made new records to claim game two of the

series. Fullerton evened the series 1-1 after a 13-9 win in game two, recording a new season-high 18 hits and 13 runs in a single game. “It was more of a team win than anything. Everything was just clicking. I just know that we’re going to keep it going the same way,” Titans center fielder Mitchell Berryhill told CSUF Sports Media. The Titans have their work cut out for them against the Toreros. As of April 12, USD is leading the West Coast Conference with a team batting average of .291 and a

total of 335 hits. CSUF’s biggest threat will be the Toreros utility player Jay Schuyler who leads the team with five home runs and 22 RBIs. The Titans will need to utilize outfielder Berryhill’s hitting ability, as he holds a .393 on-base percentage, good for third on the team after his 108 appearances at the plate. In its last weekend series against the Aztecs, Fullerton gave up a total of 24 runs. The Titans will look to improve as they travel to face the Toreros.


Elsa Lundquist dropped 12 spots in second round of Big West Tournament.

Women’s golf finishes round 2 in sixth place Fullerton is now one round away from closing out the Big West Championship.

round two. Despite falling four places, Sharkey tied for 18th with 11-over-par 142 after placing 14th with 4-over-par 71 in round one. LAUREN JENNINGS Sophomore Elsa Lundquist Staff Writer and junior Brittany Sok tied for 9th on Sunday with the best The Titans returned to the scores for the Titans. Howev54-holes at Strawberry Farms er, they both dropped 12 places Golf Club in Irvine after plac- in the second round and tied for ing third on Sunday, finishing 21st with 12-over-par 142. 15-over-284. Junior Pauline Welker imCSUF finished with its second proved from 7-over-par 71 in best placing since the beginning round one to tied for 31st with of the 2017-2018 season in Sep- 16-over-par 142 in the second. tember. The last time the Titans Senior Lou Daniella Uy finplaced in the top 3 was in round ished the second round in 35th two of the Battle at Old Works with 19-over-par 142 moving up tourney in Anaconda, Montana four places from Sunday. on Sept. 23. Long Beach State currently Although Fullerton moved leads tournament at 21-overFULLERTON: 215the N.inHar borsecond Blvd. round. down three places since then, par 568 COSTA MESA (The LAB):the 293 0 Brifinish stol St.up the the Titans still had some individwill LONG BEACH:The 4608Titans E. 2nd St. ual players on the leaderboard. Big West Tournament on TuesBUFFALOEXCHANGE.COM • Freshman Courtney Sharkey day, the last tournament before led the way for the Titans in NCAA regionals. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: @THEDAILYTITAN

FULLERTON: 215 N. Harbor Blv COSTA MESA (The LAB): 2930 Brid. LONG BEACH: 4608 E. 2nd St. stol St. BUFFALOEXCHANGE.COM •


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